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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Otimiza??o do tempo e temperatura no processamento da gipsita oriunda dos cristalizadores da produ??o de sal para obter gesso de uso na constru??o civil / Optimization of time and temperature in the processing of the gypsum from of the crystallizers of the salt production for use plaster in civil construction

Gomes, Mayara Feliciano 15 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MayaraFG_DISSERT.pdf: 1956049 bytes, checksum: 6e1a5358b16d10d94d4b543ba5a32296 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / During the process of the salt production, the first the salt crystals formed are disposed of as industrial waste. This waste is formed basically by gypsum, composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O), known as carago cru or malacacheta . After be submitted the process of calcination to produce gypsum (CaSO4.0,5H2O), can be made possible its application in cement industry. This work aims to optimize the time and temperature for the process of calcination of the gypsum (carago) for get beta plaster according to the specifications of the norms of civil construction. The experiments involved the chemical and mineralogical characterization of the gypsum (carago) from the crystallizers, and of the plaster that is produced in the salt industry located in Mossor?, through the following techniques: x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence (FRX), thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with EDS. For optimization of time and temperature of the process of calcination was used the planning three factorial with levels with response surfaces of compressive mechanical tests and setting time, according norms NBR-13207: Plasters for civil construction and x-ray diffraction of plasters (carago) beta obtained in calcination. The STATISTICA software 7.0 was used for the calculations to relate the experimental data for a statistical model. The process for optimization of calcination of gypsum (carago) occurred in the temperature range from 120? C to 160? C and the time in the range of 90 to 210 minutes in the oven at atmospheric pressure, it was found that with the increase of values of temperature of 160? C and time calcination of 210 minutes to get the results of tests of resistance to compression with values above 10 MPa which conform to the standard required (> 8.40) and that the X-ray diffractograms the predominance of the phase of hemidrato beta, getting a beta plaster of good quality and which is in accordance with the norms in force, giving a by-product of the salt industry employability in civil construction / Durante o processo de produ??o do sal, os primeiros cristais formados s?o descartados como res?duo industrial. Esse res?duo ? constitu?do basicamente por gipsita, composto de sulfato de c?lcio di-hidratado (CaSO4.2H2O), conhecido como carago cru ou malacacheta . Ap?s ser submetida a processo de calcina??o para obten??o do gesso (CaSO4.0,5H2O) , pode ser viabilizada a sua aplica??o na ind?stria cimenteira. Este trabalho tem como objetivo otimizar o tempo e a temperatura para o processo de calcina??o da gipsita (carago) para obten??o do gesso beta de acordo com as especifica??es da norma da constru??o civil. Os experimentos envolveram a caracteriza??o qu?mica e mineral?gica da gipsita (carago) oriunda dos cristalizadores, e do gesso que ? produzido na ind?stria salineira localizada em Mossor?, atrav?s das seguintes t?cnicas: difra??o de raios-X (DRX), fluoresc?ncia de raios X (FRX), an?lise Termogravim?trica (TG/DTG) e a microscopia eletr?nica de varredura (MEV) com EDS. Para otimiza??o do tempo e temperatura do processo de calcina??o foi utilizado o planejamento fatorial de tr?s n?veis com superf?cies de respostas dos ensaios mec?nicos de resist?ncia ? compress?o e tempo de pega conforme a norma NBR-13207: Gessos para Constru??o civil e a difra??o de raios-X dos gessos (carago) beta obtidos na calcina??o. O software STATISTICA 7.0 foi usado para os c?lculos para relacionar os dados experimentais para um modelo estat?stico. O processo para otimiza??o da calcina??o da gipsita (carago) ocorreram na faixa de temperatura de 120?C a 160?C e o tempo na faixa de 90 a 210 minutos no forno a press?o atmosf?rica, verificou-se que com o aumento dos valores da temperatura de 160?C e no tempo de calcina??o para 210 minutos obtemos resultados dos ensaios de resist?ncia a compress?o com valores acima de 10 MPa que est?o de acordo com o requerido pela norma (>8,40) e que nos difratogramas de raios- X temos a predomin?ncia da fase do hemidrato beta, obtendo um gesso beta de boa qualidade e que est? de acordo com as normas vigentes, dando a um subproduto da ind?stria salineira a empregabilidade na constru??o civil

