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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Otimização da técnica de captura-recaptura fotográfica para estimação da população canina livre em vias públicas / Optimization of photographic capture-recapture technique for estimation of free canine population in public roads

Shimozako, Helio Junji 05 September 2008 (has links)
Embora os cães sejam um dos animais de convívio mais estreito e harmonioso com o ser humano, quando esta referida população se encontra fora do controle, ela pode gerar agravos, tanto com relação à saúde humana e de outros animais quanto ao meio ambiente. Assim, estudos relacionados à estimativa de seu tamanho populacional e aos métodos de controle são importantes para o desenvolvimento de estratégias cada vez mais eficazes. Este estudo teve como objetivos principais avaliar a técnica de fotoidentificação para a espécie canina e apresentar uma proposta para aprimorar o método de captura-recaptura fotográfica. Para tanto, foram obtidas fotografias de cães a partir de duas fontes distintas, sendo uma a partir de cães internados no canil de adoção do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses (CCZ) grupo controle, padrão ouro e a outra de cães soltos nas ruas de Ibiúna/SP. Os cães do CCZ foram fotografados seguindo 4 tipos diferentes de protocolo, o que gerou 4 diferentes padrões de catálogos fotográficos. Esses 4 catálogos se diferenciaram entre si em termos de visualização do cão e de número de fotografias necessárias para apresentar cada animal (dependendo do catálogo, este poderia ser representado por uma a quatro fotografias). Em um segundo momento, foi realizado uma busca de cães livres nas ruas do bairro de Santa Lúcia (Ibiúna/SP) por três dias. Cada animal encontrado foi fotografado e estas foram classificadas conforme o padrão dos catálogos determinados para as fotografias dos cães do CCZ. Por fim, 103 voluntários observaram pares de conjunto de fotografias dos cães (tanto as do CCZ quanto as do bairro) por meio da Internet e apontaram quais deles correspondiam aos mesmos cães, na opinião deles. Além disso, seguindo o método clássico de captura-recaptura, foi estimado a população de cães nas ruas do bairro sob a ótica do pesquisador (isto é, de uma única pessoa). Entre os principais resultados, tomando as fotos obtidas do CCZ como padrão ouro, as probabilidades de se identificar e de se distinguir corretamente os cães por meio da fotografia (para o voluntário) foi de 95,0% e 99,8%, respectivamente, e o índice Kappa calculado para a concordância entre os resultados dos voluntários e do padrão ouro foi de 0,963. Com base no uso das probabilidades calculadas do padrão ouro, a estimativa da população canina livre passou por um ajuste e foi estimada em torno de 65 animais (I.C. 95% 64 a 67 animais). A estimativa das probabilidades de identificação foi interessante no sentido de ajustar o N calculado, tornando esta estimativa mais precisa / The dog is one of the most popular pet in the world. However, if this population is out of control, injuries against human beings, other animals and environment can occur. Therefore, studies related to dog population are important in order to optimize methods and strategies of control. The main objectives of this research are evaluating the photo-identification technique for dogs and presenting a suggestion to improve the photographic capturerecapture method. For this, pictures of dogs were acquired from two different sources. One of them was the Zoonosis Control Center (ZCC) gold standard and the other one were the free dogs from Ibiúna City streets. The dogs from ZCC were photographed following four protocols. Therefore, I obtained four photographic catalogs. The difference between these catalogs was the visualization of dog´s physical characterestics and the necessary number of pictures (one to four) to present each animal. Second, a survey of free dogs in the Ibiúna City had been carried out during three days. Each dog found in the streets was photographed and, after that, the pictures were classified according to the model of catalogs acquired from ZCC dogs pictures. Finally, 103 volunteers observed set of pairs of pictures (both ZCC and streets) by means of Internet and pointed which of them were from the same dogs. In addition, the dog population was estimated by following the classical capture-recapture method. Considering the results from the ZCC pictures observation, the correctly identifying and distinguishing dogs probabilities by means of pictures (for the volunteer) was 95,0% and 99,8%, respectively. In this case, the kappa value between these volunteers results and the gold standard was 0,963. Using the calculated probabilities from the gold standard, the estimated population (N) was adjusted to about 65 animals (C.I. 95% 64 to 67 animals). The estimation of the probabilities from the gold standard was interesting for adjusting the calculated (N) and improving the precision

Perfil epidemiológico do câncer de boca em cães: estudo multicêntrico / Epidemiology of oral cancer in dogs: a multicentric study.

