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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cyklisters situation på 2+1-vägar

Bergkvist, Martin January 2006 (has links)
In this report the situation for cyclists on 2+1-roads is analysed and studied. These roads are often the old 13-meter roads that have been changed into 2+1 to increase the security. Two road sections outside Motala in Sweden has been deep studied and analysed. The different parts in the planning process show how the progress goes. To begin with the change should be within the old 13 meters but after the pilot study was circulated for comments the result became a broadening to 13,75 and 14,00 meters. These new broadth gave a wider roadside and a safer situation for cyclists. The reconstruction outside Motala is an unusual solution since broadthening of the road area rarely is done. The biggest reason to this broadthening is probably the cycle races Vätternrundan and Tjejvättern and all the practice that takes place before these events. The township of Motala wants to promote cycling in their municipality. This whish where probably an important factor during the commenting period. The rapport also analyses different control documents used in the planning process. These are VGU (Vägar och Gator Utformning) and Inriktningsdokument för 13-metersvägar inom Vägverket Region Sydöst.

Tätning eller ventilering mot fukt på kalla vindsutrymmen

Holmgren, Johan, Brar, Harry, Hjalmarsson, Åke January 2006 (has links)
This study was done regarding whether sealing or ventilation is the best solution to prevent moisture on cold attics. The authors of this report addressed the problem with moisture in attics when they started their cooperation with Peab. The methods included interviews with people, database research, and calculations of a project in Akersberga north of Stockholm. The conclusion is based on interviews and other information as they are analyzed in relation to the house of reference. The focus of this report is on problems with moisture in the attics known as cold attics. The background of the problem with moisture is that today’s slabs are usually insulated to save energy and that the attics nearly gives the climate as the outdoor climate. The contribution of moisture increases this problem when the relative humidity reaches 75 %, which in most cases promotes mould. Moisture comes with natural ventilation through the eaves due to outside humidity and precipitation finding its way in, and at the same time comes from the inside through openings or cracks on concrete slabs, ventilation ducts, and attic doors. Moisture also comes into the attic from building materials, especially from the concrete slabs that evaporate which gives off a lot of moisture throughout the years. These things are possible to prevent with four different methods ventilation, sealing, heating or insulating the outer roof. Moisture effects are calculated from the examples given by Roxull FuktFakta in comparison with the authors own calculations from other databases. The object of reference, Bergahojden 6, is a residential building that has served as a model for all the calculations. The conclusion shows that air circulation has to increase to get out the moisture through the ventilation. The winters here in Sweden are so humid that the ventilation should be suitable enough so that the humidity does not rise above 75 % in the attic. To heat up the attic with devices, or by using roof insulation, would bring the same climate as the outdated slab insulations. There will be a big loss of energy with heat going out if the roof is not insulated. To apply both systems would be a double investment which would be hard to convince builders of. The conclusion is that the best method would be to combine sealing with ventilation, or a possible mechanical system which allows the attic to be ventilated during the summer and sealed during the winter.

Ecologically sustainable housing and transporting in Pune, India : Ekologiskt hållbar hus- och transportplanering i Pune, Indien

