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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elites políticas e intelectuais no Brasil : condições de diversificação e estratégias de carreira (1870-1920)

Bordignon, Rodrigo da Rosa January 2015 (has links)
L’étude est dédié à l’examen des relations entre les bases sociales et recrutement des élites dans um contexte de transition des régimes politiques, plus précisement, au Brésil à la fin du XIXe siècle. En ce sens, l’analyse focalise la comparaison entre différents fractions d’élite, ce qui remet au problème général des relations entre bases sociales, investissements, strategies de carrière et conditions de différentiation entre champs. Intéressent, en particulier, les conditions sociales et institutionnelles d’autonomisation du champ culturel et de structuration de ces différents pôles, tant que les modalités de différentiation entre les carrières intellectuelles (professeurs d’enseigment supérieur et hommes de lettres) et les carrières politiques (président, vice-président, ministres, senateurs, députés). Premièrement, on analyse les déterminantes sociales des carrières, ainsi que ces relations avec les possibilités et les significations de la diversification des bases sociales. Ensuite, on focalisé la reconstitution des différents domaines d’activité dans lesquelles se déplacent les agentes en analyse, mettant l’accent sur les critères de hiérarchisation et les déterminantes sociales et institucionnelles. Enfin, l’analyse reside sur les modalités et stratégies de carrières menés pour les différentes fractions d’élite, avec le but d’aprehender les conditions d’éloignement et similarité entre les ressources mobilisées et les investissements qui composent les divers formes de réussit sociale et professionnelle. Ainsi, les indications générales indiquent une relative similarité des profils de carrière et ressources valorisées. Ce qui relie les déterminantes sociales qui sont la base des conditions de possibilité aux modèles socialement objectivés de réussit sociale et « professionnelle » / O presente trabalho dedica-se ao exame das relações entre bases sociais e recrutamento de elites em um contexto de transição de regimes políticos, mais especificamente, no Brasil de fins do XIX. Nesse sentido, o foco central de análise assenta-se na comparação entre distintas frações de elite, o que remete ao problema geral das relações entre bases sociais, modalidades de investimentos, estratégias de carreira e condições de diferenciação entre campos. Interessa, em particular, as condições sociais e institucionais de autonomização do campo cultural e de estruturação de seus diferentes polos, assim como as modalidades de diferenciação entre as carreiras intelectuais (professores universitários e “homens de letras”) e as carreiras políticas (presidente e vice-presidente, ministros, governadores e vice-governadores senadores e deputados federais). Em primeiro lugar, são analisados determinantes sociais das carreiras, assim como suas relações com as possibilidades e significados da diversificação bases sociais do recrutamento. Em seguida, o foco direciona-se à reconstituição dos diferentes espaços de atuação nos quais se movem os agentes em pauta, atentando para os critérios de hierarquização e os determinantes sociais e institucionais das carreiras. Por fim, a análise recai sobre as modalidades e estratégias de carreira acionadas pelas diferentes frações de elites em pauta, cujo objetivo é apreender as condições de afastamento e similitude entre os recursos mobilizados e os investimentos que compõe as diversas formas de realização social e “profissional”. Com base nisso, as indicações gerais apontam para uma relativa similitude em termos de padrões de carreira e recursos valorizados, o que se conecta tanto aos determinantes sociais que estão na base das condições de possibilidade, quanto a objetivação social de determinado modelo de excelência social e “profissional”. / This work is dedicated to the examination of the relationship between social bases and elites’ recruitment in a context of political regimes transition, more specifically, in Brazil at the end of the XIX century. As such, the analysis’ central focus rests on the comparison betwen different elite’s fractions which refers to the relations’ general problem between social bases, types of investment, career strategies and conditions of differentiation between fields. It concerns, in particular, the social and institutional conditions and the autonomisation of the cultural field and structuring of its different poles, as the modalities of differenciation between the intelectual careers (university professors and “writers”) and the political careers (president and vice-president, ministers, governor and vice-governor, senators and federal deputies). First, the careers’ social determinants are analyzed, as well as its relations with the possibilities and meanings of the recruitment`s social bases. Next, the focus is on the reconstitution of the different performance spaces in which the agents move, paying attention to the hierarchization’s criterias and the social and institutional career determinants. Lastly, the analysis rests on the career’s strategies and modalities actuated by the different elites’ fraction whose goal is to aprehend the conditions of departure and similitude between the mobilized resources and the investments that compose the different means of social and “professional” achievement. As such, the general indications point to a relative similitude in terms of career patterns and resources valued, which connects itself to the social determinants that rests on the base of the conditions of possibility, as well as the social objectivation of a certain type of social a “professional” excellence.

