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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Pyroxene stability within kimberlite magma in the upper mantle : an experimental investigation

Burness, Sara 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Entrainment and assimilation of xenolithic material during kimberlite ascent is considered to be important in shaping the chemistry of the magma and fuelling magma ascent by driving CO2 exsolution. Previous, but as yet unpublished experimental work from Stellenbosch University has demonstrated that orthopyroxene has a key role in this. Orthopyroxene is a very rare xenocrystic constituent of kimberlite but makes up a considerable fraction of the entrained xenolithic material. The initial study used a natural kimberlite composition (ADF1) doped with a peridotite mineral suite (by weight); 88 % ADF1 5% olivine, 5% orthopyroxene and 2% garnet-spinel intergrowth as a starting composition. The subsequent high PT experiments (1100 to 1300°C and 2.0 to 3.5GPa) established that equilibrium orthopyroxene is stable at 1100°C above 2.5GPa, at 1200°C above 2.5GPa and at 1300°C between 2.0 and 3.5GPa. At lower pressures orthopyroxene is completely digested by the experimental melt by the reaction; Mg2Si2O6 (opx) = Mg2SiO4 (ol) + SiO2 (in liquid). In contrast, clinopyroxene is a common phase in kimberlite and often occurs as more than one generation of crystals. Xenocrystic clinopyroxene is dominated by diopside compositions. However, rare omphacite is sometimes also inherited from an eclogite source. The Omphacite, like orthopyroxene, displays textural evidence of severe disequilibrium and may also contribute to the evolution of kimberlitic melt. Thus, a second study produced experiments on the ADF1 kimberlite material at upper mantle PT conditions (1100 to 1300°C and 2.0 to 4.0GPa) as well as an omphacite doped starting material (ADF1+O). These experiments examine the behaviour of pyroxene in kimberlite magma including the influence this may have on magma buoyancy. Within this PT range omphacitic clinopyroxene breaks-down via complex multipart reactions. At 1100°C and 2.0GPa reaction textures around remnant omphacite suggest that omphacite melts incongruently in a complex reaction similar to: Omp + Melt = Ap + Cr-diop + SiO2-enriched Melt. At 1300°C omphacite melts completely and is perceived to produce peritectic Cr-diopside, calcium-rich olivine, carbonate in the melt as well as enrich the melt in SiO2. The melts produced by both the ADF1+O and ADF1 compositions at 1300°C and 4.0GPa are reduced in SiO2 content and have increased TiO2, Cr2O3, Al2O3, MnO, CaO, K2O and P2O5 compared to their respective starting compositions. However, significantly higher proportions of Ca, Na and Fe observed within the ADF1+O melt is a direct consequence of omphacite melting. The ADF1+O starting composition produced equilibrium orthopyroxene above 1100°C and 4.0GPa as well as at 1300°C above 2.0GPa. At lower pressure the orthopyroxene melts incongruently to form peritectic olivine and more silica-rich melt compositions. This digestion favours CO2 exsolution. The effect of orthopyroxene melting can be seen in the melt compositions produced by the peridotite doped starting material (ADF1+P) of the initial study. At 1300°C and 2.0GPa, ADF1+P produced a siliceous melt (37.0 wt.% SiO2) enriched in Al and alkalis compared to the starting ADF1+P composition. This behaviour is directly attributed to xenocrystic orthopyroxene melting at high temperature. In contrast, at the same PT the original kimberlite (ADF1) composition produces a melt with 28.9 wt.% SiO2 and high Ca and Mg contents. Overall, with an increase in pressure the melts become enriched in alkalis and Al2O3 as a direct result of xenocrystic pyroxene melting. In addition, increased pressure allows for a greater solubility of CO2 within the melt. This results in a lower SiO2 melt content and the increased stabilization of equilibrium silica-rich mineral phases (i.e. olivine and equilibrium orthopyroxene). Within the peridotite doped static system (unpublished) the mineral separates with an average crystal size of 115μm ±10μm were all effectively digested in less than 48hours. Similarly, the omphacite doped experiments consumed the 150μm (±10μm) xenocrysts in under 24 hours. Thus, it is suggested that xenocrystic pyroxene is unstable in these experimental kimberlitic melt compositions and is likely to be efficiently assimilated in less than 24 hours. These experimental melts most likely resemble those of natural systems under upper mantle PT conditions. Therefore, pyroxene melting increases