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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O cinema estético-ideológico da Unidad Popular no contexto do Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano / El cine estético-ideológico de la Unidad Popular en el contexto del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano

Antonio Gomes de Faria Rodrigues 26 October 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe investigar o desenvolvimento cinematográfico ocorrido durante o período da Unidad Popular e quais os principais elementos ideológicos e estéticos que resultou no processo criativo desse Cinema específico, a fim de tentar estabelecer os diálogos possíveis entre ele e o Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, que o contém: as influências formais e o momento histórico, o ambiente político em que se deu origem e o seu entorno, procurando estabelecer as relações entre a atividade cinematográfica e o momento cultural, político e social que vivem nesta época, principalmente, Chile e Brasil. / Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar el desarrollo cinematográfico ocurrido durante la Unidad Popular y cuales son los principales elementos ideológicos y estéticos que resultaron en el proceso creativo de este Cine específicamente, para tratar de establecer posibles diálogos entre él y el Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano: las influencias formales y el momento histórico, el ambiente político en que se dio origen y su alrededor, buscando establecer las relaciones entre: la actividad cinematográfica y el momento cultural, político y social que viven, principalmente en esta época, Chile y Brasil.

Enjeux et dynamiques de l'information géographique dans la gouvernance des territoires urbains du sud-Bénin. : Le registre foncier urbain, un nouvel outil et ses pratiques à l'heure de la décentralisation.

Charles-Dominé, Julie 17 December 2012 (has links)
L'information géographique et ses outils informatiques avec les Systèmes d'Informations Géographiques font figure aujourd'hui d'éléments incontournables pour l'aménagement et la gestion des territoires. Le travail mené s'applique à interroger leur place dans les modalités de gouvernement des territoires et de définition des politiques d'action publique dans les villes des pays des Suds. A partir d'une étude de cas menée sur la région urbaine littorale du Bénin, dans un contexte de présence accrue des agences internationales de développement, on analyse les jeux d'acteurs et les imbrications d'échelles (internationale, nationale, régionale, communale et locale) suscités par la production, l'accès et l'utilisation pratique de cette information et ses outils. Les intérêts de cette recherche se situent au croisement des problématiques de gestion des territoires à l'ère de la mondialisation avec l'essor et la vulgarisation des techniques professionnelles et d'accès à l'information et de la décentralisation et municipalisation censée encourager le rôle des pouvoirs locaux dans le processus de développement des territoires. Cette étude questionne cependant l'adaptabilité de modèles du Nord vers le Sud et leurs possibilités d'appropriations locales : capacité de résistance, de cohabitation et de résilience des valeurs culturelles et des pratiques locales avec les encadrements techniciens et astreignants liés à la diffusion de l'information géographique et ses outils. / Geographic information and its IT tools with the Geographic Information Systems have become necessary elements in territorial development and administration. The aim of this research is to investigate the role of geographic information in the making of territorial government and in the definition of public action policy in the cities and countries of the South. Taking as our starting point a case study carried out in the coastal region of Benin, within a context of the increased presence of international development agencies, particular attention has been paid to the roles of each of the various parties and the intertwining of the various scales (i.e. on a international, national, regional and communal level) brought on by the production, access and practical use of this information and tools. Our research is situated at the crossroads of land management policy, within an era of globalisation with increase and expansion of professional techniques and access to the information and the decentralization and municipalization meant to encourage the role of local authorities in the process of regional development. This study however questions the adaptability of models from North to South and their opportunities for local ownership: resistance, cohabitation and resilience of cultural values and customary practices with technological and binding management augured by the dissemination of geographical information and its tools.

Study of the insulin-sensitizing effect of myo-inositol in mouse : Evaluation of the nutritional interest of a myo-inositol supplementation / Etude du potentiel insulino-sensibilisant du myo-inositol chez la souris : Evaluation de l’intérêt nutritionnel d’une supplémentation en myo-inositol

