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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moralisk stress och dess konsekvenser för akutsjuksköterskors vårdande på akutmottagningen : En systematisk och integrativ litteraturstudie / Moral distress and its consequences for emergency nurses care in the emergency department : A systematic and integrative literature study

Boström, Tarja, Ekman, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Akutmottagningens vårdmiljö präglas av hög belastning och oförutsägbarhet vilka kan orsaka konflikter mellan nödvändiga åtgärder och individens moraliska värderingar. Akutsjuksköterskor ska verka utifrån ICN:s etiska kod, inneha ett holistiskt synsätt, personcentrerat förhållningsätt och skapa förutsättningar för vårdande relationer med patienter och närstående. En hög arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist orsakar att patienter och akutsjuksköterskor upplever att vårdens kvalité försämras. När akutsjuksköterskor känner ansvar över vårdandet men hindras att bedriva önskad vård skapas moralisk stress. På senare år ses en stigande och mer utspridd förekomst av moralisk stress, hur det påverkar akutsjuksköterskor samt deras vårdande på akutmottagningen bör uppmärksammas. Syftet med studien var att utforska tillgänglig vetenskaplig litteratur avseende moralisk stress och dess konsekvenser för akutsjuksköterskors vårdande på akutmottagning. En systematisk och integrativ litteraturstudie genomfördes på nio publicerade vetenskapliga studier vilka inhämtades via Cinahl, PubMed, PsycInfo samt genom manuella sökningar och en systematisk dataanalys utfördes. Resultatet visade att moralisk stress ses i direkt relation till akutsjuksköterskors oförmåga att vårda, till följd av hög arbetsbelastning, omvårdnaden blir underordnad medicinska åtgärder, oprofessionella förhållningssätt, avsaknad av samsyn på patientvården, bristande kommunikation samt stöd. Upprepad och långvarig moralisk stress kan orsaka identitetsförluster, försämrad patientvård, sjukskrivning, arbetsmissnöje vilket bidrar till att akutsjuksköterskor väljer andra arbetsplatser eller slutar arbeta inom vården. / The emergency room's care environment is characterized by high workload and unpredictability, which can cause conflicts between necessary measures and the individual's moral values. Emergency nurses must operate on the basis of the ICN:s code of ethics, have a holistic approach, a person-centered approach and create conditions for caring relationships with patients and relatives. A high workload and lack of time causes patients and emergency nurses to experience a deterioration in the quality of care. When emergency nurses feel responsible for the care but are prevented from providing the desired care, moral stress is created. In recent years, an increasing and more widespread occurrence of moral stress, how it affects emergency nurses and their care in the emergency department should be noted. The purpose of the study was to explore available scientific literature regarding moral stress and its consequences for emergency nurses in the emergency department. A systematic and integrative literature study was conducted on nine published scientific studies obtained via Cinahl, PubMed, PsycInfo and manual searches, and a systematic data analysis was performed. The results showed that moral stress is seen in direct relation to the emergency nurses' inability to care, due to high workload, nursing becomes subordinate to medical measures, unprofessional approaches, lack of consensus on patient care, lack of communication and support. Repeated and prolonged moral stress can cause identity loss, deteriorating patient care, sick leave, work dissatisfaction which contribute to that emergency nurses choose other workplaces or stop working in health care.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av teamsamverkan vid akut intubation av en vuxen patient inom akutsjukvården : En intervjustudie / Intensive care nurses’ experiences of team collaboration during the emergency intubation of an adult in emergency care : An interview study

