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ATP-binding cassette transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 initiate reverse cholesterol transport generating HDL particles, whereas ABCG5/G8 promote biliary cholesterol secretion thereby facilitating the last step of reverse cholesterol transport. Mutations in the leptin axis result in obesity and dyslipidemia in ob/ob and db/db mice. These mice have defective HDL clearance, increased plasma cholesterol and decreased biliary cholesterol elimination. My studies demonstrate that ABCG5/G8 protein is low in these animals and can be restored with caloric restriction or leptin replacement. To directly test whether ABCG5/G8 alone is able to correct reverse cholesterol transport defect, liver specific ABCG5/G8 expression was achieved in db/db mice by administration of adenoviral ABCG5 and ABCG8. Restoration of biliary cholesterol is able partially to correct dyslipidemia in obese mice, but only in the presence of ezetimibe, an inhibitor of cholesterol absorption.
ABCG5/G8 is the body’s primary defense against toxic effects of plant sterols. Plant sterols are used as cholesterol lowering food supplements. However, increased plasma plant sterol concentrations are associated with vascular lesions in dyslipidemic patients and animals. My in vitro studies demonstrate that individual plant sterol alter ABCA1 and ABCG1 abundance, cholesterol efflux and inflammatory cytokine secretion in macrophage foam cells at levels found in humans that consume plant sterol supplements.
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Suaugusių Lietuvos gyventojų mityba ir lipidų apykaitos sutrikimai 1987–2007 metais / Nutrition and dyslipidemias in Lithuanian adult population in 1987–2007Ramažauskienė, Vitalija 20 December 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas buvo įvertinti suaugusių Lietuvos gyventojų mitybos ypatumus ir ryšius su lipidų apykaitos sutrikimais 1987–2007 metais. Taikant standartizuotas epidemiologinių tyrimų metodikas, tirtos atsitiktinės penkių Lietuvos savivaldybių 25-64 m. gyventojų imtys. Įvertinus Lietuvos gyventojų maisto davinio sudėtį ir palyginus su Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijos ir Lietuvos sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos patvirtintomis rekomendacijomis, nustatytos svarbiausios gyventojų mitybos klaidos, į kurias būtina kreipti dėmesį planuojant lėtinių neinfekcinių ligų profilaktikos programas. Analizuojant Lietuvos gyventojų maisto davinio sudėtį, nustatytos maisto produktų grupės, iš kurių gaunama daugiausiai energijos ir maisto medžiagų. Nustatyti mitybos ryšiai su lipidų koncentracija kraujyje. Pirmą kartą įvertintas Lietuvos gyventojų mitybos pokyčių indėlis į lipidų koncentracijos kraujyje pokyčius per dvidešimt metų. Darbe pirmą kartą analizuojamos sąsajos tarp mitybos, apolipoproteino E genotipo ir lipidų koncentracijos kraujyje. Rasti ryšiai patvirtino, kad nesveika mityba gali didinti cholesterolio koncentraciją net ir esant sveikatai palankiam genotipui, todėl sveikai maitintis turi būti raginami visi gyventojai. / The aim of the study was to evaluate dietary intake of population in five Lithuanian regions and to assess the relationship between diet and dyslipidemias in 1987–2007. For each survey, a stratified independent random sample was drawn from the lists of the inhabitants aged 25–64 years. Food frequency questionnaire and 24-h recall was used for dietary assessment. The diet of Lithuanian adult population did not meet the recommendations for healthy nutrition. It was characterized by high intake of fat, especially saturated, cholesterol, and sugars. The food groups, which are the main sources of energy and nutrients in the diet of Lithuanians, were indentified. The association between dietary pattern and serum lipid profile was assessed. For the first time in Lithuania, the contribution of dietary changes on the changes of serum total cholesterol over 20 years was evaluated. This is the first study, which assessed the association of apolipoprotein E genotype, saturated fatty acids intake and lipid level in Lithuanian population. Analysis of gene-diet interaction did not confirm that effects of diet on total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol statistically significant depend on APOE genotype.
