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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mudança cognitiva em obesos  com comprometimento cognitivo leve submetidos à perda intencional de peso / Cognitive change in elderly obese with mild cognitive impairment undergoing intentional weight

Nidia Celeste Horie 12 February 2015 (has links)
Obesidade na idade adulta é um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de demência. O aumento da prevalência de obesidade, assim como o aumento da expectativa de vida na população tornam mais importante avaliar estratégias de prevenção e tratamento que possam diminuir o risco de declínio cognitivo. Neste estudo, foi avaliado se, em idosos obesos com Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve, a perda de peso induzida por dieta poderia melhorar aspectos da cognição, e se o genótipo para apoliproteína E, perfil metabólico e marcadores inflamatórios também teriam influência. Foi realizado um ensaio clínico prospectivo, randomizado de 1:1, de 12 meses, no Ambulatório de Endocrinologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, entre 2011 e 2013, incluindo pacientes com 60 anos ou mais, com índice de massa corporal maior ou igual a 30 kg/m2, com Comprometimento cognitivo leve. Eles foram randomizados em dois grupos, um com assistência médica convencional (grupo convencional), outro adicionalmente com reuniões de orientação alimentar (26 a 28 sessões em 12 meses), com objetivo de obter maior perda de peso (grupo intensivo). Dos 1605 voluntários foram selecionados 80 pacientes, com idade média de 68,1 ±4,9 anos, escolaridade de 8,8 ±4,6 anos, IMC 35,5±4,4kg/m2; 13 (16,3%) eram do sexo masculino, 67 (83,6%) apresentavam síndrome metabólica; 50 (62,5%) eram fisicamente ativos. Os grupos eram semelhantes quanto às características iniciais. Após 12 meses, houve diminuição média de IMC de 1,7±1,8kg/m2 (4,9% do peso), e 85% da perda de peso foi em gordura corporal; sendo a variação semelhante entre os grupos. Para a maioria dos testes cognitivos aplicados houve melhora, sem diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. Na análise do grupo todo, a perda de peso induzida por dieta foi associada a melhora em avaliação de memória, função executiva, atenção e queixas subjetivas, tendo sido essa associação mais forte abaixo dos 70 anos e em carreadores do alelo 4 da apoliproteína E. Variação de insulinemia, HOMA-IR, triglicérides, proteína C reativa e leptina estiveram associadas à melhora em alguns testes cognitivos; risco maior de piora foi associado a níveis mais altos de pressão arterial (memória e cognição global) e de hemoglobina glicada (executivo/visuo-espacial) e de IL6 (atenção e velocidade de processamento); adiponectina mais alta diminuiu risco de piora (memória visual/verbal). Houve melhora principalmente em memória verbal, visual e memória de trabalho associadas à dieta, com relação à diminuição de consumo calórico, de carboidratos e gorduras, e sem relação com diminuição de consumo proteico. Houve melhora na avaliação funcional em relação à velocidade de marcha e força de membros inferiores e melhora na qualidade de vida associada à capacidade funcional, mostrando que a intervenção não trouxe prejuízo a essas áreas. A intervenção com restrição calórica em idosos obesos, com objetivo de promover perda de peso, foi benéfica em diversos aspectos da cognição e segura do ponto de vista funcional / Obesity in adulthood is a risk factor for developing dementia. The populational rise in obesity and life expectancy increase the importance of search for strategies for prevention and treatment to reduce the risk of cognitive decline. In this study we evaluated if in elderly obese with Mild Cognitive Impairment, weight loss induced by diet could improve aspects of cognition, and if the apolipoprotein E genotype, metabolic profile and inflammatory markers also influence these tests. A prospective, randomized clinical trial was conducted at Ambulatório de Endocrinologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, between 2011 and 2013, including patients 60 years or older, with a body mass index greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2, with mild cognitive impairment. They were randomized into two groups and followed by 12 months, one with conventional medical care (conventional group), another with also group meetings with nutricionists (26-28 sessions over 12 months), in order to achieve greater weight loss (intensive group). Of the 1605 volunteers were selected 80 subjects, mean age 68.1 ± 4.9 years, education 8.8 ± 4.6 years, BMI 35.5 ± 4.4kg/m2; 13 were male (16.3%), 67 (83.6%) had metabolic syndrome; 50 were physically active. The groups had similar baseline characteristics. After 12 months there was a decrease in BMI of 1.7 ± 1.8 kg/m2 (4.9% of weight), and 85% weight loss was in fat; similar between groups. There was improvement for most of the cognitive tests, without difference between groups. In the analysis of the whole group, the weight loss induced by diet was associated with improvements in memory, executive function, attention and subjective complaints, though this association was strongest under 70 years of age and in carriers of the ?4 allele of apolipoprotein E. Changes in insulin, HOMA-IR, triglycerides, C-reactive protein and leptin were associated with improvement in some cognitive tests; increased risk of worsening was associated with higher blood pressure levels (memory and global cognition), HbA1c (executive / visuospatial) and IL6 (attention and processing speed); higher adiponectin decreased risk of worsening (visual memory/verbal). There was improvement in verbal, visual and working memory associated with diet, with respect to decreased caloric intake, carbohydrates and fats, and unrelated to decreased protein intake memory. There was improvement in functional assessment in relation to gait speed and lower limb strength and improvement in quality of life associated with functional capacity, showing that the intervention did not bring damage to these areas. Intervention with caloric restriction in obese elderly, in order to promote weight loss was safe and had beneficial effects in cognition

