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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Předávání osobních údajů do zahraničí / Transfer of personal data abroad

Jeřábková, Helena January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of the work is to evaluate the stage of development of the rules for tranfer of personal data for the European union to the third countries. First it gives necessary information regarding the protection of personal data in general including the key terms, basic principles and also the legal framework. The second part explains the legal mechanism of tranfer of personal data from EU abroad with the use of the term "adequate protection." Possible methods of such tranfer which are in compliance with the requirement of provision of the adequate protection to the protection ensured in the European Union are given. The third part concentrates on the development of the negotiations between the United States and the European Union about the transfer of personal data of air passengers and resulting legal arrangement. The work also describes current trends and provides possible future development of this sphere.

Mýtný systém Itálie / Italy toll system

Šmíd, Milan January 2010 (has links)
The toll system selected countries, taxes of road transport in Italy, legislation, used technology, compatibility, taxes of vehicles, repair and system organization, next fiscal arrangements in the area road transport, payment methods, Telepass, contractual and technical interoperability.

La prise en compte de l'intérêt du cocontractant / The taking into consideration of the other party's interest

Mehanna, Myriam 13 December 2014 (has links)
La prise en compte de l’intérêt du cocontractant, ayant une particularité conceptuelle suffisante, n’agit pas au service principal de l’intérêt égoïste ou de l’intérêt commun. Dynamique relationnelle, altruisme, et altérité de base des intérêts, en caractérisent donc une théorie pure. Quant à sa réalité théorique en droit contractuel, elle est fondée sur un principe de fraternité. Il constitue d’abord son support conceptuel, à l’exclusion de la solidarité dont il se distingue, son contenu correspondant à la triple dynamique délimitant la théorie pure de la notion. Il est ensuite son fondement réel, permettant de dépasser les limites de ses fondements concurrents – la bonne foi ou le solidarisme contractuel –, et le principe-axiome rendant compte de celle-ci. Quant à sa réalité matérielle le constat est qu’une partie de l’évolution de la théorie classique des obligations et contrats se matérialise par telle prise en compte. Cette dernière se manifeste d’une part, comme tempérament au principe de liberté contractuelle, tantôt comme norme positive de comportement – dans la bonne foi relationnelle, et l’obligation d’information renforcée –, tantôt comme limite à une prérogative contractuelle – dans le contrôle de l’abus et potentiellement, l’obligation de minimiser le dommage. Elle se manifeste d’autre part, comme aménagement du principe de la force obligatoire, opérant lors de la survenance d’une difficulté d’exécution étrangère au partenaire – dans l’obligation de renégociation du contrat, et potentiellement la théorie de l’imprévision –, ou d’une difficulté inhérente à celui-ci – dans les mesures de grâce, et la législation d’aménagement du surendettement des particuliers. / A sufficient particular concept of “taking into consideration the other party’s interest” cannot intervene principally at the service of the selfish or common interest. Its pure theory is therefore characterized by “relational dynamism”, altruism and a basic distinction between interests. Concerning its theoretical reality in contractual law, it is based on a fraternity principle. Such principle constitutes firstly its conceptual support, to the exclusion of solidarity from which it is distinguished, since its content corresponds to the triple dynamic that characterizes the notion’s pure theory. Secondly, it constitutes its real basis, since it allows overcoming the limits of its concurrent basis – the good faith and the contractual solidarism – and is the principal-axiom where it finds its source. As to its material reality, a part of the evolution of the classical theory of obligations and contracts is materialized by such taking into consideration. It is manifested on the one hand as a temperament to the contractual freedom principle, sometimes as a positive standard of behavior – in the relational good faith and the reinforced obligation of information – and sometimes as a limit to a contractual prerogative – in the control of abuse and potentially the obligation to mitigate damages. It is manifested on the other hand, as an adjustment of the binding effect principle, when occurs a difficulty of execution that is exterior to the other party – in the duty to renegotiate the contract and potentially the “unforseeability” theory –, or inherent to this party – in the grace measures and the legislation on the adjustment of private individuals excessive indebtedness.

Řešení obchodních sporů ze smluvních závazkových vztahů na úrovni EU / Resolving Business Disputes over Contractual Obligations at the EU level.

