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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Seguro de riscos de engenharia: instrumento do desenvolvimento / Engineering risks insurance: an instrument for development

Ernesto Tzirulnik 26 May 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar o seguro de riscos de engenharia como instrumento para o desenvolvimento. A perspectiva adotada é a da articulação entre direito e economia política: parte-se da ideia de que as categorias jurídicas instauram determinada economia política. Nesse sentido, os contratos de seguro serão entendidos de forma indissociada das operações comunitárias em que se encerram e de sua especial tarefa de reorganização social e econômica. A função social dos contratos de seguro é revelada como conteúdo obrigatório da própria autonomia da vontade atinente a esses contratos. A relação entre seguro e desenvolvimento é ainda mais evidente nos seguros de risco de engenharia, objeto específico deste trabalho. Institucionalizada desde a década de 1930, a função desenvolvimentista desses seguros tem seu declínio a partir dos anos 1970 com nítida agravação no ano de 2007, quando ocorre a abertura do mercado brasileiro de resseguro. Defende-se a tese de que a legislação brasileira sobre seguro de risco de engenharia é inadequada, atuando de forma impeditiva do desenvolvimento nacional. A principal razão para isso está na perda paulatina de conteúdo desses seguros, em parte promovida pelo próprio Estado, capturado pelos interesses dos empresários do setor. A tentativa de anulação da teoria do interesse consagrada não só na longeva praxe dos seguros, como pela doutrina nacional e estrangeira e plasmada no art. 757 do Código Civil, é um dos principais argumentos explorados. Por fim, são apresentados dispositivos do Projeto de Lei do Senado n. 477/2013, que procura trazer para o sistema de direito positivo a primeira lei de contrato de seguro da história brasileira, com o objetivo de reordenar as relações contratuais, eliminando as principais práticas desfuncionalizadoras e em busca dos escopos fixados na Constituição de 1988. / The aim of this study is to examine engineering risk insurance as an instrument of development. The perspective adopted here is an articulation between Law and Political Economy, beginning with the idea that legal categories determine political economy. In this sense, insurance contracts are construed as non-dissociated from the community operations to which they belong and from their special task of social and economic reorganization. The social function of insurance contracts is seen as an inexorable part of the autonomous will involved in such contracts. The relationship between insurance and development is even more evident in engineering risk insurance, which is the specific object of this study. Having been institutionalized since the 1930s, the developmental function of this type insurance began to decline in the mid-1980s, and clearly worsened in 2007, when the Brazilian reinsurance market was opened. We propose that the Brazilian legislation on engineering risk insurance is inadequate and acts as an impediment to national development. The main reason for this is the gradual loss of content in this type of insurance, in part promoted by the State itself, captive to the interests of industry executives. The attempt to nullify the theory of interest well established not only in longstanding insurance practice, but also in national and international tenets, and shaped by Article 757 of the Brazilian Civil Code is one of the main arguments explored here. Finally, we present some provisions of Senate Bill no. 477/2013 that seeks to incorporate into the system of positive law Brazils first law of insurance contract, the aim of which is to reorder contractual relations by eliminating the major defunctionalizing practices, in keeping with the intentions of the 1988 Constitution.

L'accord général sur le commerce des services et les pays en developpement. Dimension juridique, enjeux de developpement / GATS and developing countries

Hafez, Khadiga 23 October 2015 (has links)
La finalité du droit international économique contemporain est en principe de réaliser une meilleure harmonisation entre l’expansion du commerce d’une part et la croissance des pays en développement (PED) d’autre part. Cette harmonisation n’est pas toujours évidente dans certains domaines du droit international économique notamment les services. Les rapports juridiques entre un accord multilatéral comme l’AGCS (Accord général sur le commerce des services) et les PED représentent en effet, une dialectique tant au niveau du statut des PED dans le cadre de cet Accord que de ses conséquences juridiques à leur égard. L’étude s’inscrit dans le cadre de cette dialectique et tente de cerner la dimension juridique et les enjeux de développement de ces rapports. Elle se place dans ce contexte à montrer la flexibilité formelle de l’AGCS à l’égard des PED dans un premier lieu et la relativité de ses effets dans un second lieu. / The aim of the contemporary international economic law is in principle to achieve a better harmonization between the expansion of trade and the growth of the developing countries. This harmonization is not always evident or clear in some areas of the international economic law particularly in the services sector. The legal aspects of the relationship between a multilateral Agreement such as the GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) and developing countries are indeed dialectic especially in the context of their status in the framework of this Agreement on the one hand and its legal consequences on the other hand. The study takes its place in this dialectic and attempts to identify the legal dimension and the development challenges of this relationship. It is within this context that the research will present the formal flexibility of the GATS against the developing countries in the first place and the relativity of its effects in a second.

