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Abilities and Cultural Understanding through Literature in the EFL Classroom : - A Literature ReviewLeckie, Falina January 2015 (has links)
The English language can be seen as a lingua franca of contemporary times. Its spread and use in the globalized world has affected most levels of society and it can be argued that, in current times, English is synonymous with communication. This need for communication has shaped the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) syllabus, which is evident in the Swedish national steering documents for the educational system. For the upper secondary school these documents show an emphasis on communication, on cultural understanding, and also on the use of literature within the EFL classroom. The need to possess communicative abilities and cultural understanding, in connection with the use of literature, has sparked an interest to investigate if and how literature itself can be used as a tool to develop and improve EFL students’ communicative skills and cultural understanding. This literature review thesis analyzes five international research articles from different geographical parts of the Globe. The findings are categorized, compared, synthesized, and finally discussed in order to answer the research questions asked, and also compared with the English subject syllabus for the Swedish upper secondary school. The findings indicate that the analyzed articles share a consensus, to a varied degree, regarding the positive aspects of literature use in the EFL setting. The arguments are that communicative skills and cultural understanding are intertwined - enabling each other to exist, develop, and improve. One cannot exist fully without the other, and literature is a good tool to use to develop and improve these abilities. Literature can help develop all skills needed to acquire and produce both written and spoken English, and it also enables cultural understanding and a broadening of the mind. Where the articles differ somewhat is in the ideas of why literature is a good tool, how to implement literature in the classrooms, and what some of the negative aspects might be. The thesis also brings the lack of Swedish studies within EFL to the readers’ attention, as well as the need to do more research focusing on the students’ perspectives towards literature use in the EFL setting.
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A influência da extensão do corpus linguístico no levantamento do perfil comunicativo pragmático infantil / The influence of the linguistic corpus extension on the survey of infantile pragmatic communicative profileBretanha, Andreza Carolina 30 March 2011 (has links)
A análise de um perfil pragmático envolve a observação das habilidades comunicativas, sendo que as amostras de linguagem espontânea permitem observar o uso destas habilidades em diferentes contextos. No entanto, o tempo viável de duração da amostra que permite a obtenção deste perfil pragmático não é um consenso. Desta forma, o objetivo principal desse trabalho foi verificar se o levantamento do perfil pragmático com base em um corpus linguístico limitado possibilita uma análise fidedigna em comparação a uma análise realizada com um corpus linguístico extenso em crianças com desenvolvimento típico de linguagem. O objetivo secundário foi descrever o perfil pragmático de 5 crianças com desenvolvimento típico de linguagem na faixa etária de 7 anos e 1 mês a 8 anos e 11 meses. Participaram dessa pesquisa 5 crianças com desenvolvimento típico de linguagem, de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 7 anos e 1 mês a 8 anos e 11 meses de idade. Na coleta de dados, foram realizados 150 minutos de gravação com cada indivíduo, em 5 sessões de 30 minutos de interação em situação lúdica com a pesquisadora. Cada gravação foi transcrita e transferida para o protocolo de Habilidades Comunicativas Verbais HCV (LOPES, 2000b) e para o protocolo de análise pragmática proposto pelo Teste de Linguagem Infantil: Nas Áreas de Fonologia, Vocabulário, Fluência e Pragmática ABFW (FERNANDES et al., 2004). Com o intuito de comparar as análises do corpus linguístico limitado e extenso, foi traçado o perfil pragmático da primeira filmagem (30 min.) e, posteriormente, de toda a amostra de cada participante (150 