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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Une approche socio-anthropologique de la consommation collaborative : focus sur les nouveaux rapports à la propriété / A socio-anthropological perspective on collaborative consumption : New representations of ownership

Dabadie, Isabelle 04 December 2017 (has links)
La consommation collaborative désigne un ensemble de pratiques très variées – parmi lesquelles la location, le prêt, le don, le troc ou le partage entre consommateurs –, qui remettent en question la primauté accordée à la propriété individuelle. Ce phénomène en plein essor fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches tentant de définir, de cartographier ou d’expliquer le phénomène, en identifiant ses déterminants ou en évaluant ses impacts. Peu de travaux se sont penchés sur l’arrière-plan culturel de ce mouvement. C’est l’objet de ce travail, qui étudie la consommation collaborative dans une perspective anthropologique, autour de la question, centrale, du rapport à la propriété. Cette recherche, ancrée dans la Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), adopte une approche phénoménologique centrée sur le sens des expériences vécues par les consommateurs. Elle s’appuie au plan empirique sur une ethnographie menée sur trois terrains reflétant la diversité des pratiques collaboratives – l’habitat participatif, la plaisance collaborative et les bibliothèques de vêtements. Et elle a pour première assise théorique la mobilisation d’un cadre d’analyse original – l’infrastructure cosmologique –, inspiré des travaux de Stoczkowski (2008), qui permet de révéler les traits saillants d’une vision du monde. Les résultats mettent en lumière l’émergence, au sein d’un mouvement qui reste largement consumériste, d’une contre-culture, proche de la simplicité volontaire, caractérisée par un rapport nouveau à la propriété, dans laquelle celle-ci n’est pas simplement remplacée par l’usage mais se charge d’un sens différent. Nous l’avons nommée « cosmologie de l’alter-possession ». Cette recherche permet de mieux comprendre les comportements de consommateurs qui entretiennent un rapport ambivalent aux possessions, entre détachement et recherche de liens durables, et aspirent à des formes de propriété plus ouvertes et plus collectives en réponse aux enjeux sociaux et environnementaux d’un monde aux ressources finies. / Collaborative consumption refers to a highly varied range of practices – including rentals, loans, gifts, bartering and sharing between consumers – that challenge the primacy of individual ownership. This rapidly growing phenomenon has been the subject of many research studies that have attempted to define, map or explain it by identifying its determinants or evaluating its impact. Few researchers have focused on the cultural background to this movement. That is the focus of this study, which studies collaborative consumption from an anthropological perspective, looking at the central question of our relationship with ownership. This research, rooted in Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), adopts a phenomenological approach centred on the meaning of consumer experiences. In empirical terms, it uses an ethnographic study conducted in three different fields that reflect the diversity of collaborative practices: co-housing, collaborative pleasure boating and clothes libraries. Its main theoretical foundation is the use of an original analytical framework – cosmological infrastructure, inspired by the work of Stosczkowski (2008) – which highlights the salient traits of a particular worldview. The results reveal the emergence, within a movement that remains largely consumeristic, of a counterculture that is comparable to voluntary simplicity and characterised by a new relationship with ownership, which, for proponents of this counterculture, is not only replaced by the notion of usage but is also charged with different meaning. We call this the “cosmology of alter-possession”. This research provides a better understanding of the behaviour of consumers who maintain an ambivalent relationship with possessions, somewhere between detachment and the search for lasting links, and aspire to more open and collective forms of ownership in response to the social and environmental challenges in a world with finite resources.


SILVIA LUZ EIRAS 01 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Dentre as diversas vertentes do turismo, o Dark Tourism (ou turismo sombrio, macabro, ou tanaturismo) é voltado para a visitação a atrações ligadas a tragédias, como antigos campos de batalha, prisões, campos de concentração e cemitérios. Apesar de ser um tema abrangente, os estudos sobre esta área do conhecimento carecem um maior aprofundamento, pois somente o positivismo não seria suficiente para proporcionar resultados satisfatórios, uma vez que a compreensão do significado por trás deste tipo de exploração pode ser mais bem entendido por meio de investigações de cunho interpretativo. Para cumprir este objetivo, a Consumer Culture Theory pode representar uma alternativa válida, pois engloba temas como a compreensão dos estilos de vida, formação de identidade, valores e significados culturais. Assim sendo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o significado simbólico por trás do consumo de atrações classificadas no espectro do dark tourism. Para isso, foi feito um estudo interpretativista, com coleta de dados a partir de entrevistas em profundidade. / [en] Among the various strands of tourism, Dark Tourism (or macabre, or thanatourism) is aimed at visiting attractions linked to tragedies, such as old battlefields, prisons, concentration camps, and cemeteries. Despite being a comprehensive theme, studies on this area of knowledge need further studies, as positivism alone would not be sufficient to provide satisfactory results, since understanding the meaning behind this type of exploration can be better comprehended through interpretive investigations. To fulfill this goal, Consumer Culture Theory can represent a valid alternative, as it encompasses topics such as the understanding of lifestyles, identity formation, values and cultural meanings. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the symbolic meaning behind the consumption of attractions classified in the spectrum of dark tourism. For this, an interpretive study was carried out, with data collection from in-depth interviews.