Norberg, Maria, Elfvén, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
Abstrakt. Introduktion: Fri luftväg är en förutsättning för adekvat syresättning och därmed liv. En akut intubation kan behövas i de fall patienten inte kan upprätthålla fri luftväg av sig själv. I omhändertagande av en kritiskt sjuk patient med ofri luftväg krävs teamsamverkan och teamsamverkan är en förutsättning för att kunna bedriva patientsäker vård. Ofta kan dessa situationer uppstå på intensivvårdsavdelningen där intensivvårdssjuksköterskan innehar en stor roll tillsammans med övriga i teamet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelse av teamsamverkan vid akut intubation av en vuxen patient. Metod: En kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats tillämpades där åtta intensivvårdssjuksköterskor vid ett mindre sjukhus i norra Sverige intervjuades och hade tidigare upplevelser av teamsamverkan vid akut intubation. Analysarbetet har sin grund i Graneheim & Lundmans (2004) beskrivning av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Innehållsanalysen resulterade i fem huvudkategorier: Att ansvara för att kommunikationen fungerar, Att ha en tydlig rollfördelning och ledare minskar stressen, Att känna stöd från kollegor bidrar till trygghet, Att i en komplex roll bidra till säkerhet samt Att användning av en checklista minskar osäkerheten. Diskussion: Möjligheter finns för att utforma en bra teamsamverkan och det finns stora behov av att det ska fungera, framför allt för patientsäkerheten. Trots detta finns flera hinder till en fungerande teamsamverkan, där hierarkiska strukturer och bristande respektfullhet kan vara några av dessa. Slutsats: Intensivvårdssjuksköterskan upplever både det interprofessionella samarbetet och det egna ansvaret som komplext vid akuta intubationer, där mångfacetterade upplevelser kan uppkomma. Tillämpning av simuleringsövningar och följsamhet av rutiner efterfrågas.

Nyexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att arbeta inom akutsjukvård - en litteraturstudie / Newly graduated nurses’ experiences of working in emergency care - A review of the literature

Englöf, Therese, Gustafsson, Tobias January 2024 (has links)
BakgrundTransitionen från student till yrkesverksam sjuksköterska kan vara svår och utmanande och än mer utmanande som ny inom akutsjukvården. Författarna kommer beskriva sjuksköterskans profession, vad det innebär att vara nyexaminerad sjuksköterska samt vad som menas med transition. Även begreppet akutsjukvård och dess olika kontexter kommer beskrivas. Vidare beskriver författarna Duchschers (2008) transitionsteori. SyfteAtt sammanställa kunskap om nyexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta inom akutsjukvård. MetodStrukturerad litteraturstudie med inslag av grunderna för systematisk litteraturöversikt. ResultatSammanställningen av artiklarna i denna litteraturstudie resulterade i tre kategorier Första tiden i yrket, Vikten av support och Upplevelsen av arbetsmiljön. Samt åtta subkategorier Upplevelsen av transition, Introduktion på arbetsplatsen, Utveckling inom professionen, Upplevelsen av teamwork, Kommunikation, Behov av stöd, Brist på erfaren personal och Arbetsbelastning. SlutsatsTransitionen från student till sjuksköterska kan vara utmanande på flera sätt, både inom yrkesrollen och privat. Minskad arbetsbelastning och en adekvat introduktion skulle kunna hjälpa till i transitionen från student till yrkesverksam sjuksköterska. Viljan av utveckling och skapande av erfarenheter var stärkande för nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor i tron på sin kompetens. / BackgroundThe transition from being a student nurse to becoming a registered nurse can be hard and challenging, even more challenging by being new in the emergency care. The writers will describe nurses’ profession, what it means to be a newly graduated nurse and also explain transition. Further on the writers will describe the concept emergency care and the different context where emergency care can occur. The writers will also describe Duchscher (2008) transition theory. AimTo compile knowledge of newly graduated nurses´ experiences of working in acute caresetting. MethodA review of literature with the basics from a systematic review. ResultsThis review resulted in three categories Early in the profession, The importance of support and Experience of the work environments. Eight subcategories were identified these were Experience of transition, Introduction in the workplace, development within the profession, Teamwork experience, Communication, Need for support, Lack of experienced staff and Workload. ConclusionsThe transition from student nurse to registered nurse can be challenging in many ways, both within the profession as well as the private life. Reduced workload and an adequate introduction could help in the transition from student to professional nurse. The will of development and the hunt for experiences were empowering for the newly graduated nurses in the beliefs in their own competence.

Vård i rörelse : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om den mobila vården

