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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Welfare Effects of Transport Policies : an analysis of congestion pricing and infrastructure investments

Westin, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
Interactions between the transport market and other distorted markets, such as the labor market, can have a large impact on the overall welfare effect of a road pricing policy or a congestion charge. Many road pricing studies therefore try to incorporate effects from other distorted markets in the analysis. A difficulty when assessing the welfare effect of a future transport policy is also that many factors and parameters needed for the analysis is uncertain. This thesis contains three papers all studying different methodological approaches to analyzing the welfare effects of transport policies. The first two papers analyze the welfare effect of congestion pricing in distorted economies. The main contribution of the first paper is to analyze how the welfare effect of a congestion charge in a distorted economy depends on what assumptions we make regarding the tax system in the initial no-toll situation. A critical assumption in many cost-benefit analyses of congestion charges is that the whole population has a single value of time. The second paper studies the effect of a congestion charge in a population of commuters with a continuously distributed value of time. The main contribution of the paper, compared to previous literature, is that it studies the welfare effect and distributional impact of a congestion charge in a population with endogenous labor supply and heterogeneous value of time where mode-choice self-selection plays an important role. The third paper studies the climate benefit of an investment in high speed rail by calculating the magnitude of annual traffic emission reduction required to compensate for the annualized embedded emissions from the construction of the line. To account for uncertainties in underlying assumptions, a Monte Carlo simulation framework is used in the analysis. The paper finds that to be able to balance the annualized emissions from the construction, traffic volumes of more than 10 million annual one-way trips are usually required, and most of the traffic diverted from other transport modes must come from aviation. / QC 20110812

Värdet av gröna tak. En samhällsekonomisk konsekvensanalys av sedumtak. / The value of green roofs - a cost-benefit analysis of sedum roofs.

Falk, Anders January 2016 (has links)
Städerna i Sverige växer och med det även de miljöproblem som urbaniserade områden medför. Sedumtak är en dagvattenhanteringslösning som medför ett flertal miljöfördelar, men det är fram till idag inte klargjort om anläggningen av sedumtak i Stockholmsområdet är samhällsekonomiskt försvarbart. Syftet med denna studie är därför att avgöra om anläggningen av sedumtak är samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt i Stockholmsområdet. En samhällsekonomisk konsekvensanalys har genomförts i Huddinge kommun där nettonuvärdet av ett sedumtak-projekt har sökts. Det finns lite värderingslitteratur gällande sedumtak och ett andra mål med uppsatsen har därför varit att undersöka om en trovärdig samhällsekonomisk konsekvensanalys kan genomföras i ett område där litteraturen är knapphändig.De identifierade nyttorna som sedumtak medför är minskad avrinning från tak, upptag av luftföroreningar och koldioxid, reduktion av buller, sänkt utomhustemperatur lokalt, ökat försäljningsvärde på bostäder samt förlängd livslängd på underliggande tak. Kostnaderna som uppstår är en ökad investeringskostnad, utsläpp av fosfor samt ökade underhållskostnader. Den största kostnaden är investeringskostnaden och den största nyttan är värdeökning av bostäder. Dessa nyttor och kostnader har så långt det är möjligt kvantifierats och värderats och beräkningar med nuvärdesmetoden visar på att anläggningen av sedumtak är samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt. Känslighetsanalysen visar på att resultatet är trovärdigt. Analysen har visat på att det är möjligt att genomföra en trovärdig samhällsekonomisk konsekvensanalys i ett område där litteraturen är knapphändig, förutsatt att målet är att avgöra om projektet är lönsamt eller inte och inte hur lönsamt det är. Det finns ett behov att utföra en liknande studie som denna, men som behandlar anläggningen av sedumtak i en större skala. Resultaten från detta examensarbete kan användas av beslutsfattare, planerare och andra tjänstemän inom samhällsbyggnadssektorn då det innefattar generell information om sedumtak samt en ekonomisk analys av investeringen. / The cities in Sweden are growing, and so too are the environmental problems that accompany development. Sedum roofs are stormwater management tools that come with many benefits, yet it is uncertain whether or not sedum roofs are in fact an advisable endeavor for society. This study aims to investigate whether sedum roofs in the Stockholm region are a profitable investment for society. A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been carried out in the municipality of Huddinge where the net present value of a sedum roof project is sought. The literature of green roof valuation is scarce, and a second aim is therefore to investigate if a reliable CBA can be conducted in an area where available data are limited. The identified benefits of sedum roofs are stormwater retention, air pollution and carbon dioxide removal, noise reduction, reduced outdoor temperature, increased sales value of apartments and increased life time of roof membrane. The costs that occur are an increased investment, spillage of phosphorus and increased maintenance costs. These costs and benefits have, as far as possible, been quantified and translated into monetary values. The greatest cost is that of investment, and the greatest benefit is the increased sales value of the apartments. Results from the CBA show that a sedum roof in the Stockholm region is a profitable investment for society. The sensitivity analysis indicates that these results are reliable. This study has shown that it is possible to conduct a reliable CBA in an area where the literature is scarce if the aim is to investigate whether a project is profitable for society or not, but not if the aim is to investigate how profitable a project is. A further study, in which a greater scale of sedum roof installation is considered, could be valuable. Decision makers, planners and operatives in city planning and the built environment can use the results from this master thesis in their work, as it provides general information about sedum roofs as well as an economic analysis of the investment.

