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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supporting opportunities for transition and resistance: interior design for Eagle Urban Transition Centre in Winnipeg

Biberdorf, Lindsay 12 September 2015 (has links)
Informed by research that connects transitional issues with assimilation, this practicum project focuses on how culturally-relevant education and service-based interior environments support the transition of urban Indigenous peoples. Eagle Urban Transition Centre (EUTC) in Winnipeg is studied as the client, providing specific examples of Indigenous service and educational frameworks employed to mitigate transitional issues. Spatial criteria for the adaptive reuse of 601 Aikins Street on Treaty One Territory in Winnipeg, Manitoba, were developed through a photo-elicitation interview process, and a theoretical framework that connected urban Indigenous identity, Indigenous education, transition and resistance with interior environments. Representing and recognizing the diverse Indigenous cultures of the users of EUTC in the design required a formal analysis of examples of Indigenous cultural production, such as the eight-pointed star blanket and Métis beadwork, as well as precedents of Indigenous spaces. The interior design for EUTC supports their organization, facilitating transition and creating opportunities for resistance through spaces that respect and emphasize cultural (re)connection. / October 2015

(Inter)faces colaborativas? Uma análise discursiva de ambientes virtuais educacionais baseados em redes sociais / Collaborative (inter)faces? A discourse analysis of virtual educational environments based on social networks

Matsumoto, Renata 11 October 2013 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, tanto em esfera nacional quanto internacional, notamos a presença de um discurso político-educacional que incentiva a apropriação de tecnologias digitais na/pela instituição escolar. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa se propõe a analisar três ambientes virtuais educacionais, sendo que dois deles foram lançados por dois diferentes institutos de idiomas brasileiros e o terceiro por uma fundação educacional do Reino Unido, com o propósito de problematizar o modo como são adotados na formação dos alunos. As plataformas selecionadas neste estudo são calcadas em recursos provindos de redes sociais virtuais. Assim, esta dissertação levanta e corrobora a hipótese de que ambientes educacionais baseados nessas redes não necessariamente propiciam interação entre os usuários e, consequentemente, não oferecem muitas possibilidades de colaboração na relação pedagógica, visto que são desenvolvidos com propósitos diferentes daqueles que tornam tais redes populares. Considerando isso, utilizamos conceitos provindos da Análise do Discurso (PÊCHEUX, 1969; ORLANDI, 2005; BRANDÃO, 2004) e dos Estudos Sociológicos (BAUMAN, 2007) e Filosóficos (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 2000) como nosso principal aparato teórico. De modo geral, observamos que a interação entre os usuários, tão própria do meio digital, independe das inúmeras ferramentas disponíveis, estando sujeita ao dinamismo das relações interpessoais ali presente. Além disso, a apropriação de tecnologias digitais na educação normalmente vem acompanhada de questões mercadológicas, as quais podem limitar o potencial colaborativo desses ambientes ao visar à angariação de novos clientes em detrimento do engajamento dos atuais alunos. Levando isso em consideração, concluímos que, para que haja produção colaborativa de todos os envolvidos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, seria necessário que a escola aderisse à concepção digital de comunicação de modo crítico. / Recently, both nationally and internationally, we have noticed the presence of a political-educational discourse that encourages the adoption of digital technologies at/by the educational institution. In this sense, this research aims at analyzing three virtual educational environments, two of which were launched by two different Brazilian language centers and the third one by an educational foundation of the United Kingdom, with the purpose of questioning the way they have been adopted in the students education. The platforms selected for this study are based on social networking resources. Thus, this dissertation formulates and corroborates the hypothesis that virtual educational environments based on social networking sites do not necessarily provide interaction between users and, consequently, do not offer many collaboration possibilities in the pedagogical relation, since they are developed with objectives that are different from the ones that make these networks popular. Considering this, we have adopted Discourse Analysis concepts (PÊCHEUX, 1969; ORLANDI, 2005; BRANDÃO, 2004), and Sociological (BAUMAN, 2007) and Philosophical Studies (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 2000) as our main theoretical perspective. In general, we have observed that the interaction between the users, which is so typical in the digital medium, does not rely on the innumerous available resources, but on the interpersonal relations dynamism present there. Besides that, the adoption of digital technologies in education is usually followed by capitalist issues, which can limit the collaborative potential of these environments when having more clients becomes more important than engaging the current students. Taking this into account, we conclude that, in order to have students and teachers collaboratively engaged in the teaching and learning process, the school would have to make use of the digital communication conception in a critical way.