Teske, Christofer, Andreasson, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vård i hemmet tycks bli allt mer nödvändigt när befolkningen blir allt äldre och det förordas i nationella utredningar om framtidens vårdorganisation. Det finns dock stora utmaningar med att förflytta vård av akut sjuka patienter från akutmottagningar till patienters hem.  Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva erfarenheter av den mobila vården. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförs med 12 personer med erfarenhet av mobil vård i Sverige, så som sjuksköterskor, läkare, tjänstemän och politiker. Kvalitativ latent innehållsanalys användes som analysmetod. Resultat: Studiens resultat redovisas utifrån ett tema “En holistisk vård given genom samverkan i patientens hemmiljö”, med tre huvudkategorier “gränslöst samarbete”, “resurser i närmiljö” och “helhetssyn av patienten”.  Studiens resultat visade att samverkan är av stor vikt för fungerande mobil vård. Det behövs både organisatoriskt samarbete mellan olika vårdorganisationer och ett nära samarbete mellan de olika läkare och sjuksköterskor som har hand om samma patient för att de ska kunna ta ett gemensamt ansvar för patienten. Eftersom mobil vård främst används för äldre multisjuka behövs en helhetssyn på patienten, där mobil vård ger patienter och anhöriga en upplevelse av trygghet. Slutsats:  Studien antyder att den mobila vården ses som en rörlig vård som kommer till den vårdsökande och inte tvärtom. Resurserna fördelas där de gör mest nytta, det vill säga närmast individen. Den mobila vården ses som ett komplement till den traditionella sjukhusvården. Det innebär ett annorlunda arbetssätt som kräver ett tätt samarbete mellan olika personalkategorier och organisationer, där det inte pratas om gränser utan om patientens behov och situation. / Introduction: Provision of mobile care at the home of patients appears to become necessary as the population becomes increasingly older. But there are challenges in moving acute care from hospitals to the home of patients. Aim: The aim of the study is to describe the experiences of the mobile care. Method: Semi structured interviews are conducted with 12 persons with experience of mobile care in Sweden, such as nurses, doctors, civil servants and politicians. Qualitative latent content analysis was used as an analysis method. Result: The study's result is presented on the basis of a theme "A holistic care given through collaboration in the patient's home environment", with three main categories "borderless cooperation" "resources in the immediate environment" and "holistic view of the patient". The results show that cooperation is of utmost importance to achieve functioning mobile care. Cooperation both on an interorganizational level and on a close teamwork level is required for all of the involved parties in mobile care to take on a joint responsibility for the patient. As mobile care is foremost provided to elderly multimorbid patients, a comprehensive view on patient care is required in which the patient and its relatives experience security. Conclusion: This study suggests that mobile care is seen as a moving care that comes to the seeking person and not the other way around. The resources are distributed where they make the most use, that is, closest to the individual. Mobile care is seen as a complement to the traditional hospital care. This means a different way of working that requires close collaboration between different categories of personnel and organizations, where it does not talk about boundaries but about the patient's needs and situation.

Avaliação de desempenho do serviço de assistência móvel de urgência: uso de condição traçadora em estudo misto / Evaluation of the Performance of the mobile emergency care service: use of a tracer condition in a mixed study

