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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of a training programme on the attitude of managers towards performance management

Teubes, Susanna Wilhelmina 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English, summary in English and Afrikaans / The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of a performance management training programme on the attitudes of managers towards performance management. The research question was whether a performance management training intervention would change managers' attitude towards performance management. The respondent group consisted of 101 managers who responded to an advertisement and willingly participated in a performance management training programme. A quasi-experimental research design was used in which a pre-test and post-test was applied to the respondent group. The managers in the respondent group completed the same assessment instrument (or questionnaire) before and six months after the performance management training. The results of the empirical analysis indicated that female managers felt less positive about performance management than their male counterparts. No statistically significant change in the attitude and competency of managers towards performance management was found after they had attended the performance management training programme. / Die doel van die studie was om die impak van 'n prestasiebestuuropleidingsprogram op die houdings van bestuurders ten opsigte van prestasiebestuur te ondersoek. Die navorsingsvraag was of 'n opleidingsintervensie in prestasiebestuur, bestuurders se houdings ten opsigte van prestasiebestuur sou verander. Die respondentegroep het uit 101 bestuurders bestaan wat op 'n advertensie gereageer het en vrywillig deelgeneem het aan 'n prestasiebestuuropleidingsprogram. 'n Kwasie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp is gebruik waartydens 'n voor- en na-toets op die respondente toegepas is. Die bestuurders in die respondentegroep het dieselfde evalueringsinstrument voor en ses maande na die prestasiebestuuropleiding ingevul. Die resultate van die empiriese ontleding het getoon dat vroulike bestuurders minder positief oor prestasiebestuur gevoel het as hul manlike kollegas. Geen betekenisvolle statistiese verandering in die houdings en vaardighede van bestuurders ten opsigte van prestasiebestuur is gevind nadat hulle die prestasiebestuurprogram bygewoon het nie. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Die rol van die konsultant in die gemeentebouproses

Meyer, Lukas Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In teenstelling met die buiteland, bestaan daar tans weinig indien enige voltydse gemeenteboukonsultante in Suid- Afrika. Daar bestaan ook weinig indien enige literatuur wat op Suid- Afrikaanse bodem verskyn het wat handel oor die werksaamhede van die gemeenteboukonsultant in die christelike kerk/gemeente. Die gebrek aan 'n voltydse professionele gemeenteboukonsultant word as 'n ernstige leemte beskou in die verskillende fases van gemeentebou. In die studie word literatuur wat handel oor hierdie belangrike onderwerp, asook literatuur vanuit die bestuurswetenskap, teologies en krities bestudeer. 'n Aantal bestaande modelle word uiteengesit en teologies evalueer. Uit hierdie bestudering word op teologies-hermeneutiese wyse 'n voorbeeld-model voorgestel waarvolgens die gemeenteboukonsultant binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks die gemeente-analise, gemeenteprofiel en langtermynbeplanning in samewerking met die leiers en lidmate van die kerk/ gemeente kan afhandel. / At present, South Africa, in contrast with countries abroad has a serious disposition regarding the availability of literature dealing with churchgrowth as such. Due to a lack of professional churchgrowth consultants, churchgrowth had been neglected and a gap of deficiency has occured thus hindering the different stages in churchgrowth. This study is an in - depth, theological and critical study of churchgrowth as well as the managerial aspects thereof. Much devotion has been endeavoured upon this thus delivering a model example with which churchgrowth consultants could embark upon congregational analysis and profiling. In colaboration with leaders and members of congregations, long - term planning can be done. All this in a South Africa which had been deprived from this valuable service for so long. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical theology)

Evaluering van 'n bestuursopleidingskursus

De Jager, Willem 11 1900 (has links)
A management training course was' evaluated for effectiveness by using two specially compiled in-basket exercises equivalent in complexity. Outcome evaluation was performed so as to determine whether learning transfer took place, ie whether management skills in the application of the management dimensions planning, organising and control do manifest in the work context afterwards. Significant differences were found between the experimental group and the control group in the application of the management dimensions planning, organising and control. These differences were investigated by means of the "Univariate procedure ... A management training course can therefore be effectively measured with the behaviour assessment approach by using two groups, where only one group is exposed to a management training course. It can thus be ascertained whether a change in management behaviour has taken place as a result of learning transfer. / Die effektiwiteit van 'n bestuursopleidingskursus is geevalueer deur twee spesiaal saamgestelde posmandjies van dieselfde moeilikheidsgraad te gebruik. Uitkomsevaluering is gedoen om te bepaal of leeroordrag plaasgevind het, met ander woorde of die nuut aangeleerde bestuursvaardighede in die toepassing van die bestuursdimensies beplanning, organisering en beheer wei na die tyd in die konteks van werksgedrag manifesteer. Beduidende verskille tussen die eksperimentele en die kontrolegroep is gevind in die toe passing van die bestuursdimensies beplanning, organisering en beheer. Die verskille is ondersoek met behulp van die "univariate procedure". 'n Bestuursopleidingskursus kan dus effektief vanuit die gedragsbeoordelingsbenadering gemeet word deur van twee groepe gebruik te maak waarvan slegs die een groep aan 'n bestuursopleidingskursus blootgestel word. Daar kan dus bepaal word of 'n verandering in bestuursgedrag plaasgevind het as 'n gevolg van leeroordrag. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the resilient educators support programme among HIV and AIDS affected educators in Gauteng

