Spelling suggestions: "subject:"career)""
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De l'engagement communautaire à la défense du territoire : les voix politiques des femmes innues face à l'exploitation minièreDelisle L'Heureux, Catherine 09 1900 (has links)
Le point de départ de cette étude est un sujet d’actualité qui fait l’objet de controverses au
Québec depuis 2011 : le Plan Nord, un projet de développement économique visant la mise en
valeur et l’exploitation des ressources naturelles au nord du Québec. En particulier, cette étude
s’intéresse à la résistance des innu ishkueu (femmes innues) à ce projet, plus précisément dans
un contexte d’exploitation minière. L’angle choisi est celui du parcours d’engagement des
actrices participant à ces mouvements de résistance. L’analyse proposée s’appuie sur une
enquête de terrain de trois mois, réalisée au sein des communautés de Uashat mak Mani-
Utenam et Matimekush-Lac John, au cours de laquelle des entretiens semi-dirigés furent
réalisés. Conjuguant les théories féministes autochtones, la notion de résistance au quotidien et
l’étude des carrières militantes, cette recherche a pour objectif de démystifier certaines
dimensions des voix politiques féminines innues dans la défense du territoire. Dans un premier
temps, elle présente une perspective ethnohistorique de la résistance des femmes innues face à
l’exploitation minière. Le but est de contribuer aux initiatives offrant une alternative à la
version dominante de l’histoire minière du Québec (blanche, masculine), qui a doublement
occulté les savoirs situés des femmes autochtones. Dans un second temps, elle s’attarde aux
parcours d’engagement des femmes rencontrées et à leur engagement communautaire. Ceci
nous a amené à examiner dans quelle mesure les modes d’action locale des femmes innues au
sein de leur communauté se transfèrent dans la défense du territoire. Enfin, elle s’intéresse à la
construction des subjectivités politiques des innu ishkueu en s’appuyant sur des repères
théoriques situant la politique de résistance des femmes autochtones. / The Plan Nord, an economic strategy to develop and extract natural resources in northern
Quebec, and the departure point of this study, has been a matter of controversy in Quebec
since 2011. This study looks specifically at the resistance of the innu ishkueu (Innu women) to
the mining-related aspects of the Plan by examining the involved women’s paths of
engagement. Analysis is based on a three-month field study carried out in the communities of
Uashat mak Mani-Utenam and Matimekush-Lac John, during which semi-structured
interviews were conducted. This research jointly uses aboriginal feminist theories, the concept
of everyday resistance, and the study of militant careers, in order to demystify aspects of the
innu ishkueu political voices that are being raised in defence of the land. First, an ethnohistorical
perspective of Innu women’s resistance to mining is presented. This is intended to
contribute to other initiatives to provide alternatives to the dominant narrative of Quebec’s
mining history (white, male), which has had the effect of doubly obscuring aboriginal
women’s perspectives. This is followed by an examination of the paths of engagement and the
types of community involvement of the women interviewed. This section leads to examination
of the extent to which Innu women’s local modes of action are being transferred to their
struggle to defend the land. Lastly, the paper presents an analysis of the construction of innu
ishkueu political subjectivities using theories on the politics of resistance of aboriginal women.