Estudo da qualidade do ar interior em ambientes educacionais. / Study of indoor air quality in educational environments.

Fakhoury, Nícolas Alexandre 12 May 2017 (has links)
A Qualidade do Ambiente Interior (QAI) é um dos principais fatores que determina a funcionalidade, harmonia, conforto e produtividade em um edifício. A QAI afeta a saúde e o conforto dos ocupantes de um edifício, bem como a habilidade dos mesmos em realizar tarefas, influenciando diretamente na produtividade. Quando a QAI é boa, os ambientes se tornam lugares mais desejáveis para estar, trabalhar e aprender. O ambiente de escolas e universidades pode exercer um impacto significativo na saúde e no aprendizado de crianças e estudantes universitários. A limitação da entrada de poluentes e contaminantes, bem como o fornecimento da quantidade adequada de ar externo filtrado e limpo, melhoram o desempenho acadêmico dos estudantes e não atinge a saúde dos mesmos. Este trabalho apresenta medições de parâmetros físicos e químicos, CO2, PM2,5, PM10, temperatura de bulbo seco e umidade relativa, efetuadas em uma sala de aula do prédio de Engenharia Mecânica da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (EPUSP) os quais os estudantes e professores estavam sujeitos. As medidas foram tomadas no ambiente interno e externo a sala de aula, onde atividades teóricas e práticas eram realizadas. A vazão de ar externo, previamente filtrado, era variada para a redução dos contaminantes gerados internamente. Constatou-se que os particulados PM2,5 e PM10 atingiram concentrações críticas de 6 e 30 vezes maiores do que o limite proposto pelas normas vigentes, respectivamente, bem como a concentração de CO2 que atingiu 3 vezes o limite recomendado. Porém, observou-se que o aumento da vazão de ar externo em aproximadamente 2200 m³/h foi suficiente para a diminuição da concentração de PM10 em 50% nos primeiros 20 minutos. Apesar da diminuição da concentração, a vazão recomendada de ar externo por pessoa não foi suficiente para a concentração de material particulado atingir os limites aceitáveis. Por fim, apresenta-se uma proposta de projeto detalhado de dois sistemas independentes de tratamento de ar que permitirão a realização de experimentos e estudos sobre a QAI, podendo-se variar a vazão de ar externo e a classe de filtragem da recirculação e da tomada de ar externo para dois laboratórios do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da EPUSP, que podem dar sequência aos estudos deste trabalho. / The Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is one of the main factors that determines the functionality, harmony, comfort and productivity in a building. The IEQ affects the health and comfort of the occupants of a building, as well as the ability of them to perform tasks, influencing directly in productivity. When IEQ is good, the environments become more desirable places to be in, work and learn. The indoor environment of schools and universities can have a significant impact on the health and learning of children and college students. The limitation of input of pollutants and contaminants, as well as providing the appropriate amount of filtered and clean outside air, improve the academic performance of students and does not affect the health of the same. This paper presents measurements of physical and chemical parameters, CO2, PM2,5, PM10, dry bulb temperature and relative humidity, made in a classroom of the Mechanical Engineering building of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (EPUSP) which students and teachers were subject. The measurements were taken in the internal and external environment of the classroom, where theoretical and practical activities were conducted. The flow of outside air, previously filtered, was varied for the reduction of contaminants generated internally. It was found that the particulate PM2,5 and PM10 achieved critical concentrations of 6 and 30 times greater than the limit proposed by the current standards, respectively, and that the concentration of CO2 reached 3 times the recommended limit. However, it was observed that increasing outside air flow of approximately 2200 m³/h was enough to decrease the concentration of PM10 in 50% at the first 20 minutes. Despite the decreased concentration, the recommended flow of outside air per person was not enough for the concentration of particulate matter reaches the acceptable limits. Finally, a detailed project proposal is presented of two independent air treatment systems that will allow performing experiments and studies on the IEQ, being able to vary the flow of outside air and, the filters of the recirculation and external air intake for two laboratories of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of EPUSP, that can follow the studies of this work.