Croze, Marine 27 November 2013 (has links)
Le diabète de type 2 constitue un enjeu majeur de santé publique et la mise au point de stratégies insulino-sensibilisantes est un défi permanent pour les scientifiques. Cette étude montre qu’un traitement chronique au myo-inositol améliore la sensibilité à l’insuline, réduit l’accrétion adipeuse et augmente la capacité de survie des souris au paraquat. L’effet insulino-sensibilisant semble passer, au moins en partie, par un effet direct sur la voie de signalisation insuline (éventuelle implication de médiateurs de type inositol glycanes). La diminution de l’accrétion adipeuse semble, quant à elle, liée à une réduction de l’activité de lipogenèse de novo et doit probablement aussi contribuer à l’effet insulino-sensibilisant sur le long terme. Une supplémentation en myo-inositol a également amélioré la sensibilité à l’insuline et réduit l’accrétion adipeuse chez la souris sous régime riche en graisses, mais n’a pu prévenir le dévelopement d’une obésité et d’une insulino-résistance associée à une lipotoxicité. Par ailleurs, chez des souris âgées obèses et au contrôle glycémique altéré, la supplémentation en myo-inositol fut inefficace. Cette réduction ou perte d’effet insulino-sensibilisant dans ces deux modèles murins pourrait être liée à la perte d’efficacité du myo-inositol sur la réduction de la masse adipeuse dans un contexte d’obésité déjà installée (souris âgées) et d’activité de lipogenèse de novo réduite (régime gras). De plus, la génération de messagers secondaires putatifs de l’insuline de type inositol glycanes est probablement réduite en cas d’insulino-résistance et pourrait aussi expliquer la perte d’efficacité du myo-inositol dans ces deux cas. Finalement, le myo-inositol seul et/ou utilisé dans le contexte d’une suralimentation chronique n’est pas une stratégie viable de prévention ou de traitement de la résistance à l’insuline. Par contre, son association avec d’autres stratégies insulino-sensibilisantes pourrait potentialiser son/leurs action(s) et éventuellement aider à réduire l’utilisation de stratégies médicamenteuses. / Insulin resistance is the first step in the development of type 2 diabetes so finding insulin-sensitizing strategies is challenging for scientists. Some inositol isomers or derivatives have been reported to exert insulin-mimetic activity. myo-Inositol being the most abundant stereoisomeric form of inositol in foodstuffs, we tested its insulin-mimetic potential in the long term and as a nutritional strategy for insulin resistance prevention and/or treatment. This study demonstrates that chronic myo-inositol treatment improves insulin sensitivity, reduces white adipose tissue accretion and improves mice survival mice to paraquat challenge. The insulin-sensitizing effect seems to be related to a direct effect on insulin signaling pathway. Reduction in adipose tissue mass also probably contribute to the long term effect of myo-inositol on insulin sensitivity. Myo-Inositol supplementation also improved insulin sensitivity and reduced white adipose tissue deposition in mice fed a high fat diet, but did not prevent insulin-resistance or obesity development. On one year-old mice with established obesity and altered glycemic control, myo-inositol supplementation showed no beneficial effect. myo-Inositol apparently acts on adipose tissue through reduction of de novo lipogenesis rather than stimulation of lipolysis. This may explain the lack or loss of myo-inositol efficiency in reducing adipose tissue mass in contexts of already well-established obesity (old mice) or reduced de novo lipogenesis (high fat diet feeding). Generation of inositol glycan putative insulin second messengers is probably reduced in context of insulin resistance which may explain the reduced effect of myo-inositol in both obese mice models. Moreover, myo-Inositol did not prevent lipotoxicity and so the associated insulin-resistance in high fat diet fed mice. In conclusion, myo-inositol alone and/or in a context of overnutrition is not a suitable strategy for the prevention or treatment of insulin resistance. Combining it with other insulin sentitizing strategies may however potentiate their action and help reducing insulin-sensitizing drugs use.

Transcriptoma, sítios de ligação para fatores de transcrição e região promotora de cana-de-açúcar / Transcriptome, transcription factors binding sites, and sugarcane promoter region

