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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


YASMIN DA CUNHA PAES 28 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] O Exército Brasileiro publicou em maio de 2021 o Manual de Campanha de Assuntos Civis, em substituição ao Manual de Campanha de Cooperação Civil Militar (2017) e ao Manual de Assuntos de Governo (1981). Baseado na recente modificação doutrinária ocorrida através da publicação do manual em questão, este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar como se deu o processo de produção da Doutrina de Assuntos Civis do Exército Brasileiro e como ela se traduz e se desenvolve a partir de um conjunto de práticas e experiências que visa a melhor coordenação entre civis e militares em operações militares. O estudo utiliza a revisão de bibliografia especializada e a condução de entrevistas como métodos de análise qualitativa. Argumenta-se que o processo de produção da Doutrina de Assuntos Civis se baseia largamente na experiência dos militares do Exército na condução de atividades de assuntos civis em operações de paz, operações humanitárias e operações de apoio aos órgãos governamentais, na realização de experimentações doutrinárias e no contato de militares brasileiros com doutrinas estrangeiras através de cursos realizados no exterior, resultando na utilização de conhecimentos doutrinários de países parceiros e organizações internacionais. Dessa maneira, constata-se que a produção doutrinária atravessa campos de experiências que conjugam o engajamento militar externo e interno. Adicionalmente, conclui-se que o Manual de Assuntos Civis visa consolidar uma doutrina que informe mais objetivamente a missão do Exército Brasileiro na sua relação com atores civis. / [en] The Brazilian Army published the Civil Affairs Field Manual in May 2021, replacing the Civil Military Cooperation Field Manual (2017) and the Government Affairs Manual (1981). Based on the recent doctrinal modification that occurred through the publication of the referenced manual, this study aims to analyze how the process of producing the Brazilian Army s Civil Affairs doctrine took place and how it translates and develops from a set of practices and experiences aimed at improving coordination between civilians and the military in military operations. The study uses a review of specialized literature and the conduct of interviews as methods of qualitative analysis. It is argued that the process of producing civil affairs doctrine is largely based on the experience of the Army military personnel in conducting civil affairs activities in peace operations, humanitarian operations, operations supporting government agencies, in conducting doctrinal experimentation and in the contact of Brazilian military personnel with foreign doctrines through courses conducted abroad, resulting in the use of doctrinal knowledge from partner countries and international organizations. In this way, it can be argued that doctrinal production crosses fields of experiences that combine external and internal military engagement. Additionally, one can conclude that the Manual of Civil Affairs aims to consolidate a doctrine that more objectively informs the Brazilian Army s mission in its relationship with civilian actors.

Galli Non Grata in Mali? Explaining why France left Mali in August 2022

Paillard Borg, Julyan January 2024 (has links)
Based on the understanding that Mali and Russia will be unable to contain the jihadist security threat in Mali, this paper explains why France withdrew from Mali in 2022 and why the latter intensified its cooperation with Russia. Existing literature points to operational obstacles and grievances directed towards France’s presence in Mali, however, it falls short of explaining whether these are explanatory for France’s withdrawal, or why France wouldn’t have left earlier considering these hurdles. Through process tracing and historical institutionalism, this paper studies the sequence of events that led up to France’s withdrawal, and whether the grievances against the popular dissatisfaction with the security framework in Mali actually has explanatory power over France’s withdrawal.

拉丁美洲之民主治理與公民社會賦權–以宏都拉斯為例 / Democratic Governance and Civil Society Empowerment in Latin America: The Case of Honduras

歐玫楷, OSORIO, MONICA Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為擴大詳述目前與拉丁美洲相關的文獻,主要重點在於一些相同特性的國家,並可以普遍的將研究發現適用於其他地區。從拉丁美洲中的一般認知中,將宏都拉斯獨立選出,是考慮到能挑戰國家的負面印象,特別是關於2009年後所出現的政治危機。本研究檢視宏都拉斯民主化的過程,與國家和公民社會之間的正向互動。 拉丁美洲的一些主要國家因相同的要素而改變,也因此有很多重要的改變可以在這期間進行研究。因此在這研究中,發現有三個關鍵的要素可適用於相同歷史時間中的宏都拉斯與拉丁美洲一些主要的國家。本研究的重要性在於進一步了解,宏都拉斯公民社會在2009年之前與到2009年時危機發生之間的轉變。在此同時,也能發掘出民主治理的好處。 這三個關鍵的要素為:憲政工程、軍民關係與選舉,且這些要素在本研究中均有對宏都拉斯與其他拉丁美洲國家的公民社會賦權有所影響。另藉由自由之家(Freedom House)所提出的民主治理檢核表,來了解民主治理與公民社會賦權。 在拉丁美洲中此三個關鍵要素的變化,提供了建置良好的民主治理的可行性。然而,本研究也暗示了未來的相關研究,例如地方與區域性的治理,以及會產生直接影響的外部因素。研究發現也暗示了在宏都拉斯2009年政治危機之後透過了民主治理的好處,對公民社會賦權產生了正向的結果。