(Inter)faces colaborativas? Uma análise discursiva de ambientes virtuais educacionais baseados em redes sociais / Collaborative (inter)faces? A discourse analysis of virtual educational environments based on social networks

Renata Matsumoto 11 October 2013 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, tanto em esfera nacional quanto internacional, notamos a presença de um discurso político-educacional que incentiva a apropriação de tecnologias digitais na/pela instituição escolar. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa se propõe a analisar três ambientes virtuais educacionais, sendo que dois deles foram lançados por dois diferentes institutos de idiomas brasileiros e o terceiro por uma fundação educacional do Reino Unido, com o propósito de problematizar o modo como são adotados na formação dos alunos. As plataformas selecionadas neste estudo são calcadas em recursos provindos de redes sociais virtuais. Assim, esta dissertação levanta e corrobora a hipótese de que ambientes educacionais baseados nessas redes não necessariamente propiciam interação entre os usuários e, consequentemente, não oferecem muitas possibilidades de colaboração na relação pedagógica, visto que são desenvolvidos com propósitos diferentes daqueles que tornam tais redes populares. Considerando isso, utilizamos conceitos provindos da Análise do Discurso (PÊCHEUX, 1969; ORLANDI, 2005; BRANDÃO, 2004) e dos Estudos Sociológicos (BAUMAN, 2007) e Filosóficos (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 2000) como nosso principal aparato teórico. De modo geral, observamos que a interação entre os usuários, tão própria do meio digital, independe das inúmeras ferramentas disponíveis, estando sujeita ao dinamismo das relações interpessoais ali presente. Além disso, a apropriação de tecnologias digitais na educação normalmente vem acompanhada de questões mercadológicas, as quais podem limitar o potencial colaborativo desses ambientes ao visar à angariação de novos clientes em detrimento do engajamento dos atuais alunos. Levando isso em consideração, concluímos que, para que haja produção colaborativa de todos os envolvidos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, seria necessário que a escola aderisse à concepção digital de comunicação de modo crítico. / Recently, both nationally and internationally, we have noticed the presence of a political-educational discourse that encourages the adoption of digital technologies at/by the educational institution. In this sense, this research aims at analyzing three virtual educational environments, two of which were launched by two different Brazilian language centers and the third one by an educational foundation of the United Kingdom, with the purpose of questioning the way they have been adopted in the students education. The platforms selected for this study are based on social networking resources. Thus, this dissertation formulates and corroborates the hypothesis that virtual educational environments based on social networking sites do not necessarily provide interaction between users and, consequently, do not offer many collaboration possibilities in the pedagogical relation, since they are developed with objectives that are different from the ones that make these networks popular. Considering this, we have adopted Discourse Analysis concepts (PÊCHEUX, 1969; ORLANDI, 2005; BRANDÃO, 2004), and Sociological (BAUMAN, 2007) and Philosophical Studies (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 2000) as our main theoretical perspective. In general, we have observed that the interaction between the users, which is so typical in the digital medium, does not rely on the innumerous available resources, but on the interpersonal relations dynamism present there. Besides that, the adoption of digital technologies in education is usually followed by capitalist issues, which can limit the collaborative potential of these environments when having more clients becomes more important than engaging the current students. Taking this into account, we conclude that, in order to have students and teachers collaboratively engaged in the teaching and learning process, the school would have to make use of the digital communication conception in a critical way.

Estudo da qualidade do ar interior em ambientes educacionais. / Study of indoor air quality in educational environments.

