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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paracambi industrial: uma proposta de roteiro cultural

Pereira, Ronaldo Vicente 28 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Ronaldo Vicente Pereira (rvicentepereira@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-07-13T00:23:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Ronaldo FGV definitiva.pdf: 3342222 bytes, checksum: adadd0f07cf773590bba6bb28bbf6a79 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diego Andrade (diego.andrade@fgv.br) on 2018-07-24T19:32:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Ronaldo FGV definitiva.pdf: 3342222 bytes, checksum: adadd0f07cf773590bba6bb28bbf6a79 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-25T13:31:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Ronaldo FGV definitiva.pdf: 3342222 bytes, checksum: adadd0f07cf773590bba6bb28bbf6a79 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-28 / O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar, dentro do mundo do turismo cultural, a possibilidade de elaboração de um roteiro cultural na cidade de Paracambi no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O referido município se desenvolveu a partir do surgimento de três fábricas têxteis, com destaque para maior delas, a Companhia Têxtil Brasil Industrial, e todo um patrimônio constituído nos seus mais de cem anos de atividades na região. A pesquisa se justifica pelo fato de Paracambi já desenvolver o turismo ecológico, em função da diversidade natural da região. Some-se a isso sua proximidade com o Vale do Café Fluminense, uma rota turística consagrada no Estado. Desta forma, a elaboração de um roteiro cultural poderia ser um importante incremento das atividades de turismo desenvolvidas na cidade. As reflexões desenvolvidas nesta pesquisa se valeram de uma perspectiva teórica multidisciplinar envolvendo Sociologia (Keller. 1997), Antropologia (Leite Lopes, 1988), Educação e Trabalho (Ciavatta, 2007), Historiografia (Furtado, 2003; Silva, 2009), Geografia (Simões, 2006) e Turismo Cultural (Molleta, 1998; Cordeiro, 2006). A proposta metodológica se baseou em revisão de literatura, visitas de campo e em entrevistas realizadas junto a moradores de Paracambi que trabalharam na Companhia Têxtil Brasil Industrial. Ao final do trabalho, apresenta-se uma proposta de roteiro cultural capaz de relacionar a história da referida Fábrica e da cidade de Paracambi, as quais se (con)fundem; paralelamente, a pesquisa produz, para além de um roteiro, subsídios suficientes para se afirmar uma estreita correspondência entre patrimônio industrial e memória operária. / The objective of this dissertation is to investigate, within the world of cultural tourism, the possibility of elaborating a cultural itinerary in the city of Paracambi in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The mentioned municipality was developed from the appearance of three textile factories, especially the Textile Company Brazil Industrial, and an entire asset constituted in its more than one hundred years of activities in the region. The research is justified by the fact that Paracambi already develops ecological tourism, due to the natural diversity of the region. Add to that its proximity to the Fluminense Coffee Valley, a tourist route consecrated in the state. In this way, the elaboration of a cultural itinerary could be an important increase of the activities of tourism developed in the city. The reflections developed in this research were based on a multidisciplinary theoretical perspective involving Sociology (Keller 1997), Anthropology (Leite Lopes, 1988), Education and Work (Ciavatta, 2007), Historiography (Furtado, 2003; Silva 2009), Geography) and Cultural Tourism (Molleta 1998; Cordeiro 2006). The methodological proposal was based on literature review, field visits and interviews with residents of Paracambi who worked at Companhia Têxtil Brasil Industrial. At the end of the work, a proposal is presented for a cultural itinerary capable of relating the history of the said Factory and the city of Paracambi, which are merged; At the same time, research produces, besides a script, enough subsidies to establish a close correspondence between industrial patrimony and working memory. / The objective of this dissertation is to investigate, within the world of cultural tourism, the possibility of elaborating a cultural itinerary in the city of Paracambi in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The mentioned municipality was developed from the appearance of three textile factories, especially the Textile Company Brazil Industrial, and an entire asset constituted in its more than one hundred years of activities in the region. The research is justified by the fact that Paracambi already develops ecological tourism, due to the natural diversity of the region. Add to that its proximity to the Fluminense Coffee Valley, a tourist route consecrated in the state. In this way, the elaboration of a cultural itinerary could be an important increase of the activities of tourism developed in the city. The reflections developed in this research were based on a multidisciplinary theoretical perspective involving Sociology (Keller 1997), Anthropology (Leite Lopes, 1988), Education and Work (Ciavatta, 2007), Historiography (Furtado, 2003; Silva 2009), Geography) and Cultural Tourism (Molleta 1998; Cordeiro 2006). The methodological proposal was based on literature review, field visits and interviews with residents of Paracambi who worked at Companhia Têxtil Brasil Industrial. At the end of the work, a proposal is presented for a cultural itinerary capable of relating the history of the said Factory and the city of Paracambi, which are merged; At the same time, research produces, besides a script, enough subsidies to establish a close correspondence between industrial patrimony and working memory

