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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coming into view : black British artists and exhibition cultures 1976-2010

Dalal-Clayton, Anjalie January 2015 (has links)
This study unites the burgeoning academic field of exhibition histories and the critiques of race-based exhibition practices that crystallised in Britain in the 1980s and 1990s. It concerns recent practices of presenting and contextualising black creativity in British publicly funded art museums and galleries that are part of a broader attempt to increase the diversity of histories and perspectives represented in public art collections and exhibitions. The research focuses on three concurrent 2010 exhibitions that aimed to offer a non-hegemonic reading of black creativity through the use of non-art-historical conceptual and alternative curatorial models: Afro Modern (Tate Liverpool), Action (The Bluecoat), and a retrospective of works by Chris Ofili (Tate Britain). Comparative exhibitions of the past were typically premised on concepts of difference that ultimately resulted in the notional separation of black artists from mainstream discourses on contemporary art and histories of British art. Through a close and critical textual analysis of these three recent exhibitions, which is informed by J.L. Austin’s theory of speech acts (1955), the study considers whether, and to what extent the delimiting curatorial practices of the past have been successfully abandoned by public art museums and galleries, and furthermore, whether it has been possible for British art institutions to reject the entrenched, exclusive conceptions of British culture that negated black contributions to the canon and narratives of British art in the first place. The exhibition case studies are complemented and contextualised by an in-depth history of the Bluecoat’s engagement with black creativity between 1976 and 2012, which provides a particular insight into the ways that debates about representation, difference and separatism have impacted the policies and practices of one culturally significant art gallery that is frequently overlooked in histories of black British art. With reference to the notion of legitimate coercion as defined by Zygmunt Bauman (2000), the study determines that long-standing hegemonic structures continue to inform the modes through which public art museums and galleries in Britain curate and control black creativity.

A gestão do medo como instrumento de coerção nas organizações públicas

Cunha, Elenice Gonçalves January 2006 (has links)
O estudo investiga a gestão do medo como instrumento de coerção nas organizações públicas, a partir da abordagem dejouriana, que considera a dimensão organizacional e as suas repercussões sobre o equilíbrio psíquico e a saúde mental do trabalhador. Parte-se do pressuposto de que, a partir da Reforma do Estado empreendida no Brasil, cujo modelo apóia-se na adoção do Contrato de Gestão, Política de Demissão Voluntária e privatização de empresas estatais, o medo institui-se como ferramenta de gestão utilizada pela administração como forma de obter-se maior produtividade no trabalho. A problemática parte do pressuposto de que, a partir da reforma , a possibilidade de precarização e perda dos empregos torna-se uma realidade para o funcionário público, trazendo para o seu cotidiano de trabalho o sentimento de medo, o que determina como objetivo central identificar os efeitos da gestão do trabalho por meio do medo na psicodinâmica dos indivíduos a ela submetidos. O que se busca demonstrar são os reflexos da gestão do medo sobre os aspectos psíquicos do trabalhador moderno, que ultrapassa os limites do emprego nos moldes tradicionais e invade o trabalho precário e as incertezas que o caracteriza. A pesquisa foi realizada junto a vinte e três servidores lotados na Companhia Riograndense de Mineração. Os dados foram coletados em entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para a análise de dados, foi utilizada a metodologia da análise de conteúdo, na modalidade de análise temática. Os resultados são apresentados em vinte e uma categorias iniciais, sete categorias intermediárias e quatro categorias finais: a Nova Administração Pública; o medo da demissão; o medo do mercado; e o medo institucional. O estudo demonstra que se institui um modelo híbrido de organização onde modelo burocrático e gerencial coabitam como forma de gestão – a Nova Administração Pública –, definindo-se o contexto sóciohistórico organizacional. Nesse contexto, observa-se a presença do medo em suas três dimensões cíclicas: o medo da demissão, dimensão comportamental ; o medo institucional, dimensão organizacional, e, o medo do mercado, dimensão ambiental, que intermedeiam as relações de trabalho. / The study investigates the management of the fear as instrument of coercion in the public organizations, from the dejouriana boarding, that considers the organizacional dimension and its repercussions on the psychic balance and mental health of the worker. It starts form the presumption that from the Reformation of the State undertaken in Brazil, whose apóia model in the adoption of the Contract of Management, Politics of Voluntary Resignation and privatization of state-owned companies, the fear institutes as tool of management used for the administration as form to get bigger productivity in the work. The problematic starts from the presumption that from the reform, the possibility of precariousness and loss of the jobs a reality for the civil servant, bringing for his daily routine the feeling of fear, what determines as central objective to identify to the effect of the management of the work through the fear in the psicodinâmica of the submitted individuals. The goal is to demonstrate what are the consequences of the management of the fear on the psychic aspects of the modern worker, who exceeds the limits of the job in the traditional molds and invades the precarious work and the uncertainties that characterize it. The research was carried on through twenty and three servers working at Companhia Riograndense de Mineração. The data had been collected through half-structuralized interviews. For the analysis of data, the methodology of the content analysis was used, in the modality of thematic analysis. The results are presented in twenty one initial categories, seven intermediate categories and four final categories: the new public administration; the fear of the dismissal; the fear of the market, and the institucional fear. The study demonstrates that exists a hybrid model of organization in the company where bureaucratic and managemental model cohabits as management form - the new Public Administration -, defining the context social-historical organizacional. In this context it is observed the presence of the fear in three cyclical dimensions: the fear of the dismissal - mannering dimension -, the institucional fear - organizacional dimension e, the fear of the market - ambient dimension, that intermediate the work relations.

