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Avaliação de métodos de desenvolvimento de aplicações web / Evaluation of web applications development methodsSandro Lopes Bianchini 29 April 2008 (has links)
Para o desenvolvimento de aplicações Web de qualidade, o uso de uma abordagem sistemática e disciplinada é essencial, dado o crescente aumento do uso e da complexidade de tais aplicações. Nesse cenário, a Engenharia de Aplicações Web, ou simplesmente Engenharia Web, torna-se uma atividade mandatória. A Engenharia Web não é uma transcrição exata da Engenharia de Software, pois considera caracterí?sticas inerentes às aplicações Web como, por exemplo, multiplicidade do perfil de usuários e uso de multimídia. A Engenharia Web é apoiada por ferramentas, técnicas e métodos. A escolha desses elementos para um domínio de aplicação pode tornar-se uma tarefa difícil para desenvolvedores e demais interessados e é fundamental para o desenvolvimento efetivo de aplicações Web. Neste trabalho, é apresentado uma proposta de avaliação de métodos de desenvolvimento de aplicações Web. Essa proposta partiu de um conjunto de métodos selecionados por meio de trabalhos comparativos anteriores disponíveis na literatura e do levantamento de suas principais características, após estudo de caso que consistiu em modelar uma mesma aplicação (um portal Web) com os diferentes métodos selecionados. A cada característica associaram-se pesos, refletindo sua relevância a domínios especifícos, e valores refletindo seu grau de apoio a um método. Como resultado, obteve-se um arcabouço - conjunto de guidelines - para avaliar e/ou especificar métodos de desenvolvimento de aplicações Web. Esse arcabouço foi aplicado ao conjunto de métodos selecionados do estudo de caso e foram obtidas evidências da efetividade do arcabouço proposto / For the development of high quality Web applications, the use of a systematic and disciplined approach is essential, given the increasing use and complexity of such applications. In this scenario, the Web Applications Engineering, or simply Web Engineering, becomes a mandatory activity. The Web Engineering is not an accurate transcription of the Software Engineering. Besides incorporating its rules and lines of direction, the Web Engineering also considers inherent characteristics of Web applications such as user profiles multiplicity and multimedia resources. For the Web applications development process, the Web Engineering is supported by tools, techniques and methods. Among them, choosing appropriate elements for a given application domain may represent a challenge for interested developers. This work aims at supporting such choices through a proposal of an evaluation of current development methods for Web Applications. The proposed framework started from a set of well-known development methods found in the literature from which the main characteristics were identified by a case study consisted in modelling the same Web application by different methods. For each characteristic, weights have being associated, reflecting its relevance for specific domains, and values reflecting its degree of support to a method. As result, a framework is estabilished - set of guidelines - to evaluate and/or to specify methods of development of Web applications. This framework was applied to the set of selected methods of the case study and evidences have been provided effectiveness of the proposed framework
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Rozšíření použití modulu UIS v mobilních zařízeních / Extending the Use of UIS Module in Mobile DevicesKaščák, Pavol January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the design of extending UIS module for mobile devices. First part of this thesis is dedicated to the analysis and justification to the benefit of mobile devices with focus on available mobile platforms. Subsequently, this thesis describes theoretical backgrounds upon which is based my own solution in perspective of software life cycle and SCRUM project management.
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”Modersmål för mig är en del av livet, en del av människan” : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskolans pedagoger resonerar kring betydelsen och utvecklandet av modersmålet hos barn med annat modersmål än svenska / ”Mother language for me is a part of life, a part of human being” : A qualitative study of how preschool teachers reason about the importance and development of the mother language of preschool children with a mother language other than SwedishHassan, Narin, Mirbaghirov, Gulara January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur förskolans pedagoger resonerar kring betydelsen och utvecklandet av modersmålet hos barn med annat modersmål än svenska. En kvalitativ forskningsansats valdes med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Åtta pedagoger som deltog i studien bestod av förskollärare och barnskötare. Studiens resultat analyserades utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att metoder som förskolans pedagoger använder är att tala på barnens modersmål och att använda digitala verktyg för att utveckla modersmålet. Miljöns utformning bestod av material som tvillingböcker samt språkhörna med alfabet på barnens modersmål för att gynna barns läs- och skrivutveckling på sitt moderrsmål. Slutsatsen är att modersmål ses som tillgång. Varierande metoder och material används som till exempel digitala verktyg, tvillingböcker, TAKK och bildstöd, samtidigt finns det utmaningar vilket är bland annat begränsad ekonomi och tidsbrist.