A Computational Model for Optimal Dimensional Speed on New High-Speed Lines

Yousefi Mojir, Kayran January 2011 (has links)
High Speed Lines (HSL) in rail passenger services are regarded as one of the most significant projects in many countries comparing to other projects in the transportation area. According to the EU (European Council Directive 96/48/EC,2004) , high-speed lines are either new-built lines for speeds of 250km/h or greater, or in some cases upgraded traditional lines. At the beginning of 2008, there were 10,000 km of new HSL lines in operation, and by taking into account the upgraded conventional lines, in total, there were 20,000 km line in the world. The network is growing fast because of the demand for short travelling time and comfort isincreasing rapidly. Since HSL projects require a lot of capital, it is getting more important for governments and companies to estimate and to calculate the total costs and benefits of building, maintaining, and operating of HSL so that they can decide better and more reliable in choosing between projects. There are many parameters which affect the total costs and benefits of an HSL. The most important parameter is dimensional speed which has a great influence on other parameters. For example, tunnels need larger cross section for higher speed which increases construction costs. More important, higher speed also influences the number of passengers attracted from other modes of transport. Due to a large number of speed-dependant parameters, it is not a simple task to estimate an optimal dimensional speed by calculating the costs and benefits of an HSL manually. It is also difficult to do analysis for different speeds, as speed changes many other relevant parameters. As a matter of fact, there is a need for a computational model to calculate the cost-benefit for different speeds. Based on the computational model, it is possible to define different scenarios and compare them to each other to see what the potentially optimal speed would be for a new HSL project. Besides the optimal speed, it is also possible to analyze and find effects of two other important parameters, fare and frequency, by cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The probability model used in the calculation is based on an elasticity model, and input parameters are subject to flexibility to calibrate the model appropriately. Optimal high-speed line (OHSL) tool is developed to make the model accessible for the users.

A Strategic Lean Procurement Model Based on Supplier Approval to Reduce Unplanned Downtime in a Textile Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Ramirez-Mitma, Maricarmen, Rojas-Garcia, Jose, Torres-Sifuentes, Carlos, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2021 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / In Peru, companies within the textile sector encounter problems such as a decrease in the contribution to an industrial gross domestic product from 10.6 to 7.5%, a decline in financial credits by about 0.7% p.a., and the direct competition of Central American countries across the textile chain. The finishing of fabrics shows the worst performance, with losses of a 38.8% variation in industrial production and a 7.5% growth rate per textile industrial sector. In this scenario, a strategic lean procurement model based on 5S and supplier approval was designed. The lean objective is to streamline workflow in the raw material warehouse that generates excessive lead time to production and leads to unplanned downtime. In addition, supplier approval boosts procurement efficiency and provides strategic value in assessing and planning raw materials to ensure efficient supply. The model is validated through a case study involving a textile small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), and drastic improvements are made. These improvements address the problem of unplanned downtime by reducing its incidence and making economic contributions to the company. / Revisión por pares

