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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La protection des droits sociaux fondamentaux en droit européen : l'articulation entre l'Union européenne et la Charte sociale européenne

Thouvenot, Manon 13 February 2024 (has links)
Thèse en cotutelle : « Université Laval, Québec, Canada, docteure en droit (LL. D.) et Université de Bordeaux, Talence, France » / Le projet de thèse en droit intitulé « La protection des droits sociaux fondamentaux en droit européen : l'articulation normative entre l'Union européenne et la Charte sociale européenne » a pour objectif d'étudier les techniques juridiques existantes ou potentielles qui pourraient être appliquées afin de s'assurer d'un meilleur respect des droits sociaux fondamentaux sur le territoire des États européens. La recherche part du constat selon lequel il existe une multiplication des sources de protection des droits fondamentaux et une multiplicité des organes chargés de s'assurer du respect de ces droits. Que ce soit au niveau international universel, régional, ou encore national, cette recrudescence de textes et de mécanismes de suivi assortis est généralisée, mais n'est cependant pas coordonnée. La catégorie des droits sociaux fondamentaux n'échappe pas à ce millefeuille juridique incohérent. Or, si l'existence de ces systèmes de protection participe d'une volonté de s'assurer d'une meilleure garantie des droits sociaux fondamentaux pour les individus, ni le droit international ni les créateurs de ces systèmes ne se sont assurés que leur multiplication ne nuise pas à cet objectif initial. En conséquence, aujourd'hui, sans équivalence ni cohérence entre ces systèmes, les droits sociaux fondamentaux souffrent d'une prise en compte par les États qui manque d'effectivité, alors qu'ils sont les premiers responsables de leur mise en œuvre. Au niveau européen, il y a ainsi plusieurs ordres juridiques et systèmes qui se superposent et se contredisent, au préjudice souvent de la protection des droits sociaux fondamentaux. Le système de l'Union européenne, pour sa part, ne prend pas suffisamment en compte la protection de ces droits alors même qu'elle serait un vrai atout pour l'intégration européenne, en difficulté à la suite de plusieurs crises d'ordre institutionnel ou économique ; la Charte sociale européenne, quant à elle, souffre d'un manque de visibilité et de prise en compte au niveau national, étant pourtant à plusieurs égards une véritable référence en matière de protection des droits sociaux fondamentaux. La thèse vise ainsi, d'une part, à mettre en évidence les différents avantages et inconvénients, théoriques comme pratiques, des deux systèmes, et de montrer que leur association serait non seulement un moyen efficace de résoudre les impérities de l'autre. D'autre part, elle cherche à montrer qu'une telle articulation conduirait à ce que ces droits, indispensables au bon fonctionnement des sociétés européennes actuelles et facteurs primordiaux de paix sociale, prennent la place qui devrait être la leur. La thèse vise ainsi à réaffirmer l'importance de ces droits, trop souvent négligés par les États, à analyser les interdépendances et discordances entre les systèmes européens à l'étude et enfin, à chercher des moyens de les associer et les rendre complémentaires afin de renforcer la légitimité de chacun d'entre eux. / The aim of the legal thesis project entitled « The protection of fundamental social rights in European law: the normative articulation between the European Union and the European Social Charter » is to study theexisting or potential legal techniques that could be applied to ensure better respect for fundamental socialrights on the European territory. The research is based on the observation that there is a multiplication ofsources of protection of fundamental rights and a multiplicity of bodies responsible for ensuring that theserights are respected. Looking at the universal international, regional or national level, this proliferation oftexts and the accompanying monitoring mechanisms is widespread, but not coordinated. The category offundamental social rights does not escape this incoherent legal patchwork. Although the existence of theseprotection systems is part of a desire to ensure a better guarantee of fundamental social rights for individuals,neither international law nor the creators of these systems did ensure that their multiplication does notundermine this initial objective. As a result, today, without equivalence or coherence between these systems,fundamental social rights suffer from being taken into account by the States, which lack effectiveness, eventhough they are primarily responsible for their implementation. At European level, there are several legalorders and systems that overlap and contradict each other, often to the detriment of the protection offundamental social rights. The European Union system, for its part, does not take sufficient account of theprotection of these rights, even though it would be a real asset for European integration, which is in difficultyfollowing several institutional or economic crises. The European Social Charter, for its part, suffers from alack of visibility and consideration at national level, despite being in several respects a real reference interms of protection of fundamental social rights. The thesis thus aims, on the one hand, to highlight thevarious advantages and disadvantages, both theoretical and practical, of the two systems, and to show thattheir association would not only be an effective means of resolving the imperfections of the other. On theother hand, it seeks to show that such an articulation would lead to these rights, which are indispensable tothe proper functioning of present-day European societies and essential factors of social peace, taking theirrightful place. The thesis thus aims to reaffirm the importance of these rights, which are too often neglectedby States, to analyse the interdependencies and discrepancies between the European systems under studyand, finally, to look for ways of associating them and making them complementary in order to reinforce thelegitimacy of each of them.

La Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, de réforme en réforme : la rançon d'un succès ? / The European Court of Human Rights from reforms to reforms : the ransom of success ?

Mammadov, Khalid 19 December 2014 (has links)
La Cour Européenne des droits de l’homme, depuis les années 1990, connait une extension de ses compétences ratione personae et ratione loci sans précèdent. Faire face à ce phénomène exceptionnel requiert des instruments nouveaux. L’objet de cette étude réside dans l’examen des techniques adaptées par la Cour afin de maintenir le niveau de protection des droits de l’homme garantis par la Convention. Par ailleurs les organes et les Etats membres du Conseil de l’Europe participèrent grandement à l’effort de conservation du niveau d’excellence de protection des droits de l’homme en Europe. Ce sont ces aspects précis qui sont passés en revue et apprécié sous l’angle de leurs apports et parfois, inconvénients. Sujet d’étude apporté dans un espace-temps précis, il demanderait dans un avenir d’être complété et apprécié sous cet angle. / The European Court of Human Rights, since the 1990s, recognizes an unprecedented extension of its competence ratione personae and ratione loci. In order to face this exceptional phenomenon new instruments are required. The purpose of this study is the examination of new techniques adapted by the Court to maintain the level of protection of human rights guaranteed by the Convention. Other organs and Member States of the Council of Europe participated actively to the efforts in order to conserve the excellent level for the protection of human rights in Europe. These are specific areas having been reviewed and valued in terms of their contribution and sometimes their disadvantages. Prepared in a particular space-time, this study would ask in the future to be completed and assessed from this angle.

Droits de la défense et enquête policière / Rights of defense and police investigation

