Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hedging.""
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Jämförelse av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker i samband med muddringsaktiviteter / Comparison of site-specific risks associated with handling contaminated dredged materialDenninger, Malin January 2009 (has links)
Stora volymer förorenade sediment kommer att behöva tas om hand under de kommande åren då bottensediment i svenska farleder, hamn- och kustområden under lång tid har konta–minerats av både tungmetaller och organiska föroreningar. I examensarbetet studeras fyra möjligheter för hantering av förorenade muddermassor. De tre traditionella metoderna är tippning till havs, utfyllnad i vik eller deponering på land. Stabilisering/solidifiering (s/s) är ytterligare ett alternativ som innebär att muddermassorna kan nyttiggöras i geokonstruktioner genom att massornas hållfasthet ökas. Metoden går ut på att muddermassorna blandas med bindemedel och de eventuella föroreningarna binds då in i matrisen genom kemisk reaktion och fysikalisk inneslutning. Syftet med examensarbetet är att, utifrån ett platsspecifikt perspektiv, undersöka hur föroreningsrisker kan jämföras mellan de fyra olika huvud–alternativen för hantering av muddermassor. Jämförelsen är tänkt att utgöra en del av ett beslutsunderlag som ska ligga till grund för valet av hanteringsalternativ. Arbetet har fokuserat på miljöriskanalys och främst på hur risker kan kategoriseras, värderas och jämföras. Metoden inkluderar en litteraturstudie, en undersökning av tillstånds–ansökningar för hamnutbyggnad, en fallstudie där användning av LCA-metodik, ”ekotoxicitetspotential” och Naturvårdsverkets riktvärdesmodell testats för att jämföra föroreningsrisker mellan olika hanteringsalternativ i Oxelösunds hamn. Avslutningsvis genomfördes en serie intervjuer kring temat karaktärisering och jämförelser av risk i en s.k. Stakeholder Opinion Assessment (SOA). I studien av tillståndsansökningarna för hamnutbyggnad konstaterades att jämförelser av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker mellan olika hanteringsalternativ för förorenade mudder–massor inte görs. Istället är det andra aspekter, t.ex. ekonomi, som avgör vilket alternativ som väljs. Varken ekotoxicitetspotential eller Naturvårdsverkets riktvärdesmodell visade sig vara lämpliga metoder för att beskriva och jämföra risker i det aktuella fallet. Av intervjuerna i SOA:n framgår att det råder delade meningar om hur risker ska beskrivas och på vilket sätt de kan jämföras och det finns ett stort behov av att utveckla nya sätt att beskriva och jämföra föroreningsrisker mellan olika alternativ och olika platser. Arbetet har visat att det finns ett behov av att utveckla miljöriskanalysens avslutande steg, riskkaraktärisering och riskvärdering, eftersom det idag inte finns några konkreta metoder för att jämföra föroreningsrisker mellan olika hanteringsalternativ för förorenade muddermassor. För att förbättra beslutsunderlag föreslås därför en tydligare problemformulering och att övergripande platsspecifika scenarion för de olika alternativen tas fram. Viktigt aspekter att tydliggöra är skyddsobjekt, tidsskala, spridning och exponering. Jämförelsen av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker får inte heller bli allt för detaljerad, eftersom den bara är en del av ett större beslutsunderlag. / Large amounts of contaminated sediment has to be taken care of within the next few years since the sediment in Swedish sea lanes, ports and coastal areas have been contaminated by both heavy metals and organic pollutants over a long time period. Four options for handling contaminated dredged material were studied within this master thesis project. The three traditional methods are dumping the dredged material at sea, filling a bay with dredged material or putting the dredged material on a land disposal. Stabilization/solidification (s/s) is another option, where the contaminated dredged sediments are mixed with a binder that gives them greater strength, while immobilizing contaminants through chemical reactions or physical confinement in the structure. The aim of this thesis is to examine how risks of contamination can be compared between the four main options for management of dredged materials, in a site-specific perspective. The main tool in the project has been environmental risk assessment with special focus on how risks can be categorized, measured and compared. The study includes a literature review, an examination of permit applications for port development, a case study where the LCA methodology, "potential eco-toxicity" and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's guideline value model was tested in order to compare the risks of contamination from the various management options in the port of Oxelösund. Finally a Stakeholder Opinion Assessment (SOA), by the theme risk characterization and risk comparison, was made. The study of permit applications for port expansion has shown that the site-specific risks of contamination are not considered when choosing between management options of dredged materials. Instead other aspects, such as economy, determine the option chosen. Neither potential of eco-toxicity or the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's