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Tvorba vzdělávacího kurzu pohledem lektora v kontextu firemního vzdělávání / Creation of an educational course from the lector's perspective in a corporate education environmentProcházková, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is construed in the context of corporate education of employees. Its objective is to examine the process of creating an educational course from the perspective of a teacher of further education. The paper presents corporate training of employees as a systematic process in the context of human resources management and development. It underlines its systematic approach and coherence with other activities of the organization. The diploma thesis deals in more detail with the essential methods of development and education of employees applied both in the workplace and outside of it. Furthermore, the work describes the term of methods, presents their basic classification, ways of using them in the educational process and briefly characterizes them. It defines the relationships between the terms of employee, human resource and human capital and clarifies the concepts of educational project, subjects of education and other fundamental notions related to the development and training of employees in the organization. Simultaneously, the paper zooms in on the issue of adult education in further education, as a part of lifelong learning and learning of each individual. The research part of the work was carried out in the educational organization and the respondents were selected from among...
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Definição e gerenciamento de métricas de teste no contexto de métodos ágeis / Definition and management of testing metrics in agile methods contextVicente, André Abe 22 April 2010 (has links)
Métodos ágeis são técnicas adequadas para o desenvolvimento de software sujeito a mudanças constantes. Essas mudanças não devem afetar o cronograma, orçamento do projeto e devem assegurar o atendimento às necessidades do cliente. Diversos valores, princípios e boas práticas de desenvolvimento e de condução de projeto são aplicados em projetos ágeis com esse objetivo. Algumas dessas práticas são relacionadas a atividade de teste de software. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a atividade de teste de software aplicada dentro de métodos de desenvolvimento ágil, buscando eliminar aspectos de teste não produtivos, identificando boas práticas e, principalmente, criando formas de acompanhar e melhorar continuamente a condução da atividade de teste. A partir da caracterização da atividade foi proposta a adoção de um conjunto de métricas para facilitar o seu acompanhamento e melhoria constante da mesma. Algumas dessas métricas de acompanhamento de testes foram implementadas na ferramenta Agile Testing Metrics Management (ATMM). O objetivo principal da ferramenta é gerenciar as iterações de desenvolvimento do projeto ágil e, também, exibir a evolução das métricas relacionadas ao código que está sendo testado e aos casos de teste desenvolvidos utilizando a ferramenta JUnit. Para validar a ferramenta e as métricas foram conduzidos estudos de casos com dois projetos de software de domínios diferentes que utilizaram métodos ágeis e testes de unidade / Agile methods are appropriate techniques for software development subject to constant changes. These changes should not affect the project schedule, budget and must ensure meeting the clients needs. Several values, principles and practices of project development and driving are applied in agile projects with this goal. Some of these practices are related to software testing activity. This study aimed at characterizing the software testing activity applied to agile development methods, trying to eliminate unproductive testing aspects, identifying good practices and especially creating ways of tracking and continuously improve the test activity. From this activity characterization, it was proposed an adoption of metrics set to facilitate the monitoring and constant improvement of the activity. Some of these testing tracking metrics were implemented in the Agile Testing Metrics Management Tool (ATMM). The main goal of this tool is to manage the iterations of agile project development and, also show the metrics evolutions regarding the code that have been tested and the test cases developed using JUnit. The tool and metrics were validated by case studies that were conducted with two software projects of different domains which used agile methods and unit testing
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Introduction to a mobile development methods investigation to Scania IT AB : Case: Rundtursbuss applicationMoreira, Juliana January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this work was both to explore the variety of methods to develop mobile applications and to create a requirement documentation and solution proposal to the case study Rundtursbuss. During the 10 weeks work-experience, I had the possibility to investigate a range of methods to develop mobile applications and apply it to a reference case. The questions regarding which method to choose when developing mobile application are not easy to answer, once there is not only one solution that can fit the needs of all the applications that will be developed at Scania. Each application needs to be evaluated not only from a technical perspective, but also from a user-centered way. One of the best ways to quickly evaluate a project is asking what that makes the project mobile The analysis of each criteria aided in the evaluation of the application requirements and in reaching the conclusion that the most promising methods to develop the application Rundtursbuss are either native or cross-compilation ones. In conclusion, it is crucial to emphasize that while Scania does not have a procedure on how to develop, maintain and coordinate the development of mobile applications, single initiatives will continue to emerge, which increase the cost and affect the quality of their IT products and services.