Rôle de la plasticité comportementale dans l'adaptation aux variations nutritionnelles chez un primate malgache / Role of behavioural plasticity in the adaptation to nutritional variations in a Malagasy primate

Villain, Nicolas 17 January 2017 (has links)
Afin de se maintenir au sein d'un environnement changeant, les individus doivent mettre en place une réponse adéquate. Il est connu que les animaux ont la capacité d'ajuster leur comportement à leur environnement. Cette plasticité comportementale, permet une réponse adaptée et relativement rapide aux variations de l'environnement, maximisant ainsi les chances de survie et de transmission des gènes. Elle met en jeu des processus cérébraux couteux en énergie rendant ces adaptations particulièrement sensibles à des changements alimentaires. Le but de cette thèse a été de mieux comprendre les facteurs qui contraignent ces réponses chez une espèce à laquelle s'applique une forte pression de sélection. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié les réponses comportementales d'un primate malgache, le microcèbe gris (Microcebus murinus) soumis à des changements dans la quantité ou la qualité des ressources alimentaires disponibles. La première partie de ce travail s'est intéressée aux effets à court terme d'une restriction alimentaire sans malnutrition. Cette partie comprenait deux études. La première s'intéressant aux effets d'une restriction alimentaire à 60% sans malnutrition sur la plasticité comportementale innée via l’étude de l'horloge biologique. Les résultats de cette étude montrent une diminution de la capacité à se resynchroniser après un décalage horaire en lien avec la perte de poids. Ainsi, les individus perdant le plus de poids sont le moins à même de se resynchroniser sur les cycles lumineux après un décalage horaire de 6 heures. La seconde s'intéressait aux effets d'une restriction alimentaire de 40% sans malnutrition sur la plasticité comportementale acquise et montre une diminution de la capacité d'apprentissage des individus restreints après 19 jours de traitement alimentaire sans influence sur la mémoire à long terme. La moindre capacité d’apprentissage chez les individus en restriction calorique est corrélée à la perte de poids, les individus perdant le plus de poids étant les moins performants. Dans une seconde partie j’ai étudié l'effet de modifications qualitatives de l'alimentation à travers une supplémentation à long terme des individus en acides gras polyinsaturés n-3. Cette partie m’a permis de mettre en évidence une amélioration des performances d'apprentissage chez les individus supplémentés après 18 mois de traitement alimentaire accompagnée d'une diminution de l'anxiété et d'une augmentation de la neurogenèse adulte dans trois zones cérébrales.Ces travaux démontrent que les variations nutritionnelles, qu’elles soient quantitatives ou qualitatives sont capables d’influencer les différentes formes de plasticités comportementales et donc les grandes fonctions cérébrales et constituent ainsi un paramètre clé dans l’adaptation et la survie des individus. / In order to survive in a changing environment, individuals have to express an appropriate response. It is known that animals have the ability to adjust their behaviour to their environment. This behavioural plasticity allows a quick and adapted response to environmental variations, maximizing the individual'ssurvival and gene transmission. This plasticity relies on costly brain processes making these adaptations particularly dependent of food availability and maybe quality.This thesis project aimed at better understanding the constraints of these responses in a species under a strong selection pressure. To investigate this problematic, we studied the behavioural responses of a small Malagasy primate, the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), to both quantitative and qualitative changes in food resources. The first part of this work investigated the effect of a short-term caloric restriction without malnutrition over two studies. In the first one, we studied the effects of a 60% caloric restriction without malnutrition on innate behavioural plasticity via the study of the biological clock. The results show a decrease in the ability to resynchronize on a light/dark cycle following a time-shift. This difficulty to resynchronize was linked to body mass loss, the individuals loosing the more weight being the one unable to resynchronize after the 6-hours time shift. In the second study, we investigated the effect of a 40% caloric restriction without malnutrition on acquired