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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

KISSing and other strategies for successful communication : A case study on communication between Nordic and Chinese business people using English as a lingua franca / “KISSing” och andra strategier för framgångsrik kommunikation : En fallstudie om kommunikation mellan nordiska och kinesiska affärsmän och   -kvinnor som använder engelska som lingua franca

Rixer, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
This is a case study on the communication between Nordic and Chinese business people using English as a lingua franca in their business communication. The aim of this paper is to establish if misunderstandings in communication occur between Chinese and Nordic language speakers (Finnish and Swedish) in a business environment and, if they do, what the nature of these misunderstandings is. In this paper, recorded conversations are analysed to establish if there are misunderstandings between the parties. The recordings were made at a global industrial company in Sweden and in China. Interviews with the participants were also carried out in order to establish their own ideas concerning the communication flow and to find out if the participants are themselves aware of using any particular communication strategies when interacting with one another. The results of the case study show that there were some misunderstandings in the communication between Nordic and Chinese business people; however, there were not any particularly serious misunderstandings with respect to the company’s business aims and objectives. The results indicate that the parties use communication strategies to enhance their messages and to determine if a message has been conveyed successfully. The strategies that were commonly used were confirmations in the form of follow-up questions and speaking slowly. Written or non-verbal communication were found to be used as a supplement to verbal communication. A strategy that the participants themselves noted as successful was keeping their messages short and simple. This is also known as the KISS-principle. The result of the study indicates potential misunderstandings caused by the Chinese using Yes as an act of active listening rather than agreement and it is suggested that an awareness of this cultural difference may help improve the intercultural communication between the parties.

