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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sindicalisme pagès i republicanisme popular a Catalunya (1918-1930). La Unió de Rabassaires: entre el radicalisme obrerista i la via cooperativista

Pomés i Vives, Jordi 27 March 1998 (has links)
La Unió de Rabassaires fué un sindicato campesino catalán que nació el 1922, en un contexto de desorganización cenetista -una vez superado el trienio bolchevique- y, no casualmente, de reorganización político-sindical del republicanismo. Se organizó y desarrolló durante sus primeros ocho años de vida en las comarcas vitícolas de la provincia de Barcelona. Unas comarcas donde el republicanismo mantenía cierta vitalidad -pese a los bajos resultados electorales- y donde la tierra era trabajada mayoritariamente por aparceros y rabassaires, los cuales formaban un componente esencial de la base social del republicanismo comarcal catalán. Al mismo tiempo eran unas comarcas donde la conflictividad social y sindical rabassaire perduró de forma bien candente hasta el primer tercio del siglo XX, después de desarrollarse con fuerza a lo largo del siglo anterior. Desde un posicionamiento político-sindical republicano, la Unió de Rabassaires asumió las reivindicaciones sindicales de este campesinado sin tierra propia, intentando conseguir para él -siempre a través de cauces legales- la mayor estabilidad posible sobre la tierra que trabajaba. Si bien no consiguió ninguna ley que asumiera ni que fuera en parte su programa sobre contratos de cultivo, en buena medida debido a las adversas circunstancias políticas de los años veinte, como mínimo el sindicato rabassaire se distinguió en esta década por la defensa que a nivel individual hizo de los campesinos que tuvieron que enfrentarse con problemas judiciales a causa de los contratos. A pesar de todo, sus mejores éxitos sindicales los recogió en los campos del cooperativismo y de la valoración de la producción agrícola, especialmente del sector de los tubérculos. Estos éxitos consolidaron al sindicato y colaboraron decisivamente a trastocar alrededor de 1930 el color de la hegemonía sindical en el campo catalán que, gracias a instituciones como el IACSI, la Mancomunidad de Cataluña y las federaciones católicas, se había mantenido en buena medida de signo conservador a lo largo de las tres primeras décadas del siglo. La Unió de Rabassaires llegó a ser la principal fuerza sindical rural catalana durante la segunda mitad de los años treinta, especialmente durante la guerra civil.

La protection des actionnaires à l’occasion de l’augmentation de capital des sociétés anonymes : étude comparée des droits français et irakien en vue d’une amélioration du droit irakien / The protect shareholders during the capital increase of the joint stock companys : comparative study French and Iraqi law in order to improve Iraqi law

Muhi, Husam Abdulateef 20 October 2016 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur la protection des actionnaires à l’occasion de l’augmentation de capital des sociétés anonymes - étude comparée des droits français et irakien en vue d’une amélioration du droit irakien. Elle se focalise sur les risques pouvant toucher les droits pécuniaires, les droits politiques et les droits patrimoniaux des actionnaires et sur leurs traitements. Nous remarquons que la protection en droit français paraît plus avantageuse pour les actionnaires qu’en droit irakien. Nous démontrons que, même si cette protection des actionnaires dans le droit irakien comprend des points forts, elle n’est pas suffisante afin de garantir leur égalité de traitement. Cette protection peut être améliorée par le législateur irakien en s’inspirant des propositions auxquelles nous arrivons dans la conclusion générale de notre recherche. / Our study focuses on the protect shareholders during the capital increase of the joint stock companys - comparative study French and Iraqi law in order to improve Iraqi law. It focuses on the risks that may affect financial rights, political rights and the property rights of shareholders and their treatments. We note that the protect under French law seems more beneficial to shareholders that Iraqi law. We demonstrate that, although the protect of shareholders in Iraqi law includes strengths, it is not sufficient to guarantee their equal treatment. This protect can be improved by the Iraqi legislature on the basis of proposals which we reach the general conclusion of our research.