Aplica??es das atividades estruturadas de Skemp para a constru??o do conhecimento matem?tico

Cavalcante, Candice Alves de Souza 30 April 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:04:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CandiceASC.pdf: 769255 bytes, checksum: 01e1808b4b2c0797f92207e6e65d2f24 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-04-30 / The present study constitutes a discussion about the application of Structured Activities to the construction of the mathematical knowledge, proposed by Richard Skemp. The discussion is based on the research that the author carried out in a public school of the state education chain buy using procedures of the research-action. It investigates the possibility of adoption of the proposal of Skemp in a new reality. It utilizes explanations from several theorists to understand the necessity and, at the same time, to enhance the efficiency of the referred activities in first grades of elementary school when students have their first mathematics teachings. It emphasizes the important rule of the teacher, as mediator to the mental constructions of the child. It presents considerations about the results achieved by the research, noticing the possibility of adoption of the studied proposal even though it is necessary an adjustment of the procedures to appropriate didactic-pedagogic requirements to the educational reality in which this project was done / O presente estudo constitui uma discuss?o em torno da aplica??o das Atividades Estruturadas para a constru??o do conhecimento matem?tico, propostas por Richard Skemp. A discuss?o ? baseada na pesquisa que a autora realizou em uma escola publica da rede estadual de ensino utilizando procedimentos da pesquisa-a??o. Investiga a possibilidade de ado??o da proposta de Skemp em uma nova realidade. Utiliza explica??es de v?rios te?ricos para compreender a necessidade e ao mesmo tempo real?ar a efic?cia das referidas atividades nas s?ries iniciais do ensino de matem?tica. Enfatiza o imprescind?vel papel do professor, como mediador das constru??es mentais da crian?a. Apresenta considera??es sobre os resultados obtidos com a pesquisa reconhecendo a possibilidade de ado??o da proposta estudada embora com reajustes de procedimentos para adequar as exig?ncias did?tico-pedag?gicas ? realidade educativa na qual este trabalho foi realizado

O silenciamento no texto jornal?stico e a constru??o social da realidade

Hora, Carmem Daniela Sp?nola da 06 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarmemDSH.pdf: 586657 bytes, checksum: 2b3c0adb78ff513412c87eecb6131475 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-06 / This research analyses the silencehood use by the A Rep?blica journal (Natal/RN), today not being distributed, during the Second World War. Its objective is to unveil the production condition of the news texts, and it was observed that the use of silencehood as a speech strategy with its implications that falls upon the way of behaving and thinking of the society, all that time, influencing the reader in the construction of his image of the reality. During the coverage of the conflict by the local journal it was possible to also observe different speech marks that represented the change in attitude of the Brazilian Government, responsible for the control of what was spread as news. The country lived the dictatorship of the New State and as the war went on the government changed its speech, according to political, social and economical interest s thoughts being played, silencing themes in the name of the national security. We admit as research material journalistic texts that refer to the main facts that occurred during the six years of the world conflict and that is why we used as theoric-metodological support the Speech Analysis / Este trabalho analisa a utiliza??o do silenciamento pelo jornal A Rep?blica (Natal/RN), hoje sem circula??o, durante a cobertura da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Objetivando desvendar as condi??es de produ??o dos textos noticiosos, observou-se o uso do silenciamento como estrat?gia discursiva, cujas implica??es reca?am sobre o modo de agir e pensar da sociedade, ? ?poca, influenciando o leitor na constru??o de sua imagem da realidade. Durante a cobertura do conflito pelo jornal natalense, foi poss?vel observar, ainda, marcas discursivas distintas que representavam a mudan?a de atitude do Governo Brasileiro, respons?vel pelo controle do que era noticiado. O pa?s vivia a ditadura do Estado Novo e, face ao desenrolar da guerra, o governo mudava seu discurso, atendendo aos seus interesses pol?ticos, econ?micos e sociais em jogo, silenciando temas em nome da unidade e seguran?a nacional. Admitimos como material de an?lise textos jornal?sticos referentes aos principais fatos ocorridos durante os seis anos em que se deu o conflito mundial e, para tanto, utilizamos como suporte te?rico-metodol?gico a An?lise do Discurso