Internationalization of managerial careers : three research articles / Internationalisation des carrières managériales : trois articles de recherche

Ravasi, Claudio 27 February 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat examine la carrière des managers dans un contexteinternational. Plus précisément, elle s’intéresse aux parcours et modèles de carrièredans un contexte en évolution en prenant comme exemple le cas des managersinternationaux. Nous nous focalisons sur la nature évolutive des carrièresmanagériales, les environnements organisationnels et globaux dans lesquels lescarrières se développent, et la relation réciproque qui existe entre des carrières etdes environnements en évolution. Tous ces aspects sont explorés à travers troisarticles qui reposent sur trois terrains empiriques distincts.Le premier article analyse les profils de carrière des top managers européens dansun contexte d’internationalisation accrue. Des données sur le profil et la carrière deplus de 900 top managers dans quatre pays ont été collectées et analysées. Le butest de vérifier l’hypothèse d’une stabilité des modèles nationaux de carrière etd’identifier les éléments nouveaux liés à l’internationalisation.Le deuxième article se focalise sur les profils des dirigeants des plus grandesentreprises suisses. Nous nous sommes intéressés à l’évolution historique sur 30ans (1980–2010) des profils et des carrières d’environ 600 top managers. Cet articlemet en évidence le développement en Suisse d'une communauté internationale detop managers étrangers et analyse les changements dans leurs profils et dans leurscarrières.Le troisième article s’intéresse à l'adaptation interculturelle d'une population de 152employés étrangers (expatriés traditionnels, expatriés volontaires, migrants qualifiés)et 126 conjoints. Cet article étudie différents aspects de l'adaptation, en seconcentrant sur la maîtrise de la langue locale et les pratiques organisationnelles desoutien à l’expatriation. / This doctoral dissertation examines the career of managers in an international context. Specifically, this research focuses on careers patterns in a changing environment using the case of international managers (i.e. managers with a career that develops globally). More broadly, the research looks at the evolving nature of managerial careers, the organizational and global environments in which careers develop, and the reciprocal relationship between changing careers and changing environments, specifically in the context of those with global careers. All these aspects are explored in this doctoral dissertation with three research articles that use three different sets of empirical data.The first article analyzes the career profiles of top European managers in the context of increased internationalization. Data on profiles and careers of more than 900 top managers in four countries has been collected and analyzed. The purpose is to verify the hypothesis of stability in national career models and identify new elements related to internationalization. The second article focuses on the profiles of top managers at the biggest Swisscompanies. We focused on the evolution of profiles and careers of about 600 topmanagers over a 30-years period (1980–2010). This article highlights the development of an international community of foreign top managers in Switzerland and analyzes the changes in their profiles and careers.The third article focuses on the cross-cultural adjustment of a population of 152foreign employees (traditionally-assigned expatriates, self-initiated expatriates, skilled migrants) and 126 spouses. This article studies different aspects of adjustment, focusing on local language proficiency and relocation support practices.

Elites políticas e intelectuais no Brasil : condições de diversificação e estratégias de carreira (1870-1920)