Vieques: Island of Conflict and Dreams

Borges, Cristóbal A. 12 1900 (has links)
This written thesis is a companion to a 30-minute documentary video of the same title. The documentary is a presentation of the historical conflict between the United States Navy and the people of the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. For over 60 years the island was used by the United States Navy as a military training facility. The documentary attempts to present an analysis of the struggle between citizens of the island and the Navy. This written component presents a summarized history of Puerto Rico, Vieques and the conflict with the United States Navy. In addition, the preproduction, production and post-production process of the documentary are discussed. A theoretical analysis of the filmmaker's approach and technique are addressed and analyzed as well. The thesis's goal is to provide a clear understanding of the Vieques conflict to United States audiences who do not a familiarity with the topic. The thesis is presented from the perspective of a person who grew up in Puerto Rico.

Security in transition : police reform in El Salvador and South Africa

Desilets-Bixler, Nicole L. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis studies police reform in El Salvador and South Africa. While both countries differ considerably in geographic size, culture, location, population, and economic and military strength, they share common security concerns. Under authoritarian rule, their primary security concerns were not military threats from other states, but rather internal threats due to economic, political, and social weakness. Civilian police forces became highly politicized and militarized, incapable of controlling crime, lacking accountability and oversight, and exhibiting total disregard for human rights. This thesis compares El Salvador and South Africa, two cases of negotiated war transitions. Although both countries faced similar militarization of internal security forces, South Africa seemed in a much better position to face challenges of consolidation. First, South Africa's military did not pose any opposition to police reform because the military and police had a long history of being organizationally separated. In contrast, El Salvador's police had a history of being controlled and directed by the military and they fell organizationally under the Defense Ministry. Second, in South Africa, the opposition group (ANC) rather than the rightist government won the foundational elections. Increased domestic support for internal security reform is more likely as the previous rightist government is discredited. Conversely, in El Salvador, the rightist ARENA government won the foundational elections indicating that it would more likely lead to lack of domestic support. The continuance of power would likely mean that the government would prefer the continuance of status quo to far-reaching reform. Finally, the international community was available to aid in the implementation and consolidation of reform in both countries. However, because domestic support was likely to be greater in South Africa, the international community's ability to influence the implementation of reform would also be greater. Yet, the outcome of reform efforts in both countries was surprisingly similar. This can best be explained by the overwhelming obstacles to the consolidation of police reform posed by the conditions of post-conflict societies. / Major, New Hampshire Air National Guard

新世紀菲律賓安全體制革新的發展與挑戰(2001-2016) / Challenges and Development of Security Sector Reform in the Philippines of the New Century (2001-2016)

李季剛, Lee, Chi Kang Unknown Date (has links)
本文以第二意象(second image)的「國內結構觀點」為途徑,首先探討菲律賓政治結構的形成與因素,包括殖民與歷史遺緒、政治發展過程、軍文關係、政治文化與其他非制度性因素等,作為內部結構觀點的研究基礎;接著回顧菲律賓的內外安全環境以及近年安全政策的推動與實踐,然後進一步檢視艾若育與艾奎諾三世兩任政府的安全政策作為、走向,影響兩任總統安全政策的內外部因素,比對兩任政府的安全政策;然後透過安全體制革新(SSR)理論概念的梳理,形塑出整合性的SSR研究架構,並整理將安全體制革新應用在東南亞脈絡之下的研究與實務;最後探討並評估艾奎諾三世政府推動的相關改革政策過程,其實踐的狀況與原因,並勾勒出菲律賓安全體制革新的發展、挑戰與前景。

Um olhar sobre a criação atoral e a relação com o espectador - os filhos da Dita / A look at an actress\' creative process and relationship with the audience - Os filhos da Dita. 2011