A educação patrimonial e o turismo: o caso da aula no Museu do Museu Municipal de Caxias do Sul - RS

Sales, Fabiana de Lima 17 March 2006 (has links)
A presente pesquisa, caracterizada como um estudo exploratório, de corte qualitativo, tem por objetivo realizar um estudo sobre a teoria e a prática da Educação Patrimonial, no intuito de buscar associações entre este processo e o fenômeno turístico. Para tanto, faz-se um resgate teórico das concepções de Educação como processo de formação do sujeito histórico e de aspectos inerentes ao Turismo Cultural, enquanto uma prática social apoiada nos bens patrimoniais da localidade. O confronto entre a teoria e a prática da Educação Patrimonial se dá através do estudo de caso do Programa de Educação Patrimonial do Museu Municipal de Caxias do Sul, especificamente, do Projeto Aula no Museu. Tendo como base os pressupostos da pesquisa etnográfica, participante, acompanha-se a Aula no Museu, registrando seu desenvolvimento; entrevista-se profissionais envolvidos no planejamento e execução do projeto e aplicam-se questionários a estudantes com participação na Aula no Museu e a outros em vias de fazê-lo, a fim de apreender se a experiência no Museu altera significativamente a percepção dos seus participantes quanto ao patrimônio cultural representado pelo acervo do Museu. Como resultados, têm-se a observação dos aportes teórico-metodológicos da Educação Patrimonial na experiência do Museu Municipal de Caxias do Sul, a constatação de que a temática da imigração italiana é vivenciada na rede de ensino formal de modo que a Aula no Museu apenas complementaria os conhecimentos adquiridos na escola, assim como se verifica, ainda, que a proposta do referido Programa de Educação Patrimonial utiliza como recurso didático, sobretudo, o legado cultural do imigrante italiano, o que contribui no fortalecimento do imaginário de italianidade apropriado pelo turismo em Caxias do Sul. / This research, characterized as an exploratory and qualitative study, aims to reach an study about the theory and the practice of heritage education in order to get associations between this process and the touristic phenomenon. In this sense, it rescues the theoretical conceptions of education as a process that constitutes the citizen, as well as the inherent aspects of the cultural tourism while a social practice supported by community's cultural heritage. The comparison between the theory and the practice of heritage education occurs throught the case study of the Heritage Education Program of the Museu Municipal de Caxias do Sul, specifically the Aula no Museu Project. Based on the etnographic, participative research methods, the Aula no Museu is closely followed and its development registered; professionals involved on the planning and execution of the project are interviewed and questionnaires are applied to students who have been throught Aula no Museu and others who haven't, in order to catch whether the experience at the Museum modifies significantly the perception of its participants about the cultural heritage represented by museum's collection. As results, it is observed the presence of the theory and metodology of heritage education at the experience of Caxias do Sul Municipal Museum, it is noticed that the subject of the italian immigration is experienced in formal education, so that the Aula no Museu would only suplement the knowledge achieved in school, as well as it is noticed that the proposal of the mentioned heritage education program uses as didactic resource only the cultural heritage of the italian immigrants, which contributes to fortify the italinity imagery used by tourism in Caxias do Sul.

