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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A insustentabilidade do acordo de renegociação da dívida pública interna do município de São Paulo com o Governo Federal

González, Javier Ignácio Toro 30 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Javier Ignacio Toro Gonzalez.pdf: 864358 bytes, checksum: d7676ee8793227ea2f982b836f3be573 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper analyzes the assumption and refinancing agreement of the internal public debt held by the Municipality of Sao Paulo with the brazilian Federal Government as signed in May 2000. The first chapter presents the theoretical basis of the economic policy, especially the fiscal policy, adopted by Brazil in the 1990 s and also presents the context that led to the refinancing agreement and to the Law of Fiscal Responsibility. In the second chapter the strategic role of the city of Sao Paulo in Brazil s national economy is discussed as well as the behavior of its public finances since 1995. In the third and final chapter the terms and conditions of the agreement itself as well as its sustainability are analyzed. The results point to the unsustainability of the agreement under the two approaches adopted: the Accounting and the Present Value. It is evident that the agreement - which forbids new indebtedness - harms the ability of the Municipality of Sao Paulo to perform as an entrepreneur of new projects in infrastructure, essential for a modern metropolis like Sao Paulo to meet the challenges it faces, and preventing it from fully exercising its role as a Global City in the greater context of the national Brazilian economy / Esta dissertação analisa o acordo de assunção e refinanciamento da dívida pública interna do Município de São Paulo junto ao Governo Federal assinado em maio de 2000. O primeiro capítulo apresenta a fundamentação teórica da política econômica, em especial da política fiscal, adotada no Brasil na década de 1990 e também o contexto interno que deu origem ao acordo de refinanciamento da dívida interna dos governos subnacionais e à Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. No segundo capítulo discute-se o papel estratégico da cidade de São Paulo para a economia brasileira e o comportamento das finanças do Município desde 1995. O terceiro e último capítulo, apresenta a análise dos termos e condições do acordo e da sua sustentabilidade. Os resultados apontam para a insustentabilidade do acordo nas duas abordagens adotadas: a Contábil e do Valor Presente. Fica evidente que o acordo, ao proibir novos endividamentos, prejudica o desempenho do Município como empreendedor de novos projetos de infra-estrutura, essenciais para fazer frente aos desafios de uma metrópole moderna como São Paulo, impedindo-a de exercer plenamente o papel de Cidade Global dentro da economia brasileira

Interação entre as políticas fiscal e monetária brasileiras no período pós-Plano Real: uma análise de causalidade com aplicação do modelo VAR

Machado, Joanito Teixeira 11 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joanito Teixeira Machado.pdf: 806090 bytes, checksum: 13b58824a76d41aa01eaa9d8af3c6cd2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study consists in the analyses of the relations of causality among some of the main variables of Brazilian fiscal and monetary policies in the period post-Plano Real (1995-2008). The study was concentrated in the identification of the impacts of each one of the variables over the determination of the temporal path of each another. Initially, the work systematizes the theorist debate about the subject in two divergent axes: i) The hypothesis of fiscal dominance, that identificates the main determinants of the persistent contracionist monetary policy in the expansionist fiscal policy. ii) An alternative hypothesis that identificates the main determinants of the fiscal disequilibrium of the public sector in Brazil in the contracionist monetary policy, in the persistent overvaluation of the Real and in the strategy of international insertion of the country in the last two decades. Even, the study presents an econometric analyses of temporal series about fiscal policy, monetary policy and exchange rate policy in Brazil in the period of January/1995- December/2008. The econometric analyses consists in the application of the Vector Autorregressive Model (VAR) and of the Granger Causality Test / Este estudo consiste numa análise das relações de causalidade existentes entre algumas das principais variáveis de políticas fiscal e monetária brasileiras no período pós-Plano Real (1995-2008), concentrando-se na identificação dos impactos que cada uma das variáveis exerceu sobre a determinação da trajetória temporal das demais. Buscou-se, inicialmente, sistematizar o debate teórico travado acerca do tema em torno de dois eixos divergentes, quais sejam, i) o que aceita a hipótese da dominância fiscal e identifica no manejo de uma política fiscal supostamente expansionista o principal determinante da natureza persistentemente contracionista da política monetária durante o período; e ii) o que rejeita esta hipótese, idenficando, ao contrário, no manejo da política monetária contracionista e da política cambial marcada pela persistente sobrevalorização da moeda nacional bem como na peculiar inserção internacional do país, dada ao longo das últimas duas décadas, os principais determinantes do persistente desequilíbrio fiscal do setor público. O estudo inclui ainda uma análise econométrica de séries temporais referentes às políticas fiscal, monetária e cambial, para o período de janeiro de 1995 a dezembro de 2008, baseada na aplicação do modelo de Vetores Auto-Regressivos (VAR) e no teste de causalidade de Granger

