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Optimising His-tags for purification and phasing / Optimierte His-tags für Aufreinigung und PhasierungGroβe, Christian 05 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Synthèse et caractérisation de complexes métalliques avec le ligand 2,2'-biimidazole et son dérivé 1,1'-diméthyl-2,2'-biimidazoleGruia, Letitia M. January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Structural, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Aspects of the Crystal Polymorphism of Substituted Monocyclic Aromatic CompoundsSvärd, Michael January 2011 (has links)
This work concerns the interrelationship between thermodynamic, kinetic and structural aspects of crystal polymorphism. It is both experimental and theoretical, and limited with respect to compounds to substituted monocyclic aromatics. Two polymorphs of the compound m-aminobenzoic acid have been experimentally isolated and characterized by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction and optical microscopy. In addition, two polymorphs of the compound m-hydroxybenzoic acid have been isolated and characterized by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, high-temperature XRPD, confocal Raman, hot-stage and scanning electron microscopy. For all polymorphs, melting properties and specific heat capacity have been determined calorimetrically, and the solubility in several pure solvents measured at different temperatures with a gravimetric method. The solid-state activity (ideal solubility), and the free energy, enthalpy and entropy of fusion have been determined as functions of temperature for all solid phases through a thermodynamic analysis of multiple experimental data. It is shown that m-aminobenzoic acid is an enantiotropic system, with a stability transition point determined to be located at approximately 156°C, and that the difference in free energy at room temperature between the polymorphs is considerable. It is further shown that m-hydroxybenzoic acid is a monotropic system, with minor differences in free energy, enthalpy and entropy. 1393 primary nucleation experiments have been carried out for both compounds in different series of repeatability experiments, differing with respect to solvent, cooling rate, saturation temperature and solution preparation and pre-treatment. It is found that in the vast majority of experiments, either the stable or the metastable polymorph is obtained in the pure form, and only for a few evaluated experimental conditions does one polymorph crystallize in all experiments. The fact that the polymorphic outcome of a crystallization is the result of the interplay between relative thermodynamic stability and nucleation kinetics, and that it is vital to perform multiple experiments under identical conditions when studying nucleation of polymorphic compounds, is strongly emphasized by the results of this work. The main experimental variable which in this work has been found to affect which polymorph will preferentially crystallize is the solvent. For m-aminobenzoic acid, it is shown how a significantly metastable polymorph can be obtained by choosing a solvent in which nucleation of the stable form is sufficiently obstructed. For m-hydroxybenzoic acid, nucleation of the stable polymorph is promoted in solvents where the solubility is high. It is shown how this partly can be rationalized by analysing solubility data with respect to temperature dependence. By crystallizing solutions differing only with respect to pre-treatment and which polymorph was dissolved, it is found that the immediate thermal and structural history of a solution can have a significant effect on nucleation, affecting the predisposition for overall nucleation as well as which polymorph will preferentially crystallize. A set of polymorphic crystal structures has been compiled from the Cambridge Structural Database. It is found that statistically, about 50% crystallize in the crystallographic space group P21/c. Furthermore, it is found that crystal structures of polymorphs tend to differ significantly with respect to either hydrogen bond network or molecular conformation. Molecular mechanics based Monte Carlo simulated annealing has been used to sample different potential crystal structures corresponding to minima in potential energy with respect to structural degrees of freedom, restricted to one space group, for each of the polymorphic compounds. It is found that all simulations result in very large numbers of predicted structures. About 15% of the predicted structures have excess relative lattice energies of <=10% compared to the most stable predicted structure; a limit verified to reflect maximum lattice energy differences between experimentally observed polymorphs of similar compounds. The number of predicted structures