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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ar galimas buvimas ir ką reiškia būti už komunikacinio galios diskurso? / Is Existence Possible and what does it mean to be beyond the Power of Communicative Discourse?

Aurylaitė, Ieva 10 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbas analizuoja įžymiųjų Frankfurto atstovų – Foucault ir Habermaso diskusiją, detaliau gilinamasi į komunikacinio veiksmo teorijos ir genealogijos metodų aiškinimą ir jų taikomumą. Nors apie šią diskusiją jau buvo plačiai analizuota ir apsvarstyta viešojoje akademinėje bendruomenėje, tačiau šio darbo išskirtinumas yra tai, kad gilinamasi į transgresijos perspektyvos atveriamus dekonstrukcijos ir rekonstrukcijos motyvų kryptingumų atskleidimus. Svarbu išsiaiškinti, ar socialinių formų destabilizacija įtakoja dekonstrukciją, ar rekonstrukcija nesudaro priežastinių ryšių santykių hierarchijos, vedančios link vienos krypties orientyro (vienpusiškumo)? Remiantis transgresijos sąvokos koncepcija, nurodančia įvykių nesugrįžtamo motyvo prielaidą ir panašių įvykių pakartotinumo galimumo motyvą. Apibendrinant pastaruosius pastebėjimus, galime teigti, kad rekonstrukcija ir dekonstrukcija atlieka svarbų vaidmenį socialiniuose moksluose atsirandantiems emerdžiškumams. Siekiant plačiau analizuoti komunikacinio veiksmo teorijos ir genealogijos metodų pateiktis, kuriamos koreliacijos, išryškinusios emerdžentiškumo motyvo skvarbių pretenzijų pasireiškimą. Magistrinis darbas siekia praturtinti klasikinės socialinės metodologijos keliamų klasifikavimo standartų nugulusius reikalavimus naujomis stiliaus atpažinimo galimybėmis, sutelkiančias lygiavertę lygiavimosi pretenziją į meninio stiliaus paraiškos svarumo pateiktį. / This masterʼs thesis analyses the debate of the famous Frankfurt representatives Foucault and Habermas, while examining in more detail the interpretation of the theory of communicative action and genealogy methods and their applicability. Although this debate has already been widely analyzed and discussed in the public academic community, however, the uniqueness of this paper is the analyzing of the disclosures of the purposefulness of the motifs of the deconstruction and reconstruction, revealed by the transgression perspective. It is important to find out, whether the deconstruction or reconstruction, which are influenced by the destabilization of social forms, do not constitute the hierarchy of causative relations, leading to the one – way target. Based on the notion of the transgression concept, indicating the hypothesis of the motif of the irreversibility of events and the motif of the possibility of the repeatedness of similar events. Summarizing the recent observations, it can be stated about the importance of the reconstruction and deconstruction in social sciences, while originating emergentisms. In order to analyze in more detail the method presentations of the theory of communicative actions and genealogy, the correlations are created, in order to emphasize the penetrating pretensions of the emergentism motif. This master‘s thesis aims to enrich the standard overlying classification requirements, raised by the classical social methodology, with the new... [to full text]

Trabalho e comunicação: a categoria fundante da sociabilidade humana em Marx e Habermas / Trabalho e comunicação: a categoria fundante da sociabilidade humana em Marx e Habermas

Assencio, Sandro 15 May 2007 (has links)
O estudo que ora apresentamos visa resgatar, a partir de uma análise imanente dos textos, os elementos críticos necessários a uma contraposição entre Marx e Habermas, no que concerne àquelas categorias consideradas, a cada um em particular, essenciais ao processo de construção da sociabilidade humana: o trabalho e a comunicação. / The study we presented, aims to rescue, starting from an immanent analysis, the critical elements for an opposition between Marx and Habermas in which concern, to each one in particular, essential to the process of construction of the human sociability: the work and the communication.