Mendonça, Priscila Pedra 13 February 2015 (has links)
A ocorrência frequente e a alta morbidade e mortalidade do câncer de boca nos cães conferem grande importância ao problema que se configura como relevante questão não só para o monitoramento, mas também para permitir caracterizar populações de risco e otimizar parâmetros que visem a prevenção, proteção e assistência ao paciente. Avaliar o perfil epidemiológico de uma amostra de conveniência de cães diagnosticados com câncer de boca de dois diferentes centros odontológicos e dois diferentes serviços oncológicos, no município de São Paulo entre janeiro de 2010 e dezembro de 2013. Estudo epidemiológico observacional ecológico, retrospectivo e prospectivo, multicêntrico de cães com neoplasia oral, avaliando as variáveis gênero, estado reprodutivo, idade, faixa etária, raça, peso, porte, localização e tamanho da neoformação oral e tipos histológicos mais frequentes e estadiamento clínico. Analisou-se 330 prontuários e os resultados apontam para a maior ocorrência das neoplasias malignas (67%), sendo mais frequente o melanoma (MM), seguida por neoplasias benignas (20%), sendo mais frequente o ameloblastoma (AMB), as demais lesões foram não-neoplásicas. Não houve predileção racial ou sexual, mas os animais intactos tiveram maior chance de acometimento por neoplasia maligna. A média de idade dos cães com neoplasia maligna foi de 11,22 anos e nas benignas 9,53 anos, sendo os animais geriátricos mais afetados. A média de peso para o câncer maligno foi de 17,13kg, tendendo para pequeno e médio porte, e benigno 22,4kg, tendendo para médio e grande porte, e os cães de pequeno porte apresentam maior chance de ocorrência de neoplasias malignas. A localização mais frequente foi a maxila (35,5%), e o tamanho médio das neoformações malignas foi de 3,52cm e as benignas 1,53cm. Dos pacientes com neoplasia maligna os geriátricos apresentam maior chance de morte e o estágio clínico IV foi o mais frequente. O tipo histológico que prevaleceu foi o MM para as neoplasias malignas, nos animais de pequeno e médio porte, e o AMB para as benignas, em médio e grande porte, os pacientes senis e geriátricos são mais acometidos por neoplasia maligna, assim como de pequeno porte e fêmeas castradas, sendo os pacientes geriátricos com maior chance de morte por neoplasia maligna e o estágio IV é o mais comum / The frequent occurrence and high morbidity and lethality of oral cancer in dogs attach great importance to the problem, which constitutes a relevant issue not only for monitoring, but also to allow characterize risk populations and optimize parameters for the prevention, protection and patient care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiological of a survey convenience sample of dogs diagnosed with oral cancer in two different dental centers and two different cancer services in the city of São Paulo between January 2010 and December 2013. Observational epidemiological ecological, retrospective and prospective and multicenter study with oral cancer dogs, assessing the variables gender, reproductive status, age, life stage, breed, weight, dog size, location and size of the oral tumor and more frequent histological types and clinical staging. Three hundred and third medical records were analyzed and the results point to a higher frequency of malignant neoplasms (67%), the most frequent malignant melanoma (MM), followed by benign neoplasms (20%), the most frequent ameloblastoma (AMB) other injuries were non-neoplastic. There was no breed or gender preference, but the unneutered dogs were more likely to involvement by malignancy. The average age of dogs with malignant neoplasm was 11.22 years and 9.53 years in benign, geriatric animals were the most affected. Mean weight for malignant cancer was 17,13kg, tending to small and medium size dog, and benign 22,4kg, tending to medium and large, and small dogs have higher odds of occurrence of malignant tumor. The most frequent site is the jaw (35.5%) and the average size of neoformation was 3,52cm malignant and benign 1,53cm. Of patients with malignant neoplasm, geriatric have higher odds of death and the clinical stage IV was the most frequent. The histological type that prevailed was the MM for malignant neoplasms in small and medium-sized animals, and the AMB for benign in medium and large, and the senile and geriatric patients are more affected by malignant tumor, as well as small and spayed females, geriatric patients at higher risk of death from malignant tumor and stage IV is the most common

Refining and Validating an on-site Canine Welfare Assessment Tool Developed for use in Commercial Breeding Kennels.

