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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Responsabilidad civil y violencia en los estadios: Una aproximación preliminar.

Campero Tagle, Rodrigo Ignacio January 2008 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / La presente memoria de prueba tiene por objeto efectuar un análisis preliminar sobre la relación entre violencia en los estadios y responsabilidad civil. El tema adquiere relevancia atendido el desarrollo, económico e institucional, que ha experimentado el fútbol profesional chileno en los últimos años. Se analizará la responsabilidad contractual y extracontractual del organizador de espectáculos deportivos de fútbol profesional, intentando entregar una respuesta desde la perspectiva del derecho positivo, sin perjuicio de la inexistencia de una norma específica que consagre la responsabilidad de aquel por los daños causados como consecuencia del desarrollo de su actividad económica lícita. Por razones de brevedad, sólo se considerarán las hipótesis de daño a las personas. Este trabajo busca revelar el silencio que guarda el derecho privado frente a la temática de la violencia en los estadios, sugiriendo la necesidad de reformas legales que consideren el “derecho a no ser dañado” como un auténtico derecho subjetivo, merecedor de tutela civil preventiva y compensatoria.

El accidente como requisito de la responsabilidad contractual en el transporte aéreo de personas

Garcés Ramírez, María Fernanda, Vistoso Monreal, Ingrid Eliet January 2007 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / En este trabajo, nos abocaremos al estudio de la responsabilidad civil aeronáutica, materia que ha adquirido cada vez más relevancia, ya que no obstante los grandes avances tecnológicos que se han logrado en este campo, la actividad aérea ha sido y seguirá siendo riesgosa porque implica romper, en buenas cuentas, las propias leyes de la naturaleza . Desde ya debemos advertir que en materia de responsabilidad, el Derecho Aeronáutico manifiesta un distanciamiento de la legislación común, por que es en esta temática en la que inciden con mayor fuerza las especificas circunstancias fácticas que dan vida al transporte aéreo, lo que justificaría la opción por una regulación particular y novedosa. Sin embargo, y tal como lo iremos analizando a lo largo de este trabajo, lo anterior no impidió que surgiera una serie de dificultades respecto de la aplicación e interpretación de sus normas, lo cual obedecería a la ausencia de un acabado y profundo tratamiento de este tema, tanto por la doctrina como por la jurisprudencia

L'anormalité dans le droit de la responsabilité civile : contribution à la recherche d'une unité en responsabilité civile extracontractuelle / Abnormality in civil liability law : contribution to the search for unity in extra-contractual civil liability

Hassoun, Carole 22 November 2018 (has links)
L’anormalité est associée de lege lata à diverses conditions du droit de la responsabilité civile comme la faute, la chose anormale ou le trouble anormal. Plus qu’une condition, elle apparaît davantage comme le fondement de la responsabilité civile extracontractuelle. Toutefois, l’anormalité est progressivement devenue une véritable source de confusion : se multiplient les situations dans lesquelles la responsabilité civile existe sans anormalité et celles dans lesquelles l’anormalité s’épanouit en dehors des frontières de ce droit. En quête d’unité, la responsabilité civile doit connaître des changements majeurs. Recentrer l’anormalité dans le fait générateur de responsabilité permettrait d’en révéler la singularité. Dans cette nouvelle présentation du droit de la responsabilité civile, l’anormalité du fait générateur ne constituerait pas uniquement le critère général de la matière extracontractuelle, elle deviendrait également le principal outil de sa mise en œuvre tant dans la désignation du responsable que dans la détermination de l’étendue de la réparation. L’anormalité, en sa qualité de standard juridique, constitue un instrument de mesure à la fois souple et normatif qui permettrait une adaptation constante de la responsabilité civile aux évolutions sociales et qui guiderait ses principales fonctions normative et indemnitaire. L’anormalité serait l’outil privilégié du juge grâce auquel il rendrait une décision équitable et proportionnée aux intérêts divergents du responsable et de la victime. Néanmoins, l’anormalité au service de la responsabilité civile met ce droit à l’épreuve : si elle présente d’indéniables forces, elle peut aussi être une source d’imprévisibilité face au déploiement de la casuistique. Cet instrument de mesure devra donc faire l’objet d’un encadrement rigoureux afin d’en assurer la solidité et l’immutabilité. L’anormalité pourrait ainsi devenir le repère du droit de la responsabilité civile extracontractuelle. / Abnormality is associated de lege lata with various conditions of civil liability law such as fault, an abnormal thing or abnormal disorder. More than a condition, it appears more as the basis of extra-contractual civil liability. However, the abnormality has gradually become a real source of confusion : there are many situations in which civil liability exists without abnormality, others in which abnormality spreads beyond the boundaries of this field of law. For the sake of homogeneity, civil liability must be significantly revised. Refocusing abnormality as the triggering event of civil liability would reveal its singularity. In this new presentation of the civil liability law, the abnormality of the triggering event would not only constitute the general criterion of the non-contractual matter, it would also become the main tool for its implementation both in the designation of the person responsible and in the determination of the extent of the compensation. Abnormality, as a legal standard, forms a measuring instrument that is both flexible and normative, allowing civil liability to be constantly adapted to social developments and guiding its main normative and compensatory functions. Framed that way, abnormality would be the judge's privileged tool by which he would make a decision that is fair and proportionate to the divergent interests of the person responsible and the victim. Nevertheless, the abnormality in support of civil liability have some flaws : despite its strengths, it may make the civil liability law unpredictable since case-by-case judgment becomes the norm. This tool will therefore have to be supervised by strict rules to ensure its solidity and immutability. Abnormality could become in this context the reference point of the extra-contractual civil liability law.