Thiam, Sangoné 02 July 2018 (has links)
La personne qui a osé porter atteinte à une valeur pénalement protégée par la société mérite-t-elle, de la part de celle-ci une quelconque défense? Pendant longtemps, cette défense a fait l'objet de controverses, si certains y étaient favorables, d'autres y étaient résolument hostiles. Le compromis a consisté à refuser les droits de la défense dans l'enquête policière en adoptant un système inquisitoire et à les consacrer largement dans la phase de jugement avec un système accusatoire. Cette mixité de la procédure semble a priori répondre aux intérêts antagonistes au cœur de la procédure pénale. Mais, à l’aune des droits fondamentaux et sous l’influence des dispositions internationales et européennes, cette conception de la procédure devient inadaptée. Les droits de la défense, droits du procès équitable, ne doivent plus faire l’objet de limitations, ils doivent gouverner toute la procédure, de l’enquête policière jusqu’à la phase de jugement. Comment des droits qui ne s’appliquaient initialement que devant une juridiction indépendante et impartiale vont-ils faire irruption dans l’enquête policière sans l’existence d’un juge présentant des garanties équivalentes à celles de la juridiction de jugement ?Si le législateur a d’abord introduit les droits de la défense dans la phase de l’instruction pénale, le déclin de cette dernière au profit de l’enquête policière devrait le pousser à procéder à leur extension. C’est ce qu’il a d’ailleurs commencé à faire, mais de manière timorée. L’effectivité des droits de la défense dans l’enquête policière nécessite non seulement de procéder à leur élargissement, mais aussi de mettre en place un juge indépendant et impartial chargé de garantir leur pleine application comme dans la phase de jugement. Une juridictionnalisation de l’enquête policière est aujourd’hui un impératif. / Did the person who dared to infringe a value criminally protected by the society deserve any defense from that latter? This defence has been controversial for a long time, while some have been in favor, others have been resolutely hostile. The compromise consisted in refusing the rights of the defense in the police investigation by adopting an inquisitorial system and devoting them largely in the judgment phase with an adversarial system. This diversity of the procedure seems a priori to answer the conflicting interests at the heart of the criminal proceedings. But in the light of fundamental rights and under the influence of international and European provisions, this conception of procedure becomes inappropriate. The rights of the defense, as well as the rights to fair trial must no longer be limited, they must govern the entire procedure from the police investigation to the trial stage. How would rights that initially applied only before an independent and impartial jurisdiction break into the police investigation without the existence of a judge providing guarantees equivalent to those of the trial court? If the legislator first introduced the rights of defense in the criminal investigation phase, the decline of the latter in favor of the police investigation should push him to extend them. In fact, this is what he has started to do, but in a timorous way. Not only does the effectiveness of the rights of the defense in the police investigation require to be enlarged, but it also allows putting in place an independent and impartial judge responsible for ensuring their full implementation as in the trial stage. A jurisdictionalization of the police investigation is now a requirement.

Egalité de rémunérations entre les hommes et les femmes: incidences économiques de l'application de l'Article 119 du Traité de Rome

Servais, Jean-Marie January 1970 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

European integration in the field of human rights protection: the interaction on the basis of different constitutional cultures

Fahlbusch, Markus 17 November 2014 (has links)
The present thesis suggests that judicial interaction can benefit constructive solutions of concrete human rights problems as a specific way of integrating European human rights protection. This affirmation is substantiated by case studies examining the interaction of the European Court of Human Rights with the UK House of Lords and Supreme Court on the one hand and with the German Federal Constitutional Court on the other. Yet, the manner in which the courts proceed in their interaction, notably in view of their potentially conflictual stances, can deflect from the concentration on constructively solving the substantive human rights problem with which the courts are confronted. Accordingly, the courts might be inclined to preserve the status quo of their initial positions and to resort to a mere compromise between the different interests involved.<p>This thesis identifies two major factors in the courts’ reasoning that inhibit the fruitful discussion of the substantive human rights questions brought up by the cases: the reference to “culture” and the focus on their institutional relationship with the balancing of possibly conflicting interests. By way of analysing practical cases against a legal- and political-theoretical backdrop, this work develops how these two factors contribute to the obstruction of a constructive interaction between the courts and to the shielding of controversial views from being discussed and challenged. In response, also by reference to the concrete practice of the courts, this thesis puts forward an approach to the interaction which avoids this inhibiting effect and therefore allows for a comprehensive, deep and critical discussion on how to solve the specific human rights problems raised by the cases./La présente thèse soutient que l’interaction judiciaire peut bénéficier à des solutions constructives des problèmes concrets de droits de l’homme comme une forme spécifique d’intégration de la protection européenne des droits de l’homme. Cette affirmation est corroborée par des études de cas qui examinent l’interaction de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme avec la House of Lords et la Cour suprême du Royaume-Uni d’un côté et avec la Cour constitutionnelle fédérale de l’Allemagne de l’autre. Pourtant, la manière dont les cours procèdent dans leur interaction, notamment au vu de leurs points de vue potentiellement conflictuels, peut détourner l’attention de la solution constructive des problèmes substantiels des droits de l’homme auxquels les cours font face. En conséquence, il se peut que les cours soient susceptibles de préserver le statu quo de leurs positions initiales et d’avoir recours à un simple compromis entre les différents intérêts en cause.<p>Cette thèse identifie deux facteurs majeurs dans le raisonnement des cours qui entravent la discussion fructueuse des questions substantielles soulevées par les cas :la référence à la « culture » et la concentration sur leur relation institutionnelle avec le balancement des intérêts possiblement conflictuels. Au moyen de l’analyse des cas pratiques sur le fond de la théorie juridique et politique, ce travail fait ressortir comment ces deux facteurs contribuent à l’obstruction d’une interaction constructive entre les cours et à la protection des opinions controversées contre leur discussion et défi. En réponse, également en se fondant sur la pratique concrète des cours, cette thèse avance une approche quant à l’interaction qui évite cet effet inhibant et, par conséquent, permet une discussion complète, profonde et critique de comment résoudre les problèmes spécifiques de droits de l’homme posés par les cas.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences juridiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Judicial activism of the Court of Justice of the EU in the pluralist architecture of global law