O corpo-imagem na "cultura do consumo" : uma análise histórico-social sobre a supremacia da aparência no capitalismo avançado /

Trinca, Tatiane Pacanaro. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Fátima Cabral / Banca: Célia Aparecida Ferreira Tolentino / Banca: Alexandre Fernandez Vaz / Resumo: Presenciamos diariamente no contexto das sociedades ocidentais industrializadas a frenética e obsessiva importância dada ao corpo e à moda, ambos se entrelaçam aos padrões de beleza disseminados pela indústria cultural, o que propicia uma crescente corrida ao consumo de novidades estéticas. Diante disso, objetiva-se compreender, por meio de uma análise histórico-social, o desenvolvimento do fenômeno do culto ao corpo e à aparência, tendo em vista as práticas cotidianas da cultura do consumo aprofundadas no capitalismo avançado. Considerando que há uma correspondência entre a produção cultural e as experiências e modos de subjetividade nas sociedades capitalistas contemporâneas e à luz de uma perspectiva materialista - embora dialogando com autores de diferentes abordagens epistemológicas - procuramos identificar como a lógica da mercadoria e da racionalidade instrumental se manifestam tanto na moda quanto na busca de um corpo ideal. / Abstract: We witness every day, in the context of the industrialized western societies, the frenzied and obsessive importance given to body and fashion both intertwined with the beauty patterns disseminated by the cultural industry, what propitiates a growing run to the consumption of aesthetic innovations. In that sense, the goal is to understand, using a historical-social analysis, the development of the phenomenon of the cult of physical fitness and appearance, considering the daily practices of the culture of consumption deepened involved with the advanced capitalism. Considering that there is an equivalence between cultural production and experiences and subjectivity manners in the contemporary capitalist societies and through a materialistic perspective - although dialoguing with authors from different epistemology approaches - we tried to identify how the logic of merchandise and instrumental rationality appear as much in fashion as in the search of an ideal body. / Mestre

Queer Identity? Discussing Identity and Appearance in an On-line “Genderqueer” Community

Alegria, Sharla N 27 March 2007 (has links)
The relatively new field of Queer Theory creates ways of thinking about people living without binary gender, but does not provide for a research model with which to give context to the material struggles of such people. Through the use of Internet discussion groups, the current research project attempts to examine the challenges that people who identify with the concept "genderqueer" describe facing as they fashion selves in social interactions; a process which inevitably requires consumer goods that typically only allow for heteronormative binary gender. Findings suggest that there are similarities in how respondents came to identify with "genderqueer," but such similarities are less present in how they understand and apply the concept to themselves. This study shows a potential conflict arising between academic Queer Theory, which seeks to deconstruct identity categories, and a more popular use of "genderqueer" claimed as an identity by some respondents. In conclusion this thesis examines possibilities for activism and marketing that may come out of "genderqueer" as a widely recognizable identity category.