Etudes des interactions entre les stratégies de ciblage d'inflation et leur contexte institutionnel : Application aux économies émergentes / Essays on the interactions between inflation targeting strategies and their institutional framework : An application to emerging economies

Lucotte, Yannick 11 December 2012 (has links)
La présente thèse analyse les interactions entre les stratégies de ciblage d’inflation et leur contexte institutionnelau sein des économies émergentes. Plus précisément, les investigations empiriques menées dans le cadre de cettethèse visent à étudier le rôle du cadre institutionnel dans la conduite et l’efficacité de cette stratégie de politiquemonétaire. Pour cela, nous procédons en deux étapes. Dans un premier temps, nous considérons le cadreinstitutionnel comme exogène à l’adoption du ciblage d’inflation et analysons dans quelle mesure ce cadre a pujouer un rôle dans les performances macroéconomiques des pays émergents cibleurs inflation. Ainsi, après avoirposé les bases conceptuelles du ciblage d’inflation et mis en évidence le rôle des pré-requis économiques etinstitutionnels dans le choix des économies émergentes d’adopter cette stratégie de politique monétaire (chapitre1), nous montrons qu’un certain nombre de conditions institutionnelles ont pu renforcer l’efficacité du ciblaged’inflation en termes de stabilité des prix (chapitre 2). Puis, dans un second temps, nous nous plaçons postadoptionet considérons le cadre institutionnel comme endogène à l’adoption du ciblage d’inflation. L’objectifvisé est alors d’analyser la réponse des autorités des économies émergentes à l’adoption de ce cadre de politiquemonétaire. Nous montrons ainsi que l’adoption du ciblage d’inflation exerce un effet disciplinant sur la conduitede la politique budgétaire, en incitant notamment le gouvernement à intensifier ses efforts de mobilisation desrecettes publiques (chapitre 3). Enfin, nous analysons la politique de change des pays émergents cibleursd’inflation et montrons que la poursuite simultanée d’une cible officielle d’inflation et d’une cible implicite dechange peut être contreproductive en termes de performances macroéconomiques, surtout lorsque cette gestiondu change est motivée par des considérations de stabilité financière (chapitre 4). D’où l’importance pour lespays émergents souhaitant adopter une stratégie de ciblage d’inflation de conduire en amont des réformesstructurelles visant à développer leur marché bancaire et financier. / This thesis deals with the interactions between inflation targeting strategies and their institutional framework inemerging economies. More precisely, empirical investigations conducted in this thesis aim to study the role ofthe institutional framework in the conduct and efficiency of inflation targeting. To this end, we proceed in twosteps. First, we consider the institutional framework as exogenous to inflation targeting adoption and analyzewhether this framework has impacted macroeconomic performance of inflation targeting countries. Thus, afterlaying the conceptual background of inflation targeting and showing the importance of economic andinstitutional prerequisites in the choice of emerging countries of adopting this monetary policy strategy (chapter1), we show that some institutional conditions can strengthen the performance of inflation targeting countries interms of inflation level and volatility (chapter 2). Then, in a second step, we consider the institutionalframework as endogenous to inflation targeting and analyze the response of authorities to the adoption of thismonetary policy strategy. The first result that emerges is that the adoption of inflation targeting provides strongincentives to government for improving fiscal discipline, especially the collection of domestic tax revenue(chapter 3). Finally, we analyze the exchange rate policy of inflation targeting emerging economies and showthat the pursuit of two nominal targets, inflation and exchange rate, can be counterproductive in terms ofmacroeconomic performance, more particularly when this exchange rate management is motivated by financialstability considerations (chapitre 4). Hence the importance for inflation targeting candidates of conductingstructural reforms to increase financial development.