Lynda W. Mugenda (5930759) 17 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Accurate assessments of behavior and welfare are needed to evaluate the state of domestic dogs maintained in commercial breeding (CB) and other types of kennels. Field assessments of dogs’ states of being must be reliable, valid and efficient. However, observer subjectivity and situational variation in dogs’ responses pose a challenge to incorporating behavioral metrics into welfare assessment tools. The published Field Instantaneous Dog Observation (FIDO) tool, designed to capture the immediately observable physical and behavioral status of dogs in kennels, was thus evaluated on its reliability and validity. Specifically, the main goals were to determine 1) reliability of the behavioral scoring when used by novice raters, 2) whether and to what extent dogs’ behavioral responses to stranger-approach changed during a 30-second observation period, and 3) the predictive power of the FIDO scoring on behavioral responses of dogs placed within a standardized arena with a stranger. Behavioral responses to stranger-approach were organized into three categories: red, indicating a fearful response to approach, green, indicating an affiliative or neutral response, and yellow, indicating an ambivalent response. In study one, behavior assessment was conducted by two novice raters with 50 dogs housed at two US shelters. A stranger approached the home pen of each dog in a non-threatening manner, stood quietly, extended a hand to the dog and scored the response while the test was video-recorded. Intra-rater reliability was assessed by comparing each rater’s live observation scores with their scores of the same dogs using video recordings. Inter-rater agreement between scores from video recordings was also calculated. In study two, 81 commercial breeding dogs maintained at four USDA-licensed CB facilities in the US were approached by one observer and scored once every five seconds for 30 seconds. Of the 81 subject dogs, 56 met the criteria for full sampling. In study three, 40 pairs of dogs were scored using the FIDO tool in their home pens at four USDA-licensed CB facilities and assessed on responses to an unfamiliar observer in a field test conducted in an outdoor arena. Behavioral measures from the field test such as latencies to approach the stranger and durations in different areas of the arena were captured from video recordings and subjected to a principal components analysis [PCA] for reduction of variables. A multivariate multiple regression analysis was thereafter used, with principal component scores obtained from the PCA as outcome variables, and FIDO scores as predictor variables, accounting for other factors such as breed and group composition. Results from study one indicated that raters showed almost perfect agreement between their own scores of live and video-recorded shelter dog responses (kappa = 0.83, 0.89) and between each other’s video-recorded scores (kappa = 0.87), indicating high intra- and inter-rater reliability. Results from study two indicated that over a 30-second time frame with five-second increments, 91% of the dogs showed no change in their behavioral response to approach. This suggests that the first five seconds of scoring provide a reliable time point for assessing behavior using the FIDO tool and indicates no benefit to extending the FIDO scoring period to gauge dogs’ immediate responses to stranger-approach. Results from study three showed that dogs scored as red, as determined by the FIDO scoring, also showed higher scores associated with avoidance, indicated by greater time spent away and more time taken to approach the unfamiliar person in the field test (p = 0.039). FIDO scoring was, however, not significantly predictive of other behavioral responses such as interaction with the unfamiliar person. How dogs were housed was also significantly associated with incidences of escape attempts from the arena; dogs paired as a mixed sex (i.e. male-female) showed lower scores on incidences of escape attempts than dogs paired as a same sex (i.e. female-female) (p = 0.003). Taken together, these results suggest that the FIDO tool can be used by individuals without much expertise in canine behavior, and also attest to the practicality of the tool via a reliable five-second approach. Further, results also indicate that the FIDO scoring can help to identify fearful dogs in need of greater socialization towards unfamiliar people. Future research would, however, be valuable in validating behavioral scores obtained using the tool against long-term indicators of overall welfare.</p>

Processos patológicos em linfonodos na espécie canina: revisão de literatura / Pathologic processes in canine lymph nodes: literature review