Le traitement des contrats d'affaires par le droit OHADA / Business contract processing by OHADA

Da Allada, Eustache S. 21 March 2019 (has links)
A l’heure d’une évaluation constante de la vie internationale des affaires, le droit des affaires est devenu un puissant instrument de croissance économique et d’attractivité des investissements. Dans ce contexte, le droit uniforme africain des affaires est un droit ambitieux qui fait rêver l’Afrique. Fort de ses atouts, le droit OHADA se veut attractif et compétitif sur le marché mondial du droit devenu hautement concurrentiel, afin d’attirer les investisseurs étrangers et consolider les investissements nationaux, en facilitant et en sécurisant les opérations d’échange et d’investissement. Pour autant, en dépit d’une volonté forte et d’un choix pleinement assumé de faire du droit uniforme une sorte de synthèse de plusieurs systèmes juridiques, au terme de plus de deux décennies de vie juridique, les résultats sont encore loin des espérances. Qu’il s’agisse de la promotion du droit africain de l’arbitrage en matière des différends d’affaires ou de l’essor des investissements étrangers sur lesquels l’OHADA a fondé d’immenses espoirs, le droit uniforme des contrats d’affaires connaît un succès mitigé. Mieux, il voit son horizon s’obscurcir. Ces constats suscitent une problématique fondamentale inhérente aux piliers du temple contractuel OHADA. A travers le prisme du traitement des contrats d’affaires, il est alors permis de s’interroger sur l’aptitude du droit uniforme à réellement faciliter la pratique des affaires, en assurant la sécurité et l’efficacité des contrats d’affaires : le droit OHADA répond-il théoriquement et empiriquement aux problématiques contractuelles contemporaines de la vie africaine des affaires ? Certains concepts juridiques classiques ne mériteraient-ils pas aujourd’hui d’être repensés autrement en droit africain des affaires ? En mettant en exergue ses atouts, ses insuffisances et ses crises actuelles, à travers une approche critique, prospective et comparée, l’analyse du traitement des contrats d’affaires vise à repenser profondément la codification africaine du droit des affaires. / In today's context of constant assessment of international corporate life, corporate law has become a powerful instrument of the economic growth and investment efficiency. In this context, cohesive African corporate law is an ambitious regulation which is inspiring for Africa. Building on its strenghts, OHADA law is meant to be attractive and competitive on the now very competitive global law market, in order to attract foreign investors and strengthen national investments by facilitating and securing exchange and investment operations.Nonetheless, despite strong will and a fully assumed choice to make cohesive law a sort of synthesis of several legal systems, after two decades of existence outcomes remain far from expectations. Whether regarding the promotion of African arbitration law on business disputes or the rise of foreign investment on which the OHADA had high hopes, cohesive business contract law achieves limited success. Moreover, it sees its horizon darkened.These findings elicit a fundamental issue inherent to the pillars of the OHADA contractual temple. Through the prism of business contract processing, one may legitimately question the ability of cohesive law to actually facilitate the course of business, by assuring the security and efficiency of these contracts: does OHADA law theoretically and empirically address contemporary contractual issues inherent to African business life? Should some traditional legal concepts be reconsidered nowadays in African corporate law?By emphasising its strengths, weaknesses and current turmoil, via a critical, prospective and compared approach, the analysis of business contract processing aims to thoroughly rethink the African codification of law.