Religião e razão comunicativa: as Comunidades Eclesiais de Base no contexto da redemocratização. / Religion and communicative reason: the Christian Base Communities in the redemocratisation years.

Silva, Ana Amélia da 05 February 2003 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal estudar aspectos da modernização cultural brasileira a partir de mudanças ocorridas em nossa mais tradicional religião: o catolicismo. No plano teórico-metodológico, partiu-se de um referencial específico, a Teoria da Ação Comunicativa de Jürgen Habermas, com a intenção de verificar possibilidades para o desenvolvimento de um tipo de racionalidade, denominada comunicativa, em nossa cultura. No plano da análise empírica, optou-se por estudar as Comunidades Eclesiais de Base, as quais se mostraram como um espaço privilegiado para a identificação desses potenciais para a racionalidade comunicativa. Isso se explica pelo fato de que essas comunidades religiosas criaram em seu meio o hábito de discutir e argumentar, coletivamente, com a intenção de chegar assim a soluções consensuais para seus problemas cotidianos. / This research had as it main goal to study aspects of the Brazilian cultural modernization taking into consideration changes that have happened within its most traditional religion: the Catholicism. In terms of theoretical as well as methodological means, the present research has used as specific reference the Theory of Communicative Action by Jürgen Habermas, aiming to verify conditions that make possible the development of a certain type of rationality, know as communicative, in our culture. In terms of empirical analysis, it has chosen to study the Christian Base Communities, which are considered as being a privileged scenario to verifying potentialities to the development of communicative action. This choice is due to the fact that those religious communities have created, among their members, the habit of discussing and arguing for, collectively, whose intention is to come up with consensual solutions to their daily-life problems.

Ação comunicativa com mulheres de alcoolistas: uma aproximação ao seu mundo da vida / Communicative action with wives of alcoholics: an approach to their life world.