Van der Waal, Wya Aike 28 September 2010 (has links)
The Resilient Educators support programme (REds) for HIV and AIDS affected educators was initiated by the University of the Northwest in 2006, following a research project in 2005 that highlighted the need for a support programme that addresses the challenges of educators affected by HIV and AIDS, as existing support structures were found to be inadequate. The REds programme is implemented in phases, and after the completion of each phase, the programme is modified to meet the needs of a broader audience of educators. Since 2006, the REds programme has been implemented by independent researchers in four South African provinces, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, the Northwest province and the Free State. This round of implementation included a comparison group, to allow researchers to compare data. The 2009 implementation of the REds programme was aimed at gathering comparative data to prove that the programme has a positive impact on the quality of life and resilience of educators. This was done in order to provide to the greater REds programme the opportunity to generalise the findings of the programme, and implement it on a national level. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the 2009 version of the REds programme to enhance the quality of life and resilience of HIV and AIDS affected educators in Gauteng. For the purpose of this research study, the researcher used applied and evaluative research. The mixed methods research approach was used, followed by the concurrent triangulation design. The qualitative and quantitative data carried the same weight in the results of the study, and the data sets were merged in the interpretation to produce well-validated conclusions. When comparing the pre- and post-test results, both the quantitative and qualitative data were used to prove or disprove the hypothesis. For the quantitative part of the study, the researcher made use of a quasi-experimental design namely the comparison group pre-test-post-test design. For the qualitative part of the study, the researcher used a collective case study design. Quantitative data was collected through two group administered standardised questionnaires, the Professional Quality of Life Screening (ProQol) and the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA). Qualitative data was collected by using a narrative, drawings and observations. Pre-test data was collected from the experimental and comparison groups prior to exposure to the REds programme. The experimental group participated in the programme and afterwards, both the experimental and comparison groups participated in a post-test. The participants were recruited from the Diepsloot Combined School and the Emfundiswene Primary School in Alexandra, Johannesburg, Gauteng, by using non-probability volunteer sampling. The quantitative empirical research findings in the experimental group data showed minimal differences between the pre- and post-test data for the ProQol test, and trivial differences in the RSA screening. The comparison group data also showed minimal differences, but the differences were in a downward trend. When comparing the experimental and comparison group findings, the experimental group’s results were slightly more positive than the comparison group, but not enough to draw valid conclusions. However, the qualitative findings showed that the participants in the experimental group found that the programme addressed their support needs as HIV and AIDS affected educators and they felt empowered with knowledge and skills that they lacked, thus making them more resilient. The researcher did not mark any changes in the comparison group data, thus indicating that they did not feel empowered. The researcher hypothesised the following: If the Resilient Educators support programme (REds) were implemented among HIV and AIDS affected educators, their quality of life and resilience will be increased. Conclusions drawn from the qualitative research findings indicated that the REds programme met the support needs of HIV and AIDS affected educators, as the experimental group indicated that they felt empowered and the comparison group did not indicate this. The quantitative data results were not significant enough to prove or disprove the proposed hypothesis, and thus the researcher recommends that the reasons for the insignificant test results from the questionnaires be investigated. AFRIKAANS : Die Resilient Educators Support Programme (REds), ’n ondersteunings program vir MIV-en VIGS-geaffekteerde opvoeders, is in 2006, deur die Noordwes-Universiteit ontwikkel. Die projek spruit uit navorsing wat in 2005 gedoen is en getoon het dat die uitdagings wat MIV-en VIGS-geaffekteerde opvoeders in die gesig staar nie aangespreek