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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eine eindeutig traumabezogene Verhaltensweise : Optionen, Komplikationen und Implikationen bei der Übersetzung von pränominalen erweiterten Adjektiv- und Partizipialattributen aus dem Deutschen ins Schwedische / ‚Eine eindeutig traumabezogene Verhaltensweise‘ (A clearly trauma related behaviour). : Options, Complications and Implications in Swedish translations of German extended premodifiers

Rödholm Siegrist, Helena January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates the Swedish translations of extended premodifiers in a non-fictional German text on pedagogical theory and practice. The aim is to analyse complications and implications connected to different translation options and strategies. The analysis is based on Solfjeld’s (2003, 2004) German-Norwegian translation studies, which propose a classification model for translation strategies for German extended premodifiers with regard to aspects of explicitation and implicitation. The results show relations between postnominal finite target clauses and explicitation on the one hand, and on the other hand between prenominal non-clausal units and implicitation. Explicitation tends to result in sentence splitting which affects the text length and text cohesion.In addition, the study defines three main categories of German extended modifiers. The first category of adverbial extender premodifiers describe time, degree, and perspective and can easily be transferred into Swedish premodifying structures. The second category includes objects or predicatives which must be transferred into postmodifying structures. For the extended premodifiers belonging to the third category, the transferring into pre- or postmodifying target structures is optional. The study shows that the complexity of the extended premodifiers is a crucial factor which determines the choice of translation strategy. While explicifying relative clauses have a high amount of correspondence with Swedish language structures, the analysis emphasizes that implicifying premodifying target structures have less negative impact on text length, sentence splitting and text cohesion.

Adverbial clauses in translation  : Translation of finite and non-finite (-ing, -ed and to-infinitive) adverbial clauses from English to Swedish in popular science

Johansson, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates adverbial clauses in a translation of a popular science text from English to Swedish. The clauses investigated are both finite and non-finite adverbial clauses. The non-finite adverbial clauses are ing-clauses (present participle), ed-clauses (past participle) and to-infinitive clauses. The results show that finite adverbial clauses are directly transferred with a very high frequency. For the adverbial ing-clauses, translation into finite clauses was the most common correspondence, whereas the frequency of direct transfer was very low due to their semantically indeterminate structure and limited productive correspondences in Swedish. For the adverbial edclauses, the most frequent translation correspondence is also finite clauses with subordination being the dominant one. This was followed by the past participle, showing a higher direct transfer than for adverbial ing-clauses, partly due to expressions with an idiomatic character. The adverbial to-infinitive clauses are the only clauses that kept their infinitive construction in the majority of the cases which seems to be due to the less ambiguous meaning, followed by adverbial finite clauses. In summary, for all adverbial clauses except for adverbial to-infinitive clause, a finite clause construction is the most common translation correspondence. For the ing- and ed-clauses explicitation was briefly investigated. They both showed a degree of explicitation. This was higher for the ing-clauses which were rendered as relative clauses. The ed-clauses showed one occurrence of explicitation into an adverbial subordinated clause.

Étude et réalisation d'un système d'aide à la modélisation des tâches

Lupascu, Daniela Suzana January 1997 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Product and Process Perspectives: An Empirical Study of Explicitation in Chinese-English Translation

Fan, Zhewei 13 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Le sous-titrage de film, une traduction condensatrice / Filmsubtitling, a condensing translation / Die Filmuntertitelung, eine verdichtende Übersetzung