behavioural plasticity. This study show a decrease in learning abilities of the restricted individuals after 19 days of dietary treatment and no influence on long term memory. This decrease in learning abilities was also linked with body mass loss, with the individuals loosing the more weight being the one with the worst success rate during this task. The second part focused on the effects of a qualitative variation in food supply via a long-term supplementation with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. This part allowed us to show an increase in learning abilities associated with increased neurogenesis in three brain zones for supplemented animals after 18 month of treatment as well as a decrease of their anxiety level.This thesis work show that both quantitative and qualitative nutritional variations are able to influence different forms of behavioural plasticity and their cerebral basis and are of particular importance in the adaptation and survival of individuals.

Caractérisation de l'attirance des enfants pour la saveur sucrée : rôles des expériences alimentaires et apport de l'imagerie cérébrale / Characterization of children's sweetness attraction : role of dietary experiences and contribution of brain imaging

Divert-Henin, Camille 14 December 2015 (has links)
Il a été largement démontré que la saveur sucrée était la saveur la plus appréciée chez les nouveau-nés et que cette attirance demeurait élevée tout au long de l’enfance et de l’adolescence. Il semble primordial de mieux caractériser le comportement alimentaire des enfants pour cette saveur en s’intéressant au rôle joué par les expériences alimentaires et aux apprentissages qui en découlent dans la mise en place de l’attirance pour les aliments et boissons sucrés. Pour répondre à cette problématique nous avons allié une approche comportementale et une approche en imagerie cérébrale (IRMf) chez les enfants de 7-12 ans afin de caractériser leur comportement alimentaire envers la saveur sucrée. Les résultats montrent peu de liens entre expositions à la saveur sucrée et attirance pour la saveur sucrée. Cependant, l’attirance pour la saveur sucrée est fortement associée à la quantité de glucides simples consommés en situation de libre choix. De plus, les sucres caloriques jouent un rôle renforçateur dans l’apprentissage de l’appréciation d’une flaveur nouvelle et l’exposition répétée à des boissons sucrées et édulcorées permet aux enfants d’apprendre à compenser l’énergie consommée aux repas suivants l’ingestion des boissons. La compensation n’est cependant que partielle. Enfin, les analyses en IRMf suggèrent que plus les enfants sont exposés aux boissons sucrées moins il y a d’activation en réponse aux sucres au niveau de régions du circuit de la récompense. Par une approche originale, ces travaux ont permis de mieux caractériser l’attirance des enfants pour la saveur sucrée et soulignent le rôle des apprentissages dans la mise en place des préférences alimentaires. / It has been widely demonstrated that infants have a higher preference for sweetness than for any other tastes and that sweetness attraction remain high throughout childhood and adolescence. Therefore, better characterizing children’s eating behavior toward sweetness by evaluating the role of food experiences and learning in the development of children’s attraction toward sweet foods and drinks seems essential. To better address this issue behavioral and brain imaging (fMRI) protocols were combined in 7 to 12 year-old children in order to characterize in different ways their eating behavior toward sweetness. Results showed few links between early and current sweetness exposure and attraction toward sweet taste. However, attraction toward sweet taste is strongly associated with simple carbohydrate intake in a free choice buffet. Moreover, nutritive carbohydrates play a reinforcing role in food learning in terms of children’s food liking. Children’s capacities to compensate the calories consumed in a preload drink are learned after repeated exposures to caloric and non-caloric drinks. However, caloric compensation remains uncomplete. Furthermore, fMRI data suggest that sweet drink exposure could lead to decreased activations in regions involved in food reward. Using an original methodological approach, the present work resulted in a better characterization of children’s attraction toward sweetness. Moreover, these results give an interesting insight regarding the role of experiences with sweet foods and drinks during childhood in the development of children’s food preferences.