La Rupture du contrat de bail par le bailleur. Etude de trois baux à statut : le bail d'habitation, le bail commercial et le bail rural. / The breach of lease by the lessor. Study of three particular lease contracts : residential lease, commercial lease, rural lease.

Maisonneuve, Caroline 16 October 2015 (has links)
Résumé de la thèse - La rupture du contrat de bail par le bailleur. Etude de trois baux à statut : le bail d'habitation, le bail commercial et le bail ruralLe contrat de bail est un contrat usuel où le locataire est dans une situation de dépendance particulière à l'égard du bailleur. Contrat d'adhésion, le contrat de bail est conclu entre un locataire, réputé être la partie faible et un bailleur, considéré comme la partie forte du contrat. Afin de prévenir la sortie du locataire au gré du bailleur, le législateur est intervenu pour protéger le locataire et organiser le maintien de la relation contractuelle. Les nombreuses législations en la matière ont contribué à rendre les règles gouvernant les baux à statut peu accessibles et lisibles, ce qui nuit à la sécurité juridique et au marché locatif.Une étude approfondie de la rupture du contrat de bail par le bailleur révèle que ce dernier est limité dans sa volonté de rompre la relation contractuelle. D'une part, la rupture est soumise à des conditions strictes et nombreuses. D'autre part, la législation favorise dans de nombreuses hypothèses la continuation de la relation contractuelle au détriment des intérêts du bailleur. La rupture du contrat de bail apparaît donc délicate pour le bailleur, confronté à une multitude d'obstacles. Il est donc utile de procéder à l'identification des modes de rupture du contrat de bail dont dispose le bailleur et, en contrepoint, des moyens mis en place par le législateur pour organiser la continuation de la relation contractuelle en privant le bailleur de la possibilité de rompre celle-ci.La thèse a pour objet de mettre en lumière que la situation du bailleur est difficile, tant les possibilités de mettre fin au contrat de bail sont encadrées. Elle a ainsi vocation à servir de grille de lecture au bailleur, afin de le guider au travers des voies méandreuses qui peuvent lui permettre, parfois, de sortir du contrat de bail.Enfin, l'étude des trois baux à statut, que sont le bail d'habitation, le bail commercial et le bail rural, permet de les comparer et d'observer les différences de traitement du bailleur à la fin du bail, alors que les statuts ont le même dessein, à savoir protéger le locataire et assurer la stabilité contractuelle. / Abstract of Thesis - The breach of lease contract by the lessor. Study of three particular lease contracts : residential lease, commercial lease and agricultural lease.The lease contract is a standard contract where the lessee is dependent on the lessor. Typical exemple of an agreement contract, the lessee is deemed to be the weaker part while the lessor is considered the strongest one of the contract. In order to prevent the release of the lessee at the option of the lessor, the legislator has intervene to protect the lessee and organise the continuation of their contractual relationship. The many laws as regards have helped to make the rules around low status leases, less accessible and readable which undermines legal security and rental market.A thorough study of breach the contract by the lessor reveals that he is limited in his freedom of breaking the contractual relationship. On the one hand, the breach of the contract is subject to strict and many conditions. On the other hand, the legislation promotes in most cases the continuation of the contractual relationship to the detriment of lessor's interests. The breach of the contract appears delicate for the lessor and full of obstacles. So we're talking to proceed with the identification of breaking modes of the lessor and, to happen concurrently, means established by the legislature to organize the continuation of the contractual relationship preventing lessor to end it.The aim of this thesis is to emphasize the fact that lessor's situation is complicated, so the possibilities to put an end lease are regulated. It also is meant to be a reading grid for the lessor, in order to guide him in the intricacies of the ways which could allow him out of the lease contract.Finally, the study of the three lease contracts with statutes, residential lease, commercial lease and agricultural lease, enables to compare them and notice the treatment differences of lessor at the end of contract, whereas the statutes have the same purpose, meaning protect the lessee and ensure the contractual stability.