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Modellbasierte Entwicklungsmethoden als Enabler von Smart Services im Kontext von Industrie 4.0Kampfmann, Rüdiger, Menager, Nils 29 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Ständig steigende Anforderungen an industrielle Anlagen, wie zum Beispiel ein höherer Durchsatz oder mehr Flexibilität, führen zu einer gesteigerten Komplexität dieser Systeme. Zusätzlich verlagert sich immer mehr Funktionalität aus dem Hardware- in den Softwarebereich, so dass dessen Bedeutung stetig zunimmt. Diesem Wandel mit wettbewerbsfähiger Entwicklungszeit zu begegnen, ist eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen im Automatisierungssektor. Einen Ansatz hierzu stellt die Verwendung modellbasierter Entwicklungsmethoden dar. Während in den frühen Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesses modellbasierte Methoden zunehmend häufiger eingesetzt werden, besteht vor allem in den späteren Entwicklungsphasen sowie in der Phase des Betriebs erheblicher Nachholbedarf. In diesem Beitrag werden zunächst die bereits heute in der Praxis verwendeten Methoden am Beispiel einer komplexen Roboterkinematik vorgestellt. Anschließend wird im Wesentlichen die Phase des Betriebs betrachtet und dargestellt, welche Mehrwerte sich durch die Verwendung so genannter Smart Services auf Basis der bereits vorhandenen physikalischen Simulationsmodelle ergeben.
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Intranät : En studie kring tillvägagångssätt vid införande av intranätJohansson, Emma January 2010 (has links)
Informationsteknologin (IT) är i dagens samhälle en förutsättning för företag ochorganisationers utveckling och konkurrenskraft. En av de stora utmaningarna är att hanterade ökade mängderna information på ett effektivt sätt. Ett verktyg för det är att investera iett intranät som stödjer den interna informationen och kommunikationen i verksamheten.Det finns ett identifierat gap i teorin kring tillvägagångssätt vid införande av intranät blandsmå- och medelstora företag. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera tillvägagångssätt vid införande av intranät i små- och medelstoraföretag samt att ta fram rekommendationer för ett intranätinförande. Utifrån syftet har ett tolkande förhållningssätt enligt aktionsforskningsmetoden använts dåjag själv varit delaktig i det som undersökts. Den empiriska datainsamlingen har utökatsgenom en intervju med ett företag som infört ett intranät samt en intervju med enintranätkonsult. Den teoretiska referensramen syftar till att stödja förståelsen för införande av intranät ochtar exempelvis upp vad ett intranät är, orsaker till misslyckade intranät samt metoder ochmodeller som kan vara lämpliga vid ett intranätinförande. De empiriska data har samlats infrån ett företag som infört intranät samt från en konsult som arbetat med intranät. I analysen har en diskussion förts kring insamlad teori och empiri vilket har mynnat ut istudiens slutsatser. Studien har pekat på ett antal faktorer som är viktiga att tänka på vidintranätinförande. Dessa är: Bygga upp stöd från verksamheten Nulägesanalys för att undersöka behovet Användarmedverkan Förankring och kommunikation Stöd från utomstående konsult De vanligaste misstagen vid intranätinförande är Brist på initialt stöd från verksamhetenoch Inte tillräckligt fokus på användarna. Jag rekommenderar att studera de agila metoderna närmare då de lämpar sig bra för mindreprojekt där förändringar kan uppstå under projektets gång. Varje enskild verksamhetbehöver dock utifrån de förutsättningar som finns besluta vilken metod som ska tillämpas.Förankring och användarmedverkan bör prioriteras redan i det initiala arbetet medintranätet. / Information technology (IT) is a prerequisite for companies and organizations'development and competitiveness. One of the major challenges is to manage the increasingamounts of information in an efficient manner. One solution is to invest in an intranet thatsupports the business' internal information and communication. There is an identified gapin theory regarding how to implement intranets among small-and medium-sized businesses. The purpose of this thesis is to study the approach for how to implement intranets intosmall and medium-sized enterprises and develop recommendations for an intranetimplementation. An interpretive approach according to the action research method was applied because Iwas involved in what was studied. Besides the action research the empirical data consiststwo interviews, one with a company who has implemented an intranet and one with anintranet consultant. The theoretical framework is aimed to support the understanding of the implementation ofintranets and describes for example what an intranet is, reasons for failure of the intranet aswell as methods and models that