Cidade e globalização: um estudo a partir das ocupações urbanas no centro de Porto Alegre

Nunes, Thiago Calsa January 2018 (has links)
O trabalho consiste em um estudo do conflito existente nas cidades pela disputa do espaço urbano, em que a efetivação do direito à cidade e a moradia colidem o direito de propriedade e interesses econômicos. O cenário desta disputa é a globalização, que intensifica as relações humanas em escala mundial e pressiona o direito à atender uma lógica imposta pelo mercado, gerando uma padronização nas relações jurídicas. Para a pesquisa foram realizados trabalhos de campo em ocupações urbanas no centro de Porto Alegre nos anos de 2016 e 2017, com a coleta de dados primários. A parte final da dissertação apresenta pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema da globalização e do solo urbano, com a avaliação das possibilidades de atuação do direito econômico. / This work consists of a study of the existing conflict in the cities for the dispute of the urban space, in which the realization of the right to the city and the housing collide the right of property and economic interests. The scenario of this dispute is globalization, which intensifies human relations worldwide and puts pressure on the right to comply with a logic imposed by the market, generating a standardization in legal relations. For the research, fieldwork was carried out in urban occupations in the center of Porto Alegre in the years 2016 and 2017, with the collection of primary data. The final part of the dissertation presents bibliographic research on the theme of globalization and urban soil, with the evaluation of the possibilities of economic law. / El trabajo consiste en un estudio del conflicto existente en las ciudades por la disputa del espacio urbano, en que la efectividad del derecho a la ciudad y la vivienda colisionan con el derecho de propiedad e intereses económicos. El escenario de esta disputa es la globalización, que intensifica las relaciones humanas a escala mundial y presiona el derecho a atender una lógica impuesta por el mercado, generando una estandarización en las relaciones jurídicas. Para la investigación se realizaron trabajos de campo en ocupaciones urbanas en el centro de Porto Alegre en los años 2016 y 2017, con la recolección de datos primarios. La parte final de la disertación presenta una investigación bibliográfica sobre el tema de la globalización y del suelo urbano, con la evaluación de las posibilidades de actuación del derecho económico.

Relations of Power and Democratic Accountability in Investor-State Arbitration

Mohlin, Anna January 2020 (has links)
International investment agreements largely cover today’s transnational investments. These agreements confer certain substantive rights to foreign investors while simultaneously obliging host-states to act in a given manner so as to not interfere with the investments. Most international investment agreements further contain an arbitration clause which provides the investor with the means to enforce the substantive rights of the agreement by directly bringing a claim against the host-state before an arbitral tribunal. Consequently, privately contracted arbitrators have the authority to scrutinize and overrule essentially any sovereign act of the host-state that may affect the investment – judicial and legislative acts included. This practice affects not only the parties of the dispute; when the arbitral award claims superiority to the state’s electoral choices, it further constrains the exercise of sovereignty by the population of the host-state. As a result, the arbitrators who manage the disputes and the investors who initiate them have become central power-holders in the context of both international and domestic law. Meanwhile, the arbitrators and investors alike seem to be unaccountable to the states and individuals who are adversely affected by their power assertions. A commonly accepted feature of democracy is that those who govern and wield power should be accountable to those who are governed and subjected to this power. This thesis relates this notion to a Foucauldian understanding of power, domination and resistance. The primary aim of the thesis is to examine the interplay between the prominent subjects involved in investor-state arbitration and to what degree these subjects hold power in the form of transformative capacity. After this investigation into the relations of power, the thesis scrutinizes the subjugated subjects’ ability to exercise effective resistance through institutionalized accountability mechanisms. The thesis detects an accountability deficit in the regime and concludes that foreign investors and arbitrators hold a dominant position within the context of investor-state arbitration, while states and individuals find themselves in a state of domination. The international investment regime, as it currently stands, is thus found to suffer from a democracy deficit, while it concurrently seems to undermine domestic democratic institutions.

The European Unit – a Foreign Currency? : A West German Point of View

Gramlich, Ludwig 13 March 2009 (has links)
The author sketches the development and legal status of the European Currency Unit (ECU), the predecessor of today's European single currency Euro, and asks whether from the perspective of (former) German monetary law, this currency unit had to be looked at not as a domestic currency ("Deutsche Mark"), but rather as a foreign one.