Svensk reklam och dess modelläsare / Model readers in Swedish advertising

Björkvall, Anders January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with model readers in contemporary Swedish magazine advertising texts aimed at different target groups: children (aged 7–12), teenagers (13–19), and adults (20–29) of both genders. The model reader is the presupposed reader of the text, realised in the text itself and not identical with the empirical reader, who is anyone reading the text.</p><p>The study takes the consumer culture of late modernity and the gender system as its point of departure. The model readers are regarded as socially motivated mass mediated identities that are offered to the empirical readers of the advertisements. Through the theoretical assumptions of social semiotics and critical discourse analysis, the model readers are, on the one hand, treated as textual realisations of the consumer culture and the gender system and, on the other, as varying with respect to target group.</p><p>A total of 14 advertisements, selected according to the age and gender of the target groups, are analysed. The texts are multimodal; the copy combines with the images, graphics, colours etc. to create meaning. A qualitative model for analysis was developed and applied both to the copy and to other visual representations in the texts. This model allows an analysis of the construction of the model reader at different levels in the text. The textual composition of the ads as well as ideational and interpersonal meanings are analysed along with intertextual and extratextual presuppositions.</p><p>One of the main findings of the study is that the model readers in the ads with male target groups tend to relate to a reproductive type of consumption, where an already successful model reader reproduces success, activity and leadership through consumption of the advertised products. The model readers in ads with female target groups tend to be more concerned with looks and the female body, and are not as successful or leadership-oriented. They also relate to a pretentious type of consumption, where the product is needed to adjust or improve the identity of the model reader. A gender system in which masculinity is superior and femininity inferior can thus be traced in the advertisements analysed. Another result is that more traditional, often more person and product-oriented, advertising formats are found in the ads with older target groups whereas more collage-oriented, or intertextual, formats are found in the ads with younger target groups.</p>

The association between Cosmopolitanism and global brand loyalty : A quantitative study in developing and developed countries

Al-Zayat, Zaki, Bäcklund, Jakob January 2015 (has links)
The effects of globalization has created a new global consumer segment known as Cosmopolitanism. It is a globally substantial segment that captures “open-minded individuals whose consumption orientation transcends particular cultures, localities or communities and who appreciates diversity including trying products and services from a variety of countries”. In the same sense have global brands grown to take a central place on both developing and developed countries, and their competition with local brands has substantially increased. The Cosmopolitan consumer segment hold major strategic importance for global brands, but the understanding of this new segment has been markedly limited, especially on consumption related behavioral outcomes such as brand loyalty. Taking on a cross-national, comparative approach, the purpose of this study was; to understand the association between Cosmopolitanism and global brand loyalty in developing and developed countries.  Collecting data through online questionnaires in Sweden and Syria, 341 respondents were included within the study, and with regression analyses were three proposed hypotheses tested. The results showed a significant, but arguably weak, association between Cosmopolitanism and global brand loyalty. On the other hand, upon introducing economic development status as a moderating variable, it was seen that the association differed between the sampled countries, with a considerably stronger association in Syria. Managerial implications are presented based on these findings, and the paper is finalized with some essential limitations and avenues for suture research.

Integration by Popular Culture: Brigitte Bardot as a Transnational Icon and European Integration in the 1950s and 1960s

Sherwood, Dana Whitney 07 September 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the history of European integration in the 1950s and 1960s from a popular cultural perspective anchored to a central figure from the era, Brigitte Bardot, in order to demonstrate that the peoples of Western Europe were engaged in processes of Europeanization that helped legitimize economic and political unions. Yet, official EU policy’s privileging of one (outdated) mode for understanding culture has handicapped alternative interpretations of a common European cultural heritage, failing to embrace a shared popular culture. Bardot is a suitable icon through which to begin an exploration into the diversity and significance of an integrating postwar European popular culture because she was a microcosm of several broad, transnational trends in postwar Europe including the rise of mass mobility, a major shift in European fashions, new gender constructions, and the explicit politicization of popular culture. Her films, career, lifestyle, and representation(s) provide key axes from which one can pivot into interrelated areas of European culture and societies in this era—pop culture; consumer culture; youth culture; mobility culture; media culture; political culture; and gender relations—demonstrating a widely integrating European popular cultural sphere. Within this context, Bardot was representative of broad postwar societal changes, served as a mass diffusion tool in relating these changes to the people of Europe, and functioned as a driving force in creating new transnational popular cultural forms. In addition, Bardot is a figure useful in understanding the relationship between Europe and the United States, while also demonstrating that economics is not separate from culture and popular culture. The Treaty of Rome, ostensibly about economic integration, further enabled the many circulations apparent in Bardot's career—people, goods, information, and ideas—that were already taking place. Furthermore, popular culture was not irrelevant to, or separate from politics and it helps to explain how the escapism and narcissism of European popular consumer culture could generate a rebellious, but sophisticated political consciousness. Western Europe does indeed have a distinct history of shared popular culture, which should be a factor in discussions of ‘Europeanization’ and the legitimacy of the European Union. It is necessary to explore the roots of this shared popular culture so that it does one day form the basis of a longstanding shared popular culture and can become a recognized element supporting the legitimacy of identities in the European Union in more fluid, dynamic ways.

