Spelling suggestions: "subject:"samhällsbyggnadsteknik.""
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Projektplanering med visuell metodik i byggbranschenNilsson, Veronica, Karlsson, Therese January 2010 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetet utfördes på NCC Halmstad under våren 2010. Syftet med examensarbetet var att klargöra vad visuell metodik kan tillföra byggbranschen och hur det upplevs av personer som utför byggprojekt</p><p>Arbetet innefattar en kvalitativ och en litteraturstudie. Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes med hjälp av sju intervjuer inom Region Syd med personer som arbetat med den visuella metoden NCC Projektplanering. Intervjuerna har ägt rum för att ta reda på hur den visuella metodiken fungerar i praktiken.</p><p>Litteraturstudien innefattar en utredning av begreppen Lean, Lean Production, Lean Construction, Last Planner och NCC Projektplanering. Den röda tråden från Lean till NCC Projektplanering är att genom ständigt förbättringsarbete skapa engagemang och ökad delaktighet.</p><p>Den generella uppfattningen av NCC Projektplanering är positiv, dock varierar uppfattningen av metoden efter aktörernas inställning. Examensarbetet klargör vad visuell metodik kan tillföra byggbranschen.</p>
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Egenproducerad solel i ett småhusområdeEnglund, Anders, Sundholm, Sara January 2010 (has links)
<p>Sverige ska år 2020 ha en energiförsörjning bestående av 50 % förnybara energikällor. Den viktigaste källan till förnybar energi är solen. Solel är dock en dyr investering idag och gällande regelverk försvårar möjligheterna till att tillgodoräkna sig egenproducerad el.</p><p>Byggföretaget JM bygger redan hus med låg energianvändning. Ett sätt att bidra till ett förnybart energianvändande är att installera system som producerar egen el till husen. Detta arbete har genomförts för att undersöka om solel kan komma att bli en konkurrenskraftig produkt att erbjuda JM:s husköpare. I arbetet har ett specifikt område och en av företagets typhusmodeller studerats.</p><p>Dagens solcellsteknik har studerats och ett system för huset har komponerats. Det finns ett flertal typer av solceller men i detta arbete har polykristallina solceller valts utifrån det offertförslag som legat till grund för arbetet. För att kunna dimensionera anläggningen har placering, orientering och solvinklar undersökts. Genom att välja en anläggning har investeringskalkyler och simuleringar kunnat utföras för ett par olika scenarier. Samtliga scenarier bygger på nätanslutna system men skiljer sig mellan dagens regelverk och ett framtida scenario med nettodebitering, dvs. kvittning av egenproducerad el och köpt el.</p><p>Från JM:s sida har det funnits önskemål om att studera hur ett bostadsområde skulle kunna dela på en solcellsanläggning genom ett samfällt system. Den samfällda anläggningen har dimensionerats utifrån fullgott solläge. I aktuellt område innebar det att 16 av 35 hus är lämpligt placerade mot solen, detta kan dock skilja mellan olika områden.</p><p>Resultatet visar att en investering i solel är svår att försvara idag. Med ett statligt stöd på 60 % är återbetalningstiden likväl 20 år. Med ett förändrat regelverk och ett långsiktigt stöd skulle det kunna bli ekonomiskt lönsamt. Genom att solcellstekniken blir billigare och elpriset stiger förbättras läget för solelen. Investeringskostnaden blir lägre per person och öppnar därmed upp för fler investerare.</p>
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Självkompakterande betong : Ytjämnhet utan efterbehandling / Self-Compacting Concrete : Flat surface without after-treatmentElofsson, Andreas, Hallin, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
<p>Betonggjutning är ett tungt moment inom byggproduktion och entreprenörer har länge använt betong med flyttillsats för att få en mer lättarbetad betong. Ändå har det krävts långa arbetspass och många tungarbetade moment. Efter lasernivellering, vibrering, slodning och glättning har man kunnat uppnå en yta som nästan är helt jämn. Dock ej så jämn att avjämningsmassa kunnat elimineras för att inte få sviktande parkett eller buktande plastmattor.</p><p>Självkompakterande betong (SKB), eller vibreringsfri betong som man först kallade den, forskades fram på 80-talet i Japan och dök upp i Sverige i slutet på 90-talet. Det är en betong som innehåller en flyttillsats och en så kallad filler vars gemensamma egenskaper ger en betong som har bibehållen homogenitet samtidigt som den fyller ut formen och omsluter armering endast genom gravitationskraften. SKB är ca 10-15 % dyrare än traditionell betong men har motiverats med framförallt minskad produktionstid, färre betongarbetare och bättre arbetsmiljö.