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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hospodářská politika České republiky na pozadí politického cyklu / The economic policy of the Czech Republic in the background of the political cycle

Pfeiferová, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis "The economic policy of the Czech Republic in the background of the political cycle" is to analyze whether the size of the state budget and revenue and expenditure is influenced by the political cycle or not. The main goal of this work is to find out whether the size of the state budget and its individual parts are affected by the political cycle and at the same time also make assessment of that whether the current political cycle is manifested in the selected macroeconomic variables or not. Next, I will analyze the evolution of the unemployment and inflation rates and then determine whether the individual variables are affected because of the ongoing political cycles or their development would have been comparable, if there would not be the functioning of the political cycle. The thesis will be taken into account the conclusions and outcomes of the theory that areas are involved in the political cycle. The aim of this work will be to confirm or refute the hypothesis political cycle in the Czech Republic and to find out whether there is a growing state budget deficits particular pre-election and election year, extensive easing of fiscal policy and whether budget deficits are a natural result of the struggle for votes between political parties or not. The influence of the...

Essays on Macroeconomics and Fiscal Policy

González García, Concepción 28 January 2022 (has links)
Esta tesis esta compuesta por tres capítulos. Los dos primeros capítulos estudian los efectos macroeconómicos de una consolidación fiscal y estímulos fiscales cuando la deuda privada es elevada. El tercer capítulo, estudia proyecciones de deuda púbica para el caso español bajo diferentes escenarios macroeconómicos. En el primer capítulo se analiza los efectos macroeconómicos de diferentes planes de consolidación fiscal en los que el gobierno reduce de forma gradual la ratio deuda pública-PIB y el sector privado está altamente endeudado. Lo resultados muestran que en el largo plazo, la consolidación fiscal genera beneficios en términos de output que son mayores en el caso en el que el sector público este altamente endeudado. En el corto plazo, la efectividad de la política fiscal en un escenario de deuda alta, depende del instrumento fiscal utilizado. Finalmente se analiza el bienestar social, encontrando que la política de consolidación fiscal produce una ganancia en términos de bienestar cuando el gasto público o el impuesto al consumo se utilizan como instrumento y este bienestar es mayor en el caso de endeudamiento privado alto. Sin embargo, cuando el instrumento fiscal son los impuestos al trabajo o al capital, se produce una pérdida de bienestar que es amplificada en un escenario de endeudamiento alto. En el segundo capítulo, se estudia como el tamaño de los multiplicadores fiscales depende del nivel de endeudamiento privado. Este artículo contribuye al debate de los efectos de los estímulos fiscales demostrando que el impacto de las políticas fiscales depende del nivel de endeudamiento, considerando el endeudamiento de los hogares y empresas. Finalmente, en el tercer capítulo se examina las proyecciones de deuda para la economía española bajo diferentes escenarios macroeconómicos. Se encuentra que la deuda aumentará hasta un 174% en 2035 si se cumple el escenario macroeconómico que predice la Comisión Europea. En el caso de considerar una subida de impuestos, la deuda disminuye pero lejos de llegar a los niveles pre-COVID.


RAFFAEL RUSSO 19 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Nesse artigo, apresentamos um modelo Novo Keynesiano de economia aberta com dois países, taxação distorciva e gasto governamental estocástico. Nessa modelagem comparamos, em uma base de bem-estar, diferentes regras monetária e fiscal com uma referência constituída pelo equilíbrio cooperativo da política de Ramsey. / [en] In this paper, we present a New Keynesian two-country open economy model featuring distortionary taxation and stochastic government spending. Within this modeling we compare, in a welfare-sense, different fiscal and monetary rules with a benchmark constituted by a cooperative Ramseypolicy equilibrium.