Hypochondrie - Krankheitsangst

Schmidt-Göhrich, Uta Katharina 30 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This paper reviews the prevalence, characteristics, comorbidity, and care of hypochondriac patients in primary care samples in Saxony. Patients with health anxieties don’t get much attention in terms of care and supply due to a lack of knowledge regarding treatment strategies of this health disorder, but also because it is perceived as innocuous in itself by family doctors. On the other hand these patients create high personal and communicative expenditures for the caregiver and high expenses for the healthcare system due to diagnosis and treatment seeking of those patients. The study was performed predominantly in the cities of Saxony at patients consulting their family doctors for any purpose on a randomly chosen testing day and revealed a rate of 10.5% hypochondriac patients. The demographic patient characterization matches the available literature, considering the two determining factors “screened population” and “diagnostic instrument”. There was no gender predominance noticeable; marital status did also not have any impact on the development of hypochondria. A higher age was the strongest associated demographic risk marker for developing health anxiety. A higher educational level is associated with lower levels of hypochondriasis with more impact than the current job situation. The high number of retired patients in the study limits the statistical power of job-associated variables. The most important and prominent comorbidity was depression, followed by panic disorders, matching also with available literature. The overall somatic morbidity of the patients was low. One positive finding of our study was a high stability of the physician-patient relationship over many years. Hypochondriac patients consult their doctors more often, get longer lasting visits, and require more specialist consultations than other patients. The majority of physicians diagnose the psychological disorders of a hypochondriac patient and recommend psychotherapy. Patient´s self-perception differs slightly from the physicians´ evaluation; they may understand the need of a therapy but don´t bring up enough motivation for realizing it. That’s where the dilemma for family doctors starts because they have no problems of diagnosing health anxieties but are not provided with professional tools for a time- and resource effective management of hypochondriac patients. The enormous time pressure in daily clinical practice provokes ignoring of hypochondriac patients and just an attempt of a reserved transfer practice to specialists, which the patients usually handle by transferring themselves. Considering the availability of more efficient screening tools and therapy strategies, practical aid for professional contact with hypochondria patients by family doctors would be desirable and needed. Those should on the one hand help evaluate patients at risk for depression, and also introduce them to therapy, and on the other hand help general practitioners with communication strategies for hypochondria patients to make them understand the need of therapy. Hypochondriasis in education- or advanced training curriculum for general practitioners is explained way too short. Especially requirements concerning the family doctors’ professional communication skills to deal with hypochondria patients are enormous and could eventually be improved by either specialized psychotherapists or through further training programs. This could save costs for multiple diagnostic screenings of patients on the long-term. The study illustrates the interest of family doctors for health anxiety disorders and the topic’s practical relevance. The appropriate medical societies are asked to create training programmes for family doctors and to improve the interface between family doctors and psychotherapists regarding the treatment of hypochondriasis. This work does not cover the impact of digital media on the prevalence of health anxieties. The internet provides a huge amount of unfiltered medical information and leaves patients alone processing with that knowledge. Physicians are challenged by the patients to put the information in a correct perspective to the patients’ individual medical situation. Scientific data about the impact of digital media on the prevalence and course of health anxiety are missing. Research on this topic seems being complex due to the heterogeneity of the interacting internal and external factors. It can be assumed, that the influence of the plentiful medical “superficial knowledge” available from the internet will increasingly influence physicians´ and hypochondriac patients´ interaction. The need of a scientific evaluation of this subject, including the development of professional communication strategies for family doctors with hypochondriac patients has been addressed to the responsible psychological research facilities. Family doctors emphasized the particular need of an improved interface between primary care and specialized psychological treatment for hypochondriac patients. Quickly retrievable communication tools for strategical contact with those patients are demanded. May this study contribute to an increased awareness and an installation of research programmes dealing with this disorder. / Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine epidemiologische Erhebung zur Prävalenz, Charakteristik, Komorbidität und Versorgung hypochondrischer Patienten in einem hausärztlichen Patientengut im Land Sachsen dar. Patienten mit Krankheitsängsten erhalten aktuell wenig Aufmerksamkeit in der Versorgungsforschung, da die Krankheit per se als gutartig bei Hausärztinnen und Hausärzten wahrgenommen wird und wenig Wissen zum professionellen Umgang mit solchen Patienten vorhanden ist. Damit inadäquat korrelierend sind die zum Teil hohen Kosten, die solche Patienten durch Überdiagnostik für das Gesundheitssystem verursachen und der hohe personelle und kommunikative Aufwand, der durch diese Patienten für den jeweiligen Hausarzt entsteht. Die Erhebung erfolgte vorwiegend in sächsischen Großstädten und erfasst eine Rate von 10,5% hypochondrischer Patienten in einem unselektierten, allgemeinmedizinischen Patientengut, die wegen beliebiger Beschwerden am jeweiligen Erhebungsstichtag den Hausarzt aufsuchten. Die demografischen Patientencharakteristika stimmen mit der vorliegenden Literatur überein, wenn man die entscheidenden Faktoren „Screeningpopulation“ und „Diagnoseinstrument“ berücksichtigt. Es liegt im Wesentlichen eine Gleichverteilung der Geschlechter vor, auch der Familienstand spielt keine nennenswerte Rolle für die Ausprägung einer Hypochondrie. Einzig ein höheres Alter lässt die Wahrscheinlichkeit pathologischer Krankheitsängste ansteigen. Die Abhängigkeit vom Bildungsgrad ist deutlicher als die von der aktuellen beruflichen Situation, wobei der große Anteil Rentner in der Erhebung die Aussagefähigkeit hierzu einschränkt. Als wichtigste auffällige Komorbidität fand sich die Depression, gefolgt von Panikstörungen, auch dies stimmt mit Daten aus der Literatur überein. Die somatische Morbidität der Patienten zeigte sich insgesamt eher niedrig. Positiv fällt eine hohe Stabilität der Arzt – Patientenbeziehung über viele Jahre in der gesamten untersuchten Patientenpopulation bei den teilnehmenden Ärzten auf. Hypochondrische Patienten weisen längere Visitenzeiten und gehäufte Arztkonsultationen auf als andere Patienten und werden häufiger zu anderen Fachrichtungen überwiesen. Die Ärzte erfassten in einem hohen Ausmaß die Störung der Patienten und stellten die Indikation für eine psychotherapeutische Mitbehandlung. Die Selbstwahrnehmung der Patienten stellte sich naturgemäß anders dar, der Therapiebedarf wird zum Teil von den betroffenen Patienten zwar gesehen, die Motivation hierzu dennoch als wenig ausgeprägt dokumentiert. Hier beginnt das Dilemma der Hausärzte, die offensichtlich geringe Probleme in der Detektion pathologischer Krankheitsängste haben, aber ohne strategisches Rüstzeug das zeit- und ressourcenträchtige Management dieser Patienten bewältigen müssen. Oft genug führt der enorme Praxisalltagsdruck zu einem „Wegschauen“ und allenfalls Versuch der zurückhaltenden Überweisungspraxis, die der Patient vermutlich oft genug durch Eigeninitiative zu umgehen versteht. Angesichts verfügbarer effizienter Screeningtools und Therapiestrategien wären praktische Hilfen zum professionellen Umgang von Hausärzten mit hypochondrischen Patienten wünschenswert. Diese sollten einerseits helfen, Risikopatienten für eine Depression frühzeitig zu evaluieren und einer Therapie zuzuführen und andererseits Kommunikationsstrategien für Allgemeinmediziner zum Umgang mit hypochondrieverdächtigen Patienten und zum Erreichen einer Krankheits- und Therapieeinsicht beinhalten. In Ausbildungs- bzw. Fortbildungscurricula für Allgemeinmediziner kommt dieses Thema bislang zu kurz. Insbesondere die Anforderungen an die kommunikativen Fähigkeiten des Hausarztes im Umgang mit hypochondrischen Patienten sind enorm und könnten durch spezialisierte Psychotherapeuten aufbereitet und in Weiterbildungsprogrammen geschult werden. Beginnen sollte dieser Prozess bereits frühzeitig im Medizinstudium. Wie sich allein an der Anzahl der Überweisungen zu Fachärzten zeigt, ist die Hypochondrie keinesfalls nur ein hausärztliches Thema. Mittel- bis langfristig wäre dies sicher kosteneffizient durch Einsparung der Kosten für Doppel-und Vielfachuntersuchungen dieser Patienten. Unsere Erhebung zeigt das Interesse der Hausärzte und die praktische Relevanz des Themas. Die entsprechenden Fachgesellschaften sind hier gefragt, sich neben der fachlichen Fortbildung der Hausärzte der Schaffung von Versorgungstrukturen zur Verbesserung der Schnittstelle Hausarzt - Psychotherapeut anzunehmen. Bewusst nicht thematisiert wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit der Einfluss des Internets und der sogenannten „neuen“ Medien auf die Prävalenz krankheitsbedingter Ängste. Dieses Gebiet stellt eine zunehmende Herausforderung an Hausärzte und Patienten bezüglich des Umgangs mit der damit verbundenen Informationsflut dar. Wissenschaftliche Daten zu den Auswirkungen der digitalen Medien auf die Prävalenz und den Verlauf krankheitsbedingter Ängste fehlen bisher, eine wissenschaftliche Evaluation erscheint aufgrund der Heterogenität und schwierigen kausalen Abgrenzbarkeit interner von externen Einflussfaktoren komplex. Nichtdestotrotz ist anzunehmen, dass der Einfluss des massenhaft verfügbaren medizinischen „Halbwissens“ aus dem Internet spürbar Hausärzte und ihren Umgang mit hypochondrischen Patienten beeinflussen wird.


