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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maskinstyrningssystem och hantering av digitala terrängmodeller

Nyman, Anders, Tillander, Martin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport har i huvudsak inriktat sig på två olika områden. Dels vad maskinstyrning är och hur det fungerar samt vilka system som normalt används på ett anläggningsprojekt. Dels om hanteringen av terrängmodeller kan förändras i en generalentreprenad och eventuellt bli en del av bygghandlingen. Syftet med en förändrad hantering är att minska entreprenörens arbetsinsats med terrängmodeller och därmed minska den totala projektkostnaden. En terrängmodell är en digital tredimensionell volymmodell av verkligheten skapad i ett dataprogram, och nödvändig när tredimensionell maskinstyrning ska användas.</p><p>Frågeställningarna och undersökningsarbetet i detta examensarbete har inriktat sig på entreprenadformen generalentreprenad, samt maskintyperna grävmaskin, bandschaktare och väghyvel.</p><p>Arbetet med att undersöka vilka system som finns på marknaden och hur de fungerar har genomförts genom kontakter med leverantörer av maskinstyrningssystem. Leverantörerna har bistått med material i form av broschyrer och liknande som studerats, information finns också tillgänglig på deras respektive internetsidor. Möten med personal hos Kanonaden Entreprenad AB och studiebesök på deras arbetsplatser har också gett oss mycket information om funktionalitet och problem med maskinstyrningssystem.</p><p>Frågeställningen om en förändrad hantering av terrängmodeller är möjlig har undersökts genom intervjuer, E-post konversationer och litteraturstudier. Intervjuer har genomförts med personer som bedöms ha god insyn i de olika relevanta ämnesområdena för frågeställningen. Litteratur som studerats har främst varit standardavtal, branschstandarder och lagtexter.</p><p>Resultatet som framkommer i rapporten visar på att det kommer blir svårt att förändra hanteringen av terrängmodeller så att det skulle kunna vara en del av bygghandlingen i en generalentreprenad. Dels finns i nuläget inga branschstandarder, standardavtal eller liknande som kan vara tillämpliga. Dels så försvårar Lagen om offentlig upphandling(LOU) de tekniska preciseringar som är nödvändiga för att överlämningen av terrängmodeller ska vara möjlig. När terrängmodeller ska lämnas mellan parter i ett projekt krävs en teknisk samordning när det gäller programvara, versioner, filtyper och liknande. Ett problem som uppstår om inte denna samordning görs är att information faller bort från terrängmodellen vid överföringen. Eventuellt kan överföringen vara omöjlig att genomföra över huvud taget.</p><p>Rapportens slutsats blir således att en förändring i hanteringen av terrängmodeller är svår att genomföra i nuläget så att det leder till en minskad arbetsinsats.</p>

Faunapassager : How animals cross roads

Lundberg, Adina, Gunnarsson, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>A fauna passage is a way for animals to cross roads separated from the traffic. In Sweden, there are an unknown number of passages with different functions and appearances. These passages would, with the question “Which fauna passages can be found in Sweden, and how well do they work?” as a base, be compiled in a comparable way. This would be done with a number of questions asked to the different regions of Vägverket. The essay was delimited to only include ecoducts, animal bridges, landscape bridges, animal gates, tunnels for small animals, shore passages and fence openings.</p><p>Most of Vägverkets regions had poor documentation of their passages and lacked the time to improve it. Most questions could only be answered for the region in general, and not for every passage, which forced us to change our way of account. In the end, most of the questions were answered by every region, even though it had not seemed possible earlier. Almost all regions also accounted for all their pas-sages in tables and with selected pictures to illustrate the passages.</p><p>The compiled result showed that there were no ecoducts in the country and the passages directed to otter was clearly dominating. There were only a few passages constructed for larger animals, such as deer and elk, but those existing were better documented and followed up, than the smaller passages. It is likely that a lot of animals use regular road bridges and tunnels, but there is no documentation of this.</p><p>The smaller passages are often planned in a simplified way, sometimes only through discussion in field. This often gave a fully sufficient and functional result, but there are examples of passages which did not function alright due to simplify-ing and inadequate planning.</p><p>The passages varied in shape in the different regions, which all seemed to prefer certain kinds. It was not clear from the basic data if this depended on climate dif-ferences between the regions, or if it simply was a question of taste.</p>

