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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Food for All: A Study of the Inclusivity of the Athens Local Food Movement

Estrella-Jones, Sasha F. 18 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Comunicação na promoção da alimentação saudável via rótulos: uma análise dos discursos / Communication in healthy food promotion via food labels: a discourse analysis

Lima, Francine Cruz de Cerqueira 27 August 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O papel da rotulagem como instrumento de promoção da alimentação saudável depende da adequação de sua linguagem aos objetivos da política pública. Objetivos: Revisar a literatura científica sobre a comunicação com o consumidor por meio da rotulagem nutricional e da rotulagem relativa a impactos socioambientais em embalagens de alimentos; entender como se formam os discursos sobre alimentação saudável na rotulagem; e elaborar propostas para fortalecer o efeito dos rótulos como instrumento de promoção da alimentação saudável. Métodos: Busca não sistemática de estudos sobre a comunicação via rótulos de alimentos em bases de dados do campo da saúde e multidisciplinares; e análise qualitativa do discursode embalagens de \"cereais matinais\", selecionadas a partir do ethos da marca. Resultados e discussão: A revisão traz estudos de recepção que apontam um mau aproveitamento dos rótulos pelos consumidores devido à linguagem excessivamente técnica; poucos estudos de emissão exploram o efeito de elementos visuais e verbais com apelo emocional na comunicação. A análise empírica do corpus, delimitado por quatro ethe (imagens de si criadas pelas marcas), mostra que o design das embalagens modula a geração dos sentidos, criando uma hierarquia para as mensagens capaz de reduzir o efeito das informações obrigatórias. Propõem-se novos caminhos para melhorar a comunicação sobre alimentação saudável e sustentável nos rótulos. Conclusão:A comunicação sobre aspectos nutricionais e socioambientais da alimentação via rótulos, tal como prevista na legislação atual, prejudica seu papel como instrumento de promoção da alimentação saudável. Para transmitir as mensagens conforme o pretendido pela Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição, é preciso rever as informações priorizadas, repensar o design e aprimorar a linguagem, a fim de controlar melhor os efeitos de sentidos gerados. / Introduction: The role of labeling as a tool for promoting healthy eating depends on the adequacy of their language to the objectives of public policy. Objective: To review the scientific literature on communication with the consumer through nutritional labeling and the labeling related to social-environmental impacts in food packages; to understand how the discourses about healthy eating are formed in food labeling; and to develop proposals to strengthen the effect of food labels as a tool for promoting healthy eating. Methods: Nonsystematic search of studies on communication in food labels in health and multidisciplinary databases; and qualitative discourse analysis of the labels of \"cereals\", selected from the ethos of the brand. Results and discussion: The review brings reception studies that indicate a poor use of labels by consumers due to excessively technical language; few studies explore the effect of visual and verbal elements with emotional appeal in communication. The empirical analysis of the corpus, bounded by four ethe (images of themselves created by the brands), shows that the design of the package modulates the generation of meaning, creating a hierarchy of messages that is able to reduce the effect of mandatory information. Alternatives for the communication about healthy and sustainable eating in food labels are suggested. Conclusion: The communication on nutritional and social-environmental aspects of food in food labels, according to legislation, jeopardizes its role as an instrument for promoting healthy eating. To convey the message as intended by the National Food and Nutrition Policy, it is recommended to review the prioritized information in labels, to rethink the design and to enhance the language in order to better monitor the effects of meanings generated.