Hernández Castañón, Ma Alejandra 13 December 2007 (has links)
O uso e abuso de drogas constituem fenômeno complexo com conseqüências adversas na saúde individual, familiar e na comunidade. A literatura científica ressalta que, para cada alcoolista, existe uma família disfuncional e, pelos menos, uma mulher com problemas físicos e psicológicos relacionados com o adicto. O objetivo do estudo foi explorar o mundo da vida de mulheres, de uma comunidade suburbana no Estado de Querétaro, México, cujos companheiros são dependentes de álcool. Foi realizado estudo qualitativo à luz da Teoria da Ação Comunicativa de Habermas. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a técnica de entrevista semiestruturada temática e de observação participante e a análise dos dados seguiram os pressupostos do método da hermenêutica dialética. Foram entrevistadas 14 mulheres. Os resultados são apresentados considerando os três âmbitos do mundo da vida. Mundo social: o consumo de álcool é identificado como um comportamento não desejado, porém, esperado entre os homens e, atualmente, inclui jovens do sexo feminino, e é visto como um ato normal já que todo mundo faz. Mundo subjetivo: identificaram-se estados de ânimo negativos como depressão, baixa autoestima, culpa e medo, o que as leva a se sentirem como objetos. Mundo objetivo: identificou-se violência intrafamiliar, comportamentos de controle por parte dos companheiros, sintomas de doença física e mental, tanto no companheiro quanto nas participantes, e justificam a sua permanência com o companheiro porque devem ser um exemplo para os filhos apesar do dano físico e da dor. Na interação dos mundos ressaltam: a percepção da falta de redes de apoio institucionais para enfrentarem o alcoolismo do companheiro, criar os filhos visto como uma expectativa para o futuro e é sentido como um logro pessoal, jurar como uma ação do companheiro que lhes permita manter um controle relativo do consumo e, sob essa perspectiva, com melhor qualidade de vida, embora, também, seja utilizado como argumento para pedir perdão depois de uma ação violenta e, não se deixar, no momento que algumas delas conseguiram estabelecer limites ao marido. Considerações finais: a introjeção de padrões e normas sociais e culturais, em relação ao tema do álcool, não permite que as mulheres o visualizem como um problema, entretanto, essas normas atuam como mecanismos de proteção quando assumem o papel de mãe e esposa. É importante ressaltar a manifestação de ciúmes dos companheiros que, pelo consumo crônico de álcool, pode estar associada à paranóia alcoólica e, portanto, necessitam atenção. Finalmente, as mulheres transferem o tema de consumo de álcool do companheiro ao uso de álcool e drogas dos filhos. De acordo com Habermas, a situação torna-se relevante para elas e seria o momento de intervir para modificar padrões de comportamento a médio e longo prazo. Portanto, o reconhecimento dessa visão, sobre o tema do álcool e a compreensão dos sentidos que conferem ao seu mundo da vida, é ponto de partida básico para elaborar propostas de participação comunitária para o controle do alcoolismo. / Drugs use and abuse constitutes a complex phenomenon with adverse consequences for individual, family and community health. Scientific literature highlights that, for every alcoholic, there is a dysfunctional family or at least a wife with physical or psychological problems related to her life with the addict. This research aimed to explore the life world of women living with an alcoholic partner in a suburban community located in the State of Querétaro, Mexico. A qualitative study was carried out in the light of J. Habermas\' Theory of Communicative Action. Thematic semistructured interview and participant observation were used for data collection. Data analysis was based on the premises of the dialectical hermeneutical method. Fourteen women were interviewed and the results are presented for each of the three spheres in the life world. Social world: alcohol consumption is an unwanted but expected behavior among men and has no been integrated among young women. It is seen as normal because everybody does it. Subjective world: negative mood states were identified, such as depression, low self-esteem, guilt and fear, which makes them feel like objects. Objective world: intra-family violence was identified, as well as control behaviors by the husband and symptoms of physical and mental disease in both partners. They justify that they maintain the relationship because they need to be an example for their children despite the physical harm and pain. The following stands out in the interaction among the worlds: the perception of a lack of institutional support networks to face their partner\'s alcoholism; keep their children going as an expectation for the future and with a sense of personal success; swearing as an action by their husband that keeps his consumption under relative control and, from the women\'s perspective, maintains a better quality of life, although it is also used as an argument to apologize after a violent action: and not let themselves go, when some of them managed to set limits on their husband. Final considerations: The introjection of social and cultural patterns and standards with respect to alcohol does not allow them to consider it as a problem. However, these same standards have served as protection mechanisms in women, when they assume the roles of mother and wife. It should be mentioned that, due to the chronic alcohol consumption conditions, their husband\'s jealousy can be associated with alcohol paranoia and, therefore, demand care. On the other hand, the women transfer the theme of their husband\'s alcohol use to alcohol and drugs use in their children, which is why, according to Habermas, at this moment, the situation becomes relevant to them and this would be the right time for interventions, in the attempt to modify some behavioral patterns in the medium and long term. Finally, the acknowledgement of this other view on the theme of alcohol and the understanding of the meanings they attribute to their life world is a basic starting point to elaborate Community participation proposals with a view to controlling alcoholism.

Analítica da ação pedagógica : do discurso explicativo ao uso didático da linguagem