</p><p>Eftersom SKB mer eller mindre är flytande så blir jämnheten mycket god. Erfarenhetsmässigt har ytorna blivit i det närmaste perfekta efter lasernivellering, slodning och torrslipning. Trots stora konstaterade arbetsmiljövinster och vetskapen om den goda ytjämnheten har AB Färdig Betong i Karlstad endast levererat SKB till 8 projekt sedan 1997.</p><p>Examensarbetets syfte är att fastställa om SKB kan motiveras baserat på den goda ytjämnhet som kan uppnås redan efter gjutning jämfört med normalpresterande betong (NPB).</p><p>Examensarbetet har utförts i samarbete med Skanska Sverige AB i Karlstad, som under våren 2006 genomförde två projekt med SKB. Mätningar av ytor med SKB gjordes på Färjstad i Karlstad och mätningar av referensytor med NPB gjordes i Karlstad med omnejd. Mätningarna kompletteras med intervjuer i form av erfarenhetsåterföring från dem som tillverkat, levererat, mottagit, gjutit och efterbehandlat betongtypen.</p><p>De krav på ytjämnhet av platsgjuten betong som generellt tillämpas återfinns i Hus AMA 98 och definieras som buktighet, lutning och nivåskillnad. Resultaten från mätningarna bedömdes i enlighet med Hus AMA 98, därefter har betongtypernas mätvärden analyserats och jämförts.</p><p>Utifrån resultaten har bland annat följande slutsatser kunnat konstateras:</p><p>Självkompakterande betong kan vid rätt handhavande ge en yta som uppfyller kraven enligt Hus AMA’s krav för undergolv i klass B utan varken vibrering, slipning eller efterbehandling.</p><p>Användandet av SKB i större bostadsprojekt skapar stora förutsättningar för lägre totalekonomi jämfört med användandet av NPB. Detta baseras huvudsakligen på minskat behov av arbetskraft vid gjutning och efterbehandling av den gjutna ytan.</p><p>De bekräftade möjligheterna för förbättrad ytkvalitet redan efter gjutning kommer i framtiden innebära att fler entreprenörer väljer SKB.</p> / <p>Concrete moulding is a heavy moment in the building process and for a long time contractors have used an admixture to create a concrete that is easier to handle. However many hours of work and heavy moments has been required. After laser levelling, vibrating, screeding and troweling a surface that is almost flat has been obtained. Yet not flat enough to eliminate floor levelling and thereby avoiding bending parquet flooring or curved plastic flooring.</p><p>Self-compacting concrete (SCC), or vibrating free concrete as it was named in the beginning, was developed in the eighties in Japan and showed up in Sweden in the late nineties. It is a concrete that contains an admixture and filler that together makes the concrete flow under its own weight, completely filling the formwork and achieving full compaction, even in the presence of congested reinforcement. SCC is approximately 10-15 % more expensive than traditional concrete but is motivated with faster construction times, fewer workers and an improved work environment.</p><p>Since SCC just about flows the resulting surface becomes almost perfect. Experience shows that surfaces are nearly perfect after laser levelling, screeding and dry smoothing. Despite the advantages of the flat surfaces and the established improvement on the work environment, AB Färdig Betong in Karlstad, Sweden has only delivered SCC to eight projects since 1997.</p><p>The aim of this degree thesis is to determine if SCC can be motivated based on the flat surfaces that can be obtained after moulding compared to traditional concrete.</p><p>The degree thesis has been performed in cooperation with Skanska Sverige AB in Karlstad, Sweden at their two projects with SCC in spring 2006. The measurement of SCC surfaces was made in Färjestad, Karlstad and reference measurements of traditional concrete was made in Karlstad and surroundings. The measurement have been complemented with interviews that present experience of producing, delivering, receiving, moulding and after treating SCC.</p><p>The requirements for on site moulding concrete surfaces that are to be followed are found in Hus AMA 98 and is defined as curve, rake and level variance. The result from the measurements are judged on the basis of the requirements.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Correctly performed SCC can create a surface that fulfils the requirements in Hus AMA 98 for a class B floor.</p><p>The use of SCC in larger housing constructions makes conditions for a lower total cost. This is based principally on fewer workers, faster construction times and less after treatment of the moulded surfaces.</p><p>The confirmed possibilities of improved surfaces after moulding should mean that more contractors will use SCC in the future.</p>
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Lifetime Performance Assessment of Thermal Systems : Studies on Building, Solar and Disctrict Heating ApplicationsStojanovic, Bojan January 2009 (has links)