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L'Opéra de Paris de Louis XIV au début du XXe siècle : régime juridique et financier / The Paris Opera since the reign of Louis XIV until the beginning of the twentieth century : legal and financial frameworkMonnier, Franck 06 December 2012 (has links)
Dès le XVIIIe siècle, l’Opéra de Paris est considéré comme un « établissement public ». Ses missions sont nombreuses. Le théâtre doit proposer traditionnellement aux spectateurs des ouvrages lyriques appartenant à un genre national, mais son rôle est aussi de représenter le pouvoir politique, de servir les relations diplomatiques, ou encore de soutenir un pan de l’artisanat. Le fonctionnement du « service public de l’Opéra » soulève des questions d’ordre public et de gestion. Un encadrement normatif a été mis en place. La police des spectacles a été réformée et adaptée aux singularités de l’établissement : le régime de la censure, la surveillance policière, comme les dispositifs de lutte contre les incendies ont été l’objet de mesures précises. La gestion du théâtre a connu plusieurs bouleversements. Les autorités ont hésité entre un système ambigu de délégation à des entrepreneurs subventionnés et un mode de gestion en régie directe. Ces réformes institutionnelles ont eu des incidences sur la condition juridique des interprètes, comme sur le déroulement des carrières et l’organisation de leur caisse de pensions. Toutes les informations nécessaires à l’élaboration de ce travail ne se trouvent pas dans les règlements. La méthode a été de croiser les sources juridiques avec les archives administratives et les bilans comptables, afin de confronter la marche effective de l’établissement avec le fonctionnement « idéal », imaginé dans les bureaux, loin des difficultés matérielles d’exécution. Cette étude révèle la force normative des usages en matière d'administration, ainsi que le phénomène de détournement des textes par les administrateurs. Ce mode de fonctionnement, souvent ignoré de la bureaucratie, demeure le seul élément de stabilité à l’Opéra, depuis le règne de Louis XIV jusqu’à la IIIe République. / Since the eighteenth century, the Paris Opera has been considered to be a “public service corporation”. Many missions were assigned to the theatre: the Opera should traditionally offer the viewer lyrical opuses in a national genre, but it’s role was also to represent the authorities, serve foreign affairs and support a section of the craft industry. The functioning of the "public service of the Opera” raises questions of public order and management. A legal framework was implemented. The police for the theatres was reformed and adapted to the peculiarities of the activity: censorship, police surveillance and fire fighting arrangements were organized by specific measures. The administration of the Opera underwent several upheavals. The authorities hesitated between an ambiguous system of delegation to subsidized contractors and direct state control (or local government control). These institutional reforms had an impact on the legal status of the artists, on the development of their careers and on the organization of their pension fund. All the information necessary for the development of this work is not to be found in the legal regulations. Our method was to cross the legal sources with administrative records and balance sheets, in order to compare the actual running of the theatre with it’s "ideal" functioning, planned in offices, far from the material difficulties of the actual execution. This study reveals the normative force of customary uses in administration, as well as the phenomenon of diversion of the rules by the administrators and the staff. This mode of functioning, often unknown to the bureaucracy, remains the only element of stability in the Opera, since the reign of Louis XIV until the Third Republic.
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Životní příběhy a profesní dráhy ředitelek středních odborných škol / Life Stories and Professional Careers of Women Headmasters of Vocational High SchoolsKřížová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Thesis with the title "Life stories and professional careers of women headmasters of vocational high schools" deals with professional life of women headmasters of vocational high schools and analyzes this professional life. Per this analysis is detected, what is the benefit of these headmasters for school and if they promote a development of the school. Narrative analysis was used on this research.Beside the research there are answered other questions, which are related to professional life and are associated with the primary research question. There are described the phases of professional life and there are stated the effects, which influence the decision making of the headmasters. In the conclusion of research the headmasters alone evaluate their actions in position of headmaster.The primary research question is answered, how it results from research, all headmasters are benefit for their school. Schools, which were guided by them, had evolved and it is them, who are the reason of its growth. Recommendations for futher research is analysis of professional men headmasters.