Zaslavsky, Alexandre January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma investigação em filosofia da educação, no contexto teórico da Teoria da Ação Comunicativa, de Jürgen Habermas. Trata-se de propor um conceito de ação pedagógica dentro das categorias habermasianas de análise da ação social, ou seja, uma analítica da ação pedagógica. No primeiro capítulo, faz-se uma revisão da literatura acerca do tema, bem como das breves menções do assunto nos textos de Habermas. Constata-se um ponto de clivagem na literatura, encaminhando a uma dicotomia entre identidade conceitual ou exclusão recíproca, quanto à relação entre ação pedagógica e ação comunicativa. Problematiza-se o conceito do pedagógico na teoria da ação comunicativa. O problema investigado é: o que é a especificidade da ação pedagógica e de que modo ela se estrutura segundo a ação comunicativa, apesar da assimetria entre os atores? No segundo capítulo, reconstrói-se brevemente o recorte conceitual da tese – a teoria habermasiana do discurso. Enfatiza-se a reflexividade da linguagem natural, propriedade central tanto para a ação comunicativa, quanto para o discurso e a ação pedagógica. Também o tema da aprendizagem é abordado. No terceiro e último capítulo, procede-se à analítica da ação pedagógica, seguindo o fio condutor das relações entre racionalidade e aprendizagem. De início, aponta-se o papel da aprendizagem na teoria habermasiana, estando localizada no discurso. Argumenta-se por um momento assimétrico do discurso, em que o sucesso na aprendizagem é condição para a obtenção de acordo. Propõe-se o discurso explicativo como o lócus específico da ação pedagógica, pois os problemas de inteligibilidade a tornam necessária e explícita. A ação pedagógica se inscreve ou co-realiza no discurso explicativo, cujas propriedades a possibilitam. Propõe-se a categoria de situação pedagógica, enquanto situação específica da ação pedagógica, necessária para a compreensão desta em um modelo comunicativo de ação. A questão da coordenação entre planos de ação docentes e discentes é colocada, encaminhando ao ponto central da tematização didática ou uso didático da linguagem, médium desta interação. Caracteriza-se os aspectos de engendramento e antecipação da tematização didática: o primeiro se refere à relação abstrata com o mundo, decorrente do uso explicativo da linguagem, e o segundo trata da compreensão das tomadas de posição fáticas dos interlocutores, mesmo não explícitas. Por fim, aborda-se a ação pedagógica, enquanto orientada à aprendizagem, quando se procura responder ao problema enunciado no início do trabalho. À questão do estratégico aparente, responde-se com a distinção entre a atitude objetivante da ação estratégica e a atitude hipotética do discurso, realizativa e objetualizadora simultaneamente. À questão da compatibilidade entre simetria comunicativa e assimetria pedagógica, responde-se, sob o ângulo dos meios da ação, pela subsunção da tematização didática na explicativa, e, sob o ângulo dos fins, pela subsunção da orientação à aprendizagem na orientação ao entendimento. Em síntese, a especificidade da ação pedagógica é a tematização didática, a qual se estrutura, segundo a ação comunicativa, através das propriedades do discurso explicativo. / The present work is an investigation on philosophy of education in the theoretical context of the Theory of Communicative Action, by Jürgen Habermas. It is a proposition of a pedagogical action concept within the Habermas’ categories of analysis over the social action, i.e. an analysis of the pedagogical action. The first chapter presents a literature review as well as brief mentions over this subject included in Habermas’ texts. It verifies a point of cleavage in the literature, concerning the relationship between pedagogical action and communicative action that leads towards a dichotomy between conceptual identity or mutual exclusion. The section discusses the concept of pedagogic action in the theory of communicative action. The problem investigated is: what is the specificity of the pedagogical action and how it is structured according to communicative action, despite the asymmetry between the actors? The second chapter reconstructs briefly the conceptual cutting of the Habermas’ Discourse Theory. It emphasizes the reflexivity of the natural language, the main characteristic for the communicative action, for the discourse and pedagogical action. The learning theme is also addressed in this part. The third and final chapter performs the analysis of the pedagogical action, following the thread of relations between rationality and learning. At first, it points out the role of learning in the Habermas’ theory which is located in the discourse. Also, it argues for an asymmetrical moment of the discourse, in which success in learning is a prerequisite for reaching any agreement. The study proposes the explanatory discourse as the specific lócus of the pedagogical action; the problems concerning the intelligibility make it necessary and explicit. The pedagogical action is included or happens together with the explanatory discourse whose properties make it possible. The analysis also proposes the category of pedagogical situation as a specific situation of pedagogical action which is necessary for the its understanding in a communicative model of action. The issue concerning the coordination between teachers and students’ action plans is presented in this part conducing to the focus of the didactic thematization or the didactic use of language, which is the médium of this interaction. It characterizes the aspects of the didactic thematization engendering and anticipation; the first one refers to the abstract relationship with the world due to the use of explanatory language, and the second deals with the understanding of the factual positions taken by the parties involved in the process, even if they are not explicit. Finally, it addresses the pedagogical action while oriented to the learning process when it tries to respond to the problem stated in the beginning of this work. The distinction between the objectifying attitude of the strategic action and hypothetical attitude of the discourse, simultaneously performative and objectifying, responds to the matter of the strategic apparent. To the question of the compatibility between communicative symmetry and pedagogic asymmetry it responds, from the perspective of the means of the action, through the subsumption of the didactic thematization in the explicative, and from the perspective of the ends, through the subsumption of the orientation to the learning process in the orientation to the understanding process. In summary, the specificity of the pedagogical action is the didactic thematization, which is structured according to the communicative action through the properties of the explanatory discourse.