Cláusulas contratuais gerais, cláusulas abusivas e o código civil de 2002

Melo, Diogo Leonardo Machado de 07 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Diogo Leonardo Machado de Melo.pdf: 1755006 bytes, checksum: d4aa8cdcec2b6abbfb9e9bdb31dc7992 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-07 / The present work focuses the study and separate systematization of the general contractual clauses in the field of private law, providing subsidies for a greater understanding and better application of the contracts in which they are included. From the civil-constitutional point of view, and according to the recent theory of contracts, it will search to place the start and the usefulness of the general contractual clauses inside a historical context. Afterwards, the specific characteristics of the general contractual clauses, their differences with similar principles, and the demonstration of its legal nature, which will legitimate the conclusions on the limits and particularities of its control and interpretation, will be presented. Despite there is no specific regulation in our country, the general contractual clauses have been the subject of special laws in several countries. Starting from foreign experiences, ways for controlling the general contractual clauses considered as abusive will be presented, comparing the methods for administrative, judicial and legislative repression existing in our country, especially in the Civil Code. For a better understanding of the phenomenon, its independent and prior existence as regards the adhesion contracts which will be formed, a study on the contractual formation and the process of including the general contractual clauses in individual contracts will be performed, indicating further the mechanisms for protection existing in favor of the adherent in this stage. Finally, after retaking the premises of the study, subsidies for interpretation of the general contractual clauses which, for its general, abstract and rigid character, impose solutions transcending the individual interests of the directly affected parties, and deserving therefore a typical, peculiar interpretation shall be given, data which shall serve as basis for understanding and applying articles 423 and 424 of the Civil Code / O presente trabalho volta-se ao estudo e à sistematização apartada das cláusulas contratuais gerais no âmbito do direito privado, fornecendo subsídios para maior compreensão e melhor aplicação dos contratos por elas contidos. Partindo da premissa civil-constitucional e da recente doutrina dos contratos, buscarse- á contextualizar, historicamente, o surgimento e a utilidade das cláusulas contratuais gerais. Em um segundo momento, serão apresentadas as características específicas das cláusulas contratuais gerais, suas diferenças de institutos afins, bem como a demonstração de sua natureza jurídica, o que legitimará as conclusões sobre os limites e as particularidades do seu controle e de sua interpretação. As cláusulas contratuais gerais não contam com regramento específico em nosso país, mas têm sido objeto de leis especiais em diversos países. Partindo de experiências estrangeiras, serão apresentadas formas de controle das cláusulas contratuais gerais consideradas abusivas, tecendo-se comparação com os métodos de repressões administrativa, judicial e legislativa existentes em nosso país, em especial, no Código Civil. Para melhor compreensão do fenômeno, de sua existência independente e anterior aos contratos de adesão que serão formados, também será feito um estudo sobre a formação dos contratos e do processo de inclusão das cláusulas contratuais gerais em contratos individuais, sem deixar de apontar, ainda, os mecanismos de tutela existentes em favor do aderente nesta fase. Por fim, retomadas as premissas dos estudos, serão dados subsídios para interpretação das cláusulas contratuais gerais que, pelo caráter geral, abstrato e rígido, impõe soluções que ultrapassam os interesses individuais das partes diretamente atingidas, merecendo, portanto, uma interpretação típica, peculiar, dados estes que fornecerão respaldo para compreensão e aplicação dos artigos 423 e 424 do Código Civil

Cláusula de limitação da responsabilidade civil nos contratos empresariais : extensão e limites