word deur die huidige ondersteuningstrukture nie, en dat daar ’n daadwerklike behoefte aan ’n ondersteuningsprogram bestaan. Die REds-program word in fases geïmplementeer, en in elke fase, word die program heraangepas om aan die behoeftes van ’n breër teikengehoor van opvoeders te voldoen. Sedert die begin van die projek in 2006, is die REds-program deur verskeie onafhanklike navorsers, in vier Suid Afrikaanse provinsies, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Noordwes en die Vrystaat geïmplementeer. Die 2009-implementering van die REds-program, het ’n vergelykende groep ingesluit, wat navorsers instaat stel om die data wat ingesamel word te vergelyk met ’n groep wat nie ’n intervensie ontvang het nie. Die 2009-implementering van die REds-program se doel was om vergelykbare data in te samel, en sodoende te bewys dat die program ‘n positiewe impak op die lewensgehalte en veerkragtigheid van opvoeders het. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te evalueer hoe doeltreffend die 2009-weergawe van die REds-program die lewenskwaliteit en veerkragtigheid van MIV-en VIGS geaffekteerde opvoeders in Gauteng verbeter. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie navorsing het die navorser toegepaste en evaluerende navorsing benut. Die gemengdemetode-navorsingsbenadering en die samewerkende triangulasie-ontwerp is benut. Die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data dra ewe veel gewig in die resultate van die studie. Datastelle is ook saamgevoeg tydens die interpretasie daarvan ten einde deeglik gestaafde gevolgtrekkings te maak. Tydens die vergelyking van die voor- en na-toetsresultate, is die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data benut om die hipotese te bewys of te weerlê. Vir die kwantitatiewe deel van die studie het die navorser ‘n kwasieksperimentele ontwerp, genaamd die groep-vergelykende voor-toets-na-toetsontwerp benut. Die kwalitatiewe deel van die studie is gedoen met behulp van die kollektiewe gevallestudie-ontwerp. Kwantitatiewe data is verkry deur twee groepgeadministreerde gestandaardiseerde vraelyste, die Professional Quality of Life Screening (ProQol) en die Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA), te gebruik. Kwalitatiewe data is ingesamel deur gebruik te maak van ’n narratief, tekeninge en observasies. Voor-toets-data is ingesamel by die eksperimentele en vergelykende groep. Die eksperimentele groep het die die REdsprogram deurloop en beide groepe het daarna deelgeneem aan die na-toets. Die deelnemers van die Diepsloot gekombineerde skool en die Emfundiswene laerskool in Alexandra, Johannesburg is by wyse van ’n nie-waarskynlikheids steekproeftrekking gekies, deur van die vrywillige steekproeftegniek gebruik te maak. Die kwantitatiewe navorsingsbevindinge van die eksperimentele groep het minimale verskille tussen die voor- en na-toets-data getoon vir die ProQol-toets, en niksbeduidende verskille is opgemerk in die RSA-toets. Die vergelykende groep se data het ook minimale verskille tussen die voor- en na-toets getoon, maar hierdie veranderings was negatief. In ’n vergelyking tussen die eksperimentele en vergelykende groep se resultate, is bevind dat die eksperimentele groep se uitslae meer positief van aard was as die van die vergelykende groep. Hierdie verskil is egter so klein dat geen werklilke gevolgtrekkings gemaak kan word nie. Desnieteenstaande het die kwalitatiewe bevindinge getoon dat die program wel aan die eksperimentele groep se ondersteuningsbehoeftes voorsien het. Die deelnemers het aangedui dat hulle bemagtig is met die kennis en vaardighede wat hul benodig om hul veerkragtigheid te verhoog. Die navorser het egter geen veranderinge in die vergelykende groep se data waargeneem nie, wat dus beteken dat die vergelykende groep nie bemagtig is nie. Die navorser het die volgende hipotese geformuleer: Indien die Resilient Educators support program (REds) onder MIV-en VIGS-geaffekteerde opvoeders geïmplimenteer word, sal hul lewenskwaliteit en veerkragtigheid verbeter. Gevolgtrekkings gemaak na gelang van die kwalitatitewe navorsingsbevindinge toon aan dat die REds-program wel die ondersteuningsbehoeftes van die opvoeders aanspreek, aangesien die eksperimentele groep aangedui het dat hulle bemagtig voel, in teenstelling met die vergelykende groep wat nie bemagtig voel nie. Die kwantitatiewe navorsingsbevindinge was egter van so ’n aard dat die navorser dit nie kon benut om die hipotese waar of vals te bewys nie. Na gelang van hierdie bevinding beveel die navorser onder andere aan dat die rede(s) vir die niksseggende kwantitatiewe toetsresultate verder ondersoek word. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Praktykmodel vir egskeidingsevaluering : 'n sistemiese perspektief op die belange van die minderjarige kind by sorg en kontak (Afrikaans)

