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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low Health Literacy and Preoperative Instruction Compliance Among Patients Undergoing Surgical Procedures

Paqueo, Mariefel Casino 01 January 2017 (has links)
In addition to cancelations and delays of needed surgical procedures, serious or fatal complications can occur when patients with low health literacy do not comply with preoperative instructions. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to provide more insight about ways to decrease on cancelled and delayed surgical procedures in low health literacy patients' due to noncompliance with preoperative fasting instructions. The project was informed by the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance model (King, D. K., Glasgow, R. E., and Leeman-Castillo, B. (2010). The project question centered on whether health literate preoperative fasting instructions could decrease cancellations and delays of surgical procedures in low health literate patients. The project setting was conducted at a doctor's office. Interventions and changes to the preoperative instruction sheet were evaluated by using the preoperative communication checklist (POCC) which was developed for this project study. A 3-month pre-post POCC intervention design was used to evaluate changes in the numbers of cancelled and delayed surgical cases among 30 low health literate patients at a local community physician's office. The Newest Vital Sign which is a health literacy skill level assessment tool developed by Pfizer (2012), was used to assess patient health literacy. 30 (13 women and 17 men) who were aged 17-75 were enrolled. Pre-intervention, the and cancellation rate was 16.67%. Post intervention, there was a zero percent cancellation rate. This project has potential to produce positive social change by empowering patients with health literacy instructions for better understanding of what is being asked of them when having surgical procedures. This knowledge may result in better patient outcomes.

Hur kan en checklista för miljöegenskaper viden fastighetsvärdering utformas?- Med fokus på samhällsfastigheter / How would a checklist of environmentalfeatures for valuation purposes be designed?- With a focus on public properties

Ytterfors, Sanna January 2014 (has links)
Fastighetsmarknaden har visat på ett växande behov av ett hjälpmedel för fastighetsvärderare som underlättar implementeringen av byggnaders gröna egenskaper i värderingsprocessen, samt för att investerare ska kunna se specifika gröna egenskapers effekt på fastighetsvärdet. Användningen av ett flertal olika miljöklassningssystem på marknaden skapar svårigheter vid jämförelse. RICS har tagit fram ett utkast på en hållbarhetschecklista för att komplettera värderingsutlåtandet med en utökad beskrivning av fastigheterna med en systematisk redovisning av egenskaper relevanta ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Dess syfte är att tydliggöra skillnader och öka utbudet av tillgänglig transaktionsdata med en påföljande ökad transparens på fastighetsmarknaden. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur en hållbarhetschecklista kan tas fram, se ut och fungera, samt om den kan implementeras i ett projekt för en samhällsfastighet. Genom att använda mig av utkastet från RICS och intervjua aktörer på fastighetsmarknaden har en lista tagits fram som jämförts med miljöklassningssystemen och implementerats på ett specifikt projekt. Utfallet har sedan analyserats och legat till grund för de slutsatser som dragits. Resultatet av studien visar att den lista som utgår från RICS ”Sustainability Checklist” med relevanta hållbarhetsaspekter kan implementeras även på samhällsfastigheter då dessa innehar liknande egenskaper som de kommersiella fastigheterna, med vissa skillnader, som övergripande beror av: budgetrestriktioner, lokala förhållanden samt regleringar från kommunen och övriga parter. Även val av miljöklassningssystem har en viss påverkan på utfallet i fallstudien, då ett nära samband finns mellan parametrarna i hållbarhetschecklistan och miljöcertifieringssystemen, och där de kommersiella fastighetsutvecklarna i högre grad har valt att certifiera sina byggnader med de internationella systemen som är mer komplexa och innehar ett högre antal parametrar. Emellertid bygger en framgångsrik implementering av listan på att värderarens roll ändras till mer informerande, vilket också ställer krav på kunskapsnivå och utbudet av utbildning och vägledning för professionella värderare, en uppgift som ska upptas av professionella värderingsorgan. Slutligen fastställs att listan bör bearbetas ytterligare, med utveckling och förtydligande av vissa aspekter för att underlätta insamling av information samt underlätta för värderare att i praktiken kunna använda den som ett komplement i värderingsarbetet. / The real estate market has shown an increased demand among real estate appraisers for a tool to facilitate the implementation of green building features into the valuation process, and for investors to discern a specific green feature’s impact upon value. The wide range of green building rating systems used on the real estate market today causes difficulties in comparison. To supplement the valuation report with an extended description of the properties including a systematic presentation of relevant features from a sustainability perspective, RICS (2012) has formed a draft of a ”sustainability checklist”, which purpose is to highlight differences, increase the supply of information and enhance transparency in the property market. The study aims to investigate the development, design and function of a sustainability checklist, and whether it can be implemented on public properties. A list was created based on the draft from RICS ”Sustainability Checklist”, and interviewed players in the real estate market, which were implemented on a specific project consisting of a public building. The result of the study was analysed and has formed the basis of the conclusions drawn. The result of the study conducted within this thesis shows that the list based on RICS ”Sustainability Checklist” with sustainability aspects included can be implemented also on public buildings, as these buildings possess similar features as the commercial buildings. Some main differences can be seen, overall resulting from: budget constraints, local conditions and regulations from the municipality and other parties. Also, the choice of a certain green building rating system influence the effect on the outcome, whereas a close relationship can be find between certain aspects within the sustainability checklist and green building rating systems, and the commercial real estate developers increasingly chose to certify their buildings with the international systems, which are more complex and contain a higher number of aspects. However, in order to achieve a successful implementation of the list among appraisers within the real estate market, the role of the valuer must change to more informative, which also make demands on the level of knowledge and the provision of training and guidance for professional appraisers, a task to be undertaken by professional valuators. Furthermore, it is also established within this study that the list should be further processed and modified in order to facilitate the gathering of information and to simplify for the appraiser to use it as a supplement within the valuation process.

