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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De biologiska barnens betydelse för familjehemsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie ur ett professionsperspektiv / The importance of biological children for the family home process : A qualitative study from a professional perspective

Georgsson, Ida, Sjöblom, Ida January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to understand from a professional perspective the importance of the biological children’s participation in the family home process and how family home social workers use their room for maneuver to involve the biological children in the family home process. The method used to answer the aim and the research questions was semi-structured interviews with seven women that work as family home social workers and the empirical material was analyzed through a thematic analysis. The theoretical framework we used to analyze the results was Lipsky's theory of Street-level bureaucracy and discretion. The main findings of this study were that family home social workers think that the participation of biological children is important both for the child's own wellbeing, for the whole family's dynamics and for the outcome of a family home placement. The most common methods used by family home social workers to involve biological children are relationship building and different types of conversations depending on the children's age and maturity. The study showsin the family home investigation, there are formalized guidelines that the family home social workers work according to but there are no general guidelines in the work with biological children in the further family home placement. That results in a discretion for the family home social workers. The study shows opportunities for improvement in making the biological children more involved in the family home process and that the biological children's participation is important for the work of family home social workers. Our results both confirm and contrast previous international and national research presented in the study.

Före detta ensamkommande barns upplevelser av socialtjänstens bemötande och mottagningssystem / Formerly unaccompanied children’s experiences of the social services’ treatment and reception system

Eliassi Sarzeli, Diana, Lateef, Hajer January 2021 (has links)
Authors: Diana Eliassi Sarzeli & Hajer Lateef Titel: Formerly unaccompanied children’s experiences of the social services’ treatment and reception system Supervisor: Phillip Lalander Assessor: Torbjörn Forkby   The aim of this essay was to study formerly unaccompanied children’s experiences of the social services’ treatment and reception system.  We also studied whether the reception system made it possible or difficult for their opportunities in Sweden. In this study we have completed five qualitative interviews with five formerly unaccompanied children across Sweden. The interviews have had a retrospective element and have been semi-structured. Based on our respondent’s answers from the interviews, it was possible to identify four main themes; social secretary, accommodation, school and legal guardian. We analyzed these themes based on previous research and the selected theory which was symbolic interactionism. The main conclusion we made based on the results of the study was that the formerly unaccompanied children were generally satisfied with the social services’ reception system and its treatment. This despite the fact that criticism was directed towards the social secretaries, the different accommodations and school. The formerly unaccompanied children all experienced that the social services’ reception system has for the most part facilitated their current lives.

Sammanbrott inom familjehem : Hur kan sammanbrott av placerade barn förebyggas genom förbättrat stöd till familjehemsföräldrar? / Placement breakdowns in foster families : How can placement breakdowns be prevented through better support for foster parents?

Berg, Amanda, Östlin, Zandra January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur förekomsten av sammanbrott kan minskas. Detta utifrån familjehemsföräldrars upplevelser av stöd och behov av stöd från Humana, samt familjehemsföräldrarnas upplevelser av relationen mellan familjehem och det placerade barnet. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes digitalt med fyra konsulentstödda familjehem. Respondenterna upplevde att stödet var tillfredsställande, men att de saknade fler grupphandledningar. Studien visade att familjehemsföräldrarna upplevde att Humanas stöd vid konflikter mellan familjehemmet och det placerade barnet minskade risken för sammanbrott, alternativt fördröjde ett sammanbrott i de fall det var oundvikligt. Vi hade fått en mer heltäckande bild om vi tog hänsyn till det placerade barnets eget perspektiv men av etiska skäl exkluderades barnens perspektiv från studien. En lämplig matchning mellan familjehem och barn innan placeringen visade sig kunna motverka sammanbrott då det ledde till en bättre relation mellan placerat barn och familjehemsföräldrar. / The aim of this study was to examine how the occurrence of placement breakdowns can be reduced. This through foster parents’ experiences of support and need of support from Humana, together with the foster parents’ experiences of the relationship between themselves and the foster child. Qualitative semi-structured interviews took place digitally with four consultancy-supported foster parents. The respondents found the support satisfying, but wanted more group tutoring. The study showed that the foster parents experienced that support from Humana in conflicts between them and the foster child reduced the risk of a breakdown, or delayed the breakdown in those cases it could not be avoided. Taking the foster childrens’ opinions into account would have given a bigger picture, but their point of view was excluded due to ethical reasons. A suitable match between the foster parents and the child led to a better relationship and therefore resulted in preventing breakdowns.

