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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’entrepreneur hacker. L’ethos de travail des entrepreneurs web

Richard, Sophie 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Le statut patrimonial du chef d'entreprise individuelle marié sous un régime de communauté en droit comparé vietnamo-français / The patrimonial status of the individual entrpreneur married under a community regime in Vietnamese-Frenche comparative law

Nguyen, Thi My Hanh 11 July 2018 (has links)
L’exercice d’une profession à titre individuel permet au chef d’entreprise de bénéficier d’une grande liberté de gestion, mais il doit engager sa responsabilité illimitée sur l’ensemble de ses biens. En cas de mariage sous un régime de communauté, les biens communs des époux sont susceptibles d’être saisis par les créanciers professionnels. Ce constat est affirmé par les deux législateurs vietnamien et français. Aussi, la question de protection du patrimoine personnel du chef d’entreprise et celui de sa famille est la préoccupation essentielle de notre étude. Le régime de communauté est-il un régime idéal pour le chef d’entreprise ? Sinon, quels moyens peut-il mettre en œuvre pour protéger son patrimoine ? C’est à cette problématique que notre étude « le statut patrimonial du chef d’entreprise individuelle marié sous un régime de communauté en droit comparé vietnamo-français » va tenter d’apporter des réponses. L’étude comparative se limite au cas du chef d’entreprise individuelle sur le plan civil en démontrant les convergences et les divergences ainsi que les points forts et les points faibles des droits, nous permettant ainsi de dégager des perspectives pour les deux systèmes juridiques. Notre étude concerne d’une part, l’incompatibilité du régime de communauté à l’exercice professionnelle du chef d’entreprise individuelle avec ou sans la participation de son conjoint sans ignorer les droits et intérêts légitimes des créanciers professionnels ; d’autre part, l’analyse des divers moyens de protection du patrimoine du chef d’entreprise tant en droit des régimes matrimoniaux qu’en droit des affaires. / The exercise of a profession in an individual capacity allows the entrepreneur to enjoy a great freedom of management, but he must incur unlimited liability on all of his property. In case of marriage under a community regime, the common property of the spouses is likely to be seized by the professional creditors. This finding is affirmed by both legislators Vietnamese and French. Also, the question of protecting the personal patrimony of the individual entrepreneur and that of his family is the main concern of our study. Is the community regime an ideal matrimonial regime for the individual entrepreneur? If not, which measures can he put in place to protect his patrimony? It is this problem that our study "the patrimonial status of the individual entrepreneur married under community regime in Vietnamese-French comparative law" will attempt to provide answers. The comparative study is limited to the case of the individual entrepreneur at the civil level by demonstrating the convergences and divergences as well as the strengths and weaknesses of both laws, thus allowing us to identify perspectives for both legal systems. Our study concerns, on the one hand, the incompatibility of the community regime with the exercise of a profession of the individual entrepreneur with or without the participation of his spouse without ignoring the legitimate rights and interests of the professional creditors; on the other hand, the analysis of the various measures of protecting the patrimony of the individual entrepreneur in both matrimonial regime law and business law.

Pouvoir personnel et ressources politiques : Gaston Flosse en Polynesie francaise. / Personal Rule and Political Resources. Gaston Flosse in French Polynesia

Bessard, Rudy 17 December 2013 (has links)
L’entrepreneur politique tend à dominer un espace sociopolitique par le jeu stratégique d’une matrice de ressources politiques. Ainsi, le leadership du notable Gaston Flosse, dans la collectivité d’outre-mer de Polynésie française, présente les facettes d’un pouvoir personnel en République. Ce type de domination de l’espace polynésien est mis en évidence par la plasticité d’un leadership politique autoritaire, fondé sur de multiples ressources matérielles et symboliques. L’étude de ce leadership politique interroge l’exercice de la démocratie représentative à Tahiti et dans la Vème République. / The strategic mobilization of multidimensional political resources allows the political leader to take power in a political space. Then, the leader uses a combination of political capacities to keep the power and extend his domination. Thus, the political leadership of the Boss Gaston Flosse, in the overseas collectivity of French Polynesia, has become a personal rule inside the French Republic. The domination of the Polynesian sociopolitical space is illustrated by the plasticity of an authoritarian leadership, which questions the expressions of democracy in Tahiti, and in the French political regime.