is found to correlate to molecular weight and to the number of rotatable covalent bonds. A close study of two compounds has shown that predicted structures tend to belong to different groups defined by unique hydrogen bond networks, located in well-defined regions in energy/packing space according to the close-packing principle. It is hypothesized that kinetic effects in combination with this structural segregation might affect the number of potential structures that can be realized experimentally. The experimentally determined crystal structures of several compounds have been geometry-optimized (relaxed) to the nearest potential energy minimum using ten different combinations of common potential energy functions (force fields) and techniques for assigning nucleus-centred point charges used in the electrostatic description of the energy. Changes in structural coordinates upon relaxation have been quantified, crystal lattice energies calculated and compared with experimentally determined enthalpies of sublimation, and the energy difference before and after relaxation computed and analysed. It is found that certain combinations of force fields and charge assignment techniques work reasonably well for modelling crystal structures of small aromatics, provided that proper attention is paid to electrostatic description and to how the force field was parameterized. A comparison of energy differences for randomly packed as well as experimentally determined crystal structures before and after relaxation suggests that the potential energy function for the solid state of a small organic molecule is highly undulating with many deep, narrow and steep minima. / QC 20110527
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Σύμπλοκες ενώσεις του κοβαλτίου(ΙΙΙ) με τριδοντικές βάσεις Schiff που προκύπτουν από τη σαλικυλική αλδεΰδη και υποκατεστημένες 2-αμινοφαινόλες / Cobalt(III) complexes of tridentate Schiff bases derived from salicylaldehde and substituted 2-aminophenolsΖαγοραίου, Ειρήνη 11 July 2013 (has links)
Σε αυτή την εργασία περιγράφονται οι αντιδράσεις αλάτων του κοβαλτίου(ΙΙ) [Co(O2CMe)2•4H2O, Co(ClO4)2•6H2O και Co(O2CPh)2] με την Ν-σαλικυλιδενο-4- μεθυλο-ο-αμινοφαινόλη (saphΗ2-4Me), την Ν-σαλικυλιδενο-4-χλωρο-ο-αμινοφαινόλη (saphΗ2-4Cl) και την Ν-σαλικυλιδενο-ο-αμινοφαινόλη (saphΗ2). Από τo σύστημα αντίδρασης Co(O2CMe)2•4H2O/saphΗ2-4Me/ΝaΟΗ σε διαλύτη MeOH απομονώθηκε ένα οκταεδρικό σύμπλοκο με τύπο (Η5Ο2)[CoΙΙΙ(saph-4Me)2]•H2O (1). Χρησιμοποιώντας την Εt3N ως βάση, από ένα ανάλογο σύστημα αντίδρασης, απομονώθηκε ένα οκταεδρικό σύμπλοκο με τύπο (Εt3NH)[CoΙΙΙ(saph-4Me)2]•ΜeCΟ2Η•MeOH (2). Από το σύστημα αντίδρασηςfCo(O2CMe)2•4H2O/ saphΗ2-4Cl/Εt3N σε διαλύτη MeOH απομονώθηκε το ισοδομικό του συμπλόκου 2, δηλαδή το σύμπλοκο (Εt3NH)[CoΙΙΙ(saph-4Cl)2]•ΜeCΟ2Η•MeOH (3). Οι τρεις σύμπλοκες ενώσεις χαρακτηρίστηκαν με IR φασματοσκοπία, ενώ για τα σύμπλοκα 1 και 2 πραγματοποιήθηκαν και μετρήσεις 1Η ΝΜR φασματοσκοπίας. Οι κρυσταλλικές δομές των συμπλόκων 1, 2 και 3 επιλύθηκαν με κρυσταλλογραφία ακτίνων Χ μονοκρυστάλλου. Βάσει των πειραματικών δεδομένων και τα τρία σύμπλοκα είναι ανιοντικά μονοπυρηνικά με το ιόν του κοβαλτίου(ΙΙΙ) να περιβάλλεται από δύο τριδοντικούς, πλήρως αποπρωτονιωμένους, υποκαταστάτες, οι οποίοι ενώνονται με αυτό μέσω των δύο αποπρωτονιομένων φαινολικών οξυγόνων και με το άτομο του ιμινικού αζώτου. Τα κατιόντα είναι το Η5Ο2+ για το σύμπλοκο 1 και το Εt3NH+ για τα 2 και 3. / In this work the reactions of cobalt(II) salts [Co(O2CMe)2•4H2O, Co(ClO4)2•6H2O and Co(O2CPh)2] with N-salicylidene-4-methyl-o-aminophenol (saphH2-4Me), N-salicylidene-4-chloro-o-aminophenol (saphH2-4Cl) and N-salicylidene-o-aminophenol (saphH2) Schiff bases are described. From the Co(O2CMe)2•4H2O/ saphH2-4Me/NaOH reaction system in MeOH we have isolated a six-coordinated complex with the formula (H5O2)[CoΙΙΙ(saph-4Me)2]•H2O (1). From a similar reaction system with Et3N as a base, we isolated a six-coordinated complex with the formula (Et3NH)[CoΙΙΙ(saph-4Me)2]•MeCO2H•MeOH (2). The Co(O2CMe)2•4H2O/saphH2-4Cl/Et3N reaction system in MeOH has led to the complex (Et3NH)[CoΙΙΙ(saph-4Cl)2]•MeCO2H•MeOH (3), which is isostructural to 2. The three complexes have been characterized by IR spectroscopy, while the complexes 1 and 2 have been also studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The crystal structures of 1, 2 and 3 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray crystallography. Based on experimental results, all the three complexes are anionic mononuclear with the CoIII ion being surrounded by two tridentate dianionic Schiff-base ligands, which chelate the metal ion through the deprotonated phenolic oxygen atoms and the nitrogen atom of the azomethine group. The cation for the complex 1 is H5O2+, while for the complexes 2 and 3 the cation is Et3NH+.