Vayssière, Eve-Marie 29 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une définition du sous-titrage de film en tant que traduction condensatrice. Cette recherche se base sur un corpus constitué des propos orignaux et sous-titres de dix films de langue française sous-titrés en allemand et de langue allemande sous-titrés en français. L’analyse met dans un premier temps en évidence que l'omission, l'implicitation et l'explicitation, qui apparaissent comme les trois procédés permettant d’obtenir un énoncé traduit de taille réduite mais de sens équivalent à celui de l’original, sont le résultat d’une hiérarchisation au cas par cas des unités de sens constitutives des propos orignaux. Dans un second temps, le constat de l’absence récurrente de traduction des marqueurs discursifs concourant à la vraisemblance des propos originaux permet de mettre en évidence un déplacement de la relation interactionnelle. La relation interactionnelle entre les protagonistes, perceptible dans les propos originaux par la présence de marqueurs discursifs, n’est pas perceptible dans les sous-titres. Les résultats éclairent alors les processus par lesquels intervient une nouvelle interaction dans laquelle le sous-titre devient métaphoriquement locuteur et s’adresse à un interlocuteur : le spectateur. C’est au spectateur de faire le travail d’inférence nécessaire à la compréhension de ST qui ne sont compréhensibles que par le cotexte et dans le contexte filmique. / This thesis intends to define film subtitling as a condensing translation. Results are based on original utterances and subtitles of ten german and french films. In a first phase, analysis showed the fact that omission, implicitation and explicitation, which appear as the three processes allowing shorter translated utterances, while preserving an equivalent meaning, result from an organization into a hierarchy of meaning units constituting original utterances. Over a second phase, the fact that discursive markers, which contributes to the realism of original utterances, are frequently missing from the translation highlights a shifting of the discursive interaction. The discursive interaction between protagonists, noticeable in the original utterances thanks to the presence of discursive markers, is no longer noticeable in the subtitles. Those results shed light on the process through which a new interaction occurs, in which the subtitle becomes in itself a speaker and addresses itself to a new interlocutor : the spectator. Finally, it is up to the spectator to draw the inference which is compulsory for his understanding of the subtitles, the latter being only understandable thanks to the cotext and to the context of the film. / Die vorliegende Dissertation hat zum Ziel, die Filmuntertitelung als eine verdichtende Übersetzung zu definieren. Die Untersuchung stützt sich auf die Analyse eines Korpus, das aus den Originaläußerungen und den entsprechenden Untertiteln von insgesamt zehn französisch- und deutschsprachigen Filmen besteht. In einem ersten Schritt werden mit der nachstehenden Untersuchung drei Prozesse, die Auslassung, die Implizierung und Explizierung aufgezeigt, die dem Übersetzer erlauben eine quantitativ reduzierte Äußerung zu formulieren, deren Sinn jedoch dem Original entspricht. Die Hierarchisierung der Sinneinheiten der Original-Äußerungen dient als Basis für die weiteren Prozesse. In einem zweiten Schritt wird der wiederholt auftretenden Auslassung von Diskursmarkern, die als Signale der Mündlichkeit fungieren und im Ausgangstext der Plausibilität dienen, nachgegangen. Dabei entsteht eine Verschiebung der Interaktion zwischen dem Untertitel und dem Zuschauer. Die durch die Diskursmarker wahrnehmbare Interaktion zwischen den Protagonisten der Filme in den Original-Äußerungen kann in den Untertiteln nicht wahrgenommen werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine neue Form von Interaktion, ein Prozess, durch den der Untertitel gleichsam zu einem Sprecher wird, der sich an einen Gesprächspartner, in diesem Falle den Zuschauer, wendet. Es liegt also am Zuschauer, die für das Verständnis der Untertitel benötigten Folgerungen zu ziehen, welche wiederum einzig und allein durch den Kotext und den filmischen Kontext verständlich werden.

Translating between the lines : Decoding the syntactic condensation found in nominalisations and non-finite supplementive clauses

Marshall, Vivian January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how syntactically condensed structures are translated from English to Swedish in a non-fiction text. The analysis covers nominalisations and non-finite ing- and ed-clauses functioning as adverbials. The method for analysis is mainly quantitative, but in order to discuss why certain translation strategies are favoured, a qualitative analysis is also included. The results show that both obligatory and optional structural changes occur in the target text. These changes are induced by both grammatical and preferential differences between the source and target languages. As a result, the target text is often more explicit than the source text. While the most frequent translation strategy for ing-clauses is forming finite main clauses, subordinate clauses are the most frequently used correspondences for ed-clauses. Other strategies include coordination and prepositional phrases. Explicitation occurs by adding features such as finiteness and subordinating conjunctions in the target text structures. In contrast to the translation of non-finite clauses, the most commonly used correspondence when translating nominalisations is noun phrases identical to those in the source text. The second most frequent strategy is paraphrased noun phrases. Together, these two nominal strategies cover approximately two thirds of the translations. Clausal structures, which are generally more explicit, are more than three times less frequent, which opposes the idea of verbal preference in Swedish. When clausal translations are used, however, it is mainly due to the complexity of the noun phrase in which the nominalisation occurs.