Baldani, Laerte Aleixo 07 March 2006 (has links)
Os linfonodos podem ser compreendidos como estruturas integrantes de dois sistemas orgânicos, o circulatório e o imunológico, apresentando estrutura mutável decorrente do tipo, da intensidade e do tempo da estimulação antigênica. As doenças nodais são complexas devido ao grande número de agentes que atingem os linfonodos via linfa e por causa da complexidade inerente do sistema imunológico e suas doenças próprias. A linfadenopatia é um achado clínico muito comum em cães, e o seu significado não deve ser desprezado. Inúmeros processos patológicos são observados no linfonodo canino, particularmente as hiperplasias reacionais benignas, linfadenites e os linfomas, e a sua total compreenção requer o conhecimento de histofisiologia, noções de imunologia, e biologia molecular. O conhecimento dos métodos diagnósticos disponíveis tem fundamental importância para o manejo do paciente, permitindo um tratamento acurado e eficiente / The lymph nodes may be known as integrants of two organic systems, circulatory and immunological, demonstrating mutable structure depending on the type, intensity, and time of antigenic stimulation. Nodal diseases are complex, because of the large number of diseases reaching nodes via lymph and because of the inherent complexity of the immune system and its own diseases. Lymphadenopathy is a common clinical finding, Many pathological processes has been found in canine lymph nodes, primarily benign reative hiperplasia, lymphadenitis and lymphomas, and your complete comprehension requires knowledge in histophysiology, immunology notions, and molecular biology. An understanding of the available diagnostic methods has fundamental importance for patient management, allowing an accurate and efficient treatment

Människans Bästa Vän : En Litteraturöversikt om Hundens påverkan på Äldre med Demenssjukdom / Human’s Best Friend : A Review of the Dog’s influence on Elderly People with Dementia

Issa, Maram, Hult, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Medellivslängden har ökat kraftigt och att människanslivslängd tenderar att öka kan bidra till ett större vårdbehov i framtiden. Demenssjukdomdrabbar främst äldre men är ingen normal del av åldrandet och har ofta enkronisk eller progressiv karaktär med både fysisk och psykologisk påverkan. Detfinns inget botemedel och varje årinsjuknar och dör tusentals i en demenssjukdom, en siffra som beräknas attfördubblas. Människan har under århundranden levt jämsides med djur och enpositiv effekt av djur har kunnat ses. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetetvar att undersöka hundens påverkan på äldre med demenssjukdom boende på ettvård- och omsorgsboende. Metod: Iexamensarbetet användes en litteraturöversikt som metod, innefattandebåde kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning.Resultat: Litteraturöversikten resulterade i fyra kategorier och 14underkategorier, hundmöten visade påverkan på känslor, kommunikation, kognitionoch beteende hos de äldre med demenssjukdom. Konklusion: Hundmötenabidrog till ökad glädje och livskvalité, mötena hade även en effekt påvälbefinnandet och ansågs vara det mest njutbara tillfället på vård ochomsorgsboendena. Hundmöten bör därför inkluderas i vården för att ökavälbefinnandet samt omvårdnadsmålet för hälsa och välbefinnande. / Background: The average life expectancy has increased and the growing lifeexpectancy is expected to contribute to an increased need for care. Dementiadisease affects mainly elderly peoplebut is not a normal part ofaging and often hasa chronic or progressive nature with both physical andpsychological impact. There is no cure and everyyear thousands of people develop a dementia disease. The number is expected to double in the future. Humans has always lived alongside with animalsfor centuries and a positive effect of animals has been shown. Aim:The aim is to investigate thedog's influence on elderly people with dementia living in a nursing home. Method: Thestudy used a literature review that included both qualitative and quantitativeresearch. Result: The literature review resulted in four categories and14 subcategories, dog meetings showed effects on emotions, communication,cognition and behaviors inthe elderly with dementia. Conclusion: The dog meetings contributed toincreased joy and quality of life, the meetings also had an effect onwell-being and were considered to be the most enjoyable time in nursing homes. Dog meetings should therefore be included in thecare to increase the well-being for the residents.

Mensuração sérica de Interleucina-1 &beta;, Interleucina-6, Interleucina-10 e Fator de Necrose Tumoral &alpha; em cães com doença periodontal crônica / Measurement of serum Interleukin-1&beta;, Interleukin-6, Interleukin 10 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-&alpha; in dogs with chronic periodontal disease