Influence of Caloric Vestibular Stimulation on Body Experience in Healthy Humans

Schönherr, Andreas, May, Christian Albrecht 16 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The vestibular system has more connections with and influence on higher cortical centers than previously thought. These interactions with higher cortical centers and the phenomena that they elicit require a structural intact cerebral cortex. To date, little is known about the role and influence of the vestibular system on one’s body experience. In this study we show that caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) in healthy participants has an effect on the perceptive component of one’s body experience. After CVS all participants showed a statistically significant difference of thigh width estimation. In contrast to previous studies, which demonstrated an influence of CVS on higher cortical centers with an intact cerebral cortex both the cognitive and affective component of body experience were not effected by the CVS. Our results demonstrate the influence of the vestibular system on body perception and emphasize its role in modulating different perceptive-qualities which contributes to our body experience. We found that CVS has a limited influence on one’s conscious state, thought process and higher cortical functions.

Influence of Caloric Vestibular Stimulation on Body Experience in Healthy Humans

Schönherr, Andreas, May, Christian Albrecht 16 January 2017 (has links)
The vestibular system has more connections with and influence on higher cortical centers than previously thought. These interactions with higher cortical centers and the phenomena that they elicit require a structural intact cerebral cortex. To date, little is known about the role and influence of the vestibular system on one’s body experience. In this study we show that caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) in healthy participants has an effect on the perceptive component of one’s body experience. After CVS all participants showed a statistically significant difference of thigh width estimation. In contrast to previous studies, which demonstrated an influence of CVS on higher cortical centers with an intact cerebral cortex both the cognitive and affective component of body experience were not effected by the CVS. Our results demonstrate the influence of the vestibular system on body perception and emphasize its role in modulating different perceptive-qualities which contributes to our body experience. We found that CVS has a limited influence on one’s conscious state, thought process and higher cortical functions.

Význam produkce oxidu dusnatého a reaktivních forem kyslíku při akutním koronárním syndromu / NITRIC OXIDE AND REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES IN ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME

Šnorek, Michal January 2013 (has links)
In cardiology, there are different conditions associated with the release of free radicals in some forms of hypoxia, such as ventilatory hypoxia or reduced perfusion. The role of free radicals during hypoxia in cardiology is the key point of our interest. In presented thesis, we have focused on hypoxia-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction and acute myocardial ischemia. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV), an important physiological mechanism, is regulated by changes in the production of and interactions among reactive oxygen species (ROS). There is controversy, however, over whether HPV is mediated by an increase or a decrease in ROS production. Also, the role of nitric oxide (NO) in HPV remains unclear. Our results indicate that inhibition of HPV by the superoxide dismutase mimetic tempol does not depend on either NO production or a decrease in basal vascular tone. The effect of three-day fasting on cardiac ischemic tolerance was investigated in another experimental model. Short-term fasting conclusively decreases ROS production. Three-day fasting effectively protected rat hearts against major endpoints of acute ischemia-reperfusion injury. It prevented severe ventricular arrhythmias and reduced the extent of myocardial infarction. These beneficial effects can be linked to altered mitochondrial redox...

