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Specialpedagogen som handledare : En studie av specialpedagogers handledning i en mellanstor kommun i Sverige / The special educator as tutor : A study of special educators tutoring in a middle sized municipality in SwedenKlarberg, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Den här studien handlar om specialpedagogens roll som handledare i skolan. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om specialpedagoger handleder andra pedagoger och i så fall i vilken omfattning. Jag vill också ta reda på specialpedagogers, rektorers och andra pedagogers inställning till specialpedagoger som handledare. Studien genomförs med hjälp av intervjuer och enkäter till specialpedagoger, rektorer och andra pedagoger i en mellanstor svensk kommun. Jag har valt att använda diskursanalys för att analysera och tolka mina resultat. Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultaten i min studie på att kommunens specialpedagoger handleder i mycket liten omfattning, men är positiva till att handleda. Rektorerna har en vision om att specialpedagogerna ska arbeta mer utifrån intentionerna i deras utbildning, men verkligheten ser inte ut så. Övriga pedagoger i skolan har liten erfarenhet av handledning och alla är inte positiva till specialpedagogen som handledare.
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Co-teaching: Using the CO-ACT to Identify Quality Co-teach Practices and Predict Academic Outcomes for Students with DisabilitiesO'Neil-Omelan, Kirsten 2010 December 1900 (has links)
This research was designed to examine patterns related to quality of Co-teach implementation, as evidenced by Co-teacher responses to the Colorado Assessment of Co-teaching (CO-ACT), and the usefulness of the CO-ACT in serving second purpose of predicting student academic outcomes. Participants consisted of 48 teachers (24 Co-teach partnerships) and 162 students with disabilities in grades 6-8 who were enrolled in a Co-teach class of the study’s partnerships during the 2007-08 school year. The CO-ACT examines quality of Co-teach partnerships through measurement of various factors linked to Co-teaching best practices, and provides a scoring system identifying partnerships as exemplary and non-exemplary. Student academic outcome data consisted of district-designed local assessments and statewide assessment measures. Student academic outcome data was collected and analyzed for students with disabilities in identified Co-teach partnerships.
Four areas were examined in relation to the CO-ACT and its ability to predict student academic outcomes: a) whether the CO-ACT was able to predict student academic outcomes; b) the importance of the individual factors; c) the impact of the degree of Co-teacher agreement of practices; and d) analysis of these areas by subject area (math, reading, science and social studies). These four qualities were the basis for the four research questions for the study. Specifically, the aim of the study was to identify correlations among the qualities of each Co-teach partnership, and to determine whether there was a relationship between the quality of the partnership and student academic performance. Study findings indicated that in the area of math and science some CO-ACT factors were statistically significant in predicting student academic outcomes. However, when taking all study analysis into consideration, overall the results indicated that the CO-ACT did not provide statistically or practically significant predictions of student academic outcomes. Although the CO-ACT was designed to measure the presence of behaviors within a Co-teach setting that are reflected within the Co-teach literature as best practices, the exemplary or non-exemplary practices of Co-teachers did not appear to correlate with student academic outcomes. Implications of findings and recommendations for further research are discussed.
