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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestão do conhecimento em radiologia e diagnóstico por imagem: práticas e condições capacitadoras, a visão do médico especialista

Almeida, Liliana Magon de 13 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Liliana Magon de Almeida.pdf: 885415 bytes, checksum: bf44fd103973bfe0307baa9ec3e599b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-13 / This study analyzes the knowledge management in Radiology Services. Through a theoretical revision inspired in the Resource Based View, the knowledge can be interpreted as a resource, with high potential to generate competitive advantage to its organization. In order to make possible that the competitive advantage generated by the organizational knowledge be sustained through time, this resource needs to be managed. The healthcare area, as it is intensive in knowledge, needs strong efforts to manage its knowledge, what justifies the choice for this area. Knowledge Management is, so, analyzed regarding two criteria: the conditions the organizations offers to develop knowledge internally, what is based on the Enablers Conditions described by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1997); and the Knowledge Management practices, based on Alavi and Leidner s (2001) process vision. Using descriptive research and data collected among radiologists, results were obtained to verify, first, the existence of the mentioned criteria in the Radiology Services, and second, if there is association between the two criteria. The results informed that Conditions Intention and Autonomy , clearly exist in the organizations, and Conditions Fluctuation and Creative Chaos , Redundancy and Variety of Requisites appeared only partially in their reality. The Practices Creation and Transference were clearly identified, but the Practices Retention and Application were only partially recognized. After establishing two clusters that represent a group with high level of knowledge management practices adoption and a group with low level of knowledge management practices adoption, the association between the groups and the Enabler Conditions was significant, refuting the hypothesis that this relation would be inexistent. / Pelo presente trabalho é analisada a gestão do conhecimento nos Serviços de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem. Com uma revisão teórica inspirada na Visão Baseada em Recursos, o conhecimento é indicado como um recurso com alto potencial de geração de vantagem competitiva para a organização. Para que a vantagem competitiva obtida por meio do recurso conhecimento seja efetivamente sustentável, a literatura aponta para a necessidade de sua gestão. A área de saúde, por ser intensiva em conhecimentos, precisa de cuidados específicos quanto à gestão destes recursos preciosos, o que justifica a escolha do ambiente de estudo. A Gestão do Conhecimento é analisada com base em dois critérios: as condições criadas pela organização para promover o conhecimento, embasado nas Condições Capacitadoras desenvolvidas por Nonaka e Takeuchi (1997), e as práticas de Gestão do Conhecimento, baseado na visão de processo de Alavi e Leidner (2001). Por meio de pesquisa descritiva, aplicada junto a médicos especialistas em radiologia, foram obtidos resultados para verificar, primeiro, a existência dos critérios mencionados nos Serviços de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem e, segundo, se havia associação entre os dois critérios. Os resultados indicaram a existência das Condições Capacitadoras Intenção e Autonomia , de forma clara, e as Condições Capacitadoras Flutuação e Caos Criativo , Redundância e Variedade de Requisitos , pelo menos parcialmente. As Práticas de GC Criação e Transferência foram claramente identificadas, enquanto as Práticas Estocagem e Retenção e Aplicação foram parcialmente identificas. Após o estabelecimento de clusters que agruparam as organizações em graus alto e baixo de Adoção de Práticas de GC, a associação entre as Condições Capacitadoras e os clusters mostrou-se significante, refutando a hipótese de que não existisse relação entre os dois critérios nesse ambiente de estudo.

Roadmap of Virtual Commissioning Inertia : An Investigation of Technical and Non-TechnicalFields of Action