Oliveira, Mauro de Medeiros 26 September 2018 (has links)
O Brasil tem a maior produção de cana-de-açúcar do mundo. O cultivo de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil está voltado principalmente para a produção de açúcar ou Etanol e nos últimos anos para a produção de bioeletricidade através da utilização da biomassa do bagaço e da palha. Apesar da importância econômica e do potencial sustentável que a cana-de-açúcar apresenta, o genoma de referência para esta cultura ainda não está disponível na literatura. A principal justificativa para isso está na complexidade do mesmo, em especial pela alopoliploidia e autopoliploidia. De fato esta característica é a principal barreira para o desenvolvimento de novas variedades comerciais. Na literatura há diferentes estratégias que visam contribuir com o conhecimento genômico de cana-de-açúcar sendo mais prevalente dados de transcriptoma e pouca informação sobre o processo de regulação gênica. Além disso, diferente do que é observado em outras culturas comerciais, em cana-de-açúcar não há trabalhos associados com a caracterização in silico da região Promotora, assim como na identificação de sítios de ligação para Fatores de Transcrição (TFBSs). Por esta razão, o nosso trabalho foi direcionado para a caracterização in silico de regiões regulatórias em cana-de-açúcar. Para esta tarefa nós realizamos apenas a rotulação de sequências de DNA não codificante que estavam a upstream de cada gene anotado em cana-de-açúcar. Todos os genes foram selecionados de dados de transcriptoma e a sequência de DNA da região Promotora foi isolada do Genespace de cana-de-açúcar SP80-3280 gerado pelo projeto de sequenciamento do genoma de referência do nosso grupo. A rotulação da região regulatória em cana-de-açúcar foi executada em duas subsequências: Core Promoter e Promotor Proximal. Na região Core Promoter nós realizamos a identificação do sítio de inicio de transcrição (TSS), a estimativa do tamanho da região 5\' UTR e a classificação da região Core Promoter em TATA-box ou TATA-less. Todos os processos foram realizados através da ferramenta TSSPlant. A utilização da ferramenta TSSPlant motivou o desenvolvimento de uma nova ferramenta para predição do sinal de TSS que aqui chamamos de TSSFinder. A ferramenta TSSinder apresentou resultados de predição do sinal de TSS superior aos seus pares, além disso esta ferramenta foi bem sucedida em diferentes organismos como Arabidopsis thaliana, Gallus gallus e Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Na região Promotora Proximal nós realizamos a identificação de TFBSs através de duas metodologias: predição de novo e mapeamento de matrizes de TFBS (PSSM). O processo de predição de novo foi realizada por meio de dois modelos: Maximização da expectativa e Gibbs Sampler e esse processo foi executado apenas para o subgrupo de genes co-expressos ou apenas para o conjunto de sequências homeólogas de cada gene de cana-de-açúcar selecionado. Para o restante das sequências foi realizado apenas o mapeamento das matrizes de TFBSs identificadas durante o processo de predição de novo. Em paralelo todos TFBSs identificados no nosso trabalho foram comparados com o banco de TFBS para plantas. Através desse procedimento foi possível estimar qual classe de Fator de Transcrição está interagindo com o TFBS identificado na região Promotora Proximal dos genes Scdr1, ScSuSy, ScPAL. Com este trabalho, nós cobrimos parte da lacuna observada em estudos in silico paras regiões regulatórias de cana-de-açúcar. Além disso, nós aperfeiçoamos o processo de identificação do sinal de TSS para diferentes organismos; inclusive para plantas Dicotiledôneas e Monocotiledôneas. / Brazil has the highest production of sugarcane in the world. Its cultivation in Brazil is aimed at producing of sugar or ethanol and in recent years, biomass for bioenergy from bagasse and straw. Despite the economic importance and the sustainable potential that sugarcane presents, a reference genome for this crop is not yet available in the literature. One justification for this absence lies in the sugarcane genome complexity, allopolyploidy and autopolyploidy. In fact these characteristics are the main barrier for the development of new commercial varieties. In the literature different strategies aimed at contributing to genomic sugarcane mostly on the transcriptome and little information on the process of gene regulation. Furthermore, unlike other commercial crops, sugarcane has no reported in silico characterization of its promoter regions and identification of Transcription Factor binding sites. For this reason, our work was directed to an in silico characterization of regulatory regions in sugarcane. For this task we performed the labeling of non-coding DNA sequences that were upstream of each gene annotated in sugarcane. All genes were using from transcriptome data and the promoter region DNA sequence was isolated from Genespace of the SP80-3280 reference genome obtained of our group. The labeling of the regulatory region in sugarcane was carried out in two subsections: Core Promoter and Proximal Promoter. In the Core Promoter region we performed the identification of the TSS signal, the estimation of the size of the 5\' UTR region and the classification of the Core Promoter region in TATA-box or TATA-less. All processes were performed using the TSSPlant tool. The use of the TSSPlant tool motivated the development of a new tool to predict the TSS signal that we call TSSFinder. The TSSinder tool presented TSS signal prediction results superior to its peers, moreover this tool was successful in different organisms - Arabidopsis thaliana, Gallus gallus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the Proximal Promoter region we performed the identification of TFBSs through two methodologies: de novo prediction and mapping of TFBS matrices (PSSM). The de novo prediction process was performed using two models: Expectancy Maximization and Gibbs Sampler and this process was performed only for subgroups of coexpressed genes or only for the set of homeologues sequences from each sugarcane gene. For the rest of the sequences only the mapping of the matrices of TFBSs identified during the de novo prediction process was conducted. In parallel all TFBSs identified in our work were compared with the TFBS database for plants. Through this procedure it was estimated which class of Transcription Factor is interacting with the TFBS identified in the Proximal Promoter region of the Scdr1, ScSuSy, ScPAL genes.With this work, we cover part of the gap observed in in silico studies for the regulatory region of sugarcane. In addition, we improved the process of identification the TSS signal for different organisms including dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants.