Gisslén, Sofie, Sundström, Elin January 2019 (has links)
This cross-sectional study presented two aims: 1) to examine whether associations could be found between athletes’ use of communication strategies conflict management, openness and support, and athletes’ perceptions of coach-athlete relationship quality, and 2) to examine whether athletes’ attachment style (secure, anxious-ambivalent or avoidant) would act as a moderator for this association. A sample of 396 athletes (males = 183, females = 210) whose age ranged from 15 to 60 years (mean age = 19.17, SD = 4.59 years). The sample was recruited from a variety of both individual and team sports. In order to participate, athletes responded a questionnaire, online or in paper version. Statistical analyses were performed in IBM SPSS 24 and Amos 24, and by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results confirmed associations between athletes’ use of the selected communication strategies and their perceptions of the coach-athlete relationship quality. Regarding moderating effects, athletes’ attachment style was shown to have a significant moderation effect on a majority of the found associations. Suggestions for future research is to examine more of the communication strategies presented in the COMPASS model, in order to strengthen the model’s practical use. Also, longitudinal studies would complement these findings, as well as qualitative research for a deepened understanding of the communication strategies. / Denna tvärsnittsstudie hade två syften: 1) att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan idrottares användande av kommunikationsstrategierna konflikthantering, öppenhet och stöd och deras skattning av kvaliteten på relationen till tränaren, samt 2) att undersöka om idrottares anknytningsstil (trygg, ambivalent och undvikande) hade påverkan det sambandet. 396 idrottare (män = 183, kvinnor = 210 ) i åldrarna 15-60 år (medelålder = 19.17, SD = 4.59 år). Urvalet rekryterades från både individ- och lagidrott. För att delta fyllde idrottarna i ett formulär, i webb- eller pappersform. Statistiska analyser utfördes i IBM SPSS och Amos 24, samt genom Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Resultaten bekräftade samband mellan idrottares användande av de valda kommunikationsstrategierna och deras skattning av kvaliteten på tränar-idrottare-relationen. Idrottarnas anknytningsstil visade sig ha en statistiskt signifikant modererande effekt på de funna sambanden. Förslag för vidare forskning är att undersöka fler av de kommunikationsstrategier som presenteras i COMPASS-modellen, för att kunna stärka modellens praktiska användning. Dessutom skulle longitudinella studier kunna komplettera dessa resultat, liksom kvalitativ forskning för att få en djupare förståelse för kommunikationsstrategierna.

Falas guiadas em projetos audiovisuais em italiano LE: um estudo sobre as estratégias de comunicação no curta-metragem \"Le avventure di Marco Polo\" / Guided speech in audiovisual projects in Italian FL: a study about communication strategies in the short film \"Le Avventure di Marco Polo\"