The Effects of Government Policies on Real Estate Sector

Kouki, Tuuli January 2018 (has links)
The study investigates the linkages between government policies and the real estate sector via a case study that was carried out on the Japanese market. The applicability of the results were then discussed in terms of whether similar trends could be seen in other economies facing similar demographic and economic issues as Japan. While the real estate sector linkages with the overall economy are relatively well studied topic, there are less studies regarding the links between government policies and the real estate market. The studies in the field furthermore in general conclude that the results are country and location dependent, thus illustrating there to be a research gap. Given that real estate sector is linked with the overall performance of the economy, and fluctuations within the sector can magnify ups and downs of the overall economy, it is of importance to investigate the topic in order to, for example, illustrate the effect that policy changes will have on the real estate sector and thus potentially also on the overall market. The approach of the study was to carry out quantitative analysis through the use of econometric analysis methods such as cointegration and Granger causality. The robustness of the econometric analysis results were then further discussed through the use of qualitative analysis tool of expert interviews. The applicability of the econometric results to other economies was analyzed with simple comparison of key variables. The results of the study indicate that government policies have very little effect on the real estate sector. The econometric analysis suggests that neither monetary nor fiscal policy had notable effect on the real estate sector, especially price development. On the other hand, interest rates were seen as a most notable government policy tool to have an effect on the real estate sector in the expert interviews. As a conclusion, it was argued that the low level of cointegrations and lack of causalities could be due to government policies having an indirect effect on the real estate market via altering the demand and supply for real estate rather than leading to changes within the sector directly. For the comparison, some of the Nordic countries and Germany were noted to be facing similar issues as Japan in terms of ageing population, urbanization trend, notable government debt levels, and low interest rates. It was however noted, that the econometric analysis results could not be mirrored to these markets directly due to the rather straightforward comparison, but rather the results could act as a guideline. / Den här studien utreder kopplingarna mellan regeringspolitiken och fastighetssektorn genom en fallstudie som utfördes på den japanska marknaden. Tillämpligheten av studiens resultat diskuterades sedan kring huruvida liknande trender kan utläsas i andra ekonomier som står inför liknande demografiska och ekonomiska problem som Japan gör.  Hur fastighetssektorn är kopplad till den generella ekonomin är ett relativt välstuderat ämne, de finns däremot färre studier som avhandlar kopplingar mellan regeringspolitik och fastighetsmarknadens utveckling. Studierna inom ämnet sammanfattar generellt att studiens resultat är beroende av landet och den specifika platsen, vilket visar att det finns en lucka i forskningen. Med tanke på att fastighetsmarknaden är kopplad till den generella ekonomins utveckling, samt att fluktuationer inom sektorn kan förstora upp- och nedgångar i den övergripande ekonomin, är det väsentligt att undersöka ämnet för att, exempelvis, illustrera den effekt politiska ändringar har på fastighetssektorn och därmed potentiellt den övergripande marknaden.  Studiens tillvägagångsätt var att genomföra en kvantitativ analys genom användning av ekonometriska analysverktyg, såsom samverkan och Granger kausalitet. De ekonometriska analysresultatens robusthet diskuterades därefter ytterligare genom kvalitativ analys i form av intervjuer med experter inom ämnet. De ekonometriska resultatens, till andra ekonomiers, användbarhet analyserades med en enkel jämförelse av nyckelvariabler.  Resultatet av studien indikerar att regeringspolitik har en mycket liten effekt på fastighetssektorn. Den ekonometriska analysen tyder vidare på att varken penning- eller finanspolitik har en märkbar effekt på fastighetssektorn, i synnerhet på prisutvecklingen. Motsatt till detta framgick det i intervjuerna med experter inom ämnet, att räntorna är det verktyg som används inom regeringspolitiken som har störst effekt på fastighetssektorn. Som slutsats hävdades det att den låga graden samverkan och bristen på kausalitet kan bero på att regeringspolitik har en indirekt effekt på fastighetssektorn då utbudet och efterfrågan ändras snarare än att det direkt leder till ändringar inom sektorn. Vad gäller tillämpningen av de ekonometriska resultaten noterades det att några av de nordiska länderna samt Tyskland kommer att möta liknande problem som Japan, gällande åldrande befolkning, urbaniseringsutveckling och låga räntor. Det noterades dock att de ekonometriska analysresultaten inte direkt kunde spegla sig i dessa marknader då en relativ enkel jämförelsemetod användes, men att resultaten kan agera som en riktlinje.

