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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sécurité informationnelle des systèmes cyberphysiques et risques à la santé et sécurité : quelle responsabilité pour le fabricant ?

Fournier-Gendron, Hugo 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

L'argument jusnaturaliste en droit privé patrimonial français / The natural law argument in french private law

Dupend, Aurélien 20 June 2014 (has links)
Les conceptions jusnaturalistes peuvent paraître mineures dans la philosophie etla théorie du droit françaises à la différence de leur présence massive dans un enseignementdu droit à l’étranger mais elles n’en ressortent pas moins directement ou indirectement dudroit privé en France si l’on en analyse de près certains aspects de la doctrine, de la loi et dela jurisprudence notamment dans le domaine patrimonial des biens et des contrats. Lesdialogues de nature philosophique éclairent la polysémie qui s’attache au « jusnaturalisme »,au mot « nature » ou à ses équivalents, dénonçant une sorte de structure commune(d’invariant), dans des débats juridiques impliquant les situations les plus pratiques àcommencer par le droit de propriété. Il s’agit de montrer dans ce travail qu’il existe donc unargument de type jusnaturaliste sous-jacent à un droit qui n’en a pas toujours conscience.Cette thèse entend par là ne pas séparer l’étude de la doctrine et du droit positif, ensélectionnant les aspects les plus représentatifs et l’ensemble le plus pluraliste desconceptions jusnaturalistes et de leurs antithèses positivistes contemporaines qui serventhabituellement à discréditer toute référence à la notion de « nature », comme à sessubstituts. Il existe différents modes d’émergence des arguments jusnaturalistes. Unenouvelle lecture du droit positif peut être proposée si l’on veut assumer toutes les exigences,dans leurs dimensions critiques, qui conduisent parfois à des reclassements et qui éclairentsur des relations insoupçonnées à propos d’éléments éloignés. / The concept of “natural law” may seem minor in French philosophy and Frenchtheory of law, unlike their massive presence in legal studies abroad, but they do not standdirectly or indirectly under private law in France if analysed in certain aspects of the doctrineof the law and jurisprudence, in particular in the field of heritage property and contracts. Inlight of the philosophical dialogues which have illuminated the polisemy attached to the term“natural law” or the word “nature” in legal proceedings involving the most practical situationsstarting with the right to property, it is shown in this work that there is a natural law argumentof this type underlying a right that is not always conscious. This thesis does not separate thestudy of the theory of positive law taken in its most representative aspects and the morepluralistic theories of natural law and the rival views of contemporary positivists which usuallytend to reject any reference to or notion of natural law. There are different forms of apparitionof natural law arguments. By means of arguments, jurists look at law studies in a new light.

An Examination of the Common Law Obligation of Good Faith in the Performance and Enforcement of Commercial Contracts in Australia

Dixon, William Michael January 2005 (has links)
This examination of the common law obligation of good faith in the performance and enforcement of commercial contracts in Australia seeks to achieve a number of objectives. First, to chart the historical development of the implied good faith obligation. Secondly, to identify a number of issues that remain unresolved at Australian lower court level. Thirdly, to consider five doctrinal approaches that could be adopted by the High Court when ultimately confronted by the competing claims and tensions that have proven divisive in the courts below. Fourthly, to assess each approach against three identified benchmarks. The essential thesis is that good faith should be implied, as a matter of law, in commercial contracts that are relational in nature with an additional call being made for the High Court to explicitly recognise that the underlying basis of the implied good faith obligation is the reasonable expectations of the contractual parties. This approach is the one approach that satisfies all three benchmarks and provides the most satisfactory resolution of the issues that presently bedevil the commercial good faith debate in Australia.