Emrani, Dárius Leva 02 April 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo categorizar as estratégias de comunicação (EC) encontradas no curta-metragem em língua italiana Le Avventure di Marco Polo, realizado em 2011 por alunos do 6º ano do ensino fundamental de um colégio particular na cidade de Atibaia, participantes do Projeto Filmes em Italiano (PFI). Apresentaremos o modelo de operação global para o ensino de línguas (MOGEL), proposto por Almeida Filho, buscando demonstrar como a interação de seus níveis principais ocorre no âmbito do PFI. Procuraremos justificar o PFI como projeto comunicativo, através do postulado de que a autonomia do aprendiz, como preconizado pelo ensino comunicativo de línguas, é potencializada por meio do engajamento em projetos (project work) e em tarefas (tasks). O trabalho por projetos e as tarefas colocam o aluno como centro das atividades didáticas e estão relacionados aos novos cenários comunicativos audiovisuais-multimídia, acessíveis através de ferramentas tecnológicas que já fazem parte do dia a dia das novas gerações. Durante a apresentação do PFI 2011, introduziremos o conceito de falas guiadas, termo que cunhamos para definir as produções orais resultantes dos diversos tipos de apoio que fornecemos aos alunos durante as filmagens, buscando auxiliá-los na produção em língua italiana diante de problemas comunicativos de diversas ordens, favorecendo, assim, o uso de EC. O corpus da análise é constituído pelas produções orais coletadas no curta-metragem e é dividido em duas partes, sendo que a primeira contempla as produções surgidas na filmagem das lacunas inseridas no script, idealizadas para propiciar momentos de interação espontânea entre os alunos, e a segunda contempla as produções orais relativas às falas do script, baseadas no texto escrito previamente ensaiado pelos estudantes. No tocante à literaturasobre EC, apresentamos as teorias de três teóricos: Tarone (1977), Faerch & Kasper (1983), e Poulisse (1993), discutindo suas contribuições e justificando nossa escolha pela taxonomia lexical de Poulisse para a categorização das duas partes do corpus. Nossos resultados parecem demonstrarque os discentesutilizam-se, igualmente, de EC nas falas do script e nos momentos de interação espontânea,o que ressalta a validade da problematização como um dos critérios principais para que haja uso de EC,e não a interação nos moldes tradicionais.Além disso, o corpus coletado parece-nos apontar a importância, muitas vezes desconsiderada, da transferência linguística na constituição da interlíngua (IL) do aprendizeno uso de EC. Também nos parece que o contato com mais de uma LE, como ocorre com os alunos do PFI, pode propiciar o desenvolvimento da competência estratégica deles, aumentando as possibilidades de transferência linguística e de fontes para a criação de itens lexicais, bem como seus recursos para sanar problemas comunicativos. / This dissertation aims to categorize the communication strategies (CS) found in the short film in Italian Le Avventure di Marco Polo, conducted in 2011 by students of the 6th grade of elementary education at a private school in the city of Atibaia, who participates of the project Movies in Italian (PFI). We will present the global operating model for teaching languages (MOGEL), proposed by Almeida Filho, to demonstrate how the interaction of its main levels occurs within the PFI. We will seek to justify PFI as a communicative project through the postulate that the learner autonomy, as recommended by the communicative language teaching is enhanced by the engagement projects (project work) and tasks (tasks). The work by projects and tasks put students at the center of educational activities and are related to new-media audiovisual communicative scenarios, accessible through technological tools that are already part of everyday life of the new generations. During the PFI 2011 presentation, we introduce the concept of guided speech, a term coined to define the oral productions resulting from various types of support we provide to students during filming, seeking to assist them to produce in Italian facing a variety of communicative problems, thus favoring the use of CS. The analysis corpus consists of utterances collected in the short film and is divided into two parts, the first of which includes productions filming in emerging gaps inserted into the script, devised to provide moments of spontaneous interaction among students, and the second includes oral production statements regarding the script, based on the previous written text rehearsed by students. Regarding the CS literature, we present three theorists: Tarone (1977), Faerch & Kasper (1983), and Poulisse (1993), discussing their contributions and justifying our choice of Poulisse lexical taxonomy to categorizing the two parts of corpus. Our results seem to demonstrate that learners use also the CS in the script speeches and in the moments of spontaneous interaction, underscoring the validity of questioning as one of the main criteria for use of the CS there, not in the traditional interaction. Moreover, the corpus collected seems to point out the importance often neglected, of the transfer language to constitute the learner interlanguage and in the usage of the CS. It also seems that the contact with more than one LE, as with students of PFI, can encourage the development of their strategic competence, increasing the possibilities of language transfer and sources for creating lexical items as well as their resources to solve communication problems.

”In this case FIFA is the damaged party” : En kvalitativ analys av FIFA:s kriskommunikationsstrategier och retoriska uttryck i samband med mutskandalen 2015 / “In this case, FIFA is the damaged party” : A qualitative analysis of FIFA’s crisis communication strategies and rhetorical expression during the bribery scandal in 2015