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Planejamento de inibidores da enzima diidroorotato desidrogenase de Trypanosoma cruzi por biocalorimetria / Biocalorimetry as a tool for Trypanosoma cruzi dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibitors discoveryJuliana Cheleski 04 March 2011 (has links)
A doença de Chagas, causada pelo protozoário flagelado Trypanosoma cruzi, é uma doença tropical que enseja morte/morbidade de milhões de pessoas na América Latina. Por processos migratórios, vem-se estendendo ao sul dos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Europa, Austrália e Japão. Essa doença tem sido considerada super-negligenciada pela indústria farmacêutica, já que os dois fármacos disponíveis para o seu tratamento foram introduzidos há mais de quarenta anos e apresentam baixa eficácia com vários efeitos colaterais severos. Mais recentemente, a Organização Mundial da Saúde considerou a doença de Chagas, dentre outras, como a doença da pobreza! Com esse cenário completamente desfavorável aos portadores da doença, é necessária a descoberta, desenvolvimento e introdução de novos fármacos para o tratamento eficiente e seguro da doença de Chagas. <br />Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho representa uma importante contribuição para o entendimento das razões moleculares da ação farmacológica de substâncias químicas bioativas de interesse à farmacoterapia da doença de Chagas. Ao nível molecular, a enzima pertencente à via de síntese de novo de nucleotídeos de pirimidinas, diidroorotato desidrogenase do Trypanosoma cruzi (TcDHODH), é um alvo promissor para a descoberta e desenvolvimento de candidatos a fármacos de interesse para o tratamento da doença de Chagas. <br />Os conceitos e ferramentas da química medicinal computacional, tais como os ensaios virtuais in silico, foram usados para a identificação de inibidores da TcDHODH. Vinte e seis substâncias inéditas como inibidores da TcDHODH foram adquiridos comercialmente e avaliados experimentalmente através da Calorimetria de Titulação Isotérmica (ITC) para a determinação do mecanismo de inibição e da constante cinética de afinidade (Kiapp). <br />Na etapa de docagem molecular, o objetivo era identificar moléculas que apresentassem uma boa afinidade pelo sítio ativo da enzima TcDHODH. A primeira série de ligantes selecionados dos métodos in silico, apresentou inibição enzimática na concentração de micromolar com eficiência média de ligante de 0,50 kcal mol-1 átomo-1. Devido à baixa massa molecular (aproximadamente 200 kDa) e a alta eficiência de ligante, essa série foi considerada como constituída de excelentes substâncias com elevado poder de reconhecimento biomolecular. Por isso, foram caracterizadas como substâncias passíveis de otimização no processo do-ligante-para-substância matriz. <br />As enzimas TcDHODH e DHODH de Leishmania major (LmDHODH) têm sítios ativos com elevado grau de similaridade. Portanto, usando a enzima LmDHODH como padrão de substituição da TcDHODH é possível fazer a descrição do modo de interação do co-complexo TcDHODH-inibidor. O modo de ação descrito através da resolução da estrutura cristalográfica de raios-X, além de validar ortogonalmente os resultados cinéticos obtidos por ITC - que identificou as substâncias como inibidores competitivos (por interação direta no sítio ativo da enzima TcDHODH), geraram hipóteses farmacofóricas para a busca de novas moléculas (chamadas de segunda geração), agora com padrão superior de reconhecimento molecular do sítio da TcDHODH. Para validar complementarmente a hipótese, foi demonstrado que os inibidores da TcDHODH inibem, similarmente, a LmDHODH. <br />Uma análise cuidadosa da estrutura tridimensional da enzima TcDHODH, demostrou a possibilidade de ocupação do sítio S2 que se estende além da região do sítio catalítico S1, permitindo assim o aumento da afinidade biomolecular com os inibidores. Além disso, o sítio S2 não é encontrado na estrutura da proteína de humanos (HsDHODH), podendo ser uma região passível de seletividade frente à enzima TcDHODH. <br />O emprego adequado dessa hipótese resultou na otimização dos ligantes identificados previamente para substâncias mais potentes que inibiram a enzima de forma competitiva em relação ao substrato diidroorotato (DHO) em valores Kiapp de 121 ± 14 nM e 190 ± 10 nM. <br />A técnica de ITC foi fundamental no processo de descoberta de inibidores enzimáticos, pois se mostrou extremamente susceptível à determinação da interação intermolecular enzima-inibidor, permitindo acompanhar a cinética da reação e obter os valores da constante de afinidade de maneira precisa e acurada. Com isso, a taxa de