Стање и могућности развоја културног туризма у Западној Србији / Stanje i mogućnosti razvoja kulturnog turizma u Zapadnoj Srbiji / Status and Develоping Prospects of Cultural Тourism in Western Serbia

Ivanović Miroslav 08 July 2013 (has links)
<p>Западна&nbsp; Србија&nbsp; у&nbsp;&nbsp; себи&nbsp; обједињује&nbsp; три&nbsp; округа&nbsp; са24&nbsp; општине&nbsp;&nbsp; у&nbsp; Републици&nbsp; Србији&nbsp; и&nbsp;смештена&nbsp; је&nbsp; у&nbsp;&nbsp; њеном&nbsp; западном&nbsp; делу.&nbsp; Простире&nbsp; се&nbsp; на&nbsp; површини&nbsp; од11.882 km&sup2;&nbsp; што&nbsp; представља&nbsp;13,45%&nbsp; територије&nbsp; Републике.&nbsp; Транзитност&nbsp; положаја&nbsp; је,&nbsp; кроз&nbsp; историју,&nbsp; условио&nbsp; богато&nbsp; културно-историјско наслеђе.&nbsp;</p><p>Западна&nbsp; Србија&nbsp; се&nbsp; у&nbsp; овом&nbsp; истраживању&nbsp;&nbsp; нашла&nbsp; као&nbsp; раскрсница&nbsp; различитих&nbsp; идеологија,&nbsp;култура,&nbsp; менталитета,&nbsp; вера,&nbsp; те&nbsp;&nbsp; богатог&nbsp; материјалног&nbsp; и&nbsp; духовног&nbsp; наслеђа&nbsp; прожетог&nbsp; изузетним&nbsp;природним&nbsp; вредностима.&nbsp; Темељном&nbsp; валоризацијом&nbsp; њених&nbsp; потенцијала,&nbsp; могла&nbsp; би&nbsp; постати&nbsp;окосница развоја туризма, како&nbsp; у&nbsp; административним границама, тако и&nbsp; у&nbsp; ширем региону.&nbsp;</p><p>Обилује&nbsp; споменицима&nbsp; културе&nbsp; где&nbsp; су&nbsp;&nbsp; заступљени&nbsp; најразличитији&nbsp; облици,&nbsp; од&nbsp; археолошких&nbsp;налазишта,&nbsp; преко&nbsp; дела&nbsp; са&nbsp; споменичким&nbsp; и&nbsp; уметничким&nbsp; својствима,&nbsp; до&nbsp; савремених&nbsp; облика&nbsp;културног&nbsp; уздизања. Сви ови облици требало би да на адекватан начин буду&nbsp; укључени&nbsp; у креирање&nbsp;и&nbsp; развој&nbsp; културног&nbsp; туризма&nbsp; и&nbsp; да,&nbsp; као&nbsp; такви,&nbsp; постану&nbsp; стална&nbsp; понуда&nbsp; у&nbsp; осталим &nbsp;облицима&nbsp;туристичких кретања, као што су&nbsp; спортско-рекреативни, екскурзиони, излетнички туризам и сл.&nbsp;</p><p>Културно-историјско&nbsp; наслеђе&nbsp; није&nbsp; адекватно&nbsp; заштићено,&nbsp; недовољно&nbsp; је&nbsp; презентовано,&nbsp;интерпретирано&nbsp; и&nbsp; промовисано,&nbsp; тако&nbsp; да&nbsp; није&nbsp; адекватно&nbsp; укључено&nbsp; у&nbsp;&nbsp; туристичку&nbsp;&nbsp; понуду.&nbsp; Међутим,&nbsp;оно&nbsp; што&nbsp; поседујемо&nbsp; је&nbsp; богато&nbsp; нематеријално&nbsp; наслеђе.&nbsp; Туристима&nbsp; треба&nbsp; понудити&nbsp; нематеријалне&nbsp;културне&nbsp; ресурсе&nbsp; што&nbsp; је&nbsp; основ&nbsp; туристичког&nbsp; доживљаја&ndash;&nbsp; уживање&nbsp; у&nbsp;&nbsp; културној&nbsp; интеракцији,&nbsp;упознавање&nbsp; другачије&nbsp; културе&nbsp; и&nbsp; културног&nbsp; идентитета.&nbsp; Акценат&nbsp; треба&nbsp; ставити&nbsp; на&nbsp; старе&nbsp; занате,&nbsp;машине,&nbsp; рурална&nbsp; домаћинства,&nbsp; разне&nbsp; манифестације(сајмове ,&nbsp; вашаре,&nbsp; изложбе).&nbsp; Ово&nbsp; може&nbsp; бити&nbsp;значајна конкурентска предност&nbsp; у&nbsp; региону.