Etude de la configuration en Tiers-Lieu : la repolitisation par le service / Research into tiers-lieu configuration : re-politicisation through services

Burret, Antoine 20 January 2017 (has links)
Cette étude se propose de traiter le tiers-lieu en tant qu'objet. De le saisir dans toute sa complexité pour essayer d’en dégager toute la simplicité. Elle appréhende le tiers-lieu comme un concept à définir. Pour y parvenir elle construit une enquête qui se déplie en trois parties. Dans un premier temps, l’objet est approché sous l’angle de la terminologie par une étude des usages courants, professionnels et littéraires du terme, suivi de réflexions sur les notions de lieu et de tiers. Des représentations historiques des tiers-lieux sont ensuite analysées au travers des troisièmes lieux de Ray Oldenburg et de certaines structures sociales de la sphère publique habermassienne notamment les salons et les cafés de la bourgeoisie au XVIIIe siècle. Ce passage en revue permet de délimiter l’objet, d’en clarifier les propriétés et les usages. Il constitue également le point de départ et l’hypothèse d’une enquête exploratoire qui a déterminé la construction d’une posture d’investigation originale nécessairement engagée. Cette enquête s’est déroulée entre 2010 et 2015 auprès de services – espaces de coworking, fablabs, hackerspaces, makerspaces, biohackerspaces, etc. dans leur composition et recomposition successives - qui se désignent ou se présentent explicitement comme des tiers-lieux. Les singularités de ces tiers-lieux, la manière dont ils traduisent des valeurs qualitatives en valeurs juridiques et aussi en valeurs quantitatives, les rapports d’échange et les habitudes critiques des usagers contributeurs ainsi que les régimes de conception sont ensuite théorisés. À partir de l’ensemble de ces informations, une proposition de définition conceptuelle du tiers-lieu est formulée. Celle-ci envisage le tiers-lieu comme une configuration sociale particulière où se produit une rencontre entre des entités individuées qui s’engagent intentionnellement à la conception d’une représentation commune, c’est-à-dire à responsabilité partagée. Des invariants sont enfin posés comme l’esquisse d’une logique opératoire supposée déterminer la présence de la configuration en tiers-lieu. Cette procéduralisation présente une manière d’intervenir sur les règles par la conception de services. C’est ce dépassement de la discursivité qui distingue le tiers-lieu de l’espace public politique. / The object of this research is the tiers-lieu, with the aim of grasping it in all its complexity in order to draw out its simplicity. The research treats the tiers-lieu as a concept to be defined. In order to achieve this, it sets out an investigation in three parts. Firstly, the object is approached from the perspective of terminology through a study of current users, professionals and literary writers’ use of the term, following reflections on the ideas of “lieu” and “tiers”. Historic representations of tiers-lieu are then analysed, through the “third places” of Ray Oldenburg and certain social structures of the Habermasian public sphere, particularly the salons and cafés of the 18th century bourgeoisie. This section, through examination, allows the delimitation of the object, clarifying its characteristics and its uses. It also establishes the starting point and the hypothesis of an exploratory enquiry which necessarily required a research approach involving active engagement. This enquiry was conducted between 2010 and 2015 though active involvement in services – coworking spaces, fablabs, hackerspaces, makerspaces, biohackerspaces, etc. in their composition and subsequent re-composition – which are labelled or present themselves explicitly as tiers-lieux. The singularities of tiers-lieux, the way in which they translate their qualitative values into legal values and quantitative values, the exchange relationships and the critical habits of contributing users together with design structures are then analysed. From all this information, a proposed conceptual definition of tiers-lieu is formulated. This envisages the tiers-lieu as a particular social configuration which produces a meeting between individual entities who engage intentionally in the design of a common representation, that is to say a shared responsibility. Patterns are finally set out in order to outline an operating logic for determining the presence of a tiers-lieu configuration. This procedural approach provides a way of intervening in regulations through the design of services. It is this going beyond discursivity that distinguishes tiers-lieux from the public political arena.

Hur förberedda är småföretagare inom besöksnäringen för en kris?