acerto obtida nesta tese foi de 46%, considerando-se apenas as substâncias com valores de Ki app < 100 µM. Esse é um número favoravelmente apreciável, já que na literatura ele gira em torno de 1-10% quando o planejamento in silico é realizado, quando comparado às taxas de acerto dos métodos de ensaio em larga escala (HTS), entre 0-2 %, os resultados alcançados neste trabalho são ainda mais significativos. <br />Além disso, as substâncias químicas selecionadas através da integração de métodos in silico e biocalorimétricos apresentam elevado grau de complexidade no processo biomolecular de interação enzima-ligante, que permite classificá-las para as fases seguintes da gênese planejada de fármacos. / American trypanosomiasis or Chagas disease, caused by the haemoflagellate Trypanosoma cruzi, is a tropical disease that affects millions of people in Latin America. Epidemiology of Chagas disease in non-endemic countries is attained by immigration as the disease also affects people in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and Japan. However, the United States are not to be written off as an area of nonendemicity for Chagas disease like Europe or Asia because the southern states have enzootic T. cruzi transmission that involves triatomine species and hosts such as raccoons, opossums, and domestic dogs. Even though, this disease has been considered as a super-neglected from the big Pharma Industry viewpoint since the only available drugs for its treatment were introduced in the market more than forty years ago and worsen is that they have low efficacy and cause various severe side effects. <br />Although the current clinical scenario is of course discouraging and is far from being even a soothing treatment for those who suffer from the disease, it prompt ones to set efforts towards the need of discovering and developing new efficacious and safe drugs to treat Chagas disease. <br />Our research group covers the concept of enzymes acting as targets for the action of drugs. Once T. cruzi has many druggable targets, the dihydroorotate dehydrogenase enzyme (TcDHODH) that belongs to the de novo pyrimidine nucleotide synthetic pathway has been chosen for the search of new inhibitors that may be of use in the treatment of Chagas disease. To accomplish with this and considering that inhibitors are molecules that decrease enzyme activity leading to parasite death, we used the concepts and tools of modern computational medicinal chemistry such as in silico screening of small molecules that bind to the active site of the TcDHODH. <br />After a thoroughly program of virtually screening thousands of compounds, 26 were purchased from commercially available sources and experimentally assayed against the TcDHODH using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) in order to determine the mechanism of inhibition and the kinetic affinity constant (Kiapp). <br />The first series of inhibitors selected from our in silico strategy were evaluated by ITC to yield compounds that inhibited the TcDHODH in the micromolar concentration range with an average of 0.50 kcal mol-1 atom-1 ligand efficiency (LE). Because the assayed compounds have low molecular weight (ca. 200 kDa) and high LE, which bring them to the specific bimolecular pattern recognition all of them were considered good inhibitors capable of being selected to enter the hit-to-lead optimization process. <br />The detailed description of the ligand-enzyme mode of binding (MOB) is thoroughly accomplished by solving the X ray crystal structure of the surrogate Leishmania major DHODH enzyme (LmDHODH), which has a high degree of similarity with the enzyme TcDHODH. The MOB credited to be in the active site of the TcDHODH orthogonally validated the ITC kinetic experimental data obtained for all ligands as competitive inhibitors that interact at the active site of the TcDHODH and helped to generate pharmacophoric hypotheses for the search of new second generation molecules acting against the enzyme TcDHODH. Analyzing the 3D structure of the TcDHODH along with its surrogate LmDHODH, we envisaged the possibility of compounds to extend their side chain beyond the region of the catalytic site (called S1), and interacting in a region called S2, so to increase binding affinity. Moreover, the TcDHODH S2 site that is not found in the 3D protein structure of humans (HsDHODH) is likely to offer new insights for the search of inhibitors whose binding to this S2 site can pave the roads towards the needed structural basis for selective inhibition of TcDHODH. <br />The most potent compounds inhibited the enzyme competitively with respect to the substrate dihydroorotate (DHO) at Kiapp values of 121 ± 14 nM and 190 ± 10 nM, which constitutes high affinity TcDHODH inhibitors. The ITC technique was pivotal to this process of enzyme inhibitors discovery, because it proved to be extremely sensitive thus allowing to monitor the kinetics of the reaction and to obtain precise and accurate values of affinity constants. <br />The hit rate obtained in this work, considering only those compounds with Kiapp < 100 µM, was 46%. This is a really high number, since literature values range from 1 to 10% when the planning new inhibitors via in silico methods when compared to the success rates obtained by the methods of testing on large scales (HTS), 0-2 %, the results achieved in this work are even more significant. Moreover, the compounds selected through the integration of in silico and calorimetric methods showed a high degree of complexity in the process of bimolecular enzyme-ligand recognition, which allows to pass them to the next phase of the drug design process.
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RMN cristallographique : mesure de distances internucléaires sur des échantillons de poudre par RMN du solide / NMR crystallography : internuclear distance measurement on powder samples on natural abundance using solid-state NMRDekhil, Myriam 17 November 2016 (has links)
La mesure de couplage dipolaire permet d’accéder à la structure tridimensionnelle d’un composé solide. Cependant, en présence d’une forte densité de spins couplés, le phénomène de troncature dipolaire rend difficile l’obtention de ces informations par RMN du solide. Ce problème peut être affranchi par l’étude de spins rares en abondance naturelle. En effet, avec une abondance naturelle de 1.1 %, la probabilité que trois 13C soient couplés, et avec elle la troncature dipolaire, devient négligeable. Une méthodologie basée sur la séquence de recouplage dipolaire POST-C7 permet d’accéder à des informations structurales d’échantillons en abondance naturelle sensibles à la fois à la conformation moléculaire et à l’empilement cristallin par mesure de couplages dipolaires 13C-13C. La sensibilité de détection des signaux RMN 13C est augmentée à l’aide la polarisation dynamique nucléaire ce qui permet de réduire considérablement les temps d’expériences. De plus, la séquence de recouplage R20_9_2 aidée de supercycles s’est montrée être plus robustes que POST-C7 face à de fortes anisotropies de déplacement chimique ou de forts couplages hétéronucléaires 1H-13C. La seconde problématique abordée concerne l’attribution de signaux 13C. En effet, il existe seulement quelques exemples de détermination de connectivités 13C -13C en abondance naturelle. Nous montrons ici que des spectres de corrélations dipolaires 13C-13C peuvent être obtenus en quelques jours à l’aide de la séquence de recouplage R20_9_2. Contrairement aux méthodologies basées sur le couplage J, notre séquence requiert un temps d’excitation DQ plus court ce qui la rend adaptée à l’étude de solides désordonnés. / Measurment of dipolar coupling provides 3D structural information of powder samples. However, in practice, the high density of spins in organic compounds prevents the measurements of long-range dipolar couplings in solid-state NMR by the so-called dipolar truncation effect. The study of rare spins on natural abundance allows to overcome this problem. In fact, with a natural abundance of 1.1 %, the probability for three 13C to be coupled is negligible. We developed a methodology based either on the dipolar recoupling NMR pulse sequence POST-C7 or on the dramatic increase in sensitivity provided by dynamic nuclear polarization. We demonstrated that its methodology provides a measure of 13C-13C dipolar couplings in natural abundance powder samples and that the so-obtained distance information is sensitive to both molecular conformation and crystal packing of powder samples. Moreover, we show that the recoupling pulse sequence R20_9_2 is more robust to strong chemical shift anisotropy and also to strong 1H-13C heteronuclear dipolar couplings than POST-C7. The second challenge involves 13C signal assignment for natural abundance. In fact, there are only a few examples of 13C-13C correlation spectra obtained for natural abundance samples. Here, we show that 13C-13C correlation spectra sequence based on the reintroduction of 13C−13C dipolar couplings can be obtained with standard MAS probe and within few days using R20_9_2 pulse sequence. Contrary to pulse sequences based on 13C-13C J coupling, our pulse sequence requires shorter DQ excitation time and hence, is more suitable for samples having short T2 relaxation times such as amorphous solids.