Agriculture en Indonésie / Agriculture in Indonesia

Guswandi, Guswandi 18 April 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’efforce de démontrer que l’évolution de l’agriculture et de la politique du développement agricole en Indonésie est fondée sur de longues expériences historiques s’étendant de l’époque précoloniale jusqu'à aujourd’hui. Les processus de développement ne sont pas de formes linéaires. Ils se sont réalisés par petits à-coups. Suivant les époques, ces différents processus de développement agricoles ont pu suivre des directions opposées.Ceux-ci ont également connu des contradictions fondamentales qui varient en fonction des intérêts de leurs promoteurs. Ces différents développements dépendent en effet de l'État et de ses relations avec d’autres agents comme les grands planteurs (propriétaires des plantations) et les paysans. Ces relations ne sont pas souvent fondées sur un principe d’égalité. L’influence des paysans en matière de négociation est souvent faible face aux autres agents économiques. L’héritage colonial et les structures féodales se font encore sentir de nos jours, et les paysans sont souvent en position de faiblesse, à moins qu’ils s`organisent entre eux pour leurs intérêts communs. Même si les quantités de productions agricoles sont en augmentation, la structure agraire inégale n'a pas beaucoup changé jusqu’à maintenant, depuis les époques féodales (locales), coloniales (européenne) et pendant l`occupation japonaise peu de choses ont changé. Les paysans doivent s’organiser et coopérer ensemble afin d’obtenir l’accès aux terres agricoles et défendre cet accès. Pour les paysans papous, la question principale reste posée : quels seraient des intérêts communs ou convergents entre les paysans indonésiens, ceux du centre (Java), ceux de la périphérie et ceux de Papouasie par exemple pour construire un meilleur avenir pour eux et lutter contre les fortes pénétrations dont ils souffrent aujourd'hui des investissements des capitalistes étrangers, mais aussi de celles des nationaux avec leurs propres élites locales ? / This dissertation asserts the complexity of the Indonesian agricultural problems. These problems occurred after the independence in a non-linear historical trajectory. However, the historical inheritance of the successive agricultural and land policies implemented since the precolonial period has also influenced the current situation of the largest actor in agricultural sector, Indonesian peasants. The development processes are not in linear forms, but conjectural ones. They are realized by short burst. According to the periods, they have followed opposite directions. The processes of agricultural development depend on the interests of their promoters : the state and its relations with other agents such as the large planters and the peasants. These relations are often not in equally beneficial. The bargaining position of the peasants is often weaker relative to theother economic agents. Even though the results of agricultural production are increasing, the unequal agrarian structure has not changed much since the feudal (local), colonial (European) and fascist (Japanese) periods. The Indonesian peasants need to self-organize and to cooperate together in order to increase its bargaining position so that they can access the agriculture lands as well as defend them. In the case of the Papuan peasants, the open question is what would be the common or converging interests of Indonesian peasants in general, compared to those in the peripheral regions such as Papua, to prepare a better future for them at the face of strong penetrations they suffer today from foreign and national capitalists, and their own local ruling elites? While ruling out independence option, Javanese and Papuan peasants need to cooperateand, if possible, join force to increase its bargaining position against the strong penetration of capitalists.

Comunicação na promoção da alimentação saudável via rótulos: uma análise dos discursos / Communication in healthy food promotion via food labels: a discourse analysis