Processos cognitivos que operam na constru??o da refer?ncia: uma an?lise das produ??es textuais elaboradas na EaD - UFRN

Diniz, Emanuelle Pereira de Lima 16 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EmanuellePLD_DISSERT.pdf: 3484229 bytes, checksum: 75e89ccc4ee9d22171dc5c5bba2d5910 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-16 / Beneath the theoretical assumptions of Cognitive Linguistics contemporary, we analyze the cognitive processes underlying the construction of the reference in the text. To do so, we choose as corpus the written textual productions of undergraduates at the Department of Distance Education/UFRN provided in sections of responses of presential evaluation activities and activities in the Moodle virtual ambience. These activities and texts were produced in the discipline of Reading, Interpretation and Textual Production taught in the courses of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Geography we monitor during the period of 2008.1 to 2010.1. Through the analysis of discursive productions, it was evident that the construction of the reference is made by means of the activation and manipulation of information acquired through our perceptual and social experiences. Thus, we confirm the cognitive assumption that the linguistic clues available in the texts of the activities serve as guides towards cognitive domains that activate the process of building reference / Sob os pressupostos te?ricos da Lingu?stica Cognitiva contempor?nea, analisamos os processos cognitivos subjacentes ? constru??o da refer?ncia no texto. Para tanto, escolhemos como corpus as produ??es textuais escritas de graduandos da Secretaria de Educa??o a Dist?ncia/UFRN dispostas nas se??es de respostas das atividades avaliativas presenciais e em atividades desenvolvidas no ambiente virtual moodle. Essas atividades e textos foram produzidos na disciplina de Leitura, Interpreta??o e Produ??o Textual, ministrada nos cursos de Qu?mica, F?sica, Matem?tica, Biologia e Geografia, que monitoramos durante o per?odo de 2008.1 a 2010.1. Atrav?s da an?lise das produ??es discursivas, ficou evidente que a constru??o da refer?ncia se d? por meio da ativa??o e manipula??o de informa??es adquiridas atrav?s de nossas viv?ncias perceptuais e sociais. Desse modo, ratificamos o pressuposto cognitivista de que as pistas lingu?sticas dispon?veis nos textos das atividades funcionam como guias de sentido que ativam dom?nios cognitivos no processo da constru??o da refer?ncia

A constru??o de modelos situacionais no padr?o discursivo narrativa em quadrinhos

Sousa, Ada Lima Ferreira de 06 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AdaLFS_DISSERT.pdf: 1645660 bytes, checksum: 5de9358a92b2399b650ad69fa7a9b8af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-06 / The object of this study is the construction of situation models in the discourse pattern comic book narrative, and sits in the field of Cognitive Linguistics. Its main foundations are the notions of embodied mind (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 1999), mental simulation (BARSALOU, 1999), discourse pattern (DUQUE; COSTA, 2012) and situation models (ZWAAN, 1999). I stem from the hypothesis that the process of meaning construction in narratives is attached to the simulation of space, of time and of the characters goals and actions within the story world, dimensions which make up the situation models elaborated by the reader. The simulation of these experiences during discourse processing originates from the fact of it having an embodied and cultural basis, i.e., upon being confronted with the clues found in the narrative, the cognitive structures that make up the reader s personal and social memories are triggered and make it possible to activate information which in turn refer to his/her physical and social experiences, built up in the environment in which he/she lives. As regards comic book narratives, the construction of situation models is closely related to the recurring activation of certain cognitive structures originating from graphic resources that are typical of that discourse pattern. These conclusions were drawn from the data analysis taken from the work Palestina (SACCO, 2003; 2004; 2011) / Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a constru??o dos modelos situacionais no padr?o discursivo narrativa em quadrinhos e insere-se no campo da Lingu?stica Cognitiva, tomando por base, principalmente, as no??es de mente corporificada (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 1999), simula??o mental (BARSALOU, 1999), padr?o discursivo (DUQUE; COSTA, 2012) e modelos situacionais (ZWAAN, 1999). Parto da hip?tese de que o processo de constru??o de sentidos para as narrativas est? atrelado ? simula??o do espa?o, do tempo, dos objetivos e das a??es dos personagens do mundo da hist?ria, dimens?es essas que constituem os modelos situacionais elaborados pelo leitor. A simula??o dessas experi?ncias durante o processamento discursivo adv?m do fato de este ter base corporificada e cultural, ou seja, diante das pistas apresentadas na narrativa, as estruturas cognitivas que comp?em as mem?rias pessoal e social do leitor s?o ativadas e permitem o acionamento de informa??es que remetem ?s suas experi?ncias f?sicas e sociais, constru?das no ambiente em que ele vive. No tocante ?s narrativas em quadrinhos, a constru??o de modelos situacionais est? intimamente ligada ? ativa??o recorrente de certas estruturas cognitivas a partir de recursos gr?ficos t?picos daquele padr?o discursivo. Essas conclus?es foram obtidas a partir da an?lise de dados retirados da obra Palestina (SACCO, 2003; 2004; 2011)