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The hypolipidemic benefits of trans-11 vaccenic acid in a rat model of dyslipidemia and metabolic syndromeWang, Ye 11 1900 (has links)
Trans-11 vaccenic acid (VA) is the predominant trans fatty acid in dairy fat and is the major precursor to endogenous synthesis of cis9,trans11-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in humans and animals. Epidemiological studies have shown the positive association between trans fat intake and incidence of coronary heart disease. Nevertheless, CLA, categorized as a group of trans fatty acids, has been shown to possess anti-carcinogenic, hypolipidemic and anti-diabetic benefits in several animal models as well as certain human populations, possibly via activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) related metabolic pathways. The subsequent effort in enriching CLA in dairy products (e.g. butter) has led to a concomitant increase in VA, whose bioactivity and health implications were not fully appreciated. Interestingly, VA is the major natural trans fat found in the diet. Therefore, the objectives of this thesis were to assess the effect of dietary supplementation of synthetic VA on lipid metabolism especially during conditions of dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome, and to delineate the intestinal and hepatic metabolic pathways potentially modulated by VA. The JCR:LA-cp rat model, when homozygous for the cp trait (cp/cp), develop leptin receptor deficiency which leads to symptoms of metabolic syndrome and pre-diabetes including obesity, insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, hypertriglyceridemia and exacerbated production of hepatic very low-density lipoproteins and intestinal chylomicrons (CM). Gas chromatography analysis on nascent lymph shows that VA was effectively absorbed into the intestine. In addition, VA from natural source (i.e. beef fat) showed higher intestinal bioavailability compared to synthetic VA. Dietary supplementation of 1.0% (w/w) synthetic VA to JCR:LA-cp rats (but not lean healthy controls) demonstrated a profound reduction in plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, non-esterified fatty acid and haptoglobin concentrations (51%, p<0.001; 40%, p<0.001; 50%, p<0.05; 20%, p<0.05 and 50%, p<0.001; respectively), as well as improvement in hepatic steatosis and postprandial lipaemia. Gastric infusion of VA also resulted in an acute reduction in CM secretion in response to a fat load (p<0.05). We also found that the overall hypolipidemic benefits of VA might be partially contributed by suppression of hepatic de novo lipogenesis, activation of PPAR- activity as well as up-regulation of PPAR- and PPAR- expression in the intestine. In conclusion, VA as a natural trans fat, possesses beneficial properties in a rat model of dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome, suggesting potential for the prevention of cardiovascular disease risk. / Nutrition and Metabolism
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Medidas de asociación en estudios transversales: a propósito del estudio “elevada frecuencia de dislipidemia en pacientes infectados por VIH en un hospital público peruano” / Association measures in crosssectional studies: Concerning the study “high frequency of dyslipidemia in HIV-infected patients in a peruvian public hospital”Farfán-García, Reyna C., Ulloque, Jorge L., Araujo-Castillo, Roger V. January 2018 (has links)
Carta al editor / Revisión por pares
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Étude des effets de la mûre tropicale de montagne (Rubus adenotrichos) sur le syndrome métabolique / Study of the effects of tropical highland blackberry (Rubus adenotrichos) on the metabolic syndromeHidalgo Muñoz, Olman 03 December 2015 (has links)
La mûre tropicale de montagne (Rubus adenotrichos Schltdl.) est largement cultivée et consommée au Costa Rica. Cependant, il existe peu de recherches scientifiques sur ce fruit. Par conséquent, nos travaux ont pour but de valoriser la mûre au travers de l’étude de ses activités biologiques sur le syndrome métabolique. Le jus microfiltré de mûre a démontré être riche en polyphénols (377,5 équivalents d’AG/100g), spécialement en ellagitanins (90,39-141,89 équivalents d’AE/100g) et anthocyanes (56,93-73,31 équivalents de cyanidine-3-glucoside/100g). Le pouvoir antioxydant du jus de mûre a été déterminé par les méthodes ORAC (4253,53 µmol ET/100g), FRAP (4703,84 µmol ET/100g), ABTS (1,075 μmol ET/100g) et LPO (15,88 µM de hydroperoxyde) et par des mesures de la capacité antioxydante des enzymes superoxyde dismutase (767,33 U/ml) et catalaseCAT (70,33 nmol/min/ml). Le jus de mûre a inhibé la production du NO induite par LPS+IFNγ lorsqu'il a été utilisé comme prétraitement sur les cellules J774A.1. L’inhibition a été de 51,95% pour le jus de mûre à 1000 g/ml, sans affecter ni la viabilité cellulaire ni la concentration de protéines dans les cellules. Cette activité antiinflammatoire a été confirmée par la diminution du taux de la synthase inductible de l'oxyde nitrique dans ces mêmes cellules par une analyse Western Blot. Cette étude a utilisé un modèle in vivo pour évaluer l'effet de la