Dutra, Erika Donin January 2018 (has links)
A cláusula de limitação de responsabilidade é a estipulação pela qual as partes de um contrato decidem estabelecer um limite ao efeito indenizatório da responsabilidade, seja por meio da escolhe de um valor máximo, seja por meio da alteração das regras supletivas do regime legal. No Brasil, essa cláusula não possui previsão legal específica, porém, em razão de sua frequência na prática, faz-se necessário o estabelecimento de critérios para a determinação da extensão e dos limites que devem ser observados para que sejam válidas e produzam os efeitos buscados pelos contraentes. Este trabalho exclui da análise os contratos de adesão e os contratos firmados no âmbito das relações de consumo. Também, não se analisa a cláusula de afastamento integral da responsabilidade (a chamada cláusula de exoneração da responsabilidade). A fim de determinar tais critérios, partiu-se dos limites impostos à autonomia privada em geral – ordem pública e normas cogentes – e dos critérios citados pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência, específicos à cláusula limitativa, quais sejam, o dolo, a culpa grave e o inadimplemento da obrigação principal. Assim, com o objetivo de tornar cada mais clara a incidência de cada uma dessas balizas e, em especial, afastando-se a invalidade/ineficácia automática da cláusula em casos de inadimplemento da obrigação principal, buscou-se delinear como a cláusula interage com a regulação contratual de interesses e com a apuração do montante indenizatório, por meio da análise da composição da indenização. / The limitation of liability clause is the stipulation by which the parties to a contract decide to establish a limit to the indemnifying effect of liability, either by choosing a maximum amount or by changing the rules of the legal regime. In Brazil, this clause does not have specific legal provisions, but because of its frequency in practice, it is necessary to establish the criteria for determining the extent and limits that should be observed for it to be valid and produce the effects sought by the parties. This study excludes from the analysis the adhesion contracts and the contracts signed in the scope of consumer relationships. Neither the exclusion of liability clause is analyzed. In order to determine such criteria, this dissertation starts from the limits imposed on party autonomy in general – public order and cogent norms - and proceeds to the criteria mentioned by doctrine and case law, specific to the limitation clause, namely, willful misconduct and the default of the fundamental term. Thus, to clarify the incidence of each of these limits and, in particular, to remove the automatic invalidity/ineffectiveness of the clause in cases of default of the fundamental term of a contract, this work delineates how the clause interacts with the contractual regulation of interests and with the determination of the indemnity amount, through the analysis of the composition of the indemnification.


Silva, Raimunda Vieira Santos da 19 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:40:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RAIMUNDA VIEIRA SANTOS DA SILVA.pdf: 968808 bytes, checksum: 4085e6c6bcd3e4d7a87e0bc635163dde (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-19 / The public work execution has great importance for the country´s development, either in economic or socio-political terms. However, according to the information provided by the Brazilian Court of Audit (TCU), there are innumerous irregularities in this king of execution in the country and among them, contract amendments. Contract amendments, whether of value or time, cause losses both for society and for public administration. In this work, we seek to analyze the events that contribute to changes in the construction planning time of the Federal Institutes of Education of Goiás and Tocantins, using statistical models and data mining techniques. The use of quantitative methods in this analysis shows that there are relationships or associations between the characteristics of the works and their amendments. / A execução de obras públicas possui grande importância para o desenvolvimento de um país, seja em termos econômicos ou político-sociais. Entretanto, de acordo constatações realizadas pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), são inúmeras as irregularidades verificadas na execução das obras públicas no país e dentre elas, os aditivos contratuais. Os aditivos contratuais, sejam de valor ou de tempo, ocasionam prejuízos tanto para a sociedade quanto para a administração pública. Neste trabalho, procura-se analisar as situações que contribuem para as alterações no cronograma das obras públicas dos Institutos Federais de Ensino de Goiás e Tocantins, utilizando-se de modelos estatísticos e de técnicas de mineração de dados. A utilização destes métodos quantitativos na análise da execução das obras públicas mostra que existem relações ou associações entre as características das obras e seus aditivos.