Beyond the Crisis: A Safe Haven Analysis : Empirical Insights into the Divergence of Gold and Bonds for Portfolio Hedging

Baugi, Anthony, Zhang, Eugene January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: This thesis investigates the relationship concerning traditional safe haven assets, gold and US 10-year treasury bonds during periods of market instability, specifically during the economic concerns raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. It assesses the hedging and safe haven properties of these assets and their dynamic nature throughout two periods of unconventional monetary and fiscal policy measures by the Federal Reserve & US Congress respectively. Furthermore, the study explores a unique divergence between the price movements of the two assets, as well as potential changes in their properties and relationships. Theoretical Perspective: The study is anchored in theoretical concepts based on previous research such as Modern Portfolio Theory, Safe Haven Theory and Hedging Theory. These theories explain asset behaviours during financial turmoil and the relationship between gold and US 10-year treasury bonds during financial crises. The research gap and research questions were formulated based on the information gathered. Methodology: The research employs a quantitative, explanatory approach, anchoredin objectivism and realism, focusing on testing established theories through empirical data. Using a deductive methodology, it investigates potential changes in the dynamic between traditional safe haven assets, gold and US 10-year treasury bonds. Empirical Foundation: Based on a thorough literature review, this study integrates insights from past research and with new data emerging from the pandemic's influence on financial markets and subsequent policy action. The empirical evidence is integrated through quantitative analysis, leveraging ARCH/GARCH models and quantile regression to understand asset performance amid market shocks and policy changes. Conclusion: The findings indicate that gold did not initially act as a hedge against bonds but did so against other assets such as Oil, USD, and BTC during the height of COVID-19. In the recovery phase, this relationship shifted, with gold emerging as a hedge against bonds while its hedging capacity against Oil and Real Yield was negated. Additionally, gold's role as a safe haven against bonds was consistently unsupported across both periods studied. Furthermore, a portfolio analysis revealed a shift in investment strategy, from a balanced gold-bonds mix during the crisis to a sole preference for gold in the recovery phase, adapting to the evolving market conditions and policy changes.

Microeconomic Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Policy

Morrison, Wendy A. January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation is part of a growing body of research studying the implications of micro heterogeneity - differences between different types of households and workers - for macro economic policy. By incorporating heterogeneity into monetary and fiscal policy frameworks, I am able to study both the distributional consequences of policy and uncover ways in which differences between households change policy transmission mechanisms. In the first chapter, I show that growing differences across the income distribution in workers' substitutability with capital alters the strength of a key monetary policy transmission mechanism. In the second chapter, I highlight and measure a new trade-off between redistribution policies and long-run investment stemming from differences in households' propensity to save out of permanent income. In the third chapter, joint with Jennifer La'O, we show that when the degree of labor income inequality changes over the business cycle, and fiscal policy is unable to respond to these changes, optimal monetary policy should take this inequality into account. Chapter 1 examines how heterogeneity in worker substitutability with capital affects the labor income channel of monetary policy. Empirically, I show that workers performing routine tasks see smaller labor income gains than other workers following a monetary expansion and have higher marginal propensities to consume (MPC). I show that this relationship dampens the role that the labor market plays in monetary policy transmission. I embed capital-task complementarity in a medium-scale HANK model calibrated to match the respective capital-labor elasticities and labor shares of routine and non-routine workers. This worker heterogeneity reduces the size of the labor income channel 25 percent. Chapter 2 studies the trade-offs associated with income redistribution in an overlapping generations model in which savings rates increase with permanent income. By transferring resources from high savers to low savers, redistribution lowers aggregate savings, and depresses investment. I derive sufficient conditions under which this savings behavior generates a welfare trade-off between permanent income redistribution and capital accumulation in the short and long run. I quantify the size of this trade-off in two ways. First, I derive a sufficient statistic formula for the impact of this channel on welfare, and estimate the formula using U.S. household panel data. When redistribution is done with a labor income tax, the welfare costs associated with my channel are around 1/3 the size of those associated with labor supply distortions. Second, I solve a quantitative overlapping generations model with un-insurable idiosyncratic earnings risk in which savings rates increase with permanent income calibrated to the U.S. in 2019. In this setting, I find that around 17 percent of the trade-off between labor income redistribution and average consumption can be attributed to my channel. In Chapter 3, joint with Jennifer La'O, we study optimalmonetary policy in a dynamic, general equilibrium economy with heterogeneous agents. All heterogeneity is ex-ante: workers differ in type-specific, state-contingent labor productivity, yet markets are complete. The fiscal authority has access to a uniform, state-contingent lump-sum tax (or transfer), but linear taxes are restricted to be non-state contingent. We derive sufficient conditions under which implementing flexible-price allocations is optimal. We show that such allocations are not optimal when the relative labor income distribution varies with the business cycle; in such cases, optimal monetary policy implements a state-contingent mark-up that co-moves positively with a sufficient statistic for labor income inequality.