Oliveira, Catia Cristina Martins de 14 February 2019 (has links)
Estudos realizados em vários países têm demonstrado a importância da atenção pré-hospitalar móvel, principalmente por atuar na redução do tempo resposta. No Brasil, essa modalidade de assistência é realizada por meio do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (SAMU), implantado em 2003, cujos objetivos são redução do número de óbitos, do tempo de internação e das sequelas incapacitantes provenientes de um agravo clínico ou acidente. Em que pesem os avanços alcançados ao longo de quinze anos de implementação do SAMU no país, ainda permanecem desafios importantes a serem superados. O propósito desse estudo foi avaliar o desempenho do SAMU, na Região do Grande ABC Paulista, utilizando como condição traçadora o infarto agudo do miocárdio. Trata-se de pesquisa avaliativa, exploratório-analítica, realizada por meio do método misto sequencial explanatório. Na abordagem quantitativa foi utilizado o desenho de séries temporais interrompidas, para testar efeitos imediatos e graduais da intervenção sobre a taxa de mortalidade hospitalar por infarto agudo do miocárdio. Para aumentar a validade interna do estudo foram incluídas análises com desfecho e região controles. A abordagem qualitativa foi baseada em análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas. O roteiro de entrevista foi desenvolvido visando aprofundar os resultados da análise de series temporais interrompidas ao explorar atitudes e valores dos entrevistados sobre o desempenho do SAMU na região. Para interpretação dos achados da pesquisa qualitativa foi empregada técnica de análise do tipo temática. A elaboração do modelo lógico do programa foi fundamental para compreender o funcionamento do SAMU na região do Grande ABC. Após a modelagem da intervenção, observou-se viabilidade metodológica e operacional para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa avaliativa. A análise de series temporais interrompidas mostrou redução de -0.04% na taxa de mortalidade, em relação a tendência subjacente, desde a implantação do SAMU (IC 95%:-0.0816; -0.0162; P-valor: 0.0040) e uma redução no nível de -2.89 (IC 95%:-4.3293;-1.4623 P-valor: 0.0001), ambos com significância estatística. Não é possível excluir confundimentos devido a outros eventos ocorridos na época da política, no entanto, para melhorar a robustez dos achados foi incluida séries de controle relevantes. Análises com desfecho controle não mostrou mudanças significativas na tendência e nível. Em relação a região controle, Baixada Santista, a diferença da tendência do desfecho, pós-intervenção, de -0.0639 mostrou-se estatisticamente significativa (IC 95%: -0.1060; -0.0219; P-valor: 0.0031). As entrevistas revelaram que o SAMU tem potencial para intervir no melhor prognóstico dos casos de infarto agudo do miocárdio que são transportados, contudo, é preciso superar desafios relacionados a garantia de leitos de referência, expansão da telemedicina e qualificação contínua das equipes da regulação e assistência. A heterogeneidade das condições sociais e econômicas dos municípios da região pode estar contribuindo para que a atenção móvel de urgência não seja equânime, apontando para a importância do processo de regionalização, visando aprimorar o fluxo assistencial e o acesso oportuno ao sistema de saúde. Os resultados sinalizam que a intervenção estudada pode ser uma condição que por si só não implica em efetividade, mas sem a qual essa mesma efetividade não teria ocorrido, sendo parte de um conjunto de condições que, agregadas, geram um resultado positivo / Studies conducted in several countries have demonstrated the importance of prehospital mobile care, mainly by acting in reducing the response time. In Brazil, this type of care is performed through the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU), implemented in 2003, whose objectives are to reduce the number of deaths, length of hospital stay and disabling sequelae resulting from a clinical or accident. Regardless of the progress achieved over the fifteen years of implementation of SAMU in the country, important challenges remain to be overcome. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of SAMU, in the Region of Grande ABC Paulista, using acute myocardial infarction as the tracer condition. This is an evaluative, exploratory-analytic research, carried out using the mixed sequential explanatory method. In the quantitative approach, the design of interrupted time series was used to test the immediate and gradual effects of the intervention on the hospital mortality rate due to acute myocardial infarction. In order to increase the internal validity of the study, analyzes with outcome and control regions were included. The qualitative approach was based on documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews. The interview script was developed in order to deepen the results of the analysis of interrupted time series by exploring the attitudes and values of interviewees about SAMU performance in the region. For the interpretation of the qualitative research findings, a thematic type analysis technique was used. The elaboration of the program\'s logical model was fundamental to understanding the operation of SAMU in the Grande ABC region. After the intervention modeling, methodological and operational feasibility was observed for the development of the evaluative research. The analysis of interrupted time series showed a -0.04% reduction in the mortality rate, in relation to the underlying trend, since the implantation of SAMU (95% CI: 0.0816 to -0.0162, p-value 0.0040) and a reduction in the level of -2.89 (95% CI: 4.3293, -1.4623 p-value: 0.0001), both with statistical significance. It is not possible to exclude confounding due to other events occurring at the time of the policy, however, in order to improve the robustness of the findings, relevant control series were included. Analyzes with outcome control did not show significant changes in trend and level. In relation to the control region, Baixada Santista, the difference in trend of the post-intervention outcome of -0.0639 was statistically significant (95% CI -0.1060; -0.0219; p-value: 0.0001). The interviews revealed that the SAMU has the potential to intervene in the best prognosis of the cases of acute myocardial infarction that are transported, however, it is necessary to overcome challenges related to reference bed assurance, telemedicine expansion and continuous qualification of the regulation and care teams. The heterogeneity of the social and economic conditions of the municipalities in the region may be contributing to the fact that mobile emergency care is not equitable, pointing to the importance of the regionalization process, aiming at improving the flow of care and timely access to the health system. The results indicate that the intervention studied may be a condition that in itself does not imply effectiveness, but without which this same effectiveness would not have occurred, being part of a set of conditions that, together, generate a positive result

Obstacles à l'accès aux soins d'urgences suite aux complications des avortements non sécurisés dans la province du Moyen Ogooué au Gabon : aspects juridique, socioculturel et médical