Francine Cruz de Cerqueira Lima 27 August 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O papel da rotulagem como instrumento de promoção da alimentação saudável depende da adequação de sua linguagem aos objetivos da política pública. Objetivos: Revisar a literatura científica sobre a comunicação com o consumidor por meio da rotulagem nutricional e da rotulagem relativa a impactos socioambientais em embalagens de alimentos; entender como se formam os discursos sobre alimentação saudável na rotulagem; e elaborar propostas para fortalecer o efeito dos rótulos como instrumento de promoção da alimentação saudável. Métodos: Busca não sistemática de estudos sobre a comunicação via rótulos de alimentos em bases de dados do campo da saúde e multidisciplinares; e análise qualitativa do discursode embalagens de \"cereais matinais\", selecionadas a partir do ethos da marca. Resultados e discussão: A revisão traz estudos de recepção que apontam um mau aproveitamento dos rótulos pelos consumidores devido à linguagem excessivamente técnica; poucos estudos de emissão exploram o efeito de elementos visuais e verbais com apelo emocional na comunicação. A análise empírica do corpus, delimitado por quatro ethe (imagens de si criadas pelas marcas), mostra que o design das embalagens modula a geração dos sentidos, criando uma hierarquia para as mensagens capaz de reduzir o efeito das informações obrigatórias. Propõem-se novos caminhos para melhorar a comunicação sobre alimentação saudável e sustentável nos rótulos. Conclusão:A comunicação sobre aspectos nutricionais e socioambientais da alimentação via rótulos, tal como prevista na legislação atual, prejudica seu papel como instrumento de promoção da alimentação saudável. Para transmitir as mensagens conforme o pretendido pela Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição, é preciso rever as informações priorizadas, repensar o design e aprimorar a linguagem, a fim de controlar melhor os efeitos de sentidos gerados. / Introduction: The role of labeling as a tool for promoting healthy eating depends on the adequacy of their language to the objectives of public policy. Objective: To review the scientific literature on communication with the consumer through nutritional labeling and the labeling related to social-environmental impacts in food packages; to understand how the discourses about healthy eating are formed in food labeling; and to develop proposals to strengthen the effect of food labels as a tool for promoting healthy eating. Methods: Nonsystematic search of studies on communication in food labels in health and multidisciplinary databases; and qualitative discourse analysis of the labels of \"cereals\", selected from the ethos of the brand. Results and discussion: The review brings reception studies that indicate a poor use of labels by consumers due to excessively technical language; few studies explore the effect of visual and verbal elements with emotional appeal in communication. The empirical analysis of the corpus, bounded by four ethe (images of themselves created by the brands), shows that the design of the package modulates the generation of meaning, creating a hierarchy of messages that is able to reduce the effect of mandatory information. Alternatives for the communication about healthy and sustainable eating in food labels are suggested. Conclusion: The communication on nutritional and social-environmental aspects of food in food labels, according to legislation, jeopardizes its role as an instrument for promoting healthy eating. To convey the message as intended by the National Food and Nutrition Policy, it is recommended to review the prioritized information in labels, to rethink the design and to enhance the language in order to better monitor the effects of meanings generated.

Attentes et motivations des jeunes relativement aux services alimentaires de la Commission scolaire de Montréal