Pestrea, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur riskmedvetenhet och krisberedskap ser ut hos småföretagare i besöksnäringen, vilka förutsättningar som finns för dem och vilka behov de har. Med rätt förutsättningar blir de mer motståndskraftiga och får en bättre möjlighet att förebygga risker och hantera uppkomna krissituationer. Det finns en utsatthet i deras småskalighet vilket kan innebära behov av stöttning från sina branschorganisationer, både i hanteringen av själva krisen som i arbetet med riskmedvetenheten. Forskningen spelar en viktig roll och den är omfattande inom krishanteringens alla områden men brister i kombinationen småföretagare, besöksnäring och krishantering. Den saknar en gemensam terminologi vilket skulle underlätta och förbättra den gemensamma forskningen i framtiden, både nationellt som globalt. Dessutom behöver dagens utbildningsunderlag, krisledningsmodeller och planer nyanseras och anpassas till en mer småskalig verksamhet. Uppsatsen utgår från en pusselbitsansats och har antagit en kritisk realistisk position. Med stöd av forskningen och genom undersökningar av myndigheter, branschorganisationer och småföretagare undersöks vilka mekanismer som påverkar och vilka pusselbitar som saknas. Uppsatsens analys och slutsats bidrar med sex pusselbitar till framtida forskning och utveckling; kommunikation, nätverk, medlemsorganisationer, utbildning samverkan och forskning. / This essay examines what risk awareness and crisis preparedness look like among small business entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry, what conditions exist for them and what needs they have. With the right conditions, they become more resilient and have a better opportunity to prevent risks and handle emerging crisis situations. There is a vulnerability in their small scale, which may mean a need for support from their member organisations, both in handling the crisis itself and in the work with risk awareness. The research on this topic plays an important role and it is extensive in all areas of crisis management, but it is lacking in the combination of small business entrepreneurs, the hospitality industry and crisis management. It lacks a common terminology, which would facilitate and improve joint research in the future, both nationally and globally. In addition, today's training material, crisis management models and plans need to be nuanced and adapted to a more smallscale operation. The essay starts from a puzzle piece approach and has adopted a critical realist position. It is investigating which mechanisms have an impact and witch pieces of the puzle are missing, with the support of research and through surveys of authorities, industry organisation and small businesses. The essay's analysis and conclusion contribute six pieces of the puzzle to future research and development; communication, networks, member organisations, education, collaboration and research.

Mapping the political risk perceptions and strategies of Hong Kong Chinese entrepreneurs

Chan, Hing-lung., 陳興龍. January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Management Studies / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Jaunųjų ūkininkų verslumo skatinimas / Encouragement of Young Farmers' Entrepreneurship

Gudaitienė, Gražina 16 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – jaunųjų ūkininkų verslumo ugdymas. Darbo tikslas – atlikus jaunųjų ūkininkų verslumo skatinimo būklės analizę, pagrįsti verslumo skatinimo prioritetus ir kryptis inovatyvaus ūkininkavimo kontekste. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti darbe numatyti išspręsti šie uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti verslumo ugdymo modelius ir jų teorinius aspektus. 2. Išanalizuoti jaunųjų ūkininkų verslumo skatinimo priemonių poveikį jų versliniam aktyvumui. 3. Pagrįsti jaunųjų ūkininkų verslumo skatinimo prioritetus ir kryptis inovatyvaus ūkininkavimo kontekste. Tyrimo metodai. Verslumo ugdymo modelių ir teorinių aspektų analizė atliekama mokslinės literatūros, dokumentų, content, lyginamosios analizės, sisteminimo ir apibendrinimų metodais. Jaunųjų ūkininkų verslumo skatinimo būklei nustatyti naudojama statistinių bei antrinių duomenų lyginamoji analizė. Jaunųjų ūkininkų verslumo skatinimo prioritetų išskyrimui naudojamas reikšmingumo laukų metodas. Jaunųjų ūkininkų verslumo skatinimo krypčių pagrindimui taikomas loginio modeliavimo metodas. Magistrantūros studijų baugiamąjį darbą sudaro 3 dalys. Pirmoje dalyje atskleistas verslumo skatinimo aktualumas, verslumo skatinimo veiksniai, būdai ir modeliai. Antroje darbo dalyje pateikta jaunųjų ūkininkų verslumą skatinančių priemonių poveikio jų versliniam aktyvumui tyrimo metodika ir apibendrinti tyrimo rezultatai. Trečioje darbo dalyje išskirti jaunųjų ūkininkų prioritetai, kryptys ir priemonės. Tyrimo rezultatai buvo pristatyti pranešimais ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object: development of entrepreneurship among young farmers. The aim of the thesis is to conduct analysis of the status of young farmer entrepreneurship incentives and consequently to justify the priorities and directions of entrepreneurship incentives in the context of innovative farming. To objectives: 1. to analyse entrepreneurship education models and their theoretical aspects; 2. to analyse the impact of young farmer entrepreneurship incentive tools on their entrepreneurial pro-activeness; 3. to justify the priorities and directions of young farmer entrepreneurship incentives in the context of innovative farming. Research methods. Analysis of entrepreneurship education models and theoretical aspects using scientific literature, document, and content comparative analysis, systematization, and generalization methods. Comparative analysis of statistical and secondary data is used to determine the status of young farmer entrepreneurship incentives. The method of importance levels is used to identify the priorities of young farmer entrepreneurship incentives and logic simulation techniques are employed to justify the directions of young farmer entrepreneurship incentives. The master's thesis consists of 3 parts. The first part reveals the relevance, factors, methods and models of entrepreneurship incentives. Part Two describes the methodology of research into the impact of young farmer entrepreneurship incentive tools on their entrepreneurial pro-activeness and... [to full text]