Friestedt, Anna, Sjövall, Kristin January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is the result of a final project work carried out by Anna Friestedt and Kristin Sjövall during the spring semester of 2006. The purpose of this work is to investigate in what ways the Indian city Pune is working towards ecological sustainability within the fields of housing and transporting. The work contains a case study of an area in Pune called Magarpatta City. The report is split into four parts. First, laws and regulations both in Sweden and in India that concern ecologically sustainable development are presented. Second, an explanation on existing solutions within housing and transporting in Pune follows, later specified details concerning the case study in Magarpatta City is presented and finally this is analysed. Pune is in many ways working to improve their ways of ecologically sustainable development. In India, and Pune, there are several laws and regulations to regulate sustainable development. Unfortunately it has been a long time since these laws and regulations were updated and by doing so one might achieve sustainability. Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has many projects on the go to improve the city environmentally. PMC has brought out an Eco-housing concept which promotes a more ecological way of building. The concept makes it easier for private builders to get a bank loan if the construction is considering several eco-friendly aspects. To achieve more houses constructed in an eco-friendly way Pune and India are in the need of more pilot projects showing eco-friendly materials and construction techniques. PMC is also taking decisions in how to transform the public transportation system to a more environmentally sustainable one. Several different transportations systems are under evaluation. After our time in Pune our meaning is that the Bus Rapid Transit system is the most cost efficient one to implement in Pune. Magarpatta City is an area in Pune that is developed considering the concept ‘walk-to-work and walk-to-school’. The area has made many efforts towards ecological sustainability and is probably the best area in Pune, as well as in all of India, to do a case study at, in the aspect of ecological sustainable housing and transporting. / Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete utfört av Anna Friestedt och Kristin Sjövall under vårterminen 2006. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka på vilka sätt den indiska staden Pune arbetar med ekologisk hållbar utveckling i områdena husbyggnation och trafikplanering samt utföra en fallstudie på ett område kallat Magarpatta City beläget i Pune. Arbetet har utmynnat i fyra huvuddelar. Inledande tas upp vilka lagar och förordningar som finns i det svenska respektive indiska systemet. Sedan presenteras på vilka sätt Pune eftersträvar ekologiskt hållbar utveckling inom områdena husbyggnation och transportplanering. Därefter följer en fallstudie av området Magarpatta City där deras lösningar och system tas upp. Avslutande diskuteras det nuvarande systemen och förslag på förbättringsmöjligheter presenteras. Under vår tid i Indien har vi sett att Pune på många sätt arbetar för ekologisk hållbar utveckling. I Indien och Pune finns ett antal lagar och förordningar som styr åt vilket håll utvecklingen bör gå. Tyvärr var det länge sedan många av dessa lagar uppdaterades, så för att bli mer ekologiskt hållbara bör de revideras. Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC, motsvarar kommunen) har tagit fram ett eco-housing koncept där de främjar ett mer ekologisk byggande genom att göra det enklare för privatpersoner att få banklån om de tar hänsyn till ett antal parametrar som bidrar till ett mer hållbart samhälle. För att främja ekologiskt byggande behöver Pune och Indien pilotprojekt som visar ekologiskt hållbara material och konstruktionslösningar. PMC arbetar även med att besluta hur de ska förändra det kommunala transportsystemet till att bli ett mer ekologiskt hållbart sådant. Flera olika system utvärderas för närvarande. Efter våra veckor i Pune har vi kommit fram till att Bus Rapid Transit troligtvis är det mest kostnadseffektiva systemet att arbeta vidare med. Visserligen krävs speciella filer för bussarna och plats på de existerande gatorna är något som Pune inte har gott om, men det behövs förutom det minimalt med investering, ingen räls eller tunnelbana. Området Magarpatta City i Pune är uppbyggt kring konceptet ’gå-till-jobbet’ och ’gå-till-skolan’. Det har i området på många sätt arbetats med ekologisk hållbarhet och är troligtvis det bästa området i Pune, såväl som i hela Indien, att utföra en fallstudie på rörande ekologiskt hållbar husbyggnation och transportplanering.

Energideklaration- Vad är det och hur ska det hanteras i fastighetsbranschen?

Gustafsson, Bert January 2006 (has links)
Abstract The Energy Declaration is a law that will come into effect October 1: Th 2006. This report has Värnamo municipality as principal and shall clarify what the estate owner in general and Värnamo municipality in particular need to know about this law. Another part that is going to be dealt with is how large the future need for energy experts in this field will be, and which competence that will be demanded for them. The work will in general deal with simplified energy declarations for apartment houses and public buildings, since these buildings are the first to be involved with energy declarations. The energy declaration will consist of a number of important components. • Energy power i.e. how much energy the building consume • If the ventilation control is done • If the radon measurement is carried out • Recommendations of measures to improve the energy power • Reference value to compare the buildings energy power against According to the law the declaration shall been made by an independent expert, which will need certain information for this. The estate owner will need to collect some of this information. To simplify the collection of information a model was developed that can be used by the estate owner. The model was tested on Trälleborgskolan in Värnamo. It worked well because energy statistics were available from Värnamo municipality estate department. Regarding the energy consumption monthly statistics were also available which was desirable. Some improvement can been made by correlate the heat consumption for a normal year. There will be an estimated need for about 500-1000 energy experts to work with energy declarations in the future. The requirements on these experts are apart from the right education, also a couple of years of experience from the energy business. This can be hard to fulfil for a newly examined engineer. This report focuses on the simplified energy declaration. In a couple of years when building will need to be inspected more thoroughly, there might be a need for more information to be collected. How this can be done in the different estate management computer software that are available, could be a base for future work in this area.

