Spelling suggestions: "subject:"samhällsbyggnadsteknik.""
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Structural health monitoring using modern sensor technology : long-term monitoring of the New Årsta Railway BridgeEnckell, Merit January 2006 (has links)
<p>Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a helpful tool for engineers in order to control and verify the structural behaviour. SHM also guides the engineers and owners of structures in decision making concerning the maintenance, economy and safety of structures. Sweden has not a very sever tradition in monitoring, as countries with strong seismic and/or aerodynamic activities. Anyway, several large scale monitoring projects have taken place in recent years and SHM is slowly making entrance as an essential implement in managing structures by engineers as well as owners.</p><p>This licentiate thesis presents a state-of-the art-review of health monitoring activities and over sensory technologies for monitoring infrastructure constructions like bridges, dams, off-shore platforms, historical monuments etc. related to civil engineering. The fibre optic equipment is presented with special consideration.</p><p>The permanent monitoring system of the New Årsta Bridge consists of 40 fibre optic sensors, 20 strain transducers, 9 thermocouples, 6 accelerometers and one LVDT. The aims of the static study are: to control the maximal strains and stresses; to detect cracking in the structure; to report strain changes under construction, testing period and in the coming 10 years; and to compare conventional system with fibre optic system.</p><p>The system installation started in January 2003 and was completed October 2003. The measurements took place from the very beginning and are suppose to continue for at least 10 years of operation. At the construction phase the measurements were performed manually and later on automatically through broad band connection between the office and central data acquisition systems located inside the bridge.</p><p>The monitoring project of the New Årsta Railway Bridge is described from the construction phase to the testing phase of the finished bridge. Results of the recorded statistical data, crack detection and loading test are presented and a comparison between traditional techniques like strain transducers and fibre optic sensors is done.</p><p>Various subjects around monitoring and sensor technologies that were found under the project are brought up in order to give the reader a good understanding, as well of the topics, techniques and of the bridge. Example of few applications is given with the aim of a deeper insight into monitoring related issues.</p>
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Life performance assessment methodologies for combined solar energy technologies : a case study on system parts in nordic climatesStojanovic, Bojan January 2007 (has links)
<p>The main questions concerning energy technologies today are their economical and environmental impacts. These entities are (at the present) assessed on the basis that operations proceed as newly installed/designed systems, during an assumed working life period. While this is the common way of perceiving energy systems, performance-over-time will change as an effect of (e.g. material) degradation and not solely of different operation scenarios. How and to what extent, is the question that needs assessing in order to evaluate if these changes will jeopardise the intended system performance requirement. In turn, this pro-active assessment and analysis is in line with today’s performance based directives, laws, regulations and concepts; of which the working life is an essential part.</p><p>The main context of the thesis, is a contribution to the Research and Development (R&D) topic on life performance of energy technologies, with papers on a literature review and case study on two system parts: <i>solar collector and ground heat exchanger (borehole)</i>; within the energy technology area of combined solar energy technologies/systems utilised in buildings. The thesis specifically presents a general description of requirements on constructed works and their material, components and systems. It also gives an insight to the energy technology R&D and engineering sector, regarding durability and service life assessment methodologies; and also to the durability of constructed works sector, regarding the needs for assessing material degradation in relation to system performance. The case studies presented in the thesis, show how durability of energy technologies may be sought-after, as well as specific knowledge and useful tools, methodologies and test setups for assessing long-term performance of combined solar energy technologies (in this case a solar-assisted heat pump system utilising a building integrated Unglazed Solar Collector and energy storage).</p><p>The utilisation of solar collectors and heat pumps (primarily for space and domestic tap water heating) has rapidly increased in Sweden during the last decades. Sweden has today the largest heat pump market in Europe. During recent years, there has also been an increased interest in heating systems that combine heat pumps with solar collectors (glazed and unglazed) and energy storages; with the aim of attaining a system that provides higher energy and greater economical performances than individual solar collector or heat pump systems. If these systems are to be successful they must be economically feasible; placing emphasis on the cost, durability and performance of the system.</p><p>The main issue on life performance of energy technologies is how and to what extent, performance reduction in individual materials and components influences the overall system performance; as the essence of energy system sustainability is system performance.</p>