</p><p>У&nbsp; комбинацији&nbsp; са&nbsp; природним&nbsp; ресурсима&nbsp; као&nbsp; главним&nbsp; мотивима&nbsp; туристичких&nbsp; кретања&nbsp; у&nbsp;Западној&nbsp; Србији,&nbsp; културни&nbsp; туризам&nbsp; би&nbsp; могао&nbsp; постати&nbsp; значајан&nbsp; фактор&nbsp; унапређења&nbsp; туризма&nbsp;уопште и издвојити се као самостални вид туристичких кретања. С обзиром на тренутно стање, тај&nbsp;моменат ће сачекати неке наредне генерације.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Zapadna&nbsp; Srbija&nbsp; u&nbsp;&nbsp; sebi&nbsp; objedinjuje&nbsp; tri&nbsp; okruga&nbsp; sa24&nbsp; opštine&nbsp;&nbsp; u&nbsp; Republici&nbsp; Srbiji&nbsp; i&nbsp;smeštena&nbsp; je&nbsp; u&nbsp;&nbsp; njenom&nbsp; zapadnom&nbsp; delu.&nbsp; Prostire&nbsp; se&nbsp; na&nbsp; površini&nbsp; od11.882 km&sup2;&nbsp; što&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp;13,45%&nbsp; teritorije&nbsp; Republike.&nbsp; Tranzitnost&nbsp; položaja&nbsp; je,&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; istoriju,&nbsp; uslovio&nbsp; bogato&nbsp; kulturno-istorijsko nasleđe.&nbsp;</p><p>Zapadna&nbsp; Srbija&nbsp; se&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; istraživanju&nbsp;&nbsp; našla&nbsp; kao&nbsp; raskrsnica&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; ideologija,&nbsp;kultura,&nbsp; mentaliteta,&nbsp; vera,&nbsp; te&nbsp;&nbsp; bogatog&nbsp; materijalnog&nbsp; i&nbsp; duhovnog&nbsp; nasleđa&nbsp; prožetog&nbsp; izuzetnim&nbsp;prirodnim&nbsp; vrednostima.&nbsp; Temeljnom&nbsp; valorizacijom&nbsp; njenih&nbsp; potencijala,&nbsp; mogla&nbsp; bi&nbsp; postati&nbsp;okosnica razvoja turizma, kako&nbsp; u&nbsp; administrativnim granicama, tako i&nbsp; u&nbsp; širem regionu.&nbsp;</p><p>Obiluje&nbsp; spomenicima&nbsp; kulture&nbsp; gde&nbsp; su&nbsp;&nbsp; zastupljeni&nbsp; najrazličitiji&nbsp; oblici,&nbsp; od&nbsp; arheoloških&nbsp;nalazišta,&nbsp; preko&nbsp; dela&nbsp; sa&nbsp; spomeničkim&nbsp; i&nbsp; umetničkim&nbsp; svojstvima,&nbsp; do&nbsp; savremenih&nbsp; oblika&nbsp;kulturnog&nbsp; uzdizanja. Svi ovi oblici trebalo bi da na adekvatan način budu&nbsp; uključeni&nbsp; u kreiranje&nbsp;i&nbsp; razvoj&nbsp; kulturnog&nbsp; turizma&nbsp; i&nbsp; da,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; takvi,&nbsp; postanu&nbsp; stalna&nbsp; ponuda&nbsp; u&nbsp; ostalim &nbsp;oblicima&nbsp;turističkih kretanja, kao što su&nbsp; sportsko-rekreativni, ekskurzioni, izletnički turizam i sl.&nbsp;</p><p>Kulturno-istorijsko&nbsp; nasleđe&nbsp; nije&nbsp; adekvatno&nbsp; zaštićeno,&nbsp; nedovoljno&nbsp; je&nbsp; prezentovano,&nbsp;interpretirano&nbsp; i&nbsp; promovisano,&nbsp; tako&nbsp; da&nbsp; nije&nbsp; adekvatno&nbsp; uključeno&nbsp; u&nbsp;&nbsp; turističku&nbsp;&nbsp; ponudu.&nbsp; Međutim,&nbsp;ono&nbsp; što&nbsp; posedujemo&nbsp; je&nbsp; bogato&nbsp; nematerijalno&nbsp; nasleđe.