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Comparative Genomics in BirdsAxelsson, Erik January 2007 (has links)
To shed light on forces that shape the molecular evolution of bird genomes, and in turn avian adaptations, comparative analyses of avian DNA sequences are important. Moreover, contrasting findings in birds to those of other organisms will lend a clearer view on general aspects of molecular evolution. However, few such analyses have been conducted in birds. Progress is presented in this thesis. Theories predict a reduction in the mutation rate of the Z chromosome as the harmful effects of recessive mutations are exposed in female birds. We find no evidence for this. Instead, the substitution rates of sex chromosomes and autosomes are largely compatible with expectations from male-biased mutation. This suggests that a majority of mutations arise during DNA replication. Substitution rates also vary across chicken autosomes. For instance, microchromosomes accumulate ~20% more substitutions than macrochromosomes. We show that a majority of the autosomal variation in substitution rate can be accounted for by GC content, mainly due to the incidence of mutable CpG-dinucleotides. Sequence comparisons also show that the pattern of nucleotide substitution varies in the chicken genome and this reinforces regional differences in base composition. The level of selective constraint in at least some avian lineages is higher than in mammalian lineages as indicated by low dN/dS – ratios. Larger historical population sizes of birds relative to mammals could explain this observation. Within the avian genome, the dN/dS is lower for genes on micro- than macrochromosomes, potentially owing to a higher incidence of house-keeping genes in the former category. Contrasting data on non-synonymous and synonymous substitution for divergence and polymorphism shows that positive selection has contributed more to the evolution of Z-linked than autosomal genes. This is likely explained by the full exposure of beneficial recessive mutations on Z when in female birds.
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Going-Concern utlåtande : - en studie av svenska konkursdrabbade publika aktiebolagMård, Elisabeth, Söderberg, Jannie January 2010 (has links)
För omvärlden kom Enrons krasch som en chock men det fanns de som visste vad som pågick inom bolaget. Bland annat var ansvarig revisor införstådd med de finansiella svårigheterna men valde ändå att inte påpeka detta i revisionsberättelsen. Flera studier indikerar att detta är fallet även för andra bolag då resultaten visade på en liten andel going-concern utlåtanden trots hotande konkurs. Det här väcker tankar om revisorns utlåtande verkligen ska ses som en garanti. Enron-skandalen väckte även frågor kring revisorns oberoende då det framkom att samma revisor reviderat bolaget i flera år. Syftet med denna uppsats är därmed att undersöka om svenska publika aktiebolag som gått i konkurs erhållit ett going-concern utlåtande från revisorn i den senaste årsredovisningen. Vi ämnar även se om det finns ett samband mellan going-concern utlåtande och konkurs samt mellan going-concern utlåtande och revisorns mandatperiod. För att uppnå syftet valde vi att utifrån den teoretiska referensramen formulera tre hypoteser som vi därefter prövade kvantitativt genom att samla in årsredovisningar och granska tillhörande revisionsberättelser för samtliga konkursdrabbade publika aktiebolag mellan år 1997-2010. För att säkerställa delar av resultatet genomförde vi även en statistisk prövning av hypotes 2 och 3 genom Cramers kontingenskoefficient V. I den första hypotesen undersökte vi om mindre än hälften av de svenska konkursdrabbade publika aktiebolagen erhöll ett going-concern utlåtande i den senaste årsredovisningen. Utifrån resultatet kunde vi konstatera att det var 18,2 procent av bolagen som erhöll ett goingconcern utlåtande i årsredovisningen närmast konkursen, vilket ligger i linje med tidigare studier. I den andra hypotesen undersökte vi om det fanns ett samband mellan going-concern utlåtande och konkurs, om andelen bolag som erhöll ett going-concern utlåtande ökade ju närmre bolagen var en konkurs. Resultatet visade att andelen going-concern utlåtanden var få för samtliga år men ökade ju närmre bolagen var en konkurs. Den statistiska analysen ger stöd till hypotesen och visar att det finns ett signifikant samband mellan utlåtande och konkurs. I den tredje och sista hypotesen undersökte vi om det fanns ett samband mellan going-concern utlåtande och revisorns mandatperiod, om andelen bolag som erhöll ett going-concern utlåtande ökade vid ett revisorsbyte. Resultatet visar att det inte fanns något samband mellan revisorsbyte och going-concern utlåtande då samtliga bolag som fått detta utlåtande inte bytt revisor. Detta bekräftas även av den statistiska prövningen. Bland de bolag där revisorsbyte genomfördes kunde vi däremot urskilja ett mönster som visade att endast de bolag som gjorde externa byten erhöll orena revisioner efter revisorsbytet.