Den inbjudande cykelvägen / The inviting bicycle path

Lager, Viktor, Oskarsson, Matina January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The contractors choice of material for sewer / Entreprenörens materialval för självfallsledningar

Olsson, Axel, Sjölander, Rickard January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This report is performed in collaboration with NCC Construction Sverige AB and</p><p>treats sewers from the contractors’ point of view. The report investigates in an</p><p>overall way how the work with sewers works in a contract company and which</p><p>factors that speak for the different pipe materials, plastics and concrete from an</p><p>overall economic perspective. Today both tubes and wells made of plastic as well</p><p>as concrete are used and marketed. The report describes which factors that</p><p>influence the choice of pipe system, plastics or concrete. The plastic materials that</p><p>the report treats are polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and</p><p>polypropylene (PP).</p><p>The studies for the work have been performed in four parts. The first part</p><p>comprises literature studies of materials from researchers, sector organizations and</p><p>companies. The other part comprises interviews and the third part site visits.</p><p>Those persons who have been interviewed are active within the civil engineering</p><p>construction division at NCC Construction Sverige AB in Jönköping and have</p><p>occupations as calculator, purchaser, place manager, overseer and construction</p><p>worker. The site visits are carried out at three workplaces nearby Jönköping, the</p><p>house exploitation area Samset, the industry establishment of food industry and</p><p>the street and water/sewer pipe project at the industrial area of Torsvik. The</p><p>fourth part is a calculation that shows the overall economic for disposition of</p><p>different dimensions of plastic - and concrete tubes.</p><p>The result of the studies shows that work with sewers is a complex reality. The</p><p>work is influenced by a large number of factors, for example; weather, the</p><p>properties of the soil materials, the purchasing economic frames and the properties</p><p>of tubes- and well material. A workplace that one day has normal productivity is</p><p>the next day in risk of considerably lower productivity because of unfavorable</p><p>weathers in co-operation with the geotechnical properties of the soil. When it</p><p>comes to material choice for tubes and wells the study shows that there is a</p><p>number of situations where either plastics or concrete can be recommended. The</p><p>conclusions of which material that is best suitable are based on the purchase cost,</p><p>the work cost and the production technical advantages, i.e. an overall economic</p><p>perspective.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Detta examensarbete är genomfört i samarbete med NCC Construction Sverige</p><p>AB och behandlar självfallsledningar ur entreprenörens synvinkel. Rapporten</p><p>utreder övergripande hur arbetet med självfallsledningar går till i ett</p><p>entreprenadföretag och vilka faktorer som talar för de olika ledningsmaterialen</p><p>plast och betong ur ett totalekonomiskt perspektiv. Idag marknadsförs och</p><p>används rör och brunnar av både plast och betong. Rapporten beskriver vilka</p><p>faktorer som påverkar valet av ledningssystem. De plastmaterialen som rapporten</p><p>behandlar är polyeten (PE), polyvinylklorid (PVC) och polypropen (PP).</p><p>Studierna för arbetet har genomförts i fyra delar. Första delen består av</p><p>litteraturstudier av material från forskare, branschorganisationer och företag.</p><p>Andra delen består av intervjuer de personer som intervjuats är verksamma inom</p><p>anläggningsavdelningen på NCC Construction Sverige AB i Jönköping och har</p><p>arbetsuppgifter som kalkylerare, inköpare, platschef, arbetsledare och</p><p>anläggningsarbetare. Tredje delen utgörs av studiebesök de är genomförda på tre</p><p>stycken arbetsplatser i närheten av Jönköping, villaexploateringsområdet Samset,</p><p>industrietablering för livsmedelsindustri och gatu- och VA-projekt på Torsviks</p><p>industriområde. Fjärde delen är en kalkyl som visar totalekonomin för läggning av</p><p>olika dimensioner av plast- och betongrör.</p><p>Resultatet av studierna visar på att arbete med självfallsledningar är en komplex</p><p>uppgift. Arbetet påverkas av en mängd faktorer, till exempel väder,</p><p>markmaterialets egenskaper, upphandlingens ekonomiska ramar och rör- och</p><p>brunnsmaterialets egenskaper. Den arbetsplats som ena dagen har normal</p><p>produktivitet kan nästa dag ha betydligt lägre produktivitet på grund av</p><p>ogynnsamt väder i samverkan med markens geotekniska egenskaper. När det gäller</p><p>materialval för rör och brunnar visar studierna på att det finns ett antal situationer</p><p>där man kan rekommendera plast eller betong. Slutsatserna för vilket material som</p><p>är bäst lämpat grundar sig på inköpskostnad, arbetskostnad, och</p><p>produktionstekniska fördelar, det vill säga ett totalekonomiskt perspektiv.</p>