Fransson Wetter, Annika January 2019 (has links)
En kris kan drabba vilken organisation som helst, när som helst. Om krisen har orsakats av medlemmar inom organisationen, är det mycket troligt att organisationen även får genomgå en organisatorisk förtroendekris. Följande studie behandlar Féderation Internationale de Football Associations (Fifa:s) mutskandal som uppdagades våren 2015. I studien kommer Fifa:s retoriska uttryck och kriskommunikationsstrategier kring skandalen, samt deras pågående arbete för att återfå sitt förtroende att analyseras genom en kvalitativ metod. De analysverktyg som används i studien är dels en anpassad version av Bröms, Gelang och Mrals retoriska analysmodell, samt Coombs rekommendationer över krisstategier. Materialet är insamlat från Fifa:s egna mediekanaler och består av den presskonferens som Fifa genomförde i samband med skandalen, samt nio stycken pressmeddelanden som publicerades mellan 2015-2018. Studiens resultat visar att Fifa under presskonferensen förminskar sin inblandning i krisen och anser sig själva vara det främsta offret. De ger inte någon offentlig ursäkt, utan menar snarare att deras ledning varit helt ovetande om att mutor och korruption har försiggått. Däremot visar resultatet att Fifa:s bemötande av krisen skiljer sig något i deras pressmeddelanden. Detta då Fifa hade bytt ut sin högsta ledning vid tiden då dessa publicerades, och istället påbörjat arbetet mot en ny och förbättrad organisation. Fifa anser sig fortfarande vara offer i deras pressmeddelanden, till viss del, men tar däremot ansvar för krisen och inser att det är Fifa:s organisationskultur och struktur som måste förändras till att bli mer öppen och tillgänglig för alla, för att kunna fortsätta utveckla fotbollen. / A crisis can affect any organization at any time. If the crisis has been caused by members of the organization, it is very likely that the organization may also undergo an organizational crisis of confidence. The following study is about Féderation Internationale de Football Associations (Fifa’s) scandal that was discovered in the spring of 2015. In the study, Fifa's rhetorical expression and crisis strategies around the scandal, as well as their ongoing work to regain their confidence, will be analyzed through a qualitative method. The study's analysis tool consists of a custom version of Bröms, Gelang and Mral’s rhetorical analysis model, as well as Coomb's recommendations on crisis strategies. The material analyzed in the study is collected from Fifa's own channels and consists of a press conference, which was Fifa's first public statement during the scandal, and 9 statements published on their own website between 2015-2018. The result of the study shows that during the press conference, Fifa reduces their involvement in the crisis and considers themself to be the primary victim. They do not give any public apology, but rather say that their management has been completely unaware that bribery and corruption have occurred. However, the result shows that Fifa’s handling of the crisis response differs slightly in their statements, this because Fifa had replaced the management by the time their statement were published, and started work on a new and improved organization. Fifa still considered themselves to be a victim to some extent in their statements, but they did take responsibility for the crisis and realized that it is Fifa's organizational culture and structure that must be changed to become more open and accessible to everyone, in order to continue developing football.

Identidade de marca-país: comunicação da marca Brasil nos Estados Unidos da América / Country Brand Identity: Communication of the Brazil Brand in the United States of America

Mariutti, Fabiana Gondim 28 March 2012 (has links)
O mercado de turismo está em plena expansão no mundo globalizado, diversificado mercadologicamente e competitivo internacionalmente, com um crescimento acelerado previsto para esta nova década. A consideração da marca-país, como sendo a percepção da imagem e as associações da marca de uma nação - vista pelos estrangeiros, é um aspecto frequentemente presente, seja no panorama econômico, político, social, acadêmico, na moda, no esporte, no cinema e, finalmente no turismo. Neste contexto multidimensional, o Brasil necessita de estudos sobre seu próprio conceito de país de origem e, principalmente, o fortalecimento de sua identidade de marca. Com a revisão da literatura obtida, verifica-se que há poucos trabalhos sobre a Marca Brasil, focados no incentivo aos negócios e, principalmente, para o turismo em um país alvo. Sendo assim, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar a identidade da Marca Brasil com base na convergência entre as estratégias de comunicação definidas para a Marca Brasil pela Embratur no setor de turismo com as efetivamente utilizadas pelas agências de turismo nos Estados Unidos da América; país escolhido por estar em segundo lugar nos gastos com turismo no mundo e como segundo maior emissor de turistas ao Brasil nos últimos sete anos, com decréscimo gradual anualmente. A pesquisa foi qualitativa e exploratória a partir da revisão da literatura, de entrevistas em profundidade, primeiramente com a Embratur, seguido de vinte agências/operadoras de turismo norte-americanas, e finalmente, com quatro especialistas. Com base nos dados qualitativos coletados, então, foi elaborada a análise de conteúdo através da triangulação. Como tema original, a pesquisa abordou a transposição do conceito de identidade de marca para uma marca-país, especificamente, a Marca Brasil, tangenciando a área de marketing internacional em busca de posicionar o Brasil como um destino turístico competitivo. A partir de quatro proposições definidas e analisadas, conclui-se que a Marca Brasil apresenta relações incompletas e divergências conceituais com a teoria, cujo conceito firma-se que a identidade da marca é a visão estratégica da marca, entendimento distorcido teoricamente pela Embratur e não experimentado nas respostas dos entrevistados. Portanto, a identidade central da marca Brasil que deveria ser a alma da marca corresponde parcialmente à desejada pela Embratur, trazendo apenas a diversidade como característica. Além disso, nota-se que a identidade expandida, cujos elementos dimensionais da identidade da marca são organizados em quatro perspectivas, não proporcionaram textura e integridade da marca Brasil. No entanto, a Marca Brasil proporciona associações com a representação visual per se, com temas presentes na cultura brasileira, dos destinos turísticos, produtos e serviços, e ainda, por meio da mídia. Sendo assim, uma das principais contribuições desta investigação é dar continuidade às pesquisas sobre a gestão de marca de países, especificamente da Marca Brasil, tanto para ações de estratégias, em diversos setores da economia, para o posicionamento, para a comunicação ou para a ascensão no mercado internacional. Cada experiência com a Marca Brasil em contextos diversos proporciona associações com a reputação e a imagem do país. / The tourism market is booming in the globalized, diversified and internationally competitive business market, with rapid growth expected for this decade. Considering that the country brand is the image and perception of the brand associations of a nation as seen by foreigners, it is often found in the following spheres: economic, political, social, academic, fashion, sport, movies, and finally, in tourism. In this multidimensional context, Brazil requires studies on its own concept of country of origin, and especially, strengthening its brand identity. According to literature, it appears that there are few studies about the Brazil´s Country Brand focused on encouraging businesses and specifically for tourism in a target country. Therefore, this study was developed to analyze the Brazil Brand identity based on the convergence of communication strategies defined by Embratur for the tourism sector with those effectively used by travel agencies in the United States of America. The United States of America were chosen because it is the second-highest spender on tourism worldwide, and it was the second-highest sender of tourists to Brazil in the last seven years, with a gradual decrease since. This research was qualitative and exploratory, based on the literature review and in-depth interviews with three samples: Embratur, twenty agencies/tour operators in North America and a group of three experts. Based on the qualitative data collected, the content analysis was performed by triangulation. Regarding its original theme, the research focuses on the implementation of the concept of brand identity for a country brand, specifically, the Brazil Brand, slightly overlapping the field of international marketing in order to promote Brazil as an attractive tourist destination. After four defined and analyzed propositions, the conclusion is that Brazil has an incomplete brand relationship and conceptual differences with the theory, whose concept states that brand identity should be settled on the strategic vision of the brand. Embratur understands a theoretically-distorted version, which was not experienced in the respondents\' answers. Therefore, the central identity of the Brazil Brand, which should be the soul of the brand, corresponds only partially to the image desired by Embratur, featuring only the diversity attribute. Furthermore, the expanded identity, whose dimensional elements of the brand identity are organized into four perspectives, provided no texture or integrity to Brazil´s Country Brand. However, Brazil´s brand provides associations with the visual representation itself, with characteristics from the Brazilian culture, tourist destinations, products, services, and the media. In this way, one of the contribution of this investigation is to move forward to research lines about country branding, specifically about Brazil Brand; regarding not only strategies actions in special economy sectors, for its positioning, for its communication and for its growth in the international market. Each experience with Brazil Brand, throughout diversified contacts offers associations with Brazil´s both reputation and image.