Rinaldi, Camila Ladeira Scudeler 27 October 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa debruça-se no meu processo de criação atoral no espetáculo Os filhos da Dita, do Núcleo Arlequins da Cooperativa Paulista de Teatro, tendo como base teórico/prática principal o treinamento psicofísico proposto pelo encenador-pedagogo Vsévolod Meyerhold, buscando sublinhar as demandas e possibilidades de uma postura política consequente em cena. A partir das relações estabelecidas desde a escolha do tema, o desenvolvimento da dramaturgia e posterior criação cênica propriamente dita, busco descrever os estímulos e motivações que me conduziram na criação cênica em diálogo com a estética desenvolvida pela companhia há 25 anos, e o posterior contato estabelecido com o espectador. / This research lies on my acting creative process in the play called Os filhos da Dita, of Arlequins (Theatre group that belongs to the Cooperativa Paulista de Teatro), having as main theoretical/practical basis the psycho physical training proposed by pedagogue-director Vsévolod Meyerhold, aiming at underling the demands and possibilities of a consequent political posture on stage. Based on the relationships established with various artists involved in a creative process from choosing the play theme, dramaturgy development and following scenic creation, I describe the stimulus and motives that led me in the scenic creation. The procedures are developed in open dialogue with the esthetics held by the group in the last 25 years, and subsequent contact established with the audience.

Marinheiros contra a ditadura brasileira: AMFNB, prisão, guerrilha - nacionalismo e revolução? / Mariners against Brazilian dictatorship: AMFNB, prison, guerrilla - nationalism and revolution?

Rodrigues, Flávio Luís 29 March 2017 (has links)
Nas páginas desta Tese, procuramos entender o surgimento e a trajetória de um grupo de ex-marinheiros, que participou da diretoria da Associação dos Marinheiros e Fuzileiros Navais do Brasil, AMFNB, entre maio de 1963 e o Golpe de 1964. Suas origens remontam à crise de 1961, quando os ministros militares brasileiros tentaram impedir a posse do vice-presidente João Goulart, após a renúncia de Jânio Quadros. Esse grupo, que denominamos Coletivo, inseriu-se no movimento mais amplo dos militares subalternos das Forças Armadas, que teve seu auge na chamada Revolta dos Sargentos de setembro de 1963. A partir do Golpe de 1964, o Coletivo entrou nas organizações guerrilheiras, passando por uma transição de nacionalistas a revolucionários. Os membros desse Coletivo, algumas vezes, estiveram dispersos, mas voltavam sempre a se reunir como se estivessem ligados a um compromisso surgido nos tempos da AMFNB. O grupo foi preso e encaminhado para a Penitenciária Professor Lemos Brito. Nesse lugar, ocupando pontos estratégicos na Administração Penitenciária, pode executar atividades que melhoraram a vida dos presos comuns, bem como de preparar sua fuga da prisão. Para a execução do plano de fuga, denominado Operação Liberdade, criou-se uma organização guerrilheira clandestina, com o sugestivo nome MAR Movimento de Ação Revolucionária (a sigla se confundia com o substantivo mar), envolvendo várias pessoas de fora da Penitenciária. Sua fuga da prisão não significou afastamento da política. Ingressaram novamente na guerrilha no combate à ditadura civil-militar. Alguns de seus membros foram presos novamente, outros saíram do país e seu líder, Marcos Antônio da Silva Lima, foi morto numa emboscada da polícia, quando militava no PCBR. O caminho percorrido pelo Coletivo, após o Golpe, permite compreender as estratégias e a ideia que tinham as organizações guerrilheiras de revolução. Realizando as entrevistas com membros desse Coletivo, conseguimos acesso a suas avaliações sobre as organizações guerrilheiras pelas quais passaram e sobre aquela jornada histórica. / This thesis tries to understand the emergence and trajectory of a ex-sailors group who attended the board of the Association of Sailors and Marines of Brazil (Associação dos Marinheiros e Fuzileiros Navais do Brasil, AMFNB) from May 1963 to the coup of 1964. Its origins date back to the 1961 crisis, when Brazilian military ministers tried to prevent the vice-president João Goulart possession, after the resign of president Janio Quadros. This group, which we call Collective, was part of the broader movement of the subaltern Armed Forces personnel, which had its heyday in the named Revolt of the Sergeants September 1963. From the 1964 coup, the Collective entered guerrilla organizations, through a transition from the nationalist to revolutionaries. The members of this Collective sometimes been dispersed, but they always returned to meet as if they were connected to a compromise emerged in AMFNB times. The group was arrested and taken to the Penitentiary Teacher Lemos Brito. There, occupying strategic points in Prison Administration, it could perform activities that improved the lives of ordinary prisoners, and to prepare his escape from prison. They created for the implementation of the escape plan, called Freedom Operation, a clandestine guerilla organization, with the suggestive name MAR - Revolutionary Action Movement (the acronym was confused with the noun SEA), involving several people outside the penitentiary. Their prison break did not mean retirement from politics. Once again joined the guerrillas in fighting Brazilian civil-military dictatorship. Some of its members were arrested again, others left the country and its leader, Marcos Antonio da Silva Lima, was killed in a police ambush, when militated in PCBR. The path taken by the Collective after the coup allows us to understand the strategies and the concept of revolution which guerrilla organizations had. We got access to their reviews of the guerrilla organizations through which passed and on that historic journey conducting interviews with members of the Collective.