&nbsp; Turistima&nbsp; treba&nbsp; ponuditi&nbsp; nematerijalne&nbsp;kulturne&nbsp; resurse&nbsp; što&nbsp; je&nbsp; osnov&nbsp; turističkog&nbsp; doživljaja&ndash;&nbsp; uživanje&nbsp; u&nbsp;&nbsp; kulturnoj&nbsp; interakciji,&nbsp;upoznavanje&nbsp; drugačije&nbsp; kulture&nbsp; i&nbsp; kulturnog&nbsp; identiteta.&nbsp; Akcenat&nbsp; treba&nbsp; staviti&nbsp; na&nbsp; stare&nbsp; zanate,&nbsp;mašine,&nbsp; ruralna&nbsp; domaćinstva,&nbsp; razne&nbsp; manifestacije(sajmove ,&nbsp; vašare,&nbsp; izložbe).&nbsp; Ovo&nbsp; može&nbsp; biti&nbsp;značajna konkurentska prednost&nbsp; u&nbsp; regionu.</p><p>U&nbsp; kombinaciji&nbsp; sa&nbsp; prirodnim&nbsp; resursima&nbsp; kao&nbsp; glavnim&nbsp; motivima&nbsp; turističkih&nbsp; kretanja&nbsp; u&nbsp;Zapadnoj&nbsp; Srbiji,&nbsp; kulturni&nbsp; turizam&nbsp; bi&nbsp; mogao&nbsp; postati&nbsp; značajan&nbsp; faktor&nbsp; unapređenja&nbsp; turizma&nbsp;uopšte i izdvojiti se kao samostalni vid turističkih kretanja. S obzirom na trenutno stanje, taj&nbsp;momenat će sačekati neke naredne generacije.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Western Serbia unites the three districts with 24 municipalities. It covers an area of&nbsp;11,882 km&sup2; (13.45% of the territory of the Republicof Serbia). Its position ensured intensive&nbsp;transit which resulted in rich cultural and historical heritage.&nbsp;</p><p>In this study, Western Serbia is presented as a crossroad of different ideologies, cultures,&nbsp;mentalities, religions, and rich material and spiritual heritage permeated with outstanding natural&nbsp;values. Thorough evaluation of its potential, it could become the driver of tourism development,&nbsp;both within its administrational borders and in wider region.</p><p>Cultural sites are various &ndash; from archeological sites, historical and sacral monuments, to&nbsp;modern forms of culture. All these sites should be&nbsp; adequately included in creating and&nbsp;developing cultural tourism and it should become permanent &nbsp;offer in other forms of cultural&nbsp;movement, such as sports and recreation, excursions, site seeing tourism etc.</p><p>Cultural and historical heritage in Western Serbia is not adequately protected, not enough&nbsp;interpreted and promoted, so it is not an integral&nbsp; part of the tourist industry. However, we have&nbsp;rich immaterial heritage. Tourism sector of this region should offer immaterial cultural resources&nbsp;as a basis of the tourist experience - enjoying in&nbsp; cultural interaction, learning about different&nbsp;cultures and cultural identity. Emphasis should be&nbsp; placed on the old crafts, industrial heritage,&nbsp;rural households, various events (trade shows, fairs, exhibitions). This could be a significant&nbsp;competitive advantage in the region.&nbsp;</p><p>In combination with the natural resources as the main motive of tourist movement in&nbsp;western Serbia, cultural tourism can become an important factor for increasing tourism in&nbsp;general, and distinguish itself as an independent type of tourist movements. Considering current&nbsp;conditions, this will be a challenge for the next generations.</p>