Punktskatt på sötade drycker i Sverige : En kostnads-nyttoanalys / Tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Sweden : A cost-benefit analysis

Huss, Ellen, Solsten, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Unhealthy eating habits are one of the main causes of deteriorating health and premature death among Sweden’s population. Foods containing added sugars are common today and they rarely contain the nutrients that are essential for our bodies to stay healthy. Overconsuming sugar can lead to several diseases, including obesity and caries. Obesity in turn increases the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, stroke, and diabetes type 2. The health effects of sugar are costly to society and a sugar tax on sugar-sweetened beverages is a possible financial instrument to improve public health and at the same time reduce healthcare costs. The cost savings and tax revenue can then be used to finance further implementations of strategies to improve the public health of the citizens of Sweden. The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether it is socio-economically viable to introduce an excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Sweden. The drinks that would be affected by the tax are sodas, juices, energy drinks, sport drinks and ciders. A cost-benefit analysis is the economic method that will be used in this essay to investigate the issue. The possible costs and benefits from the implementation of a tax are identified and valued in monetary terms. In addition to this, a sensitivity analysis is carried out to test how sensitive the project is to differences in estimated costs and benefits. The calculations of costs and benefits are based on secondary data and statistics from previous studies as well as reports and statistics from Swedish authorities. The results of this essay show that the benefits of a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages had exceeded the costs, which is also showed by the cost-benefit ratio which is 1,47 and thus exceeds 1. The sensitivity analysis shows that the results are stable and credible since alternative values of costs and benefits also would lead to cost-benefit ratios exceeding 1. Based on the results, a recommendation is made to introduce an excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Sweden, since the introduction is estimated to be socio-economically viable. / I denna uppsats utförs en kostnads-nyttoanalys för att undersöka om det är samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt att införa en punktskatt på sötad dryck i Sverige. De drycker som skulle påverkas av skatten är läsk, juice, saft, energidryck, sportdryck, cider samt måltidsdryck som är sötade med socker eller naturligt innehåller en hög sockerhalt. Socker har endast negativ påverkan på vår hälsa och överkonsumtion av socker är en orsak till ett flertal sjukdomar som är vanligt förekommande idag, bland annat övervikt och karies. Övervikt ökar i sin tur risken för att drabbas av fetma, hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, cancer, stroke och diabetes typ 2. Hälsoeffekterna av socker är kostsamma för samhället och en sockerskatt på dryck är ett möjligt styrmedel för att förbättra folkhälsan och samtidigt minska dessa kostnader. Kostnadsbesparingarna kan därefter distribueras till viktiga ändamål, exempelvis för att finansiera ytterligare strategier för en bättre hälsa hos befolkningen. Resultaten i uppsatsen visar att fördelarna av en skatt på sötade drycker hade överstigit kostnaderna, vilket går att se då nyttokostnadskvoten som beräknas uppgår till 1,47 och alltså överstiger 1. Utöver kostnads-nyttoanalysen utförs även en känslighetsanalys för att testa hur känsligt resultatet är för förändringar av värdet för olika parametrar som kommer påverkas av införandet av skatten. Känslighetsanalysen visar att resultatet är stabilt och trovärdigt då även alternativa värden leder till en nyttokostnadskvot som överstiger 1. Resultatet används som grund för en rekommendation om att införa en punktskatt på sötade drycker i Sverige, då införandet är samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt.