Bordignon, Rodrigo da Rosa January 2015 (has links)
L’étude est dédié à l’examen des relations entre les bases sociales et recrutement des élites dans um contexte de transition des régimes politiques, plus précisement, au Brésil à la fin du XIXe siècle. En ce sens, l’analyse focalise la comparaison entre différents fractions d’élite, ce qui remet au problème général des relations entre bases sociales, investissements, strategies de carrière et conditions de différentiation entre champs. Intéressent, en particulier, les conditions sociales et institutionnelles d’autonomisation du champ culturel et de structuration de ces différents pôles, tant que les modalités de différentiation entre les carrières intellectuelles (professeurs d’enseigment supérieur et hommes de lettres) et les carrières politiques (président, vice-président, ministres, senateurs, députés). Premièrement, on analyse les déterminantes sociales des carrières, ainsi que ces relations avec les possibilités et les significations de la diversification des bases sociales. Ensuite, on focalisé la reconstitution des différents domaines d’activité dans lesquelles se déplacent les agentes en analyse, mettant l’accent sur les critères de hiérarchisation et les déterminantes sociales et institucionnelles. Enfin, l’analyse reside sur les modalités et stratégies de carrières menés pour les différentes fractions d’élite, avec le but d’aprehender les conditions d’éloignement et similarité entre les ressources mobilisées et les investissements qui composent les divers formes de réussit sociale et professionnelle. Ainsi, les indications générales indiquent une relative similarité des profils de carrière et ressources valorisées. Ce qui relie les déterminantes sociales qui sont la base des conditions de possibilité aux modèles socialement objectivés de réussit sociale et « professionnelle » / O presente trabalho dedica-se ao exame das relações entre bases sociais e recrutamento de elites em um contexto de transição de regimes políticos, mais especificamente, no Brasil de fins do XIX. Nesse sentido, o foco central de análise assenta-se na comparação entre distintas frações de elite, o que remete ao problema geral das relações entre bases sociais, modalidades de investimentos, estratégias de carreira e condições de diferenciação entre campos. Interessa, em particular, as condições sociais e institucionais de autonomização do campo cultural e de estruturação de seus diferentes polos, assim como as modalidades de diferenciação entre as carreiras intelectuais (professores universitários e “homens de letras”) e as carreiras políticas (presidente e vice-presidente, ministros, governadores e vice-governadores senadores e deputados federais). Em primeiro lugar, são analisados determinantes sociais das carreiras, assim como suas relações com as possibilidades e significados da diversificação bases sociais do recrutamento. Em seguida, o foco direciona-se à reconstituição dos diferentes espaços de atuação nos quais se movem os agentes em pauta, atentando para os critérios de hierarquização e os determinantes sociais e institucionais das carreiras. Por fim, a análise recai sobre as modalidades e estratégias de carreira acionadas pelas diferentes frações de elites em pauta, cujo objetivo é apreender as condições de afastamento e similitude entre os recursos mobilizados e os investimentos que compõe as diversas formas de realização social e “profissional”. Com base nisso, as indicações gerais apontam para uma relativa similitude em termos de padrões de carreira e recursos valorizados, o que se conecta tanto aos determinantes sociais que estão na base das condições de possibilidade, quanto a objetivação social de determinado modelo de excelência social e “profissional”. / This work is dedicated to the examination of the relationship between social bases and elites’ recruitment in a context of political regimes transition, more specifically, in Brazil at the end of the XIX century. As such, the analysis’ central focus rests on the comparison betwen different elite’s fractions which refers to the relations’ general problem between social bases, types of investment, career strategies and conditions of differentiation between fields. It concerns, in particular, the social and institutional conditions and the autonomisation of the cultural field and structuring of its different poles, as the modalities of differenciation between the intelectual careers (university professors and “writers”) and the political careers (president and vice-president, ministers, governor and vice-governor, senators and federal deputies). First, the careers’ social determinants are analyzed, as well as its relations with the possibilities and meanings of the recruitment`s social bases. Next, the focus is on the reconstitution of the different performance spaces in which the agents move, paying attention to the hierarchization’s criterias and the social and institutional career determinants. Lastly, the analysis rests on the career’s strategies and modalities actuated by the different elites’ fraction whose goal is to aprehend the conditions of departure and similitude between the mobilized resources and the investments that compose the different means of social and “professional” achievement. As such, the general indications point to a relative similitude in terms of career patterns and resources valued, which connects itself to the social determinants that rests on the base of the conditions of possibility, as well as the social objectivation of a certain type of social a “professional” excellence.