guideline value model proved to be appropriate methods in order to describe and compare the risks associates with this case. The interviews in the SOA show that people disagree on how risks should be described and compared. There is a demand for new methods of describing and comparing risks associated with different management options for dredged materials at different sites. This work has shown that well-known methods on how to compare risks of contamination between the different management options for contaminated dredged materials do not exist. There is also a need of developing the latter steps in the environmental risk assessment. To develop a better decision basis, a more explicit definition of the problem is proposed. It is particularly important to make site-specific descriptions of the various systems to be compared. The comparison of the site-specific risks of contamination should not be too detailed, since it is part of a larger decision support. / Stabcon
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Stabilisering av tjärförorenat sediment i området Kolkajen-Ropsten / Stabilization of tar contaminated sediments in the area of Kolkajen-RopstenSterud, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Sedimenten i området Kolkajen-Ropsten, Stockholm, innehåller höga halter av tjäroljor till följd avtidigare produktion i gasverket på området. Stockholms stad planerar att utföra byggnation i detnuvarande vattenområdet, vilket ökar risken för spridning av föroreningar. För att skydda arbetandeunder planerad byggnation och framtida boende måste föroreningssituationen åtgärdas. Tjäroljornainnehåller höga halter av polyaromatiska kolväten (PAH) och det är föroreningen av PAH-16 som styråtgärdsbehovet för området. En metod som använts med god framgång i flera projekt i Norden ochandra delar av världen är stabilisering och solidifiering, s/s, av sediment. Metoden går ut på att blandain utvalda bindemedel i sedimenten som då härdar. Därigenom minskar föroreningens mobilitet och degeotekniska egenskaperna förbättras. Om kravet på skjuvhållfasthet (>140 KPa), låg permeabilitet (10-8-10-9 m/s) samt minskad utlakning uppfylls kan de stabiliserade massorna utgöra grunden för planeradbyggnation.För att utvärdera möjligheterna av denna åtgärdsmetod analyserades en sats av prover från området föratt tillhandahålla information om platsspecifika parametrar. Analysen visade att sedimenten hade högvattenkvot och organiskt innehåll, dominerades av fina fraktioner samt en föroreningsgrad av PAH-16på 13000 mg/kg TS. Utifrån dessa parametrar och med stöd från en litteraturstudie valdes fyra receptpå bindemedel ut, med olika mängd bindemedel. De bindemedel som använts är: Bascement frånSkövde som är ett portland-flygaskecement, Monofill som består av 20 % cement och 80 % granuleratmasugnsslagg samt aktivt kol. De olika recepten blandades med sediment från området och lämnadesatt härda under 28 dygn. Efter härdningen utvärderades de stabiliserade massorna med avseende påminskad utlakning av PAH jämfört med obehandlat sediment, skjuvhållfasthet och permeabilitet.Analyser av de fyra blandningarna visade att kravet på skjuvhållfasthet och permeabilitet uppfylldesför samtliga tillsatser av bindemedel och överlag innebar större mängder tillsatt bindemedel högreskjuvhållfasthet och lägre permeabilitet. Resultaten från laktester indikerade att en större tillsats avaktivt kol minskade utlakningen av PAH.Tillsatsen av bindemedel som bedöms vara bäst lämpad för stabilisering av sedimenten från områdetvar en total mängd av cement och Monofill på 250 kg/m3 (30 % cement och 70 % Monofill) samt entillsats av aktivt kol på 5 % av TS.Inblandning i sedimenten enligt receptet ovan resulterade i en skjuvhållfasthet på 413 KPa samt enönskat låg permeabilitet. Utlakningen av PAH-16 reducerades med ~45 % jämfört med obehandlatsediment. / The sediments in the area Kolkajen-Ropsten, Stockholm, have shown high levels of tar oils due to thegasworks in the area. The city of Stockholm is planning construction in the area which increases therisk of contaminants spreading to the surrounding area. In order to protect workers during the plannedconstruction and future inhabitants, remediation has to be carried out. The tar oils have highconcentrations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and it is pollution of PAH-16 that dictates theneed for remediation.A remediation method that has been used in similar projects, with good results, is stabilization andsolidification (s/s) of the sediments. This is done by mixing binder materials with the sediments whichharden and it results in lowered mobility of the contaminants and improved geotechnical properties ofthe soil. If the shear strength is high enough (>140 KPa), the permeability is low enough (10-8-10-9m/s) and the leaching is reduced sufficiently, the stabilized sediments can be used as a foundation.To evaluate the possibility of this remediation method, a batch of sediment samples from the area wasanalyzed to obtain information about site specific parameters. The analysis showed that the sedimentshad high water content and were rich in organic matter. They were dominated by small particlefractions and had a PAH-16 concentration of 13000 mg/kg DM. With regard to these site specificparameters and