Sports venues’ effect on social welfare : Cost-Benefit analysis of infrastructure investments within Lugnet area in Falun

Biedrzycki, Remigiusz January 2016 (has links)
Economic analysis and evaluation of sport events and sports infrastructure is a widely researched topic, especially when it comes to mega-sports events. As many of major and mega events require large amount of resources, governments and municipalities worldwide have to make decisions regarding support for the events. To determine whether and to what extent events should be subsidised with public resources, a thorough analysis of potential impacts of the event has to be conducted. Most of the studies within this field choose Economic Impact Analysis as a method, while many researchers point out a need for costbenefit analysis, as only a comprehensive analysis of costs and benefits for society can justify public subsidies for sport events and sports infrastructure. This paper presents a cost-benefit approach of sports venue evaluation. A cost-benefit analysis made in this paper, on the case of Swedish outdoor area of Lugnet, Falun, presents possible effects of sports infrastructure investments on social welfare. Analysis was aimed towards investments made prior to hosting 2015 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Falun. Presenting results for three alternative scenarios, this study compares different effects on social benefit. This research paper highlights areas that need to be investigated to ensure the better quality of the results, thus it can be beneficial for further studies of the topic. Results presented in this paper can also be beneficial for policy makers, as many of the potential welfare effects were described.

CBA of environmental projects within hydropower

Lindberg, Julia, Hagman, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
Hydropower is a fundamental pillar in the Swedish energy system and accounts for a large part of the Swedish electricity production. The regulation power is also essential for balancing the grid load.  Fortum is one of the leading energy companies within hydropower and Klarälven is a river with high importance, where Fortum owns and operates nine powerplants. These power plants constitute a barrier for the wild salmonids in Klarälven, which need to migrate upstream to reach their spawning area. Since the 1930s, the spawning salmonids have been trapped and transported upstream by lorry. After the spawning period, the smolts and kelts, i.e. the juvenile and spawned salmonids, have to migrate downstream. Due to the lack of fishways, they are forced to pass the eight remaining power plants. This, together with predation, entails a high mortality rate. Two independently performed studies indicates on survival rates of 16 % and 30 %. To stabilize the wild salmonid population, the downstream survival must increase, and a proposed solution is to implement a downstream trap-and-transport solution. This trap implementation could be a step towards the environmental adaptation of hydropower and a part of the action plan proposed in June 2016, during the Agreement on Swedish energy policy. To find the most cost-beneficial environmental measure, a socio-economic assessment method can be used. A Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a commonly used socio-economic method, which evaluates the benefits and costs during the entire project lifetime. Energiforsk has, within the project FRAM-KLIV, developed a CBA tool that aims to simplify the socio-economic evaluation. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether the CBA tool can be used in future permit processes to prioritize between different project proposals to find the most beneficial environmental improvements. In order to evaluate the tool, it was to be applied on the trap-and-transport project in Edsforsen to evaluate the possibility of a socio-economic profitability. Also, the concepts and theory behind CBA was to be analysed and the suitability of translating environmental consequences into monetary values was to be evaluated. In the analysis of Edsforsen, 13 scenarios were developed. The first scenario served as a basis for the other scenarios, which were created as a sensitivity analysis. The result of the CBA showed a large socio-economic benefit and the most important parameter was identified as people’s willingness to pay for an increase of the wild salmonid stock in Klarälven. In the CBA, this parameter had a high uncertainty, as it was based on a survey performed for another project in another part of Sweden. It was found that in order for the socio-economic result to be positive, all households in Sweden must be willing to pay at least 35 SEK. As a complement to the CBA result, an evaluation regarding the marginal cost per fish was performed and an interval of 50-580 SEK per smolt was obtained. However, the calculations were based on several uncertainties and the interval should therefore be interpreted as a guideline rather than a precise result. It was concluded that in situations when a socio-economic analysis is required, and when it is possible to express consequences in monetary values, the method of CBA is appropriate. It is also a suitable methodology for evaluations of large projects, as it provides a comprehensible overview of the costs and the benefits. Despite the criticism directed towards CBA regarding uncertainties and its anthropogenic perspective, it could be concluded that using CBA as a socio-economic assessment method provides a perspicuous and quantitative result. Thus, the usage of CBA in prioritization processes of different environmental measures can be highly useful. Energiforsk’s CBA tool provides a framework with guidelines that can be highly useful and accelerate the analysis process. However, the performance of the tool version used in this thesis was not fully satisfactory due to a few malfunctions. The tool is still under development and it is likely that these errors will be adjusted in future versions. If the malfunctions in the tool would be adjusted, it could become useful for authorities, companies and other actors that wants to evaluate hydropower related environmental measures or when prioritizing between different project proposals to find the most beneficial environmental improvements in future permit processes.