Cardoso, Juliana Kowalesky 14 December 2012 (has links)
A doença periodontal é resultado da inflamação das estruturas periodontais em resposta ao biofilme dentário presente na superfície dental e sulco gengival. Sua etiopatogenia é multifatorial e complexa. Na periodontite crônica há bacteremia freqüente durante rotinas diárias como escovação dentária e mastigação e acredita-se que esse estímulo constante ao sistema imunológico possa causar repercussões sistêmicas nos pacientes, como arterioescleroses. Uma das formas atuais de se mensurar essa alteração é pela presença de mediadores inflamatórios séricos. Sendo as proteínas de fase aguda, como as citocinas, as mais avaliadas. Assim como os trabalhos encontrados para a espécie humana, propôsse a mensuração sérica das interleucinas IL-1, IL-6, IL-10 e TNF-&alpha; em cães com doença periodontal crônica. Como grupo controle, utilizaram-se os mesmos pacientes após tratamento periodontal, mensurando as mesmas interleucinas depois de 21 dias do tratamento. Como resultado todas as interleucinas sofreram alteração, porém somente a IL-6 teve redução estatisticamente significativa após o tratamento periodontal. Todavia atenta-se para os elevados valores encontrados em alguns pacientes, o que pode demonstrar importante alteração sistêmica. / Periodontal disease is the result of inflammation of the periodontal structures in response to the biofilm present on the tooth surface and the gingival sulcus. Its pathogenesis is multifactorial and complex. Bacteremia in chronic periodontitis is constant during daily routines, such as toothbrushing and chewing, and it is believed that this constant stimulus to the immune system can cause systemic effects in patients, such as arterioescleroses. One of the current ways of measuring this change is the presence of serum inflammatory mediators. The acute phase proteins, such as cytokines, are the most valued. Like the works found for the human species, the measurement of serum interleukins IL-1, IL-6, IL- 10 and TNF-&alpha; in dogs with chronic periodontal disease was proposed. As controls, we used the same patients after periodontal treatment, measuring the same interleukins after 21 days of treatment. As a result, all interleukins have been changed, but only IL-6 showed statistically significant decrease after periodontal treatment. However, the high values found in some patients, which may prove important systemic change, must be highlighted.

Caracterização e função imunomoduladora de células-tronco de membrana amniótica canina / Characterization and immunomodulatory function of canine amniotic membrane stem cells

