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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processo judicial eletrônico: alcance e efetividade sob a égide da Lei Nº 11.419, de 19.12.2006 / Processo judicial eletrônico alcance e efetividade sob a égide da Lei n.11.419, de 19.12.2006

Zamur Filho, Jamil 03 May 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho examina a amplitude do fenômeno do Processo Judicial Eletrônico e as perspectivas de resposta à sociedade com relação à razoável duração do processo e sua celeridade pela utilização dos meios eletrônicos. Com este objetivo, analisa as possibilidades de acesso à justiça e os desafios do desenvolvimento de um novo método que permita aperfeiçoar a participação dos sujeitos processuais para que os escopos jurisdicionais sejam plenamente atingidos. Neste sentido, observa as reconfigurações que as opções políticas realizadas a partir do início deste século engendram, tanto nos princípios processuais em face às garantias constitucionais, quanto na jurisdição e suas interdependências com outros aspectos do direito processual civil. Subsidiariamente, contextualiza o desenvolvimento da atuação estatal no ciberespaço, as estratégias formuladas e a inserção do Poder Judiciário nesta seara. Ao concluir, verificar-se-á que o Processo Judicial Eletrônico é um método em construção que, já dentro do caráter atual de forma autorizada pela Lei nº 11.419/06, quando complementada pela legislação e regulamentação correlata, possibilita maior transparência e participação, tendente a prover efetividade à prestação jurisdicional na sociedade pós-moderna. / This paper investigates the extent of the digital process phenomenon and the perspectives of its impact on the society concerning the examination of the case in a reasonable period of time and its celerity upon the employment of electronic means. In view of this, this study aims to analyze the possibilities of access to justice and the challenges imposed by the development of a new method which enables the improvement in the participation of all related parties in the judicial proceedings so as to fully accomplish the scope of the jurisdictional function. As follows, it examines the reconfiguration engendered by the political options which have been taking place since the beginning of this century both in the procedural principles in light of constitutional guarantees and in the jurisdiction and on its correlation with other aspects of civil procedure. Alternatively, this dissertation contextualizes the progression of the governmental interaction on the cyberspace, the conceived strategies and the insertion of the Judiciary in this field. In conclusion, it will be possible to establish that the digital process is still under development, but even under its current status, as authorized by Law 11,419/06 and complemented by other corresponding regulations, is nonetheless able to ensure more transparency and a higher level of participation, tending to provide effectiveness to the jurisdictional function in the postmodern society.

Processo judicial eletrônico: alcance e efetividade sob a égide da Lei Nº 11.419, de 19.12.2006 / Processo judicial eletrônico alcance e efetividade sob a égide da Lei n.11.419, de 19.12.2006

Jamil Zamur Filho 03 May 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho examina a amplitude do fenômeno do Processo Judicial Eletrônico e as perspectivas de resposta à sociedade com relação à razoável duração do processo e sua celeridade pela utilização dos meios eletrônicos. Com este objetivo, analisa as possibilidades de acesso à justiça e os desafios do desenvolvimento de um novo método que permita aperfeiçoar a participação dos sujeitos processuais para que os escopos jurisdicionais sejam plenamente atingidos. Neste sentido, observa as reconfigurações que as opções políticas realizadas a partir do início deste século engendram, tanto nos princípios processuais em face às garantias constitucionais, quanto na jurisdição e suas interdependências com outros aspectos do direito processual civil. Subsidiariamente, contextualiza o desenvolvimento da atuação estatal no ciberespaço, as estratégias formuladas e a inserção do Poder Judiciário nesta seara. Ao concluir, verificar-se-á que o Processo Judicial Eletrônico é um método em construção que, já dentro do caráter atual de forma autorizada pela Lei nº 11.419/06, quando complementada pela legislação e regulamentação correlata, possibilita maior transparência e participação, tendente a prover efetividade à prestação jurisdicional na sociedade pós-moderna. / This paper investigates the extent of the digital process phenomenon and the perspectives of its impact on the society concerning the examination of the case in a reasonable period of time and its celerity upon the employment of electronic means. In view of this, this study aims to analyze the possibilities of access to justice and the challenges imposed by the development of a new method which enables the improvement in the participation of all related parties in the judicial proceedings so as to fully accomplish the scope of the jurisdictional function. As follows, it examines the reconfiguration engendered by the political options which have been taking place since the beginning of this century both in the procedural principles in light of constitutional guarantees and in the jurisdiction and on its correlation with other aspects of civil procedure. Alternatively, this dissertation contextualizes the progression of the governmental interaction on the cyberspace, the conceived strategies and the insertion of the Judiciary in this field. In conclusion, it will be possible to establish that the digital process is still under development, but even under its current status, as authorized by Law 11,419/06 and complemented by other corresponding regulations, is nonetheless able to ensure more transparency and a higher level of participation, tending to provide effectiveness to the jurisdictional function in the postmodern society.