Homolková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis first deals with definition of business contractual relationship (sources, formation, freedom of contract) and indicates ways of resolving disputes arising from it within the Czech legal code. Through defining the concept of cross-border element the master thesis attains on how to resolve business disputes over contractual obligations at the EU level. Core topic of thesis deals with jurisdiction in commercial matters, the law applicable to contractual obligations, alternative dispute resolution as well as the recognition and enforcement of judgements or of different rulings. The last part of the thesis deals with a practical procedure which shows how to resolve dispute between domestic businessman and foreign businessman via legal proceedings.

Le dommage en droit international privé européen. Réflexions à partir du règlement Rome II sur la loi applicable aux obligations non-contractuelles / The Damage in European International Private Law. Discussion on the Rome II Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations

Bonnamour, Blandine 30 June 2011 (has links)
Le règlement Rome II sur la loi applicable aux obligations non contractuelles énonce une règle de conflit commune aux États membres de l’Union européenne. La sécurité juridique représente son objectif substantiel premier. Sur ce fondement en particulier, le texte érige un élément principal de rattachement relativement inédit en droit international privé comparé : le dommage. La confrontation de ce critère à l’exigence de sécurité juridique met cependant en lumière le caractère inachevé de l’œuvre européenne. L’amphibologie de la notion de dommage risque, en effet, de mettre à mal la satisfaction de l’exigence de sécurité. Cette recherche entend proposer des solutions à l’incomplétude du critère du dommage. Des réflexions d’ordre théorique et pratique conduisent à envisager deux séries de réponses. Les premières s’adressent au praticien. Elles consistent en l’élaboration d’une notion conflictuelle autonome de dommage, distincte de la notion substantielle de préjudice. Une seconde solution s’adresse directement au législateur de l’Union, dans l’hypothèse d’une révision de la règle européenne de conflit de lois. Il s’agit de proposer une autre méthodologie, qui repose sur la consécration d’un droit international privé européen du dommage. Celle-Ci s’entend de l’élaboration de nouvelles catégories conflictuelles, exclusivement organisées autour du dommage. / The Rome II regulation on the law applicable to non-Contractual obligations states a common rule of conflict into the European Union. Legal security is one of its main purposes and justifies more specifically the choice of an unprecedented connecting factor in comparative international private law: the damage. Nevertheless, the notion of damage covers many different meanings in the different countries of European Union. This plurality may compromise the satisfaction of legal security and, by failing to address this specific issue, the European regulation Rome II turns out to be unfinished.This study intends to suggest solutions to effectively complement and harmonize the notion of damage as a connecting factor in European international private law.Some theoretical and practical reflections lead us to consider two types of answer. The first one is aimed at practitioners. It consists in drawing up an autonomous notion of damage distinct from the material notion of prejudice. A second solution is aimed at the European legislator. It consists in a new methodology based on the adoption of a European international private law of the damage. This means drawing up new conflict categories, exclusively organized around the notion of damage.

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: N° 442-2011- N° 270-2008/CPC

Flores Puga, Stefania Alexandra 24 February 2021 (has links)
El Expediente N° 442-2011 versa sobre el proceso de ejecución de garantía hipotecaria en donde la entidad financiera señala que su cliente incumplió obligación de pago de tarjeta de crédito, la misma que se encuentra contenida en una letra a la vista. Asimismo, señala la entidad financiera que dicha obligación estaba garantizada en el contrato de préstamo y constitución de hipoteca, la misma que garantiza el préstamo hipotecario y también las obligaciones derivadas de los préstamos dinerarios que en el futuro o eventualmente le otorgue el Banco, así como sobregiros en Cuenta Corriente, obligaciones derivadas de tarjetas de crédito, descuentos o pagarés, advance account, cartas de crédito o cartas fianza, operaciones de factoring o arrendamiento financiero entre otros. Estando ante el incumplimiento de una obligación de tarjeta de crédito, el BCP decide resolver el contrato de préstamo hipotecario y solicitar el pago total del préstamo hipotecario y de la deuda de tarjeta de crédito contenida en la letra a la vista. La controversia radica en dilucidar si la alegación de las obligaciones impagas realizadas por el BCP determina la resolución del contrato y como tal, la exigibilidad del pago de la integridad del saldo de la deuda. / Case No. 442-2011 deals with the foreclosure of a mortgage guarantee in which the financial entity states that its client defaulted on the payment obligation of a credit card, which is contained in a demand draft. Likewise, the financial entity points out that such obligation was guaranteed in the loan agreement and mortgage constitution, the same that guarantees the mortgage loan and also the obligations derived from the monetary loans that in the future or eventually the Bank may grant, as well as overdrafts in Current Account, obligations derived from credit cards, discounts or promissory notes, advance account, letters of credit or letters of guarantee, factoring or financial leasing operations, among others. Being in default of a credit card obligation, BCP decides to terminate the mortgage loan agreement and request full payment of the mortgage loan and the credit card debt contained in the demand draft. The controversy lies in elucidating whether the allegation of the unpaid obligations made by BCP determines the termination of the contract and as such, the enforceability of the payment of the full balance of the debt. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Budgetöverskridanden i kommunala investeringsprojekt : En fallstudie på en liten kommun