Esculpindo para o Ministério: arte e política no Estado Novo / Sculpting for the Ministry: arts and politics in the New State

Cerchiaro, Marina Mazze 15 March 2016 (has links)
Durante a gestão de Gustavo Capanema, ergueu-se o edifício-sede do Ministério da Educação e Saúde (MES). Visando atribuir à construção de orientação \"moderna\" caráter nacional, foram encomendadas várias obras de arte, entre elas um conjunto de esculturas, produzido entre 1937 e 1941, por Celso Antônio de Menezes, Adriana Janacópulos e Bruno Giorgi. Por meio da análise dessas esculturas, esta dissertação investiga as tentativas de figurar o ideal do \"homem novo\" empreendidas por políticos, intelectuais e artistas ligados ao MES. Buscamos compreender o que essas obras, como fontes, podem revelar acerca dos discursos sobre raça, gênero e nação do período. / During the administration of Gustavo Capanema, arose the headquarters of the Ministry of Education and Health (MES). Aiming to assign the construction of guidance \"modern\" national character, it was commissioned various works of art, including a collection of sculptures, produced between 1937 and 1941, by Celso Antônio de Menezes, Adriana Janacópulos and Bruno Giorgi. By analyzing these sculptures, this work investigates the attempts to figure the ideal of the \"new man\" undertaken by politicians, intellectuals and artists connected to the Ministry. We seek to understand what that works, as sources, might reveal about the discourses about race, gender and nation in the period.

Identification des peptides du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité de classe I par spectrométrie de masse

Bramoullé, Alexandre 12 1900 (has links)
L’immunité adaptive et la discrimination entre le soi et le non-soi chez les vertébrés à mâchoire reposent sur la présentation de peptides par les récepteurs d’histocompatibilité majeur de classe I. Les peptides antigéniques, présentés par les molécules du complexe d’histocompatibilité (CMH), sont scrutés par les lymphocytes T CD8 pour une réponse immunitaire appropriée. Le répertoire des peptides du CMH de classe I, aussi appelé immunopeptidome, est généré par la dégradation protéosomale des protéines endogènes, et a un rôle essentiel dans la régulation de l’immunité cellulaire. La composition de l’immunopeptidome dépend du type de cellule et peut présenter des caractéristiques liées à des maladies comme le cancer. Les peptides antigéniques peuvent être utilisés à des fins immunothérapeutiques notamment dans le traitement voire la prévention de certains cancers. La spectrométrie de masse est un outil de choix pour l’identification, le séquençage et la caractérisation de ces peptides. Cependant, la composition en acides aminés, la faible abondance et la diversité de ces peptides compliquent leur détection et leur séquençage. Nous avons développé un programme appelé StatPeaks qui permet de calculer un certains nombres de statistiques relatives à la fragmentation des peptides. À l’aide de ce programme, nous montrons sans équivoque que les peptides du CMH classe I, en mode de fragmentation par dissociation induite par collision (CID), fragmentent très différemment des peptides trypsiques communément utilisés en protéomique. Néanmoins, la fragmentation par décomposition induite par collision à plus haute énergie (HCD) proposée par le spectromètre LTQ-Orbitrap Velos améliore la fragmentation et fournit une haute résolution qui permet d’obtenir une meilleure confiance dans l’identification des peptides du CMH de classe I. Cet avantage permet d’effectuer le séquençage de novo pour identifier les variants polymorphes qui ne sont normalement pas identifiés par les recherches utilisant des bases de données. La comparaison des programmes de séquençage Lutefisk, pepNovo, pNovo, Vonode et Peaks met en évidence que le dernier permet d’identifier un plus grand nombre de peptides du CMH de classe I. Ce programme est intégré dans une chaîne de traitement de recherche d’antigènes mineurs d’histocompatibilité. Enfin, une base de données contenant les informations spectrales de plusieurs centaines de peptides du CMH de classe I accessible par Internet a été développée. / Adaptive immunity and discrimination between self and nonself in jawed vertebrates relies on the presentation of peptides by the major histocompatibility (MHC) class I receptors. Foreign or self peptide antigens presented by the MHC molecules are probed by CD8 T-cell lymphocyte for proper immune response. The repertoire of MHC I peptides collectively referred to as the immunopeptidome is generated through the proteasomal degradation of endogenous proteins and plays an important role in the regulation of cellular immunity. The composition of the immunopeptidome is cell specific and can harbor important hallmark of human diseases including cancer. Antigenic peptides can also be used in immunotherapy to mount an appropriate immune response against cancer cells displaying these peptides. Mass spectrometry is a tool of choice for the identification, sequencing and characterization of these peptides. However, the amino acid composition, the low abundance and diversity of these peptides make their detection and sequencing more challenging. We developed a software, called StatPeaks, that calculates statistics relative to the fragmentation of peptides. Using this software, we demonstrate that under collision induced dissociation (CID) MHC class I peptides fragment in a very different fashion than tryptic peptides, commonly used in proteomics. However, the higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD) mode available on the LTQ-Orbitrap Velos enhances peptide fragmentation and provides high resolution fragment information that significantly improves the confidence in MHC class I peptide identification. This inherent advantage confers the ability to perform de novo sequencing to identify polymorphic variants that would normally elude conventional database searches. The comparison of de novo peptide sequencing software Lutefisk, pepNovo, pNovo, Vonode and Peaks indicated that the later software enabled higher rates of correct identification for MHC class I peptides. This software was integrated into a data analysis pipeline for the identification minor histocompatibility antigens (MiHAs). A web-based library that stores spectral information of hundreds of synthetic MHC class I peptides was developed in support to the needs of the immunopeptidome discovery program.