Educational conditions for (self-)development of pre-primary age children’s resistance to consumerism in the family / Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų atsparumo vartotojiškumui ugdymo(si) šeimoje pedagoginės sąlygos

Ponelienė, Reda 09 December 2014 (has links)
Social, cultural, economic and political processes influence conditions of children’s development and determine changes in their self-development. Entrenching consumer culture and consumerism, promoted by it, determine the change in the attitude towards the child as a consumer. The dissertation defines constructs of children’s consumer culture and children’s as consumers’ behaviour, highlights sociocultural, educational conditions of their manifestation as well as threats and possibilities of consumer culture and the related phenomenon – TV advertising – for children. Meaningfulness of (self-)development of children’s resistance to consumerism, analysed in the dissertation, is grounded on the idea that children, not being conscious consumers, must learn both to adjust to consumer culture and resist its mass culture, levelling everything. The aim of the research is to study the experience of pre-primary age children’s consumption, the situation of (self-)development of resistance to consumerism in the family and, based on critical attitude to consumer culture and knowledge of the phenomenon of consumerism in children’s culture, to disclose educational conditions for (self-)development of their resistance to consumerism. Conducting the research on (self-)development of pre-primary children’s resistance to consumerism, the mixed method approach was applied, in parallel combining qualitative and quantitative research methods of data collection and analysis. As the result of the... [to full text] / Socialiniai, kultūriniai, ekonominiai, politiniai procesai veikia vaikų vystymosi sąlygas ir lemia ugdymosi pokyčius. Įsigalinti vartotojiška kultūra bei jos skatinamas vartotojiškumas lemia požiūrio į vaiką kaip vartotoją kaitą. Disertacijoje apibrėžti vaikų vartotojiškos kultūros, vaikų kaip vartotojų elgsenos konstruktai, išryškintos jų raiškos sociokultūrinės, edukacinės sąlygos, vartotojiškos kultūros bei su ja susijusio reiškinio – TV reklamos – grėsmės ir galimybės vaikams. Disertaciniame darbe analizuojamo vaikų atsparumo vartotojiškumui ugdymo(si) prasmingumas grindžiamas idėja, jog vaikai nebūdami sąmoningi vartotojai turi išmokti ne tik prie vartotojiškos kultūros prisitaikyti, bet ir atsispirti jos visa niveliuojančiai masinei kultūrai. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų vartojimo patirtį, atsparumo vartotojiškumui ugdymo(si) situaciją šeimoje ir, remiantis kritiniu požiūriu į vartotojišką kultūrą bei žiniomis apie vartotojiškumo reiškinį vaikų kultūroje, atskleisti jų atsparumo vartotojiškumui ugdymo(si) pedagogines sąlygas. Atliekant priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų atsparumo vartotojiškumui ugdymo(si) tyrimą taikyta mišrių metodų prieiga, lygiagrečiai derinant kokybinius ir kiekybinius tyrimo duomenų rinkimo ir analizės metodus. Kaip disertacinio tyrimo rezultatas, papildantis ugdymo praktiką, pristatomas tyrimo rezultatais grįstų pedagoginių sąlygų, skirtų vaikų atsparumui vartotojiškumui ugdyti, struktūrinis modelis.

Consumir e ser consumido, eis a questão! configurações entre usuários de drogas numa cultura de consumo

Silva Junior, Wilton Valença da January 2005 (has links)
Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-15T13:41:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Wilton Silvaseg.pdf: 1282970 bytes, checksum: d285fb19ca27b487a144a9b63bb34e34 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-26T11:02:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Wilton Silvaseg.pdf: 1282970 bytes, checksum: d285fb19ca27b487a144a9b63bb34e34 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-26T11:02:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wilton Silvaseg.pdf: 1282970 bytes, checksum: d285fb19ca27b487a144a9b63bb34e34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Este projeto propõe uma leitura configuracional dos estilos de vida de específicos professores universitários: Homo academicus usuários de drogas, recortados numa cultura de consumo onde se busca um maior equilíbrio entre indivíduo e sociedade nas suas operacionalizações da liberdade e da segurança. A análise de suas práticas e representações em meio às comunidades várias do cotidiano - da família à academia, passando pelas redes básicas de sociabilidade – visa capturar como eles lidam com os controles sociais, como ressignificam o estigma de usuários tendo como contraponto o status de professor, e como a partir do papel de professor eles refletem a problemática das drogas para a sociedade. / Salvador