L’Union européenne et le contrôle des finances publiques des Etats / European fiscal union and control of public finances of states

Constans, Daniel 18 September 2015 (has links)
Cette étude est structurée autour du constat d’un hiatus entre la poursuite d’unprojet politique de nature fédérale, la monnaie unique, et une mise en oeuvre reposant surdes outils appartenant à un état centralisé, le contrôle budgétaire à priori. Cette situation,résulte d’abord du manque de confiance entre les Etats mais l’utilisation d’outils inadaptés aubut poursuivi génère de nombreux dysfonctionnements. Le fait de confier par trois ensemblede textes [le « six pack », le « Two pack » et le Traité sur la stabilité, la coordination et lagouvernance au sein de l'Union économique et monétaire (TSCG)] à l'union européenne unecoordination économique qui ne soit plus uniquement indicative et la possibilité, donnée àcette dernière, d'indiquer aux Etats les réformes structurelles que ces derniers doivententreprendre, dans des domaines qui n'appartiennent pas au champ de compétences del'Union européenne, soulève pour le juriste de nombreuses questions à la fois sur lesfondements doctrinaux de l'Union européenne et sur les mécanismes institutionnels mis enoeuvre / This study is structured around the observation of a gap between the pursuit of apolitical project of a federal nature, the single currency, and implementation tools based onbelonging to a centralized state, the ante budgetary control. This situation results first of lackof trust between them, but the use of tools unsuitable for purpose generates numerousmalfunctions and feeling, for lack of a sufficiently strong association of national parliaments ofa "power of Brussels" seeking to assert itself against the will of the states and their peoples.three texts were introduced [the "six pack", the "Two pack" and the Treaty on Stability,Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union (TSCG)] in EuropeanUnion economic coordination that are no longer only indicative and the possibility for the EUto indicate to the structural reforms that these countries must undertake in areas that do notbelong to the field of competence of the European Union raised for the jurist many questionson both the doctrinal foundations of the European Union and on the institutional mechanismsimplemented.

Essai d’une théorie générale des dépenses socio-fiscales / Towards a general theory of social and tax expenditures

Pichet, Eric 09 December 2015 (has links)
Résumé non disponible / No summary


CYNTIA FREITAS AZEVEDO 12 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Essa tese discute o papel das expectativas dos agentes a respeito da condução das políticas monetária e fiscal na determinação dos efeitos dessas políticas, na dinâmica da economia e na volatilidades das variáveis macroeconômicas. O primeiro capítulo mostra que considerar as expectativas dos agentes a respeito de possíveis mudanças de regime tem efeitos importantes nas respostas das variáveis macroeconômicas aos choques, mesmo que essa mudança de regime não se materialize ao longo da trajetória observada após o choque. O reconhecimento da possibilidade de mudanças de regime também tem consequências importantes para a volatilidade das variáveis endógenas que são mais altas do que as obtidas no modelo linear e muito dependentes dos parâmetros de política escolhidos pelas autoridades fiscal e monetária em cada regime. O segundo capítulo discute o papel das expectativas a respeito das políticas futuras na determinação da profundidade de uma crise quando a economia atinge o limite inferior de zero para as taxas de juros nominais. Ele mostra que ao analisar o impacto de um estímulo fiscal durante um episódios de taxa de juros zero, deve-se olhar para além dos multiplicadores no curto prazo. Para ter efeitos positivos maiores, as políticas monetária e fiscal devem durar mais do que a crise e precisam ser coordenadas. O terceiro capítulo apresenta uma avaliação dos estímulos fiscais em termos das perdas de bem-estar, tornando claro que essa avaliação deve considerar não apenas o efeitos das políticas sobre a inflação e o produto no curto prazo, mas também o valor presente descontado da inflação e do produto nos períodos futuros. Ele também apresenta uma análise de como se obtém o nível ótimo da taxa de juros nominal uma vez que a economia não está mais em crise se a autoridade monetária pretende usar o canal das expectativas para reduzir a profundidade da crise. / [en] This thesis discusses the role of agents expectations regarding the conduction of monetary and fiscal policies in determining policy outcomes, economic dynamics and the volatilities of macroeconomic variables. The first Chapter shows that accounting for agents’ expectations of a possible regime change has critical effects in the responses of macroeconomic variables to shocks, even if this switch does not materialize itself along the path observed after the shock. Recognizing the possibility of regime switches also have important consequences for the volatilities of endogenous variables, which are higher than those obtained in the linear model and very dependent on the policy parameters chosen by monetary and fiscal authorities in each regime. In the second Chapter, I discuss the role of expectations in determining the depth of a crisis when the economy hits the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates. I show that when analysing the impact of a fiscal stimulus during a zero interest rate episode, there is more than just short-run multipliers. To have larger positive effects on output and inflation, monetary and fiscal policies should last longer than the duration of the shock and be coordinated in their actions. The third Chapter presents a thoughtful evaluation of a fiscal stimulus in terms of the implied welfare losses making clear that it should account not only for the effects of policies on short-run output and inflation, but also for the present discounted value of output and inflation in future periods as well. It also analyses how to obtain the optimal level for the nominal interest rate once the economy gets out of the crisis state, if the monetary authority wants to use the expectations channel to undermine the depth of the crisis.