Nícolas Alexandre Fakhoury 12 May 2017 (has links)
A Qualidade do Ambiente Interior (QAI) é um dos principais fatores que determina a funcionalidade, harmonia, conforto e produtividade em um edifício. A QAI afeta a saúde e o conforto dos ocupantes de um edifício, bem como a habilidade dos mesmos em realizar tarefas, influenciando diretamente na produtividade. Quando a QAI é boa, os ambientes se tornam lugares mais desejáveis para estar, trabalhar e aprender. O ambiente de escolas e universidades pode exercer um impacto significativo na saúde e no aprendizado de crianças e estudantes universitários. A limitação da entrada de poluentes e contaminantes, bem como o fornecimento da quantidade adequada de ar externo filtrado e limpo, melhoram o desempenho acadêmico dos estudantes e não atinge a saúde dos mesmos. Este trabalho apresenta medições de parâmetros físicos e químicos, CO2, PM2,5, PM10, temperatura de bulbo seco e umidade relativa, efetuadas em uma sala de aula do prédio de Engenharia Mecânica da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (EPUSP) os quais os estudantes e professores estavam sujeitos. As medidas foram tomadas no ambiente interno e externo a sala de aula, onde atividades teóricas e práticas eram realizadas. A vazão de ar externo, previamente filtrado, era variada para a redução dos contaminantes gerados internamente. Constatou-se que os particulados PM2,5 e PM10 atingiram concentrações críticas de 6 e 30 vezes maiores do que o limite proposto pelas normas vigentes, respectivamente, bem como a concentração de CO2 que atingiu 3 vezes o limite recomendado. Porém, observou-se que o aumento da vazão de ar externo em aproximadamente 2200 m³/h foi suficiente para a diminuição da concentração de PM10 em 50% nos primeiros 20 minutos. Apesar da diminuição da concentração, a vazão recomendada de ar externo por pessoa não foi suficiente para a concentração de material particulado atingir os limites aceitáveis. Por fim, apresenta-se uma proposta de projeto detalhado de dois sistemas independentes de tratamento de ar que permitirão a realização de experimentos e estudos sobre a QAI, podendo-se variar a vazão de ar externo e a classe de filtragem da recirculação e da tomada de ar externo para dois laboratórios do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da EPUSP, que podem dar sequência aos estudos deste trabalho. / The Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is one of the main factors that determines the functionality, harmony, comfort and productivity in a building. The IEQ affects the health and comfort of the occupants of a building, as well as the ability of them to perform tasks, influencing directly in productivity. When IEQ is good, the environments become more desirable places to be in, work and learn. The indoor environment of schools and universities can have a significant impact on the health and learning of children and college students. The limitation of input of pollutants and contaminants, as well as providing the appropriate amount of filtered and clean outside air, improve the academic performance of students and does not affect the health of the same. This paper presents measurements of physical and chemical parameters, CO2, PM2,5, PM10, dry bulb temperature and relative humidity, made in a classroom of the Mechanical Engineering building of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (EPUSP) which students and teachers were subject. The measurements were taken in the internal and external environment of the classroom, where theoretical and practical activities were conducted. The flow of outside air, previously filtered, was varied for the reduction of contaminants generated internally. It was found that the particulate PM2,5 and PM10 achieved critical concentrations of 6 and 30 times greater than the limit proposed by the current standards, respectively, and that the concentration of CO2 reached 3 times the recommended limit. However, it was observed that increasing outside air flow of approximately 2200 m³/h was enough to decrease the concentration of PM10 in 50% at the first 20 minutes. Despite the decreased concentration, the recommended flow of outside air per person was not enough for the concentration of particulate matter reaches the acceptable limits. Finally, a detailed project proposal is presented of two independent air treatment systems that will allow performing experiments and studies on the IEQ, being able to vary the flow of outside air and, the filters of the recirculation and external air intake for two laboratories of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of EPUSP, that can follow the studies of this work.