Kimberg, Martha Petro 12 November 2008 (has links)
In hierdie ondersoek is daar gepoog om die belange van die minderjarige kind in egskeiding te bevorder deur die egskeidingsevalueringsproses waarvolgens die belange van die kind bepaal word, te ondersoek en te beskryf. Die sisteemteoretiese benadering, wat op holisme as uitgangspunt gebaseer is, is gedefinieer en beskryf ten einde die sistemiese perspektief op die gesin-in-egskeiding uit te klaar. Voorts is egskeiding as internasionale fenomeen en die implikasies van egskeidingsdispute vir die minderjarige kind ondersoek en in terme van die juridiese en maatskaplike implikasies asook die beginsel van die “beste belang” van die kind beskryf en verduidelik. Navorser het `n selfontwikkelde praktykmodel vir egskeidingsevaluering ontwikkel en geëvalueer met die doel om die vasstel van die belange van die minderjarige kind in egskeiding te bevorder. Dit is gevolg deur die empiriese resultate, `n algemene opsomming, gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings. Die volgende navorsingsvraag is geformuleer om die ondersoekende en beskrywende gedeelte van die empiriese navorsing te rig: Wat is die aard en inhoud van die egskeidingsevalueringsproses wat in die praktyk deur die Kantoor van die Gesinsadvokaat toegepas word ten einde die belange van die minderjarige kind te bevorder? Gelei deur die navorsingsvraag is die volgende hipotese geformuleer: Indien die sisteemteoretiese praktykmodel tydens egskeidingsdispute toegepas word, sal die beste belang van die minderjarige kind bevorder word. Vir hierdie ondersoek, waar twee evalueringsprosesse met mekaar vergelyk is, was die kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering die aangewese keuse. Intervensienavorsing as tipe navorsing is volgens die Ontwerp- en Ontwikkelingsmodel toegepas. Die kwantitatief-beskrywende opname navorsingsontwerp is benut ten einde die doel van die studie te bereik, naamlik: <ul>Om `n praktykmodel vir egskeidingsevaluering te ontwikkel en empiries te evalueer ten einde die beste belang van die minderjarige kind te bevorder.</li></ul> Voortspruitend uit die doel is die volgende doelwitte geformuleer: <ul> <li>Om vanuit `n sisteemteoretiese perspektief egskeiding as maatskaplike verskynsel, die gesin as maatskaplike sisteem en die belange van die minderjarige kind, teoreties te konseptualiseer.</li> <li>Om die huidige egskeidingsevalueringsproses, soos deur die Kantoor van die Gesinsadvokaat toegepas, te ondersoek en te beskryf.</li> <li>Om `n praktykmodel vir egskeidingsevaluering vanuit `n sisteemteoretiese perspektief, wat die belange van die minderjarige kind bevorder, te ontwikkel.</li> <li>Om die effektiwiteit van die nuut ontwikkelde praktykmodel vir egskeidingsevaluering empiries te evalueer.</li> <li>Om aanbevelings te maak ten opsigte van die praktykbenutting van die nuut ontwikkelde praktykmodel om die belange van die minderjarige kind in egskeidingsevaluering te bevorder.</li></ul> Ten einde die heersende evalueringsproses wat deur die Kantoor van die Gesinsadvokaat in egskeidingsdispute toegepas word met die evalueringsproses soos deur die nuut ontwikkelde praktykmodel toegepas is, te kon vergelyk, het navorser `n vraelys ontwerp vir evaluering van beide prosesse. Die vraelys het uit die volgende drie afdeling bestaan: (1) die professionele profiel van die deskundige (gesinsraadgewer/navorser); (2) profiel van die gesinsisteem in egskeiding wat geëvalueer is; en (3) die aard en inhoud van die evalueringsproses vir egskeidingsdispute. Voltooiing van die vraelys deur die deskundiges wat die twee egskeidingsevalueringsprosesse toegepas het, het meegebring dat die data vergelykbaar was. Daarvolgens kon die twee evalueringsprosesse dus vergelyk word en die effektiwiteit van die nuut ontwikkelde praktykmodel empiries geëvalueer word. Die empiriese resultate ten opsigte van die toepassing van die twee egskeidingsevalueringsprosesse in die praktyk, het `n wesenlike onderskeid in die aard en inhoud van die twee prosesse met betrekking tot die beste belang van die minderjarige kind aangetoon. Dit het geblyk dat in die toepassing van die egskeidingsevalueringsproses deur die Kantoor van die Gesinsadvokaat die assessering van die behoeftes, wense, ontwikkelingsvlak, verhoudings asook sistemiese verbintenisse van die minderjarige kind nie prioriteit geniet nie. Tydsbesteding aan konsultasies met die minderjarige kind is baie beperk en is slegs op `n ad hoc basis uitgevoer. Kollaterale bronne is ook op `n ad hoc basis betrek sodat dit nie moontlik was om die sistemiese verbintenisse van die minderjarige kind te eksploreer nie. Die evalueringsproses soos deur die nuut ontwikkelde praktykmodel toegepas is, bepaal as `n standaard prosedure individuele konsultasies vir assesseringsdoeleindes met die minderjarige kind ten einde die wense, behoeftes, ontwikkelingsvlak, verhoudings en sistemiese verbintenisse te kan bepaal met die oog op die vasstelling van die beste belang van die minderjarige kind vir die post-egskeidingsfase. Voldoende tydsbesteding aan die assessering van die minderjarige kind het hoë prioriteit volgens die praktykmodel geniet. Die evalueringsproses