Spelling suggestions: "subject:"climatechange adaptation"" "subject:"climatexchange adaptation""
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Adaptation, mitigation and risk-taking in climate policyAuerswald, Heike, Konrad, Kai A., Thum, Marcel 06 June 2023 (has links)
The future consequences of climate change are highly uncertain and estimates of economic damages differ widely. Governments try to cope with these risks by investing in mitigation and adaptation measures. In contrast to most of the existing literature, we explicitly model the decision of risk averse governments on mitigation and adaptation policies. We also consider the interaction of the two strategies in presence of uncertainty. Mitigation efforts of a single country trigger crowding out as other countries will reduce their mitigation efforts. This may even lead to lower mitigation on the global scale. In contrast, a unilateral commitment to large adaptation efforts benefits the single country and can reduce the global risk from climate change at the expense of other countries.
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Pathways of adaptive capacity for climate impact researchAndrijevic, Marina 07 September 2021 (has links)
Bei den Schätzungen der künftigen Auswirkungen bleiben die globalen Ungleichheiten der sozioökonomischen Bedingungen meist unberücksichtigt, die für die tatsächliche Fähigkeit der Systeme, viele der Anpassungsmaßnahmen umzusetzen, entscheidend sein werden. Um das zu erwartende Ausmaß der Anpassung auf der Grundlage wirtschaftlicher, finanzieller, menschlicher, technologischer und anderer Kapazitäten besser bestimmen zu können, sollten Projektionen der Klimaauswirkungen und der daraus resultierenden Verluste und Schäden die Koevolution zwischen Klimagefahren und sozioökonomischer Entwicklung berücksichtigen. In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Bereiche der Klimawissenschaft miteinander verknüpft, um ein Instrumentarium zur besseren Darstellung der Anpassung in quantitativen Modellierungsinstrumenten anzubieten. Der Ansatz bettet die sozioökonomischen Barrieren in den Szenariorahmen der Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) ein, um quantitative Pfade der Anpassungsfähigkeit zu erstellen. Die Integration der Anpassungsfähigkeit in den Szenarioraum ermöglicht eine differenziertere Operationalisierung der Anpassung in der quantitativen Modellierung. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden zwei Erweiterungen des Szenariorahmens vorgestellt, die sich auf Indikatoren für die Regierungsführung und die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter als zwei der wichtigsten Hindernisse für die Anpassung konzentrieren. Im zweiten Teil werden zwei Anwendungen der Anpassungsfähigkeit für die Sektoren Gesundheit und Landwirtschaft vorgestellt, die den Zusammenhang zwischen sozioökonomischen Bedingungen und der unterschiedlichen Anfälligkeit für mögliche Klimastressoren aufzeigen. Das hier vorgestellte Toolkit eignet sich in erster Linie für den Einsatz in quantitativen Bewertungen von Auswirkungen und alternativen politischen Optionen, um anpassungsrelevante Informationen einzubeziehen, damit der Klimawandel unter verschiedenen sozioökonomischen Szenarien robuster dargestellt werden kann. / Adaptation to climate change can substantially reduce the negative impacts of climate change, but quantitative estimates of future impacts tend to disregard global inequalities in socio-economic conditions, which will be decisive for the systems’ actual ability to deploy many of the adaptation measures. To better ascertain the degree of adaptation that can be expected based on economic, financial, human, technological and other capacities, projections of climate impacts and the ensuing loss and damage should account for the co-evolution between climate hazards and socio-economic development. To this end, this thesis connects several areas of climate change science to offer a toolkit for improving the representation of adaptation in quantitative modeling tools. The approach shown here embeds the socio-economic barriers to into the scenario framework of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) to establish quantitative pathways of adaptive capacity. Integrating adaptive capacity in the scenario space opens opportunities for a more nuanced operationalization of adaptation in quantitative modeling. In the first half of the thesis, two extensions of the scenario framework are presented, focusing on indicators of governance and gender equality as two of the key barriers to adaptation that have not yet been part of the set of indicators in the SSPs. The second half of the thesis showcases two sectoral applications of adaptive capacity for the health and agriculture sectors, demonstrating the relationship between socioeconomic conditions and differential vulnerability to possible climate stressors. The toolkit presented in this thesis is primarily suited for use in quantitative assessments of impacts and alternative policy options to incorporate adaptation-relevant information, with the ultimate goal of a more robust representation of climate change under different socio-economic development scenarios.