Investeringsbeslut i komplexa projekt : Fallstudie - Överdäckning av centralstationsområdet / Investment Decisions in Complex Projects

Le, Mai, Eriksson, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Vid investeringar i komplexa projekt finns det många aspekter att ta hänsyn till och det finns många metoder för att kunna utvärdera dessa investeringar. Komplexa projekt som en överdäckning där nya ytor tillskapas och befintliga trafikleder byggs över genererar fler nyttor än bara ekonomiska. Vid investeringsbeslut är det därav av stor vikt att kunna värdera investeringen med hänsyn till de aspekter som är av intresse.Samhällsekonomisk analys är en metod som ofta förekommer vid investeringsbeslut där fler än bara ekonomiska aspekter ska inkluderas. Metoden är välkänd och förekommer både i den akademiska sfären men används även praktiskt bland företag. En annan metod, option games är en nyare metod där förankring finns i teorin men inte har tillämpats i lika hög grad i praktiken.Syftet med detta arbete är att jämföra två metoder, samhällsekonomisk analys och option games. Detta för att bedöma vilken av metoderna som lämpar sig bäst vid investeringsbeslut i komplexa projekt. De två metoderna kommer att utvärderas med hjälp av tre valda bedömningskriterier. Metoderna utvärderas på hur väl de tar hänsyn till antaganden och indata, deras applicerbarhet i den aktuella fallstudien och slutligen hur omfattande metoden är. Arbetet är genomfört som en fallstudie och har applicerats på överdäckningen av Stockholms centralstation.Resultatet visar att samhällsekonomisk analys överlag är bättre än option games som metod för att generera beslutsunderlag för investeringar vid komplexa projekt. Dock finns det aspekter som option games tar hänsyn till men som saknas i den samhällsekonomiska analysen. Känslighetsanalysen pekar ut kalkylräntan som den viktigaste parameter i de båda metoderna. / There are many aspects to consider when investing in complex projects and there exist several methods to evaluate those investments. Complex projects such as a decking over existing thoroughfares engender new areas that generate more utility than just economic. Therefore it is of great importance in case of investment decisions to evaluate the investment with regards to the aspects of interest.Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a method used in contexts where more than just the economic aspects are included in the investment decision. The method is well-known and appears in both the academic field and practical at companies. A different method, Option Games is newer and so far mainly applied theoretical and not used in daily practice yet.The aim with this paper is to compare the two methods, Cost Benefit Analysis and Option Games. The goal is to assess which of the two methods best includes the aspects of interest when considering investment decisions for complex projects. The methods will be evaluated based on three selected criteria. Firstly, assumptions and inputs of the two methods. Secondly, their applicability in the current case study and finally the scope of the methods. The paper is conducted as a case study applied on the planned over decking of Stockholm Central station.The result indicates Cost Benefit Analysis to be the preferable method compared to Option Games. Cost Benefit Analysis generates a better foundation when investing in complex projects. Nevertheless, Option Games does regard some aspects that are not considered in the Cost Benefit Analysis method. The most important parameter for both methods is the discount rate in relation to the implemented sensitivity analysis.