Engagement par émulation des pays baltes en matière d’aide : une mise en perspective par rapport aux pays de Visegrád et l’étude de cas lituanienne / No English title available

Kuokstyte, Ringaile 26 June 2014 (has links)
La thèse a pour objectif principal de contribuer à l’étude des déterminants de l’engagement des pays donateurs en matière de développement. En constatant une progression universaliste dans la recherche de tels déterminants, qui consiste à identifier des variables indépendantes communes pour l’ensemble des bailleurs de fonds, la thèse est partie pour défier cette recherche tout en l’enrichissant. Le défi renvoie à l’étude de cas spécifique de l’engagement balte en faveur de l’aide. Il s’agit d’un défi pluriel, empirique comme méthodologique. Sur le plan empirique, c’est un contexte historique particulier des pays baltes, celui de l’adhésion à l’UE et l’obligation de contribuer aux efforts de la communauté des bailleurs de fonds européens, qui est à noter. De repères méthodologiques font défaut en raison du manque de données et de recherche systématique sur le sujet. La thèse propose de neutraliser les biais qui peuvent en résulter en mettant l’engagement balte en perspective par rapport aux pays de Visegrád, disposant de l’expérience en matière d’aide étrangère de l’époque d’avant 1989. En dépit du manque d’une expérience propre, le trio balte affichent des efforts en faveur des populations plus démunies à la hauteur des pays de Visegrád. L’engagement en ressort comme une réalité sociopolitique complexe, dépassant le registre incrémental et la contrainte de l’UE. Il s’affirme à l’échelle européenne comme un processus d’émulation intergouvernementale. Un ancrage social de ce processus relève pourtant moins d’une croyance absolue en ce qui est adéquat que d’un effort raisonné de ne pas se distinguer parmi ses pairs. / The dissertation aims to contribute to the research on determinants of the commitment of donor countries in the area of development aid. Given the progress of a universalist approach towards studying these determining factors (an approach aiming to identify common independent variables for the donor community as a whole), the dissertation takes the position of challenging the current research while, at the same time, enriching it. The main challenge, empirical as well as methodological, lies within the choice of a specific case study, which is the commitment of the Baltic states. Empirically, the specificity of the Baltic countries relates to their historical context, that is, their accession to the EU and their obligation to contribute to the efforts of the European donor community. Yet another specificity relates to the lack of relevant data and systematic research on the subject. Considering the biases which may result from this state of play concerning the Baltic countries, the dissertation frames their commitment in a comparative perspective with regard to the Visegrad Four, which possess relevant experience from the pre-1989 period. Despite the lack of their own national experience, the Baltic states deploy efforts akin to those of the Visegrad countries. Hence, their commitment reveals itself as a complex sociopolitical reality, determined by factors other than incrementalism or the EU’s pressure. The commitment appears as a process of intergovernmental emulation. A social nature of this process is however less linked to an unconditional belief in what is considered to be appropriate than to a reasoned effort not to stand out among one’s peers.