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Stålbalkars bärförmåga vid intryckning - orsakad av lokal momentbelastningHedmark, Per January 2007 (has links)
<p>This master thesis deals with steel girders subjected to patch loading caused by concentrated moments. There exist no good methods to calculate by hand the ultimate resistance for this load case. In “tunnplåtshandboken”, (Handbook for sheet metal, which is published by SSAB), one calculation method is presented. It’s however fairly difficult to use, because of many calculation steps and many graphs. This study concentrates on how to calculate the resistance for this load case in a better way. The load case arises for example when a small steel plate (attachment) is welded to the flange above the web of a girder and the attachment is pulled in a direction parallel to the beam. It’s possible view the load as two components, a moment and a horizontal load. The moment will push the attachment into the girder and finally yielding in combination with web buckling will govern the ultimate resistance. In this report, only the moment part of the load is studied.</p><p>This study was made in three steps. First an FE-model was built. This model was verified against physical tests on patch loading from a force acting perpendicular to the beam axis. This approach was taken because no tests were found for the load case with a local moment. As step number two the FE-model was numerically adjusted to work for tests with patch loading caused by a local moment. A number of experiments were made, for which two parameters were varied, the thickness of the web and the length of the attachment. The loaded attachment was made very stiff, because it should not be deformed in order to simulate a sharp concentrated moment. In the last step a hand calculation model was developed for the investigated load case.</p><p>The FE-model that was created for comparison to the physical experiments gave resistances 10 % below the resistances, from the physical tests. This was mainly due to the sensitivity of the girder to initial imperfections and that the most severe buckling mode was used in the modeling of the imperfections.</p><p>The handcalculation model was developed to imitate the one for patch loading in EN 1993-1- 5 (EC3), because it may then work as an addition to EC3. The model was developed in three steps: yield resistance, critical elastic buckling load and the resistance function. The model for yield resistance is analytical and has a form equivalent to the one in EC3. The expressions for the critical elastic buckling load were taken as simple as possible, since they are the main area of this study. The method essentially uses the same equations as EC3 except from two small changes. The results are on the safe side but the safety margin increases when the length of the loaded attachment decreases and the slenderness of the web panel increase. Consequently formulas for calculating the critical load may be improved. The chosen reduction function was slightly increased compared to the function in EC3 but the results will still have a good safety margin. The complete model gives results where the safety margin increases as the length of the loaded attachment decreases. The calculation model was designed to be easy to use. In comparison to the FE-analysis, all the tested beams except a few with low slenderness gave results on the safe side.</p> / <p>Detta examensarbete behandlar stålbalkar utsatta för lokal intryckning orsakade av en lokal momentbelastning. För lastfallet finns ännu inga bra handräkningsmetoder, i plåthandboken som ges ut av SSAB finns en beräkningsmetod presenterad. Den är väldigt krånglig med många beräkningssteg och diagram. Denna studie är inriktad på att utreda hur man kan räkna på belastningsfallet på ett enklare och bättre sätt. Lastfallet uppkommer t.ex. då en lastögla svetsas till flänsen rakt över livet på en balk. Om lastöglan dras parallellt med balkens riktning så kan belastningen ses som två komponenter, ett moment och en horisontalkraft. Momentet kommer att trycka in lastöglan i balken och till slut blir det ett brott p.g.a. en blandning av att materialet flyter och att livet bucklar. I den här rapporten behandlas bara momentdelen av lasten.</p><p>Studien är gjord i tre steg. Först byggdes en FE-modell i Abaqus. Denna modell verifierades mot fysiska försök på lokal intryckning från en vertikal kraft, eftersom inga försök hittades på intryckning av ett lokalt moment. Som steg nummer två anpassades FE-modellen till försök med lokal intryckning från ett moment. Ett antal experiment gjordes med variation av två parametrar, livplåtens tjocklek och lastöglans längd. Lastöglan var väldigt styv eftersom den bara skulle skapa momentbelastningen. Sista steget var att utifrån resultaten ta fram en beräkningsmodell för lastfallet.