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Är svenska aktiepriser trögrörliga? : En studie av tidsförskjutningar i prissättningen av värdepapper i sambandPettersson, Ulf, Zetterlund, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
Bakgrund Richard J. Rendleman, Charles P. Jones & Henry A. Latané påvisade i en studie år 1982 med hjälp av en regressionsmodell att tidsförskjutningar i prissättningen av aktier existerat på den amerikanska marknaden vid kvartalsresultat som avvek från en trend. Det inspirerade oss att med samma metod undersöka om liknande tidsförskjutningar även existerat på den svenska marknaden. Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats är att empiriskt studera om det existerat tidsförskjutna aktieprisjusteringar kvartalsvis, baserade på standardiserade oförväntade kvartalsresultat respektive standardiserade oförväntade kassaflöden, på den svenska aktiemarknaden under åren 2004-2006. Om sådana tidsförskjutningar av prisbildning existerat avser vi även att diskutera dem utifrån teorier om behavioral finance. Genomförande Med linjär regression estimeras EPS respektive kassaflöden utifrån historiska data. Estimeringarnas avvikelse från rapporterade data jämförs sedan med aktiekursutveckling för att se om samband föreligger mellan storleken på avvikelserna och efterföljande tidsförskjutning. Resultat Under tidsperioden 2004-2006 påvisar vi tidsförskjutningar med standardiserade oförväntade kvartalsresultat men inte med standardiserade oförväntade kassaflöden. / Background Richard J. Rendleman, Charles P. Jones & Henry A. Latané presented a study in 1982 where they showed anomalies on the American stock exchange when using standardized unexpected earnings. Their result inspired us to do a similar research on the Swedish stock exchange. Purpose The purpose of this study is to do an empirical study of the existence of drifts in stock price adjustments, based on standardized unexpected earnings and standardized unexpected cash-flows on the Swedish stock exchange during the years 2004-2006. If anomalies are discovered we intend to discuss them in terms of behavioral finance. Implementation With a linear regression we estimate EPS respective cash-flow from historical data. The deviations from quarterly reported data are compared with the development of stock-prices. Conclusion During the time period 2004-2006 we show that anomalies have existed when standardized unexpected earnings are applied and that no anomalies can be found with standardized unexpected cash-flows.
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Biodiversity in Swedish Cyprinid Fish: Insights Into Processes of DivergenceDemandt, Marnie H January 2009 (has links)
Uncovering and understanding the processes that have led to the biological diversity we observe today are of fundamental interest in biology. Since direct observation of speciation is usually impossible, knowledge about the processes behind species formation can be gathered by studying mutations, natural/sexual selection, and genetic drift. In this thesis I aim to identify evolutionary processes that cause species divergence and, ultimately, speciation using Swedish cyprinid fish as a model system. Assuming that the demographic history of a population is mirrored in the genome, I studied the effects of a bottleneck on genetic variability in populations of roach. As expected, I found that a decrease in population size caused a decrease in genetic variability, a pattern that was obtained from both microsatellite and mitochondrial data. The importance of hybridization for speciation is debated, however, by analyzing morphology and microsatellites I could show that common bream and white bream and their interspecific hybrids are phenotypically and genetically differentiated and that ongoing geneflow is mainly unidirectional. Ongoing geneflow antagonizes the effect of genetic drift, but by studying isolated populations (= no gene flow) the impact of genetic drift can be assessed. Long-term isolated populations of roach and perch surprisingly showed stable levels of genetic diversity over time despite decreasing effective population size. However, each population genetically diverged during the period of investigation, a finding that is consistent with the effect of drift. An analysis of the systematic relationship of the 18 species of Swedish cyprinids revealed low congruence of phylogenies based on two different genetic markers. The position of the tench remains unresolved and the relationship of common bream and white bream as sister species cannot be confirmed. Within cyprinid fishes, diversification rates reveal a slowdown with time, a pattern that I found also in other fish clades and that is consistent with density-dependent cladogenesis. Overall, based on the findings presented in this thesis I emphasize that the maintenance of genetic variation in populations is essential since genetic variation is the key element for processes of divergence to act upon.