Age and Sex-Specific Effect of Caloric Restriction on Circadian Clock and Longevity-Associated Gene Expression

Astafev, Artem Andreyevich 20 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Effets cardiométaboliques de la restriction calorique seule ou en combinaison avec l’activité physique dans le diabète de type 2

Leroux-Stewart, Josée 08 1900 (has links)
Le diabète de type 2 (DbT2) est une maladie chronique caractérisée par des taux sanguins élevés de glucose pouvant engendrer de multiples complications, sources de morbidité et mortalité importantes. De façon alarmante, la prévalence mondiale est en augmentation due en grande partie au vieillissement de la population et à l’adoption d’habitudes de vie (HDV) malsaines. La sédentarité et la mauvaise qualité alimentaire sont à la base d’une épidémie d’obésité qui joue un rôle crucial dans la pathogénèse du DbT2. La modification des HDV en visant une balance calorique négative demeure un traitement primordial dans la prise en charge de cette maladie. Toutefois, il persiste un doute par rapport à la thérapie à privilégier entre une restriction calorique (RC) ou une combinaison d’une thérapie à base de RC et d’activité physique (AP), afin de favoriser une perte de masse grasse et de gras épicardique. Ce dernier représente le gras viscéral du cœur et est un marqueur émergent qui pourrait aider dans la stratification du risque cardiovasculaire. Le but général de ce mémoire est de caractériser les effets indépendants de la RC et de l’AP sur le gras total, le gras épicardique et le profil cardiométabolique des personnes atteintes de DbT2. Pour ce faire, une étude randomisée contrôlée de 16 semaines fut menée avec 73 patients répartis en 3 groupes de randomisation (Contrôle, RC, RC+AP) en visant un déficit calorique similaire dans les 2 groupes d’intervention. Les résultats ont démontré que la combinaison RC+AP favorise une réduction plus significative de la masse grasse totale et de l’épaisseur du gras épicardique. Toutefois, il n’y a pas eu d’amélioration additionnelle du profil cardiométabolique. Ces résultats doivent maintenant être validés dans de plus grosses études. / Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar that can lead to many complications with potential morbid outcomes. Alarmingly, the worldwide prevalence is increasing at a high rate mainly du to aging and harmful lifestyle habits. In fact, inactivity and poor food choices are at the heart of an obesity epidemic that plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of T2D. Lifestyle modifications thus play an important role in patient care. However, it remains uncertain which therapy between a caloric restriction (CR) alone or a combination of CR plus physical activity (PA) should be encouraged to achieve better reduction in fat mass and in epicardial fat thickness. The latter represents the visceral fat depot of the heart and is emerging as an important marker for predicting and stratifying cardiovascular risk. The objective of this Master’s thesis is to better characterize the independent effects of CR and PA on total fat mass, epicardial fat, and overall cardiometabolic profile of patients with T2D. To achieve this, a randomized controlled 16-week trial was performed, with 73 patients randomized to 1 of 3 groups (Control, CR, or CR+PA), while aiming for a similar caloric deficit in both intervention groups. Results showed that the combination of CR+PA allows a larger reduction of fat mass and epicardial fat thickness. However, these findings did not translate into significant differences in cardiometabolic improvements between groups. These results now need to be validated in larger cohorts with longer follow-ups.