</p><p>FE-modellen som skapades för testerna visade sig ge bärförmågor ca 10% under bärförmågan från de fysiska försöken. Detta berodde mycket på att balken var känslig för hur initialimperfektionerna såg ut och att första bucklingsmodens form användes vid modelleringen av de geometriska imperfektionerna.</p><p>Beräkningsmodellen utvecklades så att den skulle efterlikna den som gäller för lokal intryckning från vertikal last i EN 1993-1-5. Detta för att modellen skulle kunna användas som ett tillägg till EK3. Modellen utvecklades i tre delar, flytbärförmågan, kritiska bucklingslasten och reduktionsfaktorn för buckling. Modellen för flytbärförmågan togs fram analytiskt och fick en form som efterliknar den i EK3. Beräkningsmetoden för den kritiska bucklingslasten använder sig i princip av formlerna i EK3 förutom två små ändringar. Reduktionsfunktionen som valdes är en liten ökning av funktionen i EK3 men resultaten ligger ändå med bra marginal på säkra sidan. Den kompletta beräkningsmodellen ger resultat där säkerhetsmarginalen ökar vid minskande längd på lastöglan. Den har utformats så att den är lätt att använda och vid jämförelse med FE-försök gav beräkningsmodellen resultat på säkra sidan för alla balkar förutom några få av balkarna med låg slankhet. </p>
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Aspects on wettability and surface composition of modified woodBryne, Lars-Elof January 2008 (has links)
<p>Wood is often combined with other materials such as thermoplastics, adhesives and coatings. In general, combinations of wood and polymers especially in outdoor exposure have poor long-term durability. This behaviour can be related to an insufficient wood-polymer adhesion due to the low intrinsic compatibility between the wood substance and the polymers used. Another source for woodpolymer de-bonding is the high hygroscopicity of wood and great difference in hygro-thermal properties between the components.</p><p> The basic conceptual idea related to this work is to reduce the hygrosensitivity of wood by applying different wood modification methods, in particular, acetylation, furfurylation and heat treatment. The effects of such chemical modifications of wood, also accompanied with ageing effects, on its adhesion properties with commonly used synthetic polymers are, however, not well understood. In this context, the over-all purpose of this thesis is to achieve a better understanding of wood-polymer adhesion and interfacial forces which also may guide us to tailor the interaction between modified wood and e.g. thermoplastics and adhesives. The main focus of this thesis is therefore to apply contact angle analysis based on the Chang-Qin-Chen (CQC) Lewis acid-base model in order to estimate the work of adhesion (<i>W</i><i>a</i>) between the wood, modified wood and certain polymers. Contact angle measurements on wood samples were performed based on the Wilhelm plate principle. Related to this, an effort was also made to characterize the studied modified wood surfaces according to morphology and chemical composition. The methods that have been used are low vacuum scanning electron microscopy (LV-SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). </p><p>Results show that so-called interaction parameters can be successfully estimated for prediction of <i>W</i><i>a</i> between wood and polymers using the applied CQC model. Furthermore, such wetting analysis was successfully related to spectroscopic findings of the chemical composition of the wood samples surface. Ageing effects, i.e. the time after preparation of the wood surface, play a central role for the surface characteristics. In most cases, ageing resulted in a significant decrease of <i>W</i><i>a</i> between wood and water and a moderate decrease between wood and thermoplastics. The surface characteristics of acetylated wood were, however, more stable over time compared to unmodified, furfurylated and heat treated wood. The predicted <i>W</i><i>a</i><sub> </sub>with the adhesives for heat treated and acetylated wood was increased due to ageing. Future work is planned to involve studies in order to relate such predicted adhesion properties with the actual performance of various wood-polymer systems.</p>
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Development and adaptation of a life cycle management system for constructed workHallberg, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
<p>Lifetime Engineering (or Life Cycle Engineering) is a technical approach for meeting the current objective of sustainable development. The approach is aimed to turn today’s reactive and short-term design, management and maintenance planning towards an optimised and long-term technical approach. The life cycle based management and maintenance planning approach includes condition assessment, predictive modelling of performance changes, maintenance, repair and refurbishment planning and decisions. The Life Cycle Management System (LMS) is a predictive and generic life cycle based management system aimed to support all types of decision making and planning of optimal maintenance, repair and refurbishment activities of any constructed works. The system takes into account a number of aspects in sustainable and conscious development such as human requirements, life