Hansson, Mattias, Åslew Andersson, Christian January 2010 (has links)
<p>This report provides a comparison between the products cellular concrete, foam</p><p>concrete and LECA concrete. The questions to be answered during the work is how</p><p>the cellular concrete stands up in cost terms to the existing competitors on the market,</p><p>how the concrete products differ in design work, and in which situations the concrete</p><p>varieties are preferred to use.</p><p>Cellular concrete is a variant of ordinary concrete, with the difference that the ballast</p><p>is exchanged from stone materials to expanded polystyrene beads (EPS). This</p><p>substitution gives a product with higher insulation values but lower weight than</p><p>ordinary concrete.</p><p>The work was carried out by designing a survey which was sent to two hundred</p><p>randomly chosen companies across Sweden, to see the building industry’s opinion of</p><p>the product cellular concrete. The survey showed that cellular concrete was equals its</p><p>competitors in terms of price, while the product was said to be more flexible, quicker</p><p>and easier to cast.</p><p>Then some of the companies, who participated in the survey, were interviewed to see</p><p>more carefully, how the price, the workmanship and the time for casting and</p><p>dehydration differed between the products. Meanwhile, technical data were presented</p><p>for the products which formed the basis for the U-value calculation and the weight</p><p>analysis.</p><p>The result of this work was that LECA concrete is the cheapest option, when the Uvalue</p><p>is 0,40 W/(mK) and when the total thickness, including the following works, is</p><p>200 mm. Cellular concrete was found to be cheaper than foam concrete in small</p><p>quantities, in the both cases, since the foam concrete must be cast in multiple layers.</p><p>In addition, foam concrete requires more equipment, which results in a higher fixed</p><p>cost. Foam concrete becomes, however, more profitable the larger volumes that are</p><p>cast, because the fixed charges of the product are earned by the low volume cost.</p><p>Cellular concrete is suitable for smaller works, especially in tight spaces where some</p><p>insulation is required. Larger volumes are not beneficial because of the high volume</p><p>cost. Often, the weight may be decisive in the method and material selection. On these</p><p>occasions, the cellular concrete advantages through both low weight per unit volume</p><p>and good thermal insulation. To screed the cellular concrete has been shown to cause</p><p>large additional costs. At times, when no need to screed the concrete surface has</p><p>occurred, the total cost of the product almost halved. Cellular concrete should not be</p><p>cast in layers thinner than 50 mm.</p><p>LECA concrete must be cast in a layer of at least 100 – 120 mm that sufficient</p><p>adhesion can be obtained. This makes the product unsuitable for small castings,</p><p>including castings of the existing joists below 100 mm, but works well as foundations.</p><p>Of those described options, foam concrete is most suitable in larger castings.</p><p>However, it appears that the main use of foam concrete has been shown to be as a</p><p>filling material in road embankments.</p>