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Počáteční fáze profesní dráhy ředitele organizace neformálního vzdělávání / Beginning phase of career manager for non-formal educationKostková, Blanka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the beginning phase of career manager for organization non- formal education. The work examines the process that precedes the onset school manager to executive positions primarily in terms of motivation, expectations and subsequent reality. It describes the initial phase of his work in a new role in life from the perspective of the management of school facilities and other activities associated with this process . The work is mapped to what extent the entrance to the Director and his previous preparation reflects on the development of controlled organization and quality of education provided . It also describes how to correspond to the expectations of the individual manager of educational facilities with a daily reality in the context of changing conditions providing non-formal education, based on education legislation and the overall development of society in the approach to the use of leisure time. KEY WORDS: headmaster, informal education, professional careers, personnel management, career change, lifelong learning, competency, anticioation, reality
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Les mutations stratégiques du sport professionnel : managament des clubs marques et nomadisation des carrières : les exemples du football et du rugby en France / Strategic mutations in professional sport : managing clubs as brands and increasingly boundaryless careers : the examples of soccer and rugby in FrancePaturel, Marie-Hélène 19 March 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en relation deux éléments caractéristiques des sports collectifs professionnels : la nomadisation croissante des carrières et la stratégie marketing des clubs qui tendent de plus en plus à devenir des marques. D'un point de vue théorique, cette recherche s'appuie, d'une part, sur la stratégie classique de marque et d'image qui, appliquée au club sportif professionnel, permet de définir le concept de « club marque » et, d'autre part, sur le courant des carrières nomades. Grâce au croisement de ces deux dimensions, émerge la question de l'influence de la stratégie de marque des clubs sportifs professionnels sur la volatilité des ressources humaines dans le sport spectacle. Emblématiques de ce dernier, le football et le rugby français constituent le terrain de la recherche. Deux cas sont étudiés : le FC Grenoble Rugby et l'Olympique Lyonnais. En recourant à une méthode qualitative et exploratoire (entretiens semi-directifs, analyse de contenu), les discours des acteurs des deux clubs choisis permettent de débattre des trois propositions de recherche, d'envisager les implications managériales à la fois pour le club et pour le joueur et, enfin, d'élaborer une typologie des joueurs nomades qui favorise l'appréhension du caractère subi ou voulu de la mobilité. / The object of the present thesis is to establish the relationship between two characteristic features of professional collective sports: namely the rise in boundaryless careers and marketing strategies in sports clubs which are increasingly becoming brands. From a theoretical point of view, the research is based on the one hand on traditional brand and image strategy which, when applied to professional sport clubs, outlines the concept of "brand-clubs", and, on the other, on the development of boundaryless careers. At the intersection of these two dimensions comes the question of what influence professional sports club marketing strategy has on the volatility of human resources in entertainment sports. French soccer and rugby, as illustrative examples, constitute the basis for the research through the following two case-studies : "FC Grenoble Rugby" and "Olympique Lyonnais". Applying both qualitative and exploratory methods (semi-directive interviews, content analysis) and drawing on the comments made by actors from both clubs, the three research proposals can be discussed, managerial implications for both club and players explored and a typology of boundaryless players developed in view of assessing the volontary or compulsory character of such mobility.
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Coupled careers: Win-win or zero-sum? : How the partner’s occupational status relates to individual labor market outcomesLewenhagen, Lars January 2017 (has links)
The dynamics between partners’ careers have implications for household and gender inequality as heterosexual unions are usually formed by two individuals with similar educational attainment where the man has a stronger labor market position. This paper examines how the partner’s occupational status relates to individual career outcomes, and how the association varies by gender. The literature reports conflicting expectations on the subject. Social capital theory suggests that an occupationally successful partner can be beneficial to one’s career because of useful contacts, information, and advice. Economic theory assumes a negative relationship between the resources of the partner and own career outcomes due to less time and effort spent in the labor market. Using multiple regression analysis predicting hourly wage, annual income, and career progression, the contrasting hypotheses are tested on Swedish panel data including 1,065 married or cohabitating individuals. Results show a positive correlation between the partner’s occupational status at the start of cohabitation and hourly wage and career progression. The association does not differ significantly between men and women. However, the findings show that gender is more important than the partners’ occupational status for the interaction between careers in dual-earner couples.