Finding genetic elements that head to the autistic phenotype

Gillis, Robert Francis Fraser January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Μελέτη των περιοχών της απολιποπρωτεΐνης Ε που διαμεσολαβούν τη de novo βιοσύνθεση HDL σε πειραματικά μοντέλα ποντικών / Study of the domains of apolipoprotein E that promote the de novo biosynthesis of HDL in experimental mouse models

Πετροπούλου, Περιστέρα-Ιωάννα 14 February 2012 (has links)
Η HDL είναι ένα μείγμα λιποπρωτεϊνικών σωματιδίων υψηλής πυκνότητας, που ανάλογα με τη σύσταση τους σε λιπίδια μπορούν να είναι δισκοειδή ή σφαιρικά. Η κύρια αθηροπροστατευτική δράση της HDL, οφείλεται στο γεγονός ότι η συγκεκριμένη λιποπρωτεΐνη συλλέγει την περίσσεια χοληστερόλης από τους περιφερικούς ιστούς και τη μεταφέρει στο ήπαρ όπου καταβολίζεται. Επιπλέον, έχει αντιφλεγμονώδη και αντιοξειδωτική δράση. Η κύρια πρωτεΐνη της HDL είναι η απολιποπρωτεΐνη Α-Ι (apoA-I). Ωστόσο, πρόσφατα αποδείχθηκε ότι σε πειραματόζωα με έλλειψη στην apoA-I και κατά συνέπεια στην κλασσική HDL, η απολιποπρωτεΐνη Ε (apoE) αλληλεπιδρά με τον μεταφορέα λιπιδίων ABCA1 προάγοντας την de novo σύνθεση HDL σωματιδίων. Στην παρούσα μελέτη, στόχος ήταν η εύρεση της περιοχής της apoE που είναι υπεύθυνη για την λειτουργική αλληλεπίδραση με τον ABCA1 για το σχηματισμό HDL. Για το σκοπό αυτό, ανασυνδυασμένοι αδενοϊοί που εξέφραζαν καρβοξυ-τελικές συντετμημένες μορφές της apoE4 (AdGFP-E4[1-259], AdGFP-E4[1-229], AdGFP-E4[1-202], AdGFP-E4[1-185]), χορηγήθηκαν σε ποντίκια με έλλειψη στην ApoA-I σε δόση 8x108 pfu και πέντε μέρες μετά τη μόλυνση δείγματα πλάσματος αναλύθηκαν για το σχηματισμό HDL. Κλασματοποίηση των λιποπρωτεϊνών του πλάσματος με υπερφυγοκέντρηση σε διαβάθμιση πυκνότητας καθώς και FPLC χρωματογραφία αποκάλυψε ότι όλες οι συντετμημένες μορφές της apoE4 προάγουν το σχηματισμό HDL. Ανάλυση ηλεκτρονικής μικροσκοπίας με αρνητική χρώση των HDL κλασμάτων, επιβεβαίωσε ότι όλες οι συντετμημένες μορφές της apoE4 είναι ικανές να προάγουν το σχηματισμό σωματιδίων με διάμετρο στην περιοχή της HDL. Τα δεδομένα αυτά οδηγούν στο συμπέρασμα ότι η αμινοτελική περιοχή της apoE που εκτείνεται από τα αμινοξέα 1 έως 185 αρκεί για το σχηματισμό HDL σωματιδίων in vivo. Αυτά τα ευρήματα, ανοίγουν το δρόμο στην έρευνα για το σχεδιασμό βιολογικών φαρμάκων με βάση την apoE για τη θεραπεία της δυσλιπιδαιμίας, της αθηροσκλήρωσης και της στεφανιαίας νόσου. / HDL is a mixture of high density lipoprotein particles that depending on the lipid composition may be discoidal or spherical. The main atheroprotective property of HDL is reverse cholesterol transport, a process that unloads excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues and transports it to the liver for catabolism. HDL has also anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The main protein of HDL is apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I). However, recently it was shown that in the absence of apoA-I and consequently classical HDL, apolipoprotein E (apoE) interacts functionally with the lipid transporter ABCA1, promoting the de novo synthesis of HDL-like particles. The present study focused on the identification of the domain of apoE that is responsible for the functional interaction with ABCA1 and the formation of apoE-containing HDL. Recombinant attenuated adenoviruses expressing carboxy-terminal truncated forms of apoE4 (apoE4[1-259], apoE4[1-229], apoE4[1-202], and apoE4[1-185]) were administered to apoA-I-deficient mice at a low dose of 8x108 pfu and five days post-infection plasma samples were isolated and analyzed for HDL formation. Fractionation of plasma lipoproteins of the infected mice by density gradient ultracentrifugation and FPLC revealed that all forms were capable of promoting HDL formation. Negative staining electron microscopy analysis of the HDL density fractions confirmed that all C-terminal truncated forms of apoE4 promoted the formation of particles with diameters in the HDL region. Taken together, these data establish that the aminoterminal 1 to 185 region of apoE suffices for the formation of HDL particles in vivo. These findings may have important ramifications in the design of apoE-based biological drugs for the treatment of dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

O novo rural paraibano: um estudo de caso sobre as ocupações rurais não agrícolas (ORNAs) em Aparecida - PB. / The new rural Paraiba: a case study on non - agricultural rural occupations (ORNAs) in Aparecida - PB.