A Ten-Year Study of the Conditional Effects on Student Success in the First Year of College

Gaskins, Brady P. 29 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Les institutions d'apprentissage à distance . stratégies (politique, pédagogique et communicationnelle) et processus d'autorégulation d'apprentissage : le cas de l'Université virtuelle de Tunis / E-learning institutions ; strategies and process of self-regulation learning : the case of the virtual university of Tunis

Khezami, Safa 02 December 2016 (has links)
Le passage de l’oralité à l’écrit et de l’indifférence à l’égard des outils de communication de savoir à leur intégration dans un projet éducatif a pris des siècles et il est passé par plusieurs épisodes. Malgré les différences qu’on peut constater quant aux rythmes et aux modalités de cette transformation pédagogique et communicationnelle entre l’Europe et le monde arabe, cette évolution de la réflexion sur les outils et médias éducatifs a fortement influencé la façon avec laquelle ces populations appréhendent aujourd’hui ces techniques de plus en plus numériques. En France, depuis des décennies, les plans numériques pour l’éducation se succèdent. En Tunisie, après la création en 2002 de l’université virtuelle de Tunis (UVT), on parle actuellement de l’intégration de tablettes numériques dans l’école publique. En dépit des différences que présentent ces deux pays quant aux contextes politiques, économiques, sociaux et culturels, nous avons noté des similitudes stratégiques qui caractérisent leurs démarches respectives pour le numérique éducatif. Nous pouvons remarquer, entre autres, une similitude dans l’installation volontariste des techniques pour apprendre accompagnée de discours annonçant plus de facilités, plus de fiabilité et plus de réussite. Dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous nous intéressons à la question de l’enseignement-apprentissage à distance, et aux outils éducatifs mis en œuvre pour ce faire. Nous ne prétendons pas faire une comparaison binaire entre un modèle d’utilisation des technologies dans le cadre de l’apprentissage qui serait français et un autre qui serait tunisien. Nous mettons en revanche en perspectives les deux expériences tout en insistant sur la démarche tunisienne. L’enseignement/apprentissage à distance est une situation de communication particulièrement délicate, d’une part par son inscription dans cette logique de contextes sociaux et économiques, mais aussi par l’éclatement de la notion de l’espace qui renforce le sentiment de l’isolement chez l’apprenant. Pour surmonter ce sentiment d’isolement et réussir son apprentissage à distance, plusieurs chercheurs proposent un processus d’autorégulation de l’apprentissage. Bien qu’il soit centré sur l’activité de l’apprenant lui-même, ce processus insiste sur l’importance de l’intervention des autres usagers du système éducatif (institution et corps pédagogique). Par notre recherche, nous avons voulu interroger cette question d’autorégulation de l’apprentissage dans le contexte tunisien de l’université virtuelle de Tunis. Nous avons alors cherché à comprendre le comportement autorégulé des apprenants tunisiens à la lumière du dispositif (humain et technique) de l’institution. Pour soulever ces questions nous avons opté pour une méthodologie multiple qui réunit observation participante, observation cachée, questionnaire, protocole géode et analyse de contenu. Cette recherche a abouti à trois résultats majeurs : la création de l’UVT est un projet avant tout politique destiné à véhiculer une image moderne de la Tunisie. En effet, à part l’expérience de l’institut supérieur de la formation continue crée en 1984, aucune réflexion autour d’une pédagogie adaptée à l’enseignement-apprentissage à distance dans le terrain tunisien n’a été entamée surtout que le dispositif UVT est basé sur les technologies numériques. De ce fait, le comportement autorégulé des apprenants oscille, selon le degré de contrôle pédagogique qu’exerce le dispositif UVT sur leur apprentissage, entre adaptation aux conditions formelles et création de conditions informelles contournant ainsi le dispositif de l’institution. / The transition from spoken (unwritten, said, told) to written and from the meaninglessness towards the communication tools and then to their integration in an educational project has taken centuries and has gone through several chapters. Despite the differences that can be perceived on the rhythms and modalities of this educational and communicational transformation between Europe and the Arab world, this evolution of thinking about educational tools and media has greatly influenced the way people apprehend these techniques. Especially considering that these techniques are more and more digital today. In France, for decades, several digital plans for education have been implemented. In Tunisia, after the creation of the Virtual University of Tunis in 2002, a project about the integration of digital tablets in public schools had been announced. Despite the political, economic, social and cultural differences between these two countries, we noticed strategic similarities that characterize their respective digital educational approaches. We can note, among others, a similarity in the voluntary installation of educational techniques accompanied by speeches announcing easiness, more reliability and more success. In the framework of our research, we focus on the issue of e-learning and the tools implemented for it. We are not doing a binary comparison between the way that technology in education is used in France and the way that technology in education is used in Tunisia. We, however, prospect both experiences while emphasizing the Tunisian approach. E-learning is a particularly delicate communication situation, not only because it is influenced by social and economic factors, but also because of the bursting of the notion of space that exasperate the learners’ feeling of isolation. To overcome this feeling of isolation and for successful distance learning, several researchers propose a self-regulation process. While it is centered on the activity of the learner himself, this process insists on the importance of the intervention of all education system users. Through our research, we wanted to ask the question of self-regulated learning in the Tunisian context represented by the Virtual University of Tunis (VUT). We then sought to understand the self-regulated behavior of Tunisian students (learners) in the light of the institute system. To raise these issues we opted for a methodology that combines observation, questionnaire, geode protocol and content analysis. This research led to three major outcomes: the creation of the VUT is a political project intended to convey a modern image of Tunisia. Indeed, besides the experience of the Higher Institute of Continuing Education, established in 1984, no reflection on a pedagogy adapted to distance learning in Tunisia has been implemented especially that the VUT is based on digital technologies. Thus, the self-regulated learner behavior varies, according to the degree of control exerted by the VUT environment on their learning activities, between adaptation to the formal requirements and creating informal conditions.