Acionamento de frames e esquemas no processo de constru??o de sentidos no padr?o discursivo charge por alunos do ensino m?dio

Oliveira, Arethusa Andr?a Fernandes de 17 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:07:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ArethusaAFO_DISSERT.pdf: 1119181 bytes, checksum: 1cdbd9836d1ad553b76d4ba0d1d5c94d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-17 / Our research has as goal to describe and analyze the main processes related to the activation of conceptual domains underlying the comprehension in the discourse pattern cartoons by the students of third grades of high school, at Professor Antonio Bas?lio Filho School. Theoretically, we are grounded on assumptions of Conceptual Linguistics, whose interest analyzes our cognitive apparatus in correlation with our socio-cultural and bodies experiences. We intend to check how is the process of meaning construction and integration of various cognitive domains that are activated during the reading activity. That s why, we take the concept of cognitive domains as equivalent to the structures that are stored in our memory from our sociocultural and corporeal experiences and they are stabilized, respectively, through the frames and schemas. The activation of these conceptual domains, as evidenced by our data, supports the assumption that previous knowledge from our inclusion in specific sociocultural contexts, concurrently with the functioning of our sensory-motor system are essential during the construction activity direction. With this research, we still intend to present a proposal confront the expectations of responses produced by students from the activation of frames and schemas with our predictions / Nossa pesquisa tem por meta principal descrever e analisar os processos relacionados ao acionamento de dom?nios conceptuais subjacentes ? compreens?o do Padr?o Discursivo charge por parte dos alunos da terceira s?rie do Ensino M?dio, na Escola Estadual Professor Ant?nio Bas?lio Filho, em Parnamirim. Teoricamente, estamos ancorados nos pressupostos da Lingu?stica Cognitiva, cujo interesse est? em analisar nosso aparato cognitivo em correla??o com as nossas experi?ncias socioculturais e corp?reas. Pretendemos verificar como ocorre o processo de constru??o de sentidos e a integra??o dos diversos dom?nios cognitivos que s?o acionados durante a atividade de leitura. Para isso, tomamos o conceito de dom?nios cognitivos como equivalente ?s estruturas que s?o armazenadas em nossa mem?ria a partir de nossas experi?ncias socioculturais e corp?reas e s?o estabilizam, respectivamente, a partir dos frames e esquemas. O acionamento desses dom?nios conceptuais, evidenciado nos dados sob an?lise, corrobora o pressuposto de que os conhecimentos pr?vios oriundos de nossa inser??o em contextos socioculturais espec?ficos, concomitantemente com o funcionamento de nosso sistema sens?rio-motor, s?o determinantes durante a atividade de constru??o de sentido. Com esta pesquisa, intentamos ainda confrontar as expectativas de respostas produzidas pelos alunos, a partir do acionamento dos frames e esquemas, com as nossas predi??es

Contando o passado, tecendo a saudade: a constru??o simb?lica do engenho a?ucareiro em Jose Lins do Rego (1919-1943)

