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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kriskommunikation under företagskriser : En kvalitativ studie om kriskommunikation under företagskriser och konsumenters gensvar på kommunikationen / Crisis Communication during corporate crisis

Maloparic, Doris, Amanuel, Deborah Milli January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att söka djupare förståelse kring hur företag agerar vid företagskriser, vilka strategier de tar till sig. Vidare syftar studien till att bidra till djupare förståelse kring hur kriskommunikation tas emot av konsumenter på sociala medier. Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie har tillämpats på fyra företag som har genomgått en publik företagskris. Den samlade empirin grundar sig på sekundärdata som har framställts genom en E-forskningsmetod. För att undersöka konsumentresponsen har 100 slumpmässiga kommentarer valts från respektive kommentarsfält för att sedan presenteras i ett ordmoln där de mest kommenterade orden illustreras. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Den teoretiska referensramen innefattar teorierna: Corporate Apologia, Image Repair Theory och Situational Crisis Communication Theory. Slutsats: Studiens slutsats ger indikationer på att företag ber om ursäkt för händelsen och kommunicerar ut alla beslut som tas rörande den. Det går att antyda att konsumenter reagerar varierande på kriskommunikation där företag enbart ber om ursäkt för den händelsen. Det går även att antyda att konsumenterna till största del har en generellt positiv bild av kriskommunikation där företag kommunicerar ut en handlingsplan, i samband med att företaget tidigare har bett om ursäkt för händelsen. / Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine how companies use external communication, through different communication strategies during a corporate crisis. Furthermore how customers respond to the company's crisis communication.   Methodology: A qualitative case study was applied to four companies that have undergone a corporate crisis. The empirical data is based on secondary data that have been collected through an E-science methodology. To examine the customer response on the crisis communication, 100 random comments were selected from each comment section. The response is presented in a wordcloud where the most frequently used words are illustrated in the cloud. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework includes the theories: Corporate Apologia, Image Repair Theory and Situational Crisis Communication Theory. Conclusion: The conclusion provides indications that companies apologize for the incident and communicate all decisions made regarding it. It can be suggested that consumers react differently to crisis communication where companies only apologize for that event. It can also be suggested that consumers for the most part have a generally positive image of crisis communication where companies communicate an action plan, in addition to that the company previously has apologized for the incident.

When mitigation of xenophobia becomes part of the humanitarian agenda : an examination of the social cohesion strategies in the Venezuelan migration situation

Karlsson, Linnea Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Xenophobia ‘fear and hatred of strangers’ has become part of the international humanitarian agenda with the increased human mobility due to complex emergencies. Nevertheless, there is a knowledge gap in how to address such a complex social problem. Xenophobia has become evident in Colombia, and the UNHCR has responded with the media campaign ‘Somos Panas Colombia’, with the objective to reduce it and promote solidarity toward Venezuelan migrants. My research objective is to identify the social dynamics between the host communities and migrants in this context; then to understand how the UNHCR campaign can interact with these dynamics. The dynamics are categorized into dividers and connectors, through the Do No Harm approach, and discussed from social psychology perspectives. In this manner, we can distinguish which factors can be strengthened, and which can be weakened through campaign activities. Furthermore, in order to identify the optimal conditions for encouraging positive group interactions, the research employs the framework of the Intergroup Contact theory, which suggests that contact under the conditions of equality, common goals, cooperation and institutional support typically reduces prejudice. Such conditions strengthen a common ingroup identity that could include both Venezuelans and Colombians. This systematic thinking undergirds the analysis to understand how to most effectively reduce intergroup tensions and xenophobia, as well as how not to exacerbate it. My findings are that real structural factors, like pressure on the social service systems, combined with perceptions of these to be threatened, exacerbated by media reporting, divide the communities; whilst common interests and values, highlighted by the civil society and credible opinion leaders who display tolerant and positive relationships with migrants help to connect them. Finally, I conclude that the UNHCR has broadly identified the intergroup dynamics and has the potential of effectively addressing them through the campaign content strategies of sending rational-emotional messages that induce empathy and activates solidary behavior, and the communication strategy of building partnerships to reach target populations in an effective manner.