a literature study, four different recipes with different amounts of binders wereselected and tested in a laboratory study. The used binders were: cement from Skövde which is aportland-fly ash cement, Monofill composed of 20 % cement and 80 % granulated furnace slag, andaddition of activated carbon.The sediments were mixed with binders according to the recipes and left to harden for 28 days.Following the 28 days of hardening, the stabilized mixtures were evaluated with regard to: thereduction of leaching of PAH in comparison to the untreated sediments, shear strength, andpermeability.Analyses of the four mixtures showed that the desirable values of both shear strength and permeabilitywere achieved for all mixtures, and that a higher concentration of binders resulted in a higher shearstrength and lower permeability. The results from the leaching tests indicated that a higherconcentration of activated carbon resulted in a lowered leaching of PAH.The mixture of binders that was deemed to be most suitable for stabilizing the sediments from the areawas a total amount of cement and Monofill at 250 kg/m3 (30 % cement and 70 % Monofill) with anaddition of activated carbon at 5 % of DM (dry matter).Addition of this binder mixture to the sediments resulted in a shear strength of 413 KPa and a desiredlow permeability. The reduced leaching of PAH-16 was ~45 % compared to untreated sediments.
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Pokrokové metody dělení materiálů se zaměřením na laser, vodní paprsek, elektroerosivní řezání drátem a hloubení / Advanced methods of material division focusing on laser, water jet, electroerosive wire cutting and drillingJANOVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
In the introductory part of the work carried out the theoretical research of advanced methods of cutting. Chosen methods are laser, water jet and EDM wire cutting and trenching the wire. There is described the history, the principle of separation and classification. The practical part of these methods are discussed in detail with emphasis on their use in practice. The text is supplemented with illustrative examples of products. Finally, the work focuses on the comparison of the described methods. Overall, the work is conceived as a methodological text useful in teaching this topic.
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Análise da disposição do material dragado no Canal do Fundão e no Canal do Cunha Rio de Janeiro/RJ. / Analysis of the disposal of dredged material in the Canal do Fundão and Canal do Cunha - Rio de Janeiro/RJ.Fernanda Cristina de Souza Pereira 29 June 2012 (has links)
As operações de dragagem e de disposição final do material dragado são indispensáveis
para atender as necessidades de implantação e manutenção das vias de transporte aquaviário.
Todavia essas operações, dependendo das dragas e equipamentos utilizados, podem causar
danos às comunidades marinhas, alterações na batimetria dentre outras coisas. A circulação
de águas na região da Baía da Guanabara compreendida entre a Ilha do Fundão e o continente
encontra-se prejudicada, em decorrência das baixas profundidades e estrangulamentos
existentes. Entretanto, um projeto de dragagem pode causar vários impactos no meio ambiente.
Assim se faz necessário que os organismos e empresas responsáveis pelo meio ambiente e
pelo desenvolvimento e execução de projetos de dragagem se preocupem em desenvolver
diretrizes e procedimentos para o gerenciamento ambiental de tais projetos. Deste modo, objetivo
principal deste trabalho é analisar a disposição do material dragado no Canal do Fundão e
Canal do Cunha de acordo com a legislação relacionada as atividades de dragagem. Para isso
são: i) identificadas a legislação ambiental existente no Brasil e de organismos internacionais
que visam à regulamentação do gerenciamento ambiental das atividades de dragagem; ii)
classificados os métodos de destinação do material dragado; e iii) analisado o processo de
destinação do material dragado no Canal do Fundão e no canal do Cunha. / The dredging and disposal of dredged material are essential to meet the deployment
requirements and maintenance of roads water transport. However these operations, depending
on the dredgers and equipment used, can damage to marine communities, changes in bathymetry
among other things. The circulation of water in Guanabara Bay area between the Isle of
Fundão and the continent is impaired in due to the lower depths and bottlenecks existing
ones. However, a dredging project can cause various impacts on the environment. So it makes
necessary for agencies and companies responsible for environment and the development
and execution of dredging projects focused on building guidelines and procedures for environmental
management of such projects. Thus, the main purpose of this work is to analyze the
disposition of dredged material in Canal and Canal Fundão agreement with Wedge legislation
related to dredging activities. To this are: i) identified environmental legislation exists in Brazil
and international organizations seek the regulation of environmental management of
dredging activities, ii) classified methods disposal of dredged material, and iii) analyzing the
process of disposal of dredged material in the Canal do Fundão and Canal do Cunha.