Stratégies de communication pour la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA en Afrique Subsaharienne : le cas de la République du Bénin / Communication strategies for the fight against HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa : the case of the Republic of Benin

Kassa Gazard, Agnes 25 September 2017 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, le VIH/SIDA a fait son apparition dans le monde et a causé de nombreux décès. En Afrique subsaharienne, les premiers cas sont survenus dans un contexte particulièrement difficile où la riposte ne s’est mise en place que très tardivement. En dépit des efforts consentis, les données sur la pandémie ne sont toujours pas satisfaisantes en Afrique subsaharienne. Cependant, le Bénin, notre terrain d’étude, est l’un des pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne où le taux de prévalence reste assez faible. Le présent travail, après avoir dressé un tableau descriptif de la pandémie VIH/SIDA en Afrique subsaharienne, décrit de manière approfondie les stratégies de communication utilisées pour les campagnes de prévention de la maladie. Parmi les stratégies qui ont été mises en œuvre pour faire face à la pandémie, la communication a occupé une place de choix. Elle s’est inspirée des théories du changement de comportement. Ces stratégies ont permis de promouvoir essentiellement les comportements jugés sains pour les populations, sans induire un réel changement de comportement. Enfin, la partie appliquée de notre travail consiste en une étude de terrain approfondie par questionnaires, entretiens et discussions de groupe. Cette enquête porte sur un échantillon que l’on peut considérer comme représentatif de la population du Bénin se montant à 320 personnes. Au-delà de ce que dit la littérature à propos du lien entre la connaissance de l’existence d’un risque et le changement de comportement, notre population d’étude nous enseigne que la diffusion de messages n’entraîne pas automatiquement l’acquisition et l’adoption de comportements considérés comme sains. / Since several decades, HIV/AIDS has appeared worldwide and has caused a number of deaths. In sub-Saharan Africa, the first cases arose in a particularly difficult context, and the response was organized only very late. Despite efforts granted, data on the pandemic are not yet satisfactory in sub-Saharan Africa. However, Benin, our ground of study, is one of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa where the prevalence rate remains rather low.The present work, after providing a picture of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa, then gives an in-depth description of communication strategies used for the prevention campaigns of the disease.Among the strategies which were implemented to deal with the pandemic, communication deserves a special place. Generally speaking, communication actions in this area draw on behavioural change theories. These communications strategies essentially aim at to promoting behaviours considered healthy for the populations, but without leading to real changes in behaviour. Finally, the applied part of our work consists in an original in-depth field survey that rests on individual questionnaires, individual interviews, and group discussions. This survey is concerned with a sample which can be considered as representative of the population of Benin amounting to 320 people. Beyond what the literature says about the link between the knowledge of risks and changes in behaviour, the study population of our survey tells us that issuing messages does automatically lead to acquisition and adoption of behaviours that can be considered healthy.