Auswirkungen religiösen Fastens auf anthropometrische Parameter, Blutfettwerte und Hämodynamik normalgewichtiger gesunder Probanden

Liebscher, Daniela 26 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ärzte sind in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft gefordert, gesundheitsrelevante kulturelle Besonderheiten wie das religiös motivierte Fasten zu berücksichtigen, welches in unterschiedlicher Ausprägung in vielen Religionen eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt. Im Judentum gibt es vierundzwanzigstündige Fastenzeiten mit strikter Nahrungs- und Flüssigkeitskarenz. Im Christentum gibt es Fasten, welche eine veränderte Zusammensetzung der Nahrung während der Fastentage vorsehen, wie das Fasten der griechisch-orthodoxen Kirche oder das Daniel Fasten, während bei römisch-katholischen oder protestantischen Fastenexerzitien oft Heilfasten mit Nahrungskarenz praktiziert werden. Im muslimischen Mondmonat Ramadan wird tagsüber sowohl auf Nahrung als auch auf Trinken verzichtet. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war, die bisher erforschten Auswirkungen der verschiedenen Fastenarten auf anthropometrische Parameter, Blutfettwerte und Hämodynamik bei normalgewichtigen, gesunden Fastenden zu untersuchen. Die Literaturrecherche wurde vorwiegend in pubmed und für das Heilfasten zusätzlich in zwei Spezialbibliotheken durchgeführt. Bei der Auswertung erfolgte zur Verbesserung der Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse eine Einteilung der Studien in Gruppen nach definierten Qualitätskriterien. Zur Beurteilung der Ergebnisse wurde einzeln auf die untersuchten Themenkomplexe eingegangen. Anthropometrische Parameter: Während beim Jom Kippur nur eine leichte Abnahme des Körpergewichts aufgrund von Verschiebungen im Flüssigkeitshaushalt vorkamen, konnten bei einwöchigem Heilfasten und beim Daniel Fasten keine signifikanten Ergebnisse dokumentiert werden. Beim griechisch-orthodoxen und Ramadan-Fasten zeigte sich eine Abnahmetendenz für Gewicht und Body-mass-Index (BMI), welche sich mit der Länge des Fastens zu verstärken scheint. Für keine der Fastenarten konnte bisher ein Rebound- Effekt nachgewiesen werden. Blutfette: Im Fettstoffwechsel beobachtete Veränderungen während des Jom Kippur sind aufgrund der Kürze des Fastens lediglich als passager zu bewerten. Die zum griechisch-orthodoxen und Daniel Fasten vorliegenden Studien konnten bisher die Reduktion des Gesamt- und LDL-Cholesterols belegen, während beim Heilfasten die kurzfristigen Effekte widersprüchlich erscheinen und wenig Langzeitergebnisse vorhanden sind. Beim Ramadan-Fasten war die Variabilität der Ergebnisse groß, wobei sich jedoch fast durchgehend eine Erhöhung der Werte für HDL und HDL-Cholesterol zeigte. Hämodynamik: Zusammenfassend kann man bei der dürftigen Studienlage für alle Fastenarten entweder keine Veränderung oder eine Tendenz zur Verbesserung der Blutdruckwerte sehen. Der Vergleich des menschlichen Fastens mit Grundlagenstudien zur Kalorienrestriktion oder zum intermittierenden Fasten bei Tieren, welche deutlich gesundheitsfördernde Ergebnisse zeigen, scheint nicht uneingeschränkt zulässig. Aufgrund der Studienlage kann derzeit nicht beantwortet werden, ob diese positiven Effekte auch durch regelmäßiges religiöses Fasten im menschlichen Körper erzielt werden können. Die meisten Studien zum religiösen Fasten sind Beobachtungsstudien, deren verschiedene Umgebungsbedingungen den Vergleich der Ergebnisse, insbesondere beim Ramadan-Fasten, erschweren. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen kommen die Studien aus Ländern, in denen das jeweilige Fasten traditionell praktiziert wird. Die Arbeit zeigt den Facettenreichtum der vorhandenen religiösen Fastenpraktiken und ihre Relevanz für die heutige medizinische Praxis. Lücken in der Studienlage und qualitative Mängel der bestehenden Daten konnten aufgezeigt werden. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Anzahl der qualitativ hochwertigen Studien zu allen verbreiteten Arten des Fastens weiterhin wächst und dass derzeit noch nicht medizinisch untersuchte Fasten zukünftig ebenso in die Forschung einbezogen werden. / In a multicultural society doctors are required to consider health-related cultural features such as religious fasting, which, to varying degrees, play a central role in many religions. In Judaism fasting is a strict twenty-four hour abstention from food and fluids. In Christianity there are fasts that involve a change in the variety of foods eaten, as is the case in the Greek Orthodox Church or in the Daniel Fast, while in Roman-Catholic or Protestant fasting retreats a juice fast is often observed. In the Islamic lunar month of Ramadan food and fluid intake is restricted to the night hours only. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the findings of existing research into the impact of different kinds of religious fasting on anthropometric parameters, blood lipids and haemodynamics of healthy people. The literature research has been carried out mainly through pubmed and for the juice fast two additional, specialised libraries were consulted. For the evaluation and a better comparability of the results the studies were classified into groups, defined by specific qualitative criteria. For the purpose of evaluating the results, they were analysed in groups according to the main criteria of the study. Anthropometric parameters: while during Jom Kippur only a slight reduction of body weight due to shifts in the body\\\'s fluid balance could be observed, in a one-week juice fast and in a Daniel Fast there were no significant changes. In the Greek Orthodox and Ramadan fasts a tendency to reduction of body weight and body mass index (BMI) were observed, which seemed to intensify according to the length of the fast. In none of these fasts a rebound effect was found. Blood lipids: the changes observed in lipid metabolism during Jom Kippur should be regarded as transient due to the shortness of the fast. The studies of Greek Orthodox and Daniel fasting have shown a reduction of total and LDL cholesterol, while those examining juice fasting reveal the short term effects as contradictory, with there being only few long term results available. The results pertaining to Ramadan fasting showed a high variability, though a rise in HDL and HDL cholesterol has been quite consistently reported. Haemodynamics: in summary it can be stated, considering the very sparse number of studies in this area, that in all of the above mentioned forms of religious fasting there was either no change or a slight tendency towards a reduction of blood pressure. The comparison of human fasting to experimental studies in caloric restriction or intermittent fasting in animals, which have clearly shown health enhancing effects, does not seem unconditionally valid. Based on the current state of science no definitive answer can be given on whether regular religious fasting can generate these positive results in humans. Most studies in the field of religious fasting are observational studies with differing environmental conditions, a fact that hampers the comparison of the results, especially for the Ramadan fast. Except for few exemptions the studies all originate in countries where the respective fast is traditionally held. This study revealed the great variety within the existing religious fasting practices and their relevance for today’s medical practice. Gaps in the current state of evidence and research as well as qualitative shortcomings in the existing data where revealed. It is to be hoped that the rise in high-quality studies of all common religious fasts will continue and that fasts, not medically studied to date, will in future also become the subject of research.