Instruments Bias in Assessment Centers

Cunningham, Howard Michael 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of behavioral checklist critical item content on subsequent global, Likert-type ratings. It was hypothesized that assessment center participants rated with positive critical items would receive higher scores on subsequent global ratings than would participants rated with negative critical items. Additionally, it was hypothesized that volunteers would receive better ratings than nonvolunteers. Finally, it was hypothesized that behavioral ratings would show less susceptibility to halo effect than global ratings.

Psychosocial Concerns and Childhood Overweight in Pediatric Primary Care Clinics Serving Rural Appalachia.

Allen, Suzanne 19 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: To examine the prevalence of psychosocial concerns presenting in 3 pediatric primary care clinics serving rural Appalachia. The association between pediatric weight status and psychosocial concerns was examined. Methods: Caregivers of children presenting in one of 3 pediatric primary care facilities completed a demographic questionnaire and the Pediatric Symptom Checklist. Results: Approximately 21.4% of children were identified as having a clinically significant behavioral health concern. Among children with available weight status data, ~53% of the children were identified as overweight. Children identified having significant behavioral concerns were more likely to have a lower weight status than those with nonsignificant behavioral concerns. Specifically, children with lower z-BMI tended to have more attention problems. Conclusions: Psychosocial concerns and childhood overweight are prevalent concerns in pediatric primary care serving rural residents. Further research is needed to understand the complex relationship between weight status and psychosocial concerns to development more effective prevention and intervention programs.

Följsamhet till kontroll inför op-start enligt checklista för säker kirurgi : Observationsstudie

Ajdert, Caroline, Hakim, Farzad January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: World Health Organization gör tydligt att patientsäkerhet är av högsta prioritet för att kunna bedriva säker kirurgi. Kirurgi bedrivs i komplexa miljöer och det föreligger alltid risk för vårdskada. Operationssjuksköterskan kan med sin unika kompetens bidra till att säkerställa patientsäkerheten genom att använda ett säkerhetsmedvetet arbetssätt. Checklista för säker kirurgi är ett säkerhetsverktyg som främjar och optimerar samverkan och kommunikation vid kirurgi. Internationell forskning pekar på att det finns brister i användningen av den. Syftet: Att undersöka följsamheten till checklista för säker kirurgi med avseende på delen kontroll inför op-start med specifikt fokus på operationssjuksköterskans punkter. Metod: Datainsamling genomfördes på två universitetssjukhus i mellansverige på två operationsverksamheter genom 24 strukturerade icke-deltagande observationer under kontroll inför op-start. Som teoretisk referensram användes Schweizerostmodellen. Resultat: Visade att kontroll inför op-start genomfördes på alla observationer, att följsamheten för den personal som skulle initiera checklistan var låg och att följsamheten till punkterna varierade mellan operationsverksamheterna. Vidare påvisades att operationssjuksköterskans följsamhet till kontroll inför op-start har brister. Slutsats: Kontroll inför op-start genomfördes i samtliga fall. Dock påvisades sämre följsamhet till punkterna och utförandet samt att följsamheten till punkterna skiljde sig åt mellan operationsverksamheterna. Dessutom påvisades att operationssjuksköterskan följsamhet till kontroll inför op-start har brister, vilket kan äventyra patientsäkerheten. Att dessa brister synliggörs kan bidra till ytterligare forskning och därmed förhoppningsvis leda till förbättrad patientsäkerhet.