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La prise en compte de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans les politiques publiques de verdissement (2005-2015) : le cas de MontréalVachon, Jérémie 08 1900 (has links)
Les connaissances scientifiques sur le changement climatique (CC) évoluent rapidement. Toutefois, des incertitudes persistent sur l’étendue de ses conséquences, particulièrement dans les milieux urbains, qui subiront des impacts différents de ceux vécus par les milieux ruraux. Les autorités publiques ont récemment commencé à élaborer des politiques publiques d’adaptation au changement climatique (ACC) qui visent à en limiter les conséquences indésirables. En milieu urbain, la littérature suggère qu’un des outils que devraient privilégier ces politiques est le verdissement. Des auteurs signalent que les actions visant l’ACC peuvent se greffer dans des politiques existantes. L’ACC, comme enjeu public, peut donc être réalisée par l’entremise de sa prise en compte dans les politiques publiques de verdissement. Cette prise en compte devrait affecter le contenu (quoi?) et le pilotage (comment?) des différentes étapes des politiques. Le cas de la politique publique de verdissement de la Ville de Montréal, au Québec, nous a permis d’étudier cette prise en compte. En utilisant un cadre d’analyse des politiques publiques développé par Knoepfel et al. (2015), qui porte entre autres sur la mobilisation des ressources par différents acteurs concernés par ces politiques, nous montrons que cette dernière s’est opérée de quelques façons. Premièrement, il y a eu un changement dans l’argumentaire pour le verdissement, outil qui vise à lutter contre les îlots de chaleur urbains et assurer une meilleure gestion des eaux pluviales. Ensuite, le choix de l’échelle d’agglomération pour la prise en compte de l’ACC a entraîné un changement d’échelle dans la gestion du verdissement. La publication d’un plan d’action majeur de verdissement urbain pour l’agglomération, et dont le leitmotiv est l’ACC, le démontre. Quelques modifications réglementaires et l’inclusion de nouveaux acteurs dans la politique témoignent aussi que la prise en compte a eu lieu. Finalement, le plan d’action fournit un cadre pour la mise en œuvre du verdissement dans les zones les plus vulnérables au CC en plus d’une structure de partage des coûts. Cependant, la mise en oeuvre du verdissement dans une visée d’ACC n'a pas été évaluée dans la présente étude. Nous avons aussi noté que la biodiversité est un enjeu d’importance qui va de pair avec l’ACC dans la politique de verdissement. Il y a donc une prise en compte, partielle, de l’ACC dans la politique publique de verdissement à Montréal (avec certains écueils). Nous arguons que l’enjeu de l’ACC sert peut-être d’argument supplémentaire pour verdir la ville plutôt que d’être un véritable moteur de transformation de la politique de verdissement. / Knowledge on climate change (CC) is evolving quickly, although uncertainty about the scope of its consequences remains, especially in cities, which will have to cope with different impacts than the surrounding rural areas. Governments have started implementing climate change adaptation (CCA) public policies to limit the negative impacts of CC. The literature suggests policy- makers should consider urban greening as an important tool for adaptation. It also suggests CCA can be implemented through its incorporation in other pre-existing plans and policies. Therefore CCA, as a public issue, can be considered when redesigning urban greening policies, which would result in changes to the contents (what?) and management (how?) of its different stages. We studied the case of the urban greening policy of Montréal, Québec, using an analytical framework for public policies developed by Knoepfel et al. (2015), which focuses among other things on the use of resources by stakeholders who play a role in shaping these policies. We show that taking the CCA into account has resulted in several changes. First, it caused a shift in the arguments used to support urban greening actions, adding they can help decrease the urban heat island effect and play a role in a better management of stormwater. Second, choosing the Montréal agglomeration as the scale for addressing CCA has resulted in greening now being considered at the same scale. This is illustrated by the release of a major urban greening action plan (Plan d’action canopée) for the agglomeration which points out CCA as its leitmotiv. Third, some changes in municipal by-laws promoting urban greening occurred, and we also noticed new stakeholders play a role in the greening policy. Fourth, the Plan d’action canopée provides a framework for greening actions implementation to be mostly carried out in areas vulnerable to CCA, and an according cost-sharing structure. However, the implementation of ACC oriented greening policies is too recent to permit an effective evaluation of their results. In addition, we found that biodiversity issues often go hand in hand with CCA in Montréal’s greening policy. These findings show CCA is taken into account, at least partially, in Montréal’s greening public policy. However, this particular issue is perhaps used as an additional argument for those who promote urban greening rather than being an actual driver of public policy transformation.
