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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Syllogistic Analysis and Cunning of Reason in Mathematics Education

Liu, Yang January 2013 (has links)
This essay explores the issue of organizing mathematics education by means of syllogism. Two aspects turn out to be particularly significant. One is the syllogistic analysis while the other is the cunning of reason. Thus the exploration is directed towards gathering evidence of their existence and showing by examples their usefulness within mathematics education. The syllogistic analysis and the cunning of reason shed also new light on Chevallard's theory of didactic transposition. According to the latter, each piece of mathematical knowledge used inside school is a didactic transposition of some other knowledge produced outside school, but the theory itself does not indicate any way of transposing, and this empty space can be filled with the former. A weak prototype of syllogism considered here is Freudenthal's change of perspective. Some of the major difficulties in mathematics learning are connected with the inability of performing change of perspective. Consequently, to ease the difficulties becomes a significant issue in mathematics teaching. The syllogistic analysis and the cunning of reason developed in this essay are the contributions to the said issue.

Perspektiva jako strukturální prvek ošetřovatelství / Perspective as structural common of nursing

POLÁKOVÁ, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
Perspective and structural elements, as the pivotal part of a scientific analysis of nursing as a field of study, helps categorize and sort the above individual items into logical units. This thesis aims to contribute to the scientific grasp of the dynamics of selected factors and development trends in nursing. Starting from the above terms, we will be dealing with perspective and its structural impacts on nursing, with the main focus on the analysis of selected factors of influence and their potential use for the examination, view and implementation of individual steps in the further development of nursing.

Sistemi di cost management e cambiamento aziendale: un'analisi delle condizoni di efficacia

MORELLI, MARCO 30 March 2012 (has links)
Per molte aziende, ristrutturazione e riduzione dei costi sono al centro dell’agenda strategica. Come sottolinea anche la recente letteratura, la crisi economica scoppiata nel 2008, e tuttora in atto, sta esercitando una forte pressione sulle modalità di funzionamento dei sistemi di controllo in generale e di cost management più in particolare. Il presente lavoro di tesi si pone l’obiettivo di comprendere come si originano e si sviluppano i processi di innovazione nei sistemi di cost management in contesti aziendali caratterizzati da fenomeni di cambiamento e quali sono le condizioni di efficacia nell’implementazione di tali interventi. Per perseguire tale obiettivo, vengono analizzati tre casi, riletti alla luce di un modello neoistituzionalista di cambiamento aziendale. Contrariamente alla tradizionale predilezione della letteratura scientifica per un approccio meramente tecnico al tema dei sistemi di cost management, la tesi dimostra come un’efficace gestione degli stessi richieda la comprensione dell’esito dell’interrelazione di variabili ambientali e istituzionali esterne e dinamiche organizzative e istituzionali interne. / For many organizations, restructuring and cost management are key issues in their strategic agenda. As highlighted by the recent literature on management accounting, the current economic crisis is putting enormous pressure on the functioning of cost management systems in most organizations in the world. The main objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between management accounting change (i.e., cost management initiatives) and organizational change. The thesis relies on qualitative data collected through three longitudinal case studies. The analysis draws on a neo-institutional framework which integrates the insights of recent neo-institutional works in accounting. Our findings show that cost management systems cannot be considered only as technical mechanisms. In fact, an effective implementation of cost management initiatives requires the comprehension of the complex interrelationships between competitive and institutional variables and intraorganizational dynamics.

Perspektivtagande i undervisningen : Ett utvecklingsområde för samhällskunskapsundervisningen i årskurs 4-6 / Perspective taking in the education : An area of development in social studies for grades 4-6

Johannesson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Making Sense of Organizational Change: The Impact of Contextual Factors on Middle Managers’ Sensemaking Processes and Room for Negotiation : A Case Study Exploring Organizational Change from a Change Recipient Perspective / Att Förstå Organisationsförändringar: Inverkan av Kontextuella Faktorer på Mellanchefers Meningsskapandeprocesser och Förhandlingsutrymme