Colegio público deportivo / Public sporty school

Perochena O’Brien, Mauricio Gustavo 14 May 2019 (has links)
El proyecto de tesis presentado consiste en el diseño de un colegio público situado en el distrito limeño de San Juan de Miraflores, en el cual se busca estudiar el espacio pedagógico e identificar de qué manera las cualidades arquitectónicas y composiciones espaciales influencian en el aprendizaje del alumno. Asimismo, se busca analizar cómo el enfatizar el ámbito deportivo de un colegio puede beneficiar distintos aspectos del mismo y de qué modo se puede integrar el proyecto a la comunidad. En este sentido, se toma como referencia otros proyectos en los que, el emplear, por ejemplo, los métodos Montessori o Reggio Emilia, implica una configuración espacial particular y una relación con el entorno natural diseñada para el alumno. Para ello, se busca desplegar un ámbito lúdico-experimental en ambientes educativos constituidos en espacios “experimentales”, cuya versatilidad espacial, proximidad a la naturaleza y, por tanto, interacción con el exterior, faciliten que el alumno experimente y aprenda más independiente y creativamente. Por otro lado, para imponer espacios deportivos que beneficien directamente al colegio, el ámbito deportivo pretende manifestarse en una arquitectura representativa e infraestructura de dicha índole, las cuales, además de posibilitar la realización de distintos deportes y actividades, establezcan espacios donde se generen actividades pedagógicas. Por último, para lograr integrar el proyecto a la comunidad, se busca extender, selectivamente, el uso de espacios comunes o deportivos hacia los usuarios ajenos al proyecto sin perjudicar su funcionamiento. / The presented thesis project consists in the design of a public school located in the district of San Juan de Miraflores, in Lima, which seeks to study the pedagogical space and identify how architectural qualities and spatial compositions can influence in the learning of the student. Furthermore, the aim is to analyze in which way emphasizing sports environment of a school can benefit different aspects of it and how the project can be integrated into the community. In this sense, other projects are taken as reference in which, the engaging of, for example, the Montessori or Reggio Emilia methods, implie a particular spatial configuration and interconnection with the natural environment designed for the student. In order to achieve this, the intend is to deploy ludic-experimental aspects in educational environments composed in "experimental" spaces, in which the spatial versatility, the proximity to nature and, therefore, the interaction with the outside, encourages the student to experiment and learn more independently and creatively. On the other hand, as a means to impose sports facilities that directly benefit the school, the sport component aims to manifest itself as a representative architecture and infrastructure of this kind, which, in addition to enable the realization of different sports and activities, it establishes spaces where pedagogical activities are developed. Finally, in order to integrate the project into the community, it is sought to broaden, selectively, the use of common and/or sport areas towards potential users outside the project without altering its operation. / Tesis