The basis of contractual liability in indigenous law

Anspach, Philip 30 June 2003 (has links)
This study examines the basis of contractual liability in indigenous law. It concludes that contractual liability arises only from real contracts where one party has performed fully or partially in terms of an agreement. Attention is given to both the nature and concept of indigenous contracts to ascertain the function of contracts in indigenous societies in order to bring a holistic perspective to the topic. It is demonstrated that the settlement of disputes arising out of indigenous contracts is primarily focused on the reconciliation of people and the consequent maintenance of harmony within the community. The foremost concern in indigenous law of contract is with human justice rather than with strict legal justice, and expression is thereby given to prevailing community values. / Indigenous Law / LL.M.

Jalons pour un cadre de référence OHADA en droit des contrats

Dogue, Karel Osiris C. 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Rethinking «Fuerza Mayor» in a World of Anthropogenic Climate Change / Reflexiones Sobre el Concepto de «Fuerza Mayor» en un Mundo de Cambio Climático Antropogénico

Dellinger, Myanna F. 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article addresses the question of whether extreme weather events should form the basis for individuals or even the States, may be exempted from complying with its legal obligations.The old, but still very viable institution of force majeure can empower both companies and nations to absolve themselves of their responsibilities and duties. However, in a world where human-induced climate change is proven, could we say that such disasters are truly«natural»? Does it make sense, from a legal and factual matter, that they continue to allow the parties to be exempt from liability when modern science has shown that in all probability people, not some enigmatic power, have caused most universally of the problems that hold us harmless looking?Force majeure is based on the idea that the «man» somehow is separate from «nature». This article challenges this idea and argues that, in many cases, no longer makes sense to apply the institution of force majeure. At least, judges should be very careful in doing so for reasons of public policy and allocation of risks. In addition, the contracting parties must have enough caution to claim that they may be able to exempt themselves from future liability clauses appealing «force majeure». / Este artículo aborda la pregunta sobre si los eventos de clima extremo deben servir de base para que los particulares o, incluso los Estados, puedan eximirse de cumplir con sus obligaciones legales.La antigua, pero aún muy viable, institución de la fuerza mayor, puede facultar tanto a las empresas como a los Estados-Nación a eximirse de sus responsabilidades y deberes. Sin embargo, en un mundo donde el cambio climático antropogénico está probado,¿podríamos decir que tales desastres son verdaderamente «naturales»? ¿Acaso tiene sentido, desde un punto de vista legal y fáctico, que se les siga permitiendo a las partes eximirse de responsabilidad legal cuando la ciencia moderna ha demostrado con toda probabilidad que, las personas -no algún misterioso poder universal- han ocasionado la mayoría de los problemas por los que buscamos eximirnos de responsabilidad?La fuerza mayor se basa en la idea de que el «hombre», de alguna manera, se encuentra separado de la «naturaleza». Este artículo cuestiona esta idea y argumenta que, en muchos casos, ya no tiene sentido aplicar la institución de la fuerza mayor. Al menos, los jueces deben ser muy cuidadosos al hacerlo por razones de política pública y asignación de riesgos, así como las partes contratantes deben tener la suficiente precaución al pensar o pretender que pueden ser capaces de eximirse de responsabilidad futura invocando cláusulas de «fuerza mayor».