Freire, Diego Jos? Fernandes 24 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:25:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DiegoJFF_DISSERT.pdf: 2673052 bytes, checksum: e334c1dadbab768881c02bd2e0fcbdde (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In this work I have searched the symbolical sense of a specific place. I have started from the theoretical assumption that places are social relations resulting from material and symbolical conditions developed in a certain time and by certain factors. In this sense, I have analyzed the symbolical aspect of sugar plantation from some literary works created by the writer Jos? Lins do Rego from the state of Para?ba. I intend to analyze the symbolical dimension senses, values and images used by this writer to show the sugar plantation. Giving special attention to the works from the named cycle of sugar plantation , I have searched for the senses and meanings used in Jos? Lins do Rego literary discourse to create a fictional sugar plantation, showing this place in a specific way. Based in cultural history, I have used several sources: literary works, prefaces of books, memory works, journalistic works, letters written by intellectual men and history books. My time of analysis is from 1919 the beginning of Jos? Lins do Rego s intellectual activity - until 1943 publication of Fogo Morto, last literary work that I have analyzed. In symbolical terms, what is sugar plantation, this place that has totally touched Jos? Lins do Regos life and literary work? That was the structural question that has determined the present research / Investigamos neste trabalho a constru??o simb?lica de uma determinada espacialidade. Partimos do pressuposto te?rico que os mais diferentes espa?os s?o constru??es sociais, fruto de investimentos materiais e simb?licos, realizados em dados momentos e por determinados fatores. Nesse sentido, examinamos a fabrica??o simb?lica do engenho a?ucareiro a partir de algumas produ??es liter?rias do romancista paraibano Jos? Lins do Rego. Almejamos inquirir acerca da dimens?o simb?lica significados, valores e imagens mobilizada por esse literato para constituir a propriedade canavieira. Concedendo uma aten??o especial ?s obras do chamado ciclo da cana de a??car , questionamos-nos sobre os sentidos e significados agenciados pelo discurso liter?rio de Jos? Lins para ficcionar o engenho, forjando essa espacialidade de uma dada maneira. Situando-nos no campo da hist?ria cultural, trabalhamos com uma variedade de fontes: romances liter?rios, pref?cios de livros, escritos memorial?sticos e jornal?sticos, cartas trocadas entres intelectuais e livros de hist?ria. Nosso recorte temporal vai de 1919 in?cio da atividade intelectual de Jos? Lins - a 1943 publica??o de Fogo Morto, ?ltimo romance por n?s analisado. Em termos simb?licos, o que seria o engenho, essa espacialidade que marcou soberanamente a vida e a obra liter?ria de Jos? Lins do Rego? Foi o questionamento estrutural que moveu a corrente pesquisa

Mutir?o x Organicidade: reflex?es sobre os processos de constru??o coletiva dos habitats dos assentamentos rurais coordenados pelo MST no RN