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Asociace polymerů s amfifilními sloučeninami (surfaktanty) ve vodných roztocích / Self-assembly of polymers with amphiphilic compounds (surfactants) in aqueous solutionsDelisavva, Foteini January 2017 (has links)
Title: Self-assembly of polymers with amphiphilic compounds (surfactants) in aqueous solutions Abstract: This PhD Thesis is devoted to the co-assembly in systems containing electrically charged polymers (polyelectrolytes and block copolymers containing polyelectrolyte sequences). I studied the interactions between block copolymers and oppositely charged surfactants in aqueous solutions, and the structure and properties of co-assembled nanoparticles by a combination of several experimental methods. I found that the spontaneous formation, solubility and stability of complex nanoparticles depend not only on the electrostatic attractive forces but also on the hydrophobic effects. In a major part of my Thesis, I studied the interaction of polyelectrolytes with oppositely charged gemini surfactants (containing two charged head-groups interconnected by a short linker and two hydrophobic tails) which is a relatively new topic - much less studied than the co-assembly with conventional single tail surfactants. Better understanding of the formation and properties of complexes containing gemini surfactants and polymers provides knowledge that should lead to novel tailor-made nanoparticles with desired properties for applications in medicine and new technologies (including nano-technologies). We have shown that the...
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Příprava a studium nových krystalických materiálů pro nelineární optiku odvozených od dusíkatých heterocyklů / Preparation and study of novel crystalline materials for nonlinear optics based on nitrogen-containing heterocyclesKloda, Matouš January 2019 (has links)
The presented Ph.D. thesis is aimed at the preparation and characterisation of novel crystalline materials with application potential in nonlinear optics (NLO). The main goal was preparation of crystalline salts and adducts (cocrystals) of selected nitrogen-containing heterocycles with a range of organic and inorganic acids. Based on previous study and quantum- chemical calculations, the following starting heterocycles were selected: 2-aminopyrimidine, 4-aminopyrimidine, 5-aminopyrimidine, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazine and 3-amino-5,6-dimethyl- 1,2,4-triazine. The prepared materials were characterised mainly by X-ray diffraction and vibrational spectroscopy and the interpretation of the vibrational spectra was based on quantum-chemical calculations. The systems based on aminopyrimidines were the first field of study in presented thesis. The thesis represents a finalisation of our previous study focused on inorganic salts and cocrystal in the case of 2-aminopyrimidine. The characterisation of a pair of cocrystals with boric acid was accomplished. The 12 new salts and adducts were prepared and characterised in the case of 4-aminopyrimidine and only one crystalline product - adduct with succinic acid - was obtained in the case of 5-aminopyrimidine. The systems based on 3-amino-1,2,4-triazine and its...