The main questions today concerning thermal systems are their economical and environmental impacts. These entities are generally, at present, assessed on the basis of operation performances of newly installed/designed systems, during an assumed lifetime period. While this is the common way of perceiving thermal systems, performance-over-time will change as an effect of degradation, and not solely of different operation scenarios. How and to what extent is the question that needs assessing in order to evaluate if these changes will jeopardise the intended system performance requirement, hence service life (SL). The lack of knowledge/approaches and tools for assessing durability and performance-over-time of thermal systems complicates the task of incorporating these aspects in engineering. In turn, this pro-active assessment and analysis is in line with today’s performance based directives, laws and regulations; of which the working life is an essential part. The durability of materials, components and systems is not a topic that is an end in itself, but becomes a vital part in a comprehensive perspective as sustainability. The lifetime performance assessment of thermal systems, as presented in this thesis, shows that it is a vital part of the R&D in the quest of sustainable energy/thermal systems and energy use. This thesis gives knowledge to the thermal (energy) system/technology R&D and engineering sector, regarding durability and lifetime performance assessment methodologies; but also to the durability of construction works sector, regarding the needs for assessing lifetime performance of materials and components in relation to system performance. It also presents descriptions of requirements on construction works. Specifically, the studies presented in the thesis show how durability and lifetime performance assessment of thermal systems may be sought, with knowledge on: methodologies, exposure test set-ups, modelling and the attainment and use of adequate tools. The main focus is on performance-over-time modelling, tying material/component degradation to altered thermal performance, thereby attaining performance-over-time assessment tools to be used in order to incorporate these aspects when engineering thermal systems; hence enabling the forecasting of SL. The presented work was predominantly done in association to the EU project ENDOHOUSING. The project developed a solar-assisted heat pump system solution, with heat storage, to provide the thermal energy to meet space heating, cooling and hot water requirements for domestic houses in different regions of the EU. The project constituted the platform for the work presented in this thesis, thereby outlining the main context with studies on durability and lifetime performance of: flat plate solar collectors ground heat sources/storages and interaction with a heat pump system evaluation of the ENDOHOUSING solar-assisted heat pump system The thesis also presents a study of SL prediction and estimation of district heating distribution networks (an additional thermal system application). In this particular context, the Factor Method is proposed as a methodology. The main issue of lifetime performance of thermal systems is how and to what extent performance reduction in individual materials or components influence the overall system performance, as the essence of energy/thermal system sustainability is system performance. / QC 20100810
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Distribution of Ventilation Air and Heat by Buoyancy Forces inside Buildings : An Experimental StudyBlomqvist, Claes January 2009 (has links)
The main task of the ventilation system in a building is to maintain the air quality and (together with the heating or cooling system) the thermal climate at an acceptable level within the building. This means that a sufficient amount of ventilation air at the appropriate temperature and quality must be supplied to satisfy thermal comfort and air quality demands and that this air is distributed to the parts of the building where people reside. Air movements caused by buoyancy forces can determine the distribution of ventilation air within buildings. The purpose of this thesis is to advance the state of knowledge of buoyancydriven air movements within buildings and to determine their importance both for ventilation air distribution and the maintenance of thermal comfort and air quality in buildings. The work is focused on studying thermally-driven air movements through large openings, both horizontal and vertical (i.e. doorways). The properties of a special type of thermally-driven currents, so called gravity currents, have also been explored. Large vertical openings like doorways are important for air exchange between rooms within a building. Air movements through doorways separating rooms with different air temperatures are often bidirectional and the buoyancy-driven flow rates are often greater than those caused by the mechanical ventilation system alone. Bidirectional flows through doorways can effectively spread contaminants, for example, from a kitchen or a hospital rooms, yet