the silica content of the melt which in turn drives CO2 exsolution and ascent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Meevoering en assimilasie van xenolitiese materiaal gedurenende kimberliet bestyging is beskou as belangrik in verband met die vorming van die chemie van die magma, en bevorder magma bestyging deur die aandrywing van CO2 ontmenging. Vorige, maar ongepubliseerde eksperimentele werk vanaf Stellenbosch Universiteit het gedemonstreer dat ortopirokseen ‘n sleutelrol hierin het, omrede ortopirokseen ‘n baie skaars xenokristiese bestanddeel van kimberliet is maar ‘n aansienlike fraksie van die meevoerde xenolitiese materiaal moet opmaak. Hierdie studie het ‘n natuurlike primere kimberliet komposisie (ADFI) gedoop met ‘n peridotiet mineraal reeks (per gewig); 88 % ADF1 5% olivien, 5% ortopirokseen en 2% granaat-spinel ingroeiing as begin komposisie gebruik. Die daaropvolgende hoë DT eksperimente (1100 tot 1300°C en 2.0 tot 3.5GPa) het vasgestel dat ewewigsortopirokseen stabiel is teen 1100°C bo 2.5GPa, 1200°C bo 2.5GPa en teen 1300°C vanaf 2.0 tot 3.5Gpa. Teen laer druk word ortopirokseen geheel verteer deur die eksperimentele smelting volgens die reaksie Mg2Si2O6 (opx) = Mg2SiO4 (ol) + SiO2 (in vloeistof). In kontras hiermee is clinopirokseen algemeen in kiemberliet en kom dikwels voor as meer as een generasie se kristalle. Diopsiet komposisies domineer xenokristiese klinopirokseen. Seldsame omfasiet is tog somtyds ook geërf vanaf ‘n eklogiet bron. Die omfasiet, soos ortopirokseen, vertoon teksturuele bewys van ernstige disekwilibrium en mag ook bydra tot die evolusie van kimberlitiese smelt. Dus was daar addisionele eksperimente uitgevoer op die ADF1 kimberliet material teen hoër mantel DT kondisies (1100 tot 1300°C en 2.0 tot 4.0GPa), asook ‘n begin materiaal gedoop met omfasiet (ADF1+O). Hierdie eksperimente ondersoek die gedrag van pirokseen in kiemberliet magma, asook die invloed wat dit sal hê op die dryfvermoë van die magma. Binne hierdie DT reeks breek omfasitiese klinopirokseen af via komplekse multideel reaksie prosesse. Teen 1100°C en 2.0Gpa stel reaksie teksture rondom die oorblywende omfasiet voor dat omfasiet ongelykvormig smelt deur ‘n komplekse reaksie soortgelyk aan: Omp + Smelt = Ap + Cr-diop + SiO2-verrykde Smelt. Teen 1300°C smelt omfasiet volkome en is waargeneem om peritektiese Cr-diopsiet, kalsiumryke olivien en kalsiet te produseer, sowel as dat dit die smelt verryk in SiO2. Die smeltings geprodiseer deur die ADF1+O en ADF1 massa komposisies teen 1300°C en 4.0GPa is verlaag in SiO2 inhoud en bevat verhoogde TiO2, Cr2O3, Al2O3, MnO, CaO, K2O en P2O5 in vergelyking met die onderskeie begin komposisies. Aansienlike hoër proporsies van Ca, Na en Fe is egter waargeneem in die ADF1+O smelt en is ‘n direkte gevolg van die smelting van omfasiet. Die ADF1+O begin samestelling het ewewigsortopirokseen bo 1100°C en 4.0Gpa geproduseer en massa teen 1300°C en 2.0 tot 4.0GPa. Teen laer druk smelt hierdie pirokseen inkongruent om peritektiese olivien en meer silika-ryke smelt samestellings te vorm, en ontmeng CO2. Die effek van ortopirokseen smelting kan aanskou word in die smelt samestellings wat produseer is deur die begin materiaal wat gedoop is in peridotiet (ADF1+P), in die oorspronklike studie. Teen 1300°C en 2.0GPa het ADF1+P ‘n silikahoudende smelt (37.0 wt.% SiO2) produseer wat verryk is in Al en alkalies in vergelyking met die ADF1+P massa samestelling. Hierdie gedrag is direk toegeskryf aan die xenokristiese ortopirokseen wat smelt teen hoë temperatuur. In kontras hiermee, teen dieselfde DT kondisies produseer die oorspronklike kiemberliet (ADF1) massa ‘n smelt met 28.86 gewigspersentasie SiO2 en hoë Ca en Mg inhoud. In die algeheel word die smeltings verryk in alkalies en Al2O3 teen verhoogde druk as ‘n derekte gevolg van xenokristiese pirokseen smelting. Verder laat verhoogde druk toe vir hoër oplosbaarheid van CO2 in die smelt, wat lei tot laer SiO2 inhoud en ‘n toename in stabilisering van ewewigs silika-ryke mineraal fases (dws. olivien en ewewigsortopirokseen). In die peridotiet gedoopde statiese sisteem (ongepubliseerd), was die mineraal skeiding met ‘n gemiddelde kristal grootte van 115μm ±10μm almal effektief verteer in minder as 48 ure. Soortgelyk hieraan het die omfasiet gedoopde eksperimente die 150μm (±10μm) sade onder 24 ure verteer. Dus stel dit voor dat xenokristiese pirokseen in naatuurlike sisteme onstabiel is in kiemberlietiese smelt samestellings en sal waarskynlik geassimileer wees in miner as 24 ure en ‘n meer silica-ryke kiemberlietiese smelt samestelling produseer terwyl dit CO2, ontmenging en bestyging aandryf.