Kjellman, Felix, Pettersson, Hugo January 2021 (has links)
Världen över sker ständiga budgetöverskridanden. Offentliga verksamheter har inte varit något undantag för dessa kostnadsöverskridanden, vilket skapar incitament till att förstå varför de uppstår. I de offentliga projekten drabbas fler än bara de projektansvariga vid budgetöverskridelser. Det är samhället i stort som får betala för arbetet eftersom det är skattefinansierade projekt. Examensarbetet utgör en fallstudie som genomfördes med syftet att skapa förståelse för varför budgetöverskridanden sker i en liten kommun. För att uppnå syftet har både sekundär- och primärdata använts i form av en djupgående dokumentanalys vilken kompletterats av intervjuer. Som fallstudieobjekt har en liten kommun använts för att samla in material. Arbetets dokumentanalys syftar till att sammanställa och jämföra tidigare utförda projekt. Intervjuer med respondenter har kompletterat och förklarat de budgetavvikelser som uppmärksammats från dokumentanalysen. En litteraturstudie av tidigare forskningens resultat möjliggjorde även för jämförelse och ökad förståelse av resultatet. Resultatet av studien är en förklaring till varför budgetöverskridanden förekommer i en liten kommun. De huvudsakliga anledningarna är ändrings-, tilläggs- och avgående arbeten (ÄTA-arbeten) i projekten vilket orsakas av olika faktorer. Dessa olika faktorer kan vara exempelvis felaktiga handlingar eller dåliga markförhållanden. ÄTA-arbeten är väldigt kostnads- och tidsdrivande vilket orsakar budgetöverskridanden. Studien visar också att kostnadsöverskridanden är mer vanligt förekommande än tidsöverskridanden / All over the world budget overruns occur. Public organisations have been no exception for these overruns, which incentivizes creating an understanding to why they occur in the first place. In the public projects there are more people than just the project managers who are affected by these overruns. This is due to the fact that the public projects are financed by tax funds which is paid by the society as a whole. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of why budget overruns occur where a small municipality has been chosen as the case object to gather data. To achieve this purpose both primary and secondary data has been used to create a document analysis which has been complemented with interviews. The document analysis of the study aims to compile and compare previous projects in the municipality. The interviews are supposed to complement and explain different budget deviations found in the document analysis. Finally, a literature review was carried out in order to enable the comparison of the gathered data and increase the understanding of the findings. The result of the study is an explanation of why budget overruns occur in a small municipality. The primary reasons are change orders in the project plan which is caused by different factors. These different factors are faulty or vaguely formed project plans or even bad conditions of the land. Change orders are very cost and time consuming which causes budget overruns. The study also found that cost overruns are more common than time overruns.

Äktenskapssyner inom islam : En beskrivande idéanalys av Asma Barlas ”Believing Women in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Readings” och Sayyid Muhammad Rizvis ”Marriage and Morals in Islam”