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Managing knowledge sharing of extreme weather induced impacts on land transport infrastructure : Case study of the Swedish Transport AdministrationRydstedt Nyman, Monika January 2016 (has links)
Extreme weather events and effects of climate change are threats to the transport sector’s functionality and safety. Risk management in this context implies a necessity to focus on the connection between near-term experiences and coping strategies on one hand, and long-term adaptation analyses on the other. How learning from past events and subsequent knowledge sharing can be adopted is a question that needs to be explored, discussed and tested. A systematic approach to lessons learned calls for measures of investigation, reporting, planning, implementation and evaluation. A qualitative case study approach was used in this thesis. In the first paper the practices of accident investigation in operation and maintenance were inventoried within the Swedish Transport Administration (STA). Three accident investigation methods were applied and tested on a cloudburst event, causing flooding in a railway tunnel in Sweden. In the second paper, semi-structured interviews, documents, and archival records were used as means for penetrating deeper into the attitudes and understanding of lessons learned concerning extreme weather events within a procured public-private partnership. The results of the two studies showed weak signals of feedback on lessons learned. Partly, these weak signals could be traced back to weak steering signals. Various obstacles impeded learning curves from lessons learned. The obstacles were of both hard and soft values, e.g. resources in time and equipment, systematic investigation methods, incentives for lessons learned, education and knowledge, values, norms and attitudes towards how and why identified problems should be solved. Successful knowledge sharing requires that close attention is paid to such obstacles and that an adaptive approach is adopted. / Den pågående och framtida klimatförändringen sätter press på aktörer att möta risker som associeras med klimatförändring. Syftet med denna avhandling är att bidra med kunskap om lärande och kunskapsöverföring inom offentlig förvaltning av landtransportinfrastruktur. Eftersom lärande och kunskapsöverföring är grundläggande för planering och beslutsfattande om strategier och åtgärder som främjar ett robust transportsystem. Målet för detta arbete är att belysa lärande och kunskapsöverföring inom och mellan olika organisationer i det svenska samhället. Det socio-tekniska systemperspektivet - som används som analysram i båda studierna ger en djupare förståelse för bakomliggande faktorer. En kvalitativ ansats, som omfattar intervjuer, deltagande observationer och dokumentanalys, har används i detta licentiatarbete. I den första studien belyses möjligheten att använda sig av industriella utredningsmetoder på naturolyckor i en svensk kontext av en översvämning i en järnvägstunnel. De industriella utredningsmetoderna visade sig vara användbara för utredning av konsekvenser efter skyfall, med olika metodologiska fördelar och nackdelar. Den andra studien utforskar hur Trafikverkets verksamhetsområde Underhåll arbetar med lärande kopplat till väderextremer; hur de fångar upp erfarenheter och kunskap som finns hos kontrakterade entreprenörer, samt hur entreprenörerna uppfattar att lärande och erfarenhetsåterföring sker. Resultatet från båda studierna visar på både svaga styrsignaler och svaga återkopplingssignaler, vilket medför svaga lärandekurvor. Olika hinder sågs ligga bakom med svaga styr- och återkopplingssignaler bl.a. resurser i tid och processer, systematik i utredning av naturolyckor, incitament att lära av varandra, utbildning och kunskap, värderingar normer och attityder till hur och varför identifierade problem ska lösas. Ett adaptivt förhållningssätt innebär att man behöver ta hänsyn till dessa hinder på ett systematiskt sätt. / The agreement in Paris in 2015 was an historic manifestation that society has to work with both mitigation and adaptation to achieve a reduction of the adverse effects of climate change. One way to achieve adaptation is through the integration of present coping strategies. A first step is to study the existing processes and routines that support short-term coping. This licentiate thesis targets different aspects of learning as a strategy for coping and building adaptive capacity. Road infrastructure and maintenance in relation to extreme weather are used as the physical context and the Swedish Transport Administration as a case to study. Paper I shows the possibility to apply industrial accident investigation methods to an extreme weather event and get useful insights into underlying root causes. Paper II shows the intra- and interrelated patterns that exist in public-private partnerships (PPP) in Sweden. The paper describes a parallel of systems with infrequent overlaps regarding lessons learned. In both papers the socio-technical perspective approach was used to highlight aspects of learning from and investigating damage due to extreme weather at different tiers in society. The socio-technical perspective provides an understanding of how decisions and legislation that affect our actions and behavior today may have been taken in different time and space settings. This thesis contributes to concept and theory building regarding the socio-technical system approach. / <p>Paper 2 ingick i licentiatuppsatsen som manuskript, nu publicerat.</p>