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Nouveaux classiques. La création de ballets dans les compagnies de répertoire / New Classics. The Creation Process in Ballet CompaniesCappelle, Laura 20 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’étude les processus d’élaboration de nouveaux ballets dans les compagnies de répertoire. À travers une enquête internationale, elle se propose d’interroger dans une perspective sociologique la situation de création spécifique qui est celle des chorégraphes de formation classique, insérés dans des institutions vouées principalement à l’entretien d’un répertoire d’œuvres existantes. Leurs trajectoires professionnelles et les différences genrées qu’elles mettent en évidence y sont élucidées, ainsi que la dimension fondamentalement collective d’un travail artistique qui implique la coopération d’autres acteurs, notamment les interprètes et les répétiteurs. À partir des formes d’incorporation et de circulation du mouvement, des logiques de création se dégagent, qui permettent d’interroger la nature de l’autorité créative du chorégraphe.Appuyé sur l’observation des répétitions de cinq créations au Ballet du Bolchoï, au Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris, à l’English National Ballet et au New York City Ballet, ce travail est complété par 29 entretiens et une base de données recensant toutes les créations des compagnies étudiées entre 2000 et 2016. Ces données croisées permettent de faire ressortir l’imaginaire commun qui sous-tend le travail des chorégraphes au XXIe siècle, les différences entre les quatre pays ainsi que les tensions propres à une forme de création identifiée comme classique. / Creativity within classical art forms is often underrated, and little is known about what it takes to craft a new ballet. This thesis explores the process of making new works in ballet companies today from a sociological perspective. Drawing on original field work in four countries, it looks at the specificity of the creative endeavours of ballet-trained choreographers, who work in institutional contexts where creation is allowed only limited space in comparison to the existing repertoire. The career trajectories of classical choreographers are addressed along with gender biases in the field. An in-depth look at the ways in which movement is shared, shaped and incorporated in the studio reveals the collective nature of creative processes which closely involve dancers and ballet masters.In addition to sustained periods of observation related to five creations at the Bolshoi Ballet, English National Ballet, New York City Ballet and the Paris Opera Ballet, the data gathered includes 29 interviews and a database listing every ballet created by the four companies above between 2000 and 2016. These findings shed light on the classical imaginary – a network of images and models, I argue, underpinning the work of 21st-century ballet choreographers – and highlight the complexity of classical artistic identities today.
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Trajetórias intelectuais: professoras do Curso de Ciências Sociais da FFCL-USP (1934-1969) / Trajectories intellectuals: teachers of the Course of Social Sciences FFCL-USP (1934-1969)Spirandelli, Claudinei Carlos 16 February 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho, cujo objetivo principal é interpretar sociologicamente a atuação de produtores da chamada ciência social uspiana, investiga aspectos da trajetória intelectual de algumas professoras do Curso de Ciências Sociais da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, da Universidade de São Paulo, examinando disputas simbólicas típicas de grupos intelectuais e voltadas para a conquista da afirmação acadêmica nas Cátedras do Curso. Tais disputas seriam inerentes à busca de afirmação, poder e legitimação, por parte dos cientistas sociais em geral, e corresponderiam a clivagens que são analisadas a partir das origens sociais dessas professoras e das relações de sociabilidade em que elas se enredavam. O autor mostra que tais origens e relações teriam interferido na carreira delas (posições, cargos, títulos conquistados e obras produzidas). Ele usa como referenciais teóricos, principalmente, obras de Pierre Bourdieu e de Norbert Elias, e se vale de textos biográficos, autobiográficos, depoimentos, entrevistas, memoriais e cartas. O trabalho se insere no âmbito dos estudos da sociologia da cultura, mais especificamente na chamada história intelectual ou sociologia da vida intelectual. / This paper, whose principal objective are make a sociological interpretation about the actuation of productors of Social Sciences from USP, research aspects of the intellectual trajectories of female professors from the Socials Science course of Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, of the Universidade de São Paulo, inquire symbolic arguments typical of intellectual groups and with the intention obtaining academic affirmation in the Cathedras of this Course. In addition, such arguments matches would be inherent in the search of affirmations, power and legitimation, by social scientists in general, and they would correspond to cleavages that are analyzed starting from the social origins of these female professors and from the sociability relationship in which they are entangled. The author shows which these origins and relationships would have been interferenced in their careers (positions, achieved titles and produced works). He uses like theoretical references, mainly, works of Pierre Bourdieu and Norbert Elias, and to have recourse of biographical and autobiographical texts, testimonies, interviews, memorials and letters. The paper is inserting in the environment of studies of sociology of culture, more specifically in the called intellectual history or intellectual life sociology.
