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Effects of conventionality and proficiency in metaphor processing : A response time studyEriksson, Peter January 2013 (has links)
Some researchers that work with metaphor theory claim that metaphors and figurative language are understood and processed just as easily as literal language. However, as this thesis will explore in detail, other research indicates that such is not always the case. That is, if the category of metaphor is further subcategorized into conventional and non-conventional metaphor, the scope will change because of the fact that it is possible to argue that non-conventionalized metaphors require a more conscious path of processing. In order to explain this alternative path, there are two primary approaches to language processing worth introducing: implicit and explicit. These approaches vary in required attention and speed of processing. With regards to conscious effort, these approaches are rather similar to the way in which we process conventionalized and non-conventionalized metaphors. Conventional metaphors are processed more quickly and easily than non-conventional ones. Hence, the claim that all metaphors are similarly processed may not always be true. Furthermore, an individual’s level of proficiency presumably correlates with speed in language processing. However, if non-conventional metaphor requires a more deliberate path of processing, this thesis assumes that the processing of this type of metaphor will be relatively unaffected by proficiency level, thus causing informants to process them in similar manners. In this thesis, 24 non-native speakers (NNS), categorized into intermediate proficient and advanced proficient, and seven native speakers (NS) were tested with an RT-test on subjective metaphor comprehension. Results were compared using mean response times and standard deviations, as well as looking at correlations and coefficient of variation. The results showed a distinct difference in processing speed with conventional metaphors being processed significantly faster. Moreover, the findings indicate that conventional metaphor processing speed seems to be predicted by proficiency, whilst non-conventional processing speed is not. The RT differences remained relatively consistent in both conventional and non-conventional metaphor processing, but when taking correlations, variance and coefficient of variation into consideration, the findings indicate that these other factors help level out the differences in non-conventional metaphor processing in more subtle ways than simply by RT’s.
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Review (laws) for compliance and human rights multi-level protection in Inter-American Human Rights System / Control de convencionalidad y protección multinivel de los derechos humanos en el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos HumanosTorres Zúñiga, Natalia 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article addresses diverse perspectives concerning relationship between reviewing (laws) for compliance and the process of putting international law of human rights on a constitutional footing. Therefore, a parallel is established between reviewing (laws) for compliance and constitutional review (laws) in order to outline features and application impact of this research. The design of a multi-level protection system for fundamental rights in Latin America is also discussed in this article. / El presente artículo aborda aspectos relativos a la relación entre el control de convencionalidad y el proceso de constitucionalización del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos. Así, se establece un paralelo entre el control de convencionalidad y el control de constitucionalidad, a fin de determinar las características y el impacto de la aplicación del examen mencionado. El documento da cuenta de la configuración de un sistema de protección multinivel de los derechos fundamentales en Latinoamérica.
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Le droit international humaniste : entre crise et révolution de l'ordre juridique international / Humanist International Law : Between Crisis and Revolution of The International Legal OrderMurillo Cruz, David Andrés 17 December 2018 (has links)
L'arrivée de la globalisation a révélé l'existence de deux crises. La crise de l'État-nation et la crise du droit international. Ces crises sont devenues plus aigües à cause des nouveaux problèmes de l'humanité. Problèmes qui échappent tant au contrôle de l’État qu’à la régulation du droit international interétatique. Face à cette problématique, il est apparu le droit global, qui prétend substituer le droit international, en supprimant les Nations Unies, à travers la création d’une nouvelle organisation internationale dénommée : l’humanité unie. Afin de sauver le droit international ainsi que d’éviter les conséquences nuisibles qui pourrait porter le droit global à la communauté internationale, il est proposé la création d’un nouveau droit, le droit international humaniste, fondé sur la protection des intérêts des personnes et de l’humanité. Pour faire effectif le droit international humaniste, il est proposé le concept d’État-outil ainsi que la mise en œuvre du contrôle de conventionnalité, dans le but d’harmoniser les droits étatiques avec la régulation humaniste. / The arrival of the globalization revealed the existence of two crises. The crisis of the nation state and the crisis of the international law. These crises became more acute because of the new problems of the humanity. Problems which escape both the control of the State and the regulation of the interstate international law. In the face of this problem, it appeared the global law, which claims to substitute the international law, by eliminating the United Nations, through the creation of a new international organization: The United Humanity. To save the international law as well as avoid the harmful consequences who could wear the global law for the international community, is proposed the creation of a new law, the international law for humankind, based on the protection of the interests of the people and the humanity. To make staff the international law for humankind, is proposed the concept of Tool- State as well as the implementation of the conventionality control, with the aim of harmonizing the state rights with the humanist regulation.