Operationsteamets erfarenhet av WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi - en integrativ litteraturstudie / The surgical teams' experience of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist - a litterature review

Kapocs, Alexandra, Söder, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Kirurgiska ingrepp genomförs i en högteknologisk miljö, det ställs höga krav på operationsteamets medvetenhet gällande patientsäkerhet. Kontinuerligt sker förbättringsarbeten inom operationssjukvård avseende patientsäkerheten, trots det finns det risk för att patienten drabbas av vårdskada oavsiktligt i samband med kirurgiska ingrepp. World Health Organization (WHO) utformade en checklista för säker kirurgi år 2008 vars syfte var att förbättra patientsäkerheten genom att förhindra att vårdrelaterade skador och dödsfall uppstår.  Syfte: Att beskriva operationsteamets erfarenhet av WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi. Metod: En integrativ litteraturstudie genomfördes, vilken baserades på Whittemore och Knafls metod. Systematisk litteratursökning utfördes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed och resulterade i elva artiklar varav fem kvalitativa, fyra kvantitativa och två mixad-metod. Resultat: Utifrån studiens resultat identifierades fyra teman; Tillämpning, Ansvar och Ledarskap, Attityd och Utbildning. Konklusion: För att säkerställa en god och säker vård inom operationssjukvård är det betydande att WHO:s checklista genomförs i sin helhet enligt praxis. Det har påvisats brister i följsamheten till användandet av checklistan, vilket kan resultera i att patientsäkerheten riskeras. / Introduction: Surgical procedures are performed in advanced technological environments and there are high demands on the surgical team regarding patient safety. Improvements are continuously being implemented in surgical care regarding patient safety. Despite this, there is still a risk of unintentional patient injury during surgical procedures. The World Health Organization (WHO) designed a surgical safety checklist in 2008 with the purpose of preventing patient injury and death during surgical procedures.  Aim: To describe the surgical teams’ experience of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist. Method: An integrative literature review was performed based on the method designed by Whittemore and Knafls. Systematic searches were conducted in databases Cinahl and PubMed and resulted in eleven articles, five qualitative, four quantitative and two mixed method studies. Results: Based on relevant articles four themes where identified; Implementation, Responsibility and Leadership, Attitude and Education.  Conclusion: To ensure high qualitative and safe surgical care it is essential that the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist is applied according to praxis. Flaws in compliance of the application of the checklist have been proven which could jeopardize the safety of the patient.

Ju förr desto bättre : Arbetsmiljöingenjörens roll vid planering och projektering av nya kontorsarbetsmiljöer. / The sooner the better. : The role of the safety and health engineer when planning new offices