Medeiros, Cec?lia Marilaine R?go de 26 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-25T22:45:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CeciliaMarilaineRegoDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 59215685 bytes, checksum: 693afb4c96c19137488850590070ddd4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-16T20:57:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CeciliaMarilaineRegoDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 59215685 bytes, checksum: 693afb4c96c19137488850590070ddd4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-16T20:57:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CeciliaMarilaineRegoDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 59215685 bytes, checksum: 693afb4c96c19137488850590070ddd4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-26 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Esta disserta??o trata da rela??o entre os processos de constru??o coletiva dos habitats dos assentamentos rurais coordenados pelo MST e a sua organicidade, tendo como refer?ncias quatro experi?ncias assessoradas pelo GERAH/UFRN no RN, durante o per?odo de 2003 a 2012. Visa contribuir para a compreens?o da import?ncia desses mutir?es para a organicidade nos assentamentos, com a efetiva participa??o das suas bases na condu??o das lutas e conquistas. A partir da?, avaliam-se as possibilidades da utiliza??o deste tipo de procedimento por um movimento cujos objetivos n?o est?o limitados ? conquista de moradias dignas, sen?o que extrapolam com demandas ligadas ? quest?o hist?rica da Reforma Agr?ria. Ao mesmo tempo em que os assentamentos coordenados pelo MST mudam seu sistema de organiza??o de N?cleos de Base para Associa??es, o Movimento no RN tem seus quadros de milit?ncia e dire??o desestruturados, dificultando o acompanhamento desses processos coletivos. Buscando abarcar esse cen?rio, o referencial te?rico-metodol?gico baseia-se na pesquisa participante e nos fundamentos da sociologia da cotidianidade de Henri Lefebvre e a sua perspectiva dial?tica. Com estrat?gia de reflex?o fundamentada no m?todo regressivo-progressivo, analisam-se dois assentamentos organizados originalmente em N?cleos de Base e atualmente em associa??es, cujas habita??es est?o sendo constru?das com recursos do INCRA e da CEF desde 2008. As demais experi?ncias analisadas foram em dois outros assentamentos, que tiveram suas habita??es constru?das entre 2004 e 2005 apenas com recursos do INCRA. Nesse contexto, a pesquisa investiga se o processo de constru??o coletiva dos habitats dos assentamentos rurais coordenados pelo MST contribui com a organicidade do grupo benefici?rio e de que forma isso ocorre. / This master thesis deals with the interrelation among the processes of collective construction of habitats of rural settlements coordinated by the MST (the Landless Rural Workers' Movement in Brazil) and its organicity, based on the leading references of four experiments advised by the research group GERAH, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, during the period 2003 to 2012. This theme has a purpose to contribute to the understanding of the importance of these community efforts for the organicity in the rural settlements, by the effective involvement of their leaders in the conduction of the struggles and achievements. From there, the research looks for to evaluate the possibilities of uses of this type of procedure by a movement whose goals are not limited to the achievement of worthy homes, but to extrapolate with demands related to the historical question of Land Reform. While the settlements coordinated by MST change their system of organization Nucleus of Basis for Associations, the Movement in the state of Rio Grande do Norte undergoes changes with the disruption of his staff of militancy and direction, facing difficulties in monitoring these collective processes. To cover this scenario, the theoretical and methodological framework is based on participatory research and the foundations of the sociology of everyday life of Henri Lefebvre and his dialectical perspective. With a strategy of reflection based on regressiveprogressive method, we analyze two settlements originally organized in Nucleus of Basis that became in associations, whose homes are being built with funds from INCRA (the National Agency of Land Reform) and CEF (a federal brazilian bank) since 2008. The other practices of collective construction experienced by Movement happened in two other settlements, organized from Nucleus of Basis, who had their homes built between 2004 and 2005 with funds from INCRA. In this context, this research investigates if the process of collective construction of habitats in rural settlements coordinated by MST contributes to the organic nature of the target group and how this occurs.