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Les engagements internationaux et les défaillances de la protection constitutionnelle des droits fondamentaux : l'exemple des paradoxes des mécanismes de contrôle nigériens au regard des expériences française et internationaleMalam Oumarou, Zara 27 May 2013 (has links)
Les États semblent ériger les Cours constitutionnelles en meilleur garant de la protection des droits fondamentaux. Cette étude propose une délimitation des compétences, voire des responsabilités constitutionnelles. Elle démontre que si l'inneffectivité de la protection des droits a été mise en évidence en dépit de l'existence des mécanismes de justice constitutionnelle et des ratifications massives des conventions internationales, c'est la recherche des défaillances de la protection constitutionnelle qui s'impose. La confrontation « des engagements internationaux aux défaillances de la protection des droits fondamentaux » pose la question du contrôle qui est censé être exercé par le juge constitutionnel. Au regard des expériences française et internationale, le Niger offre un exemple parfait des paradoxes de ces mécanismes de contrôle tant a priori qu'a posteriori. Ces défaillances apparaissent à travers les limites constitutionnelles de l'intervention du juge constitutionnel, voire du juge international. Cette étude à la fois micro et macrocomparative, révèle le décalage entre la justice constitutionnelle nigérienne et française. Bien plus, elle illustre le déficit de la protection constitutionnelle, y compris de la France, par rapport aux véritables exigences internationales de la protection. Au-delà, cette thèse propose des pistes d'une protection conventionnelle efficace, voire effective des droits fondamentaux conventionnels. / States seem to assign a more important role to Constitutional courts to protect fundamental rights. This study proposes a delimitation of powers and constitutional responsibilities. It shows that if the ineffectiveness of human rights has been highlighted despite the fact that there are mechanisms of constitutional justice and massive ratifications of international conventions, research focusing on constitutional protection deficiencies remains crucial. Comparing “international commitments and deficiencies in the protection of fundamental rights” raises the issue of control which is supposed to be exercised by the Constitutional court. In the light of the French and international experiences, Niger provides a perfect example of paradoxes of the pre-control and post-control mechanisms. Such deficiencies appear through constitutional limits of the intervention of the Constitutional judge and the international judge. This micro and macro comparative study reveals the difference between the Nigeren and the French constitutional justice. It also illustrates the shortfall of the constitutional protection including France in the face of the real international requirements of the protection. Furthermore, this doctoral thesis proposes courses of action for effective and efficient protection under the convention.
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Les voies de recours dans le droit de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme / Remedies in the European Convention on Human Rights lawMardon, Delphine 28 October 2013 (has links)
L’influence du droit issu de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme sur le droit interne n’est plus à démontrer. Ce texte offre aux justiciables une protection accentuée de leurs droits fondamentaux. Cette affirmation ne doit pas être limitée aux droits que la Convention EDH contient expressément ou encore à ceux que la Cour de Strasbourg a elle-même dégagés grâce à son interprétation dynamique et évolutive. Entendues comme les moyens permettant de contester un acte juridictionnel, les voies de recours ne correspondent pas, en tant que telles, à un droit protégé par le système européen des droits de l’homme. Ce n’est pas pour autant qu’elles sont ignorées de ce dernier. Au contraire, elles bénéficient de toute l’attention des juges européens. Construite à partir des décisions et arrêts rendus par les organes de contrôle européens, la thèse met en évidence les relations entretenues entre la Convention EDH et les voies de recours. Il est alors indispensable d’identifier précisément le type de relations dont il s’agit. Si ces deux mécanismes ont en point commun l’idée de contrôle, les juges européens