Le contrôle institutionnel de la force armée en démocratie / The institutional control over the armed forces in a democracy

Klein, Luc 05 November 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de découvrir comment les systèmes démocratiques contemporains appréhendent l'existence en leur sein de la force armée et comment ils parviennent à utiliser cette force armée, tout en respectant leur principe de gouvernement. L'angle adopté est celui de l'histoire des institutions et du droit comparé (principalement Etats-Unis et France). Les deux axes de réflexion sont mobilisés autour de la recherche d’un équilibre à la fois vertical (entre les pouvoirs constitués et la force armée) et horizontal (entre les pouvoirs constitués entre eux par rapport à la force armée). / This dissertation aims at understanding how contemporary democratic systems deal with the existence of the armed forces within them and how they manage to use them, while respecting their principle of government. The two methods chosen are, on the one hand, the history of the institutions and, on the other hand, the study of the parallels between the legal systems (mainly that of the United States and of France). Using these tools, the dissertation aims at finding a balance both vertical (between the constitutionnal powers and the armed forces) and horizontal (between the constitutionnal powers themselves regarding the armed forces).

A história no banco dos réus : leis de impunidade, memória da repressão política e as decisões da Suprema Corte na Argentina e no Brasil

Gallo, Carlos Artur January 2016 (has links)
No contexto da Guerra Fria, o Brasil e a Argentina tiveram suas estruturas de poder ocupadas por ditaduras civis-militares alinhadas aos preceitos da Doutrina de Segurança Nacional (DSN). Impactando na organização política, social, cultural e econômica dos países referidos, os militares no poder foram responsáveis por um incremento no uso da violência, de modo que, como saldo da repressão há um número significativo de pessoas que foram presas, torturadas, mortas e/ou desaparecidas por agentes da repressão. Em junho de 2005, na Argentina, e em abril de 2010, no Brasil, a Corte Suprema desses países levou a julgamento causas que tratavam da possibilidade de processar e punir os envolvidos nos crimes cometidos pelo aparato repressivo, sendo produzidas decisões bastante diferentes: na Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (CSJN), a maioria dos Ministros declarou a nulidade das “leis de impunidade”, uma vez que mantê-las contrariaria a normativa internacional dos direitos humanos vigente; no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), também pela maioria dos votos, foi decidido que a interpretação de que a Lei da Anistia de 1979 havia anistiado aos repressores era correta e estava de acordo com a nova Constituição. Tendo esses elementos como ponto de partida, esta tese analisou o impacto que os processos de transição brasileiro e argentino tiveram no novo cenário político iniciado com o fim dessas ditaduras. Fazendo uso do método comparado de análise, a pesquisa parte do pressuposto de que o modo como se deu a transição (mais negociada ou mais abrupta) repercute na manutenção de legados autoritários na nova democracia, influenciando na forma como o Judiciário se manifesta sobre questões relacionadas à punição das violações aos direitos humanos praticadas pela ditadura. Em síntese, a comparação dos casos selecionados para este estudo permitiu observar que o tipo de transição ocorrido impactou, de fato, no modo como uma agenda política sobre o tema das violações foi elaborada nesses países. No contexto argentino, onde se deu uma transição abrupta, as elites civis e militares no poder tiveram sua capacidade de resguardar garantias políticas duradouras reduzida e foi fortalecida a causa dos direitos humanos. No caso brasileiro, onde ocorreu uma transição bastante negociada, os termos dos pactos que garantiram a saída das Forças Armadas do poder puderam ser mantidos em longo prazo, sendo reforçados por um conjunto de legados autoritários que garantem a impunidade dos envolvidos com a repressão. Ainda que mudanças conjunturais possam repercutir no estabelecimento de políticas de memória em cada contexto, tendo em vista que, mesmo na Argentina, a trajetória dessas políticas específicas foi marcada por avanços e recuos, é fato que, em contextos como o brasileiro, é mais difícil formular políticas sobre o tema, uma vez que não se realize uma ruptura com resquícios da ditadura que se mantêm convivendo com a democracia. / In the context of the Cold War, Brazil and Argentina had their power structures occupied by civilians and military dictatorships aligned with the requirements of National Security Doctrine (NSD). Impacting the political, social, cultural and economic organization of these countries, the military in power were responsible for more use of violence, so that, as the balance of the repression there is a significant number of people who were arrested, tortured, killed and/or disappeared by agents of repression. In June 2005, in Argentina, and in April 2010, in Brazil, the Supreme Court of these countries put on trial cases that addressed the possibility of prosecuting and punishing those involved in the crimes committed by the repressive