Utfackningsvägg av lättbetongblock i passivhus

Sundemo, Sörensson, Malin, Frederic January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This report intends through a case study to investigate if lightweight concrete is</p><p>appropriate as main material in the outer wall of a seven storey residential building.</p><p>A technical design is carried out in accordance with the definitions and requirements</p><p>for passive houses, given by FEBY’s1 <em>“Demand specification for passive houses”</em>.</p><p>A literature review is also carried out for a comparison between regular bolt wall and</p><p>light weight concrete wall, with a focus on the safety of moisture.</p><p>The lightweight concrete block used in the report is as a celblock produced by the</p><p>company H+H Sweden AB.</p><p>The methods used have resulted in compliance with requirements and</p><p>recommendations from authorities. Calculations of energy, noise and moisture risk</p><p>assessment has been carried out.</p><p>The work has resulted in the conclusion that the lightweight concrete itself is not</p><p>able to isolate in the extent necessary to obtain chosen U-value of 0,1 W/m2 ° C,</p><p>without getting to thick. Therefore additional insulation is needed. There are few</p><p>relevant reference objects built with only light weight concrete. A villa in Lomma,</p><p>Sweden, has been designed but is not yet built. The house has no additional</p><p>insulation and the climate screen consists only of light weight concrete and plaster.</p><p>The multi storey building designed within this report has generally large windows,</p><p>also to the north, which in passive house context is unusual. The large window areas</p><p>result in greater thermal bridges around the windows and greater losses of heat</p><p>through transmission.</p><p>As compensation a very low U- value of 0,1 W/m2 ° C was set as a prerequisite from</p><p>the start ensuring a positive energy balance. This action has proved necessary when</p><p>implemented energy balance calculation resulted in the heating demand of 42</p><p>kWh/m2 per year. Maximum allowable energy for a passive house is according to</p><p>FEBY under 50 kWh/m2 per year.</p><p>There are several advantages identified when using light weight concrete. All</p><p>problems related to moister are avoided with this completely mineral material. Light</p><p>weight concrete offers good thermal insulation by its porosity. It has heat storing</p><p>properties during the winters. The material is fireproof and free from chemicals.</p><p>Together with additional insulation a quiet and healthy indoor environment is</p><p>derived.</p><p>It has been difficult to find potential risks of using concrete in the climate screen of</p><p>a passive house. Passive house technology is relatively new, and passive house</p><p>technology with concrete is even newer. In fact, the villa in Lomma is said to be the</p><p>first in Sweden carried out in light weight concrete. A minor estimation upon the</p><p>costs of a the insulated light weight concrete wall, contra a wood bolt wall has proved</p><p>the light weight concrete wall to be twice as expensive. Perhaps the future will prove</p><p>risks that have not yet been revealed?</p>

Tillgänglighet i befintligt bostadsbestånd - utredning och åtgärdsförslag: Vidöstern 6 Österängen, Jönköping. / Accessibility – Investigation and Proposals:Vidöstern 6, Jönköping.