Bondeson, Per, Liss, Stefan January 2018 (has links)
Virtual Commissioning (VC) enables simulation of the combined work of mechanical, electrical, robot andautomation engineers prior to commissioning of the real production equipment. Hence, testing of areaslike collisions, PLC and robot code can be performed in risk free virtual environments and thus, errorscan be detected and corrected early in the development phase of the production equipment. Effectively,both the time and the cost of commissioning will decrease significantly. In addition, advantages likeoperator training, increased knowledge about the equipment, a more mature and optimized system priorto installation is enabled. Nowadays, the commissioning phase of a production system accounts for 25%of the total project time and research has shown that VC can decrease the commissioning time with upto 75%.However, despite all advantages and existing solutions that enables VC, it is not a standard amongmanufacturing companies nor production equipment providers to use VC today. Therefore, we wantedto investigate why VC is not a standard today.There are many barriers and challenges that must be solved prior to successful implementation of VC. Aglobal survey concerning simulation concluded that eight fields of action must be addressed in order tofacilitate the use of simulation. These eight fields address barriers and challenges and they are assumedto apply for VC too. The fields are categorized into four technical and four non-technical fields of action.The technical concerns: model re-use, modeling efficiency, integration and usability. The non-technicalconcerns: work-flow, education, acceptance and collaboration.The purpose of this project is to investigate barriers that prevent VC from becoming widely used inthe industry. Thus, each field of action was researched to better understand why VC is not commonlyused. In addition, the objective of the project is to provide an investigation regarding the technical andnon-technical fields of actions and how each of the parties along the value chain relate to each field.Therefore, the following research question was formed. What barriers are preventing VC from gainingmomentum and becoming widely used by the industry?Through our interviews we did not find any company that currently use VC.We conclude that it generallyis the non-technical fields of action that contain barriers that prevent VC from becoming a standard inthe industry. Especially, it is the organizational related barriers that are the most severe. Nowadays,there exist technical solutions that enables VC and the technical fields of action mainly treat modelingefficiency improvements. However, interoperability is considered to be the most severe technical barriertowards VC and is therefore an important area to improve. Nonetheless, we conclude that the technicalbarriers are considered less severe compared to the non-technical in terms of enabling VC to becomingwidely used. / Virtuell Idriftsättning (VC) Virtual Commissioning är ett aktuellt tillvägagångssätt som underlättarinstallationen av nya maskiner för producerande företag och därmed hjälper att möta ett tuffare produktionsklimat.VC minskar risken, tiden och kostnaden för idriftsättningsprojekt, eftersom att manknyter ihop olika ingenjörsdiscipliner till en gemensam simuleringsplattform där deras arbete kan valideras.Dessa discipliner gäller primärt, mekanik, el-installation, automation och robotik. Vidare så kanfördelar som operatörsträning, ökad kunskap om utrustning och högre mognadsgrad av optimerade systemvalideras innan installationen av maskinen påbörjas. I dagsläget tar idriftsättningen 25% av dentotala projekttiden och forskning visar på att VC kan minska detta med upp till 75%.Trots att VC innebär många fördelar och att det finns programvaror som möjliggör VC är det idaginte ett etablerat tillvägagångssätt inom industrin. Därför ville vi i vårt examensarbete undersöka deunderliggande anledningarna till detta.Det finns många trösklar och utmaningar som måste lösas innan en lyckad implementering av VC. Medgrunden från en global enkät som undersökte vilka faktorer hindrar simulering från att bli ett standardverktyginom industrin utkristalliserades åtta olika områden, så kallade fields of action. Dessa antas ävengälla för VC och de åtta områdena kan delas upp i fyra tekniska-och fyra icke-tekniska områden. Detekniska områdena berör modellåteranvändning, modelleringseffektivitet, integration och användbarhet.De icke-tekniska områdena berör arbetsmetod, utbildning, acceptans och samarbete.Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka trösklar som hindrar VC från att bli en standard inomindustrin. De åtta områdena används alltså för att undersöka varför VC inte används. Vidare vardet viktigt för oss att ta reda på hur de olika aktörerna i värdekedjan såg på varje enskilt område.Därför utformade vi följande forskningsfråga. Vilka trösklar begränsar VC från att bli en standard inomindustrin?Det var inget av våra intervjuade företag som använde sig av VC på en vardaglig basis, det var dock någrasom genomförde pilotprojekt. Generellt sätt finns det trösklar till både de tekniska och icke-tekniskaområdena, men flest trösklar är kopplade till de icke-teknisk områdena. Därför är de icke-tekniskaområdena intressanta att åtgärda primärt. Även om det är tekniskt genomförbart att implementeraVC finns det många tekniska trösklar som kan göra att arbetet med simuleringsmodeller underlättar.Vidare är det största tekniska hindret begränsad interoperabilitet mellan programvaror. Det är dock deicke-tekniska områdena som till störst del begränsar VC från att bli en standard inom industrin.