Profissionais desviantes no condado : um estudo sobre carreiras

Silva, Sebastião Victor Oliveira Acioli da 30 November 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This thesis aims, broadest, analyze the career of women who exercise prostitute craft in private establishments in the Shire. The empirical universe therefore consists the adult female prostitution exercised in enclosed spaces and not in open environments such as the street. More specifically, it was taken as central to understanding how someone becomes a prostitute, that is, what are the steps, the routes and the contingencies that contribute to lead someone to exercise this office, and often seek success in career? To cope with this issue, this work is between the sociology of professional groups and the sociology of deviance, once it is the socialization in an occupation highly stigmatized and deviant and that involves in the process informality as a backdrop. / Essa dissertação tem como objetivo, mais amplo, analisar a carreira das mulheres que exercem o ofício de prostituta em estabelecimentos privados no Condado. O universo empírico consiste, portanto, na prostituição feminina adulta exercida em espaços fechados e não em ambientes abertos como é o caso da rua. De maneira mais específica, tomou-se como elemento central a compreensão de como alguém se torna prostituta, ou seja, quais são as etapas, os percursos e as contingências que contribuem para levar alguém a exercer esse ofício, e muitas vezes buscar o sucesso na carreira? Para dar conta dessa questão, esse trabalho se situa entre a sociologia dos grupos profissionais e a sociologia do desvio, uma vez que se trata da socialização e atuação em um grupo social que galga profissionalismo em uma atividade altamente estigmatizada e desviante e que envolve em seu processo a informalidade como pano de fundo.

Carreiras sem fronteiras na gestão pessoal da transição profissional: um estudo com ex-funcionários de uma instituição com características de empresa pública / Boudaryless careers in the personal management of professional transition: a study of former employees of an organization with state-owned enterprise-like characteristics

Elza Fatima Rosa Veloso 04 August 2009 (has links)
As atuais tendências econômicas e sociais propiciam o surgimento de carreiras condicionadas não somente às oportunidades profissionais oferecidas pelas organizações, mas também às necessidades pessoais e familiares dos trabalhadores. Os indivíduos, atualmente, são chamados à responsabilidade pela própria carreira e a assumir sua evolução profissional. Porém, para parte das pessoas, as atuais opções de carreira são diferentes das vislumbradas no planejamento original da vida profissional, esse é o caso dos ex-funcionários do Banespa uma Sociedade de Economia Mista, que tinha forma do setor privado, mas conservava características de empresa pública por ter o Estado de São Paulo como seu maior acionista e controlador da instituição. Tinha um quadro de 22,3 mil funcionários em novembro de 2000, no auge do processo de privatização, quando foi vendido ao Grupo Espanhol Santander. Entre as abordagens que consideram as mudanças enfrentadas por esses trabalhadores, as carreiras sem fronteiras surgem como contraponto às teorias tradicionais e consideram fatores de flexibilidade e de independência entre a pessoa e a empresa. Tal conceito foi utilizado neste trabalho como base para a investigação da gestão pessoal da carreira dos ex-funcionários do Banespa; como objetivo geral do estudo, buscou-se identificar as formas de manifestação desse tipo de carreira no gerenciamento pessoal da transição profissional desses trabalhadores. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados no estudo foram: o quantitativo, operacionalizado por meio da aplicação de um questionário fechado a uma amostra aleatória estratificada proporcional, e o qualitativo, operacionalizado mediante entrevistas abertas padronizadas, aplicadas a uma sub-amostra sorteada aleatoriamente. A decisão de estratificação da amostra deu-se em função da necessidade de divisão dos respondentes em dois grupos: os que permaneceram trabalhando na instituição após a privatização e os que foram desligados após a adesão ao Programa de Desligamento Voluntário de 2001, oferecido pelo novo controlador da instituição. A suposição levantada na sub-hipótese 3 de que as respostas desses dois grupos apresentariam diferenças