Les rapports du droit et de l'économie : contribution à une analyse comparative des théories du droit sur l’économie / Relationships of law and the economy : contribution to a comparative analysis of legal theories on the economy

Zencker, Vanessa 16 November 2012 (has links)
La thèse propose de confronter, pour la première fois, les plus importantes théories du droit ayant pour objet l’économie afin de découvrir si l’une d’elles peut être érigée en paradigme des rapports du droit et de l’économie. L’analyse critique qui en est livrée fait ressortir tout d’abord que la Law and Economics, et plus spécialement l’Ecole de Chicago, en enfermant le droit dans une logique utilitariste, aboutit à nier les fondements mêmes de notre discipline : les règles juridiques, simples instruments au service de l’économie, sont envisagées par le juge en termes de prix avec lequel il faut jouer pour abaisser les coûts. A l’inverse, le droit économique, en imposant le juste en matière de concurrence par le biais de la régulation, conduit à mener une politique consumériste qui, parfois, contrevient aux objectifs économiques. Ces deux théories, bâties sur des idéologies (i.e. des systèmes de valeurs) différentes, ont cependant en commun de concevoir hiérarchiquement les rapports du droit et de l’économie. Les limites de cette conception expliquent que le droit et l’économie peuvent être ensuite placés dans un rapport d’égalité, ce qu’a tenté la théorie autopoïétique du droit à travers la notion de couplage. Toutefois, en écartant la dimension axiologique des deux matières, l’autopoïèse est un système contestable car elle met l’accent sur la communication au détriment de l’homme. La thèse montre que systématiser d’emblée les rapports du droit et de l’économie aujourd’hui n’est pas la voie à suivre : dans un contexte de mondialisation, il faut construire un droit commun qui doit s’appuyer sur le principe régulateur du raisonnable. Les rapports du droit et de l’économie ne doivent plus se penser de manière verticale mais horizontale, en réseaux, ce qui explique que la norme ne soit pas dégagée a priori mais se constitue progressivement dans le débat démocratique par une prise en compte des aspirations de la société civile et par un recours simultané du juge aux raisonnements économique et juridique. / This thesis’ purpose is to compare, for the first time, the most important theories of law regarding economy in order to find out if one of them can be built into a paradigm of the relationship between law and economics. Critical analysis reveals that the Law and Economics, especially the Chicago School, by enclosing the law in an utilitarian logic, leads to deny the very foundations of our discipline: the legal rules, simple instruments for the economy, are considered by the judge in terms of price which must be played on to obtain lower costs. In contrast, economic law, imposing fair competition through regulation, leads to conduct a consumer policy which sometimes contravenes economic objectives. Both theories built on different ideologies (ie value systems) and have a common will to hierarchically conceive values of law and the economy. Therefore, this concept’s limitations explain how the law and economics can be placed in an equal relationship, which was attempted by the autopoietic theory of law through the concept of coupling. However, discarding the axiological dimension of the two subjects, autopoiesis is a questionable system because it focuses on communication at the expense of man. This thesis shows that native systematization of the law and economy relationships is not the way to go: in a context of globalization, we must build a ius commune which must be based on the regulator principle of reasonable. Relationships between law and economy should no longer be thought vertically but horizontally, through networks, which is why the standard is not clear, but gradually composes in the democratic debate by taking into account the aspirations of civil society and a simultaneous use of the judge to economic and legal reasoning.

A fundamentação constitucional da tutela penal da ordem econômica / Constitutional foundations for the criminal protection of the economic order