Learning enablers, learning outcomes, learning paths, and their relationships in organizational learning and change

Haho, P. (Päivi) 28 January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of learning and the constituents of learning in creating process innovations and realizing organizational change. Organizational learning was studied and the data was collected in process development projects, in which process simulations were used as a development method for process innovations and change. The empirical research was carried out mainly in 1988–2001. In this thesis, the results of those studies are reflected on, together with the recent literature related to organizational learning theories in the context of process innovations and management of change. Specifically, the concepts of learning enablers, learning outcomes (intangible/tangible), learning paths, and their relationships are studied. Qualitative longitudinal action research with case studies and abductive reasoning are used as the research methods throughout this thesis. The data consists of 34 cases and 99 process simulations in 12 different industries and varies from large core processes to support processes. The case organizations were mainly Finnish companies with Finns as the majority of participants. One case organization was from Switzerland, and in five cases, multicultural groups participated in the process simulations. In each project, process simulations were used at least once during a change project, in some cases even five to eight times. The data analysis proceeded in an abductive manner throughout the included five articles, and the findings are summarized based on the research questions. The theoretical contribution of this thesis is fourfold. The findings give new understanding 1) about learning enablers, their relationships to each other and influence on learning and process innovations, 2) about the role of intangible and tangible learning outcomes in individual and organizational learning processes and 3) about learning paths in process innovations and related change processes. The thesis also defines 4) a model for effective learning processes in change projects concerning process innovations. The contribution in the practical and managerial context should be applicable field of North and West European commercial organizations. This thesis highlights individual and organizational learning in the creation of process innovations, and it also defines the features of an effective development method for creating and implementing process innovations. / Tiivistelmä Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena on tutkia organisaation oppimisen ja sen eri osatekijöiden roolia prosessi-innovaatioiden luomisessa ja muutoksen aikaansaamisessa organisaatiossa. Organisaation oppimista tutkittiin ja aineisto kerättiin prosessien kehittämisprojekteissa, joissa prosessisimulaatioita käytettiin prosessi-innovaatioiden menetelmänä. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin pääsiassa vuosien 1988–2001 aikana. Tässä väitöskirjassa näitä tuloksia analysoidaan vallitsevien organisaatio-oppimisen teorioiden valossa prosessi-innovaatioiden ja muutoksen johtamisen asiayhteydessä. Erityisesti tutkitaan oppimisen mahdollistajia, oppimisen tuloksia (aineettomia/aineellisia), oppimisen polkuja ja kaikkien näiden keskinäisiä suhteita. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty laadullista pitkittäistä toimintatutkimusta tapaustutkimuksineen ja abduktiivisine päättelyineen. Aineisto koostuu 34 tapaustutkimuksesta ja 99 prosessisimulaatiosta, jotka toteutettiin 12 eri toimialalla, ja vaihtelevat ydinprosesseista tukiprosesseihin. Suurimmaksi osaksi tapausorganisaatiot olivat suomalaisia yrityksiä, ja yksi tapausorganisaatio oli sveitsiläinen. Projektiryhmät olivat pääasiassa suomalaisia, mutta monikulttuurinen ryhmä osallistui prosessisimulointiin viidessä tapaustutkimuksessa. Jokaisessa projektissa prosessisimulointia käytettiin ainakin kerran muutosprojektin aikana, joissakin tapauksissa jopa viidestä kahdeksaan kertaan. Väitöskirjan viiden artikkelin aineiston analysointi suoritettiin abduktiivisen päättelyn periaattein, ja tutkimuksen tulokset esitetään tutkimuskysymysten mukaisesti. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tulos kohdistuu neljään osa-alueeseen. Tulokset lisäävät ymmärrystä 1) oppimisen mahdollistajista, niiden suhteesta toisiinsa ja vaikutuksesta oppimiseen ja prosessi-innovaatioihin, 2) aineettomien ja aineellisten oppimistulosten roolista yksilön ja organisaation oppimisprosesseissa, ja 3) prosessi-innovaatioiden ja niihin liittyvien muutosprosessien oppimisen poluista. Tutkimus myös määrittelee 4) prosessi-innovaatioita koskevien muutosprojektien oppimista korostavan mallin. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voitaneen soveltaa Pohjois- ja Länsi-Euroopan yritysmaailmassa. Tutkimus korostaa yksilön ja organisaation oppimisen merkitystä prosessi-innovaatioiden luomisessa ja lisäksi se määrittelee vaikuttavan prosessi-innovaatioiden kehittämisen ja käyttöönoton menetelmän piirteet.

