Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ekonomiska.""
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Första april : Tillväxtverkets arbete för att minska svenska ekonomins koldioxidutsläpp 2009–2022Marin, Elias January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Från sommar till vinter : Statens roll inom turism – studie av Åre under 1960-och 70-taletDahlin, Theo January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Digitaliseringens roll i revisionsprocessen för att upptäcka ekonomisk brottslighet / The role of digitalization in the audit process to detect financial crimeNydag, Katrin, Martinsson, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Digitaliseringen pågår överallt och den utvecklas snabbt. Möjligheterna är många samtidigt som utmaningar finns. Det kan vara svårt för företag och organisationer att ställa om processer, ändra arbetssätt samt lära ut ny teknik i takt med digitaliseringens framfart, men för att hålla sig kvar på marknaden är det mer eller mindre ett krav. När en organisation genomgår en förändring behöver dess medlemmar anpassa sig till det nya arbetssättet. Syftet med vår studie är att få förståelse för hur revisionsprocessen ser ut idag och hur den förändring som digitaliseringen bidragit med påverkar möjligheten att upptäcka ekonomisk brottslighet. För att undersöka det utgår vi från vår frågeställning; hur har digitaliseringen inom revisionsprocessen förändrat arbetet med att upptäcka ekonomisk brottslighet? Vår studie baseras på Karl E. Weicks teori om meningsskapande i organisationer. Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns brist på kunskap om hur den meningsskapande processen kommer till uttryck samt digitaliseringens påverkan på revisionsprocessen kopplat till ekonomisk brottslighet. Studiens resultat baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med fem revisorer och en expert från Ekobrottsmyndigheten, samt en dokumentanalys. Studiens resultat visar att de digitala verktygen som används inom revisionsprocessen idag bidrar till att monotona moment inom revisionen har fallit bort och att revisorerna istället kan lägga sitt främsta fokus på analyser och tolkning. Ett mer digitaliserat arbetssätt inom revisionsprocessen kan således leda till en mer kvalitativ och effektiv revisionsprocess, med mer omfattande och grundläggande analyser av revisionsunderlag vilket i sin tur påverkar möjligheten att upptäcka ekonomisk brottslighet. / Digitization is an ongoing process, and it is developing rapidly. Digitalization offers are many opportunities, but also presents challenges. It can be difficult for companies and organizations to change processes, adapt to new working methods and teach new technology to employees. However, in order for businesses to stay in the market, digitalization is more or less a requirement. When an organization undergoes a change, its members need to adapt to the new way of working. The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of what the audit process looks like today, and to investigate the impacy that digitization has on the ability to detect financial crime. To investigate this, we start with our question; How has digitization in the audit process changed the work of detecting financial crime? Our study is based on Karl E. Weick's theory of sensemaking in organizations. Previous research has shown that there is a lack of knowledge about how the sensemaking process is expressed as well as the impact of digitization on the audit process linked to financial crime. This study's results are based on qualitative interviews with five accountants and an expert from the Swedish Economic Crime Authority (Ekobrottsmyndigheten), as well as document analysis. The results shows that the digital tools used in the audit process today contribute to the fact that monotonous aspects of the audit have fallen away and that the auditors can instead put their main focus on analyzes and interpretation. A more digitized way of working within the audit process can thus lead to a more qualitative and efficient audit process, with more extensive and fundamental analyzes of audit documents, which in turn affects the possibility of detecting financial crime.
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Ledande perspektiv på jämställdhet & diskriminering från höger till vänster : En kvalitativ idéanalys av fyra svenska riksdagspartiers politiskaställningstaganden i frågan om jämställdhet och diskriminering.Magnusson, Richard January 2023 (has links)
This essay was intended to analyse and categorize the feminist approach of four Swedishparliamentary parties consisting of the Moderates, Sweden Democrats, Social DemocraticParty, and the Left Party. The subjects of this scientific analysis have therefore consisted ofthe election manifestos, party programs and statements on individual political subjects fromthe respective parties. The methodological approach of the aforementioned analysis consistedof a qualitative idea analysis that was formulated towards the goal of identifying theirrespective reality description, problem formulation and advocated solutions/actions. Theresearch delimitation was in turn restricted to three pre-selected issues/political subjectsrelated to the topic of equality. These consisted of men´s violence towards women, economicinequality, and working environment/work safety. The result of this study varied between theparties that were subjected to the analysis and provided an initial insight into the feministstandpoint of said actors. This included the conclusion that there are varied perspectivesregarding how equality is defined, the problems related to the topic, and which measures thatare considered to be the most suitable to mitigate and manage these existing issues.
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Business Improvement Districts: En effektiv strategi för lokal utveckling? : En utvärdering av "Business Improvement District" och dess inverkan på lokal utveckling. / Business Improvement Districts: An Effective Strategy for Local Development? : An evaluation of the "Business Improvement District" and its impact on local development.Marouki, Kerlos January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Den imaginära marknadsföringen av Stockholm skärgårdBerhe, Caleb January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att få en djupare kunskap om hur ledande turismaktörer framställer Stockholm skärgård i deras marknadsföring genom ord, bild och film. Studiens ansats har varit av en kvalitativ sådan där en kombination av netnografisk samt visuell analys har hjälpt för att samla in datamaterial. Fyra turismaktörer valdes ut för att studera hur de framställer Stockholm skärgård i deras marknadsföring på sociala medier (Youtube och Instagram) och hemsidor. Till hjälp har författaren använt sig av teorin Imaginative Geographies för att förstå hur mytiska bilder av en plats kan få en så stor inverkan att de blir kollektivt delade meningar. Resultatet visar att olika framställningar som att Stockholm skärgård ingjuter frihet, upplevs som en helt annan värld och de fantastiska landskap är romantiseringar som marknadsförs på turismaktörernas sociala medier.