DOURADO, Auceia Matos. 11 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-11T19:26:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AUCEIA MATOS DOURADO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGERR 2003..pdf: 20845165 bytes, checksum: 8381d6a0ad838247e20a7416016273a1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-11T19:26:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AUCEIA MATOS DOURADO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGERR 2003..pdf: 20845165 bytes, checksum: 8381d6a0ad838247e20a7416016273a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003 / A urbanização verificada nas duas últimas décadas tem mudado a face do rural brasileiro e levado ao campo serviços e infra-estrutura que antes pertenciam ao saber fazer e ao espaço citadino. Levando-se em consideração as diferenças históricas e estruturais e a heterogeneidade econômica de cada região, o que se pode observar é que o espaço rural brasileiro já não pode ser definido apenas a partir da velha noção do rural como "locus" de atividades produtivas agrícolas tradicionais. Ultrapassou-se o limite da porteira e, em maior ou menor grau, em diversas partes do rural brasileiro, a produção de serviços (lazer, turismo, preservação do meio ambiente) e de bens não agrícolas, já faz parte do cotidiano dos moradores da zona rural, assim como o emprego rural tem apresentado especificidades nunca vistas em outros períodos. Neste sentido, o problema central do trabalho é entender como regiões marcadas pelas adversidades climáticas e por um desenvolvimento atrasado, a exemplo do Nordeste e, mais especificamente, o município de Aparecida no Sertão paraibano, consegue desenvolver dinâmicas capazes de gerar ocupações rurais não agrícolas, contribuindo assim para incrementar a renda das pessoas com domicílio rural. Para nortear os questionamentos levantados ao longo das análises, este trabalho tem, como objetivo principal destacar a participação efetiva das atividades e das rendas não agrícolas na composição das rendas das famílias com domicílio rural no município de Aparecida, destacando também aspectos da ruralidade do município. O caminho metodológico adotado e que viabilizou uma compreensão melhor sobre a realidade estudada, foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e a história oral, seguido da pesquisa de campo, em que através das análises quantitativas, pode-se destacar que as ocupações rurais não agrícolas e as transferências públicas no município de Aparecida, são hoje, as principais responsáveis pela manutenção das famílias com domicílio rural. Essas atividades ligadas, sobretudo, ao artesanato têxtil da região, são responsáveis pela geração dos principais postos de trabalho na região não sendo, contudo inteiramente valorizadas, uma vez que os artesãos trabalham por conta própria e não recebem nenhum incentivo do governo estadual ou municipal, estando os mesmos sujeitos ao monopólio de preços estabelecidos pelo pólo de São Bento, principal consumidor das varandas de rede, fabricadas em Aparecida. / The urbanization seen in the last two decades has changed the face of rural Brazil and taken to the countryside services and infra-structure which earlier belonged to the self learning and city dwellers space. Considering the historical and structural differences and the economical heterogeneity of each region what can be observed is that the rural Brazilian space cannot be defined from only the notion of rural as "locus" of traditional agricultural productive activities Surpassing the limits and in a greater or lesser degree, in various parts of the rural Brazil, the production of services(leisure, tourism, environmental protection etc) and of non agricultural properties are already a regular part of the habitants of the airal areas as the rural employments have shown specifications never seen before in other periods. In this respect the central problem is to understand how regions marked by such adverse climatic conditions and by under development as in the Northeast of Brazil and more precisely, in the municipality of Aparecida in the "sertão" of Paraiba , which could develop dynamics capable of generating non agricultural occupations , contributing in this manner to increase the family income of the rural people. To solve the questions brought up in this analysis, this study has as its main aim to emphasize the effective participation of non agricultural activities and the income, in the composition of the family income of the population of Aparecida , also emphasizing the rural aspects of the region. The methodology adopted , which enabled a better understanding of the reality studied, was bibliographical research and oral history followed by a field research , where through quantitative analysis it was possible to show that the non agricultural rural activities and the public transferences in the city are today the main sources responsible for the maintenance of the families in this area. These activities , linked above all to handwoven textiles of the region , are responsible in generating main points of jobs in the region and aren't given due value as the weavers work on their own and don't receive any incentives from either the government or the municipalilty, at the same time they are also subject to a monopoly set by the people of São Bento who are the main consumers of the lace work for hammocks manufactured in Aparecida.

Étude des chromosomes sexuels et du déterminisme du sexe chez les plantes : comparaison des systèmes Silene et Coccinia / A study of sex chromosomes and sex determination in plants : Silene and Coccinia systems comparison