Effectivization of white-collarwork through AI applications : A roadmap for future development in production

Boström, Gustav, Parker, Thomas January 2024 (has links)
The demand for products continues to increase in today’s society, and to meet this demandcompanies are searching for new ways to improve the performance of their workers.Therefore, there is a constant push to develop and implement new technological solutionswithin the Industry 4.0 approach. The aim of this study is to research the different pathwaysone could take when implementing these technological solutions and what challenges itwould entail, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is done in collaboration withSaab Surveillance within their production division, who wishes to increase theirperformance within their white-collar environment. In this study, performance is defined andmeasured through productivity. The main indicators of productivity will, therefore, be timededicated to a task as well as the potential to improve the quality of a task. The result of thisstudy is presented with a roadmap framework where seven key areas, i.e., work processes,were discovered that could benefit from AI applications. These areas were uncovered byconducting a contextual inquiry and semi-structured interviews, and were then matched withrelevant AI applications. The discovered key areas are categorized based on a cost-benefitanalysis, with the scale of; low, medium, and high. The roadmap illustrates in which areas itcould be most beneficial to implement the suggested AI applications. Using this study, Saaband other companies can make more informed decisions on the pathways for adopting newtechnological solutions that will improve the performance of their white-collar workers.

Socialt arbetsintegrerande företag och dess påverkan på samhällets ekonomi – En fallstudie på Norrköpings Kommun / Social work integrating enterprises and its impact on the National Economy – A case study of the Municipality of Norrköping

Eriksson, Kristin, Göransson, jessica January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur socialt arbetsintegrerande företag påverkar samhällets ekonomi genom att identifiera hur kommun, landsting, försäkringskassan och arbetsförmedlingen påverkas av verksamheten. Använd metod är ett socioekonomiskt bokslut över ett av de största socialt arbetsintegrerande företagen i Norrköping; Prosanitas AB. Djupintervjuer med deltagarna på det socialt arbetsintegrerande företaget genomförs med målet att ta reda på hur relationen med de identifierade aktörerna har förändrats före och efter de började i företaget. Medelvärden från intervjustudien analyseras tillsammans med offentliga prislistor från de identifierade aktörerna för att omvandla de externa effekterna till monetära enheter. Resultatet visar att samhällsvinsten är 18 gånger högre än den företagsekonomiska vinsten samt att samhällsvinsten per deltagare är ungefär 83 000 kronor årligen. Slutsatsen är att socialt arbetsintegrerande företag är samhällsekonomiskt lönsamma, dock förlorar kommunen marginellt på verksamheten. Policyimplikationen som kan dras av studien är att ett regelverk eller en klassificering behövs för att kunna urskilja seriösa från oseriösa aktörer på marknaden. Vilket skulle minska agentkostnaden för olika myndigheter och företag och på så sätt även få dem att våga investera i socialt arbetsintegrerande företag, något som i sin tur ökar samhällsnyttan. Nyckelord: Socialt Arbetsintegrerande Företag, Socioekonomiskt Bokslut, Norrköpings Kommun, Samhällskalkyl, / This study investigates how social enterprises affect the national economy by identifying the influence of the country council, the municipality, the health insurance office and the employment bureau. The method used is a cost benefit analysis, applied on one of the largest social enterprises in Norrköping; Prosanitas AB. In-depth interviews with enterprise participants are performed in order to investigate how their relationship with the identified actors has changed before and after they entered the enterprise. The mean values that emerged from the interviews are analyzed with public price lists from the identified external actors, in order to transform the effects into monetary units. The analysis shows that social profit is 18 times higher than the business profit and that the social profit per participant is approximately 83 000 SEK a year. The conclusion states that social enterprises are economically profitable, however, the municipality loses marginally. The policy implication indicates that a set of rules or classification is needed to distinguish serious from unserious companies. This would reduce agent costs for agencies and companies, providing them opportunity to invest in social enterprises. Key words: Social Enterprises, Cost Benefit Analysis, Norrköping, Sweden, National Economy, Prosanitas

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