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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LUIS MARCEL VIEIRA FREITAS 30 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] O estudo tem como objetivo entender como as Joint Ventures Contratuais (JVCs) formadas pela empresa Petrobras no ramo da Exploração e Produção afetaram a performance e a aprendizagem da mesma. Esta pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva tem sua base nas lentes teóricas da coopetição e da performance e aprendizagem em Joint Ventures para, a partir de estudos de caso múltiplos com quatro JVCs, buscar relações entre a realização destas e a aprendizagem e performance da organização estudada. O estudo teve o levantamento de dados em 3 etapas: primeiramente uma entrevista exploratória, depois entrevistas com empregados da área corporativa e por fim as entrevistas com empregados que trabalham ou trabalharam nas JVCs do BM-S-11 (campo de Tupi), Joint Venture X, Libra (campo de Mero) e BM-C-33. O estudo concluiu que a influência da performance das JVs na performance da Petrobras, embora ligada a fatores geológicos como presença de grandes reservas de hidrocarbonetos de baixo custo de extração, é diretamente influenciada pela forma com que a JV é gerenciada, pela capacidade dos parceiros de contribuírem com o projeto, além de uma parceria formada com objetivos estratégicos semelhantes e confiança entre os parceiros. Já a aprendizagem é ainda mais associada a características dos parceiros, como capacidade tecnológica e base de conhecimento semelhante, e é regida pelo estímulo da liderança das empresas parceiras com a troca de conhecimento, além da governança que regulam as trocas – sejam ela regida por meio do Joint Operating Agreement ou por outros acordos particulares entre as partes. / [en] The study aims to understand how the Contractual Joint Ventures (CJVs) formed by the company Petrobras in Oil And Gas Exploration and Production affected its performance and learning. This qualitative and descriptive research is based on the theoretical lens of coopetition and performance and learning in Joint Ventures to, from multiple case studies with four CJVs, seek relationships between those CJVs and the learning and performance of the organization studied. The study had the data collection in three stages: first an exploratory interview, then interviews with employees of the corporate area and finally the interviews with employees who work or worked in the CJVs of BM-S-11 (Tupi field), Joint Venture X, Libra (Mero field) and BM-C-33. The study concluded that the influence of the performance of the CJVs on Petrobras performance, although linked to geological factors such as the presence of large hydrocarbon reserves with low extraction costs, is directly influenced by the way in which the JV is managed, by the capacity of the partners to contribute to the project, in addition to a partnership formed with similar strategic objectives and with trust between partners. Learning, on the other hand, is even more associated with partner characteristics, such as technological capacity and a similar knowledge base, and is governed by incentive of the leadership of partner companies to exchange knowledge, in addition to the governance that regulates the exchanges - whether governed by of the Joint Operating Agreement or by other private agreements between the parties.

Les principes directeurs du droit des contrats : regards croisés sur les droits français, libanais, européen et international / Guiding principles of contract law : crossed view on french, lebanese, european and international laws

Khoriaty, Rita 09 September 2011 (has links)
La comparaison des principes directeurs du droit des contrats dans les ordres internes (français et libanais), européen et international permet de déceler, d’une part, une convergence sur le plan de l’identification des principes directeurs du droit des contrats et, d’autre part, une divergence sur le plan de la mise en oeuvre de ces principes. La convergence se manifeste par le fait que les mêmes principes - à savoir les principes de liberté contractuelle, de loyauté contractuelle et de sécurité contractuelle - sous-tendent la théorie générale des contrats dans les trois ordres. Cette convergence s’explique par deux principaux facteurs : d’une part, un facteur logique à savoir le raisonnement par induction qui permet de dégager les principes directeurs du droit des contrats, et, d’autre part, un facteur politique en l’occurrence la concordance des objectifs généraux du droit des contrats dans les trois ordres. Quant à la divergence sur le plan de la mise en oeuvre des principes directeurs,elle se manifeste pratiquement par le renforcement, en droits européen et international,des principes directeurs de la liberté contractuelle et de la loyauté contractuelle ainsi que par l’aménagement du principe directeur de la sécurité contractuelle. Cette divergence a pu être expliquée par l’existence de besoins propres du commerce international. Toutefois, elle devrait plutôt être rattachée à l’influence de droits nationaux étrangers aux droits français et libanais. / The comparison of the guiding principles of contract law in French, Lebanese, European and international laws reveals on one hand a convergence in terms of identifying the guiding principles of contract law and on the other hand a divergence interms of implementing these principles.The convergence arises from the same principles - namely the principles of contractual freedom, contractual security and contractual “loyalty”2 - underlying the general theory of contracts in all three laws. This convergence is due to two mainfactors: firstly, a logical factor that is the inductive reasoning that allows extracting the guiding principles of contract law, and, secondly, a political factor based on the similarity of the general objectives of contract law in the three laws. As for the divergence in terms of guiding principles implementation, it is revealed through reinforcing in European and international laws, the guiding principles of contractual freedom and contractual “loyalty” as well as the adjustment of the guiding principle of contractual security. This divergence could be explained by the existence of specific needs of international trade. However, it should rather be related to the influence of foreign national laws different from French and Lebanese laws.