n’interviennent qu’à l’issue de la procédure interne à laquelle participent les voies de recours. Cette organisation permet de mettre pleinement en lumière le regard que la Cour de Strasbourg porte sur les voies de recours au moment de réaliser son propre contrôle. Il faut alors observer que son appréhension des voies de recours n’est pas univoque. La Cour ne fait pas que contrôler la mise en œuvre par les voies de recours des garanties procédurales contenues dans la Convention. Ces dernières sont également un moyen utilisé par la Cour européenne afin de s’assurer du respect de l’ensemble des droits conventionnels. La découverte de ces dimensions pose la question d’une qualification globale des relations entre la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme et les voies de recours. L’utilisation des voies de recours au cœur du contrôle de conventionnalité, en qualité d’instrument ou d’objet, montre que ces relations favorisent un renforcement mutuel des voies de recours comme du système de protection des droits conventionnels. / The influence of the law stemming from the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms no longer need to be demonstrated. This text provides people with an increased protection of their fundamental rights. This assertion can not be restricted to the rights that are clearly stated in the Convention or those that are drawn by the European Court of Human Rights thanks to its dynamic and evolutional interpretation. Remedies constitute a way to contest a judicial decision. On account of this definition, they do not correspond to a right directly protected by the European human rights system. That does not mean they are ignored by this system. On the contrary, European judges give their full attention to them. This thesis built up from the European decisions and judgments underscores the relations between the European Convention and remedies. It is therefore necessary to determine what kind of relations. If those two mechanisms have the idea of control in common, the European judges intervene only when the domestic proceedings in which remedies are brought is ended. This organization allows to highlight the way the European Court looks upon remedies when it carries out its own control. The way it grasps remedies is then not univocal. The European Court does not only control the enforcement of procedural guarantees of the Convention by remedies. These guarantees also are a means used by the European Court to ascertain the respect of all Convention rights. The discovery of these two aspects asks for a global qualification of the relations between the European Convention and remedies. Remedies’ use in the heart of the review of conventionality, as an instrument or an object, shows that these relations favour a mutual strengthening of remedies as well as the Convention rights system of protection.
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L'influence des normes supranationales sur le droit du travail français / The influence of supranational standards over french labour lawGuyon, Charles 05 December 2015 (has links)
Nul n’est censé ignorer la loi… même supranationale. La « censure » des dispositions relatives au contrat « nouvelles embauches » l’a vigoureusement démontré. Des normes supranationales, l’influence n’a jamais été aussi forte : elles couvrent progressivement l’ensemble des compartiments du droit français du travail. Tous les acteurs, publics et privés, doivent porter leur regard au-delà du cadre hexagonal. Un but est affiché : maîtriser la diffusion des normes supranationales, sans laquelle il n’est point d’adhésion de leurs destinataires, et appréhender les transformations du droit français du travail auxquelles elles conduisent. De nouveaux instruments doivent, à cet effet, être forgés. / No one is deemed ignorant of the law… including supranational standards. The “censure” of the provisions relating to the “new hiring” employment contract vigorously demonstrated so. The influence of supranational standards has never been so strong: they progressively cover all of the fields of French Labour Law. All stakeholders, whether public or private, need to look beyond French borders. The stated aim is to control the spread of supranational standards, without which there is no acceptance by its recipients, and apprehend the resulting transformations of French Labour Law. New legal methodologies and instruments need to be implemented in this respect.