Effektiv kommunikation i byggprojekt - En studie med fokus på informationsflödet mellan entreprenörer och myndigheter i byggentreprenader

Amjed Sabri, Barik, Almadani, Mohammad January 2018 (has links)
Det finns i dagens läge ingen enhetlig kommunikationsmodell som styr hur informationsutbytet kan ske mellan myndigheter och entreprenörer i samband med tillståndsprocessen i byggprojekt. I dagens byggbransch kan kommunikationen mellan entreprenörer och berörda myndigheter i ett byggprojekt, upplevas som bristande i somliga fall med avseende på vilken information som ska utväxlas, i vilket format, under vilka tidsramar samt under vilka handläggningstider. Huvudsyftet med studien är att försöka kartlägga brister som förekommer i kommunikationen i samband med tillståndsprocessen samt föreslå åtgärder för hur dessa kan minimeras. Myndigheternas samt entreprenörernas åsiker och synpunkter av kommunikationen kommer att utgöra ett underlag för studiens slutsatser.Metoderna som har används i samband med faktainsamling är kvalitativa och utgörs huvud-sakligen av semistrukturerade intervjuer, deltagande observationer samt fallstudier. Huvudtanken bakom användning av flera datainsamlingsmetoder är att få en god validitet i studien samt få en verklighetsförankrad bild av kommunikationsfrågan i samband med en tillståndsprocess i bygg-projekt. Swim lane-metoden används i studien vid analysering av tillståndsprocessen samt för att presentera en kommunikationsmodell som kan användas för att underlätta ansökning av tillstånd för aktörer i byggbranschen. För att kunna analysera tillståndsprocessen mer i detalj, väljs bygglov som analyseringsobjekt. I studien görs sammanlagt sju intervjuer där fyra är på myndighetssidan och tre är på entreprenörssidan. Utöver intervjuerna görs tre deltagande observationer samt flera projektbesök i samband med fallstudierna.Kommunikationen kan idag ske på olika sätt beroende på vilken kommun ett byggprojekt genom-förs i och kan skilja sig i både tillvägagångssättet och handläggningstiderna. Orsaker till en bristande kommunikation från myndigheternas sida i samband med tillståndsprocessen i bygg-projekt, kan bero på hög arbetsbelastning hos myndighetsanställda samt personalbrist. Vissa tillstånd som till exempel det som berör belamring av allmänna ytor i samband med projekt-utförandet, kan ha långa beslutsvägar där flera myndigheter är inblandade vilket är en orsak till onödiga förseningar i beslutsfattandet.Det pågår idag en övergång i tillståndsprocessen från att ansökning och handläggning sker i pappersformat till en heldigitaliserad tillståndsprocess. Olika kommuner har kommit olika långt i digitaliseringsprocessen. För att kunna effektivisera tillståndsprocessen i byggprojekt, kan digitaliseringen nyttjas i större grad än det som görs idag. Exempel på digitala åtgärder som kan gynna tillståndsprocessen är implementering av automatiserade kommunikationsverktyg som möjliggör uppdatering av ärendets status. Entreprenören ges därmed möjlighet att kunna kommunicera med myndigheter samt komplettera eventuella brister med kort varsel. Implemen-tering av BIM i framtida tillståndsprocesser kan underlätta handläggningsproceduren för myndig-heternas del genom att möjliggöra smidiga kontroller i samband med granskning av ärendet som exempelvis kollisionskontroller eller kontroller av bärighets- och energiberäkningar. / In today's construction industry, communication between contractors and authorities in connection with the authorization process can seem to be unsatisfying. There is currently no unified communication model that could lead the exchange of information between authorities and contractors in construction projects. The main purpose of the study is to identify which shortcomings in communication process are common and suggest actions to minimize them. The opinions of the authorities and the contractors in connection with the communication aspect will provide a basis for the conclusions of the study. The methods used in collecting the results of the study are qualitative and consist of semi structured interviews, participatory observations and case studies. The main idea behind the use of multiple data collection methods is to get a good validity in the study as well as to get a reality-based image of the communication in connection with the authorization process in the building works. The swim lane-diagram method is used to analyse the communication process as well as to present a reliable model that can be used as a basis of various actors in the construction industry when applying for building permissions. Causes for shortcomings of communication by the authorities may be due to high workload of government workers and staff shortages. Communication can now happen in different ways depending on which municipality a building project is carried out in. There is currently a transition in the authorization process from application and processing in paper format to a digitized process. In order to streamline the state process in building projects. Digitization can be used to a greater level than what is being done today. Example of digital measures that can benefit the state process is implementation