consommation du jus de mûre chez des rats insulino-résistants. L'apport en mûre a provoqué une diminution des triglycérides sériques (-50,2%), du cholestérol total (-15,6%), du cholestérol LDL (-48,2%) et de la pression artérielle systolique des rats par rapport aux témoins, sans influencer les concentrations de cholestérol HDL ni la glycémie. L’effet hypotenseur du jus a été confirmé par une réduction de la pression artérielle diastolique de 54,2% lors de la mesure de la pression artérielle après l’injection du jus de mûre chez le rat anesthésié. L’effet du jus de mûre chez homme a été évalué lors d’un essai clinique avec des patients dislypidémiques, après lequel on a observé une réduction significative du tour de taille, du glucose, de la pression artérielle diastolique et des triglycérides (-20,3%) chez les patients qui ont consommé du jus de mûre à 40% v/v durant 6 semaines. En outre, lors de la fermentation du jus de mûre costaricienne avec des levures du type Saccharomyces cerevisiae, la teneur en sucres (glucose, fructose et saccharose) a été réduite presque totalement au bout de 10 jours et le séchage par atomisation d’un jus fermenté avec 10% de maltodextrine 6DE et 1% de Aerosil, à un débit de pulvérisation de 3 ml/min et avec un débit d’air chaud (150°C) de 650 L/h garantit l’obtention d’une poudre avec un rendement élevé de séchage. Enfin, cette étude suggère que la mûre Rubus adenotrichos présente un bénéfice potentiel sur la santé, spécialement contre toutes les pathologies liées au syndrome métabolique. Mots clés: Rubus adenotrichos, mûre, jus microfiltré, syndrome métabolique, dyslipidémie, antioxydante, antiinflammatoire, hypotension / Tropical highland blackberry (Rubus adenotrichos Schltdl.) is widely cultivated and consumed in Costa Rica. However, there is little scientific research on this fruit. Therefore, our work aims to enhance blackberry importance through the study of its biological activity on the metabolic syndrome.Blackberry microfiltered juice has been shown to be rich in polyphenols (377.5 GA equivalents /100g), especially ellagitannins (from 90.39 to 141.89 EA equivalents/100g) and anthocyanins (from 56.93 to 73, 31 equivalents of cyanidin-3-glucoside/100g). The antioxidant power of blackberry juice was determined by the ORAC (4253.53 µmol TE/100g), FRAP (4703.84 µmol TE/ 100g), ABTS (1.075 µmol TE/100g) and LPO (15.88 µmol of hydroperoxide) methods and by measuring the antioxidant capacity of superoxide dismutase (767.33 U/ml) and catalase (70.33 nmol/min/ml) enzymes.Blackberry juice inhibited NO production induced by LPS+IFN gamma when used as a pretreatment on J774A.1 cells. Inhibition was 51.95% for the blackberry juice at 1000 µg/ml, without affecting neither cell viability nor the concentration of proteins in J774A.1 cells. The anti-inflammatory activity has been confirmed by the decrease in the rate of inducible nitric oxide synthase in these cells by Western blot analysis.This study used an in vivo model to assess the effect of blackberry juice consumption in insulin-resistant rats. The intake of blackberry caused a decrease in serum triglycerides (-50.2%), total cholesterol (-15.6%), LDL cholesterol (-48.2%) and in the systolic blood pressure of rats compared to controls, without affecting HDL cholesterol or blood sugar levels. The hypotensive effect of the juice has been confirmed by a reduction of 54.2% of the diastolic blood pressure in the measurement of blood pressure after injection of the blackberry juice in the anesthetized rat.The effect of blackberry juice on humans was evaluated in a clinical trial with patients suffering dyslipidemia, after which a significant reduction in waist circumference, glucose, diastolic blood pressure and triglycerides (-20,3%) was observed in patients who consumed 40% v/v blackberry juice for 6 weeks.Also, during fermentation of blackberry juice with yeasts of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae type, the sugar content (glucose, fructose and sucrose) was reduced almost totally after 10 days and the spray drying of the fermented juice with 10% maltodextrin 6DE and 1% Aerosil, at a spraying rate of 3 ml/min and with a flow of hot air (150°C) of 650 L/h ensures to obtain a powder and a high efficiency in drying.Finally, this study suggests that the blackberry specie Rubus adenotrichos presents a potential health benefit, especially against all diseases related to metabolic syndrome.Keywords: Rubus adenotrichos, blackberry, microfiltered juice, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypotension
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Componentes da síndrome metabólica em portadores de obesidade mórbida, segundo diferentes níveis de uricemia. / Metabolic syndrome in patients with morbid obesity, according to different levels of serum uric acid.Hordonho, Ana Adélia Cavalcante 28 April 2009 (has links)
Although uric acid has a character antioxidant, when in increased serum levels, has
been associated in several studies with various pathological conditions, particularly with
obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinemia and
insulin resistance, this being identified as the primary change of the metabolic syndrome.