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Análise da disposição do material dragado no Canal do Fundão e no Canal do Cunha Rio de Janeiro/RJ. / Analysis of the disposal of dredged material in the Canal do Fundão and Canal do Cunha - Rio de Janeiro/RJ.Fernanda Cristina de Souza Pereira 29 June 2012 (has links)
As operações de dragagem e de disposição final do material dragado são indispensáveis
para atender as necessidades de implantação e manutenção das vias de transporte aquaviário.
Todavia essas operações, dependendo das dragas e equipamentos utilizados, podem causar
danos às comunidades marinhas, alterações na batimetria dentre outras coisas. A circulação
de águas na região da Baía da Guanabara compreendida entre a Ilha do Fundão e o continente
encontra-se prejudicada, em decorrência das baixas profundidades e estrangulamentos
existentes. Entretanto, um projeto de dragagem pode causar vários impactos no meio ambiente.
Assim se faz necessário que os organismos e empresas responsáveis pelo meio ambiente e
pelo desenvolvimento e execução de projetos de dragagem se preocupem em desenvolver
diretrizes e procedimentos para o gerenciamento ambiental de tais projetos. Deste modo, objetivo
principal deste trabalho é analisar a disposição do material dragado no Canal do Fundão e
Canal do Cunha de acordo com a legislação relacionada as atividades de dragagem. Para isso
são: i) identificadas a legislação ambiental existente no Brasil e de organismos internacionais
que visam à regulamentação do gerenciamento ambiental das atividades de dragagem; ii)
classificados os métodos de destinação do material dragado; e iii) analisado o processo de
destinação do material dragado no Canal do Fundão e no canal do Cunha. / The dredging and disposal of dredged material are essential to meet the deployment
requirements and maintenance of roads water transport. However these operations, depending
on the dredgers and equipment used, can damage to marine communities, changes in bathymetry
among other things. The circulation of water in Guanabara Bay area between the Isle of
Fundão and the continent is impaired in due to the lower depths and bottlenecks existing
ones. However, a dredging project can cause various impacts on the environment. So it makes
necessary for agencies and companies responsible for environment and the development
and execution of dredging projects focused on building guidelines and procedures for environmental
management of such projects. Thus, the main purpose of this work is to analyze the
disposition of dredged material in Canal and Canal Fundão agreement with Wedge legislation
related to dredging activities. To this are: i) identified environmental legislation exists in Brazil
and international organizations seek the regulation of environmental management of
dredging activities, ii) classified methods disposal of dredged material, and iii) analyzing the
process of disposal of dredged material in the Canal do Fundão and Canal do Cunha.
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Förändrade trafikflöden : - En fallstudie om bränsleförbrukning och CO2 utsläpp vid fördjupning av FlintrännanPåhlsson, Dennie, Ljung, Carl January 2018 (has links)
Arbetet med att minska sjöfartens miljöpåverkan är något som är högaktuellt och under ständig utveckling. Vid en omdirigering där delar av sjötrafiken från Stora Bält förflyttas till Flintrännan, skulle miljöbelastningen minska regionalt och öka lokalt. Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på hur bränsleförbrukningen förändrades för den del av sjötrafiken som förflyttades till Flintrännan. Genom detta kunde man också se en tendens till hur sjöfartens bidrag till luftföroreningar i Malmö stad kan förväntas förändras. Slutsatserna var att referensfartygen nästan halverade bränsleförbrukningen när dom valde den kortare rutten via Flintrännan framför Stora Bält. Det framkom att sjöfartens totala bidrag till CO2 utsläppen förväntas minska med 60-190 000 ton. Resultatet uppnåddes genom en insamling av trafikflödesdata samt bränsleberäkningar på tre referensfartyg. / Efforts to reduce shipping's environmental impact are something that is highly topical and constantly evolving. At a redirection where parts of the sea traffic from Stora Bält moved to Flintrännan, environmental impact would decrease regionally and increase locally. The purpose of this paper was to find out how the bunker consumption changed for the part of the sea traffic that were moved to Flintrännan. This could also indicate a tendency to change the contribution of shipping to air pollution in Malmö city. The conclusions were that the reference vessels almost halved the bunker consumption when they chose the shorter route via Flintrännan. It was found that shipping's total net contribution to CO2 emissions is expected to decrease by 60-190 000 tons. The result was achieved through a collection of traffic flow data and fuel calculations on three reference vessels.