Persson, Linus January 2023 (has links)
To many, marriage is a fundamental part of life. The union of two individuals, often in the presence of those most dear, they vow stay loyal and support each other throughout their daily lives. Often, the marriage is fulfilled in the context of religion. To Islam, marriage is a sacred union assisting the couple on their spiritual journey in life. It is said that the Prophet Muhammad expressed “One who marries has already guarded half of his religion, therefore he should fear Allah for the other half”. This paper aims to analyse two different interreligious perspectives on marriage, and the existing view on sex and gender within the concept of marriage. To achieve this, a descriptive onset to idea analysis is used as a method. This analysis of this paper is based on four different analytical categories, or questions, which aims to display the existing concept of marriage of two books: Believing Women in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur’an, by Asma Barlas, and Marriage and Morals in Islam, by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi. The analysis shows that both accounts present an institutional view on marriage, with distinctly expressed terms or ideals on marriage - although Barlas creates more space for contractual dimensions to exist within the institutional view. As to gender and sex, this paper concludes that the views are based on the idea of essential biological differences between men and women. The duties and ideals of marriage is based on those differences, but Barlas stresses that this does not show that the Qur’an supports inequality or a sexual bias. As to Rizvi, it is more difficult to conclude whether his view on sex differences supports equality of the sexes, or a hierarchal outlook where the male is privileged or superior in comparison to women.

La réforme du droit OHADA des investissements : une éradication des pratiques contractuelles déloyales par l’introduction d’un Acte uniforme relatif aux investissements

Awe Dzama, Pollyana Marguerita Milaine 08 1900 (has links)
Cette ébauche est une contribution au développement économique des États d’Afrique subsaharienne, en particulier ceux membres de l’OHADA. Elle répond à une problématique qui nuit au développement économique de ces États par la voie de l’investissement : celle de la mise en place d’un système juridique africain permettant d’asseoir des règles juridiques pertinentes, fondamentales à l’encadrement du champ des investissements en Afrique. Quoiqu’il existe déjà au niveau national et communautaire africain, des législations applicables en la matière, cette étude démontre l’insuffisance de ces règles, trop promotrices des investissements, et peu protectrices de leurs enjeux, à régir comme il se doit le domaine des investissements. Cette étude est de ce fait révélatrice d’une nécessité, d’une opportunité : celle de la réforme du système juridique africain des investissements par l’instauration d’un Acte uniforme OHADA relatif aux investissements (AUI). Le dispositif normatif de cet Acte uniforme se voudra à la fois préventif et curatif des irrégularités pouvant être commises par les acteurs publics africains et leurs partenaires occidentaux dans les phases de négociation des conventions d’investissement, d’admission de l’investissement, d’exécution et d’extinction de l’activité d’investissement mais aussi protecteur des enjeux sociaux et environnementaux liés à l’exécution des projets d’investissement en Afrique. Cette réforme est également le lieu de veiller aux intérêts économiques des États africains lors des partenariats économiques conclus avec les États occidentaux et entreprises occidentales, au respect par leurs partenaires du droit interne et communautaire africain objet de la réforme mais également de protéger les investisseurs étrangers face aux actes préjudiciables émanant des acteurs publics africains. L’effectivité de telles mesures n’est possible que par l’institution d’un organe communautaire africain (la CARICI : Cour Africaine de Répression des Infractions Commises en matière d’Investissement) qui aura pour mission le suivi de l’exécution des projets d’investissements conformément aux programmes ou plans d’investissements agréés et aux dispositions juridiques qui seront établies par ledit Acte uniforme relatif aux investissements. Telles sont les suggestions émises lors de la rédaction de ce travail de recherche, qui nous l’espérons concourras à une grande avancée du droit des investissements africains et par voie de conséquence à une croissance économique fulgurante de ce continent. / This study is a contribution to the economic development of sub-Saharan African states, in particular those that are members of OHADA. It responds to a problem that is detrimental to the economic development of these States through investment: that of the establishment of an African legal system making it possible to establish relevant legal rules, fundamental to the supervision of the field of investment in Africa. Although legislation already exists at the national and community level in Africa, this study shows the inadequacy of these rules, which are too promotive of investments and offer little protection to those at stake, to govern the field of investments as they should. This study is therefore indicative of a need and an opportunity: that of reforming the African legal system for investments through the introduction of an OHADA Uniform Act on Investments (UAI). The normative mechanism of this Uniform Act is intended to be both preventive and curative of irregularities that may be committed by African public actors and their Western partners in the phases of negotiation of investment agreements, admission of the investment, execution and termination of the investment activity; but also protective of the social and environmental issues related to the execution of investment projects in Africa. This reform is also the place to watch over the economic interests of African States during economic partnerships concluded with Western States and Western companies, the respect by their partners of African domestic and community law which is the subject of the reform, but also to protect foreign investors against prejudicial acts emanating from African public actors. The effectiveness of such measures is only possible through the institution of an African community body (the ACRIO: African Court of Repression of Investment Offences) which will have as its mission the monitoring of the execution of investment projects in accordance with the approved investment programmes or plans and the legal provisions which will be established by the said Uniform Act on Investments. These are the suggestions made during the drafting of this research work, which we hope will contribute to a great advance in African investment law and consequently to a dazzling economic growth of this continent.