Freqüência de conhecimento de resultados na aquisição de uma habilidade motora em idosos / Frequency of knowledge of results in aquisition of motor skill in old age

Gehring, Paula Regina 15 February 2008 (has links)
O processo de aquisição de habilidades motoras está mais fortemente associado às fases iniciais da vida, mas é fundamental em todas as etapas do ciclo vital. Ao longo dos últimos 60 anos, os estudiosos da aprendizagem motora têm se dedicado à investigação dos fatores que afetam a aquisição de uma habilidade motora com especial destaque ao efeito do conhecimento de resultados (CR), porém, poucos estudos referentes ao processo de envelhecimento e CR têm sido encontrados. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar o efeito da freqüência de CR (100%, 66% e 33%) na aquisição de uma habilidade motora de preensão manual com posicionamento linear em indivíduos em diferentes etapas do processo de envelhecimento. Cento e vinte idosos (homens e mulheres) foram alocados em dois grupos: JOVEM, 60 indivíduos de 60 a 64 anos de idade e IDOSO, 60 indivíduos de 75 a 79 anos de idade, e subdivididos em 6 grupos experimentais de 20 indivíduos, combinando as duas faixas etárias e os três regimes de freqüência de CR. A meta da tarefa foi atingir um valor de preensão manual de 20% da força máxima com o deslocamento de 35 cm. As tentativas foram executadas com o membro superior não dominante e com oclusão visual. Os resultados mostraram que ocorreu uma melhora no desempenho durante a fase de aquisição, mediante a redução do nível de erro. Porém, na fase de retenção não houve a manutenção de desempenho adquirida na aquisição da tarefa para ambos os grupos (JOV e IDO). Os resultados também mostraram diferença entre as freqüências de CR, indicando que 100% foi melhor aproveitado pelo grupo idoso, sendo que este obteve desempenho inferior comparado com os jovens / The process of acquisition of motor skills is more strongly associated with the early stages of life, but it is essential in all stages of the life cycle, even in aging. Over the last 60 years, motor learning researchers have been devoted to examine factors that can affect the acquisition of a motor skill with special emphasis on the effect of KR, but few studies concerning the process of aging have been found. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of frequency of knowledge of results (KR) (100%, 66% and 33%) in the acquisition of a linear positioning combined with manual force control motor task in individuals at different stages of the process of aging. One hundred and twenty elderly (men and women) were allocated into two groups: JOVEM, 60 individuals from 60 to 64 years old and, IDOSO, 60 individuals from 75 to 79 years old, divided into 6 experimental groups of 20 individuals, combining two age groups and three frequencies of KR. The task goal was to reach a value of the 20% of the maximum strength in manual force with 35 cm of displacement. The subjects performed blindfolded and with non-dominant hand. Results showed that there was an improvement in performance during acquisition phase by reducing the level of errors, but in the retention phase, both groups (JOV and IDO) did not keep the same performance level of acquisition. Results also indicated that 100% of KR was best used by the IDO group, which demonstrated lower performance compared to the JOV group