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Mobile-Based Early WarningSystems in Mozambique. : An exploratory study on the viability to integrate Cell Broadcast into disaster mitigation routines. / Mobile-based Early Warning System in Mozambique (CellBroadcast)Ferreira Nogueira, Douglas January 2019 (has links)
Mozambique is one of the countries most affected by natural hazards in the world. Therefore it can benefit greatly from enhancements on its early warning system. Cell broadcast, which is a technology able to send simultaneous alert messages to all mobile phones in a geographical area has gained attention of emergency authorities since various catastrophes in the years 2000’s and increasing diffusion of the mobile network. This research has looked into the disaster risk management routines in Mozambique, interviewing relevant institutions, to identify the currently in use early warning system and analyze the circuit of information from detecting a hazard until the transmission of alert messages to the population. The goal of this research has been to identify how alert messages are sent to the population and, based on currently available infrastructure, analyze the possibilities to use Cell Broadcast to target alerts to all subscribers on specific geographic zones. It has been identified that the country already uses a solution that sends SMS to a list of phone numbers registered in a database. Nonetheless, telecommunication operators in the country are willing to cooperate with emergency authorities to design a solution in which Cell Broadcast can be used to strategically target alerts to subscribers at designated areas of risk. In this way, enabling enhanced accuracy and efficiency of the public alert system in Mozambique, with reduced time between detection and the simultaneously delivery of public alert messages to the entire population or only to people located on relevant geographic zones. Furthermore, the results also allowed to speculate on the viability of automated solutions, which can be used in combination to the enhancements that Cell Broadcast can bring to disaster risk management routines.
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A hydrologic assessment of using low impact development to mitigate the impacts of climate change in Victoria, BC, CanadaJensen, Christopher Allen 29 August 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine if Low Impact Development (LID) can effectively mitigate flooding under projected climate scenarios. LID relies on runoff management measures that seek to control rainwater volume at the source by reducing imperviousness and retaining, infiltrating and reusing rainwater. An event-driven hydrologic/hydraulic model was developed to simulate how climate change, land use and LID scenarios may affect runoff response in the Bowker Creek watershed, a 10km2 urbanized catchment located in the area of greater Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The first part of the study examined flood impacts for the 2050s (2040-2069) following the A2 emissions scenario. For the 24-hour, 25-year local design storm, results show that projected changes in rainfall intensity may increase flood extents by 21% to 50%. When combined with continued urbanization flood extents may increase by 50% to 72%.
The second part of the study identified potential locations for three LID treatments (green roofs, rain gardens and top soil amendments) and simulated their effect on peak in-stream flow rates and flood volumes. Results indicate that full implementation of modeled LID treatments can alleviate the additional flooding that is associated with the median climate change projection for the 5-year, 10-year and 25-year rainfall events. For the projected 100-year event, the volume of overland flood flows is expected to increase by 1%. This compares favourably to the estimated 29% increase without LID. In term of individual performance, rain gardens had the greatest hydrologic effect during more frequent rainfall events; green roofs had minimal effect on runoff for all modelled events; and top soil amendments had the greatest effect during the heaviest rainfall events.