min.). Foi realizada a análise individual interobservador e intraobservador, além da análise estatística do grupo para verificação da fidedignidade e similaridade dos perfis levantados com os dois tipos de corpus linguístico. Como resultados, a análise interobservador apresentou índice de fidedignidade variando entre 86,7% e 100%. Pela análise intraobservador, no protocolo de HCV, o perfil pragmático geral das crianças foi, dentre as HCV, utilizar um maior número de habilidades dialógicas (HD), seguido das habilidades de regulação (HR), sendo que nenhuma das crianças utilizou as habilidades verbais não-interativas (HNI); para o adulto, o perfil foi de utilizar um maior número de HD e HR e também não utilizar HNI. Observou-se, portanto, um perfil pragmático similar de crianças e adultos da amostra analisada. Em relação à análise intraobservador, no Protocolo de Pragmática ABFW, as crianças fizeram uso predominante do meio verbal, utilizando maior número das funções Comentário (C) e Pedido de Informação (PI). Com relação à análise estatística, para ambos os protocolos utilizados, observou-se alta porcentagem em relação às comparações feitas, que apontam semelhanças estatísticas entre a primeira sessão e o total geral das sessões, mostrando que o corpus lingüístico limitado é fidedigno para a maioria das habilidades e funções comunicativas quando comparados a um corpus linguístico extenso na população estudada. / The analysis of a pragmatic profile involves the observation of communicative skills, being that spontaneous language samples allow observing the use of these skills in different contexts. Nevertheless, the feasible duration time of the sample which allows the achievement of this pragmatic profile is not a consensus. Thus, the main goal of this study was to verify whether the survey of the pragmatic profile, based on a limited linguistic corpus, enables a reliable analysis, as compared to one accomplished with a broad linguistic corpus, in children with a typical language development. The secondary aim was to describe the pragmatic profile of 5 children with a typical language development, in the age range 7 yrs and 1 month and 8 yrs and 11 months. Five children with a typical language development, from both genders, in the age range 7 yrs and 1 month and 8 yrs and 11 months, participated in this research. In the data collection, 150-minute recordings, in 5 sessions of 30 minutes, were performed with each subject interacting, in recreational situations, with the researcher. Each recording was transcribed and trasnfered to the Verbal Communicative Skills Protocol VCS (LOPES, 2000b), and to the pragmatic analysis protocol proposed by the Infantile Language Test, in the following areas: Speech Pathology, Vocabulary, Fluency and Pragmatics ABFW (FERNANDES et al., 2004). Aiming at compararing the analyses of limited and broad linguistic corpus, the pragmatic profile of the first shooting (30 min.) was outlined, and posteriorly, the whole sample of each subject (150 min.). The individual inter and intraobserver analysis was carried out, besides the statistical analysis of the group, to verify the reliability and similarity of the profiles surveyed with both types of linguistic corpus. The interobserver analysis presented a reliability index ranging from 86.7% to 100%. Through the intraobserver analysis, on the VCS protocol, the general pragmatic profile of the children was, among the VCS, a larger number of dialogical skills (DS), followed by regulation skills (RS), being that no child used noninteractive verbal skills (NVS); for adults, the profile was a larger number of DS and RS and no use of NVS. Therefore, a similar pragmatic profile for children and adults was observed in the present sample. In relation to the intraobserver analysis, on the Pragmatics Protocol ABFW, the children predominantly used verbal means, utilizing a larger number of Commentary (C) and Information Request (IR) functions. As for the statistical analysis, for both protocols utilized, a high percentage was observed in relation to comparisons made, pointing to statistical similarities between the first session and the total of the sessions, showing that the limited linguistic corpus is reliable for most communicative skills and functions, as compared to a larger linguistic corpus, in the population studied.