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Valorisation des sédiments de dragage dans des matrices polymères / Valoization of dredged sediments in polymer matrixEnnahal, Ilyas 14 June 2019 (has links)
En France, les volumes de sédiments de dragage générés chaque année pour la maintenance des ports et des voies navigables sont estimés à environ 50 millions de mètres cubes. La gestion de ces sédiments représente un enjeu économique, social et environnemental pour les gestionnaires. Aujourd’hui, l’une des solutions privilégiées est le développement de la gestion à terre de ces matériaux, qui consiste à les réutiliser comme matières premières secondaires en substitution partielle ou totale de matières nobles. De nombreux travaux de recherche ont été effectués sur la problématique de la valorisation des sédiments de dragage et de curage et de nouvelles filières sont actuellement toujours à l’étude (ciments, enrochements pour travaux maritimes et fluviaux, bétons cellulaires, granulats artificiels, etc.). Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans un contexte d’économie circulaire et vise à permettre le développement d’une gestion durable et responsable des ressources naturelles non renouvelables. Ceci à travers la réutilisation des sédiments de dragage dans la formulation de matériaux composites traités par des liants thermodurcissables ou thermoplastiques. Ainsi, après un travail de synthèse bibliographique sur les principales propriétés des sédiments de dragage, les méthodes de formulation des mortiers polymères et les modalités d’intégration des matériaux alternatifs dans ces matrices sont été décrites. Les expérimentations portent plus particulièrement sur la formulation de matériaux à partir de polymères thermodurcissables (résines de type Epoxy ou Polyester) et thermoplastiques (plastiques recyclés issus du tri des déchets). La validation des performances techniques des formulations optimisées pour chacun des traitements a été effectuée pour des usages en revêtements de sols ou en granulats légers dans des bétons hydrauliques. Enfin, la dernière partie de la thèse a été consacrée à l’étude de l’acceptabilité environnementale des nouveaux matériaux à travers la réalisation des essais de lixiviation dynamique sur monolithes. Les travaux menés ont permis de démontrer la faisabilité technique et environnementale de la valorisation des sédiments en tant que charge minérale dans des matrices polymères, avec des taux d’incorporation de sédiments significatifs pouvant atteindre jusqu’à 80 %. Ce qui confirme l’intérêt de cette typologie de traitement pour la valorisation des sédiments de dragage. / In France, the volume of dredged sediments generated each year through maintenance of ports and waterways, is estimated at around 50M cubic meters. The management of these sediments represents an economic, social and environmental stake for the managers of the waterways. Today, one of the solution is the onshore management of these sediments, which consists on their reuse as secondary raw materials in partial or total substitution of natural materials for civil engineering applications such as sub-base road materials, embankments, concrete, bricks/tiles, and cement production. In this context this study was initiated in order to define a long-term value chain for dredging sediments for a sustainable and responsible management of natural resources. This through the valorization of dredged sediments in polymer matrix mortar formulations. Indeed, this research presents an innovative solution that preserves natural resources by promoting the use of local resources, such as dredged sediments. In order to achieve this objective, the study included several phases : the first part is devoted to the state of the art concerning dredged sediments, polymer mortars and the recovery of waste in polymer mortars. In the second part, we studied recovery of sediment in thermosetting matrix polymers (Epoxy-Polyester). In the third part we studied the possibilities of incorporating sediments in recycled thermoplastic matrix. The materials from this combination have been used as lightweight aggregates for mortar formulation. Finally, in the last part was devoted to environmental monitoring of new formulated materials. This is done through leaching tests carried out on crushed samples and monoliths, to ensure the environmental safety of these materials. The result obtained with the different formulations tested, show the technical and environmental feasibility of valorization of sediments as mineral filler in polymer mortars, with sediments incorporation rates range between 50 and 80%. Indeed, the use of a polymer matrix makes it possible to have better physico-mechanical and chemical results with cementitious matrix mortars.