An overview of the cultural tourism sector of Greater Polokwane: challenges and prospects

Mohale, Daniel Matome 12 1900 (has links)
Cultural tourism is a fast-growing sector in many countries. In South Africa, it is a key growth segment of local economic development (LED). South Africa is home to many cultural institutions such as museums, art galleries, theatres, monuments and festivals that – thanks to a growing number of international and local interests – encourage entrepreneurship and help generate local business growth and employment opportunities. South Africa’s Limpopo Province is predominately known for its wildlife and hunting tourism. However, it is endowed with many cultural institutions that are contributing significantly to the regional economy – specifically in the metropole of Greater Polokwane. As yet, no study has researched the size and impact of this cultural contribution on the local economy vis a vis more well-known tourism activities. This study sketches the size and nature of the cultural tourism industry in Greater Polokwane. In the first phase of the study, a database of formal cultural institutions in Greater Polokwane was created. In the study’s second phase, interviews with staff members of these institutions using both quantitative and qualitative methods, were conducted. The data revealed that most employees, including senior managerial staff, are local Black Africans. None of these cultural institutions are state funded; they all operate privately, but some are located on state-owned land. Thus, government support for cultural tourism in this region is minimal. Insufficient funds and resources inhibit the growth of this sector. Some employees expressed dissatisfaction with their working conditions and remuneration. Nonetheless, these cultural institutions generate local economic growth and employment opportunities. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management

Embera Drua: The Impact of Tourism on Indigenous Village Life in Panama

Lethbridge, Amy 07 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Employing Cornish cultures for community resilience

Kennedy, Neil Patrick Martyn January 2013 (has links)
Employing Cornish Cultures for Community Resilience. Can cultural distinctiveness be used to strengthen community bonds, boost morale and equip and motivate people socially and economically? Using the witness of people in Cornwall and comparative experiences, this discussion combines a review of how cultures are commodified and portrayed with reflections on well-being and ‘emotional prosperity’. Cornwall is a relatively poor European region with a cultural identity that inspires an established ethno-cultural movement and is the symbolic basis of community awareness and aspiration, as well as the subject of contested identities and representations. At the heart of this is an array of cultures that is identified as Cornish, including a distinct post-industrial inheritance, the Cornish Language and Celtic Revivalism. Cultural difference has long been a resource for cultural industries and tourism and discussion of using culture for regeneration has accordingly concentrated almost exclusively on these sectors but an emergent ‘regional distinctiveness agenda’ is beginning to present Cornish cultures as an asset for use in branding and marketing other sectors. All of these uses ultimately involve commodification but culture potentially has a far wider role to play in fostering economic, social, cultural and environmental resilience. This research therefore uses multidisciplinary approaches to broaden the discussion to include culture’s primary emotional and social uses. It explores the possibility that enhancing these uses could help to tackle economic and social disadvantage and to build more cohesive communities. The discussion centres on four linked themes: multiple forms of capital; discourse, narrative and myth; human need, emotion and well-being; representation and intervention. Cultural, social, symbolic and human capital are related to collective status and well-being through consideration of cultural practices, repertoires and knowledge. These are explored with discussion of accompanying representations and discourses and their social, emotional and economic implications so as to allow tentative suggestions for intervention in policy and representation. A key conclusion is that culture may be used proactively to increase ‘emotional capital’.