Alessandra de Oliveira Pinheiro 06 December 2018 (has links)
A membrana amniótica é uma das membranas fetais presentes no período gestacional e que é considerada uma ferramenta potencial no tratamento de diversas patologias, como na cicatrização de feridas de pele e córnea, hérnias, cirurgias reconstrutivas e prevenção de aderências. As células-tronco (CT) obtidas de membrana amniótica apresentam alta taxa de proliferação e plasticidade, além de propriedades imunomoduladoras que participam no processo de tolerância materno-fetal. Devido à dificuldade e a escassez de estudos envolvendo a membrana amniótica humana em diferentes estágios gestacionais, optamos pela escolha do modelo canino, pois pode ser considerado um modelo ideal devido às semelhanças genéticas e fisiológicas com humanos. Baseado no potencial das CT de membrana amniótica, os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar as CT de membrana amniótica canina (MAC) em diferentes estágios gestacionais e avaliar a expressão de genes relacionados à imunomodulação. Para tanto, foram utilizados 20 fetos caninos, sem raça definida com três idades gestacionais, terço inicial (20-30 dias) (n=7), terço médio (31-45 dias) (n=7) e terço-final (46-63 dias) (n=6), oriundos de programas de castrações. As células das MAC foram caracterizadas por meio de testes de viabilidade celular, curva de crescimento, unidade formadora de colônia (UFC-F), diferenciação in vitro, imunofenotipagem celular e potencial pluripotente. Para avaliação dos aspectos imunomoduladores, as células foram submetidas a RT-qPCR, com intuito de determinar a expressão gênica de IDO, HGF, EGF, PGE2, IL-6 e IL10. Como resultados, as células de MAC apresentaram morfologia fibroblastóide e aderência ao plástico com viabilidade celular de 83,3% em terço inicial, 80,1% em terço médio e 75,22% em terço final. Na análise da curva de crescimento, as células apresentaram pico de crescimento em segunda passagem, com posterior queda e uma tendência estacionária. Na UFC-F, obtivemos uma média de 145 colônias em terço inicial, 142,3 colônias em terço médio e 127,3 colônias em terço final. Na diferenciação in vitro, as células se diferenciaram em linhagens adipogênicas, osteogênicas e condrogênicas após 21 dias de cultivo celular. Na imunofenotipagem celular, as células de terço inicial obtiveram marcação de CD90 (31,7%), CD105 (5,6%), CD34 (0,3%) e CD45 (0,4%), terço médio de CD90 (36,7%), CD105 (6,3%), CD34 (0,2%0 e CD45 (0,4%), terço final CD90 (67,1%), CD105 (96,4%), CD34 (4,4%) e CD45 (2,0). Na avaliação imunomoduladora, observamos a expressão qualitativa dos genes IDO, HGF, EGF, PGE2 e a não expressão dos genes IL-6 e IL-10. Na expressão quantitativa, houve somente a expressão do gene IDO, com maior expressão em terço médio e final. Neste contexto, concluímos que as células de MAC de diferentes estágios gestacionais apresentam características compatíveis com CT mesenquimais e que a idade gestacional de terço final apresentou melhores resultados. / The amniotic membrane is one of the fetal membranes present during gestation and it is considered a potential tool to treat many pathologies. Stem cells (SC) from the amniotic membrane present a high proliferation and plasticity ratio, in addition to immunomodulatory properties that participate in the mother-fetus tolerance process. Due to high difficulty and lack of research involving human amniotic membrane at different gestational stages we chose to use a canine model, as it can be considered an ideal model due to genetic and physiological similarities to humans. Based on the potential properties of the amniotic membrane SC, the purpose of this research was to characterize the SC from the canine amniotic membrane (CAM) in different gestational stages and determine its immunomodulatory potential in vitro. To do so, we studied 20 canine fetuses with no established race in the first third of gestational stage (20-30 days) (n-7), second third (31-45 days) (n=7) and final third (46-63 days) (n=6), from local castration programs. CAM cells were characterized through cellular viability tests, growth curve, colony-forming unit (CFU), in vitro differentiation and cellular immunophenotyping. To assess the immunomodulatory aspects the cells were submitted to RT-qPCR to determine genic expressions from IDO, HGF, EGF, PGE2, IL-6 and IL-10. As a result, CAM cells presented fibroblastoid morphology, adherence to plastic and cell viability of 83,3% in the first third, 80,1% in the second third and 75,22% in the final third of the gestational stage. In the growth curve analysis, the cells presented a higher growth in the second passage, with subsequent drop and stationary tendency. In the CFU we obtained an average of 145 colonies in the first third, 142,3 in the second third and 127,3 colonies in the final third of the gestational stage. In in vitro differentiation the cells differentiated in adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic strains after 21 days of cellular culture. In cellular immunophenotyping, the cells from the first gestational stage expressed the following markers: CD90 (31,7%), CD105 (5,6%), CD45 (0,4%) and CD34 (0,3%); cells from the second gestational stage expressed CD90 (36,7%), CD 105 (6,3%) CD45 (0,4%) and CD34 (0,2%) and lastly cells from the final gestational stage expressed CD105 (96,4%), CD90 (67,1%), CD34 (4,4%) and CD45 (2,0%). In the immunomodulator evaluation we observed qualitative expression of genes IDO, HGF, EGF, PGE2 and no expression of genes IL-6 and IL-10. In the quantitative expression, we only found IDO gene expressed, with higher expression in the second and final thirds. In this context we can conclude that MAC cells from different gestational stages present characteristics consistent with mesenchymal SC and that the final gestational stage presented better results. We also concluded that gestational age is a key factor that can influence the functional and immunomodulatory properties of cells in cell therapy.

'For the good of the breed' : care, ethics, and responsibility in pedigree dog breeding

Wanner, Christine Helen January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines how the ethics of caring for pedigree dogs differ in the contexts of dog showing and veterinary practice. By highlighting conflicts around the shared use of ‘ordinary language’, I show how tensions between show‐world and veterinary perspectives relate to divergent understandings of ‘health’. Canine bodies speak to vets and breeders in conceptually different ways, so much so that breed‐specific features can be considered ‘perfect’ in the show‐ring yet ‘pathological’ in the veterinary clinic. Developing the emergent anthropological perspective that care is both a moral and an embodied practice, I argue that the qualities of moral virtue and aesthetic virtu are inextricably linked in the care practices by which breeders aim to produce and sustain canine bodies in their idealised forms. Also fundamental to show‐world notions of care is the understanding that care for dog and care for breed are one and the same. In sharp contrast, veterinary practice attends to dogs as individuals rather than members of breeds. Here, I examine how breeders and vets respond to the multiple and conflicting demands of caring for pedigree dogs in the course of encounters often fraught with unresolved tension. Asking how seemingly irreconcilable notions of what counts as good health play out in these negotiations, I argue that care can depend on the ability to transcend – or at least overlook – different ethical orientations. In practice, I argue that negotiations between breeders and vets are often non‐verbal and based on a mutual understanding that the ability to work together in performing care relies not only on clear communication but, at times, on a knowing silence. Under ever‐increasing pressure to engage with veterinary notions of health, many show‐breeders now deem ignorance of veterinary knowledge – and silence in the face of disease – ethically virtuous. I therefore conclude that deliberate silence and selective ignorance enable breeders and vets to temporarily reconcile their different understandings of what is good, thus allowing both parties to meet their respective responsibilities of care.