Essays on Economic Development in Commodity-Dependent Economies / Essais sur le développement économique des économies dépendantes aux matières premières

Henry, Alexandre 06 September 2019 (has links)
La dépendance aux ressources naturelles entraîne de nombreux défis pour les décideurs publics. Fort de ce constat, se pose avec acuité la question suivante: dans quelle mesure les gouvernements des pays d’Afrique sub-Saharienne sont à même d’employer leurs leviers de politiques fiscales et monétaires afin de limiter les effets négatifs de la dépendance aux ressources naturelles et d’entraîner un cercle économique vertueux? Le second chapitre de la thèse distingue les mécanismes de court terme et de long terme de la dépendance aux ressources naturelles en utilisant une approche en deux temps: d’abord les variables explicatives sont cointégrées pour établir les relations de long terme puis un modèle à correction d’erreur est estimé pour capter les relations de court terme de retour à l’équilibre.Sur le long terme, l’effet négatif de la dépendance est confirmé. Cependant, les pays dotés d’institutions de mauvaise qualité sont plus vulnérables car non seulement ils subissent l’impact de long terme mais la dépendance aux ressources affecte négativement le processus de retour à l’équilibre sur le court terme. Enfin, les résultats montrent que dans le cadre d’institutions de qualité supérieure, la dépendance aux ressources naturelles peut avoir un impact positif sur la reprise économique. Dans un troisième chapitre, un modèle pvar compare les intéractions macro-économiques dans la zone monétaire franc CFA, ancré à l’euro, par rapport aux pays comparables hors zone franc CFA. En prenant en compte la forte présence de matières premières dans leurs exportations, les résultats montrent que la zone franc CFA ne subit pas de perte de compétitivité de par son appartenance à une zone monétaire. En revanche, les investissements directs de l’étranger n’entraînent pas des effets positifs sur la croissance de la même ampleur que ceux observés hors de la zone franc CFA. Le quatrième chapitre contribue à la littérature associée à la gestion optimale des ressources fiscales, notamment dans le cadre d’un boom des matières premières. Les résultats montrent que dans le cadre d’un accès réduit aux marchés de capitaux, les périodes de boom de matières premières sont des opportunités capitales pour stimuler la croissance via l’investissement public, alors que les contraintes fiscales sont temporairement relâchées. Toutefois, l’efficacité de ces accroissements d’investissement est conditionnelle à un niveau d’endettement public soutenable. / This thesis belongs to the literature on natural resource dependence and brings a new perspective by focusing on the sub-Saharan African region. This dependence introduces numerous challenges for policy makers both in terms of fiscal and monetary policy. The main research question explored in this thesis is the following : to which extent sub- Saharan African governments can rely on fiscal and monetary policies to mitigate the adverse impacts of commodity dependence and trigger positive spillover and achieve sustainable growth? The second chapter of the thesis unfolds short-term versus long-term mechanisms of the resource curse by using a two-step analysis: an error-correction model is performed after co-integrating the explana- tory variables. Main findings highlight the crucial role of institutions. On the long run, the negative impact of the dependence is confirmed independently of the institution quality. However, countries with weak institutions are more vulnerable to the curse because the re- source dependence not only negatively impacts long-term growth but also adversely impacts the recovery process. Finally, in a strong in- stitutional environment, results points to a potential positive impact of natural resources during recovery process. In the third chapter, a panel vector auto-regressive model compares macro-economic interactions in the pegged CFA monetary union versus a comparable sample. Considering their export structure dominated by raw commodities, results suggests that the CFA zone members do not suffer from a loss of competitiveness from belonging to the monetary union. However, foreign direct investments fail to generate the same spillover effect in the CFA zone compared to non-CFA countries. The forth chapter provides insights on the optimal management of fiscal resources, especially during a windfall period. Growth elasticities of different government choices regarding revenue allocation is performed. Results show that in a con- text of limited access to capital, resource windfall are considered as a crucial opportunity to scale up investment. In fact, below a level of public capital stock (estimated around 750 USD per capita), public investment during a boom has a four-fold higher impact on growth than above the threshold. This scaling up is conditional on low levels of public debt: countries featuring unsustainable public debt levels should prioritize the restoration of stronger foreign reserves