However, these studies were not performed on samples formed specifically for morbid
obeses, where hyperuricemia is a common finding in obesity. This study was undertaken to
answer the question: serum uric acid in morbid obeses is associated with insulin resistance
and other components of metabolic syndrome? Hundred and sixty-seven subjects with
morbid obesity (49 men and 119 women, 20 to 71 years) were allocated into 4 groups
according to their quartile distribution of serum uric acid. All data were obtained from their
respectives records in a private clinic in Maceió (Alagoas). Patients in quartile 4 had values
of BMI, triglycerides, insulin, creatinine, HOMA% and HOMA-s (p <0.05) higher than
those observed among patients in the 1st quartile. The variables that correlated positively
and significantly with the levels of uric acid (the Spearman correlation) were waist
circumference, creatinine, BMI, insulin, HOMA%, HOMA-s and triglycerides. The
multiple linear regression analysis adjusted for age indicated that the variables that
associated independently and significantly to the plasma level of uric acid were the
HOMA-s, waist circumference, creatinine and be male. It was concluded that the plasma
uric acid in morbid obeses is independently associated with, among other factors, insulin
resistance and waist circumference, and it is therefore a possible risk factor for metabolic
syndrome. / Apesar do ácido úrico ter caráter antioxidante, em níveis séricos aumentados, tem sido
associado em diversos estudos a diversas condições patológicas, particularmente, à
obesidade, doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemias, hiperinsulinemia e à
resistência insulina, esta apontada como sendo a alteração primária da síndrome
metabólica. Todavia, esses estudos não foram realizados em amostras constituidas
especificamente por grandes obesos, sendo que a hiperuricemia é um achado comum na
obesidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi responder à seguinte pergunta: o ácido úrico
plasmático em obesos mórbidos correlaciona-se à resistência à insulina e aos demais
componentes da síndrome metabólica? Foram estudados 167 homens e mulheres (20 a 71
anos) portadores de obesidade mórbida a partir da análise de seus respectivos prontuários
numa clínica particular de Maceió (Alagoas). Os indivíduos foram categorizados em quatro
grupos segundo os quartis de ácido úrico plasmático. Os pacientes do 4º quartil tinham
valores de IMC, triglicerídeos, insulina, creatinina, HOMA% e HOMA-s maiores (p<0,05)
que os observados entre os pacientes do 1º quartil. As variáveis que se correlacionaram
positivamente e de forma significativa com os níveis de ácido úrico (correlação de
Spearman) foram a circunferência da cintura, creatinina, IMC, insulina, HOMA%,
HOMA-s e os triglicerídeos. A análise de regressão linear múltipla indicou que as variáveis
que se correlacionaram de forma independente e significativa ao nível plasmático de ácido
úrico foram o HOMA-s, a circunferência da cintura, a creatinina e ser do sexo masculino.
Concluiu-se que a o ácido úrico plasmático em obesos mórbidos associa-se de forma
positiva e independente, dentre outros fatores, à resistência à insulina e à circunferência da
cintura, podendo constituir-se , portanto, num possível fator de risco para a síndrome
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Perfil metabólico de crianças com nanismo nutricional atendidas no Centro de Recuperação e Educação Nutricional CREN/AL / Metabolic profile of children with stunding seen at the Center for Nutrition Recovery and Education CREN/ALVeiga, Gabriela Rossiter Stux 07 October 2009 (has links)
Malnutrition, when it is chronic disease in childhood, causes a reduction in growth and endocrine adaptive changes to ensure the maintenance of life. In this regard, the IGF-1 and cortisol have been identified as markers of nutritional status of children with growth deficiency. These high levels of cortisol and low levels of IGF-1 favor gliconoegenese and release of fatty acids by adipose tissue and inhibit the action of GH-dependent somatomedin-C on the growth. For these reasons, it is also important to investigate levels of total cholesterol, and triglycerides. Associated with energy deficiency, observed in these malnourished children, there is a lack of vitamins and minerals. Anemia due to iron deficiency is currently the most common