Princípio constitucional da celeridade processual / Celerity of procedure constitutional principle

João Carlos Navarro de Almeida Prado 20 December 2010 (has links)
O constituinte reformador decidiu tratar do problema da morosidade da justiça, à semelhança de outros países e de diversos tratados internacionais a respeito. A presente dissertação tem por fulcro a análise do novo inciso LXXVIII do art. 5º da Constituição Federal que instituiu a celeridade processual como direito fundamental. É feita cuidadosa abordagem de todos os princípios constitucionais pertinentes à matéria, especialmente o devido processo legal, desde o seu surgimento, na common law inglesa, com a Magna Carta de 1215, evoluindo pela interpretação da Suprema Corte nos Estados Unidos, de modo a conhecer sua vertente substantiva, até ser consagrado no Brasil, de modo expresso, cerca de 200 anos depois, pela Constituição de 1988. Outros princípios apresentam-se igualmente de grande relevância, como o acesso à justiça, eficiência e igualdade. Constata-se que não era imprescindível a positivação de regra específica para que a Justiça estivesse jungida ao dever de julgar com rapidez. Revela-se, porém, profícua a abordagem do tema na Constituição, dentre os direitos fundamentais. Verifica-se a ocorrência de eventuais conflitos no plano concreto envolvendo a celeridade processual e os princípios do contraditório e da ampla defesa, bem como a segurança jurídica. Dedica-se especial atenção ao papel da Emenda Constitucional n. 45, de 2004 e diversos institutos por ela trazidos no intento de se obter um Poder Judiciário mais célere e organizado de modo mais eficaz e uniforme, embora se constate a necessidade de mudanças que se sobressaem à atuação do legislador. Realiza-se pesquisa histórica e descritiva com supedâneo na doutrina brasileira e no direito comparado, especialmente nas literaturas jurídicas francesa, inglesa, portuguesa e estadunidense. Ao se analisar a repercussão do dispositivo à luz do direito constitucional, nota-se a necessidade de muitas outras alterações para que a Reforma atinja seu desiderato. Constata-se que o Poder Judiciário possui papel preponderante na salvaguarda dos direitos fundamentais, de modo que, atuando a contento, a celeridade processual pode se tornar poderoso instrumento de efetividade de tais direitos e da própria Constituição Federal. / The constituent reformer decided to face the problem of the delays of Justice, likewise that in other countries and various international treaties of the subject. This dissertation focuses on the analysis of the new item LXXVIII of article 5th of the Federal Constitution which set the celerity of procedure as a fundamental right. A careful approach is made from all constitutional principles relevant to the subject, especially the due process of law, since its emergence in the English common law, with the Magna Carta of 1215, evolving through United States Supreme Courts interpretation, in order to meet its substantive aspect, to be explicitly devoted in Brazil, about 200 years later, by the Constitution of 1988. Other principles also have great relevance, such as access to justice, efficiency and equality. It appears to be unessential to insert a specific rule by which the Justice would be bound by duty to judge rapidly. However, it is useful to approach the subject in the Constitution, among the fundamental rights. Possible conflicts are analyzed in concrete plan involving the speedy trial clause and the principles of adversarial and legal defense, as well legal certainty. Proper attention is paid to the role of the 45th Amendment of 2004 and various institutes brought by it, in the attempt to achieve a faster and more uniform and well organized Justice, although evidences the need of changes that overcome the role of the legislator. Takes place a historical and descriptive research takes place in Brazilian doctrine and comparative law, especially in French, English, Portuguese and American legal literature. By analyzing of the clauses effect under the constitutional law, its notice the demand of many other changes to the Reform reach your goal. Its seen that the Judiciary has a predominant role in safeguarding the fundamental rights, so that, working properly, speedy trial clause may become a powerful tool of effectiveness of such rights and of the own Constitution.