Erico Verissimo e a urdidura da fic??o com a hist?ria em O Retrato

Becke, Celia Doris 21 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:39:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 396049.pdf: 1507615 bytes, checksum: 90538d9e53448a131809dc5bfe521ac6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-21 / Estudam se, nesta tese, os procedimentos adotados por Erico Verissimo no entrela?amento da fic??o com a Hist?ria, na segunda parte de O tempo e o vento. Focaliza-se n?o s? a representa??o do homem, como tamb?m a do contexto do Rio Grande do Sul e por extens?o do Brasil nas d?cadas iniciais do s?culo XX. Nesse conjunto, interessa o entrecruzamento de vozes, a do narrador e a das personagens. Al?m de interligar conflitos pessoais de origem diversa, abrem-se, por seu interm?dio, perspectivas narrativas que possibilitam identificar valores pol?tico-ideol?gicos norteadores da sociedade em que se inserem as personagens. A partir de um levantamento realizado da fortuna cr?tica de O Retrato, analisam-se, por um lado, os elementos constitutivos do enunciado e da enuncia??o do romance. Por outro, demonstra-se como os aspectos ficcionais absorvem os eventos hist?ricos. Os procedimentos narrativos de Erico Verissimo em O Retrato, al?m de revelarem o dom?nio que o Autor possui sobre a t?cnica do romance, evidenciam tamb?m sua vis?o cr?tica como cidad?o de seu tempo.

Se ? muito o que aspiro, aos leitores, desde j?, pe?o mil perd?es por tal aspira??o : Pelotas (re)vista a partir dos folhetins e cr?nicas de Bernardo Taveira Junior (1836-1892)

Gon?alves, Mariana Couto 15 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:48:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 460028.pdf: 2520405 bytes, checksum: f87a194fcbd5eba79361bd261e52158c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-15 / La presente disertaci?n tiene como objetivo analizar las publicaciones seriadas y cr?nica de Bernardo Taveira Junior sobre la ciudad de Pelotas, en las ?ltimas d?cadas del siglo XIX. Se cree que los estudios que abarcan la historia de Pelotas tienen una brecha en cuanto a la relaci?n entre la historia y la literatura, as? como en la contribuci?n de la escritor a la metr?poli y la literatura gauchesca. En este sentido, tenemos la intenci?n de ampliar la visi?n de Pelotas, con el fin de llenar este vac?o, y desde el aspecto de las representaciones propuestas por Bernardo Taveira Junior, que impregna los temas sociales, culturales y econ?micas que lo motiv? a informar de lo cotidiano Pelotas, permitiendo una nueva comprensi?n de lo imaginario Princesa del Sur. / A presente disserta??o tem como objetivo analisar os folhetins e as cr?nicas de Bernardo Taveira Junior sobre a cidade de Pelotas nos dec?nios finais do s?culo XIX. Acredita-se que os estudos que contemplam a hist?ria de Pelotas possuem uma lacuna no que tange a rela??o da hist?ria com a literatura, bem como sobre a contribui??o do escritor para a urbe e para a literatura ga?cha. Neste sentido, pretende-se ampliar a vis?o acerca de Pelotas, a fim de preencher esta lacuna, a partir do olhar e das representa??es propostas por Bernardo Taveira Junior, perpassando pelas quest?es sociais, culturais e econ?micas que o motivaram a relatar o cotidiano pelotense, possibilitando uma nova compreens?o do imagin?rio da Princesa do Sul.

Loucura e perres?a entre a ?tica e a pol?tica : apontamentos sobre o del?rio como discurso cr?tico