Pondman Lagerström, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Arbetsgivaren har det övergripande ansvaret för att arbetsmiljön är tillfredställande på arbetsplatsen - bruksskedet. Flertalet av de fysiska arbetsmiljöfaktorerna som arbetsgivaren har att ansvara för bestäms tidigt i byggprocessen, i planerings- och projekteringsstadiet. Arbetsmiljölagen beskriver vilka uppgifter och ansvar som åligger byggherre och projektörer som låter utföra ett byggnads- eller anläggningsarbete. Litteraturen beskriver en utveckling där arkitekter och andra projektörers ansvar för att beakta arbetsmiljöaspekten har ökat. Ett ansvar där deras insatser ofta är begränsade. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken roll arbetsmiljö­ingenjören kan ha i att beakta arbetsmiljön gällande bruksskedet vid planering och projektering av nya kontorsarbetsplatser. Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på litteraturgenomgång samt intervjuer med huvudsakligen arbetsmiljöingenjörer och arkitekter. Resultat: Litteratur och intervjuer visar att arbetsmiljöingenjörer engageras sent i processen vilket resulterar i brister i arbetsmiljön och ombyggnationer som åtgärd. Här framträder också en situation där kunskapsläget runt arbetsmiljöfrågor hos arkitekter upplevs som svagt, vilket bekräftas av de intervjuade. Respondenterna menar att checklista som arbetsverktyg används i mer eller mindre stor utsträckning. Befintliga checklistor från Arbetsmiljöverket presenteras i uppsatsen, dessa rekommenderas som arbetsverktyg. Slutsats: Av intervjuerna framkommer att respondenterna menar att arbetsmiljöingenjören kan agera sakkunnig, utifrån sin kunskap och erfarenhet, i projekteringsprocessen. Arbetsmiljöingenjören utgör därmed med sin sakkunskap runt arbetsmiljöfrågor ett stöd för byggherre och projektör. Den ansvarsroll som Arbetsmiljölagen beskriver, Byggarbets­miljösamordnare - planering och projektering (BAS-P), torde utgöra en naturlig roll för arbetsmiljöingenjören. I och med detta får arbetsmiljöingenjören en naturlig roll tidigt i byggprocessen.   Nyckelord: Byggprojektering, arkitekt, arbetsmiljö, företagshälsa, checklista. / Abstract Background: The employer has the overall responsibility that the work environment is satisfactory in the work place, the usage stage. Most of the physical working environment factors which the employer has the responsibility for are determined early in the construction process, in the planning and design stage. Work environment legislation describes the tasks and responsibilities for the property developer and design engineers, how the work environment should be considered and who is responsible for the construction process from design to operation stage. The literature describes a development in which architects and other property developers responsibility to take into account the working environment aspect has increased. A responsibility where their efforts are often limited. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine which role the occupational health and safetey (OHS) engineer may have to take into account in the planning and design of new office workplaces. Method: The thesis is based on literature review and interviews with mainly working engineers and architects. Results: The literature and interviews shows that the OHS engineer is involved late in the process, resulting in shortages and rebuilding as a measure. It also emerges a situation where the knowledge of work environment legislation of architects are perceived as weak, which is confirmed by those interviewed. Respondents believe that checklist as a tool is used more or less often. Existing checklists from the Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) are presented in the thesis and are recommended as tool to be used. Conclusion: The interviews reveal that respondents believe that the OHS engineer can act as an expert, based on their knowledge and experience in the planning process. The OHS engineer thus constitutes its expertise and supports the property developer and the design engineer. The role, described in Swedish Work Environment Legislation (Arbetsmiljöverket), construction work environmental coordinator - planning and design (BAS-P) would be a natural role for the OHS engineer. The OHS engineer is given a natural role early in the construction process. Keywords: Construction planning, Architect, Work Environment, Occupational Health Service, Checklist

Evaluation of Post-Deployment PTSD Screening of Marines Returning From a Combat Deployment

Hall, Erika L. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine whether the post-deployment screening instrument currently utilized to assess active-duty Marines for symptoms of PTSD upon their return from a combat deployment can be solely relied upon to accurately assess for PTSD. Additionally, this study sought to compare the number of Marines who have sought trauma-related mental health treatment based on their answers on the Post-Deployment Health Assessment (PDHA) to the number who have sought trauma-related mental health treatment based on their answers on their PTSD Checklist â?? Military Version (PCL-M). The participants in this study were comprised of a sample of active-duty Marines that had recently returned from a combat deployment. A quantitative secondary data analysis used Item Response Theory (IRT) to examine the answers provided by the participants on both the PDHA and PCL-M. Both instruments proved to be effective when assessing symptoms of PTSD and the participants identified as having symptoms of PTSD were referred for mental health services as required. According to the results, more Marines were identified as having symptoms of PTSD using both assessment instruments (PDHA and PCL-M) compared to those identified using just the PDHA. The result was a better understanding of predictors of Marines who may later develop PTSD. The results of this study can also assist the Marine Corps with its post-deployment screening for symptoms of PTSD which in turn can provide appropriate mental health referrals for Marines if deemed appropriate.