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Låt dem få se skönheten : En textanalys av Karolina Widerströms syn på sexualitetWaara, Jasmine January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to analyze the view on sexuality held by Sweden’s first woman doctor Karolina Widerström, by using ideologycritical textanalysis on the written scriptures of dr. Widerström that focus on sexualpolitics. In doing this I use the theory of speech by Foucault. In this study I focus on Widerström’s scriptures, what she wrote about, how she wrote about it but also what she couldn't write due to the historical context and how omission can still speak of power. I mean that Widerström intentionally tried to write about immoral subjects in a moral way and that her sexualpolitic scriptures give a rare expression of a positive view on sexuality, which is even clearer in comparison with Elizabeth Blackwell, another woman doctor and gynaecologist active in USA. By examining the threats and ideals in their works I come to the conclusion that Widerström’s view on sexuality as beautiful, natural and positive is very different from Blackwell’s point of view.
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Career Event - jobb i sikte?Kral, Jonna, Sörnäs, Oskar, Skoglund, Lisa M., Mayr, Robin, Brett, Stephen, Fjelkner, Henrik January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att ta reda på hur många studenter i avgångsklasserna vid Sjöfartshögskolan som fick en anställning via Career Event 2012 och studenternas uppfattningar om mässans funktion som en plattform för yrkesmässiga kontakter med företagen inför framtiden. I sökandet efter tidigare arbeten hittades ingen liknande undersökning. Däremot hittades ett arbete som under rekryteringsmässorna Career Event och Sjölog 2011, undersökte rederiernas framtida behov av arbetskraft. Arbetet Career Event – Jobb i sikte försöker komplettera den bilden genom att här presentera hur det faktiska utfallet blev året 2012. Arbetet genomfördes i form av en kvantitativ enkät där respondenterna fick svara anonymt på de frågor som ställdes. De flesta respondenterna uppfattade det som lätt att få kontakt med utställarna, medan en majoritet menade att det inte var rätt ställe att söka jobb på. Av de avgångsstudenter som besökte mässan, blev 15 % erbjudna ett jobb. / The purpose for this research paper was to determine the number of graduates from Kalmar Maritime Academy achieving an employment through the Career Event of 2012, and also to find out how the students perceived the impact of the exhibition as a platform for making future professional contacts with the companies. In search for prior examinations no similar study was to be found. However, one study made during the recruiting events of Career Event and "Sjölog 2011" examined the future need of the Companies for recruiting employees. The research "Career Event - Jobs Ahead?" is an attempt to complement this study by presenting the actual outcome of graduate recruitments of the year 2012. This research is based on a quantitative questionnaire where the respondents answered the questions anonymously. The majority of the respondents in this study did not experience any difficulties in getting in touch with the exhibitors; others were more sceptical to the idea of applying for a job during an event like this. Of all the students attending the event 15% were offered an employment.
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Konsekvenser av oplanerade verksamhetsavbrott orsakat av fel på medicinteknisk utrustning : En studie inom Länssjukhuset i Kalmar med fokus på drift, säkerhet och kvalitetFörster, Anna, Linder, Ambika, Nyqvist, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
Title: The issue of unplanned stoppages caused by failure in medical technology equipment – A study within the hospital of Kalmar with a focus on manage-ment, security and quality Author: Anna Förster, Ambika Linder, Sandra Nyqvist Tutor: Thomas Karlsson Institution: Linnaeus School of Business and Economics - Linnaeus University Kalmar Date: 2011-01-14 Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine unplanned stoppages caused by medical technology equipment failure in the healthcare operation within the hospital of Kalmar. Our study is based on a number of specifically selected incidents which show the consequences these disruptions cause in management, security and quality within the operation. Our intention was also to examine what role the medical technology department of the hospital plays in the care production operation during these unplanned stoppages. Method: Through a qualitative study we have generated material from a number of interviews with staff working in the hospital of Kalmar. These interviews have given us a deeper perspective of a number of cases that we have chosen to study more closely and which relate to unavailable medical technology equipment. The interviewed respondents have contributed with their knowledge about the current incidents. From a hermeneutical interpretive perspective we have based on knowledge received about the subject, connected the collected empirics with our theoretical frame of reference. Conclusion: We see that management is affected negatively in situations where medical technology equipment has been unavailable, because of an ineffective use of resources in terms of rooms, equipment and personnel. In the cases studied we consider patient security to be relatively good. Nevertheless, the quality within the hospital of Kalmar is affected negatively during these unplanned stoppages, due to service dissatisfaction among some of the patients. Finally we conclude that care staff show a good level of confidence in the medical technology department as a support function and that their availability is highly appreciated. Keywords: Medical technology equipment, unplanned stoppage, maintenance, management, security, quality
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Selection and Scaling of Seismic Excitations for Time-History Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame BuildingsGalin, Sanja 01 February 2012 (has links)
Time history-analyses of building structures have been used for a quite long time for research at universities. Considering the advantage of time-history analysis relative to the equivalent static force method, the National Building of Canada and other modern building codes around the world require the use of time-history analysis in the design of specified types of buildings located in seismic regions. One of the main issues in the use of time-history analysis is related to the selection and scaling of the seismic excitations (i.e., accelerograms) to be compatible with the design spectrum for the location considered. Currently, both recorded (i.e., “real”) accelerograms and artificial accelerograms are used in the analyses.