Oценка цифровой трансформации бизнес-модели в связи с пандемией Covid-19, исследование местного бизнеса в Eкатеринбурге, Pоссия : магистерская диссертация / Assessing the digital transformation of the business model in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic, a study of local businesses in Ekaterinburg, Russia

Ибукун, Ф. Б., Ibukun, P. B. January 2022 (has links)
С развитием цифровых технологий традиционная система ведения бизнеса была разрушена, и сейчас многие компании больше, чем когда-либо, должны реагировать на цифровизацию. Цифровая трансформация привносит инновации не только в поставку продукта, но и в то, как сегодня ведется бизнес. Очевидно, что пандемия COVID-19 изменила нашу жизнь, и можно точно сказать, что деловая деятельность и бизнес-модели в той или иной форме подверглись цифровой трансформации в связи с пандемией COVID-19. Основной целью данной исследовательской работы было определить, как цифровая трансформация, вызванная пандемией, изменила бизнес-модель выбранной компании в Екатеринбурге, Россия, уточнить определение цифровой трансформации, проанализировать структурированный подход к цифровой трансформации, а также подход, этапы, деятельность и результаты. Поскольку выбранная компания работает в сфере развлечений, данная исследовательская работа представляет собой тематическое исследование. Основные виды деятельности и элементы бизнес-модели выбранной компании до и во время пандемии будут определены с помощью Business Model Canvas, а подход компании к цифровой трансформации будет изучен и проанализирован, чтобы дать дальнейшие рекомендации для других компаний, стремящихся улучшить или изменить свою бизнес-модель посредством цифровизации из-за пандемии COVID-19. Знания, полученные в данном исследовании, показывают, как цифровая трансформация изменила/улучшила бизнес-модель выбранной компании. Выводы данной исследовательской работы предназначены в основном для других компаний, которые рассматривают возможность цифровизации. / With the evolution of digital technologies, the traditional system of doing business has been fractured and many companies now more than ever must react to digitalization. The digital transformation brings innovation not only into the delivery of the product but to the way businesses are conducted nowadays. It is evident that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives, and it is accurate to say that business activities and business models have undergone some form of digital transformation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The main goal of this research paper was to identify how the digital transformation that was caused by the pandemic has changed the business model of a selected company in Yekaterinburg, Russia, clarify the definition of digital transformation, analyze the structured approach to digital transformation as well as the approach, phases, activities, and results. Because the selected company is operating in the entertainment sector, this research paper is a case study. The basic activities and elements of the business models of the selected company, before and during the pandemic will be identified using the Business Model Canvas, and the company’s approach to digital transformation will be examined and analyzed, in other to make further recommendations for other companies looking to improve or change their business model through the digitization because of COVID-19 pandemic. The knowledge gained in this research shows how the digital transformation changed/improve the business model of the selected company. The conclusions of this research paper are mainly for other companies that are considering their digitalization.