Fortin, Claudie-Anne 12 1900 (has links)
Problématique: L’obésité infantile est en augmentation partout en occident. La qualité nutritionnelle de l’alimentation des jeunes Canadiens et Québécois est à améliorer. D’après les modèles écologiques, l’environnement alimentaire scolaire figure parmi les déterminants environnementaux de l’alimentation, celui-ci considéré comme étant un milieu prometteur pour des interventions visant à augmenter la consommation de fruits et légumes. La politique- cadre pour une saine alimentation et un mode de vie physiquement active, créée en 2008, est intégrée en 2011 aux services alimentaires scolaires de la Commission scolaire de Montréal (CSDM). Cependant, ses effets ont été peu mesurés. Objectif: L’objectif général est d’analyser les attentes et les motivations alimentaires des élèves du primaire et du secondaire à l’égard des services alimentaires de la CSDM. Méthodologie: En 2014, un sondage électronique rempli par des élèves du primaire et du secondaire de la CSDM intégrait une question ouverte portant sur les aliments attendus au secondaire. S’adressant uniquement aux élèves du secondaire, une question abordait leur(s) motivation(s) à utiliser leur service alimentaire. Suivant une approche inductive, deux grilles de codification furent développées pour l’analyse des données. Résultats : Au total, 1253 jeunes du primaire issus de 65 écoles et 2613 jeunes du secondaire issus de 27 écoles ont complété la question sur leurs attentes. Si une majorité des jeunes a nommé des aliments spécifiques, plusieurs ont aussi précisé leurs réponses avec des éléments suggérant des motivations alimentaires sous-jacentes tels les marques commerciales, la santé, la fraicheur, la variété, le goût, la composition des aliments et le prix. Au total, 2518 jeunes du secondaire ont répondu à la question sur leur motivation à l’utilisation des services. L’offre de certains aliments les motiverait (53%) mais aussi des conditions liées à l’environnement physique (15%) ou social (12%). Discussion : Les jeunes du primaire se démarquent par leurs attentes pour des aliments compatibles avec la politique alimentaire scolaire. Par ailleurs, les jeunes du secondaire recherchent davantage des aliments riches en gras, sucre et sel. Les jeunes du primaire et du secondaire indiquent rechercher des fruits et légumes dans les services alimentaires. Les données probantes sur l’impact d’interventions scolaires misant sur la disponibilité des fruits et légumes rapportent des effets favorables sur les apports alimentaires, ainsi ce type d’intervention aurait de bonnes chances d’avoir un impact positif au Québec. Les dimensions liées à la variété de l’offre alimentaire et aux environnements de services méritent aussi plus d’attention. Conclusion: Les résultats obtenus permettent de mieux identifier les attentes et les motivations alimentaires des jeunes du primaire et du secondaire. Cela pourra permettre à la CSDM d’orienter ses prochaines actions dans la gestion de l’offre dans leurs services alimentaires. / Introduction: Childhood obesity is increasing throughout the Western world. The diets of young Canadians and Quebeckers are lacking in nutritional quality. According to the ecological concept of Story et al. (2002), school food services are an environmental factor affecting food intake. The school lunchroom is a promising place to work on increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables. In 2011, the Commission scolaire de Montréal (CSDM), a school board in Montreal, integrated into its school meal services a policy framework created in 2008 for a healthy diet and a physically active lifestyle, the effects of which have yet to be measured. Objective: To analyze the expectations and motivations of elementary and high school students regarding the food offering from CSDM’s school meal services. Method: In 2014, CSDM elementary and high school students completed an online survey with an open-ended question on their expectations of the food offering in high schools. In another question, high school students only were asked to share their motivation(s) for using their school’s meal service. The researchers developed two coding grids. Frequencies were obtained with SPSS statistical software (version 21.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois). Results: 1,253 elementary school students from 65 schools and 2,613 high school students from 27 schools answered questions on their expectations of meal services. While most answers were about specific foods, some contained underlying food motivations, such as trademarks, health, freshness, variety, taste, ingredients and price. In total, 2,518 high school students answered the question about their motivation for using their school’s meal service. The food offering was a motivation for some (53%), but students also cited the conditions related to physical (15%) or social environment (12%). Discussion: Elementary school students are different in that their expectations of the food offering are compatible with the current school food policy. High school students are more drawn to foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt. Both elementary school and high school students expect fruits and vegetables in high school meal services. Literature shows that interventions focusing on fruit and vegetable availability have been successful. An intervention targeting fruit and vegetable availability could have a positive effect on children and youth’s fruit and vegetable intake. Further analysis of dimensions related to variety and meal service environments is also warranted. Conclusion: The results make it possible to more clearly identify the expectations and motivations of elementary and high school students. The CSDM can use this information to guide its future actions in managing the food offering in schools.

Perspective of vendors, grade six and seven learners and school governing bodies on the sale of snacks in selected primary schools of Dimamo Circuit, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mothapo, Choney Mahwana January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Dietetics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Background: Most school food environments in low socioeconomic countries offer cheaper unhealthy snacks of low nutritional value. Generally, these defeat the aims and goals of the National School Nutrition Programmes that offers nutritionally balanced meals to enhance concentration and learning. These unhealthy snacks that are available in school food environments have the ability to promote food choices that may lead to early onset of obesity and diseases of the lifestyle. The creation of healthy school food environments should be observed as a fundamental priority and a responsibility to all stakeholders with the necessary powers. Objectives: The study explored the perspective of school vendors, learners and school governing bodies on snack sale in selected primary schools of Dimamo circuit, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Design and Methods: A cross-sectional, exploratory descriptive study was conducted on the perspectives of vendors, learners and school governing bodies on the sale of snacks in selected primary schools of Dimamo circuit, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Data were collected with 69 participants using a semi-structured questionnaire in one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions at three public schools in the Dimamo circuit. Criteria for trustworthiness were adhered to throughout the study. Ethical principles were adhered to in order to ensure the ethical standards of the study. Findings: A negative perception regarding the sale of snacks was found by both the learners and school governing bodies. However, the vendors were reluctant to raise their views with regard to the snacks sold in schools despite them being aware of the diseases experienced, such as ringworms, rash and vomiting. Improved hygiene practices and sale of healthy snacks was suggested by learners while drawing of a school food policy was seen as a last resort to improve the school food environment. Conclusion: A negative perception towards unhealthy snacks exists among the learners and teachers as they have been disruption in teaching and learning; due to random absenteeism associated with ailments allegedly caused by consumption of unhealthy snacks. However, the vendors reported learners’ preference for the sale of unhealthy snacks viii over the healthy ones due to cost. Furthermore,the vendors reported that the provision of free fruits by the NSNP in school was a challenge. Lack of cooperation, accountability and responsibility amongst the School Governing Bodies (SGB) and vendors were a barrier to facilitating a healthy food environment.