Framgångsfaktorer för att motivera personal i konsultföretag

Nordmark, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Att undersöka vilka framgångsfaktorer som företagsledningar i konsultföretag använder för att få sin personal motiverade.</p><p><strong> </strong><strong>Metod</strong>: Jag har valt en kvalitativ metod med ett induktivt synsätt. Min intervjuform är semistrukturerad med öppna frågor.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Resultat och slutsats</strong>: Ledningen i företagen som ingick i studien har använt sig av en ekonomisk motivationsfaktor i kombination med flera icke ekonomiska motivationsfaktorer för att motivera personalen. Denna kombination av motivationsfaktorer kan ses som framgångsfaktorer i företagen.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Förslag till fortsatt forskning</strong>: Samma typ av studie men istället en undersökning av en annan bransch, en annan storlek på företagen, eller ett annat geografiskt område t.ex. i en större stad. Ett annat förslag är att intervjua personalen istället för den personanalansvarige. Att mäta motivationen, före och efter, vissa motivationshöjande åtgärder.</p><p><strong>Uppsatsens bidrag</strong>: Uppsatsen har bidragit till att bättre förstå vad som motiverar personal i konsultföretag.</p> / <p><strong>Aim</strong>: To investigate what kind of success factors management in consulting companys uses to get a motivated personnel.</p><p><strong>Method</strong>: I have chosen a qualitative method with a inductive position. My interviews are done semistructured with open questions.</p><p><strong>Result and conclusion</strong>: The management in the companys who was part of the study has used a economic factor of motivation combined with several non-economic factors of motivation to get their personnel motivated. This combination of factors of motivation are success factors in the companys.</p><p><strong>Suggestions for future research</strong>: The same kind of study, but instead a investigation<strong> </strong>of a another  industry, another size of the companys or a another geography area, for example a bigger town. Another proposal is to interview the personnel instead of the personnel management. To measure motivation, before and after, certain measures that increases motivation.</p><p><strong>Contributions of the thesis</strong>: The essay has contributed to better understand what motivates the personnel in consulting companys.</p>

Framgångsfaktorer för att motivera personal i konsultföretag

Nordmark, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka vilka framgångsfaktorer som företagsledningar i konsultföretag använder för att få sin personal motiverade.  Metod: Jag har valt en kvalitativ metod med ett induktivt synsätt. Min intervjuform är semistrukturerad med öppna frågor.  Resultat och slutsats: Ledningen i företagen som ingick i studien har använt sig av en ekonomisk motivationsfaktor i kombination med flera icke ekonomiska motivationsfaktorer för att motivera personalen. Denna kombination av motivationsfaktorer kan ses som framgångsfaktorer i företagen.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Samma typ av studie men istället en undersökning av en annan bransch, en annan storlek på företagen, eller ett annat geografiskt område t.ex. i en större stad. Ett annat förslag är att intervjua personalen istället för den personanalansvarige. Att mäta motivationen, före och efter, vissa motivationshöjande åtgärder. Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen har bidragit till att bättre förstå vad som motiverar personal i konsultföretag. / Aim: To investigate what kind of success factors management in consulting companys uses to get a motivated personnel. Method: I have chosen a qualitative method with a inductive position. My interviews are done semistructured with open questions. Result and conclusion: The management in the companys who was part of the study has used a economic factor of motivation combined with several non-economic factors of motivation to get their personnel motivated. This combination of factors of motivation are success factors in the companys. Suggestions for future research: The same kind of study, but instead a investigation of a another  industry, another size of the companys or a another geography area, for example a bigger town. Another proposal is to interview the personnel instead of the personnel management. To measure motivation, before and after, certain measures that increases motivation. Contributions of the thesis: The essay has contributed to better understand what motivates the personnel in consulting companys.


陳嘉桓, Chen, Chia-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本文首先針對國內金融機構跨業經營進行分析,其次以國內金融機構間的合併案為樣本,探討合併溢價之情形及影響合併溢價之因素。同時選取主併者及被併者的財務變數、市場變數及公司治理變數,來探討其對合併溢價之影響。   實證結果發現ROA高的主併者,愈會付出較高的溢價來進行收購;而ROA高的被併者,也會得到較高的溢價。另風險性高的主併者在進行購併時,所願意付出的合併溢價則較低。同時本文亦發現,對於業務相關性高的金融機構,主併者願意付出較高的價格來進行合併。   此外市場的環境,對於合併價格的決定亦有很大的影響,本文發現被併者的市場集中度與合併溢價成正向關係。而公司治理變數則顯示,被併者的董監事及經理人持股比率與合併溢價呈負向關係。至於不同型態之金融機構,合併溢價是否有顯著差異,實證結果則無此發現。

Ekspedicinės ir kelių transporto įmonės veiklos efektyvumo lyginamasis tyrimas / Comparative research on efficiency of road freight forwarding and transport company