volgens die nuut ontwikkelde praktykmodel het kollaterale bronne as `n standaard prosedure betrek sodat die sistemiese verbintenisse van die minderjarige kind volledig geëksploreer kon word. Dit het dus uit die empiriese resultate geblyk dat die hipotese wat vir die studie gestel was, bevestig is. ENGLISH The aim of this study was to promote the interests of the minor child in a divorce situation, through an investigation into the process of assessment and evaluation whereby the best interests of the minor child in divorce disputes are determined. The systems theory approach, which sees holism as basic principle, was defined and described to explain the systems perspective of the family system in a divorce situation. Divorce as an international phenomenon and the implications of divorce disputes on the minor child were investigated, described and explained according to the legal and social implications as well as the principle of “the best interests” of the child. The researcher presented a self-developed practice model for divorce evaluation with the aim to promote the best interests of the minor child in divorce disputes. The study was concluded with the empirical results, a general summation, conclusions and recommendations. One research question was formulated to guide the investigative and descriptive part of the study, namely: What is the nature and content of the process of evaluation in divorce disputes to determine the best interests of the minor child which is administered by the Office of the Family Advocate? The following hypothesis was formulated according to the research question: If the practice model in divorce evaluation, based on systems theory, is administered in divorce disputes, the best interests of the minor child will be promoted. The quantitative research approach was selected in this investigation where two processes of evaluation were to be compared and the type of research was identified as Intervention Design and Development. The quantitative-descriptive survey design was selected to achieve the following goal of the study, namely: <ul> <li> To develop a practice model for evaluation in divorce and to evaluate the practice model empirical to promote the best interests of the minor child</li></ul> In order to obtain the goal of the study the following objectives were formulated: <ul> <li>To conceptualise theoretically divorce as social phenomenon, the family as social system and the interests of the minor child from a systems perspective.</li> <li>To investigate and describe the current process of evaluation in divorce disputes as it is administered by the Office of the Family Advocate.</li> <li>To develop a practice model for evaluation in divorce disputes from a systems perspective to promote the interests of the minor child.</li> <li>To evaluate empirically the effectiveness of the newly developed practice model for evaluation in divorce disputes.</li> <li>To make recommendations regarding the implementation of the newly developed practice model to promote the interests of the minor child in divorce disputes.</li></ul> A questionnaire was developed by the researcher to enable the comparison of the two processes of evaluation in divorce disputes. The questionnaire had three sections, namely: (1) the professional profile of the expert investigator (family counsellor/researcher); (2) profile of the family system who was evaluated; and (3) the nature and content of the process of evaluation. Data from the questionnaires completed by the expert investigators was compared to enable researcher to evaluate the effectiveness of the newly developed practice model to promote the interests of the minor child. The empirical results from the two evaluation processes confirmed a distinct difference in the nature and content of the two processes. The evaluation process in divorce as done by the Office of the Family Advocate did not put emphasis on the assessment of the needs, wishes, developmental status, relationships or systemic bonds of the minor child in a divorce situation. The time allocated to assessment of the minor child is extremely limited and consultations with the minor child was only done on an ad hoc basis. Consultations with collateral sources were also done on an ad hoc basis. It was thus not possible for family counsellors to explore in-depth the systemic relationships of the minor child in a divorce situation. The evaluation process according to the new practice model recognised the importance of individual consultations with the minor child. Individual assessment of the minor child was done as a regular procedure to establish the needs, wishes, developmental status, relationships as well as the systemic associations of the minor child in a divorce situation. The practice model recognised the need for adequate time allocation for assessment of the minor child. Exploring collateral sources was done as a standard procedure according to the practice model to allow opportunity for assessment of the systemic bonds of the minor child. The empirical results confirmed the hypothesis which was developed for this study. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