Nガデキル構文の研究 / Study of N-ga DEKIRU Construction

邱姿維, Chiu, Tzuwei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文目的於探討N-ga DEKIRU句構在何種情形下表達<生起>、<完成>以及<可能>中的其中一種語意。至今為止,N-ga DEKIRU被定位於可能表現的一種,而尚未有以N-ga DEKIRU為中心,針對其多義性分析的研究。針對動詞DEKIRU的多義性有所提及的只有針對DEKIRU的歷史上的型態與語意變化的研究以及辭典而已。因此,本論文藉由導入屬性結構(Qualia Structure),論述N-ga DEKIRU動詞句的語意是由名詞N和動詞DEKIRU兩詞組成分經由共構成的過程而衍生。又,本論文不局限於N-ga DEKIRU動詞句,也以句構單位來探討影響句子整體的要素。   本論文共7章,首先於序章闡述研究動詞及目的、研究方法與本論文的構成。於第一章,概觀先行研究,指出其問題點,並提出本論文的課題。在第二章,以認知語言學的分析方法探討動詞DEKIRU的多義性,並使用屬性結構探究其語意構造。於第三章,筆者以NINAL-LWP for BCCWJ語料庫收集與N-ga DEKIRU句構中的名詞作為本研究的考察對象,並將之分類為事件名詞(event noun)以及實體名詞(entity noun)。於第四章,筆者推論N-ga DEKIRU動詞句的語意是經由名詞與動詞兩者共構成而衍生,並探討共構成時所使用的類型強制的適用條件。最後於第五章,筆者以句構單位探討第四章所無法解決的多義性的問題。第六章為結論。   經由以上論述得到結論為,N-ga DEKIRU句構的語意,有取決於名詞的情形,也有在以N-ga DEKIRU動詞句單位時擁有兩義性的情形,而後者的語義又受附加部的有無、否定接詞nai以及時態等影響。 / The purpose of this study is to examine which meaning amoung OCCURENCE, PERFECTIVE, and POTENTIALITY is represented in case of ‘N-ga DEKIRU’ construction. In conventional research, ‘N-ga DEKIRU’ has been regarded as one of the potential expressions, but as for its polesemy, it has barely been studied yet. There is only one research focusing on the morphological and semantic change of the verb ‘DEKIRU’, and its polysemy is only mentioned in dictionaries. Accordingly, Qualia Structure is introduced into the study of N-ga DEKIRU construction to show that the meaning of N-ga DEKIRU is generated by means of the process of co-composition from its constituents, N and DEKIRU. Furthermore, I also investigate what elements affect the meaning of the whole sentence at the syntactic level. This thesis consists of 7 chapters. In the introduction, I describe the motivation and purpose of this work. In chapter 1, I point out the problems after reviewing the previous research, and present the subjects of this paper. In chapter 2, I examine the syntactical behaviors of the verb ‘DEKIRU’; meanwhile, I analyze its polysemy through cognitive linguistic approach, and stipulate its semantic structure. In chapter 3, I collect the nouns co-occuring with DEKIRU from the corpus named NINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ, and categorize them into event nouns and entity nouns. In chapter 4, I assume the meaning of the verb phrase ‘N-ga DEKIRU’ to be generated by the process of co-composition, and explore the condition of type coercion which is applied in the process of co-composition. In chapter 5, I examine the unsolved problems in previous chapters at the syntatic level. Finally, in chapter 6 comes the conclusion. From the above, the conclusion is that in some cases, the meaning of N-ga DEKIRU construction is determined by the nouns; whereas there are cases that the verb phrase ‘N-ga DEKIRU’ still represents two meanings. As for the latter case, adjuncts, negation, tense and aspects are the elements affecting the meaning of N-ga DEKIRU construction.