O agir comunicativo de Habermas e o ensino de inform?tica: possibilidades de uma a??o educativa de cunho interdisciplinar no Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul ? Campus Sert?o / The communicative action of Habermas and the teaching of computing: possibilities of an interdisciplinary nature of educational action in IFRS - Campus Sert?o.

Silva, Patricia Nascimento da 21 November 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-09-16T12:15:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2011 - Patricia Nascimento da Silva.pdf: 1251603 bytes, checksum: 246740e9bb7d9855aa6dc79e547464fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-16T12:15:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2011 - Patricia Nascimento da Silva.pdf: 1251603 bytes, checksum: 246740e9bb7d9855aa6dc79e547464fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-21 / Based on practical experience observed on the second classes of the Integrated Agricultural Technical High School Course in IFRS ? Campus Sert?o, it was concluded that the existing teaching practices are not in fact integrated. So, the used approach was inter and transdiscip-linary studies of Habermas? communicative action. It was realized that the internet would be a potential tool of dialogue spaces. Technological concepts, technologies in education as an a interdisciplinary space and the internet as a act-communication tool were studied. Questio-naires were applied to groups of teachers and students. Considering the obtained results, it was made a campus technological map. Based on this map it was realized that computers and internet access were available 24 hours per day. The surveyed groups know and use this tools, but desconsider them as a teaching resource. The results also demonstrate the teachers and students involvement degree with the several technological tools. Based on obtained data it was suggested a methodological proposal for the Integrated Agricultural Technical High School Course. This proposal consists in a inter/transdisciplinary teaching that involves cross cutting themes, using the internet as a dialogue facilitator tool, the communicative action as a basis philosophical discussion and consensus and technological concepts / Tomando como par?metro uma experi?ncia pr?tica realizada com turmas de segunda s?rie do curso T?cnico em Agropecu?ria Integrado ao Ensino M?dio, no IFRS ? Campus Sert?o, percebeu-se que a pr?tica pedag?gica existente no referido curso n?o se efetiva de fato como integrada. Assim partiu-se para estudos sobre inter e transdisciplinaridade, o agir comunicativo de Habermas e percebeu-se que a internet seria uma ferramenta potencializadora de espa?os de di?logos. Estudou-se conceitos de tecnologia, inform?tica na educa??o como espa?o interdisciplinar, e a internet como ferramenta do agir comunicativo. A partir de question?rios distintos aplicados ao grupo de professores e alunos tra?ou-se um mapa tecnol?gico do campus, verificando que existem computadores e internet dispon?veis 24 horas por dia; verificou-se que os grupos pesquisados, alunos e professores, conhecem e fazem uso desses recursos, por?m sem utiliza??o como recurso did?tico e verificou-se o n?vel de envol-vimento de professores e alunos com as v?rias ferramentas tecnol?gicas. A partir dos dados levantados foi sugerida uma proposta metodol?gica que traz para o curso T?cnico em Agropecu?ria Integrado ao Ensino M?dio a oportunidade de fazer um ensino inter/transdisciplinar que envolve temas transversais, uso da internet como ferramenta facilitadora de di?logo, o agir comunicativo como base filos?fica de discuss?o e consenso e conceitos de tecnologia.