Borba, Elton Corr?a de 27 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T18:18:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ELTON_CORREA_DE_BORBA_COMPLETO.pdf: 1403097 bytes, checksum: 9a2a0b01936ed37a1bc58659221f7ef6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-30T18:18:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_ELTON_CORREA_DE_BORBA_COMPLETO.pdf: 1403097 bytes, checksum: 9a2a0b01936ed37a1bc58659221f7ef6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Cette ?tude vise ? situer la folie par rapport ? la notion grecque de parrh?sia ? partir de la lecture de la philosophie de Michel Foucault. La question principale tourne autour de la place occup?e par le fou dans un contexte discursive parrh?siastique, une place d?une propri?t? critique du discours libre de la folie, parce que dire la v?rit? dans cette conception de parrh?sia produit des effets ind?termin?s, inconnus avant son ?nonciation. Lorsque la folie peut contenir un discours par lui-m?me, quel genre d?effets cette ?nonciation pourra avoir? C?est-?-dire, ce qui importe est de savoir quand la folie, repr?sent?e par le fou, est en mesure de dire la v?rit? sur elle-m?me, ce que cette ?nonciation de la v?rit? signifie? Qu?est-ce que se brise? Qui est offens?? Quelle est son importance comme critique et r?sistance? Le probl?me de la v?rit? de la folie a impliqu?, em particulier, les questions de la connaissance et de la reconnaissance morale et scientifique des discours ?tablis historiquement. Par cons?quent, ces questions sont essentielles pour d?terminer la l?gitimit? d?un tel discours produit par le fou lui-m?me. L?argument qui structure ce travail est que le delire du fou agit comme une critique a l??tabli, comme une rupture ? l?ordre rationnel pr?sum?, c?est pour cela qu?il y a de l?importance ?thique et politique. Pour soutenir cette approche, nous cherchons la notion de parrh?sia comme pratique ?thique-discursive et pratique de constitution de l??tre du sujet fou, les conditions de ce lien entre la folie et le discours comme production critique. L?importance de cette exp?rience critique de la folie est de repenser la place de la reconnaissance du fou aujourd?hui, donc le fou sera parrh?siastes par le dramatique de son discours perturbateur. Cette ?tude vise ? mettre ? jour et d??largir le d?bat philosophique sur la folie et les aspects ?thiques et politiques qui concernent sa propre production de la v?rit?, de sp?culer les formes critiques de parrh?sia avec l?exp?rience de la folie et de stimuler le d?bat sur le r?le critique de folie par rapport aux pouvoirs exerc?s par les rationalit?s dominantes. / O presente trabalho objetiva situar a loucura em rela??o ? no??o grega de parres?a a partir de uma leitura da filosofia de Michel Foucault. A quest?o principal gira em torno do lugar ocupado pelo louco em um contexto discursivo parresi?stico, lugar de uma propriedade cr?tica do discurso livre da loucura, porque o dizer a verdade dentro desta concep??o de parres?a produz efeitos indeterminados e desconhecidos antes de sua enuncia??o. Quando a loucura pode enunciar um discurso por si mesma, que tipo de efeitos esta enuncia??o poder? ter? Isto ?, o que interessa saber ? se quando a loucura, representada pelo louco, ? capaz de dizer a verdade sobre si mesma, o que esta enuncia??o da verdade significa? O que rompe? A quem ofende? Qual a sua import?ncia como cr?tica e resist?ncia? O problema da verdade da loucura envolveu, sobretudo, as quest?es de conhecimento e reconhecimento moral e cient?fico dos discursos institu?dos historicamente. Por isso, estas quest?es s?o essenciais para determinar a legitimidade de tal discurso produzido pelo pr?prio louco. O argumento que estrutura este trabalho ? o de que o del?rio do louco atua como uma cr?tica ao institu?do, como uma ruptura ? pretensa ordem racional tendo import?ncia ?tica e pol?tica por isto. Para fundamentar esta perspectiva, buscamos na no??o de parres?a enquanto pr?tica ?ticodiscursiva e pr?tica de constitui??o do ser do sujeito louco, as condi??es desta liga??o entre loucura e discurso como produ??o cr?tica. A import?ncia desta experi?ncia cr?tica da loucura est? em repensar o lugar de reconhecimento do louco no contempor?neo, sendo que o que far? do louco parresiasta ? a dram?tica do seu discurso disruptivo. Este estudo busca atualizar e ampliar o debate filos?fico em torno da loucura e os aspectos ?ticos e pol?ticos que dizem respeito ? sua pr?pria produ??o de verdade, conjecturando as formas de cr?tica da parres?a com a experi?ncia da loucura e propiciando o debate acerca da fun??o cr?tica do desatino em rela??o aos poderes exercidos pelas racionalidades dominantes.