Potencial acaricida, anti-helmíntico e estudos fitoquímicos de extrativos vegetais obtidos de Achyrocline satureioides (Lam.) D.C. (Asteraceae) /

Fantatto, Rafaela Regina. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Rosemeire Cristina Linhari Rodrigues Pietro / Coorientador: Flávio Politi / Banca: Ilio Montanari Junior / Banca: Luis Vitor do Sacramento / Resumo: O Brasil é um dos maiores exportadores de carne bovina do mundo, entre 2003 e 2008 a receita com exportações cresceu de um bilhão para mais de cinco bilhões de dólares. Apesar disso, o setor enfrenta perdas consideráveis devido à ocorrência de infestações massivas de ectoparasitas como os carrapatos da espécie Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Ainda dentro do agronegócio, outra produção que se encontra em amplo crescimento e demonstrando grande potencial de ganho de espaço no mercado internacional é a ovinocultura, com rebanho estimado em 14 milhões de animais, colocando o Brasil em 18º lugar no ranking mundial de exportações. Porém, existem grandes perdas econômicas devido à existência de infestações com endoparasitas, como o nematódeo gastrintestinail da espécie Haemonchus contortus. Em paralelo à preocupação com os prejuízos financeiros no agronegócio, outra espécie de carrapato, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, desperta interesse dos pesquisadores por ser o vetor de microrganismos causadores de importantes doenças em cães nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Devido ao mau uso, acaricidas e nematicidas sintéticos tem ocasionado o fenômeno de resistência, com isso a busca por novas substâncias a partir de espécies vegetais configura-se numa alternativa muito promissora para o controle desses parasitas. A espécie Achyrocline satureioides (Lam.) D.C. (Asteraceae), popularmente conhecida como macela, possui em sua composição compostos fenólicos, sobretudo flavonóis e flavanonas, ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Brazil is one of the largest beef exporter in the world and between 2003 and 2008, revenue from exports grew from one billion to more than five billion dollars. Nevertheless, the sector is facing considerable losses due to the occurrence of massive infestations of ectoparasites such as tick species of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. In the agribusiness, another production that is in ample growth and showing great potential for space gain in the international market is the sheep industry, with herd estimated at 14 million animals, placing Brazil in 18th position in the world exports ranking. However, there are great economic losses due to the infestations of endoparasites, such as the gastrointestinal nematodes species of Haemonchus contortus. In parallel to the concern about the financial losses in agribusiness, other tick species, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, arouses interest of researchers for being the vector of microorganisms that causes major diseases to dogs in tropical and subtropical regions. Due to misuse of synthetic antiparasitic, which causes the phenomenon of resistance to them, the search for new substances from plant species sets up a very promising alternative for the biological control. The species Achyrocline satureioides (Lam.) DC (Asteraceae), popularly known as macela, has in its composition phenolic compounds, particularly flavonols and flavanones in the inflorescences. Based on the aspects, this study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of extractives of the first Brazilian cultivar of A. satureoides developed in the CPQBA on ticks R. (B.) microplus and R. sanguineus, as well as on the nematode H. contortus, using in vitro assays. The essential oil and the extracts of inflorescences of macela have shown that this plant has high activity on engorged females of R. (B.)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Avaliação eletrocardiográfica ambulatorial de cães com ehrliquiose monocítica crônica / Ambulatory electrocardiographic evaluation of dogs with chronic monocytic ehrlichiosis

