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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialarbetares upplevelser av mottagningssystemet : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens mottagande av ensamkommande barn och unga / Social workers experiences of the reception system : A qualitative study og the Swedish social services reception of unaccompanied children

Hallqvist, Rebecca, Lindqvist, Maria January 2016 (has links)
I samband med tillströmningen av flyktingar till Sverige har det uppmärksammats att mottagningssystemet av ensamkommande barn och unga präglas av olika brister. Syftet med denna studie är att ur ett personalperspektiv undersöka hur socialtjänstens mottagande fungerar samt vilka förbättringar som önskas. Detta har studerats med hjälp av barnperspektivet som har utgångspunkt i barndomssociologin. Utifrån fyra intervjuer med socialarbetare framkommer att mottagningssystemet upplevts bristfälligt men att förbättringar på olika nivåer upplevs som genomförbara. Resultatet visar på en önskan om bättre samverkan mellan myndigheter och en förbättrad organisatorisk ledning. Vidare betonas ett behov av mer tid och resurser för att kunna utföra noggrannare utredningar som grundas på barnets bästa och där barnets rättigheter tillvaratas. En mer anpassad metod och tydligare riktlinjer efterfrågas där barnen ges likvärdiga möjligheter samtidigt som dess individuella behov beaktas. Inför framtiden önskas bättre beredskap och bredare kunskap för att möjliggöra ett kvalitetssäkert mottagande oberoende av yttre omständigheter. / In association with the influx of refugees into Sweden, it has been noticed that the reception system of unaccompanied children is characterized by various deficiencies. The purpose of this study is to examine, from a staff perspective, how the reception system within the Swedish social services works, and what improvements are requested. This has been studied and analysed through utilising a child-perspective theory that embodies a part of childhood sociology. Four interviews with social workers show perceptions of the reception system as generally underperforming, although improvements at various levels are perceived achievable. The result also highlights requests for a better interaction among authorities, alongside an enhanced top-management commitment. Moreover, the staff expressed the need of more time and resources in order to carry out thorough investigations based on the child's best interests, in which the child's rights are safeguarded. Besides, a more customised method and clearer guidelines were demanded, where the children are given equal opportunities while taking their individual needs into account. For the future, a request for a better preparation and broaden knowledge was highlighted, which would enable a higher quality of reception’s performance in spite of external circumstances.

För barn eller akademiker? : En studie om socialtjänstens webbaserade information för barn och unga. / For children or academics? A study on the social services web-based information for children and youths.

Wärman Rainer, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att få en fördjupad kunskap om hur socialtjänsten i Dalarna informerar barn och unga om sina verksamheter via webben. En kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod har använts och data har samlats in med hjälp av en innehållsanalys av samtliga dalakommuners webbaserade information. Data som samlats in har analyserats med hjälp av barnperspektivet samt teorier kring strategisk kommunikation. Av resultatet har framkommit att det utifrån ett barnperspektiv råder stora brister i kommunernas webbaserade information samt att kommunerna inte tycks ha några strategier för hur kommunikationen med barn och ungdomar bör ske. Av resultaten framkommer även att rådande lagstiftning samt FNs konvention om barnets rättigheter inte tas hänsyn till. / The purpose of this study is to reach an understanding about how the social services in Dalarna are informing children and youths about their functions and services through the Internet. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods has been used and data has been collected through content analysis of all web sites of Dalarnas counties. The data that has been collected has been analyzed from a child perspective and through theories of strategic communication. The results have disclosed that there from a child perspective are many faults in the web based information provided by the counties and it seems like they do not have any strategies for how communication with children and youths should be handled. The result also reveals that current law and the UN conventions on the rights of the child are not taken into consideration.