Upphandling av vinterväghållning

Zetterström, Carina, Isaksson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
This report was undertaken at the request of the Management and maintenance department of Swedish National Road Authority (Vägverket Region Sydöst) in Jönköping. In 1992, the management and maintenance of Swedish roads were laid out on external constructors. When putting out a tender for the work, the foundation is from a national set of rules which are in constant change. This report is limited to winter road upkeep. The trend in the invitation for tenders is that it is moving from the more conventional executional demands towards the less controlling demands. The downside of functional, less controlling demands is that it is difficult to articulate how to measure them. The order authority therefore has to find ways to make sure to get what has been paid for. In connection to the invitation for tender of winter road upkeep for 2005, the new set of rules, ATB Vinter 2003 was deployed. The main purpose of this thesis is to see which the big changes in the set of rules are and how these changes affect the organisation and activities of the constructor. It is also studied how the changes in execution is perceived by road users and how it affects the possibilities of the constructor to come as a newcomer to a new area of administration. Interviews and examination of sets of rules has led to a list of a number of changes that the constructors feel affect their work in any sense. Views from road users that have come in to the order authority have been scrutinized to see how they have experienced the change. When selecting which areas of administration to examine, care was taken to ensure that one was where the same constructor secured a renewed contract for the area over the gap of changing rules and the other one was area where the constructor was a newcomer. The result shows a number of changes and how these affect both the constructors and the road users. The report describes how winter road upkeep is maintained in the south of Sweden and the cooperation between buyer and constructor.

Funktionsentreprenad för beläggning och vägmarkering / Function contract regarding pavement and road markings

Axelsson, Johan, Göransson, Nicklas January 2007 (has links)
<p>This report is written in cooperation with the Swedish National Road Administration South-Eastern Region in Jönköping. The report is a result of the evaluation to give an answer to the question about how well the function contract has been carried out on the E4 in Östergötlands and Jönköpings län. The evaluation is divided in two hard parameters and one soft.</p><p>The Swedish National Road Administration is interested in knowing how the standard on the road have been changed during the functions period, which is the reason why the first hard parameter is considering road standard. To evaluate the standard there have been a comparison of values from measures taken every year on the current road stretch. The second hard parameter considers economy. The Swedish National Road Administration wants to know if there are any economic reasons to continue this sort of purchasing, which only contains requirements of functions. The third and last parameter contains experiences from each part of the function contract and what each part thinks about this kind of contract.</p><p>The result of the research dealing road standard indicates a clear increase of standard ensuring roughness and road markings. In an economic point of view the function contract shows many benefits, one of them is that the Swedish National Road Administration South-Eastern Region has paid a smaller amount of money compared to the calculated cost of purchase the same measures in a traditional contract. Based on the answers from the interviews the overall opinion of the function contract is very good, from each part of the function contract.</p><p>The final conclusion is that this kind of contract suits very well for this sort of project and that the Swedish National Road Administration South-Eastern Region should use this kind of contract for the E4 also in the future.</p> / <p>Denna rapport är skriven i samarbete med Vägverket Region Sydöst som ett resultat av den utvärdering som gjorts för att ge ett svar på hur bra den funktionsupphandling som är gjord på E4:an i Östergötlands och Jönköpings län fungerar. Den studie som ligger till grund för rapporten är uppdelad i tre olika parametrar, två hårda och en mjuk.</p><p>Den första hårda parametern handlar om vägstandard då Vägverket är intresserade av att veta hur den förändrats under funktionsperioden. För att få fram en mätbar siffra på detta har en jämförelse av värden från de årliga vägytemätningarna på den aktuella vägsträckan gjorts. Man vill även få reda på om det är ekonomiskt hållbart att upphandla standard endast med hjälp av funktionskrav, därför handlar den andra hårda parametern om ekonomi. I den mjuka parametern vill man få reda på vad berörda aktörer tycker om funktionsentreprenaden. Genom intervjuer och samtal med personer som berörs av entreprenaden vill man få reda på vilka erfarenheter man har fått av den tid som hittills förflutit.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningen av vägstandarden visar indikationer på en tydlig standardhöjning sett till ojämnheter och vägmarkeringar. Ekonomiskt sett finns det också fördelar med funktionsentreprenaden, då Vägverket Region Sydöst fått lägga ut en lägre summa pengar under funktionsentreprenaden än vad det skulle kostat att upphandla samma åtgärder med utförandeentreprenad. Baserat på de intervjuer som genomförts har man kommit fram till att entreprenaden ses med positiva ögon från såväl beställarhåll som entreprenörhåll.</p><p>Slutsatsen med rapporten är därmed att denna upphandlingsform lämpar sig mycket väl för denna typ av projekt och att Vägverket Region Sydöst bör använda sig av denna upphandlingsform för den valda vägsträckan även i framtiden.</p>