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Carreiras sem fronteiras na gestão pessoal da transição profissional: um estudo com ex-funcionários de uma instituição com características de empresa pública / Boudaryless careers in the personal management of professional transition: a study of former employees of an organization with state-owned enterprise-like characteristicsVeloso, Elza Fatima Rosa 04 August 2009 (has links)
As atuais tendências econômicas e sociais propiciam o surgimento de carreiras condicionadas não somente às oportunidades profissionais oferecidas pelas organizações, mas também às necessidades pessoais e familiares dos trabalhadores. Os indivíduos, atualmente, são chamados à responsabilidade pela própria carreira e a assumir sua evolução profissional. Porém, para parte das pessoas, as atuais opções de carreira são diferentes das vislumbradas no planejamento original da vida profissional, esse é o caso dos ex-funcionários do Banespa uma Sociedade de Economia Mista, que tinha forma do setor privado, mas conservava características de empresa pública por ter o Estado de São Paulo como seu maior acionista e controlador da instituição. Tinha um quadro de 22,3 mil funcionários em novembro de 2000, no auge do processo de privatização, quando foi vendido ao Grupo Espanhol Santander. Entre as abordagens que consideram as mudanças enfrentadas por esses trabalhadores, as carreiras sem fronteiras surgem como contraponto às teorias tradicionais e consideram fatores de flexibilidade e de independência entre a pessoa e a empresa. Tal conceito foi utilizado neste trabalho como base para a investigação da gestão pessoal da carreira dos ex-funcionários do Banespa; como objetivo geral do estudo, buscou-se identificar as formas de manifestação desse tipo de carreira no gerenciamento pessoal da transição profissional desses trabalhadores. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados no estudo foram: o quantitativo, operacionalizado por meio da aplicação de um questionário fechado a uma amostra aleatória estratificada proporcional, e o qualitativo, operacionalizado mediante entrevistas abertas padronizadas, aplicadas a uma sub-amostra sorteada aleatoriamente. A decisão de estratificação da amostra deu-se em função da necessidade de divisão dos respondentes em dois grupos: os que permaneceram trabalhando na instituição após a privatização e os que foram desligados após a adesão ao Programa de Desligamento Voluntário de 2001, oferecido pelo novo controlador da instituição. A suposição levantada na sub-hipótese 3 de que as respostas desses dois grupos apresentariam diferenças foi negada. Da mesma forma, a suposição de que as decisões da transição profissional desses trabalhadores seriam norteadas pelo valor Estabilidade/Segurança, representada pela sub-hipótese 2, também foi negada. Os resultados, que levaram à aceitação da sub-hipótese 1 deste trabalho, apontaram que a maneira como a pessoa gerencia sua carreira enquanto trabalha na empresa estável influencia a gestão pessoal da sua transição profissional, influenciando também a manifestação das carreiras sem fronteiras que, nas atitudes profissionais desses trabalhadores, se manifestaram das seguintes formas: Responsabilidade sobre a própria carreira; Compatibilidade entre valores pessoais e trabalho; Influência de necessidades pessoais e familiares em decisões profissionais; Aprendizado constante para valorização profissional; Iniciativa para o aprendizado constante. Apesar da identificação dessas formas de manifestação das carreiras sem fronteiras, os resultados não permitiram estabelecer um padrão para essa manifestação durante a transição profissional, portanto, aceitou-se a hipótese geral do estudo. Constata-se, ao final do trabalho, que as carreiras sem fronteiras podem não corresponder à realidade absoluta das carreiras atuais, mas certamente ajudam na compreensão dessa realidade. / Current economic and social trends have led to the development of careers conditioned not only by the professional opportunities provided by organizations, but also by the personal and family needs of workers. People are now called upon to take responsibility for their own careers and take charge of their professional evolution. To some, however, current career options are different from those that were envisioned when first planning their professional lives, as is the case with former employees of Banespa, a quasi-governmental corporation that operated as a privately held company but was owned (and controlled) mostly by the state of São Paulo. Banespa employed around 22.300 people by November 2000, at the height of a privatization process at the end of which it was sold to the Spanish Santander Group. Of several approaches that may be used to consider the changes faced by these employees, the concept of boundaryless careers arises as a counterpoint to traditional theories that takes into account the factors of flexibility and independence between the person and the firm. In the present work, this concept was used as a basis for investigating the personal career management of former Banespa employees; the