Les effets de l’enseignement de stratégies de communication orale en cours d’espagnol, langue étrangère en France / The effects of teaching oral communication strategies to learners of Spanish as a foreign language in France

Ospina Garcia, Santiago 18 November 2016 (has links)
Dans cette recherche-action nous avons mis en place un dispositif pédagogique visant à faire développer la compétence stratégique orale d’un groupe d’étudiants plurilingues apprenant l’espagnol au Campus Européen Franco-Allemand de Sciences Po Paris, situé à Nancy (France). Nous avons enseigné des stratégies de communication orale spécifiques dans le but d’étudier les effets de cet enseignement à partir, d’un côté, de l’utilisation des stratégies par les étudiants, avant et après notre intervention et, d’un autre côté, de leurs opinions sur le dispositif pédagogique. Plusieurs instruments de recherche ont été utilisés dans le but de recueillir un nombre important de données qui ont permis de répondre aux quatre questions de recherche : (1) Quelles sont les stratégies de communication orale utilisées par les étudiants en début et en fin de recherche ? (2) L’enseignement de stratégies de communication orale spécifiques fait-il augmenter l’utilisation de ces stratégies ? (3) Quel apport fait l’entretien rétrospectif à la recherche sur l’enseignement des stratégies de communication orale ? (4) Quel bilan font les étudiants de l’enseignement/apprentissage des stratégies de communication orale spécifiques en cours ? Les analyses ont été faites sur quatre tâches langagières monologales avant et après notre intervention pédagogique. Les résultats montrent que les étudiants ont utilisé davantage les stratégies enseignées et diminué l’utilisation des stratégies qui n’ont pas été enseignées. On observe également que le niveau de langue s’est amélioré. En ce qui concerne l’apport de l’entretien rétrospectif, cette technique nous a donné accès à des données « invisibles » qui nous ont aidé à comprendre une partie des processus mentaux qui ont amené les étudiants à produire différentes stratégies de communication orale. Enfin, les apprenants ont dit qu’ils ont apprécié et tiré profit de cette expérience pédagogique. / In this action research we have designed a pedagogical program aimed at developing the strategic competence of a group of multilingual students learning Spanish at the European Franco-German Campus of Sciences Po Paris in Nancy (France). We taught specific oral communication strategies in order to study the effects of this learning experience based, on the one hand, on students’ use of strategies before and after our intervention and, on the other hand, on their opinions and attitudes towards the learning of strategies in the classroom. We used several research instruments to collect a significant amount of data that allowed us to answer our four research questions: (1) What are the oral communication strategies used by the students at the beginning and end of the research? (2) Does the teaching of specific oral communication strategies raise the use of these strategies? (3) What impact do retrospective interviews have on our research? (4) What are the students’ attitudes towards the teaching of specific oral communication strategies? The data analyzed was collected from four monological language tasks before and after our intervention. Results show that the use of taught strategies increased whereas the use of non-taught strategies decreased. It was also observed that students’ language proficiency improved. Regarding the contribution of the retrospective interviews to our research, this technique helped us to access “invisible” data that allowed us to understand some of the mental processes that led learners to produce a range of communication strategies. Finally, students stated that they enjoyed and learned from this learning experience. / En esta investigación-acción, hemos creado un dispositivo pedagógico destinado a desarrollar la competencia estratégica oral de un grupo de estudiantes multilingües que aprenden español en el Campus Europeo Franco-Alemán de Sciences Po Paris, ubicado en Nancy (Francia). Hemos enseñado estrategias de comunicación oral específicas para estudiar los efectos de esta enseñanza a partir, de un lado, del uso de estrategias por parte de los estudiantes, antes y después de nuestra intervención y, de otro lado, de sus opiniones sobre el dispositivo pedagógico. Se utilizaron varios instrumentos de investigación para recoger una gran cantidad de datos a fin de responder a las cuatro preguntas de investigación: (1) ¿Cuáles son las estrategias de comunicación oral utilizadas por los estudiantes al principio y al final de la investigación? (2) ¿La enseñanza de estrategias específicas de comunicación oral hace aumentar el uso de estas estrategias? (3) ¿Qué aporta la entrevista retrospectiva a la investigación sobre la enseñanza de estrategias de comunicación oral? (4) ¿Qué balance hacen los estudiantes de la enseñanza/aprendizaje en clase de estrategias de comunicación oral específicas? Los análisis se realizaron en cuatro tareas orales (monólogos) antes y después de nuestra intervención pedagógica. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes usaron más las estrategias enseñadas y disminuyeron el uso de estrategias que no fueron enseñadas. También observamos que el nivel de lengua mejoró. Con respecto al aporte de la entrevista retrospectiva, esta técnica nos dio acceso a datos “invisibles” que nos ayudaron a comprender algunos de los procesos mentales que llevaron a los estudiantes a producir diferentes estrategias de comunicación oral. Finalmente, los estudiantes dijeron haber disfrutado y sacado provecho de esta experiencia pedagógica.