IAS Water project in Sudan

Johansson, Samuel January 2007 (has links)
<p>Northern Bahr el Ghazal area in southwestern part of Sudan was severely affected by the civil wars in Sudan. This has led to lacks of development in most areas, not least water supply. In combination with a high number of refugees returning to the area the water situation is very difficult.</p><p>This study is made to investigate how the water project of International Aid Services (IAS) is working. First I wanted to get a good image of the different areas connected to the IAS water project such as community mobilization, drilling and water source and sanitation education.</p><p>At the time of my studies the Community Mobilization Unit (CMU) had just began their work, therefore the system with Water Source and Sanitation Committees had not yet been really implemented. However, some had been formed but not trained.</p><p>The drilling is performed using two different methods, Mud Rotary and Air Flush. Mud Rotary is used in clay soil and Air Flush is used in more rocky soil.</p><p>One of the main problem issues is transport, mainly transport of drilling machines, well material and water used during drilling. Problems in the means of transport are the terrible conditions of the roads which also lead to terrible conditions of the vehicles, especially the heavy vehicles which are very old.</p><p>Another main problem is supplies, especially supplies of spares for the vehicles and equipment but also food and other essentials. Many things have to be brought from other countries via Khartoum and then by lorry to Northern Bahr el Ghazal.</p><p>One of my conclusions is that much weight must be put on the county community mobilization to really involve the local people in the project so that they feel responsible for the well after it has been handed over. This is crucial to get full impact of the project.</p><p>Another conclusion is that if supplies could be handled through Southern Sudan (Juba) it could cut down transport time and costs. But this cannot be realized yet since the range of things in Juba is rather limited compared to Khartoum.</p><p>Finally I believe that the personnel must be very observant for coming breakdowns and report this immediately to enable ordering spares, etc. as soon as possible and minimize the time standing still.</p>

Studentbostäder i Jönköping - var och hur?

Marcinkeviciute, Giedre, Lerstorp, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
<p>Allt från artiklar i tidningar, till demonstrationer och ockupationer tyder på attbostadsbristen för unga och studenter är stor just nu. Till hösten 2009 väntas ovanligtmånga söka till högskolestudier runt om i landet och därför ligger det i tiden attundersöka vad man kan göra åt bristen på studentbostäder.</p><p>Detta arbete syftar till att ta fram förslag och undersöka lösningar åt kommunen iJönköping, för att underlätta deras arbete i att skapa nya möjligheter tillstudentbostäder kommunen.</p><p>Tomtinventeringar och studier av referensobjekt har genomförts och redovisas i dennarapport. Detta ledde till att tre olika områden valdes ut och gavs förslag på lägenheter.Dessa inkluderades i en enkät som gavs ut till studenter vid Högskolan i Jönköping,vilken visade på hur och var studenter vill bo i Jönköping, samt några av derasförutsättningar.</p><p>Som resultat av denna rapport redovisas statistik från undersökningen, bland annat attstudenter vill ha tillgång till kök i den egna lägenheten, samt att ungefär en fjärdedelav studenterna äger en eller flera bilar. Dessutom menar resultatet att studenter vill bopå halvcentralt avstånd från skolan, med en månadshyra på max 3500-4000kr.Tillsammans med detta redovisas en områdesplanering över det gamla ”KabeSommarland”, som var det vinnande förslaget i undersökningen.</p><p>Slutligen sammanfattas även några punkter med tips på vad studenter vill ha och hurman kan lösa dessa behov. Vidare nämns också några förslag på framtida arbete.</p> / <p>Everything from articles in newspapers, to demonstrations and occupations indicatesthat the lack of housing for young people and students is huge right now. By theautumn of 2009 it’s expected unusually many new applicants for higher education inthe entire country and therefore it is in time to examine what to do about the lack ofstudent housing.</p><p>This work aims to develop proposals and investigate solutions to the municipality ofJönköping, in order to help out in their work in creating new opportunities for studenthousing.</p><p>Site inventories, together with studies of reference objects have been carried out andpresented in this report. This led to that three different sites were selected and eachgiven suggestions on apartments. These were included in a questionnaire that wasgiven out to students at Jönköping University, which showed how and where studentswant to live, and some of their conditions.</p><p>As a result of this report statistics from the survey are presented, which among otherthings presents that students want access to a kitchen in their own apartment, and alsothat approximately one quarter of the students owns one or more cars. Furthermore,the results mean that the students want to live on half-center distance from the school,with a monthly rent of up to 3500-4000 SEK. Together with this, an area in the old“Kabe Sommarland”, which was the winning proposal in the survey, was planned.</p><p>Finally, the report summarizes some tips on what students want and how to solvethese needs. In addition we also mention some ideas for future work.</p>