Moving towards BIM : Managing the gap between design and construction / Flytta mot BIM : Hantera klyftan mellan design och konstruktion

Purba, Prisila Putri Pinarsinta January 2018 (has links)
Many literature suggested that BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a promising future for the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) industry that offers enormous benefits to its actors, such as improved design quality due to less collision between disciplines and better understanding of building overview for better communication among the project team and decision-making process. However, lack of BIM knowledge and skill, absence of BIM legal acts, huge investment, software limitations, etc, are most of the time becoming barriers for them to reap the full potential of BIM. Especially during the project processes, there is a loss of value in information assets across phases.  In a project setting, CPM (construction project management) organisation is believed to be in a key position between the client and the other project team members to encourage BIM implementation, for instance by the ability to formulate BIM guidelines, influence the organisational and contractual arrangement, and mandating model-based deliverables. Yet, this power comes with a bigger responsibility to manage those challenges aforementioned. The purpose of the study is to investigate the current practise of a chosen CPM organisation, Forsen Projekt AB, and propose a suggestion of improvement to implement BIM during the design and construction phase. This study adopts qualitative method that builds on literature study and semi-structured interview in order to answer the research questions on what are the gaps faced by CPM organisation in implementing BIM and how to align BIM with the CPM practise in order to manage those gaps. The interview with eight different project roles from Forsen and its affiliated organisations in a project setting enables multiple perspectives about the challenges they perceived when working in BIM environment. The findings revealed that the major gaps founded in BIM implementation are related to organisational, legal or contractual, people and process, and IT-capacity. Suggestions on how to bridge those gaps are then formulated accordingly, such as the collaborative organisational structure, BIM general guidelines, and knowledge management strategies. / Många litteratur föreslog att BIM (Building Information Modeling) är en lovande framtid för AEC (arkitektur, teknik och konstruktion) som erbjuder enorma fördelar för sina aktörer, till exempel förbättrad designkvalitet på grund av mindre kollision mellan discipliner och bättre förståelse för byggande överblick för bättre kommunikation bland projektgruppen och beslutsprocessen. Bristen på BIM-kunskaper och färdigheter, frånvaron av BIM-rättsakter, stora investeringar, programvaru begränsningar, etc, är emellertid oftast hinder för att de kan skörda BIMs fulla potential. Speciellt under projektprocesserna finns värdeminskning i informations tillgångar över faser. I en projektinställning antas CPM-organisation (byggprojektledning) vara en nyckelposition mellan klienten och de andra projektgruppsmedlemmarna för att uppmuntra BIM-genomförandet, till exempel genom förmågan att formulera BIM-riktlinjer, påverka organisatoriska och avtalsmässiga arrangemang , och mandatmodellbaserade leveranser. Ändå kommer denna kraft med ett större ansvar för att hantera de utmaningar som nämns ovan. Syftet med studien är att undersöka den nuvarande praxisen hos en utvald CPM-organisation, Forsen Projekt AB, och föreslå ett förslag om förbättring för att implementera BIM under design och konstruktionsfasen. Denna studie antar kvalitativ metod som bygger på litteraturstudie och halvstrukturerad intervju för att svara på forskningsfrågorna om vilka luckor som CPM-organisationen står inför för att implementera BIM och hur man anpassar BIM med CPM-praxis för att hantera dessa luckor. Intervjun med åtta olika projektroller från Forsen och dess anknutna organisationer i en projektinställning möjliggör flera perspektiv på de utmaningar som de uppfattar när de arbetar i BIM-miljö. Resultaten visade att de stora luckorna som grundas i BIM-genomförandet är relaterade till organisatoriska, juridiska eller avtalsmässiga, människor och processer och IT-kapacitet. Förslag på hur man överbryggar dessa luckor formuleras därefter i enlighet med den samarbetsorganisationsstruktur, BIM: s allmänna riktlinjer och strategier för kunskapshantering.

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