Andersson, Hanna, Andtbacka, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Throughout their existence, organizations face endless change. Organizational change programs, despite often being initiated by top management, inevitably involve employees at multiple levels in the organization, including middle managers, which could be argued to play an especially important role as they are both receivers and implementers of the change. The middle managers try to make sense of the changes initiated by top management while they simultaneously are expected to sell it down the organizational line, meaning that the middle managers are forced to balance multiple and sometimes competing roles during change. Moreover, negotiations arise during the unstable times of change for the new social order to be determined and for organizational work to take place. To better understand these phenomena, this study applies a change recipient perspective, specifically that of middle managers. The phenomena were explored through a case study, which included qualitative interviews with managers in an organization that during the study was undergoing multiple changes, with the aim to gain a better understanding of these complex social processes by recognizing the impact from contextual and cultural factors. The findings of the study illustrate that while the middle managers negotiated within themselves to make sense of the change, they did not get the same opportunity to negotiate with their superiors. Further, the middle managers made sense of the change in ways that were unique to them, depending on their individual experiences and backgrounds. Hence, there was no single “best way” to facilitate all middle managers’ sensemaking processes, rather, the middle managers needed differing support at differing points in time. The study concludes that the contextual factors, such as the organizational culture and subcultures, power relations and social dynamics, were what affected the middle manager's sensemaking processes and their room for negotiation. Therefore, these factors could be further addressed in theory and in practice before initiating change. / Organisationer står inför oändlig förändring under hela sin existens. Organisatoriska förändringsprogram, trots att de ofta initierats av högsta ledningen, involverar oundvikligen anställda på flera nivåer i organisationen, inklusive mellanchefer, vilka skulle kunna hävdas spela en särskilt viktig roll eftersom de är både mottagare och implementerare av förändringen. Mellancheferna försöker förstå den uppifrån initierade förändringen samtidigt som de förväntas sälja den längs organisationslinjen, vilket innebär att mellancheferna tvingas balansera flera, ibland konkurrerande, roller under förändring. Dessutom uppstår förhandlingar under den instabila tid som förändringar medför för att den nya sociala ordningen ska kunna bestämmas och för att organisationsarbete ska kunna äga rum. För att bättre förstå dessa fenomen tillämpar denna studie ett “förändringsmottagarperspektiv”, särskilt det av mellancheferna. Dessa fenomen utforskades genom en fallstudie, som innehöll kvalitativa intervjuer med chefer i en organisation som under studien genomgick flera förändringar, med syftet att få en bättre förståelse för dessa komplexa sociala processer genom att vidkänna påverkan från kontextuella och kulturella faktorer. Resultaten av studien illustrerar att medan mellancheferna förhandlade inom sig själva för att förstå förändringen, fick de inte samma möjlighet att förhandla med sina överordnade. Vidare skapade mellancheferna mening av förändringen på sätt som var unika för dem, beroende på deras individuella erfarenheter och bakgrunder. Därför fanns det inget enskilt "bästa sätt" att underlätta alla mellanchefers meningsskapande processer, snarare behövde mellancheferna olika stöd vid olika tidpunkter. Studien drar slutsatsen att de kontextuella faktorerna, såsom organisationskulturen och subkulturer, maktrelationer och social dynamik, var det som påverkade mellanchefens förhandlingsmöjligheter och förmåga att förstå förändringen. Därför kan dessa faktorer uppmärksammas ytterligare i teorin samt i praktiken innan förändringar initieras.

Révéler le potentiel des lieux publics à travers les pratiques subversives de Lynne Cohen et du Péristyle Nomade