general study objective sought to identify the manners in which this type of career is manifested in the personal management of professional transition among this workforce. The present study was carried out by means of quantitative and qualitative methods. The former consisted of a closed-ended questionnaire applied to a proportionate stratified random sample, while the latter consisted of a set of standardized open interviews conducted with a randomly selected subsample. Stratification of the sample was chosen in light of the need to divide respondents into two groups: those who remained with the firm after privatization and those who left after the Voluntary Redundancy Program offered by the firms new controllers in 2001. Sub-hypothesis 3 of the study, which assumed that the two groups responses would differ, was rejected. Likewise, sub-hypothesis 2 that employees decisions on professional transition would be guided by the Stability/ Security factor was rejected. Leading to acceptance of sub-hypothesis 1, results showed that the way in which one manages ones career while employed by a stable organization influences the personal management of ones professional transition, and also influences the manifestation of boundaryless careers, which, in this sample of workers, occurred as follows: Responsibility for ones own career; Compatibility between personal values and work; Influence of personal and family needs in professional decisions; Constant learning for professional appreciation; Initiative for constant learning. Although these manifestations of boundaryless careers were identified, results did not permit the establishment of a pattern for such manifestation during the professional transition phase; the general study hypothesis was therefore accepted. In closing, the boundaryless career concept may not correspond to the absolute reality of current careers, but certainly aids its understanding.
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Os maestros da elite : carreiras e trajet?rias dos l?deres no Senado Federal entre 1999 e 2006Centeno, Alison Ribeiro 20 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Ci?ncias Sociais (csociais-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-08T14:02:45Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Studying the social background, the political careers and political pathways of Federal Senators from Brazil who were chosen as party leaders and supra-party blocs' leaders between 1999 and 2006, this examination points out that during the 51st and 52nd Congresses the group of leaders concentrated and exacerbated the main qualities of the Senate's components. Using a theoretical framework that values institutional political experience and social capital as sources of maintenance of the political elite that composes the political institutions, studies focused on Brazil's bicameral Congress were synthesized in data and conclusions that corroborated for the understanding of the Brazilian political institutions dominated by a cohesive elite, with low circularity and high socioeconomic resources that projects them to the highest positions on Legislative. Questioning the possible dissonance between parties leaders and parties members in the Federal Senate, there was a 'leader profile' that overcame the intrinsic differences of parties on the political spectrum, where Senators that have graduated in engineering overcame the numerical dominance of law graduates in Brazil's Federal Senate, which as one half of the country's Congress is marked by long-serving career politicians, with parties leaders being even more experienced Senators, mainly with political careers built by Legislative mandates. / Atrav?s de um estudo acerca do social background, das carreiras e trajet?rias pol?ticas de Senadores que foram al?ados aos postos de l?deres de partidos e blocos suprapartid?rios do Senado Federal entre 1999 e 2006, este trabalho evidencia que, no que tange ?s 51? e 52? Legislaturas, o col?gio de l?deres concentrou e exacerbou as principais caracter?sticas dos componentes da Casa. Valendo-se de um arcabou?o te?rico que valoriza a experi?ncia pol?tica e o capital social como fontes de manuten??o da elite que comp?e os meios institucionais, retomou-se estudos de caso focados no Congresso Nacional, sintetizados em dados e afirma??es que corroboraram para a compreens?o da pol?tica institucional brasileira dominada por uma elite coesa, de baixa circularidade e de elevados recursos socioecon?micos que os projetam para os cargos mais elevados do Legislativo. Tendo questionado a poss?vel disson?ncia entre os Senadores l?deres e liderados, encontrou-se um perfil de l?der que supera as diferen?as intr?nsecas das legendas na escala ideol?gica, onde os Senadores engenheiros se sobrepuseram a domin?ncia dos bachar?is em Direito na Casa da Federa??o, que como institui??o legislativa marcada pelos pol?ticos de carreiras longevas, tinha no col?gio de l?deres, Senadores ainda mais experientes, principalmente com carreiras pol?ticas constru?das por mandatos no Legislativo.
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