Les liens entre l’impulsivité et la coercition sexuelle : les apports d’un modèle multidimensionnel et de tâches comportementales

Carrier Emond, Fannie 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Tonåringars uppfattning om våld i nära relationer : En fokusgruppstudie

Uggla, Laura January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer är ett stort folkhälsoproblem världen över. Studier visar idag att våld inom nära relationer är mest förekommande bland ungdomar (13-24 år). I Sverige har relativt lite forskning gjort specifikt på ungdomars våldsutövande och utsatthet. En viktig del inför framtida studier och våldspreventionsprogram är att skapa en förståelse för svenska ungdomars uppfattning om våld i nära relationer.  Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka unga tonåringars uppfattning och förståelse av våldshandlingar, nära relationer mellan ungdomar, och ansvar för våld i nära relationer. Metod: Datainsamling skedde genom tre separata fokusgruppsintervjuer (n=13). Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade och utgick från en studiespecifik intervjuguide. Resultat: Enligt informanterna har ungdomar ofta inofficiella romantiska relationer. De uppvisade stor kunskap om kontrollerande våld, men nämnde inte sexuellt våld som en våldsform. De uttryckte sympati för individer som utsätts för våld, och tog uttryckligt avstånd från våldsutövande. De framhävde även vikten av att respektera den våldsutsatta ungdomens autonomi. Trots deras initiala avståndstagande från våldsutövande uppvisade informanterna ofta en ambivalens och tenderade även att skambelägga den våldsutsatta när våldet kontextualiserats. Slutsats: Våldspreventionsprogram bör fokusera på att utbilda svenska ungdomar om samtliga våldsformer, och poängtera att våldshandlingar är oacceptabla oberoende situation eller intention. Vuxna som möter ungdomar som upplevt våld bör stödja ungdomen i att lämna relationen och visa respekt för att ungdomars nära relationer kan se annorlunda än vuxnas. / Background: Inter partner violence is a significant public health concern globally. Recent studies show that inter partner violence is most prevalent among adolescents (13-24 years). In Sweden, the research on the subject is somewhat limited. An important focus for future studies is to create an understanding of Swedish adolescents' perception of inter partner violence.  Aim: The study examined adolescents’ perception and understanding of romantic partnership between adolescents, violent behaviour and responsibility for inter partner violence. Method: Data collection took place through three separate focus group interviews (n = 13). The interviews were semi-structured and were based on a study-specific interview guide.  Results: According to the informants, adolescents often have unofficial romantic relationships. They showed great knowledge of coercion, but never mentioned sexual violence as a type of violence. They expressed sympathy for victims of inter partner violence, and emphasised the importance of respecting the autonomy of adolescents exposed to violence. Despite their initial disapproval of perpetration of violence, the informants often showed ambivalence and victim blaming tendencies when the violence was contextualised. Conclusion: Violence prevention programs should focus on educating Swedish adolescents about all types of violence, and emphasise that all acts of violence are unacceptable regardless of situation and/or intention. Adults who interact with adolescents who have experienced dating violence should be emotionally supportive and be understanding of the fact that adolescents' significant relationships may look different than adults’.

Vzdušná síla v současné strategii / Position of Airpower in Contemporary Strategy

Černý, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the current role of airpower in contemporary warfare. In last 100 years, the aircraft became an indisputable part of today's armed conflict. The aim of this work is to determine the mechanics behind airpower's functions in conflicts and to critically assess airpower's performance. The analyzed conflicts - Persian Gulf 1991, Kosovo 1999, Afghanistan 2001 and U. S.-led counterinsurgency campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan - provide the diversity that is needed to reveal the position of airpower in contemporary strategy. The thesis is divided in three parts. The first part follows the evolution of airpower and its theory, providing context to further analysis of contemporary environment. The second part of the thesis identifies key theoretical concepts and modalities connected to airpower and analysis them on a general, theoretical basis. The third part of this thesis applies the concepts and modalities on the picked case studies in order to reach the suggested objectives by analyzing the conflicts and deriving empirical data. The conclusions of the thesis suggest that while slightly exaggerated, airpower grew to vital importance and became one of the key elements in today's conflicts.