Campana, Eduardo Luiz Michelan 05 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Luiz Michelan Campana.pdf: 900128 bytes, checksum: 0df8dbf231d5bc63f908ba833e202d46 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-05 / This dissertation analyzes the constitutional economic order as a value source of Criminal Law. The research starts by analyzing the impact on the criminal systems of the different conceptions of State, checking on the features of Criminal Law in a Democratic and Social Rule-of-Law State. Analyzing constitutional criminal principles and values, constitutional theories on the criminal-juridical good, constitutional subpoenas, Economic Criminal Law and dispositions that establish the formal economic Constitution, allows for evaluation of the foundation present in the Federal Constitution of 1988 for criminal liability regarding proceedings that harm, or put in harm s ways the economic order. The supraindividual goods established by the Constitution form the social basis of the Rule-of-Law and require their enforcement and protection so as to perform social justice, including by punitive state interventions in new scopes, among which the economic order stands out. From the ruling content and meaning of the various constitutional provisions that it brings, which are in accordance with the Republic's foundations and objectives, it is particularly noticeable the relevance and axiological density of the Brazilian democratic state s economic order. The principles, foundations and objectives of the economic order reveal constitutional values of undisputable importance, a safe direction to attest its criminal value, supporting the investigation about the lack of legal protection, legitimizing the criminalization of procedures that result in social harm, besides authorizing a discussion about criminalization clauses. Constitutional foundation for legal protection of the economic order leads necessarily to the study of adequate instruments to face economic crimes, which requires an approach of Criminal Economic Law, a criminal right that involves danger or risk, resorting to open criminal types, blank criminal regulations and analogical interpretation, all of which are tools that, when adequately applied, seek to confer effectiveness to the punitive state s intervention for the protection of the economic order / O presente trabalho analisa a ordem econômica constitucional como uma fonte valorativa do Direito Penal. A investigação inicia-se com o impacto sobre o sistema punitivo das diferentes concepções de Estado, verificando-se quais as características do Direito Penal de um Estado Democrático e Social de Direito. A análise dos princípios e valores constitucionais penais, das teorias constitucionais sobre o bem jurídico-penal, dos mandados constitucionais de criminalização, dos institutos de Direito Penal Econômico e dos dispositivos que integram a Constituição econômica formal permite aquilatar o fundamento existente na Constituição Federal de 1988 para a intervenção penal com relação às condutas que lesionam ou colocam em perigo a ordem econômica. Os bens supraindividuais consagrados em nossa Lei Maior integram o núcleo social do Estado de Direito e reclamam sua promoção e proteção para a realização da justiça social, inclusive por meio da intervenção punitiva estatal em novos âmbitos, dentre os quais se destaca a ordem econômica. Do conteúdo e significado dos diversos dispositivos constitucionais que a disciplinam, os quais guardam congruência com os fundamentos e objetivos da República, avultam a relevância e a densidade axiológica da ordem econômica no Estado Democrático brasileiro. Os princípios, fundamentos e objetivos da ordem econômica revelam valores constitucionais de inegável importância, norte seguro para a aferição de sua dignidade penal, alavancando a investigação sobre o juízo de carência de tutela penal, legitimando a criminalização de condutas que a afetam com danosidade social, além de autorizarem a discussão sobre a existência de cláusulas de criminalização. A fundamentação constitucional da tutela penal da ordem econômica conduz necessariamente ao estudo do instrumental adequado para o enfrentamento da criminalidade econômica, o que demanda uma necessária abordagem do Direito Penal Econômico, um direito penal de perigo ou de risco, que se vale de tipos penais abertos, normas penais em branco e da interpretação analógica, ferramentas que, adequadamente empregadas, buscam conferir efetividade à intervenção punitiva estatal para a proteção da ordem econômica

L’accès aux énergies fossiles en droit international économique / .

Marque, Étienne 31 May 2017 (has links)
Notre planète recèle dans sous-sol des gisements d’hydrocarbure, à l’origine depuis près d’un siècle, de la puissance de l’homme moderne. La présente étude porte sur les modalités juridiques d’extraction et d’appropriation de ces énergies fossiles. A l’état naturel, ces ressources n’ont pas d’existence juridique propre et leurs régimes suivent celui des territoires dans lesquels elles gisent. Aussi, pour que l’extraction des gisements puise avoir lieu, il convient d’abord d’identifier les titulaires des droits sur les territoires pétrolifères et prendre en compte non seulement la diversité de ces territoires mais également la diversité des acteurs et intérêts en présence. Les détenteurs primaires des droits d’accès aux ressources identifiés, pourront alors se déployer des contrats de prospection et d’exploitation des gisements, adaptées à l’ensemble des spécificités du secteur et des particularismes locaux, aux fins notamment d’une optimalisation de l’accès aux ressources fossiles / Our planet contains underground fossil deposits powering the Modern man, since nearly a century. The present study deals with the legal issue regarding the extraction and appropriation of fossil fuels. In their natural state, these resources have no legal existence and their regimes follow the one of the territories in which they lie. Therefore, in order to extract the deposits, it is first necessary to identify the rights owners of the oil regions and to take into account not only the diversity of these territories but also the diversity of the actors and interests at stake. Once the primary access rights owners identified, deposits may be discovered and developed, through specific mining contracts, adapted to all the specific features of the sector and local particularities for the optimization of the access to fossil fuels