foi negada. Da mesma forma, a suposição de que as decisões da transição profissional desses trabalhadores seriam norteadas pelo valor Estabilidade/Segurança, representada pela sub-hipótese 2, também foi negada. Os resultados, que levaram à aceitação da sub-hipótese 1 deste trabalho, apontaram que a maneira como a pessoa gerencia sua carreira enquanto trabalha na empresa estável influencia a gestão pessoal da sua transição profissional, influenciando também a manifestação das carreiras sem fronteiras que, nas atitudes profissionais desses trabalhadores, se manifestaram das seguintes formas: Responsabilidade sobre a própria carreira; Compatibilidade entre valores pessoais e trabalho; Influência de necessidades pessoais e familiares em decisões profissionais; Aprendizado constante para valorização profissional; Iniciativa para o aprendizado constante. Apesar da identificação dessas formas de manifestação das carreiras sem fronteiras, os resultados não permitiram estabelecer um padrão para essa manifestação durante a transição profissional, portanto, aceitou-se a hipótese geral do estudo. Constata-se, ao final do trabalho, que as carreiras sem fronteiras podem não corresponder à realidade absoluta das carreiras atuais, mas certamente ajudam na compreensão dessa realidade. / Current economic and social trends have led to the development of careers conditioned not only by the professional opportunities provided by organizations, but also by the personal and family needs of workers. People are now called upon to take responsibility for their own careers and take charge of their professional evolution. To some, however, current career options are different from those that were envisioned when first planning their professional lives, as is the case with former employees of Banespa, a quasi-governmental corporation that operated as a privately held company but was owned (and controlled) mostly by the state of São Paulo. Banespa employed around 22.300 people by November 2000, at the height of a privatization process at the end of which it was sold to the Spanish Santander Group. Of several approaches that may be used to consider the changes faced by these employees, the concept of boundaryless careers arises as a counterpoint to traditional theories that takes into account the factors of flexibility and independence between the person and the firm. In the present work, this concept was used as a basis for investigating the personal career management of former Banespa employees; the general study objective sought to identify the manners in which this type of career is manifested in the personal management of professional transition among this workforce. The present study was carried out by means of quantitative and qualitative methods. The former consisted of a closed-ended questionnaire applied to a proportionate stratified random sample, while the latter consisted of a set of standardized open interviews conducted with a randomly selected subsample. Stratification of the sample was chosen in light of the need to divide respondents into two groups: those who remained with the firm after privatization and those who left after the Voluntary Redundancy Program offered by the firms new controllers in 2001. Sub-hypothesis 3 of the study, which assumed that the two groups responses would differ, was rejected. Likewise, sub-hypothesis 2 that employees decisions on professional transition would be guided by the Stability/ Security factor was rejected. Leading to acceptance of sub-hypothesis 1, results showed that the way in which one manages ones career while employed by a stable organization influences the personal management of ones professional transition, and also influences the manifestation of boundaryless careers, which, in this sample of workers, occurred as follows: Responsibility for ones own career; Compatibility between personal values and work; Influence of personal and family needs in professional decisions; Constant learning for professional appreciation; Initiative for constant learning. Although these manifestations of boundaryless careers were identified, results did not permit the establishment of a pattern for such manifestation during the professional transition phase; the general study hypothesis was therefore accepted. In closing, the boundaryless career concept may not correspond to the absolute reality of current careers, but certainly aids its understanding.