Etude numérique de la transformation des vagues en zone littorale, de la zone de levée aux zones de surf et de jet de rive

Tissier, Marion 15 December 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous introduisons un nouveau modèle instationnaire de vagues valable de la zone de levée à la zone de jet de rive adapté à l'étude de la submersion. Le modèle est basé sur les équations de Serre Green-Naghdi (S-GN), dont l'application à la zone de surf reste un domaine de recherche ouvert. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour gérer le déferlement dans ce type de modèle, basée sur la représentation des fronts déferlés par des chocs. Cette approche a été utilisée avec succès pour les modèles basés sur les équations de Saint-Venant (SV) et permet une description simple et efficace du déferlement et des mouvements de la ligne d'eau. Dans ces travaux, nous cherchons à étendre le domaine de validité du modèle SV SURF-WB (Marche et al. 2007) vers la zone de levée en incluant les termes dispersifs propres aux équations de S-GN. Des basculements locaux vers les équations de SV au niveau des fronts permettent alors aux vagues de déferler et dissiper leur énergie. Le modèle obtenu, appelé SURF-GN, est validé à l'aide de données de laboratoire correspondant à différents types de vagues incidentes et de plages. Il est ensuite utilisé pour analyser la dynamique des fronts d'ondes longues de type tsunami en zone littorale. Nous montrons que SURF-GN peut décrire les différents types de fronts, d'ondulé non-déferlé à purement déferlé. Les conséquences de la transformation d'une onde de type tsunami en train d'ondulations lors de la propagation sur une plage sont ensuite considérées. Nous présentons finalement une étude de la célérité des vagues déferlées, basée sur les données de la campagne de mesure in-situ ECORS Truc-Vert 2008. L'influence des non-linéarités est en particulier quantifiée. / In this thesis, we introduce a new numerical model able to describe wave transformation from the shoaling to the swash zones, including overtopping. This model is based on Serre Green-Naghdi equations, which are the basic fully nonlinear Boussinesq-type equations. These equations can accurately describe wave dynamics prior to breaking, but their application to the surf zone usually requires the use of complex parameterizations. We propose a new approach to describe wave breaking in S-GN models, based on the representation of breaking wave fronts as shocks. This method has been successfully applied to the Nonlinear Shallow Water (NSW) equations, and allows for an easy treatment of wave breaking and shoreline motions. However, the NSW equations can only be applied after breaking. In this thesis, we aim at extending the validity domain of the NSW model SURF-WB (Marche et al. 2007) to the shoaling zone by adding the S-GN dispersive terms to the governing equations. Local switches to NSW equations are then performed in the vicinity of the breaking fronts, allowing for the waves to break and dissipate their energy. Extensive validations using laboratory data are presented. The new model, called SURF-GN, is then applied to study tsunami-like undular bore dynamics in the nearshore. The model ability to describe bore dynamics for a large range of Froude number is first demonstrated, and the effects of the bore transformation on wave run-up over a sloping beach are considered. We finally present an in-situ study of broken wave celerity, based on the ECORS-Truc Vert 2008 field experiment. In particular, we quantify the effects of non-linearities and evaluate the predictive ability of several non-linear celerity models.