SCAGLIA, GABRIELE 13 April 2018 (has links)
La tesi di dottorato si occupa della riforma delle banche di credito cooperativo introdotta col D.l. n. 18/2016, conv. in l. n. 49/2016 (cfr. artt. 37-bis ss. t.u.b.), e mira al raggiungimento di tre obiettivi: individuare gli spazi riconosciuti all’autonomia negoziale e/o operativa nell’ambito dei gruppi bancari cooperativi cui, oggi, devono necessariamente aderire le b.c.c. per mantenere la forma della cooperativa bancaria; individuare le peculiarità del g.b.c. – caratterizzato dalla presenza di una s.p.a. capogruppo che controlla le b.c.c. attraverso un contratto “di coesione” e il cui capitale è partecipato in misura maggioritaria dalle medesime controllate – in rapporto alle figure più generali del gruppo “bancario” e del gruppo “comune” di cui agli artt. 2497 ss. c.c.; capire se le suddette peculiarità siano espressive di statuti eccezionali fondati sulle speciali esigenze del settore creditizio, in cui le bcc si trovano ad operare, o se, piuttosto, possano evocare principi già rinvenibili nel diritto comune dei gruppi di società. Il lavoro si divide in tre capitoli: il primo capitolo si occupa delle ragioni alla base della riforma delle bcc; il secondo capitolo si occupa dei confini dell'autonomia privata nell'ambito dei gruppi (principalmente contrattuali) "comuni" e "bancari"; il terzo capitolo, infine, si occupa delle differenze tra gruppi bancari (e comuni) e gruppo bancario cooperativo. Nel tentativo di comprendere i riflessi sistematici dell’istituto di recente introduzione e di colmare le fratture tra diritto comune e diritto bancario, il presente lavoro si contrappone a quegli studi e contributi attraverso i quali, al di là delle classificazioni nominalistiche, sono state proposte soluzioni interpretative volte a riconoscere, sempre o nei soli casi di perseguimento di finalità prudenziali, un potere (anche in parte) sottratto ai principi di diritto comune, tale da ridurre le b.c.c. a "meri sportelli bancari della capogruppo". / This Phd thesis deals with the italian reform of the Cooperative Credit Banks, introduced by the D.l. n. 18/2016 (see article 37-bis of the T.U.B.). In an effort to understand the systematic symptoms of the Cooperative Banking Groups and to bridge the fractures between common law and banking law, the research aims three goals. First, identify the space of contractual and operational autonomy within the Cooperative Banking Groups to which, today, the CCB must necessarily adhere to maintain the form of cooperative banks. Second, identify the peculiarities of the CBG - characterized by the presence of a lucrative bank group leader who controls CCB through a "cohesion" contract, whose majority of capital is participated by the same subsidiaries - in relation to the disciplines of the "banking" and "common" groups. Third, understand whether the aforementioned peculiarities are an expression of exceptional statutes based on the special needs of the credit sector or if they rather evoke principles already found in the common law of the group companies. The work is divided in three chapters: the first chapter deals with the reasons behind the reform of the CCB; the second chapter deals with the boundaries of private autonomy within the "common" and "banking" group (mainly contractual) laws; the third chapter, finally, deals with the differences between banking groups and cooperative banking groups. The present work is opposed to certain studies that reckon to the group leader of the CBG a nearly ilimited power, always or only in cases of pursuit of prudential purposes, to controll the subsidaries, even if on prejudice of the subsidiaries’ creditors and shareholders, risking to convert them into "mere branches of the parent company".

Les intermédiaires de commerce en droit de l'OHADA : essai d'une théorie générale de la représentaion commerciale / Business middelmen in OHADA law : an attempt for a general theory of commercial representation