Quebrando Barreiras : uma análise descritiva das carreiras políticas das deputadas eleitas para Assembleias Legislativas/Distrital do Brasil nas eleições de 2010. / Breaking Barriers: A descriptive analysis of the political careers of MPs elected to legislative assemblies / District of Brazil in the 2010 elections.

Campos, Camila Goulart 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Simone Maisonave (simonemaisonave@hotmail.com) on 2016-11-30T12:35:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Camila Goulart de Campos_Dissertacao.pdf: 3855711 bytes, checksum: 5f1db50431888e73c279560426d68ca2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-30T12:35:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Camila Goulart de Campos_Dissertacao.pdf: 3855711 bytes, checksum: 5f1db50431888e73c279560426d68ca2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Este trabalho procurou investigar a presença e a trajetória política das mulheres nos legislativos estaduais do Brasil eleitas no pleito de 2010, com o objetivo de identificar fatores que são preponderantes para a construção de suas carreiras políticas, a partir das redes de contatos que favorecem a entrada e a permanência das mulheres no campo político. Paralelo a isso, analisou-se a existência ou não de diferenças em função da diversidade regional das parlamentares brasileiras. Desse modo, adotou-se como hipótese que as parlamentares eleitas em 2010 possuemcaracterísticas em comum em termos sócio-econômicos e apresentam carreiras políticas similares, fato que foi confirmado na pesquisa. Neste sentido, a presença destas representantes, devido ao acúmulo de capital político, impulsionou a carreira consolidada das parlamentares. A análise dos dados da pesquisa ocorreu através do estudo das trajetórias das deputadas, observando seus perfis através de informações extraídas das páginas eletrônicas das Assembleias Legislativas, Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, Blogs das deputadas estaduais, bem como a análise descritiva e comparativa das parlamentares. Por fim, diante das análises realizadas cabe apontar algumas questões para serem apreciadas com pesquisas futuras, relacionadas às carreiras políticas femininas. Essas se situam, principalmente, no fato de existir um número pequeno de mulheres eleitas aos Parlamentos Regionais (poder supranacional). Isso configura um aspecto de significativa influência para a homogeneidade nas carreias políticas apresentadas neste trabalho. Ou, como indica a bibliografia sobre a carreira política, a homogeneidade nas carreiras políticas está voltada ao fato dessas parlamentares, mesmo sendo mulheres, pertencerem a uma elite política. / This study sought to investigate the presence and women's political career in the state of Brazil elected in the 2010 legislative elections, in order to identify factors that are crucial to building their political careers, from the contact networks that favor the entry and the permanence of women in the political field. Parallel to this, we analyzed the existence of differences depending on the regional diversity of Brazilian parliamentarians. Thus, we adopted as hypothesis the notion that specific characteristics of women who are in electoral politics have a similar political career between state legislators, a fact that was confirmed in the survey. In this sense, the presence of these representatives due to the accumulation of political capital, boosted consolidated parliamentary career. The analysis of the survey data occurred by analyzing the trajectories of MPs, watching their profiles through information extracted from the electronic pages of the Legislative Assemblies, the Superior Electoral Court, Blogs of state deputies, as well as descriptive and comparative analysis of parliamentarians. Finally, on the analyzes it is to point out some issues for consideration in future research related to women's political careers. These are located mainly in the fact that there is a small number of women elected to regional parliaments (supranational power). This sets up an aspect of significant influence to the homogeneity in political carreias presented in this paper. Or, as indicated by the literature on the political career, the homogeneity in political careers is facing the fact that these parliamentarians, even as women belonging to a political elite.

A profissionalização política do poder executivo estadual: uma análise do perfil social e da carreira dos governadores brasileiros (1994-2010)

Massia, Leandro Pribernow 28 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:45:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro_Pribernow_Massia_Dissertacao.pdf: 1909270 bytes, checksum: 9b3e619b2ea18037907026e89b72de09 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-28 / The dissertation aims to analyze the social profile and career paths politics of the governors elected in Brazil between 1994 and 2010. The profile corresponds to four attributes, gender, age, education and profession of origin politicians. It meant by career government positions occupied by indication and / or won at the polls before arrival to the head of the state executive, and leadership positions in political parties and legislatures as well. The sources of the study are: data of Elections, institutional and personal sites, and bibliographic resources, such as the Historical-Biographical Dictionary Brazilian. The hypothesis is that the office of governor, to occupy a central place in the political hierarchy of the states belonging to the executive branch and to be defined by the majority system, is not very open to newcomers, requires its occupants long years devoted to political activity and elective terms prior, which indicates the need for professionalism to obtain the post. / A dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o perfil social e as trajetórias de carreira política dos governadores eleitos no Brasil, entre 1994 e 2010. O perfil corresponde a quatro atributos: gênero, faixa etária, escolaridade e profissão de origem dos políticos. Por carreira se entende os cargos públicos ocupados por indicação e/ou conquistados nas urnas antes da chegada à chefia do executivo estadual, além de cargos de liderança nos partidos e casas legislativas. As fontes do estudo são: dados da Justiça Eleitoral, sites institucionais e pessoais, e recursos bibliográficos, como o Dicionário Histórico-Biográfico Brasileiro. A hipótese é que o cargo de governador, por ocupar um lugar central na hierarquia política dos estados, pertencer ao poder executivo e ser definido pelo sistema majoritário, é pouco permeável a novatos, exige de seus ocupantes longos anos dedicados à atividade política e mandatos eletivos prévios, o que aponta a necessidade de profissionalização para a obtenção do posto.