Upphandling av molntjänster inom kommunal verksamhet : Analys rörande interoperabilitet och data portabilitet / Procurement of cloud services within municipal activities : Analysis of interoperability and data portability

Kullman, Rasmus January 2019 (has links)
Molntjänster erbjuder skalbara IT-resurser på begäran över internet, där molntjänstanvändaren endast betalar efter förbrukning. Dessa resurser kan variera mellan allt från processorkraft till lagring (Amazon, 2019). Digitaliseringen av samhället har bidragit till en ökad efterfrågan på innovativa lösningar. Detta har resulterat i att molntjänster har ökat i popularitet inom offentlig sektor, exempelvis inom kommunal verksamhet där trenden pekar på att efterfrågan på molntjänster samt användning av molnlösningar fortsätter att öka. När offentliga aktörer väljer att implementera molntjänster så är det viktigt att den information som hanteras av en molntjänst bibehåller en hög nivå av informationssäkerhet (Hellberg, Islam, & Karlsson, 2018). Viktiga aspekter som kommunal verksamhet bör beakta är funktionalitet och juridiska krav. Förutom dessa aspekter så bör molntjänstkunder även ställa tydliga krav på de tekniska utmaningar som existerar för att kunna säkerställa att lösningen som tillhandahålls uppfyller verksamhetens kriterier rörande interoperabilitet och dataportabilitet.  Denna studie har till syfte att utveckla en checklista som kan användas vid upphandling av molntjänster inom kommunal verksamhet. Studien ämnar även till att analysera det eventuella gap som existerar mellan leverantör och köpare. Studien utförs genom att använda en kvalitativ metod. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter från ett urval av IT-avdelningar från kommuner inom Västra Götalands län och representanter från molntjänstleverantörer, samlas information in som sedan analyseras och används för att utveckla en checklista som kan användas vid upphandling av molntjänster inom kommunal verksamhet. Befintlig bakgrundslitteratur har även beaktats och analyserats under studien. Resultatet visar att samtliga kommuner involverade i studien använder sig av upphandlade molntjänster i någon utsträckning och är dagsläget i behov av de positiva egenskaper som molntjänster bidrar med till verksamheten. Resultatet visar även att det finns ett visst gap mellan leverantör och kommunal verksamhet när det kommer till vad som anses vara tydlig kravställning på interoperabilitet. / Cloud services offer scalable IT resources on demand over the Internet, where the cloud service user only pays for consumption. These resources can vary between everything from processing power to storage (Amazon, 2019). The digitization of society has contributed to an increased demand for innovative solutions. This has resulted in cloud services increasing in popularity in the public sector for example in municipal activities where the trend indicates that demand for cloud services and the use of cloud solutions continue to increase. When public actors choose to implement cloud services, it is important that the information handled by a cloud service maintains a high level of information security (Hellberg, Islam, & Karlsson, 2018). Important aspects that municipal activities should consider are functionality and legal requirements. In addition to these aspects, cloud service customers should also set clear requirements for the technical challenges that exist in order to ensure that the solution provided meets the operational criteria for interoperability and data portability. The purpose of this study is to develop a checklist that can be used in the procurement of cloud services within municipal activities. The study also aims to analyze the possible gap that exists between the supplier and the buyer. The study is performed using a qualitative method. Through qualitative interviews with representatives from a selection of IT departments from municipalities within the county of Västra Götaland, information is collected then analyzed and used to develop a checklist that can be used in procurement of cloud services within municipal activities. Existing background literature has also been considered and analyzed during the study. The result shows that all municipalities involved in the study make use of procured cloud services to some extent and are currently in need of the positive properties that cloud services contribute to the business. The result also shows that there is a certain gap between supplier and municipal activity when it comes to what is considered to be clear requirements regarding interoperability.