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Výuka rétoriky na střední škole. Současný stav a budoucí perspektivy / Teaching rhetorics on secondary school. Present state and future perspectivesPotůčková, Marie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with various approaches of secondary school teachers and students to the rhetoric and the teaching of communication. The main purpose of the thesis is to map how students see the quality of their own communicative skills and the quaility of communication classes and the attitude of teachers to including communication in their classes. Attention is also paid to the development of communication teaching methods. The survey was carried out at seven Prague secondary schools mainly by using questionnaires. Data were also collected during interviews and when attending classes. The survey suggests that both students and teachers consider the teaching of communication a necessary part of Czech language and literature lessons and have a responsible attitude to it. Students are more critical to their own speech than their teachers. They have quite a good knowledge of the theoretical basis of rhetoric and communication but they have problems applying the theory in practise. Teachers prefer professional, clear and attractive textbooks of communication. As for the future of the subject teachers are of the opinion that it should become an inseparable part of all subjects, i. e. of comprehensive education. KEY WORDS rhetoric, teaching of communication, communicative skills, speech, discussion
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Sjuksköterskans bemötande i det våldsamma eller hotfulla mötet / The Nurse's communicative skills in the violent or threatening encounterLiljeqvist, Mattias, Karlsson, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
<p>Hot och våld mot vårdpersonal är ett ökande problem inom hälso- och sjukvården. Tidigare forskning visar på att olika konfliktmönster kan leda till våld. Korrekt bemötandet av dessa konfliktmönster och kunskap om dem förhindrar att våldet uppstår. Syftet med studien var att undersöka de faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans bemötande i det våldsamma eller hotfulla mötet. En litteraturstudie genomfördes och 16 studier granskades. Resultaten kategoriserades.</p><p>Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskans bemötande och attityder har stor inverkan på förekomsten av våld. Patienter kan bli aggressiva när de inte deltar i sin egen vård. Sjuksköterskans auktoritet kan, om den används fel skapa konflikt. Vårdmiljön påverkar förekomsten av våld. Eftersviterna av hot eller våld påverkar sjuksköterskor negativt. Det saknas utbildning i hot och våld och sjuksköterskor upplever att erfarenhet är ett viktigt verktyg i sitt bemötande av hot och våld.</p><p>Mer utbildning behövs i såväl sjuksköterskeutbildningen som i klinisk verksamhet. Forskning på området behöver bedrivas i flera olika former av vård, på grund av att större delen av forskningen bedrivs inom psykiatrin. En standardiserad definition av hot och våld bör tas fram.</p>
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Sjuksköterskans bemötande i det våldsamma eller hotfulla mötet / The Nurse's communicative skills in the violent or threatening encounterLiljeqvist, Mattias, Karlsson, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
Hot och våld mot vårdpersonal är ett ökande problem inom hälso- och sjukvården. Tidigare forskning visar på att olika konfliktmönster kan leda till våld. Korrekt bemötandet av dessa konfliktmönster och kunskap om dem förhindrar att våldet uppstår. Syftet med studien var att undersöka de faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans bemötande i det våldsamma eller hotfulla mötet. En litteraturstudie genomfördes och 16 studier granskades. Resultaten kategoriserades. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskans bemötande och attityder har stor inverkan på förekomsten av våld. Patienter kan bli aggressiva när de inte deltar i sin egen vård. Sjuksköterskans auktoritet kan, om den används fel skapa konflikt. Vårdmiljön påverkar förekomsten av våld. Eftersviterna av hot eller våld påverkar sjuksköterskor negativt. Det saknas utbildning i hot och våld och sjuksköterskor upplever att erfarenhet är ett viktigt verktyg i sitt bemötande av hot och våld. Mer utbildning behövs i såväl sjuksköterskeutbildningen som i klinisk verksamhet. Forskning på området behöver bedrivas i flera olika former av vård, på grund av att större delen av forskningen bedrivs inom psykiatrin. En standardiserad definition av hot och våld bör tas fram.
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Mokymosi bendradarbiaujant reikšmė ugdant mokinių ankstyvosios anglų kalbos komunikacinius gebėjimus / Using co-operation methods importance for the development of English language communicative skills at early school ageBabušienė, Eglė 03 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje vyksta ryškus poslinkis nuo tam tikrų dalykų mokymo link mokymosi; nuo mokymo proceso analizės į mokymosi proceso analizę; nuo centrinio mokytojo vaidmens mokymo procese į centrinį besimokančiojo vaidmenį mokymosi procese.