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In Transition: Creating Early Successional Avian Habitat in Transitional Urban SpacesLudwig, Thomas John 18 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Mineração oceânica: uma alternativa sustentável para o aproveitamento de areias quartzosas. / Ocean mining: a sustainable alternative to the use of quartz sands.Rocha, Luciano 06 November 2015 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta ao Departamento de Engenharia de Minas e Petróleo (PMI) da Escola Politécnica da USP, e também a toda a sociedade, a importância que os oceanos têm com relação às suas riquezas minerais. Pretende ainda mostrar a grande responsabilidade que um empreendimento mineiro no fundo do mar precisa ter, com relação aos impactos ambientais, sendo possível minerar em regiões profundas no oceano promovendo a sustentabilidade. A ideia da mineração oceânica/submarina está ainda sendo amadurecida, este é o momento adequado para se propor metodologias de trabalho submarino sustentáveis; mitigar seus impactos. Este trabalho abrange o tema de maneira ampla, abordando o aspecto histórico, legal, ambiental, bem como questões técnicas de engenharia de minas, como sondagem submarina, caracterização tecnológica, lavra submarina, beneficiamento de minério oceânico e descarte de rejeitos. O trabalho apresenta os passos e resultados de um caso real de exploração oceânica. Trata-se de um estudo para viabilizar economicamente a extração e o beneficiamento de areia marinha, para fins industriais, proveniente da Baía de Guanabara (RJ). O trabalho apresenta desde o planejamento da amostragem no fundo do mar, execução destes trabalhos, caracterização tecnológica, simulação de processo e estudos específicos do uso industrial da areia após beneficiamento. Apresenta ainda uma proposta de rota de processo para a areia marinha e questões ligadas à lavra e ao descarte de rejeitos. / This study aims to show the importance of the oceans and its mineral wealth. It intends also to show the big responsibility that an undersea enterprise must bear concerning the environmental impact. It shows the availability to minein a sustainable way in the bottom of the sea. The undersea mining is still raising, now is the auspicious time to suggest sustainably submarine work methodologies; to mitigate its impact. This study covers the historic, legal and environmental aspects, as well as technical issues of mining engineering such as undersea survey, process mineralogy, undersea mining, mineral beneficiation for marine ores and tailings disposal. This study presents the steps and results of a real subsea exploration case. The studied ore is a marine sand from Baía de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro), aiming to supply industrial market. This is a feasibility and technical study to show how to exploit and process this kind of ore. The study shows the undersea survey planning and its execution, the process mineralogy planning and its results, process simulation and some specific studies to industrial uses for this sand, after its beneficiation. Besides these subjects, the study proposes an industrial process route for process and tailings disposal.
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Eco-livelihood assessment of inland river dredging : the Kolo and Otuoke creeks, Nigeria, a case studyTamuno, P. B. L. January 2005 (has links)
Conventionally environmental assessments (EAs) have been carried out to enhance the understanding of the environment and for the purpose of developing appropriate environmental management and protection strategies. There are, however, limitations to the application of traditional EA approaches, particularly in rural communities in the developing world, where livelihood is dependent on common pool resources (CPRs), and baseline data are inadequate or unavailable. Eco-livelihood assessment (EcLA) is an adaptive approach that integrates a people focused sustainable livelihood approach with ecological assessment, as well as exploring traditional eco-livelihood knowledge (TELK). EcLA is identified as a promising EA tool that could help environmental professionals in planning for equitable development. This approach has been used in the Kolo and Otuoke Creeks, Niger Delta, Nigeria to investigate the ecological impact of dredging that may impact on livelihoods in such a rural setting. Ecological and social surveys have been carried out in four communities in the Study Area; two Test communities and two Reference communities (two communities from each study creek). The information collected from the social survey includes TELK, and has been used to build up a baseline scenario of the Study Area. Abundance and diversity of fish are good indicators of the eco-livelihood impacts of inland river dredging. The research shows that livelihood characteristics, river use profile, fish species diversity and abundance are very similar among all four sample communities. In addition, all sample communities have been associated with similar natural and human induced environmental consequences except that the Test communities have had river sections dredged for the purpose of land reclamation representing the baseline scenario. The analysis of the results of the ecological survey shows a difference in fish catch per unit effort, catch per unit hour, and species diversity between the Test and Reference communities, this have been attributed to the impacts of inland river dredging. The study shows that TELK has a place in environmental assessment, and that eco-livelihood assessment is one promising environmental assessment approach that could be used in areas where livelihood is strongly dependent on common pool resources.
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