”Som jag gör nu får man inte göra.” : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur pedagoger i förskolan utövar sin makt över barn i konfliktsituationer

Cordova Almonacid, Jennifer January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine how pedagogues practice their authority over children in conflict situations at preschools. How are children treated based solely on them being children? And how do preschool teachers validate children’s experiences of conflicts? To get answers I proceeded by using a qualitative data collection method and a hermeneutical analysis. I collected the material for the study by observing and interviewing pedagogues to both get an idea of ​​how they act in practice and how they reason about conflict situations in the preschool. The essay is based on a childhood sociological theoretical perspective that recognizes the importance of social and cultural context. The study’s results show that pedagogues practice their authority over children in conflict situations, but that it is done in different ways. How they practice authority, treat and validate children’s experiences depend on the pedagogues’ child perspective. Even though all the pedagogues in the study want what’s best for the children, the various conflict situations have completely different outcomes, since the pedagogues interpret children and their actions in very different ways, resulting in different responses and attitudes towards the children. The consequences of these different ways to respond need to be questioned and reflected upon. It’s time that the way pedagogues practice their authority and the way they see children is brought up for discussions within the world of preschool education.

Inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan : en studie om yngre barns möjligheter och rättigheter

Ahrreman, Jonna, Näsberg, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate young children’s possibility to participation and influence in preschool settings. The specific questions were:  If and how do preschool teachers work with young children's influence and participation? In what way is the preschool teachers approach closely related to young children's opportunity to influence and participate? The results show that preschool teachers do work with young children’s influence and participation by keeping them involved in the preschool settings and considering their interest when planning the activities. The teachers also interpret the children’s ability to express their wishes and needs through nonvocal communication such as gestures and body language. The teacher's approach was shown as closely connected to the children opportunity to influence and participate in consideration to how close the teacher was to the child’s perspective and how they viewed the child. In summary this study concludes that the children’s ability to exert influence and participation will increase by endeavouring to come close to the child’s perspective and balancing the routines of the preschool settings as well as taking the child’s individuality into consideration.

Storsamling eller små-möten? : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollärarnas barnsyn påverkar utformningen av samlingen i förskolan

Kaur, Jaspreet, Pandikow, Kartinka January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine, analyse and compare to what extent the preschool teachers' child perspective influences their attitude towards different forms of circle time. More specifically, our aim is, firstly to examine how preschool teachers see children's possibilities for influence and participation depending on the form of circle time, and secondly how children are included or excluded within different forms of circle time. We will be using the following questions as a guidance to draw a conclusion: • To what extent does the preschool teacher's child perspective impact on their approach in circle time? • To what extent does the form of circle time affect the inclusion or exclusion of children according to the preschool teachers? • How is the children's influence and participation affected by different forms of circle time? This is a qualitative study based on both semi-structured interviews with preschool teachers and observations of circle time. The fieldwork was carried out at four different preschools in the Stockholm area. The main theoretical frame is based on several notions that are of importance at preschool: inclusion and exclusion, influence and participation, and preschool teachers approach on children. The results show that the child perspective of the majority of the preschool teachers respects the children's own way of thinking and therefore builds on a free will, leads to a more harmonious atmosphere without demonstrative admonitions. The majority of the preschool teachers prefer circle time with a small number of children in order to be able to show consideration both for the tranquil and the go-ahead child's behaviour. The results also show that circle time with less children improves the children's possibility for influence and inclusion compared to traditional circle time. This is because it gives the preschool teacher more time to focus on and notice every single individual. It is the preschool teacher's responsibility to create a circle time that is interesting for the children. This can be achieved either by giving the children more influence or by allowing them to decide if they want to participate at circle time.