Ways of Knowing in the Anglican Eucharistic Tradition: Ramifications for Theological Education

Douglas, Brian Ernest January 2006 (has links)
This thesis concerns ways of knowing in the Anglican eucharistic tradition. It also explores the ramifications of these ways of knowing for theological education in the Anglican tradition of Christianity. The thesis uses Anglican eucharistic theology as a source of case study, and attempts, using a methodology of phenomenology to examine critically the particular interests and philosophical assumptions underlying eucharistic theology in the Anglican tradition from the time of the Reformation to the present day. Phenomenology is chosen as the methodology since it allows access to the diverse experience of the Anglican eucharistic tradition, suspending judgment until a later time when essences are extracted from the case studies. This has the potential to avoid exclusive commitments to particular technical and hermeneutic interests within Anglicanism while at the same time recognising the multiformity of the Anglican eucharistic tradition and fostering a critical approach to the examination of the experience of the Anglican eucharistic tradition and Anglican theological education. In examining ways of knowing in the Anglican tradition, the thesis acknowledges the usefulness for eucharistic theology and theological education of philosophical enquiry. The three ways of knowing (technical, hermeneutic and critical) proposed by the philosopher, Jurgen Habermas (1971 and 1973) are used to assist in understanding the knowledge of the Anglican eucharistic tradition presented in the case studies. The further insights of Habermas (1984 and 1989) are used in recommending a dialogue approach, based on the intersubjectivity of communicative action, for theological education concerned with the teaching of eucharistic theology in the Anglican tradition. Philosophical reflection is also employed in an examination of the underlying philosophical assumptions of the case studies of eucharistic theology in the Anglican tradition. A model of the Anglican eucharistic tradition based on the philosophical concepts of realism and nominalism, to both the moderate and immoderate degrees is developed and proposed as a way of promoting a critical interest in the Anglican eucharistic tradition beyond the merely technical or hermeneutic interests commonly found in various church parties of the Anglican Communion. The work of the Australian philosopher David Armstrong (1989, 1995, 1997 and 2004) is foundational to the development of a model for the Anglican eucharistic tradition and the examination of its experience in the case studies. The principal findings of the study suggest that the prevailing essence of the Anglican eucharistic tradition is a multiformity of eucharistic doctrine, such that eucharistic theology is most often expressed using the philosophical assumptions of realism and nominalism to the moderate degree and according to varying technical and hermeneutic interests. The thesis also seeks to draw out the educational implications of these differing ways of knowing for theological education in the Anglican tradition and specifically for the teaching of eucharistic theology. The principal recommendation of the thesis for theological education is the application of a dialogue approach in the teaching of eucharistic theology in Anglican theological education, where dialogue involves the development of an ideal communicative community in which participants seek shared meaning on the basis of the intersubjectivity of communicative action. / PhD Doctorate

An Opportunity for Renewals: : The Participatory Process and Social and Income Diversity in Brownfield Development