Filippi, Maurício Gianfrancesco [UNESP] 12 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Maurício Gianfrancesco Filippi null (mauriciofilippi@terra.com.br) on 2017-02-13T18:05:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Maurício G Filippi oficial.pdf: 3286618 bytes, checksum: 2e08ac3322153696d51497bfacf1f0f8 (MD5) / Rejected by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo a orientação abaixo: O arquivo submetido está sem a ficha catalográfica. A versão submetida por você é considerada a versão final da dissertação/tese, portanto não poderá ocorrer qualquer alteração em seu conteúdo após a aprovação. Corrija esta informação e realize uma nova submissão com o arquivo correto. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2017-02-15T17:11:59Z (GMT) / Submitted by Maurício Gianfrancesco Filippi null (mauriciofilippi@terra.com.br) on 2017-02-16T22:41:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Maurício G Filippi.pdf: 3283472 bytes, checksum: fa27139485cf995a23ebdca2e069dd69 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-20T18:00:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 fillipi_mg_me_bot.pdf: 3283472 bytes, checksum: fa27139485cf995a23ebdca2e069dd69 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-20T18:00:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fillipi_mg_me_bot.pdf: 3283472 bytes, checksum: fa27139485cf995a23ebdca2e069dd69 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A monitorização eletrocardiográfica ambulatorial, ou método Holter, vem se mostrando como uma ferramenta eficaz na Medicina Veterinária para detectar lesões cardíacas precoces, não só por monitorar a atividade elétrica do coração, como também o controle do sistema nervoso autônomo desse órgão. Sabe-se também que as principais enfermidades infecciosas de cães, como a cinomose e a erliquiose monocítica canina (EMC) provocam lesões consideráveis no coração, comprovadas por exame histopatológico. Já está comprovada a ocorrência de miocardite na EMC, levando a frequente presença de alterações na geração e condução do impulso elétrico cardíaco. O presente estudo analisou a atividade elétrica do coração durante 24 horas, com enfoque na prevalência de arritmias, estudo da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca e na concentração de biomarcadores de cães com EMC crônica (grupo doente) em comparação à animais saudáveis (grupo controle). Quarenta e cinco por cento dos animais do grupo doente possuíram alta frequência de arritmias durante o estudo. A média da concentração de troponina cardíaca I e de creatinokinase MB (CK-MB) foi significativa (0,24 ng/mL ± 0,5; 229 ± 205 UI/mL) em comparação ao grupo controle (0,042 ± 0,07 ng/mL; 126 ± 46,12 UI/mL). O desvio padrão da média de todos os intervalos NN (SDNN) e a porcentagem de intervalos RR adjacentes com diferença de duração superior a 50 milissegundos (pnn50%) também foram extremamente singificativos (83 ± 65 e 14,56 ± 20) quando comparado aos animais saudáveis (268 ± 74,6 e 55,87 ± 12,8), respectivamente. Podemos concluir que a EMC crônica possui caráter arritmôgenico, onde há persistente lesão miocárdica e intensa estimulação do sistema nervoso autônomo simpático no coração. / Ambulatorial electrocardiographic monitoring, or Holter method, has been shown to be an effective tool in veterinary medicine to detect early heart lesions, not only to monitor the electrical activity of the heart, but also to control the autonomic nervous system of this organ. It is also known that the main infectious diseases of dogs, such as canine distemper and canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) cause considerable lesions in the heart, proven by histopathological examination. It has already been proven the occurrence of myocarditis in the CME, leading to frequent presence of changes in the generation and conduction of the cardiac electrical impulse. The present study analyzed the electrical activity of the heart during 24 hours, focusing on the prevalence of arrhythmias, heart rate variability study and the biomarkers concentration of dogs with chronic CME (sick group) compared to healthy animals (control group). Forty-five percent of the animals in the diseased group had a high frequency of arrhythmias during the study. The mean concentration of cardiac troponin I and creatinokinase MB (CK-MB) was significant (0.24 ng / mL ± 0.5; 229 ± 205 IU / mL) compared to the control group (0.042 ± 0.07 ng / ML, 126 ± 46.12 IU / mL). The standard deviation of the mean of all NN (SDNN) intervals and the percentage of adjacent RR intervals with a duration difference greater than 50 milliseconds (pnn50%) were also extremely significant (83 ± 65 and 14.56 ± 20) when compared to Healthy animals (268 ± 74.6, 55.87 ± 12.8), respectively. It can be concluded that chronic CME has an arrhythmogenic character, where there is persistent myocardial injury and intense stimulation of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system of the heart. / FAPESP: 2014/11219-6

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