The instructional design of a training program for audiometricians

De Clercq, Hendrika 25 July 2012 (has links)
This study focused on designing a training programme for audiometricians, using the principles of instructional design. Instructional design is the continuing, systematic development of instructional specifications, utilizing researched strategies and principles to create detailed outcomes for the development, implementation, evaluation and maintenance of training programmes. An audiometrician is defined by SANS (10083:2004), as a person registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as an audiometrician, hearing aid acoustician or someone trained in audiometry. Audiometricians are adult learners. Therefore, in addition to instructional design principles, the principles of adult learning were also incorporated in the training programme. The successful training of audiometricians may ensure that noise induced hearing loss is significantly reduced when audiometric monitoring is appropriately implemented as part of a hearing conservation programme. Training for audiometricians is critical in this process as incorrect audiometric monitoring may negatively influence the outcomes of a hearing conservation programme. This study followed a descriptive research design where the results were described in a quantitative manner. Data was collected by means of electronically mailed questionnaires. All participants were practicing audiometricians at the time of the study and were registered with the South African Society for Occupational Health Nursing. All participants had an audiometric certificate as qualification. For the analysis of data, 181 completed questionnaires were used. The results were analyzed and described in terms of the respondents’ own experience regarding audiometry; their opinions regarding the topics they have been taught in audiometry; the duration of their own training programmes and their opinions regarding a future training programme for audiometricians. Based on the results of the above analysis, the instructional design programme for audiometricians was developed. The obtained results were used to determine what the topics, content, duration, learning outcomes and learner evaluation methods should be in the development of a training programme for audiometricians. This research study developed a training programme for audiometricians in order to ensure that all future audiometricians have the necessary knowledge to perform comprehensive hearing evaluations, interpret audiometric findings and thereby assist in reducing noise induced hearing loss in the industrial sector through hearing conservation programmes. AFRIKAANS : Hierdie studie is toegespits op die ontwerp van ‘n onderrigprogram vir oudiometriste waarin die beginsels van onderrigontwerp toegepas is. Onderrigontwerp behels die deurlopende en stelselmatige ontwikkeling van onderrigspesifikasies deur gebruik te maak van nagevorsde strategieë en beginsels om gedetailleerde uitkomste vir die ontwikkeing, evaluering en onderhoud van opleidingsprogramme daar te stel. ‘n Oudiometris word gedefinieer deur wetgewing (SANS 10083:2004) as ‘n person wat geregistreer is by die Health Professions Council of South Africa as ‘n oudiometris, gehoorapparaat akoestikus of iemand wat opgelei is in oudiometrie. Oudiometriste is volwasse leerders. Om hierdie rede is nie net die beginsels van onderrigontwerp nie, maar ook die beginsels van volwasse leer in die onderrigprogram geïnkorporeer. Suksesvolle onderrig van oudiometriste kan verseker dat die voorkoms van geraas-geïnduseerde gehoorverlies verminder, mits oudiometriese monitering toepaslik as deel van ‘n program vir gehoorkonservering geïntegreer word. Opleiding vir oudiometriste is krities belangrik in hierdie proses want indien oudiometriese monitering verkeerd gedoen word, kan dit die gehoorkonserveringsprogram in totaliteit negatief beïnvloed. ‘n Beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is in hierdie studie gebruik en die resultate is kwantitatief beskryf. Data is deur middel van vraelyste wat elektronies versend is, versamel. Al die deelnemers was ten tye van die studie praktiserende oudiometriste wat by die South African Society for Occupational Health Nursing geregistreer was. Elkeen was in besit van ‘n oudiometriese sertifikaat as kwalfikasie. Vir data-ontleding is 181 voltooide vraelyste gebruik. Die data was geanaliseer en beskryf in terme van die respondente se eie ervaring ten opsigte van oudiometrie; hul mening omtrent die temas wat by hul opleiding ingesluit was; die duur van hul opleidingsprogramme en hul idees omtrent ‘n toekomstige opleidingsprogram vir oudiometriste. Die onderrigontwerp-program is op grond van die resultate van bognoemde analise ontwikkel. Die resultate wat verkry is, is gebruik om die temas, inhoud, duur, leeruitkomste en evalueringsmetodes in die ontwikkeling van ‘n opleidingsprogram vir oudiometriste te bepaal. Hierdie studie is gerig op die ontwikkeling van ‘n opleidingsprogram vir oudiometriste met die doel om te verseker dat hulle oor die nodige kennis beskik om omvattende gehoorevaluerings uit te voer, om oudiometriese bevindinge te interpreteer en daardeur, in gesondheidssorgprogramme, by te dra tot die vermindering van geraas-geïnduseerde gehoorverlies in die industriële sektor Copyright / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted

Modularization and evaluation of vehicle’s electrical system

Abdo, Nawar January 2019 (has links)
Modularization is a strategy used by many companies, to help them provide their customers with a high variety of customized products efficiently. This is done through the customization of different independent modules, which are connected by standardized interfaces that are shared throughoutthe entire module variety. Scania, being one of the large companies that provide modular products, has been successfully improving their modularization concepts for many years, and is one of the most iconic companies when it comes to modularization of buses, trucks and engines. But with the increasing need ofelectronics integrated in the vehicles, it is becoming more and more important to modularize the electrical system. There is currently an existing, modularized, product architecture for the electrical system, and Scania wants to know how well modularized it is, as there is no unified way that indicates what is considered to be the better solution.To analyze the current state of the electrical system, a systematic method of modularization was used, which would help answer three important questions: Are the modules well defined? Is there a way to systematically compare alternative solutions? What criteria are more important to focus on? Since there is no unified way of modularization, many modularization methods have been created, and each one has been optimized for a certain purpose. This project compares three different modularization methods and then uses one of the methods which is deemed to be the preferred method to help provide the answers that the company seeks when investigating the modularity of the electrical system. As the electrical system is very complex, and the project has limited amount of resources, it was decided to choose one of the control units as an example, which was the APS (air processing system). The literature study showed that the most rewarding method to use was the MFD (Module Function Deployment), as it provides more information about the product and what criteria the company should focus on. It was then decided to use the relevant steps in MFD to analyze the state of the APS as an example of how this method works. / Modularisering är en strategi som används av många företag, för att hjälpa dem att erbjuda sina kunder en mängd olika anpassade produkter på ett effektivt sätt. Detta görs genom anpassning av olika oberoende moduler, som är kopplade med standardiserade gränssnitt som utnyttjas av alla modulvarianterna. Scania, som är ett av de stora företagen som erbjuder modulariserade produkter, har framgångsrikt förbättrat sina modulariseringskoncept under många år och är ett av de mest ikoniska företagen närdet gäller modularisering av bussar, lastbilar och motorer. Men med det ökande behovet av elektronik integrerad i fordonen blir det allt viktigare att modularisera det elektriska systemet. Det finns för närvarande en befintlig, modulär produktarkitektur för det elektriska systemet, och Scania vill veta hur väl modulariserat det är, eftersom det inte finns något enat sätt som anger vad som anses vara den bättre lösningen. För att analysera det elektriska systemets nuvarande tillstånd, måste en systematisk metod förmodularisering användas, vilket skulle hjälpa till att svara på tre viktiga frågor: Är modulerna väldefinierade? Finns det ett sätt att systematiskt jämföra alternativa lösningar? Vilka kriterier är viktigare att fokusera på? Eftersom det inte finns något enhetligt sätt att modularisera har många modulariseringsmetoder skapats, och var och en har optimerats för ett visst ändamål. I projektet jämförs tre olika modulariseringsmetoder och använder sedan en av de metoder som anses vara den föredragna metoden för att hjälpa till att ge svaren som företaget söker när man undersöker modulariteten hos det elektriska systemet. Eftersom det elektriska systemet är väldigt komplext och projektet har begränsat antal resurser beslutades det att välja en av kontrollenheterna som ett exempel, vilket var APS (luftbehandlingssystem). Litteraturstudien visade att den mest givande metoden att använda var MFD (Module FunctionDeployment), eftersom det ger mer information om produkten och vilka kriterier företaget ska fokusera på. Det bestämdes sedan att använda de relevanta stegen i MFD för att analysera APS tillståndet som ett exempel på hur den här metoden fungerar.