Moundaka, Iris ursula 09 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde dans la première partie une revue panoramique des controverses historico-juridiques autour de l’avortement dans le monde, suivi par une analyse du contexte socioculturel des attitudes et des pratiques liées aux rapports sociaux de sexe, aux grossesses non désirées et à l’avortement non sécurisé. Enfin, nous examinons les articulations entre la médecine traditionnelle, coloniale et moderne au Gabon. Tout cela nous amène à notre étude sur les barrières à l’accès aux soins modernes chez les femmes en situation d’urgence médicale.L’objectif de cette thèse doctorale est d’élaborer et d’appliquer, dans sa deuxième partie, une méthodologie pour étudier le réseau des acteurs impliqués dans les pratiques liées aux avortements afin de mieux comprendre les résistances aux changements socio-cliniques et juridiques. Quel est le système de soins formel et informel chez les prestataires médicaux de soins en matière d'avortement et quels sont les obstacles que les praticiens et les femmes doivent franchir pour fournir (les praticiens) et obtenir (les femmes) ce service ? Spécifiquement une investigation des interactions sociales et institutionnelles en milieu hospitalier de Lambaréné et dans les zones rurales environnantes a été réalisée. Elle nous a conduit à déceler différentes barrières extra médicales et intra médicales à l’accès aux soins d’urgence suite aux complications des avortements non sécurisés. Ainsi, nous nous sommes concentrés, d’une part, sur les discours des professionnels de la santé, leurs pratiques et les contextes de soins ; et d’autre part, nous avons privilégié les récits des femmes sur les stratégies à interrompre les grossesses avec ou sans l'aide médicale et sur leurs stratégies d’accès aux soins modernes malgré les obstacles.Les résultats obtenus à partir des entretiens, après l’analyse de contenus, montrent qu’en pratique, il existe d'importantes barrières à l'accès aux soins d’urgences. Ces difficultés débutent dans leur environnement social avec la recherche des produits abortifs et les premiers traitements (automédication, aller en pharmacie ou chez le tradithérapeute). En cas de complications aggravées, les obstacles extra médicaux s’amplifient avec la distance géographique, les problèmes de transport et des moyens financiers. Par ailleurs, une fois ces obstacles plus ou moins franchis, les femmes doivent encore affronter les obstacles intra médicaux dans la prise en charge des urgences. Fournir un accès aux services d’avortement sans risque pour les Gabonaises est l’un des grands défis auquel nous devons faire face actuellement. Cette thèse contribue à dénoncer tout haut ce qui se passe de manière informelle dans la société gabonaise. Les femmes vivent des situations tragiques. / This dissertation begins with a broad overview of juridical and historical controversies surrounding abortion in the world followed by an analysis of attitudes and practices in diverse socio-cultural contexts linked to gender relations, unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion. We then examine articulations between traditional, colonial and modern medicine in Gabon. That panorama brings us to our study of the obstacles women with medical emergencies face in accessing modern health care.The objective of this doctoral research is to elaborate and apply a methodology for studying the network of actors involved in practices connected to abortion in order to better understand resistance to socio-clinical and juridical change. What is the formal and informal health care system of medical providers in matters related to abortion and what are the obstacles that providers and women must transverse to offer (providers) and obtain (women) this service? Specifically, an investigation of social and institutional interactions was conducted in urban hospital settings and in surrounding rural areas. That led us to detect different extra-medical and intra-medical barriers to emergency care access following unsafe abortion complications. In this way, we focused, on one side, upon the discourse, practices and medical contexts of health professionals while, on the other side, privileging the accounts women recited of their strategies for terminating pregnancies with or without medical help and for accessing modern care despite the obstacles.Content analysis of interviews revealed major barriers to emergency care access. Those difficulties start in the social environment with the search for abortion products and for initial treatments (self-medication and visits to the pharmacy or to traditional practitioners). In cases of advanced complications, extra-medical obstacles intensify with greater geographic distance, transportation problems and insufficient financial means. Moreover, once those obstacles are more or less overcome, women must then confront intra-medical obstacles within emergency care hospital units. Providing access to safe abortion for Gabonese women in current times is one of the great challenges we must confront. This dissertation contributes to a loud vocal denunciation of informal happenings in the society of Gabon. Women live tragic circumstances.