Consumismo, compulsão e felicidade: a representação social da felicidade nas práticas de consumo compulsivo

Amorin, Jéssica Ferrer Eduardo de 05 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-02-05T12:58:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 937391 bytes, checksum: c6dc48114da24d01bd058c7487367370 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-05T12:58:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 937391 bytes, checksum: c6dc48114da24d01bd058c7487367370 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-05 / This research results from an attempt to deepen a sociological study on the relationship between consumerism and happiness. We sought from a survey of compulsive consumers of the city of João Pessoa /PB and compulsive consumers recovering from Natal /RN try to understand how widely gives the relationship between the practices of compulsive consumption and the idea of happiness. The theme of this dissertation is conceptually located in consumer culture using as reference a culture that, from modernity, reorganizes itself symbolically and materially articulating key issues relating to the form of organization of everyday life. Consumer culture is presented as a key area of contemporary societies and directly affects the formation of identities and subjectivities of individuals, putting into focus the ways in which it articulates the central issues relating to the organizational forms of postmodern society has implications in construction of values and identities that articulate the phenomenon of consumerism. The idea of happiness itself is modified in this social context. Thus, the objective in this dissertation is to understand how the idea of happiness represented among binge practices, and between the behavior of compulsive consumers of the city of João Pessoa /PB and Natal /RN. To arrive at such an understanding, we will on the theme of identity processes, as well as the thematic mechanisms of a capitalist consumer society, such as advertising and other marketing and financial craftsmen in a postmodern society has been busy assigning meanings and values to the goods and the subjective experience of consumption. These mechanisms, as we shall see, are primarily responsible for reprocessing and/or reframe the idea of happiness as the ideal of the current consumer society. There emerges another key point of this dissertation, the pursuit of happiness that becomes compulsive as well as the urgency and the purchase by the consumer. Thus, we analyze how happiness is represented in the practices and behavior of nine women by compulsive consumption activity and the activity of buying, becoming a goal and purpose in life. / Esta pesquisa resulta de uma tentativa de aprofundar um estudo sociológico acerca da relação entre consumismo e felicidade. Procuramos a partir de uma pesquisa feita com consumidoras compulsivas da cidade de João Pessoa/PB e consumidoras compulsivas em recuperação da cidade de Natal/RN tentar compreender como se estabelece a relação entre as práticas de consumo compulsivo e a ideia da felicidade. O tema desta dissertação está conceitualmente situado na cultura de consumo tendo como referencial uma cultura que, a partir da modernidade, reorganiza-se simbólica e materialmente articulando questões centrais relativas à forma de organização da vida cotidiana. A cultura de consumo se apresenta como espaço fundamental das sociedades contemporâneas e afeta diretamente a constituição das identidades e das subjetividades dos indivíduos, colocando em foco as formas como a mesma articula as questões centrais relativas às formas de organização da sociedade contemporânea tendo implicações na construção de valores e identidades que se articulam ao fenômeno do consumismo. A própria ideia de felicidade é modificada neste contexto social. Assim, objetiva-se nesta dissertação, a tentativa de compreender como é representada a ideia de felicidade entre as práticas de consumo compulsivo e entre o comportamento de consumidoras compulsivas da cidade de João Pessoa/PB e Natal/RN. Para chegarmos a tal compreensão, trataremos sobre a temática dos processos identitários, bem como sobre a temática dos mecanismos de uma sociedade capitalista de consumo, como por exemplo, a publicidade e outros artífices mercadológicos e financeiros que em uma sociedade pós-moderna tem se ocupado ao atribuir significados e valores aos bens e à experiência subjetiva do consumo. Esses mecanismos, como veremos, são os principais responsáveis por reprocessar e/ou ressignificar a ideia de felicidade como o ideal da sociedade de consumo atual. A busca da felicidade para o nosso grupo social se torna compulsiva assim como a urgência pelo consumo e pela compra. Desse modo, perceberemos uma felicidade que é representada nas práticas e no comportamento de nove mulheres compulsivas pela atividade do consumo e pela atividade de compra, tornando-se uma meta e objetivo de vida.

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