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O CONTROLE JURISDICIONAL DE CONVENCIONALIDADE: análise do tratado internacional das pessoas com deficiência em relação à legislação previdenciária brasileira e argentinaHuber, Guilherme Ziegler 18 March 2016 (has links)
This work has the objective analysis about the treatment of the conventionality
control laws in the Brazilian and Argentine legal scenario. As we search problem is to
analyze what the hierarchy of international human rights treaties entered into both
legal systems and, in result, analyze the existence or not of vertical compatibility and
material between the laws governing the retirement of people with disabilities in each
of these countries on the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities. Regarding methodology, we chose to use the deductive method of
approach, based on the study of the concepts brought by the International
Convention, the Brazilian legislation and the Argentine legislation with the aim of
achieving the ability to analyze it in everyday cases from the application of
conventionality control theories. Still, regarding the method of procedure, because of
the need precisely to point out that the similarities and dissimilarities between the
domestic laws of each country in relation to international rule. In this way, it was
noticed that lies a discrepancy regarding the person of significance with disabilities in
each of these standards, since the international treaty brings an extremely broad
definition of disabled person in order to seal the right to a large section of society that
because of medical, social, educational, vocational, psychological or cultural barriers
are outside the social life and the labor market. In contrast to this, Brazilian law
restricts the finding of disability to cases of medical and social order, although the
Argentine law restricts only to medical disability cases. Such existing conceptual
discrepancy between the rules affect too much a large part of society, since, acting in
such a way, one is undeniably excluding the legal protection a large portion of society
that fails to include socially and professionally because of issues beyond the mere
medical or social look. Therefore, it shows extremely important study with the aim of
triggering the incompatibility of existing laws can be act to modify the current state of
affairs and, by consequence, to include a greater number of individuals in the
legislative seal in strict observance of the auspices of the human rights of persons
with disabilities / A presente dissertação tem como escopo a análise acerca do tratamento
dado ao controle de convencionalidade das leis no cenário jurídico brasileiro e
argentino. O problema se pesquisa reside em analisar qual a hierarquia dos tratados
internacionais de direitos humanos inseridos em ambos os ordenamentos jurídicos
e, em virtude disso, analisar a existência, ou não, de compatibilidade vertical e
material entre as leis que regulamentam a aposentadoria das pessoas com
deficiência em cada um desses países em relação à Convenção Internacional sobre
os Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência. No que tange à metodologia empregada,
optou-se pela utilização do método de abordagem dedutivo, partindo do estudo dos
conceitos trazidos pela Convenção Internacional, pela legislação brasileira e pela
legislação argentina com o fito de lograr a possibilidade de analisá-la em casos do
cotidiano, a partir da aplicação das teorias do controle de convencionalidade. Ainda,
em relação ao método de procedimento, em virtude da necessidade, justamente, de
apontar quais as semelhanças e dessemelhanças existentes entre as legislações
domésticas de cada país em relação à norma internacional. Nesse propósito,
percebeu-se que reside uma discrepância no que tange à significação de pessoa
com deficiência em cada uma dessas normas, uma vez que o tratado internacional
apresenta um conceito extremamente amplo de pessoa com deficiência, a fim de
chancelar o direito de uma grande parcela da sociedade que, em virtude de barreiras
de ordem médica, social, educacional, profissional, psicológica ou cultural, se
encontram à margem do convívio social e do mercado de trabalho. Em contraponto
a isso, a legislação brasileira restringe a constatação da deficiência para casos de
ordem médica e social, conquanto a legislação argentina restringe a mesma
somente aos casos de deficiência médica. Tal discrepância conceitual existente
entre as normas prejudica em demasia uma grande parcela da sociedade, uma vez
que, agindo de tal forma, está-se, inegavelmente, excluindo da proteção legal uma
grande parcela da sociedade que não consegue se incluir social e profissionalmente
em virtude de questões que ultrapassam o mero olhar clínico ou social. Portanto,
mostra-se de fundamental importância o estudo, no intuito de, deflagrando a
incompatibilidade de leis existentes, possa-se agir no sentido de modificar o atual
estado de coisas e, por consequência disso, incluir um maior número de indivíduos
na chancela legislativa, em estrita observância aos auspícios dos direitos humanos
das pessoas com deficiência.