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La co-intervention à l’école primaire comme source de l’activité des professeurs ? : Contribution à une ergonomie de l’activité enseignante / Co-teaching in elementary school as source of the activity of the professors ? : A contribution for teaching activity ergonomicsCombes, Christelle 09 December 2014 (has links)
L’objet de la thèse est d’étudier l’activité de travail de professeurs engagés dans un nouveau dispositif : la co-intervention. En France, la réussite de tous les élèves à l’école primaire s’appuie sur un postulat : le travail collectif des enseignants fait évoluer les pratiques pédagogiques et améliorer les résultats des élèves. Les réformes éducatives se multiplient et conduisent à une diversification de la forme scolaire et une complexification du travail enseignant. Plusieurs projets expérimentent depuis plusieurs années la co-intervention, où deux enseignants travaillent ensemble au sein même de la classe. Notre recherche en ergonomie de l’activité enseignante donne à voir et à réfléchir sur la ré-organisation des milieux de travail et les motifs de l’activité conjointe dans les dispositifs d’aide en co-intervention, source potentielle d’une activité dialogique qui ouvre à de nouvelles manières de faire « possibles » et une transformation des pratiques. La co-intervention est une nouvelle situation de travail qui bouscule les dimensions collectives telles qu’elles existent pour un maître seul dans sa classe. Contrairement à l’affirmation institutionnelle, nos résultats montrent que co-intervenir avec un enseignant ordinaire ou un enseignant spécialisé ne produit pas forcément une activité conjointe ni un débat professionnel sur les manières de faire et de penser orientés vers les élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage. / This research aims at studying the work of teachers who are experimenting a new system : co-teaching. In France, it is widely considered that the academic success of all elementary school pupils relies on the teachers' collective work, which makes teaching practices evolve and improves pupils' results. Educational reforms multiply, leading to more diverse teaching methods and a more complex teaching job. Many projects have been experimenting co-teaching for severaly years, with two teachers working together in the same classroom.Our research in teaching activity ergonomics gives us some visibility and food for thought concerning a new organization of the working environment and the reasons justifying joint activity in those new ways to help the pupils in the school system. If co-teaching is a new work frame that allows to redefine what has to be done and how to do it, it then becomes the source of some dialogic activity that opens new horizons and new possible ways to work as well as changing practices. Unlike what the educational authorities are saying, our results show that co-teaching with a regular or a specialized teacher does not necessarily lead to similar joint activities, nor does it produce a professional debate on the ways of acting and thinking with underachieving pupils.
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The Co-teaching Model: Relational Dynamics and Lived Experiences of Teachers Within the English Language ClassroomSimmons, Christina 01 January 2018 (has links)
As the population of English language learners (ELLs) in the United States grows, educators, administrators, and policymakers must support effective methods of instruction. Co-teaching, an inclusive special education instructional approach, has recently grown in popularity as a method for providing English as a second language (ESL) support. The research on ESL co-teaching lacks in-depth data about the experiences and relationships of co-teaching teams. The purpose of this heuristic phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences and relational dynamics of co-teachers within an English language instructional setting. Friend and Cook's model of collaboration and Siemen's theory of connectivism provided a framework for this study. Through purposeful sampling, 3 ESL and 3 mainstream teachers were identified. Individual interviews and subsequent focus groups yielded information about the lived experiences and perceptions of both the ESL and mainstream teachers. Using Moustakas' heuristic inquiry stages of analysis, the data were analyzed and coded. Four themes emerged: preparation, the value of time, the issues of control, and the dynamics of a co-teaching relationship. The teachers perceived insufficient time as a major barrier to effective preparation and coordination of teaching teams. The participants also indicated additional elements as important to the success of a teaching team: personality, teacher modeling, flexibility, and communication. This study may lead to social change by informing educators, administrators, and policy-makers about (a) implementing the ESL co-teaching model and (b) the supports needed to help ESL and mainstream teachers function effectively in a co-taught classroom.