"Det räcker inte med ett stort hjärta" : En kvalitativ studie om att vara familjehemsföräldrar / "It's not enough to have a big heart" : A qualitative study about being foster parents

Petersson, Lovisa, Frennesson, Jonna January 2023 (has links)
The study aims to examine foster parents’ experiences of foster care, focusing on the difficulties they may encounter and their experiences in the interactions and support from social services. Research shows that foster parents bear a significant responsibility for the lives and well-being of the children under their care. They often describe their parenting experiences as one characterized by powerlessness, and they perceive the support provided by social services as inadequate. Ensuring that foster parents receive the necessary support to provide stable and service care for the child is crucial for a successful placement. Considering this issue, the purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of the assignment and how foster parents experience the contact with social services. A qualitative method has been used and eight foster parents were interviewed using semi structured interviews. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis and presented and analyzed using Foucault’s theory of pastoral power and previous research. The results indicate that foster parents face different types of difficulties, especially when it comes to the contact with social services and the biological network of the placed children. The contact and support received from social services appears to be crucial for succeeding as foster parents, but it occurs to often be insufficient and lacking. The result also indicates that most foster parents’ experience difficulties related to the lack of decision making as well as the interactions between the placed child and its biological parents. However, lack of support emerges as the most challenging aspect of foster care according to the foster parents in this study because it makes it even harder to manage and handle the other difficulties and dilemmas that comes with the assignment. Therefore, this study emphasizes the significance of effective and supportive social services to ensure successful experiences for foster parents.

"Både glädje och sorg" : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av att vara familjehemsförälder. / "Both joy and sorrow" : A qualitative study about the experience of being a foster parent.

Stenholm, Felicia, Ryberg, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study is to examine foster parents’ experiences and view on their perceived challenges with the task, their resources to manage the task and how they achieve well being in their everyday life as a foster parent. The study has been carried out through qualitative semi-structured interviews with eight foster parents. The results were then analyzed through Antonovsky’s salutogenic perspective with the concept sense of coherence (SOC) and generalized resistance resources (GRRs), along with previous research. The study’s result shows that perceived challenges with the task are among other things the constant change of social workers, having an “open foster home” for birth parents and the lack of knowledge of foster parenting when taking on the task. Resources to manage the task are good support from the social services, daily recovery from the task, practical experiences and one’s own personal qualities such as adaptability and understanding. Well being in everyday life as a foster parent can be achieved through involvement in the foster kids life, as well as being able to have one’s own interests. Furthermore the study’s result indicates that the motive to help and support children in need is strongly connected to achieve well being in the role as a foster parent.

Uppväxt i familjehem : - Placeringsbeslut och upplevelsen av delaktighet / Raised in foster care : - placement decision, and the experience of participation

Edlund, Felicia, Danielsson, Ronja January 2024 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker erfarenheter av tidigare familjehemsplacerade barn angående deras möjligheter att uttrycka åsikter och påverka beslutet om deras placering, samt det arbete socialsekreterare gör för att främja detta och det rättsliga överväganden som måste göras. Genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetodologi baserad på fem respondenter, varav tre tidigare familjehemsplacerade barn och två socialsekreterare analyseras detta.   Det framkommer från resultatet att både lagliga och sociala övervägande påverkar beslutet om placeringen, med fokus på att LVU-beslut ibland kan vara svåra att uppnå trots tydliga behov. Eftersom övergången från frivillig placering till tvångsplacering kräver starka skäl och noggrant övervägande. Kraven på familjehem diskuteras och hur viktig matchningen mellan barn och familj är för att säkerställa en trygg och positiv uppväxt i familjehem.   Genom intervjuerna med tidigare familjehemsplacerade barn får vi en inblick i deras upplevelser av att vara placerad i familjehem samt graden av upplevd delaktighet. Vissa uttryckte en brist på delaktighet i beslut som rör dem vid placeringen medan andra haft positiva erfarenheter av att deras åsikter beaktats och respekterats. Barnets delaktighet under processen framhävs, med användning av metoder som Norrköpingsmodellen för att säkerställa att barnets röst hörs och att deras behov beaktas.