A constru??o transitiva no PB: uma abordagem funcional centrada no uso

Lucena, Nedja Lima de 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-27T12:15:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 NedjaLimaDeLucena_TESE.pdf: 1537130 bytes, checksum: 67a22e598c3146bce124f3c1641f79a9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-27T15:26:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 NedjaLimaDeLucena_TESE.pdf: 1537130 bytes, checksum: 67a22e598c3146bce124f3c1641f79a9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-27T15:26:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NedjaLimaDeLucena_TESE.pdf: 1537130 bytes, checksum: 67a22e598c3146bce124f3c1641f79a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Esta tese examina um tipo de constru??o pertencente ? subclasse das constru??es de estrutura argumental: a constru??o transitiva. O trabalho assume que a constru??o transitiva - pareamento entre forma e significado - ? uma constru??o do portugu?s, de maneira que h? aspectos sint?ticos-sem?nticos dessa constru??o que n?o podem ser atribu?dos a outra. Desse modo, s?o examinadas as instancia??es da constru??o transitiva, compostas por ora??es simples formadas sintaticamente por Sujeito - Verbo - Objeto, oriundas das modalidades de fala e de escrita, e coletadas de corpora diversos. A pesquisa ? orientada pelo quadro te?rico da Lingu?stica Funcional Centrada no Uso, que abriga a concep??o de que as l?nguas s?o moldadas pela complexa intera??o de princ?pios cognitivos e funcionais que desempenham um papel basilar na manifesta??o dos fen?menos lingu?sticos. Sendo assim, a tese ancora-se fundamentalmente no modelo da gram?tica de constru??o e no modelo dos prot?tipos para explicar a configura??o da constru??o transitiva. ? luz desse quadro, este trabalho parte do princ?pio de que a manifesta??o discursiva das diferentes instancia??es da constru??o est? diretamente ligada ? conceptualiza??o da experi?ncia humana, isto ?, ao modo como os seres humanos apreendem o mundo e falam sobre ele. Parte-se da hip?tese de que distintos tipos sem?nticos de verbos e seus pap?is participantes interagem com a constru??o transitiva, de maneira que essa intera??o pode motivar a emerg?ncia de novos sentidos atribu?dos ?s instancia??es. Por sua vez, essas instancia??es est?o ligadas entre si por meio de elos de polissemia, o que pode justificar uma organiza??o hier?rquica da constru??o transitiva em subesquemas e microconstru??es. Al?m disso, processos cognitivos de dom?nio geral s?o subjacentes ? manifesta??o discursiva da constru??o em tela e, por isso, s?o examinados na pesquisa. O trabalho conclui que a constru??o transitiva ? altamente esquem?tica e produtiva, tanto em termos de types quanto de tokens, o que justifica o alto n?mero de verbos licenciados por essa constru??o, bem como atesta que a aproxima??o e/ou afastamento entre as instancia??es s?o motivados preponderantemente por propriedades sem?nticas. A proposta de investigar como a constru??o transitiva se manifesta no uso interativo da l?ngua tem por finalidade contribuir para a descri??o das constru??es do portugu?s. / This thesis examines a type of construction belonging to the argument structure construction subclass: the transitive construction. The work assumes that in the transitive construction, form and meaning pairings, there are syntactic-semantic aspects of such construction that cannot be attributed to the other. This way, the instances of the transitive construction are examined, composed by simple clauses formed syntactically of Subject ? Verb ? Object, arising from speaking and writing modalities, and collected from varied corpora. The research is oriented by the theoretical board of usage-based linguistics which holds the conception that the languages are shaped by the complex interaction of cognitive and functional principles. These develop a basal role in the manifestation of linguistic phenomenon. Thus, the thesis anchors itself fundamentally in the construction grammar model and prototypes model to explain the configuration of the transitive construction. At the light of this board, this work starts from the principle that the discourse manifestation of different instances of construction is directly connected to the conceptualization of the human experience, that is, to the way human beings apprehend the world and speak about it. It is assumed that distinct semantic types of verbs and their participant roles interact with the transitive construction, in a way that such interaction may motivate the emerging of new connotations attributed to the instances. In turn, these instances are linked amongst themselves through polysemy links, which may justify a hierarchic organization of the transitive construction in subschemas and microconstructions. Moreover, domain-general processes are subjacent to the discourse manifestations of the construction in screen and, therefore, are examined in the research. The work has concluded that the transitive construction is highly schematic and productive, as much in terms of types as in tokens, which justifies the high number of verbs licensed by this construction, as well as it attests the proximity and/or distancing amongst the instances are especially motivated by semantic properties. The proposition of investigating how the transitive construction manifests itself in the interactive use of language has by finality to contribute to the description of constructions of Portuguese language.

Perfil do tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios: estudo sobre a concatena??o entre compet?ncias na forma??o e no exerc?cio profissional