Pradinėje mokykloje yra ugdomi ne tik gimtosios, bet ir užsienio kabos komunikaciniai gebėjimai. Pasinaudojant tinkamu kalbų mokymuisi amžiumi bei atsižvelgiant į uždavinius, kurie turi būti sprendžiami ankstyvąjame mokykliniame amžiuje, mokymosi procesą reikėtų organizuoti taip, kad mokymąsis palengvintų besimokančiųjų tapimą savarankiškais; jiems suteiktų mokymosi refleksijos galimybę bei ugdtytų gebėjimus, reikalingus šiuolaikiniame darbo pasaulyje – efektyvaus bendravimo įgūdžius, problemos sprendimo, bendradarbiavimo dirbant grupėje įgūdžius. Darbe yra analizuojama Kauno „Šilo“ pradinės mokyklos III klasės mokinių ankstyvosios anglų kalbos mokymasis bendradarbiaujant. Tyrimo problema. Mokantis ankstyvosios anglų kalbos ne visi mokiniai komunikuoja užsienio kalba, jaučia nepasitikėjimą savo jėgomis, bijo būti sukritikuoti draugų. Daugelis mokinių pamokoje tampa pasyviais dalyviais, stebėtojais, dėl to nepakankamai ugdomi mokinių kalbiniai gebėjimai bei nukenčia mokinių mokymosi rezultatai. Taigi šio darbo tikslas - nustatyti mokymosi bendradarbiaujant reikšmę ugdant mokinių komunikacinius anglų kalbos gebėjimus. Uždaviniai: 1) Aprašyti anglų kalbos mokymosi ypatumus jaunesniąjame mokykliniame amžiuje; 2) Aprašyti mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The system of education is changing in Lithuania nowadays. The improvement of it is essential for the whole educational process. It‘s going over to advanced learning methods rather than to teaching methods. The education is turning away from the central role of the teacher towards the learner, who has the main role in the process of learning. It‘s changing from the results emphasising teaching paradigm into the paradigm emphasising the very process of learning. Students develop their foreign language communicative skills at primary school as well. Organising learning process and choosing learning methods we should take into consideration young learners age.
Problem of the research. Traditional methods don‘t give enough opportunities to develop communicative skills. Learners train their skills but too little. Some students are shy and they are afraid to be laughed at, others are not like participating in the lessons, they become passive observes.
The question of the research. Does the use of co-operation methods influence English language communicative skills at early school age and determine better learning results
The aim. To establish the influence of cooperation methods on the development of English language communicative skills. Object of the research is application of methods in groups. Tasks of the research are: 1) to describe the main features of English language learning at early school age; 2) to describe the conception of cooperation; 3) to characterize... [to full text]
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Rozvoj komunikačních dovedností prostřednictvím dramatických technik / Developing Communicative Skills through Drama TechniquesŽIŽKOVÁ, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
My Diploma Thesis deals with developing communicative skills through drama techniques. In the theoretical part I concern myself with the use of drama techniques at school in general and also in English lessons. I am trying to demonstrate the greatest advantages and disadvantages of using the drama techniques. I also deal with role play as a basic drama method and with correcting mistakes during drama techniques in the class. This is followed by the definition of the term communicative skill and explanation of how communicative skills are defined in the Framework Educational Program and in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The practical part deals with the characteristics of the school and the class in which I did my research. This is followed by the description of four activities that are based on the drama techniques and are also suitable for developing communicative skills. I was trying to fit these activities into the English syllabus of the particular class. The aim of the Diploma Thesis is to show the theoretical basis and practical use of the drama techniques and to decide whether the drama techniques are really suitable for developing communicative skills of the students.