the results of this study indicate that the conversion of a thermally-driven bidirectional flow to a unidirectional flow via an increase of the mechanically forced flow rate requires forced flows that are more than three times greater than the thermally-driven flows. Experiments conducted in this project indicate that the resistance to buoyancy-driven flows in horizontal openings is significantly greater than that in vertical openings. Model tests have shown, however, that this problem may be mitigated if a simple model of a staircase located in the centre of the room (being ventilated) is linked to the horizontal ventilation opening. Gravity currents in rooms occur in connection with so called displacement ventilation as cool gravity currents propagate along the floor that are driven by the density difference of the ventilation air and the ambient, warmer air within the room. As these gravity currents easily pass obstacles and to a certain extent are self-controlling, they can effectively distribute the cool air within rooms in a building. Likewise, warm gravity currents occur when warmer air introduced in a room rises and spreads along the ceiling plane. One application where warm gravity currents may be used to advantage is when converting buildings from electric heating to district hot water heating thus, avoiding the introduction of an expensive hydronic heating system. This report includes a full-scale laboratory study of the basic properties of thermally-driven warm air gravity currents in a residential building and examines the possibilities of using the resulting air movements for the distribution of ventilation air as well as heat. Results from laboratory tests show that this conversion method may prove effective if certain conditions on the layout of the building are fulfilled. / QC 20100705
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Form pressure generated by self-compacting concrete : influence of thixotropy and structural behaviour at restBillberg, Peter January 2006 (has links)
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) offers rational and fast casting process since it merely has to be poured, or pumped, into the formwork without any compaction work needed. But this can be at the cost of high form pressure. However, reported results show that SCC can act thixotropically, i.e., build up a structure at rest, and this can reduce the form pressure considerably. Thus, in order to utilise the favourable possibilities to increase effectiveness without risking form collapses, the need arises for deeper and broader understanding of the mechanisms behind this thixotropic behaviour. Methodologies have been developed for the characterisation and measurement of the structural build-up at rest, both for the fluid (micro mortar) phase and the concrete itself. Hypotheses state that thixotropic mechanisms originate within the colloidal domain and, thus, motivate studies on the fluid phase comprising this domain. The stress-strain methodology is based on the hypothesis stating that the magnitude of the structure is represented by the maximum elastic stress the fresh material can withstand before the structure breaks. An instrumented steel tube is used to simulate various casting heights and rates. Results show that both micro mortar and SCC are thixotropic and this behaviour is influenced by every measure taken influencing the interparticle colloidal forces. The time-dependent structural build-up of SCC is a function of an irreversible structure (slump-loss) and a reversible, thixotropic structure. There is apparently a threshold value of the structural build-up necessary to reach before obtaining any significant form pressure reduction. Housing SCC´s, with W/C = 0.58, show low degree of structural build-up and pressure decrease while civil engineering SCC´s can show the opposite, but this often at the cost of slump-loss. Recommendations are presented and for the nearest future, suggesting a conservatism regarding design of formwork systems when SCC is used. If the behaviour of a SCC is known it should be used to optimise the formwork. If not, calculating with hydrostatic pressure should be done or the knowledge missing should be gained by using this methodology. A third option is given and this is to monitor the form pressure in real time using sensors. / QC 20100812
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Energieffektivisering av prefabricerade byggelement / Improving energy efficiency of prefabricated building elementsOlsson, Morgan, Robert, Åkesson January 2013 (has links)
Rapporten behandlar energieffektivisering av Villa Vidas prefabricerade byggelement. I arbetet undersöks hur och med hjälp av vilka material en effektivisering av elementen kan gå till. I slutet av rapporten presenteras sedan det förslag till varje väggtyp som bedömdes som lämpligast att ersätta respektive standardalternativ med.