Analyse de l'organisation des urgences hospitalières : propositions pour une amélioration de la partie amont et une maîtrise des flux de patients / Analysis of the medical emergencies’ organisation : Propositions to improve the prehospital emergency care network and to control patients flux

Hermassi, Joumana Elghalia 20 July 2011 (has links)
L'engorgement des services des urgences est une question d'actualité. L'augmentation de la fréquentation de ces services par des cas non urgents surcharge ces centres de soins. Par conséquence, la qualité du service délivré aux patients se dégrade et les coûts des soins augmentent. Afin de résoudre ce problème, cette étude porte un intérêt particulier au réseau amont de prise en charge des urgences (pompiers, ambulances privées,médecin libéral, SAMU…). Il s'agit de savoir comment le dispositif actuel doit s'adapter afin de mieux répondre aux besoins des patients. Pour ce faire, le champ de l'étude s'est réparti en deux parties.Une première analyse s'est focalisée notamment sur la régulation médicale au SAMU/Centre15, pivot du réseau amont de prise en charge des urgences et ciment des relations entres les différents acteurs des urgences hospitalières.Une deuxième partie, à vision se situant à un niveau plus global cette fois, prend en compte la phase amont de la prise en charge des urgences dans sa totalité. Elle analyse la complexité du réseau et se centre sur deux éléments d'amélioration possibles, celui de l'introduction des Maisons Médicales de Garde et celui du renforcement de SOS Médecins. / Emergency Department (ED) overcrowding is a topical issue. The increasing attendance at such service by patients with non urgent problems resulted in surcharging the ED. Consequently, the quality of the delivered service is degraded and the care costs are on the increase. In order to solve this problem, a particular interest is taken in the pre-hospital emergency care network (firemen, private ambulances, General Practitioner, SAMU…). Our main purpose is to determine how the current system must adapt to better respond to patients health care needs. This study is divided into two parts: A first analysis focuses on the processing of emergency calls into the SAMU/Centre 15 as itplays an important role in the management of patients flew through this network and guarantees better relations between different actors of this system.A second one deals with the entire pre-hospital emergency care network. The complexity ofthis net is analysed and some alternatives are studied in order to improve the management ofEmergency Department's patients: the establishment of « Maisons Médicales de Garde » and the strengthening of existing medical centres such as « SOS Médecins ».

Violência sob o olhar e o agir de quem socorre: representações dos profissionais do atendimento pré-hospitalar de urgência e emergência / Violence under the act and look who rescues: representations of professionals in prehospital emergency rooms

Albuquerque, Verônica Santos January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:42:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010 / Trata-se de um estudo das representações, experiências e práticas dos profissionais que atuam no serviço pré-hospitalar de urgência e emergência do Corpo de Bombeiros, na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, frente ao cotidiano de atendimento a vítimas de violência ou em áreas dominadas pelo crime. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi relacionar as representações de violência e as percepções de risco com as experiências, as práticas e o cotidiano destes profissionais. A abordagem metodológica se centrou nos referenciais das representações sociais e articulou dados quantitativos e qualitativos, numa perspectiva de triangulação de métodos. Os dados quantitativos foram construídos a partir de duas técnicas de coleta de dados: questionário e pesquisa documental. Já os dados qualitativos se basearam em entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram militares do Corpo de Bombeiros que atuam em guarnições do Grupamento de Socorro de Emergência nos dez quartéis da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, que registram o maior número de atendimento a eventos envolvendo violência. Participaram da pesquisa oficiais médicos, praças técnicas em enfermagem e motoristas. A análise dos resultados foi organizada em três partes: o contexto, os sujeitos e as representações. No contexto, está a caracterização das vítimas, da assistência e das lesões geradas pelos eventos violentos intencionais no cerne das causas externas. Destacou-se a maior vitimização masculina, de jovens e negros, além da maior frequência de eventos durante os finais de semana. Foram encontradas, ainda, relações significativas entre eventos envolvendo projeteis de armas de fogo com lesões penetrantes em crânio e tórax e também com o desfecho para óbito. Para análise do perfil e condições de trabalho dos sujeitos – bombeiros militares – a base de comparação foi estudo recente e similar realizado com policiais no Rio de Janeiro. Com relação às representações e experiências, destacaram-se a presença cotidiana da violência na vida e no trabalho dos profissionais estudados. A preferência por atendimento a lesões decorrentes de eventos traumáticos também foi expressiva. Surgiram, ainda, a naturalização da violência e a indignação frente à violência, principalmente quando envolve grupos vulneráveis e percepções negativas e positivas de risco. A análise das concepções que os profissionais possuíam com relação a diversos aspectos que permeiam o fenômeno da violência mostrou que os conhecimentos para abordagem técnica das lesões decorrentes dos eventos violentos são valorizados na área da saúde. Porém, a compreensão científica ampliada e atual da violência e seus impactos não esteve disseminada entre os profissionais estudados. / This study discusses about the representation, experiences and practice of pre-hospital emergency care professionals in the face of the assistance to violence victims or on areas controlled by criminals. These professionals were from Fire Brigade of metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. The research aimed to relate representations of violence and risk perception with experience, practice and daily work of studied professionals. Methodological approach based on references of social representation and joined together quantitative and qualitative data, using triangulation of methods. Quantitative data were constructed from two techniques of information catch: questionnaire and documental research. Qualitative data came from individual interview semi-structured. Professionals involved in this research were officers’ physicians, nursing technician and ambulance drivers – all of them were military from the Rescue and Emergency Squad of Fire Brigade of Rio de Janeiro. These professionals worked on the ten barracks on Rio de Janeiro that attend the most cases of urban violence. Results analyses were organized in three parts: the contexts, the agents and the representations. Context part includes the violence victims, the emergency care and the wounds characterization, comparing the intentional violence events with general external causes. The main victims of lethal violence were black and young men. Violent occurrences happened more frequently on weekends. Other evidence found in this study was the significant relation between firearm events and deep wounds on head and chest and so with death. The analyses of pre-hospital emergency care professionals characteristics were compared with similar studied played with military policemen on Rio de Janeiro. On representation and experience part appeared the daily presence of violence on life and work of studied professionals. Preference for trauma care was also an expressive data. Other research finds were the naturalization and the indignation in face of violence, mainly when it affects vulnerable groups. Negative and positive risk perception was also found. The analysis of health professionals’ conception about some violence aspects showed that their knowledge was focused on technical procedures for wound care. However, a broadened and current scientific comprehension of violence and its impacts was not disseminated between studied professionals.