Reconnecting to Food: Can Sámi Indigenous Ontology help guide Sweden to a Sustainable Food System?

Kastner, Livia Lara January 2024 (has links)
Sustainable food systems are a crucial objective in the 2030 agenda as food security is under threat in large parts of the world, either currently or in the near future. Food systems connect many of the timely challenges the world faces today, touching upon various dimensions. This multidimensional character causes the search for adequate solutions to span a broad interdisciplinary field and to direct research towards new modes of knowledge, such as those carried by Indigenous peoples' traditional cultures and beliefs. Indigenous people’s food systems are considered to offer valuable insights into sustainable food practices and improve the understanding of the connection between nature and humans. In Sweden, the National Food Strategy is the guiding framework that aims for a transformation to a sustainable food system in line with the objectives of the 2030 agenda. The need for knowledge generation is recognised but refers to new and mainstream objectivist modes. Sámi Indigenous perspectives as a potential source are not recognised. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to identify potential learnings from Sámi Indigenous perspectives to strengthen the Swedish idea of a sustainable food system. To reveal learnings, a policy analysis is carried out guided by Indigenous methodology. The analysis is rooted in two core documents, namely the Sámi environmental framework (Eallinbiras) and the Swedish National Food Strategy. Commonalities and differences between Sámi perspectives and Swedish food policy are identified and discussed. Additionally, in line with Indigenous methodology, two consultations with local Sámi experts were carried out to seek guidance on the interpretations and findings of the results. Overall, it is concluded that there are various touching points where Sámi ontology could facilitate a strengthening of the food strategy and help realise the desired goals. Mainly, such involvement could steer approaches from a regulatory- to a relationship-oriented character, facilitate a deepened holistic perspective, and assign greater value to the environment, resulting in improved resilience. To realise an integration of Sámi perspectives into Swedish food strategy requires respect and the safeguarding of Indigenous rights. Certainly, many political, ontological and epistemic challenges present themselves for such an endeavour. However, some interests appear to be shared, and the potential for valuable learning is found to exist. Further research is needed to derive more concrete, practical implications and carry out participatory models to realise an integration of Sámi ontology to strengthen Swedish food policy.

Insects as a legitimate food ingredient: barriers & strategies

Coutinho, José Maria Pimenta de Castro de Souza 15 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by José Maria Pimenta de Castro de Souza Coutinho (zemarsc@gmail.com) on 2017-07-27T00:26:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Master Thesis - Insects As a Legitimate Food Ingredient - Barriers & Strategies.pdf: 1532556 bytes, checksum: cef1675522a92fbe941f3380a897808d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2017-08-29T20:02:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Master Thesis - Insects As a Legitimate Food Ingredient - Barriers & Strategies.pdf: 1532556 bytes, checksum: cef1675522a92fbe941f3380a897808d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-30T20:51:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Master Thesis - Insects As a Legitimate Food Ingredient - Barriers & Strategies.pdf: 1532556 bytes, checksum: cef1675522a92fbe941f3380a897808d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-15 / Só a simples ideia de comer insectos já é suficiente para impulsionar repulsa em relação à entomofagia. Uma categorização cultural inadequada deste hábito alimentar tem vindo a ser cultivada pelas sociedades ocidentais. As diversas abordagens sobre a divulgação de invertebrados como um legítimo hábito alimentar têm sido mal aplicadas. Os esforços educacionais não alcançaram nenhum êxito. Com o fim de enfrentar esta aversão cognitiva relativamente aos insectos é imprescindível uma mudança radical no plano estratégico. Esta pesquisa qualitativa explicativa tem como objectivo uma plena compreensão teórica, e metodologicamente sustentada, dos impulsionadores psicológicos e culturais que levam às suposições negativas da população. Ao desmistificar os preconceitos e as falsas premissas através da normalização da entomofagia eliminar-se-á a imagem nociva e incoerente de repulsa que se posiciona na mente dos ocidentais. Estratégias psico-culturais juntamente com a ciência gastronómica devem ser levadas a cabo quando este produto é introduzido num mercado onde o insecto é considerado um alimento culturalmente inaceitável. / The very idea of eating insects is the greatest booster of the revulsion feeling towards entomophagy. An inappropriate cultural categorisation of this eating habit has been cultivated by Western societies. The various approaches on promoting invertebrates as a legitimate food habit have been misapplied. Educational efforts have been made unsuccessfully. To address cognitive aversion toward insects, a complete change in the strategic plan must be established. This qualitative explanatory research aims at a full theoretical, and methodologically sustained, understanding of the psychological and cultural drivers that lead to the negative assumptions of the population. The demystification of prejudices and imaginations by promoting normalcy of entomophagy it will stamp the harmful and incoherent disgust image out of the Westerners’ psyche. This study underpins the psycho-cultural strategies along with gastronomic science that must be carried out when this product is introduced in a market where the insect is a culturally unacceptable food.