Danielsson, Robbie, Ernst, Christian January 2010 (has links)
<p>Den äldre befolkningen i Jönköping ökar just nu, och väntas fortsätta öka. Med detta i åtanke har uppdragsgivaren Bostads AB VätterHem försett oss med en uppgift att utreda tillgängligheten i ett bostadsområde från 1950-talet på Österängen, Jönköping, samt ge ett förslag på möjliga åtgärder för att förbättra tillgängligheten. Frågeställningar som rapporten grundar sig på är: Vilken nivå på åtgärder krävs för att områdets tillgänglighet ska förbättras? Vilka lagar och regler måste beaktas? Hur påverkas fastighetens utformning?</p><p>Utredningen är uppdelad i tre huvuddelar: lägenheter, bostadskomplement och utemiljö. I utredningen som har skett på plats i olika etapper, har områdets tillgänglighet utretts efter de byggregler och tillgänglighetskrav som idag ställs vid nybyggnad.</p><p>Då bostadshuset saknar hiss, har olika referensobjekt studerats på plats i Västervikoch i Jönköping med avsikt att få en inblick i olika metoder att lösa problematiken med att installera hiss i ett befintligt flerbostadshus.</p><p>Litteraturstudier har utförts för att få kunskap om flerbostadshusen från 1950-talet samt studier av lösningar i olika nivåer som förbättrar tillgängligheten förpersoner med nedsatt rörelse- och orienteringsförmåga. För att få klarhet i lagar och regler kontaktades en byggnadsinspektör på Stadsbyggnadskontoret, Jönköpings Kommun. Vid prisförfrågningar kontaktades leverantörer och hantverkare.</p><p>Utredningen resulterar i en förteckning med de brister som framkommit, vilket används som underlag för att ge förslag på åtgärder för att bostadsområdet ska bli bättre tillgängligt. Förslaget är uppdelat, likt utredningen, i tre huvuddelar, men där åtgärderna i lägenheterna presenteras i två nivåer.</p><p>Nivå 1 bygger på att mindre ingrepp genomförs i bostaden som inte påverkar lägenhetens planlösning avsevärt men ändå förbättrar tillgängligheten. I nivå 2 är ingreppen av större art där exempelvis väggar rivs eller flyttas inom lägenheten för att erhålla större utrymmen och där igenom nå utökad tillgänglighet.</p><p>Förslaget på åtgärder för bostadskomplement och utemiljö innefattar bl.a. en hissinstallation och tillbyggnad av det befintliga trapphuset samt kompletteringar iutemiljön för att förbättra tillgängligheten.</p><p>Genom kalkyler har investeringskostnad (2010) för installation av hiss och tillbyggnad av trapphus beräknats uppgå till ca 1,3 miljoner kr. Kostnaden för de ingrepps som utförs i en lägenhet på 2 rum och kök beräknas uppgå till ca 76 000kr i nivå 1 respektive ca 90 000 kr i nivå 2.</p> / <p>In Jönköping the elderly population is currently increasing, and is expected to continue to increase. For this reason has our co-partner, Bostads AB VätterHem, provided us with a mandate to investigate the accessibility in a residential district from 1950s, located at Österängen in Jönköping. The mandate is also to make proposals on possible measures to improve the accessibility. The report is based on the following questions: What level of measure is needed to be done toimprove the accessibility in the residential district? What restrictions and demands are needed to be followed? How will the design of the building be affected?</p><p>The study is divided into three main parts: apartments, building supplement and outdoor environment. The study has been done at the housing area in different stages where the accessibility has been investigated and compared with the building regulations and accessibility requirements that are needed to be followed today. The building is not supplied with an elevator and for that reason different reference objects in Västervik and Jönköping have been studied to get a better knowledge in different methods to solve the problems with installing an elevatorin an existing building.</p><p>Literature has been studied in order to get knowledge about buildings from 1950s and to get knowledge about different solutions that could improve accessibility for disabled persons. To get a deeper knowledge in different laws and rules, a buildinginspector at the municipality was contacted. To get quotation of prices, different suppliers and craftsmen were contacted.</p><p>The investigation results in a program, that has been used as basis to give proposals of making the residential area more accessible for persons with some kind of disability. The proposal is, like the investigation, divided into three parts. The proposal for the apartments is divided in two levels.</p><p>Level 1 is based on less operations that´s not affecting the floor plan, but still improves better accessibility. Level 2 is based on larger operations, such as moving or demolishing walls within the apartments to obtain bigger spaces and better accessibility.</p><p>The proposal on measures for the building supplement and outdoor environment includes, among others, installation of an elevator with addition of a new stairwell and complements in the outdoor environment to improve the accessibility.</p><p>By calculations are the approximated investment costs (2010), for the installation of the elevator and the addition of the stairwell, being set to 1,3 million SEK. The cost of the two levels of operations in one of the apartment with two rooms and kitchen is approximately calculated to 76 000 SEK in level 1, and 90 000 SEK in level 2.</p>

Varför BIM?