The cumulative performance of LID practices depends on several variables including design specifications, level of implementation, location and site conditions. Antecedent soil moisture has a considerable influence on LID performance. The dynamic nature of soil moisture means that at times LID could meet the mitigation target and at other times it may only partially satisfy it. Future research should run continuous simulations using an appropriately long rainfall record to establish the probabilities of meeting performance requirements.
In general, simulations suggest that if future heavy rainfall events follow the median climate change projection, then LID can be used to maintain or reduce flood hazard for rainfall events up to the 25-year return period. This study demonstrates that in a smaller urban watershed, LID can play an important role in reducing the flood impacts associated with climate change. / Graduate
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L'action publique territoriale à l'épreuve de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques : un nouveau référentiel pour penser l'aménagement du territoire ? / Local policy facing climate adaptation : a new framework for thinking planning ?Richard, Elsa 04 November 2013 (has links)
La révélation de l’origine anthropique des changements climatiques et l’ampleur inédite de ce phénomène ont fait émerger la nécessité de réponse politique pour y faire face. L’adaptation aux changements climatiques (ACC) constitue l’une des réponses formulées par la communauté internationale pour répondre au problème climat. Si le dérèglement anthropique du climat est un problème environnemental planétaire, les effets se manifestent de l’échelle globale jusqu’au niveau très local. Malgré les incertitudes durables associées à ce problème climatique, différentes formes d’injonction législative et politique incitent aujourd’hui les acteurs locaux à intégrer les effets des CC dans leurs politiques territoriales. Les modalités de construction de ces adaptations aux changements climatiques restent toutefois encore largement méconnues. Cette thèse cherche ainsi à comprendre les modalités de déclinaison territoriale de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans l’action publique locale. En s’appuyant sur quatre études de cas, aux échelles territoriales et aux caractéristiques différentes, la thèse vérifie, d’une part, l’hypothèse d’une nécessaire territorialisation de l’ACC, conduisant à des formulations différenciées des réponses locales d’adaptation. D’autre part, ce sont les conséquences de l’intégration de l’ACC sur les façons de faire et de penser les politiques d’aménagement qui sont appréhendées à l’échelle locale. / The revelation of anthropogenic climate changes and the unprecedented scale of this phenomenon led to the emergence of policy responses to deal with. Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC) is one of the responses promoted by the international community to solve the climate problem. If the anthropic climate changes are a global environmental problem, their effects occur from the overall scale to the very local level. In spite of irreducible uncertainties associated to the phenomenon, different forms of legislative and political injunction encourage local actors to incorporate the effects of climate changes in their territorial policies. However, the ways of elaborating local adaptation policy are still largely unknown. This thesis seeks to understand and point out the “territorialization” dynamics of local public action in the field of adaptation.Our two hypothesis deals with, on the one hand, the necessary regionalization of climate change adaptation, leading to differentiated formulations of local responses to adaptation. On the other hand, our research seeks to appreciate the consequences of the integration of climate change adaptation on ways of thinking planning policies. To demonstration these assumptions, we base our analysis on four case studies led at various scales and presenting different characteristics.