O d?ficit sociol?gico do republicanismo de P. Pettit : interfaces com a teoria cr?tica de Honneth

Oliveira, Joedson de Santana 27 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Filosofia (filosofia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-21T13:55:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_JOEDSON DE SANTANA OLIVEIRA.pdf: 873384 bytes, checksum: 4f8b6fb215b400b90618bdb9d07d9034 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2018-06-06T19:00:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_JOEDSON DE SANTANA OLIVEIRA.pdf: 873384 bytes, checksum: 4f8b6fb215b400b90618bdb9d07d9034 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-06T19:04:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_JOEDSON DE SANTANA OLIVEIRA.pdf: 873384 bytes, checksum: 4f8b6fb215b400b90618bdb9d07d9034 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This study establishes a dialogue between the neo-Roman republicanism of Philip Pettit and the critical theory of Axel Honneth. The discussion revolves around the theme ?freedom? and its developments. I sought, during the research, to list elements that allowed me to sustain that freedom as non-domination, formulated by Petit, suffers from a social deficit. Therefore, I proposed that some categories from Honneth?s critical theory could enrich the language of republicanism, namely, the notion of recognition, social pathology, and the theoretical-methodological model of normative reconstruction. Petit?s theoretical undertaking advances a lot in the construction of a concept of freedom, understood as non-domination, especially in the criticism of liberalism, and yet Petit sticks to an analytic description of the phenomenon of domination, losing sight of the potential for social criticism that the concept of non-domination entails. Consequently, Petit formulated a model of democratic participation qua contestation, whose basic assumption is a strictly juridical conception of the person. This assumption results in a deflation of the notion of people and turns the republicanism weak from the sociological point of view. I argue, together with John McCormick, that Pettit?s republicanism loses the socioeconomic cleavage given by Machiavelli and ends up being refractory to the social dimension of the conflict. I present, in turn, Honneth?s critical theory as an alternative to what I call the sociological deficit of the republican theory. Finally, I outline a criticism of the Brazilian national state in the light of critical theory and, at the same time, raise some questions about republicanism?s and critical theory?s potential to offer answers to Brazilian social dilemmas. / Este trabalho estabelece uma interlocu??o entre o republicanismo neorromano de Philip Pettit e a teoria cr?tica de Axel Honneth. A discuss?o empreendida gira entorno do tema da liberdade e seus respectivos desdobramentos. Procurei no decorrer da pesquisa elencar elementos que me permitiram sustentar que a liberdade como n?o-domina??o formulada por Pettit padece de um d?ficit social. Por conseguinte, sugeri que algumas categorias da teoria cr?tica de Honneth poderiam enriquecer a linguagem do republicanismo, a saber, a no??o de reconhecimento, patologia social e o modelo te?rico-metodol?gico de reconstru??o normativa. O empreendimento te?rico de Pettit avan?a muito na constru??o de um conceito de liberdade entendida como n?o-domina??o, especialmente na cr?tica ao liberalismo, por?m, Pettit fica preso a uma descri??o anal?tica do fen?meno da domina??o, perdendo de vista o potencial de cr?tica social que o conceito de n?o-domina??o enseja. Como consequ?ncia disso Pettit formula um modelo de participa??o democr?tica, na forma de contesta??o, cujo pressuposto de base ? uma concep??o estritamente jur?dica de pessoa. Tal pressuposto resulta em um esvaziamento da no??o de povo e deixa o republicanismo fraco do ponto de vista sociol?gico. Argumento, junto com John McCormick, que o republicanismo de Pettit perde a clivagem socioecon?mica dada por Maquiavel e acaba sendo refrat?rio ? dimens?o social do conflito. Apresento na sequ?ncia a teoria cr?tica de Honneth como alternativa ao que chamo aqui de d?ficit sociol?gico da teoria republicana. Por fim, fa?o uma cr?tica ao estado nacional brasileiro ? luz da teoria cr?tica e, ao mesmo tempo, levanto ligeiros questionamentos sobre o potencial do republicanismo e da teoria cr?tica oferecerem respostas aos dilemas sociais do Brasil.