Essais sur l’Économie Financière et la Modélisation des Politiques Économiques / Essays on Financial Economics and Policy Modeling

Ghiaie, Hamed 03 December 2018 (has links)
L'économie moderne complexifiée, qui résulte d'une société humaine hétérogène, oblige les économistes et les décideurs à élaborer des modèles économiques complexes. Outre cette complexité, les politiques économiques varient d’un pays à l’autre.Cette thèse aborde ces complexités des économies modernes.Dans les trois premiers chapitres de cette thèse, j'améliore les théories existentes pour évaluer le rôle des agents intermédiaires financiers, des marchés d'immobilier et du crédit dans l'économie, en utilisant des modèles d’Équilibre Général Dynamique et Stochastique (EGDS). Les données de trois périodes de l’économie américaine, y compris le climat économique avant la Grande Récession, l’effondrement systémique de 2008 et les politiques budgétaires après la crise, sont imputés aux modèles. Les modèles EGDS ont souvent été critiqués pour leur trop grande simplification des marchés financières.J'ai inclus les frictions financières des différents côtés de l'économie pour résoudre les échecs des modèles précédents.Les résultats des simulations indiquent que l'introduction de ces nouvelles caractéristiques dans l'économie révèle de nouveaux canaux et mécanismes qui sont négligés dans les modèles simples. Par conséquent, mon modèle donne un moyen plus précis de prévoir les mouvements économiques. En outre, cette thèse documente l’importance des réglementations des politiques macroprudentielles dans la stabilité financière, la durabilité et le bien-être. Enfin, dans les deux derniers chapitres de ma thèse, j’aborde l’étude des marchés avancés et je me concentre sur les économies en développement.Ces chapitres construisent de nouveaux modèles et abordent diverses questions économiques relatives à l'économie financière, publique et du travail dans les pays en développement, à travers le prisme des modèles EGD à agents hétérogènes.J'examine les impacts des chocs réels, monétaires, fiscaux et pétroliers sur l'environnement économique des pays en développement. Je propose ensuite des recommandations de politique économiques. / The modern economy, which is a result of intricate human society, compels economists and policy makers to build complex economic models. In addition to this complexity, each country requires its own economic policies. This thesis addresses these intricacies of modern economies. In the first three chapters of this thesis, I improve the current literature to assess the role of financial intermediary agents, housing and credit markets in the economy, using Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models. Data from three periods in the US economy, including the economic climate before the Great Rescission, the systemic collapse in 2008, and post-crisis fiscal policies, are imputed into the models. Simple DSGE models havebeen criticized for not placing more emphasis on financial frictions. Here, I have included financial frictions on different sides of economy to resolve the failures of previous models.The results of simulations indicate that introducing these features to the economy reveals new channels and mechanisms which are neglected in simple models. As a result, my model gives a more accurate means to forecast economic movements. In addition, this thesis documents the significance of macroprudential policy regulations in financial stability, sustainability and welfare. Lastly, in the final two chapters of my thesis, I move away from the study of advanced markets and focus on developing economies. These chapters build new models and address a variety of economic questions pertaining to financial, public and labor economics in developing countries, through the lens of multi-agent dynamic general equilibrium models. I examine the impacts of real, monetary, fiscal and oil price shocks on the economic environment of developing countries. I then propose appropriate policy recommendations.

歐洲經濟暨貨幣同盟形成背景與政策協調 / The Background and Policy Coordination of European Monetary Union

林欣怡, Lin, Shin-Yee Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

On the Measurement, Theory and Estimation of Fiscal Multipliers

Gechert, Sebastian 10 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The study is intended to identify relevant channels and possibly biasing factors with respect to fiscal multipliers, and thus to contribute to improving the precision of multiplier forecasts. This is done by, first, defining the concept of the multiplier used in the present study, presenting the main theoretical channels of influence as discussed in the literature and the problems of empirical identification. Second, by conducting a meta-regression analysis on the reported multipliers from a unique data set of 1069 multiplier observations and the respective study characteristics in order to derive quantitative stylzed facts. Third, by developing a simple multiplier model that explicitly takes into account the time elapse of the multiplier process as an explanatory factor that has been largely overlooked by the relevant theoretical literature. Fourth, by identifying, for US macroeconomic time series data, the extent to which fiscal multiplier estimates could be biased in the presence of financial cycles that have not been taken into account by the relevant empirical literature.

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