Food Insecurity from the Providers' Perspective

Schwab, Lauren M. 09 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Yue Qin (14845333) 27 March 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Food insecurity describes the lack of access to foods and affects 10.2% of general U.S. households and 27% of low-income households in 2021. Food insecurity is a pervasive public health concern in the United States and has been linked to poor dietary intake and diet quality, overweight and obesity (especially among women), and risk of other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia. </p> <p>To better understand food security status and address its associated health and dietary outcomes among low-income populations, a conceptualized model was built and served as research framework for the dissertation, including 1) internal factors and motivations, such as traits related to self-efficacy and sufficiency that may influence diet and health; 2) external factors of temporary support, such as financial benefits from assistance programs that low-income populations are eligible for that may influence diet and health; and 3) external factors of potentially long-term support, such as nutrition education programs targeting low-income groups that may foster internalized knowledge that could sustain impact and improvement of diet and health in the long-term. Each chapter of this dissertation addresses a component of the model.</p> <p>Cross-sectional analysis of a sample of rural veterans using food pantries quantified psychological traits related to self-motivation and efficacy including grit and help seeking, at the individual and internal factors level of the conceptualized model, and their links to food security and resource use, and revealed an inverse association between grit score and risk of food insecurity. The findings provided evidence for future interventions targeting food insecurity improvement to include education and resources that address traits related to self-efficacy, such as grit, among low-income populations to improve health outcomes directly or through improving food security or use of resources. </p> <p>Using nationally representative data, the second study investigated relationships between food assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participation, a type of societal level external support, and dietary outcomes among low-income older U.S. adults. There were no differences in dietary quality, usual nutrient intake or risk of inadequacy between SNAP participants and eligible nonparticipants. Furthermore, results revealed a high prevalence of not meeting the Estimated Average Requirement from dietary sources for several nutrients (vitamins A, C, D, E, calcium, and magnesium) but the prevalence was lower when nutrients from dietary supplements were included. The results highlight a need for continued effort to improve nutrient and dietary intake among low-income older adults.</p> <p>External factors of potentially long-term support (e.g. nutrition education and food assistance) were evaluated for relationships with body mass index. A longitudinal sample of low-income women interested in participating in nutrition education through SNAP-Education (SNAP-Ed) was examined to determine the relationship between nutrition education (SNAP-Ed) and food assistance program participation through (SNAP, WIC), separately and in combination, with long-term changes in body mass index. No differences in changes of weight status over time were observed by nutrition education, food assistance, or combination participation. The prevalence of obesity was high among this sample, calling for targeted obesity prevention interventions and further support of healthy lifestyle promotion among low-income populations. </p> <p>The findings shown in this dissertation further reveal a high health burden among low-income groups. The studies filled several research gaps described in the conceptualized model. The results may be used to inform future tailored interventions to address food insecurity, dietary and health outcomes at individual and societal levels, incorporating internal motivation and external support to mediate health and dietary risks among low-income population.</p>

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