cycle economy, life cycle ecology and cultural requirements. The LMS is a system by which the complete system or parts thereof, works in co-operation or as a complement to existing business support systems. The system is module based where each module represents a subprocess within the maintenance management process. The scope of this thesis is focused on development and adaptation of the predictive characteristic of LMS towards a presumptive user. The objective is to develop and adapt a Service Life Performance Analysis module applicable for condition based Facility Management System in general and for condition based Bridge Management System in particular. Emphasis is placed on development and adaptation of a conditional probability based Service Life Performance Analysis model in which degradation models and Markov chains play a decisive role. The thesis deals also with development and adaptation of environmental exposure data recording and processing, with special emphasis on quantitative environmental classification in order to provide a simplified method of Service Life Performance Analysis.</p>
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Kommunikation som framgångsfaktor i ett byggprojekt : En fallstudie på byggaktörers syn på kommunikation och målbilder. / Communication as a factor of success in a construction project : One casestudy on building contractors sight on communication and goal images.Karlsson, Nellie January 2007 (has links)
<p>I dagsläget är byggbranschen hårt styrt av att uppnå hög standard, rätt kvalitet, nå kortare byggtider och detta</p><p>ska ske till en lägre kostnad. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur viktig kommunikationen i</p><p>byggprocessen är, om det finns ett samband mellan kommunikation och om projektet uppnår sitt förväntade</p><p>resultat. Vilken betydelse har målbildens förankrande och programmets utformning för projektets chanser att</p><p>uppnådda det förväntade resultatet. Studien grundar sig på subjektiva resultat, utifrån de medverkande</p><p>byggaktörernas uppfattning, och mäter därmed inte frågeställningarna objektiv. Resultatet av de kvantitativa</p><p>undersökningarna i denna studie visar på att det finns ett samband mellan den allmänna kommunikationen,</p><p>målbildens tydlighet under projektet och målbildens uppfyllelse. Resultatet visar även att det inte finns någon</p><p>tydlig koppling mellan dessa punkter och kommunicerande av målbilden i projektet. Studien visar att målbilden</p><p>inte behöver vara gemensam och väll förankrad hos alla medverkande aktörer i det specifika projektet.</p> / <p>In present the building industry is focused on reaching high standard, right quality, reach shorter building times</p><p>and this shall be done to less expense. The purpose with this study is to examine how important the</p><p>communication is for the building process, if there is a connection between the communication and if the project</p><p>reaches the expected goal. What meaning has the anchor to the goal image and the programs design for the</p><p>projects chance of success. The study is found on subjective results, from the contributing building contractor</p><p>opinions, and measures there by not the questions objective. The results of the quantitative examine in this</p><p>study targets out that in a connection between the general communication, the goal images clearness under the</p><p>project and the goal images fulfilment. The results even show that there is no clear connection between these</p><p>three targets and the communication about the goal images. The study shows that the goal images do not need</p><p>to be common and good anchor to all contractors involved in the specific project.</p>
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Limnologen : Inblick i svenskt träbyggande / Limnologen : An insight into Swedish timber constructionFrantz, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
<p>I Sverige fanns, mellan 1874 och 1994, ett förbud mot att bygga bostadshus med fler än två våningar i trästomme. Under denna tid försvann större delen av hantverks- och ingenjörskunnandet och man fick därför börja från början då förbudet hävdes. Byggandet gick till en början trögt, men tog fart i och med regeringens nationella träbyggnadsstrategi och utvecklandet av byggande med massivträ i början av 2000-talet. Limnologen i Växjö är ett bra exempel på hur långt fram Sverige ligger i utvecklingen, men det pekar också på områden inom tekniken som behöver förbättras.</p><p>Den här uppsatsen behandlar översiktligt hur trähusbyggandet har sett ut i Sverige och beskriver sedan Limnologen med fokus på entreprenadform, stabilisering, brandskydd och akustik. Vidare beskrivs hur massivträtekniken har utvecklats och hur byggsystemet för massivträ har tagits fram.</p> / <p>Between 1874 and 1994, Swedish legislation limited the use of timber in load- bearing structures of residential buildings. The use of timber was prohibited in buildings of more than two storeys. During this period, much of the knowledge of the craftsmen and engineers was lost. Therefore, when legislation changed, there was a large need for regaining old and developing new knowledge in the field of timber construction and timber engineering. The number of multi- storey projects was not very large during the first years. Partly due to that the Swedish government developed a national strategy for the increased use of wood in construction in the beginning of the</p><p>21st century, progress was made in developing new techniques and the number of projects increased. The project Limnologen in Växjö is a good example of the current status of Swedish timber engineering, but also points to the fields where there is still some work to be done.