普丁時期俄國柔性權力之研究−以創意產業為例 / A Study of Russia’s Soft Power in the Putin Era: The Case of Creative Industry

范乃文, Fan, Nai Wen Unknown Date (has links)
因應時代的改變,構成國家實力的資源也跟著改變。不同於自然資源、軍事力量、經濟或科技實力等有形的力量,文化資源以價值觀念為核心,是經濟發展的要素之一,也是柔性權力發展的重要基礎。創意產業,是目前全球新興的產業,透過創意產業對於外交上的幫助能強化國家的柔性力量,為國家塑造良好形象,並促進國家經濟利益。 本文以「創意產業作為俄國一項柔性權力」的角度為出發點,思考電影與文化觀光中所體現出的俄國價值與俄國文化,結合文化創意產業創新的概念,如何提升並發揮作用影響國家品牌形象。 透過國家品牌指數及相關國際指標可以得知,俄國成功藉由電影與文化觀光對外國公眾展現文化吸引力,傳達文化精神並提升國家品牌形象。因此,本文研究發現有以下幾點:第一,俄國創意產業作為一種柔性權力,以俄羅斯文化為因子散播並影響著世界。第二,文化吸引力為俄羅斯重要資產。俄羅斯的電影及文化觀光的文化吸引力使得外國公眾能受到吸引而心生嚮往,產生認同感;第三,國家扮演創意產業發展的關鍵推手。藉由俄國政府的主導,使得俄國創意產業能順利與國際接軌,發揮柔性力量;第四,柔性權力可建構出國家品牌形象,讓外國公眾對於俄國的印象不再只有軍事與核武等剛性力量,俄羅斯文化在國際上也具有不容小覷的影響力。 / In respond to the era of changes, the resources that constitute a nation's strength change accordingly. Unlike tangible forces such as natural resources, military power, economic or scientific technological strength, etc., cultural resources have sense of value as its core, and is one of the elements in economic development and also the important basis for the development of soft power. The creative industry is currently an emerging industry around the globe. Through the creative industry, the diplomatic assistance can help strengthen the country's soft power by adding a good image of the country and promoting national economic interests. This paper uses the perspective of "Creative industry as one of Russia’s soft power" as the starting point to reflect on how Russian values and culture expressed in film and cultural tourism, combined with the concepts of the innovation in cultural creative industry, can enhance and influence its national brand image. Through Nation Brands Index and the relevant international indexes we can have learned that Russia successfully exhibits its cultural attraction to the foreign public through cinema and culture, conveys its cultural spirit and enhances its national brand image. Therefore, this paper is meant to study and discover the following: First, Russia’s creative industry is used as a soft power to spread Russian culture as a factor and influence the world; Secondly, cultural attraction is an important asset for Russian. The cultural attraction of Russian films and culture tourism can attract the foreign public and create a sense of longing and a sense of identity; Thirdly, the country plays a key force behind the development of the creative industry. Being led by the Russian government, the Russian creative industry can thereby successfully connect with its international counterparts and bring soft power into play; Fourthly, the soft power can construct a nation’s brand image. It gives the foreign public an impression of Russia not only about hard power like military and nuclear weapon etc.; Russian culture also has influences, which are not to be underestimated internationally.