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Cosmopolitan Greetings: Mixed-Form inter-American Judicial Review and the Latin American Path to Global ConstitutionalismCarvalho Bossolani, Iderpaulo 11 November 2020 (has links)
In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich in Lateinamerika ein neuer Kontext für die Durchsetzung von Menschenrechten herausgebildet. Die organisatorische Entwicklung des Interamerikanischen Menschenrechtsschutzsystems (IAS), die Verabschiedung neuer Verfassungen durch die nationalen Gesetzgeber und die Anwendung innovativer Verfassungsauslegungen durch die maßgeblichen Gerichte in der Region haben zur Entstehung eines kosmopolitischen lateinamerikanischen Konstitutionalismus geführt. In diesem neuen Kontext hat der Interamerikanische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (IACtHR) damit begonnen, die gerichtliche Überprüfung innerstaatlicher Gesetze zu praktizieren, d.h. er hat bei mehreren Gelegenheiten nationale Behörden angewiesen, innerstaatliche Gesetze wegen ihrer Unvereinbarkeit mit der Amerikanischen Menschenrechtskonvention (ACHR) für ungültig zu erklären. Angesichts der zunehmenden Konflikte zwischen nationalen und internationalen Menschenrechtsautoritäten zielt diese Studie darauf ab, den legitimsten und effektivsten Ansatz für die Praxis der interamerikanischen Konventionskontrolle zu finden. Ausgehend von der Debatte über die innerstaatliche richterliche Normenkontrolle werden zunächst die Gründe für die Praxis einer starken internationalen Normenkontrolle untersucht. Anschließend adressiert diese Studie Theorien, die versucht haben, die interamerikanische Konventionskontrolle zu schwächen. Diese Theorien haben sich häufig für die Übernahme des nationalen Ermessensspielraums auf der Grundlage der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte ausgesprochen. Schließlich plädiert die vorliegende Studie für eine kontextbasierte Theorie der interamerikanischen gerichtlichen Überprüfung und versucht, den nationalen Ermessensspielraum mit dem kosmopolitischen Konstitutionalismus Lateinamerikas in Einklang zu bringen. / In recent decades, a new human rights enforcement context has emerged in Latin America. The organizational evolution of the Inter-American System for Human Rights Protection (IAS), the adoption of new constitutions by national legislatures, and the adoption of innovative constitutional interpretations by the most authoritative courts in the region have led to the emergence of Latin American cosmopolitan constitutionalism. Within this new context, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) has started practicing the judicial review of domestic laws, i.e., on several occasions, it has ordered national authorities to invalidate domestic laws due to their incompatibility with the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR). By reviewing domestic laws, the IACtHR has placed itself in the middle of a dialogue between legislatures and courts that was long seen as an exclusively domestic conversation within Latin American constitutionalism. This strong form of international jurisprudence has made the normative questions relating to judicial review much more complex to address. Given the increasing conflicts between domestic and inter-American human rights authorities, this study aims to find the most legitimate and effective approach to the practice of inter-American judicial review. In line with this, and drawing on the debate about domestic judicial review, it first assesses the reasons behind the practice of strong international judicial review. In order to offer a better form of inter-institutional interaction within the IAS, this study later addresses theories that have sought to weaken the practice of inter-American judicial review based on the principle of subsidiarity. These theories have often advocated for the adoption of the national margin of appreciation based on the European experience with this concept of deference to national authorities. Finally, this study advocates for a context-based theory of inter-American judicial review and tries to reconcile the national margin of appreciation with Latin American cosmopolitan constitutionalism.
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Direitos materialmente fundamentais, tratados internacionais de direitos humanos e controle jurisdicional de convencionalidade das leis no BrasilZaniolo, Guido Timoteo da Costa 26 August 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-26 / treaties. It also studied topics surrounding this theme such as: the range and meaning of article
5th, § 2, of Brazil s Federal Constitution, that opens the national law system to the international
law system; the material concept of fundamental rights in the 1988 Brazilian Constitution; the
parameters used in order to establish a definition of material fundamental rights; the relationship
between fundamental principles, the human dignity principle and the fundamental rights; the
human dignity, its historical outlining and its recent concept; the core elements, functions and
types of efficiency regarding the human dignity; definitions, subjects and formal components of
international treaties, the relation involving International Right and National Right (Dualism,
Monism, alternate theories); foreign constitutional provisions about International Right and
National Right.
Besides all that, there have been examined the juridical value of the human rights
treaties for the doctrine and for the Brazilian Supreme Court; the General Theory of Judicial
Conventionality Control in Brazilian Law; the Double Vertical Material Compatibility Control; the
diffuse and concentrated species of control and its affinity with the Theory of Source Dialogues
and the Pro Homine principle / O presente trabalho apreciou os tratados internacionais de direitos humanos como
fontes de direitos fundamentais e objetivou, ao longo de seus quatro capítulos, avaliar tópicos
que com ele se relacionam indiscutivelmente, dentre eles o significado e a abrangência do
artigo 5º, § 2º, da Constituição Federal de 1988, cláusula de abertura do ordenamento jurídico
nacional à ordem jurídica internacional; o conceito material de direitos fundamentais na Magna
Carta de 1988; os parâmetros de referência para um conceito material de direitos fundamentais;
os princípios fundamentais, princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e os direitos
fundamentais; a dignidade humana, seus delineamentos históricos e conceito atual, os
conteúdos essenciais, as funções e as modalidades de eficácia da dignidade humana; os
conceitos, os sujeitos e os elementos formais dos tratados internacionais; a relação entre Direito
Internacional e Direito Interno - Dualismo e Monismo e correntes alternativas; o relacionamento
entre o Direito Internacional e o Direito Interno nas Constituições de diversos países (estudo de
direito comparado).