Assunção, Maria Luíza Santana 20 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:46:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIA LUIZA SANTANA ASSUNCAO.pdf: 755817 bytes, checksum: 7f8b76ce6fc4029a0b4e7bed89261a2b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-20 / This paper conducted an exploratory study on the issue of judicial review of the contracts, using several authors, the law and jurisprudence to solve the social problem in the legal universe, based on the legal and economic theories on this theme. Using the methods dialectical and historical-comparative study addressed the evolution of jurisprudential understandings that underpin judicial decisions in this case, combined with the investigation of the phenomena that take place at the heart of society. It started from the assumption that the trials of the chores that involve issues relating to contracts should be based both on the disposal of the Civil Code on the subject, as in devices placed by the Consumer Protection Code, the dialogue occurring sources, under penalty of not achieving the desired social justice. The research carried out in the legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence, as well as practical reasoning and critical analysis on the subject concluded that the judiciary can and should analyze the judicial review in this case, aiming to contractual justice. / Esta dissertação realizou um estudo exploratório sobre a problemática da revisão judicial dos contratos, recorrendo a vários autores, à lei e à jurisprudência para a solução do problema no universo jurídico social, baseando-se nas várias teorias jurídicas e econômicas existentes sobre o tema. Utilizando os métodos dialético e histórico-comparativo, o estudo abordou a evolução dos entendimentos jurisprudenciais que embasam as decisões judiciais no caso concreto, cumulado com a investigação dos fenômenos que se processam no cerne da sociedade. Partiu-se do pressuposto de que os julgamentos das lides que envolvem questões relativas a contratos devem ser baseados tanto no que dispõe o Código Civil sobre o tema, quanto nos dispositivos apostos pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor, ocorrendo o diálogo das fontes, sob pena de não se concretizar a justiça social almejada. A pesquisa realizada na legislação, doutrina e jurisprudência, bem como o raciocínio prático e análise crítica sobre o assunto permitiram concluir que o Poder Judiciário pode e deve analisar a revisão judicial no caso concreto, visando à justiça contratual.

Les pourparlers précontractuels en droit québécois : De l’opportunité d’une modification du Code civil du Québec à la lumière des récentes réformes française et allemande / Precontractual negotiations in Quebec Law : Towards a modification of the Quebec Civil Code in the light of the recent French and German reforms

Barry, Sarah 11 May 2018 (has links)
Notre thèse aborde la question des pourparlers précontractuels et la manière dont elle est régie en droit québécois. Actuellement, la loi générale des contrats n’évoque que de manière indirecte la période de négociation des contrats à travers notamment l’article 1375 du Code civil qui impose aux parties de respecter les exigences de la bonne foi dès la naissance d’une obligation. Un tel état du droit détonne quand on le compare avec les systèmes juridiques français ou allemand dans la mesure où ces derniers prévoient des dispositions légales explicites en la matière. Notre thèse insiste sur les difficultés pratiques et juridiques que soulève le droit positif québécois. Face à la complexification des contrats engendrée par l’internationalisation des échanges et la multiplication de ces derniers, le recours à des pourparlers s’est fortement généralisé et a généré un contentieux grandissant. Nous proposons donc de faire évoluer la lettre du Code civil du Québec afin que ce dernier encadre davantage la période précontractuelle en s’inspirant du droit français et du droit allemand. / Our thesis focuses on precontractual negotiations in Quebec Law. There are currently no specific rules related to precontractual negotiations in the general law of contracts. Only few rules can apply if we interprate them in a broader way they are supposed to, such as article 1375 that forces the parties to conduct themselves in good faith at the time the obligation arises. This state of law differs from both French and German legal systems where rules have been drafted to impact the way parties can act while they are negotiating a contract. Our thesis insists on practical and legal issues that arise from the way the law is actually built in Quebec. Because of the complexification of contracts linked to the internationalisation of exchanges and the multiplication of them, the phenomenon which consists on negotiating a contract appeared to be necessary and became the rule in the matter. It has, at the same time, generated an increasing litigation. Therefore, we defend the idea of a modification of the Quebec Civil Code in order to ensure that the precontractual period is taken more into account. In order to do so, we will study French and German law.

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