may be suitable for an intranet implementation. Theempirical data is gathered from a company that has implemented an intranet and from aconsultant who works with intranets. The analysis contains a discussion around the theoretical framework and empirical data andsubsequently led to the conclusions of the study. The study has identified a number offactors that are important to have in mind when implementing an intranet. These are: Support from the organization Analysis of the current situation to examine the need User involvement Establishment and communication Support from external consultant The most common mistakes in intranet implementations are Lack of initial support fromthe organization and Not enough focus on users. I recommend studying the Agile methods more closely because they are suitable for smallerprojects where changes can occur during the project. Every organization need to decidewhich method to use based on the existing conditions. Establishment and userinvolvement should be prioritized from the initial work with the intranet.
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Method rationale revealed : communication of knowledge in systems development methodsWistrand, Kai January 2009 (has links)
The practice of developing information systems with the support of information systems development methods is not new. A vast number of systems development methods have been suggested over the years in an attempt to solve the problems a development organisation might encounter. From early approaches like the Waterfall model to more modern monolithic methods such as the Rational Unified Process and the newest approaches exemplified in the Agile methods, the ambition has often been to find the silver bullet and the most effective ways to produce quality systems. Methods are prescriptive by nature as they suggest action and as such they represent rationale. Thus, one can speak of a method rationale as the dimension within methods that motivate their existence. Method rationale is understood as the goal and value rational relations between a method’s underlying philosophy and its proposed actions. During the methods’ evolution, the practice of systems development and the supporting systems development methods have been subjected to research from many perspectives. One possible way to understand the nature of the existing research is to separate it into two fields. The suggested fields have different strengths and weaknesses. The field of traditional research on information systems development (ISD) emphasise relevance in their studies but often overlook aspects of generalisation. The field of method engineering (ME) is highly formalistic and emphasise rigour but often miss aspects concerning relevance, such as the role methods play in peoples daily systems development efforts. In this dissertation, a polarisation of existing systems development method research is suggested in order to find a synthesis more capable of serving as a common ground for method research and for the understanding of the systems development method phenomenon. This is achieved through a proposed extension of the field of ME into the field of extended method engineering (EME). The foundation of the EME is found in the concept of method rationale and a method component concept design capable of carrying and expressing method rationale. The method component concept design is applied, evaluated, and re-designed in three different empirical settings in order to ascertain its practical potential and the benefits in explicating the dimension of method rationale.
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Analýza systému vzdělávání a rozvoje zaměstnanců v organizaci / Analysis of employee training and development in the organizationPlívová, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with the education and development of employees in the company OEZ. The aim is to analyze the education system in this organization, find strengths and weaknesses and recommend possible solutions. The component goal is to develop the theoretical basis of this issue, to the extent necessary for subsequent analysis and to conduct a survey among employees of the company, which shows their perception of the functioning of the education system. The theoretical part deals with the various stages of the education system, linked to strategy and to a lesser extent, the legal regulation of educational issues and links to other personnel activities. The practical part contains the characteristics of the company, the analysis phase of the education system in OEZ, evaluation of the functioning of this system from the perspective of its users - employees, a summary of the main strengths and weaknesses and suggestions for possible solutions.
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