Pedagogiska miljöer kan skapas överallt på skolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare ser på samspelet mellan lärande och miljö i Svenska skolor i Thailand

Asplund, Jessica January 2013 (has links)
It is extremely important that the construction of the environment where children and youngsters spend the majority of their days supports the progress of their mentality. That is why I in this study will investigate what a certain amount of teachers consider of the interplay between learning and environment and how they thought a satisfactory environment structure eras of learning and also what the teachers consider to be missing at this point. The schools where I gathered my material are located in Thailand but they use the Swedish curriculum as a starting point and the students at these schools are mostly Swedish speaking. An important element that I came across was the impact of the surrounding on how to shape and use the environment as a tool in the teaching. Thailand’s climate is different than the Swedish climate; I want to investigate if that has any effect in the teaching. The educational environment in schools includes not only the classrooms but also every other space closely connected. Earlier scientific research as well as those people that I used as objects for interviews agrees regarding the fact that a suitable and stimulating environment are one of the most impact on how well children learn. How this environment should look like can be structured in different ways depending on the teacher’s thoughts on that a development environment looks like.

Miljön som aktiv agent : En posthumanistisk studie om barns språk- och kommunikationsutveckling

Holmberg, Susanna, Lindholm, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att synliggöra pedagogiska miljöers möjligheter att främja alla barns språk- och kommunikationsutveckling. Studien genomfördes på två förskolor på olika orter där respondenterna var förskollärare. Som datainsamlingsmetod valdes turistguidning. Hela studien präglas av den posthumanistiska teorin för att synliggöra hur miljön eller materialet agerar främjande för barnen. För att synliggöra miljöerna och materialens agens analyserades turistguidningen i två omgångar. Den första för att, ur ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv, synliggöra vilka visuella miljöer och material som existerar i den pedagogiska miljön. Den andra analysen genomfördes med fokus på respondenternas utsagor angående miljön och materialets agens. Koder, etiketter och kategorier framställdes därefter ur datan vilket skapade studiens analysmetod. I resultatet framställdes de språkfrämjande material och miljöer samt respondenternas tolkningar av material och miljöer som synliggjordes i de besökta förskolorna. De mest framträdande var: litteratur och läsmiljöer, pedagogisk dokumentation samt alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation. Av resultatet kom studien fram till slutsatsen att material och miljö kan agera språk- och kommunikationsfrämjande. / This qualitative study aims to highlight the opportunities for educational environments to promote all children's language and communication development. The study was conducted at two preschools in different locations where the respondents were preschool teachers. Tourist guidance was chosen as the data collection method. The whole study is characterized by the posthumanist theory to make it visible how the environment or the material acts to promote children's development. To make the environments and the agents of the materials visible, the tourist guide was analyzed in two rounds. The first to, from a posthumanist perspective, make visible which visual environments and materials exist in the pedagogical environment. The second analysis was conducted with focus on the respondents' statements regarding the environment and the material's agents. Codes, labels and categories were then produced from the data, which created the study's analysis method. The results presented the language-promoting materials and environments as well as the respondents' interpretations of materials and environments that were made visible in the preschools visited. The most prominent were: literature and reading environments, educational documentation as well as alternatives and complementary communication. From the results, the study came to the conclusion that materials and the environment can act to promote language and communication.

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