Evaluating PQPM for Usage in Combination with Continuous LOD in VR

Nyström, Oskar January 2022 (has links)
The use of Virtual Reality (VR) is growing in commercial use, one type of VR headset, called mobile stand-alone system has limited resources for computing and memory. Because of this, when developing real-time applications for this type of VR headset, performance needs to be heavily considered. One popular optimization technique is Level-of-Detail (LOD) which is a technique that represents a model at various resolutions. One type of LOD is called continuous LOD which can represent a model at a continuous spectrum of detail, this is not frequently used, however, because of being less intuitive and more difficult to implement than other versions. This project researched a type of continuous LOD used with a new metric called Pixel Quality Per Meter (PQPM). PQPM relies on having a minimum edge length calculated using a model's screen coverage in relation to its size. To answer whether PQPM can be used together with continuous LOD for intuitive, simple, and efficient updating and rendering in VR. The continuous LOD only uses one low-poly mesh which is tessellated with the help of a Vertex Displacement Map (VDM) to the desired quality. This approach is then evaluated using Nvidia FLIP, an image comparison application that emulates the human visual system. The result was an intuitive and easily implementable LOD which is used together with PQPM to decide the optimal quality given the models size and coverage on the screen. The usage of PQPM did not result in optimal quality at all distances, due to smaller segments being present, which could disappear completely at far distances. The continuous LOD combined with the PQPM did also not scale well but worked well at lower qualities. The study showed groundwork for how PQPM could work together with continuous LOD, it provides a more intuitive and easily implementable continuous LOD than previous approaches, however, because of the scalability issues, further work needs to be done to optimize this approach. / Användingen av Virtual Reality (VR) i kommersiellt syfte ökar, en typ av dessa VR headsets kallas mobila fristående system. Mobila fristående system har begränsade resurser när det kommer till att göra beräkningar och minne. På grund av detta måste man noga överväga prestanda. En populär optimeringsmetod kallas Level-of-Detail (LOD) vilket är en metod som kan representera en modell på ett antal olika upplösningar. En typ av LOD kallas kontinuerlig LOD som kan representera en modell med en kontinuerling detaljnivå. Denna används inte frekvent däremot på grund av att den är mindre intuitiv och svårare att implementera och uppdatera detaljnivå. Detta projektet undersökte en typ av kontinuerlig LOD där den används tillsammans med ett nytt metriskt mått som kallas Pixel Quality Per Meter (PQPM). PQPM byggs på att beräkna en minimal kantlängd via hur stor del av skärmen den täcker i relation till dess storlek. Detta undersöks för att besvara ifall PQPM kan användas tillsammans med kontinuerlig LOD för intuitiv, simpel och effektiv uppdatering och rendering i VR. Den kontinuerliga LOD använder sig bara av en low-poly mesh som är tessellerad med hjälp av en Vertex Displacement Map (VDM) till en önskad kvalitet. Detta evalueras sedan genom Nvidia FLIP, en bildjämförelseapplikation som emulerar människosyn. Resultatet var en intuitiv och enkelt implementerbar kontinuerlig LOD som användes tillsammans med PQPM för att bestämma den optimala detaljnivån baserat på modellens storlek och hur mycket av skärmen den täckte. Användingen av PQPM resulterade inte i optimal kvalitet för alla distanser, på grund av mindre segment som kunde försvinna helt på längre distanser. Den kontinuerliga LOD tillsammans med PQPM hade dålig skalning i prestanda men fungerade bra vid lägre kvalitetsnivåer. Studien visa grundarbetet för hur PQPM kan användas tillsammans med kontinuerlig LOD. Detta tillvägagångsättet tillät för ett mer intuitivt och simpelt sätt att implementera än tidigare tillvägagångssätt. Däremot, på grund av skalningsproblemen, fortsatt arbete måste göras för att optimera detta tillvägagångssättet.