Strengthening Aluminum By Zirconium and Chromium

Yan, Shi 02 January 2013 (has links)
The Al-Zr system is used to form a thermally stable strengthening phase in high temperature aluminum-base casting alloys. These alloys have good strength at elevated temperature due to the precipitation of coherent metastable Al3Zr particles upon decomposition of the supersaturated Al-Zr solid solution by a carefully designed heat treatment. Formation of the Al3Zr particles occurs by a peritectic reaction, which decrees that once formed, the particles cannot be dissolved by a solid-state homogenization process. Accordingly, melting the alloy must serve as the homogenization step of the precipitation hardening process; and solidification during casting must serve as the quenching step. Unfortunately, a prohibitively fast solidification rate is necessary to obtain a solid solution with as little as 0.4% Zr in Al. It is found that adding Cr to Al-0.4wt%Zr binary alloy makes it easier to form the supersaturated solid solution, and the ternary Al-0.4wt%Zr- 0.8wt%Cr alloy has better room and elevated temperature tensile properties than the binary Al- 0.4wt%Zr alloy. Various one-step and two-step isothermal aging cycles were investigated in order to arrive at the optimum aging schedule for the Al-0.4wt%Zr-0.8wt%Cr. It is found that soaking the alloy at 400C for 24 hours is optimum; and employing a two-step aging schedule reduces the aging time without sacrificing strength. The two- step aging schedule includes soaking the alloy at 375C for 3 hours and then at 425C for an additional 12 hours. Examination of the precipitates that form in the Al-0.4wt%Zr-0.8wt%Cr with High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) shows that they have the L12 crystal structure. Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) shows that the particles contain only aluminum and zirconium whereas the matrix is a solid solution of chromium in aluminum. Hence, it is suggested that zirconium strengthens the Al- 0.4wt%Zr-0.8wt%Cr alloy by a precipitation hardening mechanism and chromium further enhances the strength by solid solution strengthening.

Poder e g?nero em Miguel ?ngel Asturias, ?rico Verissimo e Gioconda Belli

Oliveira, Amanda da Silva 01 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-06-10T12:57:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 470260 - Texto Completo.pdf: 936714 bytes, checksum: b12b9576b3d9ed54a16c6ec463e42d0c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-10T12:57:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 470260 - Texto Completo.pdf: 936714 bytes, checksum: b12b9576b3d9ed54a16c6ec463e42d0c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-01 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This dissertation aims to study power and genre in three Latin American novels: Mister President, by Miguel ?ngel Asturias, His Excellency, the Ambassador, by Erico Verissimo and A women?s country, by Gioconda Belli. Dealing with the definition of concepts of the literary field of Guatemala, Brazil and Nicaragua, from the year of publication of the analyzed works, the textual analyses are directed towards the perception of the way power stablishes itself under the form of dictatorship oppression in Latin America, and how female characters are presented in these narratives according to this oppression. There is also the identification of the speeches of possible worlds of equality and social justice in Latin America, as produced by the authors. / O objetivo dessa disserta??o ? o estudo dos temas poder e g?nero em tr?s romances latino-americanos: O Senhor Presidente, de Miguel ?ngel Asturias; O Senhor Embaixador, de Erico Verissimo; e O Pa?s das mulheres, de Gioconda Belli. Tratando de definir os conceitos de campo liter?rio da Guatemala, do Brasil e da Nicar?gua, a partir do ano de publica??o das obras estudadas, as an?lises textuais se direcionam ? percep??o de como o poder se estabelece sob forma de opress?o nas ditaduras das Am?ricas, e de como as personagens femininas se apresentam nessas narrativas segundo essa opress?o, al?m da identifica??o dos discursos dos mundos poss?veis de igualdade e de justi?a social na Am?rica Latina, produzidos pelos autores.

Lendo a literatura brasileira contempor?nea pulp : os casos de Ryoki Inoue e da fic??o de polpa