Reardon, Mitchell January 2010 (has links)
<p>Reardon, Mitchell. (2010) <em>An Opportunity for Renewal: The Participatory Process and Social and Income Diversity in Brownfield Developments</em></p><p>Urban and Regional Planning, advanced level, master thesis for master exam in Urban and Regional Planning, 30 ECTS credits.</p><p>Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Borén</p><p>Language: English</p><p> </p><p>Participatory planning and the redevelopment of brownfield locations have both figured prominently in urban and regional planning strategies in recent decades. Despite their growing importance, these trends have rarely been analysed in concert however. Further, the issues of social and income diversity within this context have received less attention. In recognizing this void, this paper explores the use of participatory planning in brownfield developments, with an emphasis on social and income diversity. Through a review of the participatory planning theories of communicative action and the just city, strategies for promoting participatory planning and social and income diversity, are identified. A case study of Norra Djurgårdsstaden, a brownfield development in Stockholm, Sweden is employed to analyse these strategies. In undertaking the case study, data was collected through interviews and planning documents. This study found that the inherently high cost of redeveloping brownfield locations inhibits social and income diversity and requires an overt response to mitigate it. Participatory planning offers the possibility of engaging stakeholders who may otherwise be ignored, providing the opportunity to create a more inclusive development. It is also clear that an inclusionary goal must be part of a wider strategy, or is otherwise likely to be ignored.</p>

Skolan och den politiska offentligheten - öppning eller tillslutning? : Styrning och skolutveckling utifrån "försöket utan timplan"

Kristiansson, Martin January 2006 (has links)
This study concerns school-development and the political public sphere in a Swedish context. It draws on an earlier study in which school-leaders expressed political signals in relation to school-development as being ambiguous and contradictive. On one hand they saw a political support for openness and dialogue in school. On the other hand they perceived control and competition. Another point of departure for the study is what tentatively was suggested as a shift in focus for the state government of schools during the 1990:s, from decentralization as such to an increased emphasis on control of its consequences. The overriding aim of the study was to illuminate how this shift could be understood regarding the relation between school-development and the political public sphere. The study was conducted within a larger, national project where almost 900 schools worked without the national time table. Policy texts behind the governments’ decision on starting the project were used in order to describe and analyse school policy. School-leaders´ accounts on school-work and school-development in the project was used for analysis and description of school practice. Habermas’ theory of communicative action, particularly his notions on “the welfare-state crisis” as an opening for a revitalized political public sphere grounded upon communicative action, was used as a theoretical frame for the study. The results support the assumption that school policy, as formulated in the studied documents, did shift over time from a focus on decentralization to an emphasis on control of its consequences. The school-leaders, however, gave voice to a school practice where the importance of a communicative direction was emphasized. The overall conclusion is that while a vital political public sphere in Habermas´ terms is supported in school practice, school policy seems to direct school development in the opposite direction, thereby closing the opportunity for school to support a revitalized public sphere.

An Opportunity for Renewals: : The Participatory Process and Social and Income Diversity in Brownfield Development

Reardon, Mitchell January 2010 (has links)
Reardon, Mitchell. (2010) An Opportunity for Renewal: The Participatory Process and Social and Income Diversity in Brownfield Developments Urban and Regional Planning, advanced level, master thesis for master exam in Urban and Regional Planning, 30 ECTS credits. Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Borén Language: English   Participatory planning and the redevelopment of brownfield locations have both figured prominently in urban and regional planning strategies in recent decades. Despite their growing importance, these trends have rarely been analysed in concert however. Further, the issues of social and income diversity within this context have received less attention. In recognizing this void, this paper explores the use of participatory planning in brownfield developments, with an emphasis on social and income diversity. Through a review of the participatory planning theories of communicative action and the just city, strategies for promoting participatory planning and social and income diversity, are identified. A case study of Norra Djurgårdsstaden, a brownfield development in Stockholm, Sweden is employed to analyse these strategies. In undertaking the case study, data was collected through interviews and planning documents. This study found that the inherently high cost of redeveloping brownfield locations inhibits social and income diversity and requires an overt response to mitigate it. Participatory planning offers the possibility of engaging stakeholders who may otherwise be ignored, providing the opportunity to create a more inclusive development. It is also clear that an inclusionary goal must be part of a wider strategy, or is otherwise likely to be ignored.

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