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Über basische Chloride des Nickel(II) und Magnesiums : Strukturen, Phasenbildung und LöslichkeitBette, Sebastian 01 July 2016 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Phasenbildung im ternären System Ni(OH)2-NiCl2-H2O systematisch untersucht. Die basischen Nickel(II)-chlorid Phasen NiCl(OH), Ni2Cl(OH)3, NiClx(OH)2-x, Ni3Cl2+x(OH)4-x ∙ 2 H2O mit x = 0,26; 0,48; 0,82 und Ni3Cl2+x(OH)4-x ∙ 4 H2O mit x = 0,10 konnten phasenrein hergestellt und deren Kristallstrukturen mittels hochauflösender Röntgenpulverdiffraktometrie aufgeklärt werden. Die so erhaltenen strukturellen Daten wurden durch Anwendung von IR-und Spektroskopie, UV/VIS-Spektroskopie, SQUID-Messungen, Thermoanalysen und temperaturaufgelöster in-situ Röntgenpulverdiffraktometrie als komplementäre Methoden bestätigt. Weiterhin konnte eine allgemein anwendbare Routine zur Beschreibung der Diffraktionseffekte stapelfehlerbehafteter Schichtverbindungen für das Programm TOPAS entwickelt werden. Die Bildung und Stabilität der basischen Nickel(II)-chlorid Phasen in wässriger Nickel(II)-chlorid Lösung wurde systematisch bei 200°C und 25°C über Zeiträume von zwei Jahren untersucht und Löslichkeitsdaten ermittelt.
Des Weiteren erfolgte die Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung von Magnesium Oxid und basischen Magnesiumchlorid Phasen mit wässrigen nickelhaltigen Magnesiumchlorid Lösungen. Hierbei konnte die Mischkristallbildung zwischen analogen basischen Magnesium- und Nickel(II)-chloridphasen beobachtet werden. Es wurde festgestellt, dass basische Magnesiumchloride und Magnesiumoxid ein gutes Rückhaltevermögen für gelöstes Nickel aufweisen und dass ein Zutritt von gelöstem Nickel weder die Pufferwirkung noch die Beständigkeit der basischen Magnesiumchlorid Phasen beeinträchtigt.
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Borophosphate der Haupt- und Nebengruppenmetalle: Synthese, Charakterisierung und Strukturchemische KlassifizierungEwald, Bastian 02 November 2006 (has links)
Es werden neue Erkenntnisse über Borphosphat und Borophosphate der Haupt- und Nebengruppenmetalle vorgestellt. Neben Hydrothermalsynthesen und Feststoffreationen, die üblicherweise zur Synthese von Borophosphaten angewendet werden, haben insbesondere die solvothermalen Experimente mit Alkoholen bzw. Alkohol-Wasser-Mischungen zu neuen Ergebnissen geführt. Es wurden neue Borophosphate und Borat-Phosphate in den Systemen MxOy–B2O3–P2O5(–H2O) (M = K+, Rb+, Mg2+, Sc3+, Pr3+, Sm3+, In3+) dargestellt, weitere Verbindungen enthalten neben Mg2+ weitere Kationen der Haupt- und Nebengruppenmetalle (Ca, Sr, Ba, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn). Darüberhinaus gelang die Darstellung bislang unbekannter Scandium- und Lanthanphosphate(III) sowie von sauren Alkalimetall-Scandiumphosphaten(V). Aus Synthesen in Gegenwart von Ethylendiamin und Diazabizyklooktan wurden ferner zwei neue templatierte Scandiumphosphate mit porösen Gerüststrukturen erhalten. Die Kristallstrukturen aller Verbindungem wurden rötgenographisch anhand von Einkristallaufnahmen oder Pulverdaten aufgeklärt. Die Charakterisierung der Präparate erfolgte mit Röntgenpulverdiffraktometrie, EDX- und Elementaranalysen sowie durch Schwingungsspektroskopie und thermische Stabilitätsuntersuchungen. Zur Klassifizierung von (Metallo)borophosphaten wird eine Struktursystematik vorgeschlagen, welche Borophosphate und Metalloborophosphate entsprechend ihrer anionischen Teilstrukturen hierarchisch klassifiziert und in Analogie zur Terminologie der Silikate (nach Liebau) beschreibt. In Anlehnung an bestehende Konzepte für Boratminerale geht das Klassifizierungsschema dabei von einfachen Oligomeren aus. In einer struktursystematischen Übersicht wurden alle bis dato bekannten (Metallo)Borophosphate hierarchisch klassifiziert und sind in einer Übersicht vorgestellt. Beobachtete Verknüpfungsregeln und der Einfluss der Zusammensetzung B:P auf die Dimensionalität und die Verknüpfungsmuster der anionischen Teilstruktur werden diskutiert.
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