Public Expenditure and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Nigeria

Obiechina, Michael E. January 2020 (has links)
Theoretical and empirical literature suggest that public expenditure plays very important role in economic growth, especially in the developing countries. Available statistics show that Nigeria’s 5-year average annual real public expenditure/GDP ratio grew during the greater part of the study period 1981-2015, while the 5-year average annual real GDP growth and real GDP per capita growth rates are positive during the same study period, except for 1981-1985 and 1986-1990, respectively. The incidence of poverty, however, maintained upward movement, except for 2006-2010. The foregoing interactions have been seldom, the focus of empirical studies in Nigeria. This study examines the effects of public expenditure on economic growth and poverty reduction in Nigeria from 1981-2015, using variants of two models and simulation exercise: augmented Solow growth model and growth-poverty model. Real public expenditure/GDP ratio is used as the policy variable and the simulation duration is for 5-years, 2016-2020. We use the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds testing procedure by Pesaran et al. (2001) to estimate the two models, given that the annual data used for the models’ estimations were integrated of order I(1) and I(0) and small sample size. The results from the two models confirmed that public expenditure increases economic growth, though not significant, while economic growth does not reduce poverty. The same findings are confirmed through the simulation exercise. We, however, offer measures that would ensure growth and poverty reduction in Nigeria; public expenditure switch that encourages more investments in capital public expenditure, social sector public expenditure and private capital investment. / Central Bank of Nigeria