apparatus, several decisions being produced: in the Supreme Court de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN), most Ministers declared the nullity of "impunity laws", since keeping them contrary to international rules of the current human rights; the Federal Supreme Court (FSC), also by majority vote, it was decided that the interpretation of the Amnesty Law of 1979 had pardoned the repressors was correct and was in accordance with the new Constitution. Taking these elements as a starting point, this thesis analyzed the impact that the Brazilian transition and Argentina had the new political scene started with the end of these dictatorships. Making use of the comparative method of analysis, the research assumes how the transition was (most traded or most abrupt) affects the maintenance of authoritarian legacy in the new democracy, influencing the way the judiciary manifests about issues related to the punishment of human rights violations committed by the dictatorship. In summary, comparison of the cases selected for this study allowed us to observe that the type of transition occurred impacted, in fact, the way a political agenda about the subject of violations was developed in these countries. In the Argentine context, where there was an abrupt transition, civilian and military elites in power had their capacity reduced to safeguard permanent political guarantees and it was strengthened the cause of human rights. In Brazil, where there was a transition fairly negotiated, the terms of the agreement that ensured the output of the Armed Forces from the power could be maintained in the long run, they were reinforced by a set of authoritarian legacies that guarantee the impunity of those involved in the repression. Although changes may reflect the establishment of memory policies in each context, given that even in Argentina, the trajectory of these specific policies was marked by advances and retreats, the fact is that, in contexts such as Brazil, it is more difficult to formulate policies about the topic, since it is not carried out a break with remnants of the dictatorship remain living with democracy. / Durante la Guerra Fría, Brasil y Argentina tuvieron sus estructuras de poder ocupadas por dictaduras cívico-militares vinculadas a la Doctrina de Seguridad Nacional (DSN). Teniendo impacto en la organización política, social, cultural y económica de los dos países mencionados, los militares en el poder fueron responsables por incrementar la aplicación de la violencia, de manera que, como saldo de la represión, hay un número significativo de personas que fueron detenidas, torturadas, muertas y/o desaparecidas por los agentes de la represión. En junio de 2005, en Argentina, y en abril de 2010, en Brasil, la Corte Suprema de estos países ha llevado a juicio casos sobre las posibilidades de procesar y punir a los involucrados en los crímenes del aparato represivo, siendo producidas decisiones muy diferentes: la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (CSJN) ha declarado, por la mayoría de los votos de sus Ministros, la nulidad de las “leyes de impunidad”, una vez que mantenerlas era algo contrario a la normativa internacional de derechos humanos vigente; el Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), al contrario, ha declarado, también por la mayoría de los votos, que la interpretación de que la Ley de Amnistía de 1979 había amnistiado a los represores era correcta y estaba de acuerdo con la nueva Constitución. Impartiéndose de esos elementos, esta tesis hace un análisis del impacto de los procesos de transición a la democracia en el nuevo escenario político empezado con el final de las dictaduras. Aplicando el método comparado, la investigación plantea que la manera como se ha desarrollado la transición (más negociada o más abrupta) repercute en la manutención de legados autoritarios en la nueva democracia, reflejando en el modo como el Poder Judicial va a manifestarse sobre la punición de las violaciones a los derechos humanos llevadas a cabo por la dictadura. En síntesis, la comparación de los juicios ha permitido observar que el modelo de transición ha impactado, de hecho, en la manera como fue elaborada una agenda política sobre las violaciones en estos países. En Argentina, donde ocurrió una transición abrupta, las élites civiles y militares en el poder tuvieron minimizada su capacidad de resguardar garantías políticas duraderas, haciéndose fuerte en este contexto la causa de los derechos humanos. En Brasil, la transición ha sido muy negociada, de manera que los términos de los pactos que han garantizado que las Fuerzas Armadas dejarían al poder pudieron mantenerse en el nuevo régimen, siendo fortalecidos por un conjunto de legados autoritarios que sostienen la impunidad de los involucrados con la represión. Aunque cambios de contexto puedan generar impacto en el establecimiento de políticas de memoria en cada país, como se puede verificar en el caso argentino, donde la trayectoria de esas políticas está marcada por avances y retrocesos, queda evidente que, en países como Brasil, es más complicado formular políticas sobre la temática en cuanto no se realice una ruptura con fragmentos de la dictadura que se mantienen en la democracia.

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