Fruchard, Cécile 09 July 2018 (has links)
Bien que les sexes séparés (dioecie) soient plus rares que chez les animaux, ∼15 600 espèces dioiques ont évolué chez les angiospermes (∼6% de l'ensemble des espèces). La manière dont le sexe de ces plantes est contrôlé est une question centrale de la biologie végétale, mais également de l'agronomie car de nombreuses plantes cultivées sont des plantes dioiques (∼20% des espèces cultivées) mais dont un seul sexe (généralement les femelles) présente un intérêt agronomique. Pourtant, seulement trois gènes du déterminisme du sexe ont été identifiés à ce jour chez les plantes dioiques, chez le kaki, l'asperge et la fraise. La dioecie a vraisemblablement évolué plusieurs fois chez les angiospermes et il est possible que les gènes du déterminisme du sexe soient divers. Deux voies principales d'évolution vers la dioecie ont été identifiées. Les deux partent d'une espèce dont les fleurs sont hermaphrodites, le régime de reproduction ancestral chez les angiospermes, puis passent soit par un intermédiaire monoique (espèce avec des fleurs unisexuées mâles et femelles sur le même individu), soit par un intermédiaire gynodioique (espèce avec des femelles et des individus avec des fleurs hermaphrodites). Cette thèse a pour objet la comparaison de deux systèmes de plantes représentant ces deux voies. Chez Coccinia grandis, une cucurbitacée ayant également des chromosomes XY, l'évolution de la dioecie est passée par la monoecie. Chez Silene latifolia, une plante dioique bien étudiée avec des chromosomes sexuels XY, l'évolution de la dioecie s'est faite à partir de la gynodioecie. Trois gènes contrôlant la monoecie ont été identifiés chez le melon et il a été proposé que ces gènes soient les gènes du déterminisme dans les espèces dioiques proches du melon comme C. grandis. Nous avons donc opté pour une approche gène candidat dans cette espèce. Très peu de ressources génétiques et génomiques sont disponibles chez C. grandis, et nous avons choisi d'utiliser SEXDETector, une méthode probabiliste qui utilise des données RNA-seq pour génotyper des parents et leurs descendants, et qui infère les gènes lies au sexe sans génome de référence. Cette méthode m'a permis d'identifier 1 364 gènes présents sur les chromosomes sexuels de C. grandis. J'ai établi que les gènes differentiellement exprimés entre les sexes étaient plus abondants sur chromosomes sexuels que sur les autosomes. J'ai également observé des marques de la dégénérescence du chromosome Y chez cette plante, comme des diminutions d'expression ou des pertes de gènes. Enfin, mes résultats démontrent la présence de compensation de dosage chez C. grandis. Le test des gènes candidats est en cours. Chez S. latifolia, 3 grandes régions liées au déterminisme ont déjà été identifiées sur le chromosome Y. Pour identifier les gènes du déterminisme, nous avons choisi de séquencer ce chromosome. Le séquençage des chromosomes Y est encore un défi pour la génomique. La phase d'assemblage est très difficile à cause des répétitions présentes en grand nombre sur ces chromosomes. En conséquence, les séquences complètes de chromosome Y sont très rares, et principalement disponibles chez les animaux. Afin de minimiser les problèmes d'assemblage dus aux répétitions, nous avons utilisé des techniques dites de 3eme génération (avec de grandes lectures). J'ai