Kultūrinio turizmo įtaka regiono kultūrai / The influence of cultural tourism on the culture of region

Žukienė, Ieva 09 July 2011 (has links)
Darbo struktūra. Magistro darbą sudaro trys skyriai. Pirmajame skyriuje „Turizmas ir vienos jo šakų – kultūrinio turizmo – apžvalga“ pateikiamos pagrindinės turizmą apibrėžiančios sąvokos, apžvelgiamos turizmo ištakos ir raida, atskleidžiamos pagrindinės turizmo rūšys bei išsamiai pristatoma viena turizmo rūšis – kultūrinis turizmas. Antrajame skyriuje „Kultūrinio turizmo poveikis“ išsamiai aptariama kultūrinio turizmo neigiama ir teigiama įtaka ekonomikai, socialinei terpei bei gamtinei aplinkai, didžiausią dėmesį skiriant poveikiui kultūrai. Trečiajame skyriuje „Kultūrinio turizmo įtaka Dzūkijos regiono kultūrai“ bendrai supažindinama su Dzūkijos etnografiniu regionu, pristatomos Varėnos rajono ir Dzūkijos nacionalinio parko pagrindinės kultūros paveldo vertybės, kultūrinio turizmo plėtros perspektyvos minėtame regione bei atskleidžiamas kultūrinio turizmo poveikis Dzūkijos regionui. Magistro darbo tyrimo objektas – kultūrinio turizmo poveikis regiono kultūrai. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti kultūrinio turizmo įvairiapusišką įtaką regiono kultūrai, atskirą dėmesį skiriant Dzūkijos etnografiniam regionui. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: 1. Supažindinti su turizmo verslo šaka, jo ištakomis ir raida bei klasifikacija. 2. Plačiau apžvelgti kultūrinį turizmą, atskleisti jo išskirtinumą iš kitų turizmo rūšių, supažindinti su jo ištekliais bei plėtojimo ypatumais. 3. Atskleisti teigiamą ir neigiamą kultūrinio turizmo poveikį ekonomikai, socialinei terpei, gamtinei aplinkai bei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master‘s work discus the phenomena of cultural tourism and its influence on the culture of region through economical, social, environmental and cultural perspectives. Starting from the beginnings of cultural tourism and ending with present actualities of cultural tourism in regional dimensions – including the development of cultural tourism in the regions that are tourism destinations, with its highly expressed cultural identity. This writing work analyzes the impact of cultural tourism on the inhabitants of the region in cultural and identity terms. And also presents the advantages and disadvantages of the development of this kind of tourism in the region. The main purpose of this work is to analyze the influence of cultural tourism on the culture of region with a special regard to Lithuanian region of Dzūkija. This master’s work consists of three main parts: 1. Tourism and one of its type – cultural tourism – survey; 2. The impact of cultural tourism; 3. The influence of cultural tourism on the culture of Dzūkija region This writing work can be useful for tourism, communication and information students, tourism and heritage specialists, cultural institutions and etc.

Využití kulturních zařízení v rozvoji cestovního ruchu na příkladě vybraných muzeí na Třebíčsku / A usage of cultural facilities in tourism development on case of selected museums in the region of Třebíč

FLORIÁNOVÁ, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The aims of thesis were analyze supply and demand of tourism and to complete the products for selected segment of visitors and to suggest possibilities of communcation and cooperation cultural facilities and sector of tourism in the region of Třebíč. The thesis includes several parts. The first part is a theoretical part, which provides basic theoretical information. Another part contains an analysis of tourism offer in the region of Třebíč. In the next part of thesis was performed marketing research of cultural facilities in the region of Třebíč. Another tree SWOT analyses were performed. This information led to the development process of tourism in the region of Třebíč.

Využití kulturních zařízení v rozvoji cestovního ruchu na příkladě vybraných muzeí v městě Písek / A usage of cultural facilities in tourism development on case of selected museums in Písek

ŠEBKOVÁ, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis were to analyze supply and demand of tourism in Písek region, to complete the product for selected segment of visitors based on research of motivation, expectation and image of chosen cultural facilities and to purpose possibilities of communication and cooperation of cultural facilities and tourism industry in Písek region.

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