Regulation of fixed-term contracts under the South African Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Lombard, Marianne 06 1900 (has links)
In this thesis the position of parties under a fixed-term agreement under section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 is analysed critically. The purpose of this thesis is first to establish whether parties to a fixed-term agreement are better protected in terms of section 14 of the CPA when the consumer needs to terminate the contract based on the material failure to perform by the supplier, than under the common law. Second, this thesis explores whether the maximum duration of fixed-term agreements should be limited by statute. Various aspects affecting parties to these agreements, for instance the freedom to contract, pacta servanda sunt, and standard-form agreements, are considered. The South African position is then compared to the position in Singapore under the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act, and to the United Kingdom under the Consumer Rights Act, to gain perspective and objectively evaluate the provisions of section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 to establish whether South Africa can benefit from lessons learnt from these jurisdictions. Finally, principle-based amendments to the provisions of the CPA are recommended to improve the position of the consumer under fixed-term agreements to effect best practice solutions and ensure adherence to the aims and purposes of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 and international guidelines. This thesis is based on the law as at 18 June 2020, found in sources available in South Africa, and Singaporean law available in the database of the National University of Singapore. / Hierdie proefskrif is ’n kritiese analise van die posisie van partye tot vastetermynkontrakte ingevolge artikel 14 van die Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikersbeskermingswetgewing, die Consumer Protection Act 68 van 2008 (CPA). Die doel van die analise is eerstens om vas te stel of partye tot ’n vastetermynkontrak ingevolge artikel 14 van die CPA beter beskerming geniet ingevolge die CPA wanneer die verbruiker die vastetermynkontrak moet beëindig weens die wesenlike wanprestasie deur die verskaffer, as ingevolge die gemenereg. Tweedens ondersoek die proefskrif of dit wenslik is dat die maksimum duur van vastetermynkontrakte deur wetgewing beperk word. Verskeie aspekte wat die posisie van partye tot vastetermynkontrakte beïnvloed word ondersoek, onder andere kontrakteervryheid, die leerstuk pacta servanda sunt en standaardkontrakte. Die Suid-Afrikaanse posisie word dan vergelyk met dié in Singapoer, ingevolge die Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (CPFTA), en die Verenigde Koninkryk, ingevolge die Consumer Rights Act (CRA) om perspektief te kry op die studie, en ten einde die bepalings van artikel 14 objektief te oorweeg om vas te stel of Suid-Afrika kan kersopsteek by hierdie jurisdiksies. Laastens word voorstelle gemaak om die posisie van die verbruiker tot vastetermynkontrakte ingevolge die CPA te verbeter om beste gebruikspraktyke te implementeer, en te verseker dat die doelwitte van die CPA en internasionale verbruikersriglyne bereik word. Hierdie studie weerspieël die regsposisie soos op 18 Junie 2020 in bronne wat plaaslik beskikbaar is, asook in bronne aan my beskikbaar gestel deur die Nasionale Universiteit van Singapoer tydens ’n navorsingsbesoek daar. / Kule thesisi isimo sezinhlangano ezingaphansi kwesivumelwano sesikhathi esinqunyiwe, ngaphansi kwesigaba 14 koMthetho 68 ka 2008, uMthetho weZokuvikelwa koMthengi uhlaziywa ngendlela egxekayo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukusungula ukuthi mhlawumbe lezi zinhlangano ezingaphansi kwesivumelwano sesikhathi esinqunyiwe sivikeleke kangcono ngaphansi kwesigaba 14 se-CPA uma kunesidingo sabathengi sokuqedwa kwesivumelwano esencike phezu kokwehluleka ukwenza umsebenzi waloyo ongumthumeli wempahla, okwehlukile emthethweni owejwayelekile. Okwesibili, le thesis iphenya ukuthi mhlawumbe isikhathi isikhathi esinde sesivumelwano sesikhathi esinqunyiwe kufanele sincishiswe ngokomthetho oshayiwe. Izinto ezahlukahlukene ezithinta lezi zivumelwano, njengesibonelo, inkululeko yokungena esivumelwaneni pacta servanda sunt, kanye nesivumelwano ezingaguquki, kuyizinto ezibhekwayo. Isimo seNingizimu Afrika siqhathaniswa nesimo sezwe laseSingapore ngaphansi koMthetho wezokuVikelwa kwabaThengi (Fair Trading), kanye nasezweni laseUnited Kingdom ngaphansi koMthetho owaMalungelo abaThengi, ukuthola umqondo kanye nokuhlola izimiso ngaphansi kwesigaba 14 soMthetho 68 ka 2008, uMthetho oVikela abaThengi ukuthola ukuthi ngabe iNingizimu Afrika kukhona ekuzuzile kwizifundo ezifundwe kulezi zakhiwo zemithetho. Okokugcina, izichibiyelo ezisuselwe kwimigomo mayelana nalokho okushiwo yi-CPA inconywe ukuthi yenze ngcono isimo sezinhlangano ezingaphansi kwezivumelwano zesikhathi esinqunyiwe ukuletha izisombululo ezingcono kanye nokuqinisekisa ukuthi kulandelwa izinhloso kanye nemisebenzi yoMthetho 68 ka 2008, okunguMthetho oVikela abaThengi kanye nemihlahlandlela yezizwe zomhlaba. Lolu cwaningo lususelwe phezu komthetho kusukela mhla zi 18 uNhlangulana 2020, luyatholakala emithonjeni yaseNingizimu Afrika, kanye nomthetho waseSingapore uyatholakala emthonjeni yedatha yaseNational University of Singapore. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