Dall?Agnol , Charles 06 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-06-17T11:48:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 470609 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 1819697 bytes, checksum: 9b81214fe1282be357550c9079268a5d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-17T11:48:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 470609 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 1819697 bytes, checksum: 9b81214fe1282be357550c9079268a5d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-06 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Here I propose a reading of two works of Brazilian pullp fiction, one by Ryoki Inoue and the other a short-story collection called Fic??o de Polpa, edited by Smair Machado de Machado. This thesis has two main objetives: the first, to discuss the differences of the two lines of work in what concerns their styles and positions in the literary field; the second, to validate the study of a literature denied by the academy. Studies about pulp fiction in Brazilian Universities are rare and full of contradictions: escapism? Sensationalism? Mass Literature? ?This is not literature?? Entertainment whithout sofistication? So, this is a peculiar and complex thind, pulp fiction. My argument is built against a division between ?high? and ?low? culture, angainst exclusivism, the main questions raised are: what is the pathos of the pulp fiction reading? What is the post-modern pulp? Is it possible to a pulp work to be studied in the academy and remain pulp? Last but not least: this thesis is written as pulp story, out of the clich?s and the insolent poetry of the pulp. / Esta disserta??o prop?e uma leitura de dois fen?menos de pulp fiction brasileira, o escritor Ryoki Inoue e a s?rie Fic??o de Polpa, com dois objetivos principais: discutir as diferen?as entre eles no que tange ? suas escritas e posi??es no campo liter?rio e validar o estudo de uma literatura historicamente preterida pela cr?tica, a pulp fiction, no meio acad?mico. Estudos sobre a pulp fiction na universidade brasileira, ? ainda escassos, s?os repletos de oposi??o e desconfian?a: escapismo? Literatura de massa, sensacionalista? ??Isso nem ? literatura??? Hist?rias com estilo falto de sutilezas e produzidas em ritmo industrial? Entretenimento sem sofistica??o? S?o diversos coment?rios para uma literatura ao mesmo tempo singular e complexa. E afinal, por que estudar a pulp fiction no meio acad?mico? Meu argumento ser? constru?do com vistas ? anula??o da divis?o da literatura entre ?alta? e ?baixa? e pela revis?o da postura beletrista, estreitamente ligada ? literatura enquanto institui??o e, por conseguinte, m?quina de exclusivismo. As principais quest?es levantadas s?o: qual ? o pathos da leitura pulp? Em que consiste a natureza p?s-moderna ? que o pulp est? se predispondo nos ?ltimos anos? ? poss?vel a uma obra entrar na academia e permanecer pulp? Todas as tradu??es de textos em ingl?s ou franc?s s?o de minha responsabilidade. Last but not least: este trabalho ? escrito com o clich? e a livre insol?ncia da linguagem pulp incorporados a uma cr?tica-pulp. Pulp me, fiction. That?s the spirit.

De p?, os muros seguem

Souza, Maurin 06 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-05-10T11:30:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_MAURIN_DE_SOUZA_COMPLETO.pdf: 1336733 bytes, checksum: ea7687fcadc86d1b77f28f0a8ce6fade (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-10T11:30:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_MAURIN_DE_SOUZA_COMPLETO.pdf: 1336733 bytes, checksum: ea7687fcadc86d1b77f28f0a8ce6fade (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-06 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Based on the concepts of contemporary and literary engagement, I aim with this thesis analyze the short story "The Wall" by Jean-Paul Sartre, and the novels In slow motion, by Renato Tapaj?s, and Installation of fear, by Rui Zink. The historical moments portrayed in these narratives are the Spanish Civil War, World War II - albeit indirectly, the Brazilian Military Dictatorship and the 2000s (these with small rescues to episodes occurred in the twentieth century). It is my intention also check what feelings that permeate the Man of decades from 1930 to 1980 (anxiety, fear, loneliness, courage, indifference, anger) and if they, today, linger, given the way in which contemporary presents itself and as a reference, therefore, the work of Rui Zink. As I consider essential to be attentive and, more importantly, involve myself with the society for which I am responsible, I instigate discussions about the role of written word as a compromise and I direct it to authors who I understand as engaged and, therefore, I chosed to complete my dissertation. / A partir dos conceitos de contempor?neo e de engajamento liter?rio, objetivo com esta disserta??o analisar o conto ?O muro?, de Jean-Paul Sartre, e os romances Em c?mara lenta, de Renato Tapaj?s, e A instala??o do medo, de Rui Zink. Os momentos hist?ricos retratados nessas narrativas s?o a Guerra Civil Espanhola, a Segunda Guerra Mundial ? ainda que indiretamente, a Ditadura Militar Brasileira e os Anos 2000 (estes com pequenos resgates a epis?dios ocorridos no s?culo XX). ? meu intuito, ainda, verificar quais os sentimentos que permeiam o ser humano das d?cadas de 1930 a 1980 (ang?stia, medo, solid?o, coragem, indiferen?a, raiva) e se eles, hoje, perduram, tendo em vista o modo pelo qual a contemporaneidade apresenta-se e como refer?ncia, para tanto, a obra de Rui Zink. Uma vez que considero imprescind?vel estar atenta e, mais que isso, envolver-me com a sociedade por que sou respons?vel, instigo a discuss?es a respeito do papel da palavra escrita enquanto compromisso e as direciono aos autores que percebo como engajados e que, portanto, escolhi para completar a minha disserta??o.

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