"Identificação do ponto de corte para a escala PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised) em população forense brasileira: caracterização de dois subtipos de personalidade; transtorno global e parcial" / Identifying the Brazilian PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised) cut-off score for forensic population : characterizing two personality subtypes; global personality disorder (GPD) and Partial personality disorder (PPD)

Morana, Hilda Clotilde Penteado 14 January 2004 (has links)
MORANA, HCP. Identificação do ponto de corte para a escala PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised) em população forense brasileira : caracterização de dois subtipos de personalidade ; transtorno global e parcial. São Paulo, 2003. 178p. Tese (Doutorado) – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. No Brasil, não existem até o momento, na esfera jurídico-penal, instrumentos padronizados que permitam a identificação de sujeitos que possam vir a reincidir em crimes, principalmente os de natureza violenta e cruel. O PCL-R, já amplamente utilizado e institucionalizado em diversos países, preenche esta lacuna. Este estudo visa discriminar, através da análise da personalidade, sujeitos considerados psicopatas e não psicopatas, correlacionados neste estudo como transtorno global (TG) e parcial (TP) da personalidade, respectivamente. O grupo de estudo é composto por 56 sujeitos denominados de POPULAÇÃO FORENSE, sendo: 33 sujeitos identificados como TG e 23 sujeitos identificados como TP. Todos os 56 sujeitos foram analisados através dos dados clínicos, institucionais, da Prova de Rorschach e do PCL-R. Esta população foi comparada a 30 sujeitos denominados de POPULAÇÃO CONTROLE, e que também foram avaliados pelos mesmos instrumentos do grupo de estudo. A personalidade, de ambos os grupos da população forense, se relaciona a condutas anti-sociais, mas apresenta diferenças quanto à dinâmica psíquica e às repercussões sobre o comportamento. A correta identificação de tais sujeitos apresenta implicações diversas para o sistema forense e penitenciário e pode vir a contribuir para diminuir os índices de reincidência criminal e de violência no país. A validação do instrumento (PCL-R) e identificação do ponto de corte para a condição de psicopatia (TG em nossa notação) foi realizada através do uso concorrente entre ambos os instrumentos e resultou no valor de 23 (IC=21,61 a 24,05). A média encontrada foi de 28,63 (IC=26,78 a 30,48). O valor da medida da sensibilidade foi de 84,8% e a confiabilidade entre ambos os instrumentos, medida através do índice Kappa, foi considerada elevada, resultando no valor de 0,8735. / MORANA, HCP. Identifying the Brazilian PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised) cut-off score for forensic population : characterizing two personality subtypes; global personality disorder (GPD) and Partial personality disorder (PPD). São Paulo, 2003. 178p. Tese (Doutorado) – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. In Brazil, there have been no standardized instruments in the legal and penal field so far that enable-identifying subjects who may relapse into crime, mainly those crimes of violent and cruel nature. The PCL-R, broadly used and institutionalized in several countries, fills such gap. The goal of the present study is to discriminate, through in-depth personality assessment, subjects considered psychopathic and non-psychopathic, correlated in this study to individuals specified as having global personality disorder (GPD) and partial personality disorder (PPD), respectively. The sample is composed of a random sample of 56 male subjects referred to as forensic population, these being: 33 subjects identified as GPD and 23 subjects identified as PPD. All 56 subjects have been assessed on the light of clinical data, judicial records, the Rorschach Test and the PCL-R. This population was compared to 30 subjects referred to as non-criminal population, and who have also been assessed via the same instruments as the sample. The personality of both forensic population groups fulfills ICD-10 criteria for antisocial personality disorder, but differences in terms of their psychic dynamics and personality determinants can be clearly identified, which impacts upon their social behavior in different ways. The accurate identification of such subjects presents multiple implications to the forensic and penitentiary system, and may contribute to reduce recidivism rates as well as violence levels in the country. Validation of the instrument (PCL-R) and identification of the cut-off score for the psychopathic condition (GPD in our notation), for the sample drawn from the Brazilian forensic population has been conducted through the concurrent analysis of both instruments of assessment, resulting in a 23 cut-off score (CI = 21.61 to 24,05). The average value is 28,63 (CI= 26,78 to 30, 48). Sensitivity outcome is 84,8%. Specificity is 100%. The reliability rates found for both instruments were high (Kappa = 0.8735).

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