Försäkring av affärsrisker : Var dras gränsen i ansvarsförsäkringen och var borde den dras? / Insurance of business risks : Defining where the boundaries are set and where they should be set in the context of liability insurance.

Jonsson, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
I uppsatsen utreds vad försäkring är samt vad affärsrisker är och hur de försäkras inom ramen för ansvarsförsäkringen. Viktiga frågor är var, och varför, gränsen för affärsriskers försäkringsbarhet dras som den gör, samt huruvida en ny struktur och systematik kan ge upphov till en mer ändamålsenlig gränsdragning. För att kunna förstå och argumentera kring behandlingen av affärsrisker i ansvarsförsäkringen, samt för att kunna omfamna ämnessfären med ett helhetsgrepp, måste först en relation till försäkringens väsen byggas. Kunskapen om vad försäkring är och varför försäkring finns utgör oumbärliga fundament i argumentationen om affärsriskers försäkringsbara vara eller icke vara. De försäkringsrättsliga principerna och den normativa bas som bygger upp rättsområdet synliggör ramen för försäkringsavtalsparternas förhållande och rekvisiten för försäkringsbarheten. Dessa principer och normer utgör sedermera bakgrunden som affärsriskerna ses emot i analysen. Ansvarsförsäkringen täcker den försäkrades skadeståndsansvar. En uppdelning kan göras mellan hur täckning sker av kontraktuella skadestånds- och ersättningsansvar respektive utomobligatoriska skadeståndsansvar. I och med att professions- och rådgivningsansvaret behandlas annorlunda än ansvaret i andra tjänsteverksamheter finns det en principiell vinst i att belysa det separat. Affärsriskerna leder fram till ett eventuellt ansvar och hur de behandlas kan ses i de omfattnings- och undantagsvillkor som återfinns i den vanliga ansvarsförsäkringen och i GLI-försäkringen. I uppsatsen genomgås följande utvidgande och undantagande villkor: undantaget för ren förmögenhetsskada, undantaget för omhändertagen egendom, undantaget för garantier och utfästelser, undantaget för förutsebar skada, undantaget för skada på levererad egendom, tillägget för ren förmögenhetsskada, återkallelsetillägget, tillägget för ingrediens- och komponentskada, åtkomst- och återställandetillägget samt goodwilltillägget. Gränsdragningen för täckning av affärsrisker i ansvarsförsäkringen är spretig och förefaller inte utgå ifrån en bakomliggande systematik. De gemensamma nämnarna analyseras dock, vilket ger en uppfattning av de syften som försäkringsbranschen vill uppnå med avgränsningen mot vissa affärsrisker. Med erfarenheter från vad försäkringens väsen är, hur och varför gränsdragningen görs samt dess, ur ändamålssynpunkt, inte helt tillfredställande resultat, kan en ny struktur och systematik föreslås. Förhoppningsvis leder det till en mer genomtänkt och förståelig hantering av affärsrisker i ansvarsförsäkringsfrågor. / In this thesis, I examine what insurance is, together with what business risk is and how business risks are insured in the context of liability insurance. Important questions are where, and why, the boundaries of the insurability of business risks are set as they are, and also whether a new structure and systematics could give rise to a more suitable delimitation. To be able to understand and argue about how business risks are treated in the context of liability insurance, and also to be able to approach the sphere of the subject holistically, a relation to the essence of insurance must first be built. The knowledge about what insurance is and why it exists is an indispensable foundation for the argumentation around the insurability of business risks. The principles and the normative base that make up the legal area of insurance law reveal the framework of the relationship between the parties of the insurance contract and the requirements of insurability. These principles and norms subsequently form the background against which the business risks are seen in the analysis. The liability insurance covers the liability of the insured. A distinction can be made between how the insurance covers contractual liability and non-contractual liability. Since professional liability, such as the liability of advisors, is treated differently from the liability of other service businesses, there is a principal benefit in elucidating it separately. The business risks lead to a potential liability, and how they are treated can be seen in the regular and global liability insurance policies. In this thesis, the following expanding and excluding policies are covered. Exclusion of pure financial loss, property in trust, promise or guarantee, foreseeable damage and damage to delivered property. Addition of pure financial loss, recall, claims due to ingredients or components, access and restoration costs, and goodwill. The boundary of coverage of business risks in the context of liability insurance is fuzzy and does not appear to be set based upon any underlying systematics. The common denominators are, however, analyzed which gives an idea of the ends that the insurance industry wants to achieve through the delimitation against certain business risks. With knowledge of what constitutes the essence of insurance, of how and why the boundaries are set as they are and of their, from a purpose-oriented point of view, not entirely satisfactory results, a new structure and systematics can be proposed. Hopefully, it leads to a more thought-out and comprehensible treatment of business risks in matters regarding liability insurance.