Les droits de la défense face aux technologies de l'information et de la communication / The right to defence and information and communication technology

Sontag Koenig, Sophie 13 December 2013 (has links)
Les droits de la défense émanent d'une époque où les justiciables subissaient le procès et les atteintes pouvant en résulter pour leurs droits et leurs libertés. Protéiforme, héritier des garanties issues de la notion de procès équitable telle que définie par la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, ce concept prend une coloration spécifique dans le procès pénal. Il est incarné, en soi, par l'avocat pénaliste qui, en symbiose avec lui, doit s'adapter aux mutations dont il a parfois fait l'objet. Instruite d'expériences menées à l'étranger sur l'introduction des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans le domaine de la justice, la France, elle aussi, a décidé de moderniser ses procédures judiciaires en y recourant dans la sphère pénale. Révolution copernicienne, porteuse d'espoirs au plan managérial et de l'administration de la justice, les technologies modernes suscitent de facto craintes et résistances en raison de leur relative complexité et de leur caractère novateur. Ainsi, à des difficultés techniques qui limitent les retombées positives des réformes, s'ajoutent des aspects symboliques concernant le déroulement du rituel judiciaire, instaurant une dialectique nouvelle entre intervenants de la "chaîne pénale" et modifiant les rapports entre professionnels du droit ainsi qu'entre ceux qui unissent justice et justiciables. Il s'ensuit une mutation des cadres du procès et, corrélativement, une reformulation des schémas de pensée au regard des droits de la défense et de l'exercice de la défense pénale. / The rights of the defense come from a time when individuals undergoing trial and damage that may result to their rights and freedoms. Protean, they are born guaranteed from the notion of a fair trial as defined by the European Court of Human Rights. Taking a specific color in the criminal trial, this notion appears embodied in itself, the criminal lawyer who, in harmony with his specialty, must adapt to the changes which it has sometimes been. Technologies of Information and Communication have gradually invested the field of Justice and in particular the criminal sphere. Educated the results of experiments conducted abroad, France has also decided to modernize its judicial procedures using these new techniques. Copernican revolution, full of hope at the managerial level and the administration of justice, modern technologies raise fears facto resistance due to their relative complexity and novelty. Thus, a technical difficulty that limits the positive impact of the reforms, in addition symbolic aspects concerning the conduct of judicial ritual, introducing a new dialectic between stakeholders "criminal justice system" and changing the relationship of legal professionals as well as those that unites justice and litigants. It follows a change of management of the trial and, correspondingly, a restructuring of the thought patterns of the rights of defense and the practice of criminal defense.

Vysokofrekvenční pulsace při provozu vodní turbíny / High Frequency Pulsation of Water Turbine in Operation

Kubálek, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concentrated on mathematical modeling of high frequency pulsations in pump turbines, which are the source of high-cycle continuous stress of the spiral casing cover, wicket gates and runner. There are proposed the solutions using the transfer matrix for the tube with a constant and conical cross-section. The paper compares variations of cylindrical and conical tubes, changes in boundary conditions. There are the models of PSPP Dlouhé Stráně made only of cylindrical tubes comparing to the model with cylindrical and conical tubes

Hydrologické procesy a jejich dynamika v měnícím se klimatu a prostředí: Zkušenosti z výzkumu na různých časových a prostorových škálách / Hydrological processes and dynamics in the changing climate and environment: Lessons learned from multiple temporal and spatial scales