Dantas, Etienne Andrade de Medeiros 26 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-17T18:33:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EtienneAndradeDeMedeirosDantas_TESE.pdf: 2817576 bytes, checksum: 7bf94f009e046d5a0802babde9a93ef3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-17T19:55:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 EtienneAndradeDeMedeirosDantas_TESE.pdf: 2817576 bytes, checksum: 7bf94f009e046d5a0802babde9a93ef3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-17T19:55:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EtienneAndradeDeMedeirosDantas_TESE.pdf: 2817576 bytes, checksum: 7bf94f009e046d5a0802babde9a93ef3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-26 / A presente tese de doutorado teve por objetivo geral investigar as compet?ncias na forma??o e pr?tica profissional do tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios. Nesse contexto, a pesquisa contribuiu para a discuss?o acerca da natureza de compet?ncias e habilidades requeridas para ocupa??es profissionais historicamente caracterizadas como predominantemente pr?ticas, no sentido de fundadas em saberes pr?ticos, extra-acad?micos e pragm?ticos (saber-fazer), em contraste com compet?ncias simb?lico-formais fundadas em saberes formais-conceituais (saber-dizer). A tese encontra-se fundamentada na perspectiva da psicologia hist?rico-cultural e amparada pela proposta te?rico-metodol?gica da Cl?nica da Atividade. A pesquisa foi realizada com egressos, professores e gestores do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Constru??o de Edif?cios. Para atingimento dos objetivos esperados adotou-se a combina??o de m?todos quantitativos e qualitativos de produ??o e an?lise dos dados. Na etapa quantitativa, aplicou-se um question?rio socioprofissional, obtendo-se o retorno de 41(quarenta e um) participantes. A an?lise dos dados quantitativos foi realizada atrav?s de estat?stica descritiva uni e multidimensional, complementada por an?lise estat?stica inferencial. Na etapa qualitativa, realizou-se consulta a documentos oficiais de natureza pedag?gica, entrevistas semi-dirigidas com professores e gestores do curso e, por fim, as entrevistas de Instru??o ao S?sia (IaS) com egressos. Esta etapa foi executada atrav?s de an?lise cl?nico-interpretativa, tendo por base a perspectiva hist?rico-cultural vigotskiana e a abordagem social das compet?ncias e habilidades. Os resultados analisados permitiram constatar que os profissionais s?o, na maioria jovens (m?dia de idade de 26 anos e 06 meses), 58,6% do sexo feminino, 58,5% solteiros e somente 19,5% tem filhos. Tamb?m averiguou-se que a profiss?o de tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios tem servido como est?gio preliminar ou caminho de passagem em dire??o a outra forma??o e ocupa??o profissional, ?quela de engenheiro civil. As principais compet?ncias requeridas do tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios recobrem os dom?nios da gest?o, projetos e or?amento. Conclui-se que a ocupa??o profissional do tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios apresenta uma forma??o s?lida e atualizada com as demandas do mercado de trabalho, havendo concatena??o entre os conhecimentos te?ricos e pr?ticos em fun??o das estrat?gias pedag?gicas utilizadas durante o processo de forma??o profissional, segundo avalia??o dos sujeitos participantes. No entanto, ainda tem sua ?rea de especificidade estabelecida notadamente em rela??o aos engenheiros civis. Por esta raz?o, percebe-se que h? uma necessidade de consolida??o da identidade profissional do tecn?logo em constru??o de edif?cios junto ?s entidades regulamentadoras da profiss?o e ao mercado de trabalho. / The present doctorate research aimed to investigate competencies in training and professional practice of technologists in building construction. The research contributed in this context to the discussion about the nature of competencies and skills required for professional occupations historically characterized as predominantly practical, founded on practical, extraacademic and pragmatic knowledge (know-what), in contrast to symbolic-formal competencies based on formal and conceptual knowledge (know-how). The thesis is based on the perspective of the historical-cultural psychology and supported by theoretical and methodological proposals of Clinic of Activity. The survey was conducted with certified professionals (former students), teachers and managers participating in the Course of Technology in Building Construction. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of production and data analysis was adopted for achievement of expected goals. A socioprofessional survey was applied in the quantitative step, 41 (forty one) participants having returned the on-line questionnaire. The quantitative data analysis was performed using descriptive uni and multidimensional statistic methods, completed by inferential statistical analysis. Official pedagogical documents were inspected in the qualitative stage, what was completed by semi-structured interviews with teachers and managers and Instruction to the Double interviews with professionals. This step was based on clinical and interpretative analysis, based on the cultural-historical Vygotskian perspective and the social approach to competencies and skills. Results allowed verifying that professionals are mostly young (average age of 26 years and 06 months), 58.6% of participants being female, 58.5% single and only 19.5% having children. It was also verified that the profession of technologist in construction of buildings is considered as a preliminary stage or passageway toward other training and professional occupations, especially civil engineering. The main competencies required from technologist in construction of buildings encompass areas of management, project and budget. Final conclusion stresses that the occupation of technologist in construction of buildings has a solid background in terms of formation, connected to demands of the labor market and based on theoretical and practical knowledge issued from previous training process, according to the evaluation of participants. However, this professional occupation is still referred to civil engineering. For this reason, a need for consolidation of professional identity of technologist in building construction by the regulators of the professional activity and by the labor market is required.

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