Équité et bonne foi : perspectives historiques et contemporaines sur les distinctions fondamentales entre ces deux outils de justice contractuelle

Giroux-Gamache, Claudia 06 1900 (has links)
La théorie classique du contrat et ses corollaires, l’autonomie de la volonté des parties et le principe de la stabilité des contrats, ont longtemps régné en droit des obligations. Depuis l’introduction du Code civil du Québec, la notion de bonne foi a été l’objet de plusieurs textes de doctrine et de plusieurs décisions judiciaires phares. La notion est considérée comme l’outil de prédilection des juristes pour assurer une meilleure justice contractuelle, parfois pour développer des théories allant à l’encontre du principe de la stabilité des contrats. Or, le récent arrêt Churchill Falls nous enseigne que la bonne foi a ses propres contours et ne peut donc pas être utilisée en dehors des limites qui lui sont intrinsèques. Dans ce travail, la notion de bonne foi est revisitée conjointement avec la notion d’équité afin de présenter leurs paramètres fondamentaux initiaux, leurs mutations et leurs portées actuelles en droit civil québécois. Bien que ces deux outils contribuent à assurer une meilleure justice commutative dans les échanges, la bonne foi a ce l’équité n’a pas : une synchronicité avec les principes de stabilité des contrats et d’autonomie de la volonté. Cette constatation peut expliquer la mise au placard de l’équité à titre d’outil de justice dans le régime général des obligations. Ainsi, en filigrane, il appert que la stabilité des contrats demeure une valeur prédominante du législateur malgré les allures d’une nouvelle moralité du droit des obligations. / The classical theory of contract and its corollaries, the autonomy of the parties' will and the principle of the stability of contracts, have ruled the law of obligations for long. Since the introduction of the Civil Code of Québec, the notion of good faith has been the subject of several doctrinal texts and landmark judicial decisions. The notion is considered as the preferred tool of jurists to ensure a better contractual justice, sometimes to develop theories that run counter to the principle of the stability of contracts. However, the Supreme Court in its judgment Churchill Falls decision teaches us that good faith has its own contours and therefore cannot be used outside its intrinsic limits. In this paper, the notion of good faith is revisited in conjunction with the notion of equity to present their initial fundamental parameters, their mutations, and their current scope in Quebec civil law. Although both tools contribute to ensuring better commutative justice in exchanges, good faith has what equity does not: synchronicity with the principles of stability of contracts and autonomy of the will. This observation may explain the shelving of equity as a tool of justice in the general regime of obligations. Thus, it appears that the stability of contracts remains a predominant value of the legislator despite the appearance of a new morality in the law of obligations.