Successful Strategies for Retaining Profitability in an Education-Sector IT Project

Middleton, Cassandra Romae 01 January 2019 (has links)
Many information technology (IT) project managers (PMs) and other business leaders lack effective strategies for enhancing communication among their project team members, thereby reducing profitability and organizational cohesion. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore communication strategies that IT PMs used to successfully complete IT mobile device projects. The conceptual framework for this study was McQuail's mass communication, Craig's communication, and Deming's profound knowledge theory. Purposive sampling method was used to identify 6 successful IT PMs and leaders who worked at 2 leading educations settings located in southeastern South Carolina. Data gathered from the semistructured interviews and collected from publicly available documents were analyzed using coding techniques, constant comparison, and keyword phrases. After methodological triangulation of the data sources collected and completion of Yin's 5-step process of data analysis, 3 key themes emerged from data analysis: standardized project communication, project team building, and positive customer focus. Findings from this study may contribute to positive social change by providing IT PMs with evidence to support efficient communication strategies in the education sector to increase organizational performance and profitability, which may positively contribute to improving quality of life for employees, driving economic development, and improving community relations.

Communication Strategies as Drivers of Nonprofit Donor Retention

Jameson, Tamieka 01 January 2017 (has links)
According to scholars and organizations that focus on the performance of organizations in the nonprofit sector, retaining loyal and engaged donors has been a critical component of sustainability. Through the conceptual lens of single- and double-loop learning and organizational communications theory, this single-case study explored donor communication strategies used by 3 executive-level leaders of a nonprofit organization in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Data collected from semistructured interviews, organizational documents, and Guidestar, an online information service specializing in reporting on U.S. nonprofit companies, were manually coded and thematically analyzed. Two key themes emerged: effective processes for donor communication strategy development and organizational learning strategy development. Strategy development may assist this Minneapolis company’s organizational leaders with improving retention of donors and participants in the company’s programs and services, increasing action plan completion rates, and integrating the lessons learned process during the development and implementation of communication strategies to increase donor retention. By bridging the gap between performance arts and social responsibility, this company’s leaders may engage both donors and participants, resulting in favorable retention rates. These findings have implications for positive social change. Nonprofit leaders’ models of effective communications strategies and processes to improve participant and donor engagement may ensure leaders’ ability to serve and improve their communities by engaging at-risk youth in programs designed to develop performance arts and leadership skills.

Investigation of Research-Based Communication Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in an Early Childhood Setting

Amy Joanna Gaff (15333961) 21 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>According to the Center for Disease Control, approximately one in 44 children are identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD at the age of 8 in the United States (Centers for Disease Control, 2022). As the number of children with ASD is increasing, so do the concerns of early childhood educators about how to help them (Schafer Whitby et. al, 2015). The generally accepted criteria for ASD includes a deficit in communication and/or language, restricted and/or repetitive interests, indicators started manifesting young, the symptoms cause diminished functioning. Communication difficulties in children with ASD can be challenging for educators to handle (Grygas Coogle et al., 2018). Educators in a general education early childhood classroom may not be prepared to handle the influx of students with ASD due to their lack of knowledge and skills about appropriate communication strategies.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The master’s degree special project contains two separate elements: a survey and the development of a handbook. The purpose of the IRB approved study was to investigate common communication strategies and research-based strategies being used with students with ASD in an early childhood setting. The survey sought licensed teachers’ responses on their levels of understanding about communication strategies and recommendations for future professional learning and training materials. </p> <p>Twelve early childhood educators (PreK-2) from one urban elementary school, in a midwestern state were sent the anonymous 11 question Qualtrics survey, including rating questions and open-ended questions. Nine educators completed the survey. The results revealed teachers’ lack of familiarity and knowledge about communication strategies for students with ASD. All nine participants answered they had no previous specific training on ASD and communication strategies in college and zero hours of professional learning on communication strategies for students with ASD during the current school year. Educators also rated themselves as poorly or moderately prepared to teach children with ASD and their communication deficits. Not a single participant rated themselves as well prepared or very well prepared.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The study results and previously published research indicated the need for the professional learning handbook to provide early childhood educators with research-proven communication strategies written in a teacher friendly manner. The special project handbook has six sections: play strategies, environmental adaptation, visual supports, motivation, sensory integration, and collaboration with parents. ASD is multifaceted and complex for educators, and many of their struggles are rooted in the area of communication. These strategies were designed for students with ASD but can also be applied with all students.</p>

Final Scholarly Project: Examining the Need for Change by Describing the Attitudes and Perceptions of Team Communications Related to Patient Care and Safety Among Ambulatory Clinic Healthcare Staff

Seivers, Peter J. 27 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.