Hur skapas hållbara placeringar? : En kvalitativ studie som belyser socialsekreterarnas perspektiv på det stöd de kan ge till familjehem samt om det finns stöd som kan minska risken för sammanbrott / How are sustainable placements created? : A qualitative study that highlights social workers' perspectives on the support they can provide to foster families and whether there is support that can reduce the risk of placement breakdown

Eriksson, Jennie, Köhlmark, Cecilia January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att belysa socialsekreterarnas perspektiv på det stöd de kan ge till familjehem samt om de ansåg att det finns stöd som kan motverka sammanbrott. Tidigare forskning vi belyser tar upp familjehemmens perspektiv på stöd. Forskningen visar att de ibland upplever socialsekreterarna som otillgängliga och att de saknar stöd för att klara sitt uppdrag. De centrala frågorna i denna studie är vilket stöd som socialsekreterare kan ge familjehem samt om det finns något specifikt stöd som kan minska risken för sammanbrott. I studien intervjuades tio stycken socialsekreterare från olika arbetsplatser i Stockholmsområdet. Detta är en kvalitativ studie som analyserats med hjälp utifrån Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska teori. Studiens resultat visar att respondenterna upplever att det stöd som finns är tillräckligt, att de har gott om handlingsutrymme och även att stöd till familjehem går att individanpassa. Enligt respondenterna är det flera saker som behövs för att minska risken för sammanbrott, exempelvis är det viktigt med väl genomförda utredningar av familjehemmen och att en god matchning mellan barnet och det tilltänkta familjehemmet sker. Studien uppmärksammar vikten av att se till helheten för att lyckas med hållbara placeringar. / The purpose of the study is to highlight social workers' perspectives on the support they can provide to foster families and whether they believed that there is support that can prevent breakdown. Previous research highlighted the foster family's perspective on support, showing that they sometimes experience social workers as inaccessible and lack of support to manage their responsibilities. The central questions in this study are what kind of support social workers can provide to foster families and whether there is specific support that can reduce the risk of breakdown. Ten social workers from various workplaces in the Stockholm area were interviewed in the study. This is a qualitative study that has been analyzed using Bronfenbrenner's ecological development theory. The study's results show that the respondents believe that the available support is sufficient, that they have plenty of room for action, and that support to foster families can be tailored to individual needs. According to the respondents, several things are needed to reduce the risk of breakdown, such as well-conducted investigations of the foster family and a good matching between the child and the intended foster family. The study highlights the importance of considering the overall situation to succeed with sustainable placements.

En del av en helhet : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur socialsekreterare inkluderar de biologiska barnen i  familjehemsprocessens olika delar / Part of a Whole : A qualitative study on how social workers include the biological children in various stage of the foster care process

Winquist, Wilma, Skålberg, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka om och i så fall hur, socialsekreterarnas handlingsutrymme i familjehemsprocessen påverkar inkluderingen av de biologiska barnen i familjehemmen. Barns bästa är ett centralt begrepp i familjehemsvården, men det inkluderar inte de biologiska barnens bästa utan fokuserar på de placerade barnens bästa.  Genom en kvalitativ metod som metodval har vi med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfört nio intervjuer med barn-och familjehemssekreterare. Urvalsgruppen arbetar inom och på uppdrag av tre olika kommuner inom familjehemsvården. Tidigare forskning om de biologiska barnen i familjehem är ytterst begränsad. Forskning om familjehemsvården som utgår från ett barnperspektiv har fokuserat på de placerade barnen, inte de biologiska barnen i familjehemmen. Forskning om familjehem har främst haft ett vuxenperspektiv och utgått i från föräldrarnas upplevelser av uppdraget. De biologiska barnen i familjehem ses som en helhet med familjen och inte som subjektiva aktörer.  Socialsekreterarnas handlingsutrymme inom familjehemsprocessen bidrar till skillnader för de biologiska barnen i hur mycket och under vilka delar av familjehemprocessen de inkluderas.  Studiens resultat visar på att det finns behov av att göra de biologiska barnen mer inkluderade i familjehemsprocessen och lyssna på deras upplevelser av familjehemsvården. Det finns behov av mer forskning om och med de biologiska barnen i familjehem som utgår i från deras perspektiv. / This essay focuses on the lack of inclusion of biological children in the foster care process, based on the discretion of social workers. The study aims to investigate whether and how the discretion of social workers in the foster care process affects the inclusion of biological children. While the best interest of the child is a central concept in foster care, it does not encompass the best interest of biological children but rather focuses on the best interest of the placed children.  Title: "Part of a Whole". A qualitative study on how social workers include the biological children in various stage of the foster care process.  Using a qualitative approach, nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with child and family welfare social workers. The sample group works within and on behalf of three different municipalities involved in foster care. Previous research on biological children in foster care is extremely limited. Research on foster care from a child's perspective has focused on placed children rather than biological children in foster care. Research on foster care has primarily taken an adult perspective and relied on parents' experiences of the assignment. Biological children in foster care are seen as part of the family as a whole and not as subjective actors.  The discretion of social workers in the foster care process contributes to differences for biological children in how much and during which parts of the foster care process they are included.  The results of the study indicate the need to include biological children more in the foster care process and to listen to their experiences of foster care. There is a need for more research about and involving biological children in foster care that is based on their perspective as children.