</p><p>This essay reports briefly on the building of wooden houses in Sweden in general, and describes the project Limnologen in particular. Issues like type of contract, stabilization, fire protection and solutions to prevent sound from transmitting are dealt with. Also a description of the development of cross- laminated timber (CLT) and how concepts based on CLT have been developed is given.</p>
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Att anpassa ett småhus till prefab / To adjust a house into prefabricateKennie, Svensson January 2008 (has links)
<p>Prefabricering eller platsbyggt hus? Många ställer sig den frågan. Vad finns det för fördelar respektive nackdelar med prefab</p><p>gentemot platsbyggt hus? Vilka ritningar behövs och hur går man tillväga?</p><p>Detta examensarbete är en framtagning på hur man anpassar ett småhus till prefabricering.</p><p>Platsbyggt hus är ett hus som byggs på plats. Material fraktas dit, förvaras och kapas.</p><p>Den vanligaste byggmetoden för byggande av hus.</p><p>Prefabricering av hus är däremot ett hus som byggs i en fabrik eller industri. Huset byggs i färdiga block som kan innehålla</p><p>fönster, dörrar, el och vattenledningar etc.</p><p>På arbetsplatsen lyfts blocken på plats och monteras ihop.</p> / <p>Prefabricate or on-site made house ? Many ask that question. What are the advantage and disadvantage with prefabricate</p><p>towards on-site made house ? Which drawings need to be done and how do you draw them?</p><p>This diplomawork deal with how you adjust a house into prefabricate.</p><p>On-site made house is a house that is build on place. Materials freights there, stores and bucks. The most common</p><p>construction method.</p><p>Prefabricated house is however a house that are built in a factory or in a industry. The house build in complete blocks and</p><p>can include things like windows, doors, electricity and pipelines etcetera.</p><p>At the workplace they lift the blocks in place and assembles together.</p>
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Cykeln i staden : Undersökning av cykelvägnätet för stadsdelen Hovshaga i VäxjöTillback, My January 2008 (has links)
<p>”Hållbar stadsplanering” är ett ämne som får allt större utrymme i dagens samhälle.</p><p>Det är intressant men samtidigt skrämmande då det handlar om allvarliga frågor. Kommunikationer och transporter är en viktig del i dagens stad och transporterna tenderar att ökar. Att hitta hållbara och miljövänliga ressätt är därför nödvändigt.</p><p>Staden har alltid varit beroende av kommunikationer och transportsätt. Stadens lokalisering, storlek och struktur har alla påverkats av vilka transportmedel som funnits. Bilismen är den utveckling som har format dagens stad mest.</p><p>Vi har idag, den 150-åriga uppfinningen cykeln, som kanske är det mest miljövänliga transportmedlet. Att förbättra för cykeltrafik i staden är därför betydelsefullt.</p><p>Syftet med mitt examensarbete är att upptäcka brister och problemområden i cykelvägnätet, för stadsdelen Hovshaga i Växjö. Målet är att komma med förslag på åtgärder för de problemområden jag valt ut.</p><p>Mycket av de problemområden jag hittat beror på att staden planerats så mycket för bilisterna, cyklister och andra trafikanter har fått betala priset av bilismens framfart. Gatuutrymme och status är två kategorier där mycket av problemen ligger.</p>
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KONSTRUKTION AV FÄSTE TILL FÖNSTERLUCKA : Design of shutter attachmentWalfridsson, Rickard January 2008 (has links)
<p>The task given by Balco AB was to redesign the productsystem ”vikglas utan ram” and to make the shutter able to go pass a corner. Today the shutter can only be moved sideways. A prototype to test the shutter concept will be made. The final product will be used in Balco AB:s existing product family as a new product or as a choice. The shutter solution shall give a feeling of quality and easiness to fit in.</p><p>A few of the demands to achieve this goal is by using special made shutter attachments and the use of bearings. The new shutter attachment has to be safe, reliable and have a low noise level.</p> / <p>Uppgiften som beställdes av Balco AB gick ut på att omkonstruera deras ”vikglas utan ram” system för att få fönsterluckan att gå förbi ett balkonghörn. Idag kan luckan endast föras i sidled. En prototyp avsedd för att testa ut lucka förbi hörn konceptet skall utvecklas. Slutprodukten skall användas i Balco AB:s befintliga produktsortiment som en ny produkt eller som ett tillval. Lucklösningen skall inge en viss känsla av kvalité och smidighet för att passa in.</p><p>Några av kraven som ställs för att uppnå denna känsla är bland annat specialdesignade infästen till luckan samt nyttjande av kullager. Den nya inästningsanordningen skall även vara säker och pålitlig samt ha en tyst arbetsgång.</p>
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