Su, Ye January 2019 (has links)
Hydrological processes and dynamics in the changing climate and environment: Lessons learned from multiple temporal and spatial scales Ye Su ABSTRACT Climate change, along with the changes in land use and land cover (LULC), is the key factor driving the changes in hydrological processes and dynamics in a basin. This thesis emphasized on understanding the impact of both long-term climate change and abrupt anthropogenic driven agricultural intensification or natural driven insect-induced forest disturbance on hydrological processes and dynamics at varying spatial and temporal scales in two diverting terrestrial environment. Two pattern-based investigations, one case study in a forest region in Central Europe and another in a semi-arid region in Central Asia, were aimed to answer the main research question "what are the responses of hydrological dynamics and the related hydro-geochemical conditions to climate change and certain changes in LULC at a basin-scale?". The long-term hydro-climatic dataset was used for conducting statistical analyses and establishing hydro-climatic modelling at the basin scale. We further conducted process-based studies, attempting to understand how and why the specific hydrological dynamics were altered at smaller spatial and temporal scales: (i) a catchment-scale tracer-based...

Audiência única e a duração razoável do processo nos juizados especiais cíveis

Nicoli, Ricardo Luiz 23 March 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2014-07-29T18:49:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 1441612.pdf: 7296177 bytes, checksum: 7e700ddc28ec670630100fd42e9aef61 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2014-07-29T18:49:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 1441612.pdf: 7296177 bytes, checksum: 7e700ddc28ec670630100fd42e9aef61 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2014-07-29T18:49:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 1441612.pdf: 7296177 bytes, checksum: 7e700ddc28ec670630100fd42e9aef61 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T18:49:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1441612.pdf: 7296177 bytes, checksum: 7e700ddc28ec670630100fd42e9aef61 (MD5) / This dissertation intends to show that the State Civil Small Claims Courts, regulated by the Law 9.099/95, guided by the principIes of orality, simplicity, infonnality, procedural economy and celerity, which were created because of the need to make a greatest access to justice viable, mainly among the poorest, with the reduction of costs and simplification of procedures that could make the judgements within a reasonable period possible, in the forensic custom rcality, are being misconstrued from their purposes. In this sense, the study shows numbers that confinn that the Small Claims Courts accomplished their aim to provide the access to the judiciary, but started to sufTer from the same problem of ordinary justice: slowness in the delay of jurisdictional execution. Besides the structure incompatibility with the CUlTent demand that will obviously cause slowness in the Small Claims Courts, the study shows the reason for this way of acting of the judges, responsible for the administration of the process, that reproduce in the Small Claims Courts the fonnality and the inherent bureaucracy of regular Civil law, when it establishes, in evident lack of measure with the law in its principies, a procedure with two fonnal audiences, one for conciliation, another when an agreement is 110t reached, for instruction and judgement, in separated days, increasing the time of process duration. The study concludes that the use of a single fonnal audience, besides being a legal detennination, is also in syntony with its principIes, and provides celerity in the judgements, reducing the cost and the waiting time of the litigants, obstacles to the access to justice which the law 9.099/95 tried to remove. / Esta dissertação pretende demonstrar que os Juizados Especiais Cíveis Estaduais, regulados pela Lei n° 9.099/95, orientados pelos princípios da oralidade, simplicidade, informalidade, economia processual e celeridade, que foram criados em decorrência da necessidade de viabilizar um maior acesso à justiça, principalmente da população mais carente, com redução de custos e simplificação de procedimentos que possibilitassem os julgamentos dentro de um prazo razoável, na realidade da práxis forense, estão sendo desvirtuado dos seus objetivos. Neste sentido, o estudo apresenta números comprovando que os Juizados Especiais cumpriram seu desiderato de proporcionar o acesso ao judiciário, mas que passaram a padecer do mesmo problema da justiça comum: a morosidade na entrega da prestação jurisdicional. Além da incompatibilidade de estrutura com a atual demanda que obviamente vai ensejar lentidão nos Juizados, o estudo apresenta como motivo para esse quadro a conduta dos juizes, responsáveis pela administração do processo, que reproduzem nos Juizados o fomlalismo e a burocracia inerente ao processo civil comum, ao instituir, em evidente descompasso com a lei e seus princípios, um procedimento com duas audiências, sendo uma para conciliação e outra, nos casos em que não é obtido acordo, para instrução e julgamento, em dias distintos, aumentando o tempo de duração dos processos. O estudo conclui que a utilização de audiência única, além de ser uma detenninação legal e estar em sintonia com seus princípios, proporciona celeridade nos julgamentos. diminuindo o custo e o tempo de espera dos litigantes, obstáculos do acesso à justiça que a Lei n° 9.099/95 procurou remover.