Formação das estratégias de comunicação das universidades federais em relação às ações afirmativas : os casos UFABC e UFRGS

Lima, Patrícia Barreto dos Santos January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação buscou compreender como se formam as estratégias de comunicação das universidades federais brasileiras em relação às ações afirmativas, a partir de um estudo de caso instrumental múltiplo em que foram selecionadas duas universidades com históricos, trajetórias e intencionalidades diferentes: UFABC e UFRGS. A coleta e análise de dados incluiu fontes primárias (entrevistas semi-estruturadas com atores envolvidos com as ações afirmativas e com comunicação nas universidades estudadas) e fontes secundárias (atas e resoluções dos conselhos universitários, planos de gestão, planos de desenvolvimento institucional, relatórios de gestão e relatórios de avaliação, além de publicações nos sites institucionais e outros produtos de comunicação). O estudo se valeu de abordagens dos campos da administração e da comunicação pública e ainda de referenciais da área da educação. Com base na perspectiva da estratégia deliberada e da estratégia emergente de Mintzberg (2006), verificou-se que as estratégias de comunicação identificadas nas duas universidades se formam a partir da combinação de processos deliberados e emergentes, em que interagem grupos/atores de diferentes origens e estruturas. Estes processos ocorrem, por vezes, em resposta a necessidades evidenciadas no dia-a-dia da instituição, assumindo características de um processo de aprendizagem, predominantemente emergente. Também foi identificada a ocorrência de formação de estratégias de consenso, desconectadas e ideológicas, evidenciando a mescla de deliberação e emergência nos processos estudados. A análise empreendida possibilitou ainda verificar que estratégias emergentes de comunicação podem contemplar os princípios da comunicação pública, tais como transparência, abordagem pedagógica, escuta e promoção da cidadania, independentemente de haver uma política de comunicação resultante do planejamento estratégico da instituição. A intencionalidade expressa da universidade, disseminada e incorporada, releva-se determinante para o estabelecimento de estratégias de comunicação alinhadas aos seus fundamentos institucionais, mais até do que planos que em alguns casos podem ter caráter apenas formalístico. Portanto, principalmente nos espaços historicamente elitistas em que não há intencionalidade de inclusão, as estratégias de comunicação devem contemplar as finalidades da comunicação pública, pois se entende que a promoção da cidadania decorre também do estabelecimento do diálogo entre a universidade e a sociedade voltado para informar, escutar e valorizar a interação. / This dissertation sought to understand how communication strategies of Brazilian federal universities are formed in relation to affirmative actions, based on a multiple instrumental case study in which two universities with different histories, trajectories and intentions were selected: UFABC and UFRGS. Data collection and analysis included primary sources (semistructured interviews with actors involved with affirmative action and communication in the universities studied) and secondary sources (university council minutes and resolutions, management plans, institutional development plans, management and evaluation reports, as well as publications on institutional websites and other communication products). This case study draws on approaches from administration and public comunication fields, as well as from referenctial of the education field. Based on the perspective of Mintzberg's deliberate strategy and emerging strategy (2006), it was verified that the communication strategies identified in the two universities are formed from the combination of deliberate and emerging processes, in which groups/actors from different sectors interact. These processes sometimes occur in response to needs evidenced in the routine of the institution, assuming characteristics of a learning process, predominantly emergent. It was also identified the formation of consensus, disconnected and ideological strategies evidencing the mixture of deliberation and emergency in the studied processes. The analysis made it possible also to verify that emerging communication strategies can contemplate the principles of public communication, such as transparency, pedagogical approach, listening and promotion of citizenship, regardless of whether there is a communication policy resulting from the strategic planning of the institution. The expressed intentionality of the university, disseminated and incorporated, is decisive for the establishment of communication strategies aligned with its institutional foundations, even more than plans that in some cases may have only a formalistic character. Therefore, especially in the historically elitist spaces where there is no intentionality of inclusion, communication strategies must contemplate the purposes of public communication, because the promotion of citizenship also stems from the establishment of dialogue between the university and the society to inform, to listen and to value the interaction.

Navigating Family Cancer Communication: Communication Strategies of Female Cancer Survivors in Central Appalachia

Duvall, Kathryn L., Dorgan, Kelly A., Hutson, Sadie P. 01 January 2012 (has links)
In a multiphasic study, the stories of 29 female Appalachian cancer survivors were collected through either a day-long modified story circle event (n=26) or an in-depth interview (n=3). Qualitative content analysis was used to identify emergent themes in the data. The analysis revealed 5 types of family cancer communication including both pre-diagnosis and postdiagnosis cancer communication strategies

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