The long and the short of it : the translation of non-finite adverbial clauses and ly-adverbials

Görman, Anna January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates the translation of non-finite supplementive clauses and one-word adverbials with a suffix of -ly in an English non-fiction text of academic prose and its Swedish target text. The results show that the non-finite supplementive clauses often are translated into either a new main clause, a coordinated clause or a subordinate clause, where the latter in a majority of cases involves the use of explicitation. The main clause strategy proved the most frequently used, indicating a possible connection between choice of translation strategy and source text sentence length. The ly-adverbials show a clear tendency for translation into one-word open-class adverbials in Swedish, most frequently with a suffix of -t. Clear differences were found between the investigated adverbial structures regarding movement; the supplementive clauses retain their source text positions in a vast majority of cases whereas the ly-adverbials show a higher frequency of movement, most commonly from their original source text position to sentence-final position in the target text. Other factors proven to impact the choice of translation strategies are compliance with Swedish preference regarding adverbial placement (in turn dependent on the type, grammatical structure and length of the adverbial as well as the register of the source text), the clarity and readability of the target text as well as style and level of formality.

Verbaliser l’indicible : une étude de l’expérience de la «vibe» dans la scène underground-house de Montréal

Murray-Hall, Méralie 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une analyse du discours et de l’expérience corporelle des adeptes de la scène musicale électronique underground-house de Montréal. Il cherche à contribuer au champ des études sur les formations culturelles expressives contemporaines sur deux axes. Sur le plan méthodologique, cette recherche illustre la portée de l’entretien d’explicitation lorsqu’il s’agit d’accompagner la mise en mots d’impressions sensorielles, d’émotions, de pensées ou d’actions. Combinée à une démarche immersive de longue haleine sur le terrain, cette méthode innovante développée par le chercheur Pierre Vermersch (1994) s’avère ici un outil rigoureux donnant accès à la mémoire incarnée des sujets, laquelle regorge d’informations d’une étonnante précision. Sur le plan ethnographique, cette étude s’intéresse aux nouveaux espaces de solidarité et d’expression balisant l’expérience des Québécois de parents haïtiens issus des classes moyenne et moyenne élevée. Les résultats de cette recherche démontrent, en premier lieu, que l’expérience de la « vibe », expression idiomatique largement utilisée par les acteurs, constitue la clé de voûte maintenant la cohésion entre les représentations, les croyances et les activités corporelles des participants. En deuxième lieu, la scène underground-house se présenterait comme l’expression d’une nouvelle contre-culture en établissant une distance critique avec, d’une part, la « culture hip hop » commerciale et sa représentation médiatique « ghettoïsée » et, d’autre part, l’espace culturel dominant en promouvant une expérience de corps et d’esprit subversive. Cet espace de transmission et de communion inédit propose des modèles de sociabilités nouveaux qui contribuent de manière inusuelle au dialogue interculturel urbain montréalais. / This thesis examines the discourses and embodied experiences of participants from the underground electronic house music scene in Montreal. In this empirical study, I aim to provide a twofold contribution to the field of studies on contemporary expressive cultural formations. First, on the methodological standpoint, this research illustrates the scope of the « explicitation » interview—a method of retrospective introspection developed by French researcher Pierre Vermersch (1994)—in assisting informants in the process of putting sensory impressions, emotions, thoughts or actions into words. Combined with a long-term immersive approach in the field, I argue that this innovative method proved to be a rigorous tool, which allowed participants to access and verbalize embodied memories with unprecedented accuracy. Second, this ethnographic study sheds light on new social spaces of solidarity and expression created by middle and upper middle class Quebecers of Haitian origin. The results of this research show, firstly, that the "vibe"—an idiomatic expression widely used by the househeads to qualify their experience—is a conceptual cornerstone that maintains cohesion between the representations, beliefs and bodily practices of the participants. Secondly, the study demonstrates that this cultural formation stands as a new expression of counter-cultural space, which establishes a critical distance from both the commercialised "hip hop culture" as well as the dominant (mainstream) cultural space by promoting a subversive bodily and spiritual experience. This unique site of transmission and communion creates new models of sociability and contributes in an unusual way to the intercultural urban dialogue in Montreal.

Étude des procédés d’explicitation dans les traductions anglais-français de textes environnementaux