Cebulak, Pola 05 December 2014 (has links)
Judicial activism implies a hidden politicization of the Court. The legal arguments and the methods used by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) might seem coherent. However, an inquiry into judicial activism means looking beyond the legal reasoning of the Court and trying to “connect the dots” of an alternative narrative that can explain the Court’s long-term approach to certain issues. In the case of judicial activism of the CJEU in the case-law concerning public international law, the veil for the politicization of the Court is provided by the pluralist architecture of global law. The heterarchical structure of relations among legal orders in the international arena activates the CJEU as an actor of global governance. Simultaneously, it results in the Court adopting a rather internal and defensive approach, undermining legal security.<p><p>Judicial activism of the CJEU finds its particular expressions in the case-law concerning public international law. The pro-integrationist tendency of the CJEU often raised in the literature concerning the Court’s role in the process of EU integration, translates into a substantial and an institutional dimension of judicial activism. The substantial articulation of judicial activism in the case-law concerning international law is the Court’s emphasis on the autonomy of the EU legal order. This internal perspective is adopted not only for virtuous reasons, but also in defense of definitely not universal European interests. The institutional dimension refers to the Court’s position within the EU structure of governance. The case-law concerning international law is marked by a close alignment with the European Commission and the integration of the EU goals in external relations. Moreover, the pluralist veil can cover the extent to which the Court’s decisions concerning international law are influenced by considerations completely internal to the EU. <p><p>In my analysis I proceed in three steps that are reflected in three chapters of the thesis. There is no clear and prevalent definition of judicial activism, but instead rather multiple possibilities of approaching the concept. While the general intend of the research project is to critically reflect on the concept of judicial activism of the highest courts within a legal order, the particular focus will be on the CJEU dealing with international law. I proceed in three steps. First, I assess different understandings of the role of the judge and the concept of judicial activism in legal literature in view of ascertaining the relevance of the debate and distilling some general components of a possible definition. Secondly, I identify the factors particular for the position of the CJEU within the EU legal order and with regard to international law. The particular characteristics of the CJEU result in a limited applicability of the general definitions of judicial activism. Finally, I analyze the case-law in view of identifying examples as well as counter-examples of the particular symptoms/attributes. Because judicial activism broadens the scope of the factors guiding judicial decision-making, it enables us to better understand the contingencies in the Court´s jurisprudence. / Doctorat en Sciences juridiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Bordering Europe abroad: Schengen visa policy implementation and transnational policy-making from below / Construire les frontières de l'Europe à l'étranger: mise en oeuvre de la politique du visa Schengen et action publique transnationale par le bas