The basis of contractual liability in indigenous law

Anspach, Philip 30 June 2003 (has links)
This study examines the basis of contractual liability in indigenous law. It concludes that contractual liability arises only from real contracts where one party has performed fully or partially in terms of an agreement. Attention is given to both the nature and concept of indigenous contracts to ascertain the function of contracts in indigenous societies in order to bring a holistic perspective to the topic. It is demonstrated that the settlement of disputes arising out of indigenous contracts is primarily focused on the reconciliation of people and the consequent maintenance of harmony within the community. The foremost concern in indigenous law of contract is with human justice rather than with strict legal justice, and expression is thereby given to prevailing community values. / Indigenous Law / LL.M.

The concept ‘fairness’ in the regulation of contracts under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Stoop, Philip N. 14 January 2013 (has links)
The thesis analyses the concept ‘fairness’ in consumer contracts regulated by the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, mainly from the perspective of a freedom and fairness orientation. It discusses the evolution of ‘fairness’ as background to a more detailed discussion of the classification of fairness into substantive and procedural fairness. The thesis examines dimensions of fairness, factors which play a role in the determination of fairness, and fairness- oriented approaches in an attempt to formulate a framework for fairness in consumer contracts. The main aspects that should be taken into account to justify a finding of fairness, or to determine whether a contract is fair, are identified. This analysis addresses, too, the extent to which the fairness provisions of the Consumer Protection Act are appropriate (with reference to the law of South Africa, Europe, and England). / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

The law giveth and the law taketh away : Marriages out of community of property excluding accrual post 1984/88

Welsh, Shirley Anne Vera 11 1900 (has links)
Because women are predominantly responsible for childcare, men are the primary income earners. Having acquired the marital assets, on divorce the husband would retain them in a marriage out of community of property. The wife would be left deskilled, financially dependent, with little likelihood of receiving spousal maintenance and with no marital assets. In 1984 the Matrimonial Property Act and in 1988 the Matrimonial Property Law Amendment Act introduced a judicial discretion to equitably redistribute marital assets in certain marriages out of community. This dissertation argues that the bases for the limitation of the judicial discretion to women married before a certain date are unsound and that the limitation arguably violates the equality clause of the Constitution. / Law / LL.M.

Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Arbitration procedure within international business transactions

Šteflová, Iva January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis on Arbitration procedure within international business transactions focuses on the place of arbitration procedure and its relation to the national system of law. The first chapter is concerned with the dispute resolutions within international business transactions. The thesis characterises the alternative dispute resolutions and defines the term of arbitration procedure within international business transactions. The basic characteristics thereof are specified and the theories which attempt to explain nature of arbitration are described - contractual, jurisdictional, mixed and autonomy theory. The term of the place of arbitration is defined in the second chapter as the real place situated in the territory of a particular state. This place is distinguished from the arbitration seat and from other terms which used to be confused with the place of arbitration. The arbitration seat is deemed to represent legal domicile of the arbitration. The system of law of the seat determines the legal regime of arbitration procedure. The thesis further describes two main theories dealing with the relation between the place of arbitration and the national system of law - seat theory and delocalization theory. The relation between the place of arbitration and the national system of law is also...

Právní následky porušení smlouvy v občanském právu / Legal consequences with respect to the breach of contract under civil law

Novák, David January 2011 (has links)
S u m m a r y The goal of this thesis is to analyse the legal consequences of the breach of contract, especially under civil law, although, some essential comparison with legal regulation of commercial law is given, too. The text is divided into ten chapters. In the introduction, i. e. in the first two chapters the term of contract is defined and then the basic legal principles of the contractual law are enumerated and described in respect of the topic. The third chapter deals with the subject of the paper globally and shortly characterises each consequence of the breach of contract. The account of them is also given. The following chapters provide complete information how every consequence works and which part it plays in the Czech legal system. Specifically, Chapter Four is focused on debtor's delay and Chapter Five on creditor's delay. Chapter Six investigates liability for damage and damages a bit, as well. Chapter Seven deals with liability for defects and Chapter Eight is about contractual fine. In Chapter Nine is mentioned discharge of contract and its consequences. Each of in this paragraph enumerated chapters describes its subject itself and also relevant related problems in context with practice of the courts. In the last chapter, i. e. in the Conclusion is the whole topic shortly summarized with...

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