nutritional deficiency in the world, followed by vitamin A deficiency. The iron and vitamin A are essential for normal growth and development. In addition to inadequate food intake, intestinal parasites have been considered important factors in the etiology of the anemia and the malnutrition. In this context, this study found a population with a poor and homogeneous socio-economic status, where the number of children was associated with the degree of malnutrition presented by the children studied (p = 0.03). Most of the children had between 12 and 36 months, was poly-infected (79.7%) and anemic (44.3%), the latter also highly associated with the degree of malnutrition (p = 0.01). For the levels of cortisol, the majority of children were in normal limits. Moreover, most of the levels of IGF-1 was next to the lower limit, showing its fall during the chronic malnutrition and its association with the same (p = 0.02). The results of lipid profile revealed that the vast majority of children had at least one type of dyslipidemia (98.9%) and low levels of HDL was associated with the degree of malnutrition (p = 0.02). It is, therefore, that chronic malnutrition presented by the children studied generates endocrine adaptations that cause permanent changes in lipid profile. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A desnutrição, quando ocorre de forma crônica na infância, causa redução no crescimento e alterações endócrinas adaptativas para garantir a manutenção da vida. Neste sentido, o IGF-1 e o cortisol têm sido indicados como marcadores do estado nutricional dessas crianças com déficit de estatura. Os altos níveis de cortisol e os baixos níveis de IGF-1 favorecem a gliconoegênese e a liberação de ácidos graxos pelo tecido adiposo e inibem a ação do GH dependentes de IGF-1 no crescimento. Por estes motivos, é importante investigar também o perfil lipídico. Associada a deficiência energética, verificada nessas crianças desnutridas, observa-se a carência de vitaminas e minerais. A anemia por carência de ferro é, atualmente, a deficiência nutricional mais freqüente no mundo, seguida pela hipovitaminose A. O ferro e a vitamina A são essenciais para o crescimento e desenvolvimento normais. Além da inadequada ingestão de alimentos, as parasitoses intestinais têm sido consideradas importantes fatores na etiologia das anemias carênciais e da DEP. Dentro deste contexto, o presente estudo objetivou estudar o perfil sócio-econômico, nutricional e bioquímico de crianças atendidas no Centro de Recuperação e Educação Nutricional (CREN/AL). Para tal foram selecionadas 79 crianças com idades entre 12 e 71 meses. Os dados sócio-econômicos e a avaliação antropométrica foram realizados em consulta nutricional. As dosagens bioquímicas foram realizadas entre os meses de junho e julho de 2008. Nesta época, foi coletada uma amostra de 10 ml de sangue em jejum de 12 horas, para dosagens de IGF-1, vitamina A sérica, hemograma e lipidograma completos. A dosagem do cortisol salivar foi realizada em um segundo momento para que o estresse da retirada do sangue não interferisse no resultado do mesmo. A presente pesquisa encontrou uma população com uma condição sócio-econômica precária e homogênea, onde o número de filhos encontrou-se associado ao grau de desnutrição apresentado pelas crianças estudadas (p= 0,03). A maior parte das crianças tinha entre 12 e 36 meses, encontrava-se poliparasitada (79,7%) e apresentaram anemia (44,3%), esta última altamente associada também ao grau de desnutrição (p= 0,01). As dosagens de vitamina A demonstraram um resultado surpreendente, pois não foi encontrado nenhum caso de hipovitaminose A, revelando que a suplementação de vitamina A implementada pelo Governo Federal tem sido eficiente. Com relação aos níveis de cortisol, a maioria das crianças encontrava-se dentro da normalidade. Por outro lado, a maior parte dos níveis de IGF-1 permearam o limite inferior, revelando sua queda durante a desnutrição crônica e sua forte associação com a mesma (p= 0,02). Os resultados do lipidograma revelaram que quase a totalidade das crianças apresentou pelo menos um tipo de dislipidemia (98,9%), sendo os níveis baixos de HDL associados ao grau de desnutrição (p= 0,02). Conclui-se, portanto, que a desnutrição crônica apresentada pelas crianças estudadas gera adaptações endócrinas que provocam modificações permanentes no perfil lipídico.