Efeitos de dois sistemas de acondicionamento sobre os índices ambientais e zootécnicos de poedeiras semi pesadas. / Effects of two coverlng systems on the environmental and zootechnical indexes of semi-heavy hens.

JÁCOME, Iánglio Márcio Travassos Duarte. 30 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-30T14:45:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IÁNGLIO MÁRCIO TRAVASSOS DUARTE JÁCOME - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2005..pdf: 24122932 bytes, checksum: 394218ab3657d7c67f9f55e27833d36b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-30T14:45:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IÁNGLIO MÁRCIO TRAVASSOS DUARTE JÁCOME - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2005..pdf: 24122932 bytes, checksum: 394218ab3657d7c67f9f55e27833d36b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-03 / O objetivo deste trabalho foi medir os efeitos de diferentes sistemas de acondicionamento ambiental sobre o desempenho de poedeiras comerciais semi pesadas vermelhas nas três fases de criação entre setembro de 2003 a maio de 2004. Foram utilizados dois galpões com acondicionamento térmico diferentes, sendo um com cobertura de telhas de cimento amianto (GTA) e outro com cobertura de telhas cerâmicas (GTC) e avaliados a temperatura do ar, índices de temperatura do globo negro e umidade (ITGU), carga térmica de radiação (CTR), umidade relativa do ar (UR) e níveis de ruído no interior das instalações. O desempenho das poedeiras, foi avaliado pela produção total e pela qualidade dos ovos. A fase experimental foi realizada em galpão de criação para poedeiras comerciais. Os índices ambientais foram medidos diariamente, em intervalos de duas horas, das 8 às 16 horas, nas áreas interna e externa dos galpões experimentais. A análise das médias mostrou que na fase de pinteiro, durante as primeiras semanas de vida, houve falha no aquecimento das pintainhas, com temperaturas atingindo no máximo 31,27°C no interior das instalações, sendo que a partir da 5a semana houve um inverso e as instalações não proporcionaram níveis adequados de conforto com temperaturas elevadas. A fase de recria foi a que apresentou maiores falhas nos níveis de conforto térmico e a fase de postura apresentou níveis adequados de conforto na maior parte dos horários analisados durante a fase experimental em virtude dos altos índices pluviométricos registrados na região nos meses de pesquisa. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio do teste t de Tukey ao nível de 1 e 5% de probabilidade, tendo em vista que o mesmo é recomendado para comparação de médias nas condições deste trabalho. Concluiu-se, baseado nos índices térmicos ambientais, que o sistema com telhas cerâmicas apresentou os melhores resultados de Temperatura ambiente, ITGU, CTR e UR, nas fases de recria e postura e baseado nos índices de desempenho produtivo das aves, a produção atingiu média de 90% no GTC e 87,20% no GTA. Em relação à qualidade do ovo houve diferenças estatísticas (P< 0,05) entre as aves mantidas nos diferentes galpões em relação ao peso do ovo e do albúmem, enquanto que as demais variáveis não apresentaram diferenças. / The objective of this work was to measure the effects of different systems of environmental conditions on the performance of red commercial semi-heavy hens in the three creation phases among September of 2003 to May of 2004. Two hangars were used with different thermal packaging, one with asbestos cement tiles covering (GTA) and other with ceramic tiles covering (GTC). The temperature of the air, indexes of temperatura of the black globe and humidity (ITGU), thermal load of radiation (CTR), relative humidity of the air (UR) and noise leveis inside the facilities were evaluated. The hens performance was evaluated by the total production and for the quality of the eggs. The experimental phase was accomplished at creation hangar for commercial hens. The environmental indexes were measured daily, in intervals of two hours, of the 8 to the 16 hours, in the internai and externai áreas of the experimental hangars. The analysis of the averages showed that in the birth phase, during the first weeks of life, there was failings in the heating of the bird, with temperaturas reaching at the most 31,27°C inside the facilities, and starting from to 5th week there was an inverse behavior and the facilities didn"t provide appropriate leveis of comfort with high temperaturas. The phase of rebirth was the one that presented larger flaws in the leveis of thermal comfort and the postura phase presented appropriate leveis of comfort in most of the schedules analyzed during the experimental phase because of the high rain indexes registered in the area in the months of research. The results were analyzed by statistical methods through the test t of Tukey at the levei of 1 and 5% of probability. It was concluded, based on the environmental thermal indexes, that the system with ceramic tiles presented the best room temperature results, ITGU, CTR and UR in the phases of recreation and postura and based on the indexes of productive performance of the birds - the production reached average of 90% in GTC and 87,20% in GTA. In relation to the quality of the eggs, there were statistical differences (P <0,05) among the birds maintained at the different hangars in relation to the weight of the egg and of the egg white, while the other variables didn't present differences.

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