Caracterização dos professores de Educação Física que trabalham com esporte extraclasse: motivações, trajetórias, saberes e identidades / Characterization of physical education teachers who work with extracurricular sports: motivations, backgrounds, knowledge and identities

Andrade, Danielle Muller de 25 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:49:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DanielleAndrade .pdf: 702405 bytes, checksum: 5497672131b43e2c423740d23b9e9dd6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-25 / Although the current context of education depicts a scenario of disdain, disbelief and devaluation of the teaching profession, are in schools motivated and committed professionals, professionals who use resources, seek alternatives and engage with the same. These professionals often go unnoticed and appear to non exist in the public schools. To contribute to greater reflection on teacher motivation, a topic widely discussed in education, this study aims to trace the characterization of physical education teachers who work with extracurricular sports in College Hall Pelotense, the from their motivations, their careers, their knowledge and identities. Characterized as a qualitative and descriptive study,like a study case. For the data collection instrument were used a semi-structured interviews which were transcribed later to be analyzed and discussed. The subjects in this study were six teachers involved in extracurricular sports activities at the school. The study results point to a scenario where teachers, mostly men and ex athletes, trained in ESEF / UFPel, are at different stages of professional development, with different expectations about the future. They are motivated to work, though not fully satisfied. The feelings of satisfaction concerning the development of students, since the dissatisfaction is related to work conditions and low wages. The knowledge used in their practices are related to their trajectories, particularly, their experiences with the sport. They point out that professional development is hampered by the lack of professional training policies. The training materials are from the personal commitment of teachers. Recognize themselves and are recognized by the wider community as competent professionals. Such recognition promotes increased self-esteem and influence in the motivation of teachers / Ainda que o contexto atual da educação retrate um cenário de desprezo, descrédito e desvalorização da profissão de educador, nas escolas encontram-se profissionais empenhados e motivados, profissionais que mobilizam recursos, buscam alternativas e envolvem-se com a mesma. Estes profissionais por vezes passam despercebidos e parecem inexistir nas escolas públicas. A fim de contribuir para uma maior reflexão acerca da motivação docente, tema amplamente discutido no campo da educação, este estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar os professores de Educação Física que trabalham com o esporte extraclasse no Colégio Municipal Pelotense, a partir de suas motivações, suas trajetórias, seus saberes e identidades. Caracteriza-se como um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, tipo estudo de caso. Para a coleta dos dados o instrumento utilizado foi a entrevista semi-estruturada, as quais foram transcritas para posteriormente serem analisadas e discutidas. Os sujeitos deste estudo foram seis professores envolvidos com as atividades esportivas extraclasse na referida escola. Os resultados do estudo apontam para um cenário onde os professores, na sua maioria homens e ex-atletas, formados na ESEF/UFPel, encontram-se em diferentes fases de desenvolvimento profissional, apresentando diferentes expectativas com relação ao futuro. Estão motivados para o trabalho, embora não plenamente satisfeitos. Os sentimentos de satisfação dizem respeito ao desenvolvimento dos alunos, já os de insatisfação relacionam-se com as condições de trabalho e os baixos salários. Os saberes empregados nas suas práticas estão relacionados às suas trajetórias, em especial, as suas experiências com o esporte. Salientam que a atualização profissional é comprometida pela falta de políticas de capacitação profissional. Os materiais para treinamento são oriundos do empenho pessoal dos professores. Reconhecem-se e são reconhecidos pela comunidade em geral como profissionais competentes. Tal reconhecimento favorece o aumento da auto-estima, bem como influencia na motivação dos professores

Habiter le transnational : politiques de l'espace, travail globalisé et subjectivités entre Java, Kuala Lumpur et Singapour / Inhabiting the transnational : space politics, globalized labor and subjectivities between Java, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore

Bastide, Loïs 16 September 2011 (has links)
La thèse porte sur les migrations de travailleurs indonésiens vers Kuala Lumpur, en Malaysia, et Singapour, à partir d’une approche qui s’efforce de combiner les principes de l’analyse pragmatiste et la prise en charge des effets de structure, en vue de décrire la formation de transnationalismes dans la région et d’interroger la nature des espaces sociaux qui s’agrègent autour de ces parcours migratoires. En développant une approche socio-anthropologique mise en œuvre au cours de vingt mois de terrain il s’est agi de saisir la migration au plus proche des expériences vécues, sans renoncer à décrire des contextes sociaux, politiques, culturels et historiques qui permettent de les situer dans leurs spécificités mais aussi dans la perspective de dynamiques politiques et économiques globales. Alors que ces migrations se développent et s’institutionnalisent, le choix d’une ethnographie multi-site, dispersée dans les trois pays, a permis de construire un point de vue mobile et décentré, au plus près des expériences situées. Dans cette perspective, la thèse s’efforce de montrer l’émergence de transnationalismes et d’espaces transnationaux à l’intersection entre la production d’un travail globalisé et les politiques nationales, où s’inscrivent des processus de subjectivation inédits. Alors que les socialités se désenclavent sous l’effet des migrations, les espaces vécus se transnationalisent en sorte que saisir ces nouvelles dynamiques sociales, c’est désormais aussi décrire des manières d’habiter le transnational. / The thesis deals with the migration of Indonesian workers to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Singapore. The argument draws on a theoretical approach which attempts to blend the contribution of pragmatism with the analysis of structure effects in order to describe the formation of transnationalisms in the region and to scrutinize the nature of the social spaces which are assembled along these migration trails. By constructing a socio-antrhopological approach, operationalized during a twenty-months fieldwork, we aimed to capture migration as close as possible from lived experiences, yet without giving up the description of the broader social, political, cultural and historical contexts which allow to remain sensitive to their specificities while locating them in the context of global political and economic dynamics. While these migrations are both developing and being increasingly institutionalized, the choice of a multi-sited ethnography, distributed in the three countries, allowed to build a shifting and de-centered point of view, and to remain always as close as possible to situated experiences. In this perspective, the thesis tries to show the emergence of transnationalisms and transnational social spaces at the intersection between the production of a globalized labor and national politics – space politics -, where new subjectivation processes are being shaped. While socialities are increasingly disembbedded from local contexts, lived spaces are also increasingly transnationalized, so that capturing these new social dynamics now supposes to describe new ways of inhabiting the transnational.

Equilibre de vie dans le Conseil : de la proactivité individuelle aux arrangements organisationnels / Work-life balance in Consulting : from individual proactivity to organisational arrangements

Noury, Lucie 11 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’étudier les tensions que traversent les activités de services professionnels (audit, conseil...) depuis une trentaine d’années, à travers le prisme des enjeux d’équilibre de vie. Alors que ces entreprises sont mises en cause dans les medias pour leurs pratiques managériales encourageant leurs salariés à se dépasser sans cesse, elles n’ont jamais été aussi actives dans leur communication sur les enjeux de qualité de vie au travail. A travers l’analyse des travaux existants, nous montrons que le système incitatif en up- or-out des organisations professionnelles repose sur le présupposé que les professionnels aspirent principalement à être récompensés de leurs efforts par des bonus et des promotions. A travers l’analyse de 58 récits de carrière de consultants, nous identifions deux autres dimensions clés de leur expérience au travail : la nature des projets qui leurs sont assignés et l’équilibre de vie. Nous explicitons les techniques qu’ils mettent en œuvre pour tenter de répondre à ces aspirations. Dans un deuxième temps, après avoir analysé le discours managérial en vigueur dans 9 cabinets sur ces questions, nous décrivons - à travers l’étude comparative de deux cabinets de conseil – les ajustements qu’ils mettent en place pour mieux les soutenir. Nous discutons l’ampleur de la remise en cause du modèle d’organisation traditionnel de ces entreprises par ces évolutions, dans un contexte où elles sont de plus en plus menacées, que ce soit par une faible croissance de leurs activités, une pression sur les coûts, la sophistication de la demande des clients ou par un phénomène d’uberisation qui touche de façon croissante les services professionnels. / This thesis aims at studying the tensions that professional service firms (audit firms, consultancies...) have been facing for the past thirty years, through the lens of work-life balance. While these firms are increasingly questioned in the media for their managerial practices that encourage their salaries to excel themselves; they have never been so active in communicating on quality of work-life. Through a review of the literature, I show that the up- or-out incentive system of professional organisations lies on the assumption that professionals all mostly aspire to see their commitment rewarded by bonuses and promotions. Through the analysis of 58 consultants’ career stories, I identify two additional dimensions of their experience at work: the nature of the projects they are assigned and work-life balance. Then, the techniques they use to fulfil these aspirations are described. Second, after studying the managerial discourse on work-life balance in 9 consultancies, through the comparative case study of two firms I analyse the adjustments they have implemented to accommodate individual needs. I discuss the extent to which these evolutions challenge the traditional organisation of professional service firms, at a time when they are increasingly threatened by low levels of growth in the industry; pressure on cost; the sophistication of clients’ demands and the uberisation of the economy, which has also reached professional services.

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