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Metaloproteinases de matriz e incorporação de colesterol na lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) na doença carotídea / Metaloproteinases de matriz e incorporação de colesterol na lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) na doença carotídeaFonseca, Álvaro Luís Muller da January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2012-07-25T20:34:40Z
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Álvaro Muller Fonseca Metalproteinases de matriz ....pdf: 1576543 bytes, checksum: 1b7e449100cfc108394e10affc589234 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-25T20:34:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Álvaro Muller Fonseca Metalproteinases de matriz ....pdf: 1576543 bytes, checksum: 1b7e449100cfc108394e10affc589234 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, Bahia, Brasil / As doenças cardiovasculares são a maior causa de morbimortalidade nos países emergentes, consistindo em doença arterial central, cerebral e periférica, em especial, a coronária e a carotídea. Dentre os diversos fatores e marcadores de risco que atuam no desenvolvimento e no agravo dessas doenças, encontram-se os relacionados com a aterosclerose. Este estudo avaliou a concentração sérica e a atividade de metaloproteinases de matriz (MMP-1, 2, 8, 9 e 12), a incorporação de colesterol livre na HDL, a atividade da paraoxonase e associação com outros fatores em pacientes com doença carotídea aterosclerótica. Métodos. Este estudo de corte transversal avaliou, em população de 65 indivíduos portadores (32) e não (34) de DCA (doença carotídea aterosclerótica), determinada por ecografia vascular com doppler, ambos os sexos, idade média de 51,1 (± 6,7) anos, a existência de diferenças entre de fatores associados à aterogênese, sua relação com o remodelamento do endotélio vascular e transporte reverso do colesterol. Foram padronizados e utilizados métodos com marcadores isotópicos, ELISA e zimografia por SDS-PAGE para determinação, identificação e verificação da atividade proteolítica. Resultados. Foi constatado que as amostras de soro dos pacientes portadores de DCA incorporaram menos colesterol livre triciado (CL-3H) quando comparados aos pacientes NDCA (não portadores de DCA) e, também, que os índices e demais parâmetros de avaliação do metabolismo lipídico corroboram o fenômeno (HDL-C, r=-0,330; p=0,0606, Pearson), mostrando uma tendência (HDL-C/apoA, r=0,511; p=0,0254) e relação positiva no grupo NDCA. Foram observadas correlações positivas entre MMP-1 e HDL-C (r=0,6175; p=0,002, Pearson) e MMP-1 com MMP-9 (r=0,5109; p=0,0215; Pearson) e MMP-1 com CMV-IgG (r=0,619; p=0,0012; Pearson) e correlação negativa entre MMP-9 e apoB no grupo DCA. Por ELISA foram evidenciadas, no grupo DCA, menores densidades ópticas (DO) de MMP-2 e MMP-9. Contudo, essas mesmas MMP (2 e 9) apresentaram maior atividade proteolítica no zimograma do grupo DCA. Conclusão. A menor incorporação de CL-3H no grupo DCA indica deficiência no transporte reverso do colesterol, essa alteração prejudica os mecanismos de proteção contra a aterogênese. Aliado a isso, observou-se redução das mensurações séricas das MMP no grupo DCA, a qual pressupõe a participação dessas MMP no remodelamento vascular, principalmente, nas placas e/ou lesões ateroscleróticas. As MMP e outros marcadores avaliados nos DCA mostraram que o evento não tem participação somente de moléculas relacionadas ao transporte lipídico, mas também, aquelas relacionadas à infecção por CMV (citomegalovirus), evidenciadas pela presença de correlação positiva entre MMP-1 e CMV-IgG. A menor incorporação de CL-3H, baixa DO de MMP-2 e 9, maior atividade proteolítica no zimograma e a MMP-1 associada à infecção por CMV são fatores a serem avaliados para utilização na predição de risco cardiovascular em pacientes com DCA. As menores DO de MMP-2 e 9 nos DCA em contraposição à maior atividade dessas proteinases suscita a participação de fatores reguladores (e.g. TIMP) da atividade dessas proteinases, atuando de forma distinta daquela dos NDCA. / The cardiovascular diseases are the biggest cause of morbimortality in evidence in the emerging countries; they consist into central, cerebral and peripheral arterial diseases, mainly coronary and carotidal. Among the several risk factors and markers that contribute to the development and severity of those diseases, there are that related to atherosclerosis. This study evaluates the serum concentration and activity of matrix metaloproteinases (MMP-1, 2, 8, 9 e 12), the paraoxonase activity and the association with others factors in patients with carotidal atherosclerotic disease (DCA). Methods. It was done a transversal study to evaluate, in a population of 65 individuals with (31) and without DCA (34), indicated by vascular echography with doppler, both genders, average age 51.1 (± 6.7) years, the occurrence of differences between clinical laboratory markers and their relationship with vascular endothelium remolding and reverse cholesterol transport. It was standardized and executed methods with isotopic markers, ELISA and SDS-PAGE zymography to the determination, identification and verification of