Četnost a příčiny úrazů u dětí v přednemocniční neodkladné péči / Frequency and causes of injuries of children in pre-hospital emergency care

MINAŘÍKOVÁ, Petra January 2009 (has links)
Injuries represent the greatest danger for children and the most frequent cause of their death. A certain dangerous situation precedes every injury and as such it can always be prevented. Emergency rescue teams provide professional urgent pre-hospital care. Based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience of a member of a rescue team providing pre-hospital urgent care, two research objectives were determined. Objective no. 1 was to map out the number of children{\crq}s injuries in the regional centre of České Budějovice between 2004-2008. Objective no. 2 was to analyze the situations in which children of various ages get injured. Three hypotheses were determined. Hypothesis no. 1 ``Children living in towns get injured more frequently than children in villages``, was not confirmed. Hypothesis no. 2 ``Children up to 6 years of age most frequently suffer injuries when they are at home and their parents are not cautious enough``, was confirmed. The last determined hypothesis ``Children between 6 {--} 18 years of age get injured during active sports and traffic accidents most frequently``, was confirmed. It is more efficient to invest in preventative activities that reduce the number and seriousness of injuries in children. If we take measures to prevent injuries, the number of fatalities will go down.

Unidade de Pronto Atendimento: olhares do usuário à produção do cuidado

Andrade, Bárbara Bulhões Lopes de January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Lúcia Torres (bfmhuap@gmail.com) on 2018-01-02T14:58:35Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTAÇAO BARBARA ANDRADE.pdf: 1084891 bytes, checksum: 4dab7d757095536396a9a645558caf3f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Lúcia Torres (bfmhuap@gmail.com) on 2018-01-02T14:58:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTAÇAO BARBARA ANDRADE.pdf: 1084891 bytes, checksum: 4dab7d757095536396a9a645558caf3f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-02T14:58:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTAÇAO BARBARA ANDRADE.pdf: 1084891 bytes, checksum: 4dab7d757095536396a9a645558caf3f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Instituto de Estudos em Saúde Coletiva / O estudo traz um olhar para as singularidades da produção do cuidado pela perspectiva do usuário em uma Unidade de Pronto Atendimento (UPA). Além disso, agrega conhecimento sobre o histórico e o desenvolvimento da rede de urgência e emergência do município do Rio de Janeiro e alguns desafios das unidades de emergência na produção deste cuidado. Afirma-se a noção redes dinâmicas em saúde, que transbordam sua institucionalização temática para o reconhecimento de uma rede viva, transversal e potente a apoiar o usuário nos caminhos que faz pelos serviços de urgência e emergência do município. Apresenta metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa-intervenção, forjada em cartografias da Unidade de Pronto Atendimento, a partir de narrativas de trabalhadores da unidade e da constituição de um usuário-guia. Este se mostra como o guia revelador da produção do cuidado em sua rede viva. Tendo em vista a morte socioafetiva deste nos serviços de saúde, propõe-se o método de Autópsia Sócioafetiva. Tal proposta de método é elaborada a partir da autópsia psicossocial, uma reconstrução do status da saúde física e mental e das circunstâncias sociais, psicológicas e afetivas do usuário na produção do cuidado em seu processo saúde-doença-cuidado-morte pelas redes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Ao desvelar as dinâmicas e interseções da rede viva do usuário, compreendem-se as singularidades e subjetividades de sua visão sobre a produção do cuidado. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a produção do cuidado na Rede de Urgência e Emergência, envolvendo gestores, trabalhadores e usuários. Procuraram-se descrever as experiências na Unidade de Pronto Atendimento, com foco nas inovações do modo de produção do cuidado pelo olhar do usuário, levando em consideração as valises tecnológicas do trabalho em saúde, principalmente as interfaces da tecnologia leve nos serviços de urgência e emergência do SUS. As cartografias desenvolvidas apresentam os territórios existenciais da UPA e da multiplicidade de seus trabalhadores e usuários. Desta forma, apresenta as singularidades do cuidado em saúde de urgência e emergência a partir da narrativa da companheira do usuário-guia e de trabalhadoras da UPA. Revela fissuras/meandros da rede de saúde, a multiplicidade do território existencial do usuário e as disputas elaboradas pela garantia do direito à saúde. Aponta inovações no campo das tecnologias leves elaboradas pelos trabalhadores da unidade e apresenta as percepções destes sobre o sistema de regulação de vagas (SISREG). Por fim, a morte socioafetiva do usuário entra também em disputa na produção do cuidado, tanto pela rede de serviços de saúde, que se mostra insuficiente ao não conseguir dar um diagnóstico à companheira do usuário, quanto por sua rede viva que se reconstrói por linhas de captura elaboradas na fé e em grupos de apoio religiosos / This study aims to reveal the singularities of the production of health care from the perspective of the patient in a First Care Unit (UPA). It also intends to contribute to the discussion on the history and development of the urgency and emergency network in the city of Rio de Janeiro and some of the challenges faced by the emergency units in providing such care. We affirm the definition of health webs as dynamic webs that go beyond their institutionalized definition to the establishment of a live and powerful web that is capable of supporting the attended population on its ways through urgency and emergency units of the city. The study is developed through a methodology of research-intervention, drawing cartographies of the First Care Unit from the narratives of the workers of the unit and of a ‘guiding patient’. This ‘guide’ reveals the production of care in his ‘live web’. Considering the social-affective death of the patient in the health services, we propose the method of the Social – Affective Autopsy. This methodological proposal is built from the psycho-social autopsy, a reconstruction of the physical and mental health status, and social, psychological and affective circumstances of the patient through the production of care in the process of health-disease-care-death through the web of the Unified Health Care System (SUS). Revealing the dynamics and intersections of the patient’s living web we can understand the singularities and subjectivities of his vision on the production of care. Our objective was to analyze the production of care in the Urgent (First Care - UPA) and Emergency Care Units, involving administrators, workers and patients. We describe the experiences in the UPA foccusing on innovations in the production of health care as seen by the patients, taking into account the technological tools of health work, mainly the interfaces of soft technology in the urgency and emergency services of the SUS. The cartographic developments present the living territories of the UPA and the multiplicity of its workers and patients. We present the singularities of health care in urgency and emergency from the narrative of the patient-guide’s wife and of female workers of the UPA. Fissures of the health care web are revealed, the multiplicity of the existential territory of the patients, and the disputes to warrant the right to health care. Innovations in the field of soft technologies developed by the workers of the UPA are pointed out, as well as their perceptions on the patient schedule regulation system (SISREG). Finally, the socioaffective death of the patient also enters in dispute on the production of care, by the health services network that is unable to give a diagnose to the patients partner, as well as by his living that is rebuilt with the mediation of faith-based actions and religious support groups

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