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A influência da extensão do corpus linguístico no levantamento do perfil comunicativo pragmático infantil / The influence of the linguistic corpus extension on the survey of infantile pragmatic communicative profileAndreza Carolina Bretanha 30 March 2011 (has links)
A análise de um perfil pragmático envolve a observação das habilidades comunicativas, sendo que as amostras de linguagem espontânea permitem observar o uso destas habilidades em diferentes contextos. No entanto, o tempo viável de duração da amostra que permite a obtenção deste perfil pragmático não é um consenso. Desta forma, o objetivo principal desse trabalho foi verificar se o levantamento do perfil pragmático com base em um corpus linguístico limitado possibilita uma análise fidedigna em comparação a uma análise realizada com um corpus linguístico extenso em crianças com desenvolvimento típico de linguagem. O objetivo secundário foi descrever o perfil pragmático de 5 crianças com desenvolvimento típico de linguagem na faixa etária de 7 anos e 1 mês a 8 anos e 11 meses. Participaram dessa pesquisa 5 crianças com desenvolvimento típico de linguagem, de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 7 anos e 1 mês a 8 anos e 11 meses de idade. Na coleta de dados, foram realizados 150 minutos de gravação com cada indivíduo, em 5 sessões de 30 minutos de interação em situação lúdica com a pesquisadora. Cada gravação foi transcrita e transferida para o protocolo de Habilidades Comunicativas Verbais HCV (LOPES, 2000b) e para o protocolo de análise pragmática proposto pelo Teste de Linguagem Infantil: Nas Áreas de Fonologia, Vocabulário, Fluência e Pragmática ABFW (FERNANDES et al., 2004). Com o intuito de comparar as análises do corpus linguístico limitado e extenso, foi traçado o perfil pragmático da primeira filmagem (30 min.) e, posteriormente, de toda a amostra de cada participante (150 min.). Foi realizada a análise individual interobservador e intraobservador, além da análise estatística do grupo para verificação da fidedignidade e similaridade dos perfis levantados com os dois tipos de corpus linguístico. Como resultados, a análise interobservador apresentou índice de fidedignidade variando entre 86,7% e 100%. Pela análise intraobservador, no protocolo de HCV, o perfil pragmático geral das crianças foi, dentre as HCV, utilizar um maior número de habilidades dialógicas (HD), seguido das habilidades de regulação (HR), sendo que nenhuma das crianças utilizou as habilidades verbais não-interativas (HNI); para o adulto, o perfil foi de utilizar um maior número de HD e HR e também não utilizar HNI. Observou-se, portanto, um perfil pragmático similar de crianças e adultos da amostra analisada. Em relação à análise intraobservador, no Protocolo de Pragmática ABFW, as crianças fizeram uso predominante do meio verbal, utilizando maior número das funções Comentário (C) e Pedido de Informação (PI). Com relação à análise estatística, para ambos os protocolos utilizados, observou-se alta porcentagem em relação às comparações feitas, que apontam semelhanças estatísticas entre a primeira sessão e o total geral das sessões, mostrando que o corpus lingüístico limitado é fidedigno para a maioria das habilidades e funções comunicativas quando comparados a um corpus linguístico extenso na população estudada. / The analysis of a pragmatic profile involves the observation of communicative skills, being that spontaneous language samples allow observing the use of these skills in different contexts. Nevertheless, the feasible duration time of the sample which allows the achievement of this pragmatic profile is not a consensus. Thus, the main goal of this study was to verify whether the survey of the pragmatic profile, based on a limited linguistic corpus, enables a reliable analysis, as compared to one accomplished with a broad linguistic corpus, in children with a typical language development. The secondary aim was to describe the pragmatic profile of 5 children with a typical language development, in the age range 7 yrs and 1 month and 8 yrs and 11 months. Five children with a typical language development, from both genders, in the age range 7 yrs and 1 month and 8 yrs and 11 months, participated in this research. In the data collection, 150-minute recordings, in 5 sessions of 30 minutes, were performed with each subject interacting, in recreational situations, with the researcher. Each recording was transcribed and trasnfered to the Verbal Communicative Skills Protocol VCS (LOPES, 2000b), and to the pragmatic analysis protocol proposed by the Infantile Language Test, in the following areas: Speech Pathology, Vocabulary, Fluency and Pragmatics ABFW (FERNANDES et al., 2004). Aiming at compararing the analyses of limited and broad linguistic corpus, the pragmatic profile of the first shooting (30 min.) was outlined, and posteriorly, the whole sample of each subject (150 min.). The individual inter and intraobserver analysis was carried out, besides the statistical analysis of the group, to verify the reliability and similarity of the profiles surveyed with both types of linguistic corpus. The interobserver analysis presented a reliability index ranging from 86.7% to 100%. Through the intraobserver analysis, on the VCS protocol, the general pragmatic profile of the children was, among the VCS, a larger number of dialogical skills (DS), followed by regulation skills (RS), being that no child used noninteractive verbal skills (NVS); for adults, the profile was a larger number of DS and RS and no use of NVS. Therefore, a similar pragmatic profile for children and adults was observed in the present sample. In relation to the intraobserver analysis, on the Pragmatics Protocol ABFW, the children predominantly used verbal means, utilizing a larger number of Commentary (C) and Information Request (IR) functions. As for the statistical analysis, for both protocols utilized, a high percentage was observed in relation to comparisons made, pointing to statistical similarities between the first session and the total of the sessions, showing that the limited linguistic corpus is reliable for most communicative skills and functions, as compared to a larger linguistic corpus, in the population studied.