Infantino, Federica 24 November 2014 (has links)
The constitution of the European visa regime has deservingly received much scholarly attention. It has been analyzed as part of the policy toolkit that displaces migration control away from the edges of the territory of Europe. Nevertheless, the street-level implementation of this European policy in national consulates remains understudied. This dissertation sheds ethnographic light on Schengen visa policy implementation that is conceptualized as bordering policy. By delivering Schengen visas, state and nonstate organizations achieve the filtering work of borders; this dissertation therefore investigates the day-to-day bordering of Europe abroad and using a comparative approach and focusing on from the theoretical perspective of street-level policy implementation. The analysis builds on a comparative case study: it focuses on the visa sections of the consulates of two old immigration countries, Belgium and France, and one new immigration country, Italy, which implement visa policy in a same third country, i.e. Morocco. This study highlights cross-national differences of visa policy day-to-day implementation that are due to shifting historical backgrounds, national sense-making of visa policy, and distinct organizational conditions. However, the comparative research design and the inductive epistemological approach deployed have revealed processes of transfer at the implementation level, which result in transnational policy-making from below. Informal interactions between actors constitute a ‘community of practice’ based on the desire to share local and practical knowledge rather than expert knowledge in order to address problems linked to day-to-day implementation.<p><p><p>La construction d’un régime européen de visas représente un domaine de recherche important. Ceci a été analysé comme un des instruments politiques qui déplacent le contrôle migratoire au delà des limites du territoire européen. Cependant, la mise en œuvre dans les consulats nationaux reste très peu étudiée. Cette thèse analyse la mise en œuvre de la politique du visa Schengen conceptualisée comme politique des frontières. Par la délivrance du visa Schengen, organisations étatiques et non-étatiques réalisent le travail de filtrage des frontières. Cette thèse investigue la construction quotidienne de la frontière européenne à l’étranger en privilégiant la perspective théorique de la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques. L’analyse s’appuie sur un cas d’étude comparé. Elle se concentre sur les services visas des consulats de deux anciens pays d’immigration, la France et la Belgique, et un nouveau pays d’immigration, l’Italie, qui mettent en œuvre la politique du visa dans un même État tiers :le Maroc. Cette étude met en évidence des différences nationales importantes qui sont dues aux différents passés historiques, à l’attribution d’un sens national à la politique du visa, aux conditions organisationnelles distinctes. Toutefois, la méthodologie comparative et l’approche épistémologique inductive choisis ont permis de mettre en exergue des processus de transferts au niveau de la mise en œuvre qui constituent l’action publique transnationale par le bas. Les interactions informelles entre les acteurs constituent une ‘communauté de pratiques’ basé sur le désir de partager un savoir pratique et local qui sert à adresser des problèmes liés à la mise en œuvre au quotidien. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

When Europa meets Bismarck: cross-border healthcare and usages of Europe in the Austrian healthcare system

Kostera, Thomas 25 June 2014 (has links)
In a series of landmark rulings on patient mobility and cross-border healthcare, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has made clear that Member States’ healthcare systems have to comply with the rules of the EU’s Internal Market when it comes to individual patient rights and the non-discrimination of healthcare providers. The rulings increased the possibilities for EU Member State citizens to get medical treatment in another Member State (“cross-border healthcare”), yet providing that under certain conditions the home Member State has to pay for these treatments in the other country. After a decade of negotiations, these rulings have been codified in a European Directive. Assuming that European integration has an impact on national welfare states and taking the example of European rules on access to cross-border healthcare, this thesis suggests analyzes the domestic impact of European integration in terms of Europeanization of the Austrian healthcare system within the context of the interplay between actors’ interests and practices on the one hand, and institutional effects on the other. European cross-border healthcare in forms of regional projects and privately or publicly organized healthcare arrangements has already become a reality in many European countries, especially in border regions. The main research questions which guides this thesis can be be put as follows: How does European integration in healthcare impact on the interests, practices and strategies of national actors that operate between national institutional constraints and European opportunities? And if national actors’ interests and strategies change, does this in turn have repercussions on the national institutional rules of healthcare governance? Given that European integration in healthcare delivery is a rather a “recent” phenomenon, and based on the assumption that actors’ strategies change more easily than national institutions, the following hypothesis is tested: Even if national healthcare actors use Europe – and hence their practices and strategies change – their interests remain largely determined by the national institutional set-up of the healthcare system. The institutional boundaries of the national healthcare system may have become porous, but for the time being they remain intact. The main findings of this study confirm the hypothesis and can be summarized as follows: Austrian actors responsible for the delivery of healthcare actively integrate various usages Europe into their existing practices of healthcare governance. These usages of Europe are more frequent at European level than at national level. Those actors who have important legal competencies, financial resources, and hence power in healthcare governance at national level, are also in a better position to use Europe effectively than those actors who lack such national resources. Limited usages of Europe at national level by corporate actors can best be accounted for by practices of consensually governing a typically Bismarckian healthcare system. None of the actors analysed, no matter how critical their stance vis-à-vis their own healthcare system might be, puts into question the legitimacy of the national healthcare system in the light of increased European competencies in regulating cross-border healthcare. Advancing European integration, mainly through the ECJ’s rulings on cross-border healthcare, might have rendered national institutional boundaries porous, but national institutions retain – at least for the time being – their power of channelling actors’ interests and of influencing corresponding practices of healthcare governance. These results invite us to further investigate which kind of healthcare governance structures are being developed at European level in parallel to those existing at national level, and to what extent Bismarckian welfare regimes might be showing resistance to institutional change induced by European integration. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The EU Foreign policy towards the korean peninsula crisis, 1993-2006