Česnulevič, Jelena 26 June 2009 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti ekspedicinių ir transporto įmonių veiklos efektyvumo lyginamąjį tyrimą. Tyrimui turi įtakos esama situacija transporto sektoriuje, todėl darbe įvertinamos kelių transporto sektoriaus plėtros perspektyvos bei analizuojamos krovinių vežimo apimtys per pastaruosius 5 metus. Darbe remiamasi apklausoje dalyvavusių respondentų atsakymais apie jų įmonių veiklos efektyvumą. Atlikus tyrimą buvo nustatyta, kad ekspedicinė veikla (dabartinėmis sąlygomis) yra efektyvesnė, nei vežimo. Tam turėjo įtakos tai, kad 2008 metai buvo nuostolingi vežėjams, nes didėjo degalų kainos bei mažėjo krovinių vežimo apimtys. Remiantis respondentų atsakymais, galima teigti, kad transporto veikla tampa mažiau pelninga, nes beveik pusė jų, jeigu tektų rinktis iš naujo, kuo užsiimti, pasirinktų kitą veiklą. Kita dalis respondentų nurodė, kad užsiimtų ekspedijavimu. O tai reiškia, kad ekspeditorių padėtis yra lengvesnė nei vežėjų. Tik maža dalis apklaustųjų pasirinktų vežimo veiklą. Darbą sudaro 5 dalys: įvadas, analitinė-metodinė dalis, eksperimentinė-tiriamoji dalis, išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 81 p. teksto be priedų, 13 iliustracijų, 3 lentelės, 52 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. / The aim of this work - to perform comparative analysis of forwarding and transportation companies activity efficiency. The present situation in the transport sector has influence upon the analysis, therefore in the work, the perspectives of road transport sector expansion are evaluated, also cargo transportation volumes during the latter 5 years are analyzed. The work is based on the answers of the respondents, who participated in the survey - about the efficiency of their companies' activity. When the analysis was made, it was established, that the forwarding activity (in the present circumstances) is more effective than the transportation activity. Also this fact, that the year 2008 was loss-making to the carriers, because the fuel prices increased and the volumes of cargo transportation decreased, had influence on the research results. On the grounds of respondent answers, it can be stated, that transportation activity becomes less profitable, because nearly half of the respondents, if they had a possibility to choose newly what activity to take, would choose the other activity. Other part of the respondents has indicated that they would use forwarding. And this means, that the condition of forwarders is easier than the carriers' condition. Only the little part of the respondents would choose the carrier activity. The work is made from 5 parts: introduction, analytical-methodical part, experimental-investigative part, conclusions and suggestions, list of literature. The... [to full text]

Management v zaharničních firmách v dobách krize- manažeři-versus vlastníci / Manager vs. Owner – analysis of success in companys control

Kopalová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The aim of theoretical part is to explore the relationship, which forms when owners hire managers to lead their company. It describes possibilities how can owners control their manner and influence it into own profit. The practical part of this thesis analyse if companies controlled by owners themselves are more successful than those leaded by managers. The analysis was carried out on five companies from the electro installation field

La representación del enemigo en el Derecho penal del primer franquismo (1938-1944)

Tébar Rubio-Manzanares, Ignacio 12 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Hodnocení finanční situace společnosti a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation of a Company and Proposals for its Improvement

Hutařová, Dominika January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the financial situation of the company A.W. spol. s r.o. and with the help of the tools of the financial analysis and under its results propose appropriate measures which will lead to the improvement of the financial situation and to the increase the competitiveness of this company.

O instituto da incorporação de ações / Stock for stock exchange transactions

Ponczek, Daniel Kalansky 06 April 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objeto o estudo do instituto da incorporação de ações. Para tanto, será analisado, (i) no primeiro capítulo, o regime legal vigente e sua natureza jurídica, apresentando-se as diferenças em relação à operação de incorporação de sociedade, fazendo inclusive um contraste com o direito norte-americano; (ii) no segundo capítulo, a proteção dos acionistas minoritários em operações de incorporação de controlada e eventual impedimento de voto do acionista controlador, analisando-se os recentes pareceres de orientação emitidos pela CVM; (iii) no terceiro capítulo, o estudo do instituto do tag along e do fechamento de capital e necessidade de realização de oferta pública em operações de incorporação de ações que impliquem transferência de controle ou cancelamento de registro de companhia aberta, à luz das últimas operações realizadas no mercado; (iv) no quarto capítulo, a discussão dos principais precedentes nos quais a CVM decidiu impor restrições ou impedir a realização de operações de incorporação de ações por entender ter havido um tratamento não equitativo entre os acionistas minoritários e controladores, com o objetivo de demonstrar a alteração do comportamento do órgão regulador no decorrer dos anos / The present work aims the study of the stock-for-stock exchange transactions (incorporação de ações). For this purpose, it will be examined (i) in the first part, the current legal regime and legal nature, contemplating differences with the statutory merger (incorporação de sociedade), including a comparison with the US law, (ii) in the second part, the protection of minority shareholders in the context of parent-subsidiary mergers and possible exclusion from voting of the controlling shareholder, taking into account the recent opinions issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), (iii) in the third part, the study of the tag along rights and the regulation for delisting companies and the need to conduct a tender offer in stock-for-stock exchange transactions involving transfer of control or delisting of a publicly-held company in light of recent transactions, and (iv) in the fourth part, the discussion of the key precedents on which CVM has decided to impose restrictions or prevent the conduct of stock-for-stock transaction under the understanding that there was inequitable treatment of minority shareholders and controlling shareholders, in order to demonstrate the change of the CVMs understanding over the years.

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