Strategic orientation and organizational performance of small firms in Malta : a grounded theory approach

Rizzo, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Although the contribution of the small enterprise to a nation’s economy, job creation and innovation is well known, comparatively little is understood on how small firms behave strategically and how the more common patterns of strategic behaviour relate to different levels of organizational performance. The following thesis aims at mapping out the strategic behaviour of small firms in the small island state of Malta, and in relating the evident patterns of strategic behaviour to the performances of these firms. The thesis follows on the logic of understanding strategy as a dynamic phenomenon, one that can be viewed as pathways between identifiable life cycle states. It also views strategy as behaviour, part deliberate and part emergent, thus allowing for the inclusion of both external influences and internal decision making. To be able to achieve this dynamic viewpoint of strategy a particular research methodology had to be deployed, observing both the context and the consequences to a firm’s strategic actions, as well as the very actions and interactions themselves. A Grounded Theory method of enquiry was adopted for this purpose as it is ideal for observing patterns, the very theme of this thesis. The research in question has focused on small firms with up to 49 full time employees, in line with the E.U.’s definition of both micro and small firms, and in a broad range of industries in Malta. Results confirmed the predominance of five trajectories, or pathways, of small business strategic behaviour, each passing through a sequence of distinct life cycle states. For each pathway a unique performance situation was observed, resulting from the dynamic coalignment of the owner-manager’s entrepreneurial philosophy, the competitive behaviour adopted by the firm, and the competitive environment to the firm. Understanding which strategic pathway a small firm belongs to allows for a comprehensive insight into the firm’s competitive behaviour, and a prediction of the consequences to that behaviour. The audience to the research consists of government entities involved in policy construction, small firm owners and managers, and the academic community involved in research and policy design.

Účetnictví individuálního podnikatele / Accounting of an individual entrepreneur

Gronichová, Monika January 2010 (has links)
This thesis mainly deals with entrepreneurs who have decided to keep tax records. The theoretical part deals with the process for obtaining a business license, mandatory registrations and it deals with running of business during the year. In conclusion, the theoretical part describes how to end the tax records and the transition from the tax records to the accounting. In the practical part we will go through the whole year for an individual entrepreneur. We make tax returns from value added tax, road tax and the tax on personal income. At the end is drawn up summary for health instance and the District Social Security Administration.

Ochrana spotřebitele a informační povinnost podnikatelů / Consumer protection and information duty of entrepreneurs

Švehlová, Magda January 2010 (has links)
Thesis in the first part deals with consumer protection on Czech and European legislative level, with emphasis on information duty of an entrepreneur. The practical part focuses on information obligations of supervisory authorities, which are further shown in the famous case of CTI and its fuel checks carried out at petrol stations.

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