Three Essays on Taxation and Macroeconomic Dynamics

Voigts, Simon 19 July 2017 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht, wie sich die Ausgestaltung eines Steuersystems – bzw. dessen Änderungen – auf die Dynamik von makroökonomischen Variablen auswirken kann. Die Analyse wird mit Hilfe von allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodellen durchgeführt, die Keynesianische Eigenschaften haben und durch die Berücksichtigung von stochastischen Elementen dynamisch sind. Die Arbeit umfasst drei Essays, deren Hauptfokus auf der Eurozone liegt und die politikrelevanten Fragestellungen gewidmet sind. Die Arbeit deckt klassische Themen wie fiskalische Multiplikatoren und „Liability-Side Equivalence“ ab, aber sie beschäftigt sich auch mit dem aktuellen Thema der fiskalischen Abwertung. Das erste Essay untersucht die Auswirkungen von Änderungen in der Mehrwertsteuer auf die gesamt– wirtschaftliche Leistung einer Volkswirtschaft. Die Neuerung gegenüber bisherigen modellbasierten Publikationen über diese Fragestellung besteht in einer realistischen Modellierung des „tax pass-through“, also der Weitergabe von Steueränderung an Konsumenten durch Preisanpassungen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass eine empirisch plausible pass-through-Dynamik die kurzfristigen Mehrwertsteuer Multiplikatoren drastisch reduziert gegenüber denen in herkömmlichen Modellen. Die gewonnene Einsicht, dass Standard-Modelle der institutionellen und akademischen Forschung die kurzfristigen Multiplikatoren dramatisch überschätzen, kann potentiell zu einer Verbesserung von modellbasierten Politikempfehlungen beitragen. Das zweite Essay befasst sich mit fiskalischen Abwertungen. Diese Politik zielt auf eine Abwertung des realen Wechselkurses – und damit auf eine Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit – ab, ohne dabei die Anpassung eines nominalen Wechselkurses zu erfordern. Sie sieht eine Senkung der Sozialabgaben vor, die durch eine Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer finanziert wird. Ein höherer Mehrwertsteuersatz macht importierte Güter teuer, während geminderte Sozialabgaben (und damit geminderte marginale Produktionskosten und Preise) inländische Güter im Ausland billiger machen. In dem Papier betrachten wir eine gemeinsame fiskalische Abwertung aller Peripherieländer der Eurozone. Die Neuerung gegenüber anderen Studien besteht darin, dass Lohnrigiditäten berücksichtigt werden – welche sich für die Effektivität der Reform als zentral erweisen –, und dass wir zwischen zwei Sorten von Abwertungen unterscheiden: Eine, in der Sozialabgaben der Arbeitgeber gesenkt werden, und eine, in der Sozialabgaben der Arbeitnehmer verringert werden. In unserem Modell ist die erstgenannte Form der Abwertung deutlich effektiver. Das dritte Essay untersucht „Liability-Side Equivalence“ im Zusammenhang von Sozialabgaben. Dieses Prinzip besagt, dass die gesetzlich festgelegte Aufteilung der Abgaben zwischen Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern langfristig keinerlei Konsequenzen für die reale Allokation hat. Ich zeige hingegen, dass die Aufteilung der Abgaben Auswirkungen auf makroökonomische Fluktuationen, auf die Effizienz der Allokation, und damit auf die langfristige Produktivität hat. Die einzige nicht in der Literatur übliche Annahme, die für dieses Ergebnis benötigt wird, ist, dass das Sozialsystem ein ausgeglichenes Budget hat. / This thesis analyzes how the configuration of a country’s tax system – or a change to that system – can affect dynamics of macroeconomic aggregates in New-Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models. It contains three essays, each having a primary focus on the Euro Area and each addressing a policy-relevant question. The thesis covers classic topics like fiscal multipliers and Liability-Side Equivalence as well as the more recent subject of Fiscal Devaluations. The first essay analyzes the impact of changes in the value-added tax (VAT) on output. The innovation relative to previous theoretical contributions on this subject is that my model accounts for empirically observed tax pass-through dynamics. I find that the introduction of empirically plausible VAT pass-through dramatically lowers short-run multipliers relative to those obtained if tax pass-through is not rigorously modeled. By showing that workhorse models used in academic and institutional research overestimate the short-run impact of VAT changes, the work might help to improve model-based guidance on the design of discretionary fiscal policy packages. The second essay addresses Fiscal Devaluations, a policy that is aimed at deteriorating the real exchange rate – and thereby improving a country’s competitiveness – absent an adjustable nominal exchange rate. It prescribes a reduction in social security contributions financed by an increase in the VAT. The higher VAT increases the price for imported goods, while the reduction in social security contributions (which lowers marginal production costs and with it producer prices) makes domestic goods cheaper in the importing countries. In the co-authored paper, we analyze the impact of a Fiscal Devaluation jointly undertaken by Europe’s periphery countries. The novelty is that our model features nominal wage rigidity – which is shown to be crucial for the policy’s effectiveness – and that we compare two types of Fiscal Devaluations, one that reduces firms' social security contributions and one that lowers workers' contributions. We find that the former type is considerably more effective than the latter type. The third essay investigates Liability-Side Equivalence in the context of social security contributions. This principle implies that the statutory split of contributions between firms and workers does not matter for the real allocation in the long run. I contradict this notion by showing that it matters for macroeconomic fluctuations, for the efficiency of the allocation, and thereby for long-run productivity in my model. The only non-standard assumption required to generate this result is that the social security system runs a balanced budget.