Fire Resistance in Cross-laminated Timber : Brandmotstånd hos korslaminerat massiv trä

Wilinder, Per January 2010 (has links)
<p>This report deals with the fire resistance of cross-laminated timber (CLT). Themain purpose is to verify a new model on CLT and its ability to sustain itsbearing capacity when exposed to fire. To establish this, a series of bendingtestshas been conducted in combination with fire exposure of the CLT. Twodifferent series, with different dimensions, of beams were tested (series 1 andseries 2). Four basic set-ups: CLT in tension or compression, either equippedwith fire protective covering or not. Results from the tests has been gatheredand evaluated to verify the theoretical model of the fire resistance. Evaluationwas made through analysis of the residual cross-sections of the beamsregarding charring depth and rate and moment of inertia (I).Results of the tests verify to a large extent the Design model. Externalproblems and variations in the beams themselves caused some deviations.Analysis confirmed the CLT as being more similar to other laminated productssuch as Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) then homogenous solid beams. BothCLT and LVL experience delamination when exposed to fire resulting in anincreased charring rate. The difference in rate when using Gypsum plaster as aprotective barrier against the fire exposure is also equal to LVL.The results of the report will be used in the new version of the EuropeanStandard, Euro Code 5 and in the third edition of Fire Safe Timber Buildings.Charring rates proved to be less than expected but the CLTs ability to withstandfire while keeping its bearing capacity</p>

Uppvärmning av nybyggda villor - med solfångare och pellets / Heating of newly built one-family houses - with solar panels and pellet