Para uma teoria do direito internacional do consumidor: a proteção do consumidor no livre comércio internacional / For a theory of international consumer law: the consumer protection in the free international commerce

Eduardo Antônio Klausner 09 February 2010 (has links)
O consumidor é o agente vulnerável na relação de consumo internacional. O processo de globalização se apresenta, para o consumidor, como uma globalização do consumo. A globalização do consumo se caracteriza pelo comércio e fornecimento internacional de produtos e serviços por empresários/fornecedores transnacionais/globais, utilizando marcas de renome mundial, acessíveis a todos os consumidores do planeta, e agrava a vulnerabilidade do consumidor no mercado. A proteção jurídica do consumidor internacional é uma necessidade que os sistemas jurídicos nacionais não se mostram aptos a prover adequadamente, assim como o Direito Internacional também não. A presente tese demonstra a deficiência da Ciência do Direito na proteção do consumidor no contexto da globalização; demonstra como o próprio comércio internacional é prejudicado ao não priorizar de maneira absoluta e efetiva a proteção do consumidor na OMC, bem como ao mostrar-se apático diante dos diferentes níveis de proteção proporcionada aos consumidores em cada diferente sistema jurídico nacional; demonstra, também, como a proteção do consumidor de maneira uniforme e global por um direito comum aos Estados é possível e será capaz de tornar mais eficiente economicamente o processo de globalização do consumo, ao encorajar a participação mais intensa do consumidor no mercado internacional; e propõe a construção de um novo ramo do Direito dedicado ao problema, o Direito Internacional do Consumidor (DIC), por meio da elaboração de uma Teoria do Direito Internacional do Consumidor. O Direito Internacional do Consumidor pretende ser um direito comum e universal de proteção ao consumidor, fundado em métodos, conceitos, institutos, normas e princípios jurídicos universais. O DIC dialogará com outros ramos do Direito Público e Privado, especialmente o Direito Internacional Econômico, o Direito Internacional do Comércio, o Direito Internacional Privado, o Direito Processual Civil Internacional, e o Direito do Consumidor. Pretende-se com isto atender ao ideal de promover o livre comércio internacional com respeito aos Direitos Humanos. / The consumer is the weak party in the cross-border consumer relation. The globalization process presents itself for the consumer as a globalization of consumers relations. The globalization of consumers relations is defined by international commerce and supply of products and services by transnational/global entrepreneurs/ suppliers, using global renowned brands names, available for all consumers of the planet, aggravating the consumers vulnerability in the market. The juridical international consumers protection is a necessity that has not been properly dealt with neither by the national legal systems nor by International Law. The present thesis shows the deficiency of Juridical Science to consumers protection in a globalization context; it shows how international commerce suffers harms when it does not prioritize the consumers protection in WTO, and when it has no reaction against different consumers protections levels by the distinct national legislation; it also shows, how consumers protection by a global and uniform law for all States is possible and can be more economically efficient for the process of globalization of consumers relations, because it encourages a intensive consumer participation in the international market; and proposes to build a new branch of law dedicated to the problem, the International Consumer Law (ICL), by a Theory of International Consumer Law. The International Consumer Law intends to be a general and universal law about consumers protection, based on universal methods, concepts, institutes, rules and principles. The ICL is going to dialogue with others branches of law, specially with International Economic Law, Global Trade Law, Private International Law (Conflict of Laws), Transnational Litigation Law, Consumer Protection Law and Products Liability Law. The intention of this thesis is to deal with the ideal of promoting free international trade taking into account respect for humans rights.

The effect and impact of national and international law on foreign investment in South Africa

Mhlongo, Lindelwa Beaulender 04 April 2018 (has links)
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one of the factors that can influence the growth and development of the economy of a country, but on the other hand, it could have a negative effect if not regulated properly by the host country. States must ensure that FDI is properly regulated in the best interests of the country and the foreign investor itself. South Africa has reviewed its foreign investment legal framework and during this process, it terminated most of its bilateral investment treaties that previously regulated foreign investment in the country. In turn, it introduced the Protection of Protection of Investment Act that regulates both domestic and foreign investment. This study analyses the way in which national and international investment law affect FDI inflow and the economy of South Africa. The study also deals with the determinants of foreign investment in the host country and the extent to which they have an influence on the inflow of FDI. / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. M.

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