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Aléa climatique et régime hydrologique dans le bassin transnational de la Meuse : co-variabilité, changements possibles et impact sur les débordements / Climate hazard and streamflow discharges in the transnational Meuse river basin : co-variability, possible changes and impact on river overflowingGrelier, Benjamin 01 December 2017 (has links)
Le changement climatique requiert une adaptation de la gestion des extrêmes hydrologiques (crues et étiages). Nos recherches proposent un cadre d’analyse de l’effet du changement climatique sur ces extrêmes dans le bassin transnational de la Meuse, par un chaînage de modèles (atmosphérique – hydrologique - hydraulique) liant le gradient régional de pression à l’écoulement mesuré à l’exutoire d’un bassin. Le forçage climatique est obtenu par l’agrégation de données climatiques historiques et de données multi-modèles issues de l’expérience CMIP5. En forçant deux sous-bassins de la Meuse (situés en France et en Belgique) à l’aide d’une première estimation de la variabilité climatique potentielle, nous montrons que les indicateurs de crues et d’étiages ainsi que les débordements de rivière peuvent être fortement impactés par le changement climatique anthropique. Cette analyse de vulnérabilité constitue un outil pour tester la robustesse de stratégies d’adaptation au changement climatique / Climate change requires to adapt management of streamflow extremes (floods and low flows). Our researches provide a framework to analyze climate change effect on the streamflow extremes in the transnational Meuse river basin, through a modelling chain (atmospheric model – hydrological model – hydraulic model) linking the pressure gradient force to the flow at the outlet of a basin. The climate forcing is obtained by blending historical data and multi-model data for the CMIP5 experience. By forcing two sub-basins of the Meuse river (located in France and Belgium) with the potential climate variability, we show that flood and low flows indices as well as river overflowing might be strongly impacted by the anthropogenic climate change. This analysis of catchment vulnerability is a robust tool to test climate resiliency of adaptation strategies for water management
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Klimatförändringars påverkan på kulturmiljöer i Uppsala stad ur ett geovetenskapligt perspektiv / Impacts of Climate Change on Cultural Heritages in Uppsala Town from an Earth Scientific PerspectiveWikmark, Erika, Svensson, Matilda January 2015 (has links)
Cultural heritages are environments created by humans that are considered to have a conservation value for the posterity. They can be seen as one of society's non renewable resources. It is important to have knowledge of how cultural heritages are affected by future climate changes. The water flow in Uppsala is estimated to increase during winter and decrease during spring and summer. Precipitation will gradually increase as well as the intense short period precipitation. The average temperature is estimated to increase as well. Despite the increased precipitation the soil moisture is predicted to decrease, as a result of the rising temperatures with an increased evaporation rate as a consequence. This study is carried out for the county administrative board in Uppsala county, in the field of climate change adaptation on the unit for emergency preparedness and civil contingency.The study focuses on three areas in Uppsala, city centre, Hågadalen and Vallsgärde. Focus in the study is on the earth scientific consequences related to flooding as well as changes in precipitation. Maps has been produced in ArcGIS where floodings, soil types and cultural heritages are presented (appendix 1-3). 17 cultural heritages within the three areas has been established to be affected from floodings from Fyrisån where most of them are situated in the city centre of Uppsala. The changes in precipitation are the same throughout all studied areas, to what degree it will impact the cultural heritages depends on the characteristics of them. The ground is estimated not to be strongly affected by the increased amounts of water. But smaller settlings and land slides in clay rich soils can occur. The conservation of cultural heritages in the studied areas will not be widely negatively affected, except for some single objects, by the studied parameters. / Kulturmiljöer är miljöer skapade av människan som anses ha ett bevarandevärde för eftervärlden. De kan ses som en av samhällets icke-förnyelsebara resurser. I och med de framtida klimatförändringarna är det viktigt att ha kunskap om hur bevarandet av kulturmiljöerna påverkas av dessa. I Uppsala kommer vattenflödena öka under vinterhalvåret men minska under våren och sommaren. Nederbörden kommer öka successivt och även perioder med intensiv korttidsnederbörd kommer öka. Även medeltemperaturen kommer öka. Trots den ökande nederbörden antas markfuktigheten minska, som resultat av den ökade medeltemperaturen med en ökad avdunstning som följd. Det här arbetet är utfört för Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län, inom klimatanpassning på enheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap. Arbetet är inriktat på tre områden i Uppsala, stadskärnan, Hågadalen och Vallsgärde. Fokus i arbetet ligger på de geovetenskapliga konsekvenserna kopplade till översvämningar samt nederbördsförändringar. Kartor har producerats i ArcGIS där översvämningar, jordarter och kulturmiljöer redovisas (bilaga 1-3). 17 kulturmiljöer inom de tre områdena har konstaterats påverkas av översvämningar från Fyrisån varav merparten finns i Uppsala stadskärna. Förändringen av nederbörd är densamma över alla områden, till vilken grad det kommer att påverka kulturmiljöerna beror på kulturmiljöns karaktär. Marken bedöms inte påverkas nämnvärt av de ökade vattenmängderna. Mindre sättningar och skred i lerjordar kan dock uppkomma. Bevarandet av kulturmiljöer i de undersökta områdena kommer inte försvåras nämnvärt av undersökta parametrar, dock kan enskilda objekt påverkas mer.