To effectively assist children with autism in their English learning process : Special education teachers’ use of communication strategies

Matti, Miranda January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to explore some special education teachers’ experiences regarding the use of communication strategies in the subject of English in English medium schools with children with autism. The study is based on the teachers’ own reported lived experiences. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Four special education teachers who have worked for minimum two years with autistic children participated in the study which addresses the following questions: What communication strategies are used by special education teachers to effectively assist children with autism in their English learning process? What challenges arise when working with communication strategies with autistic children? What are the most important things to consider when working with autistic children’s English language use? The results have shown that the communication strategies used to effectively assist children with autism in their English learning process depend entirely on the child, their prior knowledge and interests. However, it has been possible to conclude that visual support is a resource of great importance for children with autism to succeed in expressing their communicative intentions.


Sharma, Devendra January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Röntgensjuksköterskors kommunikationsstrategier med patienter i det korta mötet - En litteraturstudie / Radiographers' communication strategies with patients in the short meeting - A literature study

Hussein, Nuruddin, Alsebai, Omar January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Röntgensjuksköterskor, liksom andra hälso-och sjukvårdsyrken, möter dagligen skiftande patientgrupper med diverse bakgrund och förutsättningar. Specifikt för professionen är det korta mötet i en högteknologisk miljö där omvårdnad kombineras med bästa diagnostiska bildkvalite med minsta möjliga stråldos. Detta förutsätter en god och ömsesidig kommunikation som sker i gemenskap och går åt båda riktningar. Röntgensjuksköterskor bör därför vara skickliga i sitt sätt att kommunicera för att kunna ge adekvat information inför, under och efter en röntgenundersökning. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa röntgensjuksköterskors kommunikationsstrategier i mötet med vuxna patienter. Metod: Litteraturstudie baserat på nio studier av kvalitativ metod. Artikelsökningen gjordes i PubMed, CINAHL och Scopus. En kvalitetsbedömning av artiklarna utfördes med hjälp av Olsson och Sörensens bedömningsmall för kvalitativa studier. Analysen genomfördes med hjälp av Fribergs femstegsmodell för analys av kvalitativ forskning. Resultat: Resultatet visade att röntgensjuksköterskor huvudsakligen använde sig av tre huvudstrategier i kommunikation med patienter. Huvudkategorier består av verbala kommunikationsstrategier, icke-verbala kommunikationsstrategier samt individualiserade kommunikationsstrategier. Konklusion: Röntgensjuksköterskor använder olika kommunikationsstrategier i möten med patienter genom att reflektera över språk som används, anpassa information, observera kroppsspråk samt tar sig tid för patienter. Resultatet visar att det krävs vidare forskning inom området, för att belysa betydelsen av effektiva strategier som främjar god kommunikation, likaså för att uppmärksamma röntgensjuksköterskors kunskaper om befintliga kommunikationsstrategier. / Background: Radiographers, like other health care professions, meet a variety of patient groups with different backgrounds and conditions daily. Specific to the profession is the short meeting in a high-tech environment where nursing is combined with obtaining the best diagnostic image quality with the lowest possible radiation dose. This requires good and mutual communication that goes in both directions. Radiographers should therefore have good communication skills in order to provide adequate information before, during and after an examination. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate radiographers' communication strategies in meetings with adult patients. Methods: This literature study is based on nine qualitative articles. The literature search was performed in three databases: PubMed, CINAHL and Scopus. A quality assessment of the articles was carried out using Olsson and Sörensen’s assessment template for qualitative studies. The analysis was carried out using Friberg’s five-step model for the analysis of qualitative research. Results: The results showed that radiographers used three main strategies in communication with patients. The main categories consisted of verbal communication strategies, non-verbal communication strategies and individualized communication strategies. Conclusion: Radiographers used different communication strategies in meetings with patients, including reflecting on the language used, adapting information, observing body language, and taking time for patients. The results show that further research is required to highlight the importance of effective strategies that promote good communication, as well as to draw attention to radiographers' knowledge of existing communication strategies.

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