Evaluering van skoolbeginners met die oog op effektiewe aanvangsonderrig

Heckroodt, Annétia Sophia 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / With compulsory education in the New South· Africa, an increase in the number of school beginners can be expected, together with the probability of large gaps in their readiness for school. In £his study, materials have been developed together with a structure for the organisation of teaching_~!?.r trainers/subject advisers, teachers and pupils, to ensure effective education for school beginners. The "Battery for the Assessment of Bridging period Yields" (BABY) has been developed as a valid, realiable and usable school readiness battery of tests for teachers as unregistered test users. The Pre-Test for division into homogeneous ability groups is applied shortly after entrance to school. The Battery of Diagnostic Tests ensures continuous evaluation of pupils during the school readiness programme. The Post-Test is applied at the end of the first term. In this dynamic interaction between tester and pupil in an instruction-test-instruction cycle, the pupils' readiness to progress with formal instruction is continuously evaluated. / Met verpligte onderwys in die Nuwe Suid-Afrika, kan 'n toename in die getal swart skoolbeginners ve:wag word, asook dat daar in hulle skoolvoorbereiding groot leemtes kan voorkom. In die onderhawige studie is hulpmiddels en 'n struktuur vir onderwysorganisasie vir opleiers/vakadviseurs, onderwyseresse en leerlinge ontwikkel om aan skoolbeginners effektiewe onderwys te verseker. Die "Battery for the Assessment of Bridging period Yields" (BABY), 'n geldige, betroubare en bruikbare skoolgereedheidstoetsbattery vir onderwyseresse as ongeregistreerde toetsgebruikers, is ontwikkel. Die Voortoets vtr indeling in homogene bevoegdheidsgroepe word kort na skooltoetrede toegepas. Die Diagnostiese Toetsbattery verseker deurlopende evaluering van leerlinge gedurende die skoolgereedmakingsprogram. Die Natoets word aan die einde van die eerste kwartaal toegepas. In hierdie dinamiese interaksie tussen toetser en leerling in 'n onderrig-toets-onderrig siklus, word leerlinge se gereedheid om met formele onderrig voort te gaan, deurlopend geevalueer. / Psychology og Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Evaluering van skoolbeginners met die oog op effektiewe aanvangsonderrig

Heckroodt, Annétia Sophia 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / With compulsory education in the New South· Africa, an increase in the number of school beginners can be expected, together with the probability of large gaps in their readiness for school. In £his study, materials have been developed together with a structure for the organisation of teaching_~!?.r trainers/subject advisers, teachers and pupils, to ensure effective education for school beginners. The "Battery for the Assessment of Bridging period Yields" (BABY) has been developed as a valid, realiable and usable school readiness battery of tests for teachers as unregistered test users. The Pre-Test for division into homogeneous ability groups is applied shortly after entrance to school. The Battery of Diagnostic Tests ensures continuous evaluation of pupils during the school readiness programme. The Post-Test is applied at the end of the first term. In this dynamic interaction between tester and pupil in an instruction-test-instruction cycle, the pupils' readiness to progress with formal instruction is continuously evaluated. / Met verpligte onderwys in die Nuwe Suid-Afrika, kan 'n toename in die getal swart skoolbeginners ve:wag word, asook dat daar in hulle skoolvoorbereiding groot leemtes kan voorkom. In die onderhawige studie is hulpmiddels en 'n struktuur vir onderwysorganisasie vir opleiers/vakadviseurs, onderwyseresse en leerlinge ontwikkel om aan skoolbeginners effektiewe onderwys te verseker. Die "Battery for the Assessment of Bridging period Yields" (BABY), 'n geldige, betroubare en bruikbare skoolgereedheidstoetsbattery vir onderwyseresse as ongeregistreerde toetsgebruikers, is ontwikkel. Die Voortoets vtr indeling in homogene bevoegdheidsgroepe word kort na skooltoetrede toegepas. Die Diagnostiese Toetsbattery verseker deurlopende evaluering van leerlinge gedurende die skoolgereedmakingsprogram. Die Natoets word aan die einde van die eerste kwartaal toegepas. In hierdie dinamiese interaksie tussen toetser en leerling in 'n onderrig-toets-onderrig siklus, word leerlinge se gereedheid om met formele onderrig voort te gaan, deurlopend geevalueer. / Psychology og Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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