A repercussão geral no direito brasileiro e os critérios adotados pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal para selecionar as matérias de acordo com a lei n.11.418/2006

Jorge Antônio Cavalcanti Araújo 20 May 2011 (has links)
A melhoria dos serviços prestados aos jurisdicionados enfrenta um conflito entre a necessidade de se oferecer à sociedade soluções cada vez mais rápidas para os litígios por ela produzidos e a manutenção de conquistas sociais de suma importância, obtidas ao longo da história com base em grandes sacrifícios. Nesse contexto, a Emenda à Constituição n. 45, de 08 de dezembro de 2004, dentre outras inovações, acrescentou ao rol dos direitos fundamentais elencados no art. 5, da nossa Carta Magna, o direito à razoável duração do processo e aos meios que garantam a celeridade de sua tramitação, bem como passou a exigir que nos recursos extraordinários seja demonstrada a repercussão geral das questões constitucionais discutidas no caso. Esse instituto foi regulamentado pela Lei n. 11.418, de 19 de dezembro de 2006, que, contudo, não exauriu totalmente a matéria e deixou lacunas que demandam alguns questionamentos acerca de sua aplicabilidade, recaindo sobre o Supremo Tribunal Federal o papel de selecionar quais temas se enquadrarão nessa nova ordem, isto é, cujos interesses ultrapassam a individualidade de cada uma das partes envolvidas nos casos concretos, o que poderá resultar no surgimento de conflitos entre o pensamento do Pretório Excelso e os interesses das partes, fazendo com que a rapidez na prestação jurisdicional oriunda de mais um dos mecanismos de filtragem processual, eventualmente possa colidir com outros direitos fundamentais já consagrados em nosso ordenamento jurídico. Saber quais são os critérios mais adotados pelos integrantes da maior Corte de Justiça do Brasil para reconhecer a repercussão geral em razão das questões relevantes do ponto de vista econômico, político, social ou jurídico, que ultrapassem os interesses subjetivos da causa reflete o objeto do presente estudo. Além disso, as decisões do STF que reconheceram a repercussão geral no segundo semestre do ano de 2010 serão analisadas, no intuito de se descobrir se apenas os aspectos legais foram adotados pelo Pretório Excelso ou se outros critérios subjetivos serviram para embasar o entendimento da Corte, revelando ser a prática do ativismo judicial uma tendência natural a balizar cada vez mais a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal

Les interférences entre instances civiles et pénales parallèles : contribution à l'étude de la cohérence en matière juridictionnelle / Interference between parallel civil and penal proceedings : contribution to the study of coherence in juridictional matters