Sjöström, Caroline January 2010 (has links)
<p>Boverket har från och med januari 2010 skärpt energikraven vid nybyggnation. De nya kraven har tillsammans med stigande energipriser och ett ökat miljömedvetande i samhället, satt fokus på att bygga täta och välisolerade hus. Detta beskrivs i arbetets inledning. Samtidigt bör husets uppvärmning och ventilation vara energieffektiv och förnybara energikällor användas, som solenergi och biobränslen. Syftet med rapporten är att analysera om solfångare i kombination med en pelletspanna eller -kamin är ett bra alternativ för uppvärmning av nybyggda villor från VärsåsVillan AB. I rapporten diskuteras detta ur ett miljö-, drifts- och ekonomiskt perspektiv. </p><p>Solfångare levererar gratis värme utan miljöpåverkan under drift. Mina beräkningar visar att de kan täcka 30 % av uppvärmningsbehovet i ett lågenergihus. Med stigande energipriser lönar sig solfångare i längden.</p><p>Pellets är ett förädlat biobränsle med högt energivärde, som med modern utrustning bör betraktas som ett klimatsmart alternativ för småskalig uppvärmning. Solfångare och pellets är en bra kombination både miljö- och driftmässigt. Under sommarhalvåret svarar solfångarna för ca 90 % av uppvärmningen, vilket innebär att pannan eller kaminen stängs av. Under vinterhalvåret blir pelletseldningen effektivare, vilket ger en renare förbränning än under sommaren.</p><p>Som bas i ett sol-pelletssystem används en 300-750 liters tekniktank, med en elpatron som reserv. Detta ger ett flexibelt system, där gratisenergin från solfångarna utnyttjas i första hand. Även under vår- och höstmånaderna kan värmetillskottet från solfångarna bli relativt stort.</p><p>Fyra av VärsåsVillans kataloghus valdes till en studie. Husens energianvändning med ett sol-pelletssystem, respektive nya frånluftsvärmepumpen Nibe F750<em>, </em>har beräknats och jämförts. Eftersom nybyggda hus i regel inte har något pannrum är en vattenmantlad kamin ett bra alternativ. Efter påfyllning fungerar den helautomatiskt som en panna, samtidigt som den skapar en trivsam inomhusmiljö.</p><p>Beräkningarna visar att de studerade husen uppfyller energikraven (BBR) med god marginal om de värms med ett sol-pelletssystem. Om en ventilationsvärmeväxlare installeras sänks behovet av köpt energi med 20-30 kWh/m² och år. Slutsatsen är att ett flexibelt uppvärmningssystem och ett effektivt ventilationssystem ger en energisnål och miljövänlig totallösning, både idag och med tanke på framtidens osäkra energipriser. Solfångare och en vattenmantlad kamin är tillsammans med en ventilationsvärmeväxlare därför en intressant lösning i lågenergihus, framförallt på landsbygden. I tätbebyggda områden är fjärrvärme och solfångare ett lika bra uppvärmningsalternativ.</p><p>Sol-pelletssystem kan i dagsläget inte konkurrera med frånluftsvärmepumpen ekonomiskt. Investeringskostnaden är betydligt högre, medan driftskostnaderna blir likvärdiga. Samtidigt är frånluftsvärmepumpen ett bekvämare alternativ, vilket gör den till ett attraktivt val för uppvärmning av nybyggda villor.</p> / <p>From January 2010, the National Housing Board has tightened the energy requirements to new buildings in Sweden. The new requirements have together with rising energy prices and an increased environmental awareness in the community, put focus on building tight and well-insulated houses. This is described in the report’s introduction. At the same time heating and ventilation need to be energy efficient and renewable energy sources ought to be used, as solar energy and bio-fuels. The aim of the report is to analyse if solar panels and pellet is a good combination to heat newly built one-family houses from VärsåsVillan AB. The report discusses this from an environmental, operational and economic perspective.</p><p>Solar panels produce free heat without environmental impact during operation. The calculations show that they can cover 30 % of the heating needs in a low energy house. With rising energy prices, solar panels are profitable in the long run.</p><p>Pellet is a processed bio-fuel with a high energy content, as with modern equipment is considered as a climate-smart option for small-scale heating. Solar panels and pellet is a good combination, both environmentally and operationally. During the summer half, the solar panels answers for 90 % of the heating needs, which means that a boiler or stove during this time is not in use. In the winter pellet heating becomes more efficient, resulting in less emissions than in summer.</p><p>The base in a solar-pellet system is a technique tank at 300-750 litres, with an electric heater as backup. This provides a flexible system, using the free energy from the solar panels at first. Even during spring and autumn, solar panels can give a relative large contribution of heat.</p><p>Four of VärsåsVillan’s houses were selected to a study. The houses’ energy use with a solar-pellet system and a new exhaust air heat pump, Nibe F750, has been calculated and compared. As new houses usually do not have a boiler room, a water-jacketed stove is a good solution. After loading with pellet, it works fully automatic as a boiler, while creating a pleasant indoor environment.</p><p>The calculations show that the studied houses will meet the energy requirements (in BBR) with a good margin, when they are heated with a solar-pellet system. If a ventilation heat exchanger also is installed, the need for purchased energy is reduced with 20-30 kWh/m² and year. The conclusion is that a flexible heating system and an efficient ventilation system provides an energy efficient and environmentally friendly total solution, both today and in view of future uncertain energy prices. Solar panels and a water-jacketed stove is together with a ventilation heat exchanger, therefore an interesting solution for low energy houses, especially in rural areas. In urban areas, district heating and solar panels is an equally good alternative.</p><p>Today, a solar-pellet system cannot compete economically with the exhaust air heat pump. The investment cost is considerably higher, while the operating costs will be equivalent. The exhaust air heat pump is also a more comfortable alternative, which makes it to an attractive choice for heating of newly built one-family houses.</p>

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