Fiscal policy and financial market imperfections

Hristov, Atanas 23 January 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Fragestellung, ob Fiskalpolitik die Gesamtnachfrage erhöhen kann, wenn eine Reihe von Haushalten und Unternehmen Finanzierungsbeschränkungen unterliegt. Das erste Essay liefert Evidenz zur Größe von Fiskalmultiplikatoren aus der Eurozone und den USA. Das Essay kommt zu dem Schluss, dass es in der Literatur hinreichend Hinweise gibt, dass expansive Fiskalpolitik, insbesondere in Form einer Erhöhung der Staatsausgaben oder in Form gezielter Transfers an liquiditätsbeschränkte Haushalte, die Wirtschaftstätigkeit in einer tiefen Rezession stark stimulieren kann. Das zweite Essay untersucht die Auswirkungen der Fiskalpolitik auf den privaten Konsum in Abhängigkeit vom Stadium des Konjunkturzyklus sowie dem Zustand der öffentlichen Finanzen. Die Untersuchung wird für ein jährliches Panel bestehend aus 16 OECD Ländern für den Zeitraum von 1970-2011 durchgeführt. Die Studie zeigt, dass Liquiditätsbeschränkungen bei den Haushalten die Wirksamkeit der Fiskalpolitik in den betrachteten Regimes verändern. Das dritte Essay geht der Frage nach der Größe des Staatsausgabenmultiplikators in einem DSGE-Modell mit Finanzintermediation nach. Als Hauptergebnis ist herauszustellen, dass der kumulierte Multiplikators einer vorübergehenden Erhöhung der Staatsausgaben in Regimen, in denen sich Banken Finanzierungsbeschränkungen gegenübersehen, größer als eins ist. Im Gegensatz dazu ist der Multiplikator kleiner als eins, wenn die Finanzierungsbeschränkungen gelockert sind. Das vierte Essay beschäftigt sich mit der Interaktion von Finanzierungsbeschränkungen und Arbeitsmarktimperfektionen. In der Modellökonomie wird ein positiver Produktivitätsschock durch endogene Fluktuationen an den Finanzmärkten verstärkt. Das Essay weist nach, dass, wenn Löhne über Nash-Verhandlungen gesetzt werden, ein Produktivitätsschock die Volatilität der Löhne substantiell erhöht. / This dissertation asks whether fiscal policy can be effective in boosting aggregate demand when borrowing constraints bind tightly across a wide range of households and firms. The work consists of four essays. The first essay surveys evidence on fiscal multipliers from the Euro area and the United States. From this essay it can be concluded that there is ample evidence in the literature that expansionary fiscal policy, especially in the form of an increase in government purchases or in targeted transfers to liquidity-constrained households, may strongly stimulate economic activity in times of a deep recession. The second essay examines the effects of fiscal policy on private consumption conditional on the phase of the business cycle and the state of the public finances in a yearly panel of 16 OECD countries. The essay demonstrates that binding liquidity constraints on households can alter the efficacy of the policy changes in the four regimes---defined by the conditioning states. The third essay examines the size of the government purchases multiplier in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with financial intermediation. The main result is that the size of the cumulative multipliers of a temporary rise in government purchases is higher than one in regimes when financing constraints on banks bind tightly. In contrast, in times when financing constraints are loose the multipliers are smaller than one. The fourth essay studies the interaction between financing constraints and labor market imperfections and the role of this interaction in the labor market dynamics. In the model economy, a positive productivity shock is amplified through endogenous fluctuations in the financial market. The essay shows that if wages are set via Nash bargaining, the productivity shock increases substantially the volatility of wages.