Change Management : A clarification of the gap between ChangeManagement practice and research / Förändringsarbete : Ett klargörande av skillnader mellan Change Management forskning och praxis

Bahadin, Zewar January 2020 (has links)
Change Management (CM) plays a key role to manage an individual, a group, or an organization from a current state to a desired future state. The purpose of CM is to promote and support activities and actions to higher productivity levels and higher adoption rates simultaneously as stakeholder’s commitment, comfort, and confidence increase in e.g. new solutions, services, products, systems, tools, methods, or ways of workings Previous research claims a gap between CM theory and practice exists, and that a vast number of theories and models available to academics and practitioners is both contradictory and confusing, and that limited empirical evidence supports of the plethora of CM frameworks and models. Thus, this study investigates and clarifies CM-related activities and factors, that could contribute to bridge the gap between practice and research. Regarding the research process, this study builds upon a literature review and a case study. Additionally, a conceptual CM model is composed which builds upon CM-related aspects, activities, enablers, and factors. The case study focuses on lessons learned and current CM practices. In the latter parts of study is the conceptual CM model applied to the empirical findings to find and analyze differences and gaps between practice and theory. At last, is it concluded that no single CM model alone, covers the plethora of activities and factors that are listed in the conceptual CM model. Hence, this study recommends both practitioners and researchers to take multiple CM models into consideration, to support and potentially improve CM practices. In conclusion, this study confirm that a research gap exists between practice and research, as several significant and distinguishing CM-related activities and factors, have been identified and analyzed. / Change Management (CM) utgör en essentiell managementdisciplin som fokuserar på att möjliggöra en effektiv styrning och hantering och individer, grupper och organisationer genom att facilitera aktiviteter för att uppnå en förbättrad och högre nivå av förändringsbenägenhet, organisatorisk produktivitet, samtidigt som både externa och interna intressenters engagemang, delaktighet, tillit och adoption av nya lösningar, tjänster, produkter, system, verktyg, metoder eller arbetssätt ökar eller förbättras. I tidigare forskning påstås det finnas ett gap mellan teori och praxis-fältet. Parallellt, påyrkas det även att ett stort antal teorier och modeller som akademiker, experter, tjänstemän, lekmän ofta tillämpar eller relaterar till kan vara både motsägelsefulla och osammanhängande. Därutöver, anses det även att begränsade och bristfälliga empiriska bevis tillhandahållits nutilldags för att stödja den mångfald av CM-relaterade modeller, ramverk och tillvägagångssätt. Således, är syftet med denna studie att identifiera och granska CM-relaterade aktiviteter och faktorer som kan bidra till att överbrygga klyftan mellan CM-forskning och praxis. Med hänseende till forskningsprocessen, baseras denna på både en litteraturgenomgång, en konceptuell CM modell och en fallstudie som är utförd på ett företag inom IKT-branschen. Den föreslagna och konceptuella CM-modellen bygger på CM-relaterade aktiviteter och faktorer. Vidare fokuserar fallstudien på en aktuell CM strategi, samt erfarenheter och lärdomar från tidigare och avslutade projekt. Studien är dessutom avgränsad till planerade, strategiska och tvärfunktionella projekt. Yttermera, tillämpas den konceptuella modellen senare på de empiriska resultaten med avsikt understödja identifieringen och analysen av bristfälligheter och skiljaktigheter mellan teori och praxis-fältet. Avslutningsvis, dras slutsatsen att ingen CM-modell som identifierats i CM-litteraturen i avskildhet täcker mängden av aktiviteter och faktorer som anges i den föreslagna konceptuella CM-modellen. Således, rekommenderas det i denna studie att organisatoriska experter, tjänstemän och akademiker bör ta hänsyn till, samt integrera åtskilliga CM-modeller, med avsikt att främja och sålunda potentiellt förbättra handlingssätt och utföranden relaterade till CM-relaterade aktiviteter och procedurer, på ett mer allomfattande, metodiskt och effektivt vis. Därtill, bekräftas det i denna studie att det finns ett faktiskt gap mellan forskning och praxis fältet, då ett flertal avvikande och särskiljande CM-relaterade aktiviteter och faktorer har identifiserats, analyserats och diskuterats.

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