Nguiffeu Tajouo, Eddy Laurence 22 October 2015 (has links)
Née dans un contexte de mondialisation et d’ouverture des économies nationales à la concurrence, l’OHADA a pour principal objectif d’instaurer un climat de confiance propice aux investissements tant nationaux qu’internationaux. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le législateur s’est engagé dans un vaste chantier de modernisation et harmonisation du droit des affaires au sein des États membres. L’un des choix les plus complexes était celui des acteurs et professionnels chargés d’implémenter cette dynamique. Les intermédiaires de commerce ont ainsi été retenus, en lieu et place des auxiliaires de commerce, pour déployer la représentation commerciale au sein des États membres et en dehors des frontières de l’espace de l’OHADA. La présente réflexion, au regard de ce qui précède, a eu pour objectif de rechercher la cohérence entre le statut professionnel des acteurs et le régime juridique de l’activité de représentation commerciale en droit de l’OHADA. Il s’agissait également d’évaluer le degré de pertinence du dispositif juridique mis en place pour encadrer la profession d’intermédiaire de commerce. La diversité qui caractérise cette catégorie professionnelle dans la pratique imposait une démarche globale et prudente pour parvenir à la reconnaissance juridique de la catégorie professionnelle d’intermédiaire de commerce en droit de l’OHADA. Le contrat d’intermédiaire de commerce, bien que simplement annoncé, préconise d’importantes solutions théoriques et pratiques pour y parvenir. Dans ce contexte, la profession d’intermédiaire de commerce en droit de l’OHADA mérite d’être repensée. En effet, le foisonnement des statuts particuliers autour de la notion d’intermédiaire a contribué au renforcement de l’opacité de cette catégorie professionnelle. Il n’est pas toujours aisé de faire la distinction entre mandat, représentation, courtage, commission ou même agence commerciale. Ces notions renvoient à des réalités diverses, chacune se défendant une spécificité que la doctrine et la jurisprudence ont parfois contribué à renforcer. Et c’est pour démêler l’écheveau que nous avons suggéré quelques propositions. / Born within the context of modernisation and of exposing national economies to competition, OHADA has as principal objective to put in place a climate of confidence favourable to national as well as international investments. To attain this objective, the legislator has engaged in a vast domain of modernisation and harmonisation of business law within the member states. One of the most complex choices was that of actors and professionals in charge of putting in place this dynamic. Trade middlemen were thus retained, in the place of auxiliaries of commerce, to carry out commercial representation within the member states and beyond the frontiers of OHADA zone. This reflection, with regard to the preceding, has as objective to search for coherence between the professional status of actors and the legal regime of the activity of commercial representation in OHADA law. It equally had to evaluate the degree of pertinence of the legal device put in place to regulate the profession of business middlemen. The diversity which characterises this professional category in practice imposed a global and prudent step to arrive at the legal recognition of the professional category of trade middlemen in OHADA law. The contract of a business middleman, even as simple as it is, recommends many theoretical and practical solutions to arrive at it.Within this context, the profession of business middleman in OHADA law needs to be rethought. In effect, the abundant special status surrounding the notion of middleman has contributed to reinforce the opacity of this professional category. It is not always easy to make a distinction between a mandate, representation, brokerage, commission or even commercial agency. These notions are actually diverse, each having its specificity that legal literature and case law have contributed to reinforce. And it is to clear up these interlaces that we made some proposals.

The harmonisation of good faith and ubuntu in the South African common law of contract

Du Plessis, Hanri Magdalena 11 1900 (has links)
The legal historical development of fairness in the South African common law of contract is investigated in the context of the political, social and economic developments of the last four centuries. It emerges that the common law of contract is still dominated by the ideologies of individualism and economic liberalism which were imported from English law during the nineteenth century. Together with the theories of legal positivism and formalism which are closely related to parliamentary sovereignty and the classical rule of law, these ideals were transposed into the common law of contract through the classical model of contract law which emphasises freedom and sanctity of contract and promotes legal certainty. This approach resulted in the negation of the court’s equitable discretion and the limitation of good faith which sustain the social and economic inequalities that were created under colonialism and exacerbated under apartheid rule. In stark contrast, the modern human rights culture grounded in human dignity and aimed at the promotion of substantive equality led to the introduction of modern contract theory in other parts of the world. The introduction of the Constitution as grounded in human dignity and aimed at the achievement of substantive equality has resulted in a sophisticated jurisprudence on human dignity that reflects a harmonisation between its Western conception as based on Kantian dignity and ubuntu which provides an African understanding thereof. In this respect, ubuntu plays an important role in infusing the common law of contract with African values and in promoting substantive equality between contracting parties in line with modern contract theory. It is submitted that this approach to human dignity should result in the development of good faith into a substantive rule of the common law of contract which can be used to set aside an unfair contract term or the unfair enforcement thereof. / Private Law / LL. D.

Les pourparlers précontractuels en droit québécois : de l’opportunité d’une modification du Code civil du Québec à la lumière des récentes réformes française et allemande

Barry, Sarah 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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