Three Essays on International Macroeconomics

Brede, Maren 16 May 2019 (has links)
Diese Dissertation analysiert reale Wechselkursdynamiken und die Rolle von Fiskalpolitik in einer Währungsunion, die sich aus zwei Regionen zusammensetzt. Drei Forschungsfragen werden adressiert: Welche politischen Regime führen in Abwesenheit von Handel zu determinierten Gleichgewichten? Welche Rolle spielt Arbeitsmobilität über Produktionssektoren hinweg innerhalb einer Volkswirtschaft für die Dynamik des realen Wechselkurses? Und sollte nationale Fiskalpolitik auf diese Änderungen des realen Wechselkurses, d.h. auf Inflationsdifferenziale, reagieren, um den inländischen Wohlstand zu erhöhen? Das erste Essay stellt fest, dass bei autarken Mitgliedsländern eine Geldpolitik nach Taylor-Prinzip nicht ausreicht, um ein Gleichgewicht zu determinieren, wenn sie nicht mit einer "aktiven" Fiskalpolitik gekoppelt ist. Das Modell zeigt, dass fiskalische Schocks aus der Volkswirtschaft mit einer aktiven Fiskalpolitik die Inlandsinflation beeinflussen, sich aber auch auf die Volkswirtschaft auswirken, deren fiskalische Haltung passiv ist. Das zweite Essay zeigt, dass die Annahme von perfekter Arbeitsmobilität über Produktionssektoren hinweg die Fähigkeit des Modells erheblich beeinträchtigt, ausgiebige Dynamiken des realen Wechselkurses nach sektorspezifischen Schocks zu generieren. In einer empirischen Anwendung zerlege ich die Treiber der spanischen realen Wechselkursvariabilität und zeige, dass die Schätzung der Arbeitsmobilität die Modellanpassung an die Daten erheblich verbessert. Der dritte Aufsatz erwägt reale Wechselkursschwankungen als Zielvariable für nationale Fiskalpolitiken in einer Währungsunion. Eine Wohlfahrtsanalyse, die Konsumäquivalente berechnet, quantifiziert die Vorteile von Steuerregeln, die auf das inländische Inflationsdifferenzial reagieren. Sie findet großen Spielraum für wohlfahrtsfördernde, fiskalische Interventionen im Rahmen von budgetneutralen Regeln für Konsum- und Lohnertragssteuern. / This dissertation analyses real exchange rate dynamics and the role of fiscal policy within the setting of a monetary union consisting of two regions. It seeks to address three research questions: What are the policy regimes that yield determinate equilibria in the absence of trade? What is the role of labour mobility across production sectors within an economy in real exchange rate dynamics? And should a national fiscal authority respond to these changes in the real exchange rate, i.e. the domestic inflation differential, to improve domestic welfare? The first essay finds that with autarkic member countries, a monetary authority following the Taylor principle is insufficient to render an equilibrium determinate if it is not coupled with exactly one `active' fiscal policy. The model shows that fiscal shocks originating in the economy with an active fiscal stance affect domestic inflation but also spill over into the economy whose fiscal policy stance is passive. The second essay shows that assuming perfect labour mobility across production sectors significantly hampers the model's ability to generate rich real exchange rate dynamics following sector-specific shocks. In an empirical application, I decompose the drivers of Spanish real exchange rate variability and show that estimating the degree of labour mobility considerably improves the model's fit to the data. The third essay considers real exchange rate variability as a fiscal target for national fiscal authorities in a monetary union. A welfare analysis that calculates consumption equivalents quantifies the benefits of fiscal rules that are responsive to the domestic inflation differential. It finds a large scope for welfare-enhancing fiscal intervention in the set of budget-neutral rules which rely on consumption and labour income taxes.

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