The objective of this study is to determine the effects of the selection and scaling of seismic excitations on the response of reinforced concrete frame buildings. Three reinforced concrete frame buildings with heights of 4 storey, 10 storey and 16 storey, designed for Vancouver (high seismic zone) were used in this study. Five sets of seismic excitations were used in the analysis – one set of “real” accelerograms, and four sets of artificial accelerograms obtained by different methods. All sets were scaled to be compatible with the design spectrum for Vancouver. Both linear and nonlinear time history analyses were conducted on the buildings considered. Interstorey drifts and storey shear forces were used as response parameters.
The results from the linear analysis show that both the interstorey drifts and the shear forces are affected significantly by the type of the excitation set. Similarly, the effects of the type of the seismic excitations on the drifts from nonlinear analysis are substantial. On the other hand, the influence of the excitation sets on the storey shears from nonlinear analysis are quite small.
Based on the results from this study, sets of scaled real records are preferred for use in time-history analysis of building structures. If such records are not available, then sets of simulated accelerograms based on the regional seismic characteristics should be used.
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Selection and Scaling of Seismic Excitations for Time-History Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame BuildingsGalin, Sanja 01 February 2012 (has links)
Time history-analyses of building structures have been used for a quite long time for research at universities. Considering the advantage of time-history analysis relative to the equivalent static force method, the National Building of Canada and other modern building codes around the world require the use of time-history analysis in the design of specified types of buildings located in seismic regions. One of the main issues in the use of time-history analysis is related to the selection and scaling of the seismic excitations (i.e., accelerograms) to be compatible with the design spectrum for the location considered. Currently, both recorded (i.e., “real”) accelerograms and artificial accelerograms are used in the analyses.
The objective of this study is to determine the effects of the selection and scaling of seismic excitations on the response of reinforced concrete frame buildings. Three reinforced concrete frame buildings with heights of 4 storey, 10 storey and 16 storey, designed for Vancouver (high seismic zone) were used in this study. Five sets of seismic excitations were used in the analysis – one set of “real” accelerograms, and four sets of artificial accelerograms obtained by different methods. All sets were scaled to be compatible with the design spectrum for Vancouver. Both linear and nonlinear time history analyses were conducted on the buildings considered. Interstorey drifts and storey shear forces were used as response parameters.
The results from the linear analysis show that both the interstorey drifts and the shear forces are affected significantly by the type of the excitation set. Similarly, the effects of the type of the seismic excitations on the drifts from nonlinear analysis are substantial. On the other hand, the influence of the excitation sets on the storey shears from nonlinear analysis are quite small.
Based on the results from this study, sets of scaled real records are preferred for use in time-history analysis of building structures. If such records are not available, then sets of simulated accelerograms based on the regional seismic characteristics should be used.
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Inelastic Deformation Demands On Moment-resisting Frame StructuresMetin, Asli 01 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Interstory drift ratio is an important parameter for the determination of the structural performance under strong ground motions. A probabilistic procedure is proposed in this study to estimate the inelastic maximum interstory drift ratio. The procedure considers the uncertainties associated with the strong ground motions and structural behavior. Elastic and inelastic response history analyses of reinforced-concrete, moment-resisting frames are used together with a near-fault strong ground motion data set to derive the probabilistic procedure. The elastic and inelastic response history analysis results are evaluated in a statistical manner to present the probabilistic approach proposed here. The method presented basically makes use of the fundamental mode properties of the frame systems and modifies the elastic maximum interstory drift ratio by a modifying factor that is determined from the idealized lateral strength capacity (pushover analysis) of the structure. As a part of this thesis, the performance of recently improved nonlinear static procedures that are used in estimating the deformation demands on structural systems are also evaluated using the single- and multi-degree-of-freedom response history analyses results obtained during the conduct of the study.
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