moi-même généré des données MinION (Oxford Nanopore) à partir d'ADN de chromosome Y. L'assemblage a été réalisé en combinant des données Illumina, PacBio et MinION. Notre assemblage final fait une taille de 563 Mb pour un N50 de 6 114 pb, et contient 16 219 gènes annotés de novo / Although rarer than in animals, separate sexes (dioecy) have evolved in ∼15,600 angiosperm species (∼6% of all angiosperm species). How sex is controlled is a central question in plant sciences and also in agronomy as many crops are dioecious (∼20% of crops) with only one useful sex (usually female). Only three master sex-determining genes have been identified in dioecious plants so far, namely in persimmons, asparagus and strawberry. Dioecy likely evolved several times independently in angiosperms, suggesting that sex-determining genes are of diverse origins. Hermaphroditism is the predicted ancestral state of the angiosperm flower. Two main pathways have been identified that explain the evolution of hermaphroditism towards dioecy: either through a monoecious state (with both unisexual male and female flowers on the same individual) or a gynodioecious state (with females and individuals having hermaphroditic flowers). My aim is to compare two plant systems representing each one of these two pathways. In Coccinia grandis, a Cucurbitaceae with an XY chromosome system, dioecy evolved through monoecy. In Silene latifolia, a well-studied dioecious plant with XY sex chromosomes, dioecy evolved through gynodioecy. Three genes controlling monoecy have been identified in melon, and it was suggested that these genes act as sex-determining genes in closely related dioecious species such as C. grandis. I therefore chose a candidate gene approach in this species. Very few genetic and genomic data are available in C. grandis, and we chose to use SEX-DETector, a probabilistic method that uses RNA-seq data to genotype parents and their offspring, and infers sex-linked genes with no need for a reference genome. This method allowed me to identify 1,364 genes that are present on the sex chromosomes of C. grandis. I found that the sex chromosomes are enriched in sex-biasedgenes when compared to autosomes and I characterized Y chromosome degeneration in terms of decreased expression and gene loss. Finally, I showed that dosage compensation occurs in C. grandis. Testing for the three candidates genes is ongoing. In S. latifolia 3 regions involved in sex determination have already been identified on the Y chromosome. We chose to sequence this chromosome to identify sex-determining genes. The sequencing of Y chromosomes remains one of the greatest challenges of current genomics. The assembly step is very difficult because of their highly repeated content. Consequently, fully sequenced Y chromosomes are rare and mainly available for research in animals. To overcome the difficulty of assembling reads with many repeats, I used third generation sequencing (TGS, producing long reads). I produced a dataset using the Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencer with Y chromosome DNA. Assembling was performed using a combination of Illumina, MinION and PacBio sequencing data. The final assembly had a total length of 563 Mb with a scaffold N50 of 6,114 bp, and contained 16,219 de novo annotated genes

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