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Miljöbyggnad i praktiken : Att miljöcertifiera Hus N på Linnéuniversitetet / The Swedish certifications system "Miljöbyggnad" in practice : Building N in Linnaeus UniversityGuo, Yifan, Wahlqvist, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver utförandet av en miljöcertifieringsprocess enligt systemet Miljöbyggnad på en befintlig byggnad. Hus N på Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö har valts som referensfall. Med hjälp av utvärderingar och jämförelser mellan teorier och bedömningar på Hus Ns nuvarande energi-, inneklimats- och materialsprestanda, har byggnaden fått Silver som slutbetyg. Miljöbyggnad värderas ytterligare med hänsyn till dess användarvänlighet, nytta och brister.
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Energibesparande åtgärder i livsmedelsbutiker / Energy saving measures in grocery storesKarlsson, Mattias, Malmström, Marcus January 2013 (has links)
Underlaget till rapporten är att KF fastigheter arbetar aktivt med att minska energiförbrukningen i sina livsmedelsbutiker. För att underlätta beslutstagande och utvärdera olika nyinvesteringar har vi utformat en lathund för energibesparande åtgärder. Lathunden levereras som Excelfiler med förprogrammerade formler. Rapporten inriktar sig på kyl- och frysdiskar samt belysning eftersom dessa står för merparten (76 %) av den totala elförbrukningen i en livsmedelsbutik. Nyckelord: Energibesparing, Livsmedelsbutik, belysning, ljuskällor, Kyldisk, frysdisk, kylsystem, köldmedier, LCC, pay off, KF-fastigheter, kylsystem, köldmedier, lathund, beräkningsmall.
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Fuktsäkert byggande : Sjönära bostäder i Östra Hamnen i VästeråsHyytiä, Nanna January 2007 (has links)
Housing construction very close to the lake Mälaren has become very popular today. One potential problem with these houses is the influence of the sea climate. Unprotected buildings are affected by strong winds and precipitation. So for that reason, it is very important to make an accurate climate investigation and use it for decision-making during the planning of the new settlement. It is very important with a good moisture protection regarding pelting rain, that is the combination of wind and rain. This is more important for buildings close to a lake, as this location normally means a higher exposure to wind. The location of the main bodies of the houses has an effect on the wind force between the houses. Some house parts are affected more than other, for instance curtain walls, bays, balconies and so on. These are problematic because of water and moisture that are moving in into joints and cavities in connections. Bigger efforts than climate investigations are needed to get rid of the moisture problem. The different actors that are involved in the construction project need to cooperate and focus on potential moisture problems during the complete construction process, not only during the production phase. It is also important that the construction workers have the knowledge on how to construct buildings that are moisture safe in practice. According to investigations made, it appears that many of the moisture damages in buildings originate from the production phase because of incorrect construction components that are moisture-sensitive. But approximately 50% of the moisture problems derive from the planning process. The reasons are mainly lack of easily available tools, (for instance descriptions of moisture protection), insufficient knowledge, lack of time and lack of interest. These early mistakes results in later problems during the production phase. It is of great importance that the project members have good communication with the building contractors. They need to inform them on how to calculate dry times for different construction components and what type of inspections that shall be performed.
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