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Flerspråkighet, en utmaning i den tysta matematikläroboken? : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ läromedelsanalysAslan, Madelene, Werner Kyller, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Studien baseras på en kvalitativ och kvantitativ läromedelsanalys med fokus på vilket språkbruk som används i problemlösningsuppgifter i matematikläroböcker. Studiens syfte är att undersöka och analysera ur ett flerspråkigt perspektiv problemlösningsuppgifter i matematikläroböcker ämnande för årskurs tre. Studien fokuserade på att ta reda på vilka språkliga utmaningar som finns för flerspråkiga elever och om det finns multimodala resurser som stödjer de språkliga utmaningarna. Som tidigare forskning påvisat tar det längre tid för flerspråkiga elever att utveckla språkkunskaper på sitt andraspråk jämfört med elever som lär på sitt första språk. Flerspråkiga elever kan därav möta utmaningar i språkbruket i problemlösningsuppgifter. Språkbruket och de multimodala resurserna som analyserades i studien var vardagsspråk, egennamn, skolspråk, matematiskt register, homonymer, bilder och matematiska symboler. Studiens forskningsfrågor var Vilket språkbruk används i problemlösningsuppgifter i matematikläroböcker och hur utmanande är problemlösningsuppgifterna i ett flerspråkigt perspektiv? Finns det multimodala resurser och hur stöttar de texten? Och Hur skiljer sig matematikläroböckerna åt ur ett flerspråkigt perspektiv? De utvalda matematikläroböckerna för denna studie var Favoritmatematik 3 (2018), Nya Prima matematik 3A (2020), Singma matematik 3A (2015) och Triumf 3A (2021). Analysen utgick från två teoretiska utgångspunkter: Cummins (2017) teori om Basicinterpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) och Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency CALP samt Selanders och Danielssons (2021) teori om multimodala resurser. Resultatet visade att flera problemösningsuppgifter innehar ett utmanande språkbruk för flerspråkiga elever samt att problemlösningsuppgifterna visade sig sakna multimodalt stöd i form av bilder och matematiska symboler som stöttar de språkliga utmaningarna som överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. Studiens slutsats är att problemlösningsuppgifterna innehåller i olika utsträckning ett kognitivt krävande språk för flerspråkiga elever. De språkliga utmaningarna som de flerspråkiga eleverna står inför behöver synliggöras: då kan läraren förebygga de språkliga utmaningarna som finns i matematikläroböckerna innan eleverna arbetar “tyst” i matematikläroboken.
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Formación en habilidades comunicativas del directivo empresarial, con especial concreción en el ámbito de la Región de MurciaGómez Cervantes, María del Mar 02 March 2009 (has links)
Los objetivos marcados en esta tesis doctoral han sido, en primer lugar, estudiar el estado en el que se encuentra la oferta instructiva orientada a la formación en habilidades comunicativas del sector profesional de la empresa y, en segundo lugar, la elaboración de una propuesta de formación. El primer objetivo ha sido complementado con la descripción de esta entidad industrial y con el estudio del tipo de aplicación de dichos medios de formación en la empresa de nuestros días.El segundo objetivo nos ha llevado a la exposición de una serie de contenidos que, en su caso, habrían de fundamentar una propuesta de este tipo que se precie actual, ajustada a las necesidades comunicativas de un profesional concreto como es el directivo empresarial y que se muestre alejada de la simple transmisión de una serie de reglas o principios de tan fácil aplicación como generalizado empleo. / The objectives in this thesis are aimed at studying first, the different methods of communicative skills training for executives and second to desing a training proposal.The first aim has been complemented both by describing this industrial entity and studying ways of application of the aforementioned training methods in companies nowadays.The second aim leads us to state some contents which set the bases for a proposal that in our opinion, is updated, meet the executive´s communicative needs perfectly and is away form the mere transmission of rules and principles.
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