Wittmann, Valérie 18 February 2011 (has links)
ALes instances civile et pénale parallèles suscitent des risques de contrariétés que le droit positif prévient traditionnellement par l'utilisation de la règle de l'autorité du pénal sur le civil et du sursis à statuer de l'article 4 du Code de procédure pénale. Or ce double mécanisme de la primauté du pénal sur le civil est tout à fait singulier. Il assure en effet une cohérence entre les motifs des décisions concernées, dont le droit positif ne se soucie guère au sein des autres contentieux. Il est de plus unilatéral, puisqu'il ne joue qu'au bénéfice des décisions pénales. Justifié initialement par l'importance et les garanties de vérité des décisions pénales, il s'avère cependant, à l'analyse, largement discutable. Quant à ses fondements d'abord, ce mécanisme assure certes une certaine cohérence des choses jugées, mais maintient une apparence de vérité plus qu'il ne la garantit. Or précisément, la cohérence entre motifs de jugements distincts n'est légitime qu'autant qu'elle sert l'objectif de vérité. Quant à son régime, ensuite, l'autorité du pénal sur le civil entrave la liberté du juge civil et viole, par son caractère absolu, le principe du contradictoire, tandis qu'une application systématique du sursis à statuer est source de lenteur des procédures et contrevient à l'objectif de célérité. Afin de pallier ces inconvénients, le législateur et la jurisprudence se sont d'abord efforcés de restreindre les effets les plus néfastes de ce principe, en dissociant les concepts civils et répressifs, puis en le cantonnant étroitement. Néanmoins, l'objectif de célérité l'a finalement emporté, et le législateur, par la loi du 5 mars 2007, n'a maintenu le caractère obligatoire du sursis à statuer de l'article 4 qu'à l'égard de l'action civile en réparation du dommage né de l'infraction. Le nouveau dispositif consacre désormais le principe d'une indépendance des procédures parallèles, au risque de l'incohérence, même si pour l'heure les juridictions du fond tiennent compte du risque de contrariété et maintiennent la règle de l'autorité du pénal sur le civil. Il conviendrait néanmoins de revenir sur cette dernière règle, et d'attribuer aux énonciations qui constituent le soutien nécessaire de la décision pénale, la valeur d'une présomption réfragable de vérité. Il serait ainsi tenu compte des spécificités des décisions pénales, de même que seraient préservées les exigences, parfois antagonistes, d'autonomie des juridictions, de cohérence des choses jugées, et de recherche de vérité. / AWhen civil and penal proceedings occur in parallel, there is a risk of conflicting judgments, which positive law traditionally precludes by making penal proceedings paramount and by deferring adjudication on article 4 of the Criminal Code. This double mechanism, which ensures supremacy of criminal proceedings over civil proceedings, is quite singular. Indeed, it guarantees that the justifications for the decisions made are coherent. In other contentious matters, positive law pays little attention to such concerns. Moreover, it is unilateral, since it exclusively favours criminal law decisions. Though this supremacy was initially justified by the notion that criminal law decisions guaranteed truth, analysis has shown that this is largely debatable. First of all, with regard to the foundations themselves, this mechanism of course ensures a certain coherence of the matters judged, but maintains an appearance of truth rather than a guarantee of truth. Yet, precisely, the coherence of the justifications for distinct judgments is only legitimate insofar as it seeks to determine the truth. Then with regard to the system itself, the supremacy of criminal over civil proceedings interferes with the freedom of the civil judge, and violates by its absolute nature, the adversarial principle, while the systematic deferral of adjudication slows down procedures and undermines the objective of celerity. In order to remedy these drawbacks, legislators and jurisprudence have made an effort to limit the most damaging effects of this principle, by dissociating civil from repressive concepts, then by compartmentalising each within strict limits. Nevertheless, the objective of celerity finally won the day and legislators, through the law of 5th March 2007, retained the compulsory nature of the deferral of adjudication of article 4, but only with regard to civil action for damages resulting from the offence. The new law now establishes the principle of independence of parallel proceedings, even though it carries a risk of conflicting results. For the time being, however, the jurisdictions take into account the risk of conflicting results and have maintained the supremacy of criminal proceedings over civil proceedings. It is nonetheless desirable to revise the recent law, and to incorporate in the reasons which are necessary support for the criminal decision, the value of a refragable presumption of truth. The specific nature of decisions in criminal proceedings would thus be taken into account, and the sometimes antagonistic requirement of autonomy of the different jurisdictions, the coherence of the matters being judged, and the search for truth would thus be preserved.

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