Wikström, David, Karlemi, Tobias January 2008 (has links)
<p>Is the new technology always the best? This final project tries to determine if BIM is the melody of today, or if traditional 2D drawing is recommended. Perhaps a compromise is necessary, utilizing both methods.</p><p>In order to answer this question, different views from the industry have been retrieved through reports, producers of software and users. The approach has consisted in building a 3D model of the school Råslättsskolan, house 01, along with interviews with people involved in the building process.</p><p>When working in 2D it is hard to include the third dimension, mistakes are done and collisions happen that must be corrected, in most cases at the construction site. BIM is an incredible help since the model allows you to detect collisions and correct them. Another time when models are preferred is when you need production plans, for example, different steel details that will be joined together at the work shop before shipping to the construction site.</p><p>Skanska and NCC, in densely developed urban areas, already require BIM today, something that most likely will be customary within the nearest future. It is not hard to understand that more and more clients require BIM when you realize its advantages. With the correct method, these 3D models can minimize risks of errors, optimize the production and save money.When it comes to introducing BIM today at BGK the students can’t do anything but make a recommendation. The improved quality, the future prospect and that the advantages of BIM is not depending by project size will make it attractive for BGK to begin a transition already today. BIM is the melody of the future, not the only song being sung, but clearly the strongest one.</p>

Hur blir Peab ett mer attraktivt företag för kvinnliga ingenjörer?

Karamanlis, Linda, Axelsson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>The Swedish construction industry is dominated by men; however this is starting to change. The average age of Construction Engineers is high and approximately 40 per cent of the employees will retire by the year 2015. Currently, female engineers dominate the graduating classes of Swedish Universities but this is not reflected in the Swedish Construction industry.</p><p>With so many female engineers available, why is this? Does it require a change in company culture and their condition of work to attract them? Is it the attitude towards women in the industry among the employees that has to be changed? Or is it a woman’s thoughts and prejudices of the industry that creates obstacles?</p><p>The purpose of this final thesis is to describe how contracting firms in the construction industry can make themselves more attractive for female engineers. To reach the purpose, a study among salaried employees and craftsmen was conducted. The study examines attitudes towards women as co-worker and leaders in the industry. The thesis also presents conclusions based on whether women require specific benefits at the company or a possible change of conditions to attract them to contracting firms and to make them stay in the company.</p><p>The study is conducted through surveys and interviews of male and female salaried employees, craftsmen and personnel managers at Peab Sverige AB. Female students of construction engineering are also included in the study.</p><p>Based on the results, some recommendations for Peab were suggested. Properly realized, these recommendations can result in a more attractive company for female engineers.</p><p>Recommendations to make Peab more attractive:</p><p>→ Play a key role in the choice of industry for pupils in nine-year compulsory school and for upper-secondary school. Also, become actively involved in the choice of employer for current students.</p><p>→ Change of conditions at the company</p><p>Offer trainee posts</p><p>Offer guidance for recent and present employees</p><p>Make part-time work possible for all the employees</p><p>→ Offer more benefits at the company</p><p>Offer a female network at the company</p><p>Offer a bigger opportunity for flextime</p>

Dokumentationssystem för fjärrvärmenät

Wiberg, Björn January 2006 (has links)
<p>The Work has been performed to, and in cooperation with Vetlanda Energi och teknik AB.</p><p>District heating for commercial purpose started in the USA in 1877. Today the network has grown into big and complex systems, which demand maintenance and service to keep up the security of the delivery. When a district heating network expand, it becomes difficult to perform reliable calculations. For this purposes there are a few suppliers who design and deliver systems for documentation and calculation of district heating networks.</p><p>Vetlanda Energi och Teknik AB is in the position where they must get a system for documentation and calculation for district heating, and therefore they need a basis to get a system. The target is to write a requirement specification that will follow the basis.</p><p>The Swedish market has been inventoried, and suitable systems have been selected. There is very little information printed about documentation and calculation for district heating networks. Mostly information, in this issue, comes from suppliers and users. The systems and their functions have been compared to each other. Together with the demands from Vetlanda Energi och Teknik AB the specification has been written.</p><p>The biggest and the most visible difference between the systems, is the structure. The systems are built on different platforms like AutoCad and MapInfo. The systems also make a difference in what way the functions are settled up. Some systems have all their functions in the same program and some other systems split up their functions and create different modules. This is affecting the user friendlyness and the design of the functions. The amount and kind of information that can be documented is about the same, yet with some important differences.</p><p>Which system to choose is much depended on the size of the organisation. A bigger company with more staff and more competence can choose a more difficult system while a smaller company maybe have to pick an easier system so that the system really come in use.</p>

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