Doh, Jong Yoon 09 December 2011 (has links)
The EU’s notable transformation over the past five decades is obviously an event of modern state concepts. However, the EU’s matter of concern has placed too much emphasis on economic and trade issues, while its capability and power have achieved remarkable growth with far-reaching ramifications in both economic and political affairs. This also means that studies of the EU foreign policy have hardly reached North East Asia because of geographical limit between them, the EU’s weak institutional capacity and vestige of the Cold War. Therefore the EU and the Korean Peninsula did not have chance to build a critical relationship. This time could be defined as ‘standstill’ between Europe and the Korean Peninsula or ‘quiet diplomacy’. 1993 marked a turning-point in relations between the EU and the Korean Peninsula. Firstly, European countries have launched the Maastricht Treaty since they had signed in 1992. The Treaty implies the EU’s more strengthened international role in the political and economic area in accordance with its increased capability and reinforced power. Secondly, North Korea announced its intention to withdraw from the NPT on 12 March 1993 and then the Korean Peninsula was compelled to face a political crisis. Since the EU took unofficial Humanitarian Aids for North Korea in 1994-1995, KEDO and the EU in 1997 agreed to the terms and conditions of the accession to KEDO of its nuclear regulatory body. This was the first challenge of the EU political engagement of the Korean Peninsula question. In the context, this research seeks to answer the question of “What are the EU priorities in its strategy for Korean Peninsula?” that includes broadly the EU’s regional strategy for North East Asia in line with its foreign policy agenda. To tell the conclusion, the EU’s intervention to North Korea was firstly encouraged in dimension of economic interests through vitalization of international trade after the Korean Peninsula would be reunified. The EU considered that Asian nuclear market is an important factor in order to build nuclear technical standard as well as to obtain commercial interests although the European nuclear firms did not obtain chance enough to construct for North Korea nuclear facilities construction. The EU’s political incentives for political change-seeking in North East Asia must also be considered. Actually, the EU diplomatically opened the door of Pyongyang and led the isolated regime to a channel that communicates with international community although the EU did not take a seat at Six-Party Talks to engage itself in the Korean Peninsula question. As a result, the EU could increase the image of a ‘peaceful mediator’ or an ‘honest blocker’ in the term of ‘reputation’ through engagement continued for the Korean Peninsula Crisis. The EU’s foreign policy has been partly successful in context that Europe succeeds in promoting its existence as a global actor. Therefore, its foreign policy would gradually be reinforced to bolster the EU’s credibility and influence in the Korean Peninsula. The EU’s role is surely reduced in the Korean Peninsula issues with the termination of the KEDO project. However, the EU’s role is expected to be performed in different ways under its confidence and capability. The EU’s next engagement depends on where its new incentives will be, and then its question will be how to realize them in accordance with its institutional conditions and actual capacity. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

L'étude des idées politiques au sein des partis de la social-démocratie européenne: de l'utilité du concept du révisionnisme

Sente, Christophe 30 November 2010 (has links)
La thèse s'attache à étudier la validité conceptuelle de la notion de révisionnisme pour la compréhension de la dynamique idéationnelle et programmatique de la social-démocratie européenne. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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