Det handlar om anknytning : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares resonemang om anknytningens betydelse för en gynnsam utveckling

Enochsson Pålebo, Mariah, Österberg, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to receive a rapt understanding of how child-welfare officer’s reasons about the meaning of attachment theory, from the child´s best, in placements of a child. The aim was also to examine the possibilities child-welfare officer´s feel they have to work with the child´s best and attachment in focus. The study has a qualitative approach and the empirical material is collected thru semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework used is attachment theory, the child´s best and street-level bureaucracy. The result of the study shows that child-welfare officers have equivalent knowledge, experiences and thoughts about the meaning of attachment theory for a favorable development in foster children. The study concludes is that more knowledge about attachment theory is necessary and child-welfare officers demands methods to better assess attachment patterns in children. The child-welfare officers express frustration when they talk about matters in the "grey area" and situations where different perspectives clashes and the child´s best end up in the background. / Studiens syfte var att erhålla en fördjupad förståelse för hur socialsekreterare i den sociala barnavården resonerar om anknytningens betydelse, utifrån barnets bästa, vid familjehemsplacering av ett barn. Syftet var också att ta reda på vilka möjligheter socialsekreterare upplever sig ha att arbeta med barnets bästa och anknytning i fokus. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och materialet är insamlat genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den teoretiska tolkningsram som används är anknytningsteori, barnets bästa samt gräsrotsbyråkrati. Studiens resultat visar att socialsekreterare har likvärdiga kunskaper, erfarenheter och tankar om anknytningens betydelse för en gynnsam utveckling hos familjehemsplacerade barn. Studiens slutsats är att mer kunskap om anknytningsteori är nödvändig och socialsekreterare efterfrågar metoder för att bättre kunna bedöma anknytningsmönster hos barn. Socialsekreterarna ger uttryck för frustration när de berättar om så kallade gråzonsärenden och situationer där olika perspektiv är i konflikt och barnets bästa hamnar i skymundan.

Familjehemsplacerade barns skolgång : En kvalitativ studie / Foster Children's schooling

Bosman, Annemieke January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to get a greater understanding for how the people surrounding children in foster care support these foster children in their education. In order to learn more about that, I had to understand these individuals own opinion on education for foster-children. Do the people that stand close to a child in foster care think that foster children have the same abilities to learn in school as other children? And is it fair to require the same investment as we ask from other children? And how does the way professionals and foster parents inform each other and work togeter influence this process? The study was conducted through six semi-structured interviews. The perspective of four different foster parents, a teacher and a social worker were examined in this qualitative study. To help understand why some people have better chances in life than others and how a foster family can make a difference in that for a child, I have used Pierre Bourdieu's Cultural Theory. The theory helps understand that a foster child is in a very low social position in society, especially at the beginning of the placement, and has to work itself up to get acces to more symbolical resources. The results of the study show that support from people around the foster child is a very important factor for a child to succeed in school. Every one of the individuals I have interviewed was aware of that fact. The main obstacle people experience is that information about the child is not always shared and they do not alwas know how other organizations function. The factor that is most favorable is a positive work relation between the professionals, foster parents and the child.

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