Möjligheter och svårigheter i att tillvarata barnperspektivet : Familjerättssekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter

Eriksson, Evelina, Vallinder, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Barnperspektiv är ett begrepp vilkets innebörd och mening har utvecklats genom åren. Vår studie syftade till att undersöka några familjerättssekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter av hur barnperspektivet tillvaratas inom det familjerättsliga arbetet. Detta genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fyra familjerättssekreterare från en mellanstor kommun i Sverige. Familjerättssekreterarna menade att barnperspektivet har stärkts genom åren, men att det fortfarande finns delar att utveckla, exempelvis vad gäller barns röst och delaktighet. Familjerättssekreterarna beskrev svårigheter med tillvaratagandet av barnperspektivet i deras arbete så som föräldrarnas makt, en rädsla för att förvärra barnets situation och tidspress. De upplevde även möjligheter i form av samverkan och lagstiftning. Frågan om den sociala konstruktionen av barns position i samhället behöver förändras för att barnperspektivet ska kunna fortsätta stärkas och utvecklas diskuteras. / Through the years the child perspective is a word that has developed in its meaning and significance. The aim of this study was to investigate how family law investigators experience that the child perspective is being used in family law work. Four family law investigators in a middle-sized municipality in Sweden were interviewed in semi-structured interviews. The most significant results was that the child perspective, according to the family law investigators, has grown stronger but that there is’ still a need for development, for example listening to the voice of children and letting them participate more. The family law investigators experienced a challenge in the reinforcement of the child perspective in their work because of the parents’ power and a fear of making the child’s situation worse and that it also was time pressuring. They saw possibilities in the development of collaboration and in the legislation. The question if the social construction of children’s position in society needs to change in order for the child perspective to continue to be further strengthened and developed is discussed.

Den upproriska skötsamheten : Att vara ung och scout / The rebellious aspect of being well-behaved : To be young and a scout

Westberg, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to describe children’s own perspectives on being scouts and to describe the scout movement as a cultural phenomenon. The thesis is based on interviews with 34 members of the movement and studies of archive material and contemporary documents. It is also based on a social constructivist view of knowledge.</p><p>The results show that the movement seems to lack profile and is decentralised and secularised from the children’s point of view. They say that the movement’s history, the scout law, the scout oath and religion do not have great meaning. The movement has changed and membership today is not what it used to be. The children are scouts, but not too “scouty”.</p><p>The informants find that outsiders think that the movement is “geeky”, but it can have a high status among elderly people. The informants react to the “geekiness” by not caring, hiding the fact that they are members, not telling anyone or protesting against other people’s views on the subject. This “geeky” label and the informants’ reactions to it can be seen as an unexpressed initiation rite to becoming a scout. It is something the members have to go through to be seen as worthy scouts.</p><p>Being a scout is not considered rebellion against adults. Scouts can be seen as lacking youth culture patterns, adapting to an organized recreational activity. However, being a scout can be considered rebellion against other youngsters; some informants for example wore the scout uniforms in school. Some informants think that they have the correct picture of the movement and that outsiders have the wrong one. This strengthens their feeling of togetherness. Thus they are rebellious by being well-behaved. They fight against a dominating culture. Hence the scout movement works as a subculture even though it was created by adults.</p>

Autism : intervjuer av barn och pedagoger för att skapa goda lärandemiljöer / Autism : interviews with children and pedagogues to  create favourable learning environments

Garnborn, Gitte, Cederlund, Annika January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att hela tiden ha ett barnperspektiv och på så sätt ta reda på hur barn med diagnosen autism kan tänka om och uppleva sin undervisningssituation. För att vidga perspektivet undersöker vi hur lärare och assistenter beskriver inlärningssituationen för de barn som är med i vår undersökning.Litteraturavsnittet ger en översikt av tidigare forskning om autism och vilka svårigheter och möjligheter som diagnosen autism kan innebära för barn i skolan. Vidare beskriver vi olika pedagogiska metoder och strategier som lärare kan använda.Genom en studie i form av intervjuer och observationer tar vi reda på vilka tankar barn med autism har om sin inlärningssituation. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna i denna studie baseras på det sociokulturella perspektivet, det salutogena perspektivet och det variationsteoretiska perspektivet.Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultaten av våra undersökningar på att barn med autism kan berätta om sin inlärningssituation i skolan. De beskriver vad de har lätt för, vad de har svårt för och vilken hjälp de behöver av lärare och assistenter. Några av resultaten är att en del barn får för mycket hjälp, andra får inte den hjälp de behöver och att flera barn inte tillräckligt mycket tränas till att bli självständiga individer. Det flera barn tycker är svårt är: Att skriva texter, när de inte vet vad de ska göra och att sitta med i samlingar och lyssna på andra. Det alla barn tycker är lätt är saker som de tycker om att göra och som de själva bestämt. Vi tror oss se att barn med autism som har egna strategier för att hantera vardagen fungerar bättre. Alla barnen behöver visuellt bildstöd för att få struktur. I vår uppsats jämför vi barnens upplevelser om sin egen inlärningssituation med lärares och assistenters och vi ser att de är ganska lika. Barnen kan berätta för oss att de behöver hjälp men har inte alltid förmågan att be om hjälp när de behöver.