Kalinichenko, Tetiana M. 06 1900 (has links)
S.O. / Le présent mémoire vise à faire l’étude des procédés d’explicitation dans les traductions anglais-français de textes spécialisés de l’environnement. Plus précisément, notre but est d’identifier l'éventail de ces procédés d'explicitation, de faire leur analyse, de les classifier et de proposer quelques pistes quant aux causes possibles de l’explicitation dans la traduction. Nous présentons d’abord quelques travaux antérieurs qui ont porté sur l’explicitation dans des corpus de langue générale et dans des corpus spécialisés. Notre recherche a ceci de particulier qu’elle porte sur l’explicitation dans un corpus spécialisé, plus particulièrement dans des textes du domaine de l’environnement. L’explicitation est peu étudiée dans les textes spécialisés et, à notre connaissance, aucune étude n’a porté sur l’explicitation dans des textes environnementaux. Pour notre recherche, nous avons élaboré d’abord un corpus de textes anglais-français portant sur l’environnement. Notre corpus a ensuite été aligné au moyen de l’aligneur LogiTerm Pro. Cet aligneur nous permet de créer un corpus aligné qui est utile pour observer les manifestations d’explicitation. Les stratégies d'explicitation identifiées et classées par Pápai (2004) ont servi de base à notre propre classement. Nous avons découvert que les procédés d’explicitation se produisent à cinq niveaux : des relations logiques et visuelles, lexical et grammatical, syntaxiques I et II, textuel et extralinguistique. Le nombre total de procédés d’explicitation que nous avons identifiés est de 13. Le plus grand nombre de cas d’explicitations (445) se situe au niveau lexical et grammatical. Parmi les cas d’explicitations au niveau lexical et grammatical, le remplissage d’ellipses sémantiques présente le nombre le plus élevé de cas (186) dans notre corpus spécialisé. L’explicitation au niveau syntaxique I s’observe dans 173 cas; l’explicitation au niveau des relations logiques et visuelles s’observe dans 101 cas; l’explication au niveau syntaxique II a été relevée dans 50 cas. Enfin, l’explication se produit au niveau textuel et extralinguistique dans 37 cas. Après avoir observé notre corpus et d’après les résultats obtenus, nous avons pu constater que le nombre et la variété d’explicitations étaient élevés dans les traductions anglais-français de textes spécialisés environnementaux. / This work aims to study the explicitation strategies in English-French translations of specialized texts related to the field of environment. More specifically, our goal is to identify the range of these explicitation strategies, analyze and classify them. We will also offer some explanations of possible causes of explicitation in translation. First, we present some previous work on explicitation in general language corpora and in specialized corpora. A particularity of our own research is that it focuses on explicitation in a specialized corpus, more specifically in texts in the field of environment. Explicitation has seldom been studied in specialized texts and, to our knowledge, no study focused on explicitation in environmental texts. For our research, we compiled a corpus of English-French environment texts. Our corpus was then aligned using the aligner LogiTerm Pro. This aligner allows us to create aligned corpora that are useful to observe the linguistic instances of explicitation. The explicitation strategies identified and classified by Pápai (2004) have served as the basis for our own analysis. We found that the explicitation strategies occur at five levels: logical and visual relations, lexical and grammatical, syntactic I and II, textual and extra-linguistic. The total number of explicitation strategies that we have identified is 13. The largest number of explicitation instances (445) occurs on the lexical and grammatical level. Among explicitation instances on the lexical and grammatical level, filling semantic ellipses present the highest number of instances (186) in our specialized corpus. Explicitation on the syntactic level I was observed in 173 instances; explicitation on the logical and visual relations level in 101 instances; explicitation on the syntactic level II was found in 50 instances. Finally, explicitation occurred on the textual and extra-linguistic level in 37 instances. After observing our corpus and according to the results obtained, we have found that the number and variety of instances of explicitation are high in English-French translations of specialized texts in the field of the environment.

Traduire, un jeu d'enfants? : Les enjeux de la traduction en suédois d'un livre documentaire français pour enfants / Translating, a child's play? : The issues at stake when translating a French non-fiction book for children into Swedish

Brock, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to identify and find solutions to some of the difficulties occurring when translating into Swedish a French non-fiction book for children. Solid research has already been done about translating children’s literature. However, these studies often focus on novels and picture books and rarely non-fiction books. The source text used as primary material for our translation and the essay is an extract from the non-fiction book Petites et grandes histoires des animaux disparus, written and illustrated by Damien Laverdunt and Hélène Rajcak and published in 2010 by the French publishing house Actes Sud. The book presents 27 extinct animals and the history about them and their extinction. Basing this essay on research about translating for children, we will begin with an analysis of the skopos – Reiss and Vermeer’s skopos theory about aim and function – of the source and target text, to be able to conceive the translation for our target reader and the socio-cultural and linguistic context in which the reader is living. Monica Reichenberg’s study about different versions of text-books, and their effect on a Swedish child reader’s comprehension including strategies to create a dynamic and intelligible text, will then help us to find the correct translation strategy for our target text. Finally, cultural references and their translation will be discussed considering Venuti’s studies about “domestication” and “foreignization” and Oittinen’s theories about children’s literature and “domestication”. During the essay, the translator’s choices and the motivations behind them will all be discussed taking into consideration the skopos and the linguistic and socio-cultural context of the target reader.

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