Além destes foram abordadas a natureza jurídica dos tratados internacionais de
direitos humanos na doutrina e para o Supremo Tribunal Federal, dando-se destaque às quatro
correntes identificadas em sua jurisprudência (supraconstitucionalidade, legalidade,
constitucionalidade e supralegalidade), à Teoria Geral do Controle de Convencionalidade no
Direito Brasileiro, ao estudo acerca deste controle e da Teoria da Dupla Compatibilidade
Vertical Material, às espécies, difusa e concentrada, de controle, bem como à afinidade dele
com o denominado Diálogo das Fontes e o Princípio Pro Homine
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Primauté et recours / Primacy or preemption rule and jurisdictional actionsBenzaquen, Bélinda 24 April 2015 (has links)
Primauté absolue du droit de l’UE ou suprématie des dispositions constitutionnelles ? Consacrée à l’analyse des conflits nés ou à naître entre normes constitutionnelle et celles du droit de l’UE, cette étude doctorale s’est focalisée sur l’analyse du lien entre les termes primauté et recours pour relever que dans ce genre de litiges contentieux un syllogisme juridique inédit est appliqué. Il s’agit de celui qui préserve cumulativement le critère hiérarchique caractérisant les ordres juridiques internes des États membres, à son sommet le principe de suprématie des dispositions constitutionnelles sur toutes les autres et l’application effective de la primauté matérielle du droit de l’Union ; les évolutions récentes du droit interne de l’UE convergent toutes dans ce sens : dans le cadre d’un litige contentieux, la primauté n’est plus une problématique de légalité constitutionnelle, le conflit est contourné. En la matière, les débats sur l’autorité et la force du droit international classique sur le droit constitutionnel ne se pose plus. Il a été séparé entre la force et l’effet des traités du droit international de l’Union. Pourtant sur le plan des principes, même au sein d’un État fédéral, le contenu définitionnel et surtout le maniement du texte constitutionnel n’ont pas été revisités ; la Constitution est le fondement sans être le contenu de validité de la primauté du droit de l’Union, le texte suprême opère en tant que technique de renvoi, il cadre deux types de champs en fonction du critère de l’objet du litige contentieux. Suprématie et primauté sont deux principes de nature juridique différente qui ne s’affrontent pas. La prévalence de la primauté matérielle du droit de l’Union n’affecte nullement la suprématie au sommet de la hiérarchie pyramidale des normes de chacun des États adhérents. / Absolute primacy of Community law or supremacy of constitutional provisions ? Devoted to the analysis of the conflicts born or to be born between EU law and constitutional standards, this doctoral study focused on analysis of the link between the terms of primacy or preemption rule and jurisdictional actions to raise that in this kind of litigation disputes a unreported legal syllogism is applied. It's one that cumulatively preserves the hierarchical criterion characterizing the domestic legal systems of the Member States, at its peak the principle of supremacy of the Constitution over all others and the effective application of the material primacy of Union law ; recent developments in internal law of the Union converge in this sense : in a dispute litigation, primacy is no longer a problem of constitutional legality, the conflict is circumvent. Concerning this matter, the debate on the authority and the force of traditional international law on constitutional law no longer arises. It has been separated between the force and the effect of the treaties of international law of the Union. Yet in terms of principles, even within a federal State, the definitional content and especially the handling of the constitutional text have not been revisited ; the Constitution is the legal basis without being the content validity of the primacy of Union law, the supreme text operates as a reference technique, it fits two types of fields based on the criterion of the contentious issue. Supremacy and rule are two different legal nature principles which do not compete. The prevalence of the material primacy of Union law sets no supremacy at the top of the pyramidal hierarchy of standards of each of the acceding States.
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