Den upproriska skötsamheten : Att vara ung och scout / The rebellious aspect of being well-behaved : To be young and a scout

Westberg, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe children’s own perspectives on being scouts and to describe the scout movement as a cultural phenomenon. The thesis is based on interviews with 34 members of the movement and studies of archive material and contemporary documents. It is also based on a social constructivist view of knowledge. The results show that the movement seems to lack profile and is decentralised and secularised from the children’s point of view. They say that the movement’s history, the scout law, the scout oath and religion do not have great meaning. The movement has changed and membership today is not what it used to be. The children are scouts, but not too “scouty”. The informants find that outsiders think that the movement is “geeky”, but it can have a high status among elderly people. The informants react to the “geekiness” by not caring, hiding the fact that they are members, not telling anyone or protesting against other people’s views on the subject. This “geeky” label and the informants’ reactions to it can be seen as an unexpressed initiation rite to becoming a scout. It is something the members have to go through to be seen as worthy scouts. Being a scout is not considered rebellion against adults. Scouts can be seen as lacking youth culture patterns, adapting to an organized recreational activity. However, being a scout can be considered rebellion against other youngsters; some informants for example wore the scout uniforms in school. Some informants think that they have the correct picture of the movement and that outsiders have the wrong one. This strengthens their feeling of togetherness. Thus they are rebellious by being well-behaved. They fight against a dominating culture. Hence the scout movement works as a subculture even though it was created by adults.

Om barns fadersbild / On childrens conceptions of the father

Hyvönen, Ulf January 1993 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe and to interpret how fathers are concieved by their children. Various aspects of the male parent and the relationship between the child and his or her father are beeing investigated from the childs point of view. Forming an understanding of the fathers significance from the childs perspective is of particular importance for the study. This perspective is being formulated from a position that looks upon the childs socialization and the identityshaping processes as primarily a matter of "what children do with what is done to children".The empirical data in the study was obtained by interviewing one hundred children, seven and ten year old girls and boys, partly from Umeå and partly from some small villages a few swedish miles away from the town. The semistructured interviews were made with children from five different schools and from eighteen different school-classes.Data show that a vast majority describe a fairly close relationship to a father with clearly anti-patriarchal characteristics. The middle-class father is seen as a more family-oriented parent, more equal to his spouse than the working-class father who is more likely of beeing described in traditional terms. Some gender-related patterns are shown that concerns different orientations towards the father. While the boys tend to view their fathers in direct relation to themselves - him and me - the girls are more likely to describe their male parents as familyfathers and from a perspective that sees him as a partner to the mother.From the characterization the children made of their fathers from the family-drawings, four different cateogories, representing various perspectives on the father, were identified: The Positive, the Ambigous, the Disappointed and the Neutral.The symbolic interactionism, based on the works of George H. Mead, is argued to be a fruitful theoretical framework for understanding the socializationprocess in which the childs concepts of its father are being shaped. From a perspective on the cultural modernization and its impacts on parenting and the relationship between fathers and children, it is also claimed that there are reasons to beleive that the tendencies of release from a traditional determination not only put new burdons on parents and children in modern society, but also provide a widening of possibilities and a powerful potential for forming more "normalized", non-authoritarian and non-oppressive, interaction-based relations betweenchildren and their fathers. / digitalisering@umu

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