proteolytic activity. Results. From the incorporation, it was verified that the DCA patients’ serum samples assume little free cholesterol when compares to NDCA (no DCA carrier patients). Also, regarding the data of CL-3H incorporation, it was verified that the index and parameters of lipid metabolism evaluation corroborate the event (HDL-C, r=-0.330; p=0.0606, Pearson), which shows a tendency (HDL-C/apoA, r=0.511; p=0.0254) and positive relationship in the NDCA group. Besides, positive correlations between MMP-1 and HDL-C (r=0.6175; p=0.002, Pearson) and MMP-1 with MMP-9 (r=0.5109; p=0.0215; Pearson) and MMP-1 with CMV-IgG (r=0.619; p=0.0012; Pearson) and negative correlation between MMP-9 and apoB in the DCA group were observed. The ELISA demonstrates lower MMP-2 and MMP-9 optic density (DO) in DCA group. Otherwise, these same MMP (2 and 9) shows bigger digestive activity at zymogram assay in the DCA group when compared to NDCA. Conclusion. The lower incorporation of CL-3H in the DCA group drives to reverse cholesterol transport deficiency, these alterations disables the protection mechanisms against the atherosclerosis. Join to this, it was observed the serum measures reduction of MMP in DCA group that presume the participation of these MMP in the vascular remolding process, mainly on the plates or/and atherosclerotic lesions. The MMP and others markers evaluated in DCA reveal that the event does not have solely participation of molecules related to lipid transport, but also that ones related with infection with CMV (cytomegalovirus) exposed by positive correlation between MMP-1 and CMV-IgG marker. Thus, the small CL-3H incorporation, the lowest MMP-2 and 9 DO, biggest digestion of the polyacrylamide gel copolymerized with gelatin and MMP-1 when associated to CMV infection are markers that must be evaluated to predict the cardiovascular risk in DCA patients. The lower DO of MMP-2 and 9 in DCA group in opposition to the bigger activity of these proteinases give raise to participation of regulatory factors (e.g. TIMP) that run in a distinct way from NDCA group.
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Efeito da dieta individualizada e do aconselhamento dietetico na dislipidemia em pacientes pos-transplante hepaticoPinto, Andressa dos Santos January 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O transplante hepático (TH) é considerado padrão no tratamento de doenças hepáticas agudas e crônicas de caráter terminal. A dislipidemia ocorre em torno de 70% dos pacientes pós-TH. Não há estudos anteriores que demonstraram qualquer intervenção dietética que poderia controlar a dislipidemia em receptores de TH. OBJETIVO: verificar os efeitos da dieta individualizada e do aconselhamento dietético na modificação da dislipidemia em pacientes pós-TH. MÉTODOS: Estudo de intervenção não controlado, com pacientes pós-TH, em atendimento no ambulatório de Transplante Hepático do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, no período de março de 2014 à maio de 2015, com presença de dislipidemia e sem uso de medicação hipolipemiante. Os indivíduos foram acompanhados no Centro de Pesquisa Clínica da UFRGS pelo período de 6 meses. Mensuraram-se colesterol total (CT), HDL - colesterol (HDL), LDL- colesterol (LDL) e triglicerídeos (TG) pré e pós-intervenção. Realizaram-se avaliação antropométrica, anamnese alimentar com recordatório de 24 h, análise da composição corporal com bioimpedância e avaliação do gasto energético basal (GEB) por calorimetria indireta. A dieta foi individualizada baseando-se no GEB e constou de 25% do valor energético total em gorduras totais e <200 mg/dia de colesterol. RESULTADOS: 53 pacientes, com idade média de 59 anos. Média de kcal da dieta em 1853,57 kcal (± 218,22 kcal). Houve redução estatisticamente significativa nos níveis de CT (pré-intervenção = 238,9 mg/dL; pós-intervenção = 165,1 mg/dL) (p <0, 001), LDL (pré-intervenção = 154 mg/dL; pós-intervenção = 90 mg/dL) (p <0, 001) e TG (pré-intervenção = 168 mg/dL; pós-intervenção = 137 mg/dL (p <0, 001) em toda a população. No início do estudo, nenhum dos pacientes teve CT desejável, e apenas 12 pacientes (22,7%) tiveram ótimo/desejável nos níveis de LDL. Na sequência da intervenção dietética, 45 pacientes (84,9%) alcançaram CT desejável e 50 (94,4%) tiveram ótimo/desejável de LDL. HDL e medidas antropométricas não apresentaram redução significativa. CONCLUSÃO: Aconselhamento dietético com prescrição de uma dieta individualizada baseada no GEB medido por CI resultou em melhoras significativas no CT, LDL e TG em transplantados hepáticos com dislipidemia. Sugerimos que todos os pacientes transplantados hepáticos com dislipidemia sejam incluídos em um programa de intervenção dietética sob orientação de nutricionista. / BACKGROUND: Dyslipidemia occurs in approximately 70% of all liver transplant (LT) recipients. No prior studies have demonstrated any dietary intervention that could control dyslipidemia in LT recipients. This study analyzed the effects of a dietary intervention on the lipid profile of dyslipidemic LT recipients. METHODS: All LT recipients with dyslipidemia on clinical follow-up at our institution were enrolled. Anthropometric evaluation, food