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Inclusion in Action: An Action Research Study of the General Education Student Experience in an Inclusion ClassGarriott, Erin Marie 20 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Co-Teaching Science Courses for English Language LearnersCooper, Adam 16 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Co-planning and Co-teaching in an Early Childhood Licensure ProgramSchiff, Jamie Rzeznik 14 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Progressive Inclusion: An Ethnographic case study. The daily life of a progressive and inclusive classroomDarling, Kami E. 01 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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幼兒園教師協力工作塑造之研究 / A Study of Collaborative Job Crafting of Preschool Teachers陳易君, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
因為幼兒園工作環境充滿變化性、不確定性與壓力,加上教師們皆具有專業的背景以及在工作執行上擁有許多的彈性與自主權,學者們認為幼兒園合班關係,可以採用協力工作塑造的概念,進一步昇華幼兒園合班關係。Leana,Appelbaum,& Shevchuk (2009)就提出,幼兒園教師的協力工作塑造,有助於確保幼教現場的教學品質,除了對生手教師來說,有助於提升其工作成效,對熟手教師來說,也能夠協助提升其工作附加價值。
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Samundervisning - en form av inkludering : En studie av pedagogers erfarenheter från årskurs 6 till gymnasiet. / Co-teaching – a form of inclusive education.Sparrman Persson, Britt January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ämneslärare och speciallärare i samundervisning, på grundskolan och i gymnasiet, fångar upp och stöttar elever som har behov av extra anpassningar. Extra anpassningar innebär att pedagogen gör de anpassningar som eleven behöver så långt det är möjligt inom klassens ram. Intervjuer har gjorts med sju pedagoger som samtliga har erfarenhet av samundervisning på grundskolan och gymnasiet, varav fyra är ämneslärare och tre är speciallärare. Studien belyses genom ett kritiskt perspektiv vilket innebär att man istället för att se eleven eller dess hemmiljö som orsak till inlärningsproblemen vänder blicken mot skolsystemet och den pedagogik som förs. Denna studie försöker att hålla ett kritiskt perspektiv på specialpedagogiken och samundervisning. Metoden innebär att man är två pedagoger i en undervisande klass. Med inkluderande metod menas att eleverna passar in i den undervisning som förs och inte t ex behöver gå ifrån undervisningen för att få det den behöver. I min studie arbetar specialläraren tillsammans med huvudläraren i klassrummet och genom flexibla lösningar på plats behöver inte eleverna gå ifrån undervisningen till specialläraren för att få den undervisning som behövs. Istället får eleven sina behov tillgodosedda inom den ordinarie undervisningen. Det kan då betraktas som ett inkluderande arbetssätt. Samundervisningen visar sig ha olika former med varierande kvalitéer. Specialläraren och skolledningen har möjlighet att påverka samundervisningen till ett inkluderande arbetssätt. Ämneslärarna upplevde inte alltid att speciallärarna tillförde något särskilt förutom en extra pedagogisk insats. Studien visar därmed att upplägget kräver pedagogiska insikter och stöd av skolledningen för att få rätta de förutsättningarna för att metoden ska lyckas. Ökad måluppfyllelse är en grundfaktor för att arbeta med samundervisning men hur vet man om man lyckas om utvärderingar av metoden inte görs? / The purpose of this study is to examine how regular teachers and special needs teachers can work together in order to help students in need of special adjustments. These adjustments are preferably carried out within the framework of the regular classes if it is possible. Seven teachers have been interviewed, all of whom having experience from working with co-teaching at compulsory school level as well as upper secondary school and high school levels. This study takes on a critical approach in pointing out the school system and its pedagogy as mainly responsible for reduced learning ability rather than putting the blame on the student and his or her home environment. This study aims at keeping a critical perspective on remedial pedagogy and co-teaching. The ensuing question is then if this can really be regarded as an inclusive method. An inclusive pedagogy means that the student fits in and feels comfortable and does not have to leave the classroom in order to get what he or she wants. In this study the special needs teacher works alongside the regular teacher in the classroom and by making use of flexible solutions there is no need for a student with reduced learning ability to leave the class in order to find a special needs teacher. His or her needs are instead met directly in the classroom. This can be viewed as an inclusive method of working. The special needs teacher as well as the head of school can influence co-teaching to encompass an inclusive way of working. Subject teachers in this study sometimes felt that the addition of a special needs teacher did not mean more than an increase in the number of pedagogues. The study shows that in order for the method to be successful there needs to be pedagogic insight and awareness as well as support from the head of school. Reaching one’s goals is a mainstay in working with co-teaching but how do you know if you are successful if the method is not properly evaluated?
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