Makt i digitala- videomedierade möten : Upplevelser av nya förhållningssätt i vardagliga arbetssituationer / Power within virtual, video-mediated meetings : Experiences of new approaches during everyday work situations

Westerback, Jack January 2022 (has links)
This thesis was conducted since the Covid-19 pandemic has meant that work, as well as workplace meetings, has become virtual. The purpose of the study was to research individual experiences of power relations between actors within virtual, video-mediated meetings in regard to the effect technology, body and place have on these power relations. The Data was collected by conducting ten semi-structured interviews through Teams and Zoom. The result was analyzed within the framework of power through persuasion, authority, and coercion (Turner, 2005), and also by including the concepts of social power and dominance (Linell & Luckmann, 1991). Further, the result was put in a broader academic context by relating it to previous research. The result showed that technology has had an effect on the relations of power by creating new areas of responsibility, by increasing control over oneself and others within meetings, but also by giving people a greater sense of freedom surrounding them. In the second part of the result, it was reported that absence of body during virtual meetings has meant difficulties in being able to give feedback through one’s body language, and that it, in addition, has led to new conditions when it comes to who gets to speak. Third, the result showed that the transition of the workplace from being an office to it becoming a virtual space, in theory, could mean increased access to meetings, but that the person in charge of the meeting has a decisive role in realizing that opportunity. Finally, it appeared as if friction has arisen between norms within the office and norms of the home, and that people within a place of authority has been able to exercise excessive control by demanding that coworkers have their cameras on at all times. The paper ended by giving suggestions on further research.

Uppe bland molnen : Tvångsmedlet genomsökning på distans RB 28:10 och utvinning av molndata tillhörande Googletjänster

Dahlstrand, Elsa, Dahl, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Det sker en kontinuerlig digitalisering i världen vilket innebär en utmaning för samhällets lagstiftning, till följd av att lagstiftning är tids- och resurskrävande. Detta är något som kriminella utnyttjar i och med att deras verksamhet har flyttats alltmer till den digitala världen. Kriminell verksamhet som genomförs med hjälp av molntjänster har varit svårt att bekämpa, då det inte är säkert att den data som skapas i molntjänster också lagras i samma land. Arbetet att samla in denna data har för svenska myndigheter därför varit krångligt, och i vissa fall, omöjligt. Det var först i juni 2022 som en lag trädde i kraft, RB 28:10 genomsökning på distans, som gjorde det möjligt för utredare att gå in i molntjänster och leta efter bevismaterial.  I denna uppsats har semi-strukturerade intervjuermed IT-forensiker och åklagare genomförtsoch analyserats.Resultatet visar att upplevelsen av lagen är positiv; att den kom hastigt men att den var behövlig. Däremot har den skapat mer arbete för IT-forensiker som en konsekvens. Kompletterande har ett experiment av molndata tillhörande ett Google-konto undersökts med hjälp av två IT-forensiska verktyg, vilket resulterat i att en skillnad i verktygens identifiering av raderad data uppmärksammats. Slutligen påvisar uppsatsen och dess resultat att lagen,genomsökning på distans, och utvinning av molndata försett brottsbekämpningen med data av högt bevisvärde och möjliggjort utredningar som tidigare inte var möjligt enligt lag. / The constant digitalization of our world poses a challenge to our governments in developing laws correspondingly. This divergence is something cybercriminals exploit. Criminal activity taking place in the cyberspace, specifically through cloud platforms, has been difficult for law enforcement to regulate and prosecute, partially due to the information needed is kept in servers outside of jurisdiction. In Swedish law enforcement this has caused the acquisition of valuable cloud data, in some cases, impossible, consequently leading to unsolved cases. As of June 2022, a new law regarding means of coercion took effect which enabled the recovery of account specific cloud data. In this work semi-structured interviews, with IT-forensics and prosecutors, were conductedand analyzed. The result shows that the experience of the law is positive, that it came abruptlybut that it was necessary. However, it has created more work for IT-forensics as a consequence. In addition, an experiment involving cloud data belonging to a Google account has been investigated with the help of two IT-forensic tools, which resulted in the observation of a variation in the tools' identification of deleted data. Finally, the paper and its findings demonstrate that the law and cloud data mining have provided law enforcement with high probative value data and enabled investigations previously not lawfully possible.

Clinging to Power: Authoritarian Leaders and Coercive Effectiveness

Wolfe, Christian J. 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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