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L’adaptation des littoraux au changement climatique : une gouvernance performative par expérimentations et stratégies d’action publique / Coastal adaptation to climate change : Performative governance and new public risk managementRocle, Nicolas 18 December 2017 (has links)
L’élévation des niveaux marins accélérée par le changement climatique fait l'objet d'uneattention soutenue au niveau international depuis les années 1990. L’adaptation des littorauxau changement climatique est désormais en voie d’institutionnalisation de l’échelleinternationale jusqu’au niveau local. La thèse analyse les processus de mise en politique del’adaptation au changement climatique sur les littoraux français, à partir de deux cas d’étudecontrastés dans leur histoire, leurs politiques d’aménagement et leurs configurations sociales,mais traversés par des processus analogues d’attractivité et de vulnérabilité face auxsubmersions marines et à l’érosion côtière : la côte aquitaine et le littoral martiniquais.La thèse soutient que la mise en politique de l’adaptation au changement climatique en zonescôtières procède d’une gouvernance performative, définie comme un ensemble de dispositifset d’énoncés visant à faire advenir des mesures d’adaptation en les mettant à l’épreuve duréel. La thèse propose de montrer qu’entre une planification par intégration du changementclimatique dans les politiques littorales existantes (plan national d’adaptation, plans deprévention des risques littoraux…), et des formes d’expérimentation de nouvelles optionsd’adaptation (relocalisation des biens et des activités ou repli stratégique), émerge une« nouvelle gestion publique des risques » littoraux. Pour cette dernière, le concept de stratégied’action publique rend compte de ces formes d’instrumentation qui visent à encadrer, àrationaliser et à faire émerger de nouveaux référentiels gestionnaires (comme l’adaptation etla préparation) par de l’expertise scientifique et technique, par des procédures collaborativeset de la concertation citoyenne en vue d’une responsabilisation individuelle et collective desacteurs locaux.L’analyse des discours, des logiques d’acteurs et des instruments visant à légitimer une actionpublique guidée par l’anticipation et la préparation face aux risques et aux menaces, mobilisela sociologie de l’action publique, la sociologie des sciences et de l’expertise, et la sociologiepragmatique des problèmes publics. Des enquêtes par observation directe de situations denégociation et de concertation, par entretiens et par analyse de documents d’expertise et deplanification ont été menées sur chaque terrain d’étude ; une enquête par questionnaire a étéconduite sur la commune de Lacanau afin d’appréhender l’expérience des citoyens-usagersriverainsface à l’évolution et au recul du trait de côte. / Sea level rise accelerated by climate change is of major concern at international scale since the 1990’s. From now on, climate change adaptation is institutionalized from global to local scales. I analyze policy making processes related to climate change adaptation in French coastal areas. Two qualitative case studies are at the heart of the thesis: Aquitaine coastline and Martinique Island (French West Indies). They are contrasted in their history, their coastal planning policy and their social dynamics, though they share common processes of attractiveness and vulnerability to submersion and coastal erosion. I analyze discourses, actors and policy instruments in the legitimization of anticipation and preparation as guiding principles to cope with coastal risks and threats. The theoretical framework builds on political sociology of science and policy, as well as insights from pragmatic sociology. Direct observation of local, regional and national consultation and steering committees, semi-structured interviews and documentation analysis are the key methodological approaches. A questionnaire survey has been conducted in the coastal town of Lacanau, on Aquitaine coastline, in order to analyze the way in which residents and users experiment coastal retreat. The main line of argumentation advanced in this thesis is that coastal adaptation to climate change proceeds with performative governance, by which policy devices and narratives are geared towards building adaptation policies upon their interpretive effects. I demonstrate how climate adaptation mainstreaming and planning (adaptation and coastal risks prevention plans…) is combined with experimentalist forms to govern new adaptation options (like planned retreat) and with a new public risk management in which political and institutional risks are as important to prevent as socio-ecological vulnerabilities. The concept of “public action strategy” is built to better capture these forms of managerial policy instruments used for framing, rationalizing and performing a governance of preparedness and adaptation, by means of expert knowledge, collaborative procedures and concertation to render local actors accountable for their own security. State steering practices and decentralization policies are key processes shaping coastal adaptation and risk regulation. This new public risk management strengthens expert configurations for defining and operationalizing coastal risks policy strategies.
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