Mallette, Sophie 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la modification de notre perception de la ville par l’intermédiaire de pratiques artistiques. À travers l’analyse de la performance Cellule R-134 du collectif montréalais Péristyle Nomade et de la photographie Untitled (Astroturf) de la photographe étasunienne-canadienne Lynne Cohen, nous examinons le rôle que peuvent jouer certaines pratiques sur notre façon de percevoir autrement la ville – sans changer la ville elle-même. Ce changement de perception peut mener à une réappropriation de l’espace urbain par la révélation de son potentiel. La définition de certaines notions clefs, comme celles d’espace public, de lieux et de non-lieux, permet d’interroger le caractère paradoxal des lieux publics qui, malgré leur fonction « publique », n’encouragent pas la présence humaine. Ce sont les espaces publics, ou semi-publics, que nous sommes porté.e.s à fréquenter régulièrement en milieu urbain qui sont abordés ici. En effet, bien que la ville occupe une place déterminante dans la vie des personnes qui y vivent, elle n’est pas réellement conçue pour leur bien-être mais plutôt, pour servir des intérêts politiques et économiques. La ville contribue dès lors à générer un sentiment d’aliénation. Cette aliénation est alimentée, entre autres, par les dispositifs de sécurité déployés dans l’espace public. Ces mesures dissimulent bien souvent des motifs de contrôle et d’assujettissement tout en servant à justifier, et à maintenir, l’exclusion de certains groupes marginalisés. Les problèmes de circulation locale en milieu urbain ainsi que l’aspect peu accueillant, voire hostile, de nombreux lieux publics, attestent eux aussi du fait que le bien-être de la population n’est que très rarement une priorité. Les œuvres Cellule R-134 et Untitled (Astroturf), en se réappropriant et détournant les codes des stratégies de surveillance et de contrôle employés dans l’espace public, ou encore, en soulignant les manques d’infrastructures ou d’attention portée dans celui-ci, en révèlent leur absurdité et leur violence. Ces constats confirment la nécessité de percevoir la ville autrement et de se la réapproprier. Ce changement de perception est abordé à travers l’exploration des possibilités qu’offrent deux types d’expériences urbaines : collective, axée sur les échanges et les rencontres, et individuelle, faisant plutôt appel aux sens et aux émotions de façon intime. L’art favorise ces expériences et permet ainsi d’humaniser ces (non-)lieux fréquentés au quotidien. Les œuvres Cellule R-134 et Untitled (Astroturf) proposent ainsi des outils réalistes pour se réapproprier la ville plutôt que de la subir passivement. Elles encouragent l’agentivité dans un contexte où celle-ci est justement limitée et démontrent le pouvoir que nous avons sur notre capacité à faire sens. / This dissertation focuses on artistic practices as means of changing our perspective on the city. Through the analysis of the performance Cellule R-134 by the Montreal collective Péristyle Nomade and the photograph Untitled (Astroturf) by American Canadian photographer Lynne Cohen, we examine the role that certain practices can play on perceiving the city differently – without changing the city itself. This change of perspective can lead to a reappropriation of urban space by revealing its potential. The definition of certain key notions, such as public space, places and non-places, allows us to question the paradoxical character of public places which, despite their “public” function, do not encourage human presence. It is the public, or semi-public, spaces that we tend to frequent daily in an urban environment that are discussed here. Indeed, although the city plays a determining role in the lives of its inhabitants, it is not designed for their well-being but rather, to serve political and economic interests. The city therefore participates in generating a sense of alienation. This alienation is fueled, among other things, by the security measures implemented in public spaces. These measures, often concealing motives of control and subjugation, also serve to justify, and maintain, the exclusion of marginalized groups. Local traffic problems in urban areas as well as the unwelcoming, even hostile, appearance of many public places also attest to the fact that the well-being of the population is rarely a priority. The works Cellule R-134 and Untitled (Astroturf), by reappropriating and hijacking the codes of surveillance and control strategies used in public space, or by highlighting the lack of infrastructure or attention paid to them, reveal their inherent violence and absurdity. These observations confirm the need to perceive the city differently. This change of perspective is approached by exploring the possibilities offered by two types of urban experiences: collective, centered on exchanges and encounters, and individual, engaging the senses and emotions in an intimate way. Art encourages these experiences, humanizing the (non-)places we frequent daily. The works Cellule R-134 and Untitled (Astroturf) offer realistic tools for reappropriating the city rather than passively enduring it. They promote agency in a context where it is precisely limited and demonstrate the power we have over our ability to make sense.

Feministische Filmtheorie

Gradinari, Irina 27 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Feministische Filmtheorien erforschen Kino als kulturelle Institution und untersuchen vor allem seine geschlechtsspezifischen Repräsentationsstrategien, seine Subjektivitätskonzepte und seine geschlechterdifferenten Produktions- und Rezeptionsbedingungen. Ihre Anfänge nahmen sie während der zweiten Frauenbewegung der 1960er Jahre. Gesucht werden u. a. Gegenentwürfe zur männlichen Perspektive populärer Filme, in denen Frauen als passive Objekte fungieren.

Feministische Filmtheorie

Gradinari, Irina 27 April 2017 (has links)
Feministische Filmtheorien erforschen Kino als kulturelle Institution und untersuchen vor allem seine geschlechtsspezifischen Repräsentationsstrategien, seine Subjektivitätskonzepte und seine geschlechterdifferenten Produktions- und Rezeptionsbedingungen. Ihre Anfänge nahmen sie während der zweiten Frauenbewegung der 1960er Jahre. Gesucht werden u. a. Gegenentwürfe zur männlichen Perspektive populärer Filme, in denen Frauen als passive Objekte fungieren.

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