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AYM - Augment Your Moments : En studie om digitala turistupplevelser och utforskande av destinationer med Augmented RealityHylin, Frida, Lithander, Dennis January 2021 (has links)
Modern society largely consists of digital artifacts such as smartphones, smart watches and virtual technology that have the ability to change, expand or enhance the reality of the user. Technologies such as Augmented Reality are a relatively new phenomenon that in the future is believed to have an impact in the tourism industry since it can provide optimized user experiences. Digitization and the development of new technologies have, however, led to a change in consumer behavior in the tourism sector and sets higher demands on companies than before. How this technology can be beneficial in alignment with tourist experiences is something that this thesis has been based on, and with the help of a digital survey, people's attitude towards an Augmented Reality application in digital discovery and what functions meet people's needs regarding accommodation, eating, travel and activities during their holiday are investigated. The results indicate that people are generally positive about both downloading and using digital Augmented Reality applications in digital discovery, provided that the user's integrity is protected and that the general security is well developed. The results of this inquiry suggest that people prefer features that meet the user's primary needs, such as hotel and restaurant suggestions.
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IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYWHERE : A Hypothetical Studies for a New Travel Hub Between Europe and AsiaChristofel, Aditya Billy January 2018 (has links)
The development of air transport industry contributes to the economic growth worldwide. It evolves from a luxury form of transportation to an affordable and quick way to move between places. The airline operation model evolves from a traditional point-to-point operation to a hub-and-spoke model, where airline funnels passenger through a centralized location called hub. This model, while reducing operational cost and increasing connectivity, is also adding more time and distance to one’s journey. The development in aircraft technology however, allows airline to by-pass the traditional hub and fly directly to their destination with a longer-range aircraft with a low capacity, somehow returning to the original operational model of point-to-point flight. However, this new type of aircraft also allows airline to reach a smaller destination that didn’t justify the use of the high-capacity aircraft that was traditionally used on this long-haul flight. Aside from the lower acquisition cost, this smaller aircraft also burns less fuel and reduce the airline financial risk. The study was focused on locating a new hypothetical hub to connect Europe with Eastern Asia, the top two aviation market by passenger number. This new hub will be strategically located between the two markets, unlike the current Middle-Eastern hub that requires a significant detour. The Buffer Tool that is available in ArcGIS will be utilized to draw a radius between each airport in the study area, where the radius’ values were based on the range of the Airbus A321NEO (New Engine Option). Area with the most intersection will be further analyzed to determine the most reasonable location for the new hub, based on the airport infrastructure and the country’s socio-economic index. The result of this study shows that the Central Asian region has the most overlapping circle, with the city of Almaty in Kazakhstan emerged as the most potential location for this new hub. The geographical advantage, backed by a relatively strong economy and stable socio-political condition, made Almaty left the other candidates behind.
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Kris, krig och möbelindustri i omvandling : En studie av möbelproduktionen i Skaraborgs län 1910-1920Gustavsson, Peter January 2023 (has links)
This thesis deals with rural furniture production in Skaraborg County, Sweden, where the community Tibro is analyzed as part of the rural furniture production. The period of investigation is 1910-1920, when the First World War contributed to a number of changes in furniture manufacturing. The analysis describes how and in what way furniture manufacturing could be further developed and how the domestic market was linked to trade and restrictions. In the survey, wood production is put in relation to price changes, and changes in wages. It also analyzes how innovations and technological changes affected furniture production, where electrification in mechanization within the manufacturing process was an important factor for continued development. The analysis also discusses how investments were affected by various crises and that in turn the manufacturing process and conditions for continued growth.
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Skadar hög inflation långsiktig tillväxt? : En paneldatastudie med fem OECD-länder som undersöker om lägre inflation leder till högre ekonomisk tillväxt på lång siktLarpes, Samuel, Larsson, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
Västvärlden har de senaste åren upplevt hög och stigande inflation, något som varit ovanligt de senaste decennierna. Ekonomisk tillväxt är av stort intresse för alla länder, och inflationens effekt på tillväxten var välstuderat under 90-talet. Därefter har bidragen varit färre, men är återigen intressant att analysera med bakgrund av rådande inflationsnivåer. Studiens syfte är att undersöka om inflation påverkar real BNP-tillväxt negativt på lång sikt. Det görs genom att med paneldata från OECD undersöka fem länder i en IV-regression mellan 1973-1984 och under en elvaårsperiod med start fem år efter respektive lands införande av ett inflationsmål. Resultatet visar att inflation haft en statistiskt signifikant negativ kausal effekt på den reala BNP-tillväxten i dessa länder och tidsperioder. Det är i linje med stor del av tidigare forskning på området. / The western world has during the last couple of years witnessed high and rising inflation, which has been of rare occurrence during the last decades. Economic growth is of great interest all over the world, and during the nineties the subject of the effects inflation has on growth was well studied. Thereafter the contributions have been fewer. Given the recent levels of inflation this is once again an interesting area of study. The purpose of this paper is to examine if inflation affects real GDP growth negatively in the long run. This is made possible through the usage of panel data, collected from the OECD, where five countries are included in an IV-regression during 1973-1984 as well as the eleven year period occurring five years after the introduction of inflation targeting. The results show that the negative causal effect inflation has had on real GDP growth in these countries and time periods is of statistical significance. That is in line with a major part of the published research on the subject.
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