history, body composition (bioimpedance) and assessment of resting energy expenditure (REE) through indirect calorimetry (IC) were performed. Patients met with a dietitian and an individualized diet based on ICestimated REE and consisting of 25% of the total energy value in total fat and <200 mg/day of cholesterol was prescribed. Total cholesterol (TC), HDL-cholesterol (HDL), LDL-cholesterol (LDL), triglycerides (TG) and anthropometric measures were measured at baseline and 6 months after intervention. RESULTS: Fifty-thee out of 56 patients concluded follow-up; age 59±10 years; 29 men (51.8%). TC (preintervention= 238.9±30; post-intervention=165.1±35) (p<0.001), LDL (preintervention= 154±33; post-intervention=90±29) (p<0.001) and TG (preintervention= 168, IQR=51-200; post-intervention=137, IQR=94-177) (p<0.001) were all modified at 6 months following intervention. At baseline, none of the patients had normal TC, and only 12 patients (22.7%) had optimal/near optimal LDL. Following dietary intervention, 45 patients (84.9%) reached normal TC and 50 (94.4%) had optimal/near optimal LDL. HDL and anthropometric measures were not modified. CONCLUSION: Dietary counseling with prescription of an individualized diet based on IC-calculated REE diet was able to manage dyslipidemia in most LT recipients evaluated in this study. We suggest that all dyslipidemic LT recipients should be enrolled on a dietary program.
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Avaliação do efeito da bebida de açaí no perfil lipídico e glicêmico em ratos WistarFernando, Francine da Silva e Lima de 19 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-19 / The Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases are a major global public health challenges , and are determined mostly by the association of modifiable risk factors , such as nutrition . It is believed that the use of functional foods with antioxidant properties can positively affect the incidence of such diseases. Given this context highlights the Acai ( Euterpe oleracea ) , which features in its pulp components with the ability to inhibit or reduce oxidation processes generated by free radicals in the body . Thus , this study aimed to evaluate the effect of the consumption of the drink acai in glucose and lipid profile of Wistar rats . For forty- five days 12 Munich- Wistar rats ( Rattus norvegicus ) adult females with an average weight of 250g were divided into two groups ( Acai and Control ) received water and feed ad libitum to except the group that had the Acai replaced by drinking water Acai . At the end of the experiment the animals were anesthetized and euthanized . Blood samples were collected for analysis of biochemical parameters (glucose , cholesterol , triglycerides and blood count ) and tissue samples for histological analyzes . In the analyzed variables , even without showing statistically significant differences , descriptive results showed the maintenance of body weight and glucose and lipid reduction , and increase in some blood components relevant group Acai . Thus Because the population growing interest in consuming food which prevent diseases , promote health and improve the quality of life, it is suggested that new experimental models are implemented so that the beneficial effects are enjoyed arising from the consumption of açaí. / As Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis representam um dos principais desafios de saúde publica global, e são determinadas em sua maioria pela associação de fatores de risco modificáveis, tais como a alimentação. Acredita-se que o consumo de alimentos funcionais com propriedades antioxidantes possa interferir de maneira positiva na incidência de tais doenças. Diante deste contexto destaca-se o Açaí (Euterpe oleracea), que apresenta em sua polpa componentes com capacidade de inibir ou diminuir os processos de oxidação gerados pelos radicais livres no organismo. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo, avaliar o efeito do consumo da bebida de Acaí no perfil glicêmico e lipídico de ratos Wistar. Durante quarenta e cinco dias, 12 ratos Munich-Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) fêmeas adultas com peso médio de 250g, divididas em dois grupos (Açaí e Controle) receberam agua e ração as libitum, exceto o grupo Açaí que teve a agua substituída por bebida de Açaí. Ao final do experimento os animais foram anestesiados e eutanasiados. Foram coletadas amostras sanguíneas para analise de parâmetros bioquímicos (glicose, colesterol, triglicerídeos e hemograma) e amostras de tecidos para análises histológicas. Nas variáveis analisadas, mesmo sem apresentar diferenças estatisticamente significativas, resultados descritivos mostraram a manutenção do peso corporal e glicemia, bem como redução do perfil lipídico, e aumento de alguns componentes sanguíneos relevantes no grupo Açaí. Assim, Por ser crescente o interesse pela população em consumir alimentos que previnam doenças, promovam saúde e melhorem a qualidade de vida, sugere-se que novos modelos experimentais sejam implementados para que assim sejam desfrutados os efeitos benéficos oriundos do consumo de açaí.
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